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chapter ={
format = \huge\bfseries\raggedright,
number = \arabic{chapter},
name = {},
section/format = \Large\bfseries\raggedright
backgroundcolor = \color{lightgray!30},
keywordstyle = \color{blue},
stringstyle = \color{brown},
basicstyle = {\small\ttfamily},
breaklines = true,
tabsize = 4,
gobble = 2,
numbers = left,
numberstyle = \tiny\emptyaccsupp,
frame = single,
xleftmargin = \ccwd,
numbersep = \ccwd,
columns = fullflexible,
% emphstyle = {\color{blue}\small\ttfamily},
% emph = {mkdir,rmdir,sudo,mount,umount,rm},
\title{\bfseries 一份简短的关于 \LaTeX{} 安装的介绍%
{\ttfamily ranwang.osbert@outlook.com}}%
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, calc}
score stars/.style={
% shape
star, star points=5, star point ratio=2.25, scale=0.8,
% color
draw=gray, fill=#1,
% others
inner sep=0.14em, anchor=outer point 3
% Draw five stars. For #1 = "2.3", fill the 1st and 2nd stars as gray,
% and fill the 3rd to 5th stars as white.
\foreach \i in {1, ..., 5} {
\pgfmathsetmacro\starcolor{\i<=#1 ? "gray" : "white"}
\node[score stars=\starcolor] (star\i) at (\i*0.8em, 0) {};
% For #1 = "2.3", let \partstar = "3" and \starpart = "0.3".
% Then fill the left 30% part of the 3rd star as gray after clipping.
\pgfmathsetmacro\partstar{#1>int(#1) ? int(#1+1) : 0}
\coordinate (upper left)
at (star\partstar.outer point 2 |- star