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# Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
domain: AUDIO
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: PowerStats, desc: audio output device}
ISOUTPUT: {type: INT32, desc: is output device}
STREAMID: {type: INT32, desc: stream id}
STREAMTYPE: {type: INT32, desc: stream type}
DEVICETYPE: {type: INT32, desc: device type}
NETWORKID: {type: STRING, desc: network id}
ADDRESS: {type: STRING, desc: device address}
DEVICE_DETAILED_CATEGORY: {type: STRING, desc: device detailed category}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: PowerStats, desc: audio input device}
ISOUTPUT: {type: INT32, desc: output device}
STREAMID: {type: INT32, desc: stream id}
APP_UID: {type: INT32, desc: user id}
APP_PID: {type: INT32, desc: process id}
STREAMTYPE: {type: INT32, desc: stream type}
VOLUME: {type: FLOAT, desc: audio volume}
SYSVOLUME: {type: FLOAT, desc: sys volume}
VOLUMEFACTOR: {type: FLOAT, desc: stream volume factor}
POWERVOLUMEFACTOR: {type: FLOAT, desc: power volume factor}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: PowerStats, desc: capturer state change}
ISOUTPUT: {type: INT32, desc: output device}
STREAMID: {type: INT32, desc: stream id}
UID: {type: INT32, desc: user id}
PID: {type: INT32, desc: process id}
TRANSACTIONID: {type: UINT64, desc: transaction id}
STREAMTYPE: {type: INT32, desc: stream type}
STATE: {type: INT32, desc: audio state}
DEVICETYPE: {type: INT32, desc: device type}
NETWORKID: {type: STRING, desc: network id}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: PowerStats, desc: render stream standby state change}
STREAMID: {type: INT32, desc: stream id}
STANDBY: {type: INT32, desc: standby state}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: PowerStats, desc: headset connection state}
ISCONNECT: {type: INT32, desc: is plugged in}
HASMIC: {type: INT32, desc: mic available}
DEVICETYPE: {type: INT32, desc: device type}
__BASE: {type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, tag: PowerStats, desc: application play silently background}
APP_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: application name}
APP_VERSION_CODE: {type: UINT32, desc: application version code}
TIMES: {type: UINT32, desc: how many times when this event happens}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, tag: PowerStats, desc: report the behavior of silent background playback concerned by power consumption detection }
APP_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: application name}
APP_VERSION_CODE: {type: UINT32, desc: application version code}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: CRITICAL, desc: load configuration failed on audio policy service startup}
CATEGORY: {type: UINT16, desc: category of audio policy configuration in uint16}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: CRITICAL, desc: load effect engine failed on audio service startup}
ENGINE_TYPE: {type: UINT16, desc: type of audio effect engine in uint16}
__BASE: {type: FAULT, level: CRITICAL, desc: audio service start up failed}
SERVICE_ID: {type: UINT8, desc: audio service id}
ERROR_CODE: {type: INT32, desc: error code}
__BASE: {type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, desc: audio stream for playback is exhausted}
DUBIOUS_APP: {type: STRING, desc: dubious application name which used most resources when this error happens}
TIMES: {type: UINT32, desc: how many times when this error happens}
__BASE: {type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, desc: audio stream create error}
APP_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: application name who created audio stream error}
IS_PLAYBACK: {type: BOOL, desc: created stream is used for playback or capture}
STREAM_TYPE: {type: UINT8, desc: stream type which can be either StreamUsage in playback or SourceType in capture}
ERROR_CODE: {type: INT32, desc: error code}
TIMES: {type: UINT32, desc: how many times when this error happen}
__BASE: {type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, desc: audio stream property statistic}
IS_PLAYBACK: {type: BOOL, desc: created stream is used for playback or capture}
STREAM_TYPE: {type: UINT8, desc: stream type which can be either StreamUsage in playback or SourceType in capture}
APP_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: Application name which is using this stream}
ENCODING_TYPE: {type: UINT8, desc: encoding type of this stream}
CHANNEL_LAYOUT: {type: UINT64, desc: channel layout of this stream}
DURATION: {type: UINT32, desc: duration of this stream}
__BASE: {type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, desc: audio stream utilization statistic}
IS_PLAYBACK: {type: BOOL, desc: created stream is used for playback or capture}
STREAM_TYPE: {type: UINT8, desc: stream type which can be either StreamUsage in playback or SourceType in capture}
PIPE_TYPE: {type: UINT8, desc: pipe type e.g. normal/lowlatency/offload/multichannel e.t.c.}
APP_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: Application name which is using this stream}
SAMPLE_RATE: {type: UINT32, desc: sample rate of this stream}
EFFECT_CHAIN: {type: UINT8, desc: effect chain of this stream}
DURATION: {type: UINT32, desc: duration of this stream}
__BASE: {type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, desc: audio device utilization statistic}
DEVICE_TYPE: {type: UINT8, desc: audio device type}
IS_PLAYBACK: {type: BOOL, desc: this stream is used for playback or capture}
STREAM_TYPE: {type: UINT8, desc: stream type which can be either StreamUsage in playback or SourceType in capture}
DURATION: {type: UINT32, desc: duration of using this devices}
__BASE: {type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, desc: blue tooth device utilization statistic}
BT_TYPE: {type: UINT8, desc: blue tooth type}
IS_PLAYBACK: {type: BOOL, desc: this stream is used for playback or capture}
STREAM_TYPE: {type: UINT8, desc: stream type which can be either StreamUsage in playback or SourceType in capture}
DURATION: {type: UINT32, desc: duration of using this devices}
__BASE: {type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, desc: underrun or overrun statistic}
APP_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: Application name whose audio stream has underrun or overrun}
STREAM_TYPE: {type: UINT8, desc: stream type which can be either StreamUsage in playback or SourceType in capture}
PIPE_TYPE: {type: UINT8, desc: pipe type e.g. normal/lowlatency/offload/multichannel e.t.c.}
IS_PLAYBACK: {type: BOOL, desc: this stream is used for playback or capture}
TIMES: {type: UINT32, desc: how many times when this event happend}
__BASE: {type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, desc: playback volume statistic}
STREAM_TYPE: {type: UINT8, desc: StreamUsage of playback stream}
LEVEL: {type: INT32, desc: volume level}
DEVICE_TYPE: {type: UINT8, desc: audio device type}
DURATION: {type: UINT32, desc: duration of this volume level}
__BASE: {type: STATISTIC, level: MINOR, desc: muted audio capture statistic}
STREAM_TYPE: {type: UINT8, desc: SourceType of audio capture stream}
DEVICE_TYPE: {type: UINT8, desc: audio device type}
DURATION: {type: UINT32, desc: duration of muted capture}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, desc: audio route change}
TIMESTAMP: {type: UINT64, desc: when does this change happens}
REASON: {type: UINT8, desc: route change reason}
DEVICE_TYPE_BEFORE_CHANGE: {type: UINT8, desc: audio device type before change}
DEVICE_TYPE_AFTER_CHANGE: {type: UINT8, desc: audio device type after change}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, desc: audio pipe change}
APP_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: application name}
STREAM_TYPE: {type: UINT8, desc: stream type which can be either StreamUsage in playback or SourceType in capture}
IS_PLAYBACK: {type: BOOL, desc: this stream is used for playback or capture}
PIPE_TYPE_BEFORE_CHANGE: {type: UINT8, desc: pipe type e.g. normal/lowlatency/offload/multichannel e.t.c.}
PIPE_TYPE_AFTER_CHANGE: {type: UINT8, desc: pipe type e.g. normal/lowlatency/offload/multichannel e.t.c.}
REASON: {type: UINT8, desc: audio pipe change reason}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, desc: audio force migrate between loacal device and remote device}
DEVICE_DESC: {type: STRING, desc: device desc}
APP_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: application whose focus is migrated}
MIGRATE_DIRECTION: {type: UINT8, desc: migrate direction}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, desc: Forcibly select an audio playback device}
APP_NAME: {type: STRING, desc: application name who has forcibly select an audio playback device}
DEVICE_TYPE: {type: UINT8, desc: audio device type which is set force used}
IS_PLAYBACK: {type: BOOL, desc: this stream is used for playback or capture}
STREAM_TYPE: {type: UINT8, desc: stream type which can be either StreamUsage in playback or SourceType in capture}
__BASE: {type: BEHAVIOR, level: MINOR, desc: AI voice noise suppression change}
CURRENT_VALUE: {type: INT32, desc: current value after operation triggered}
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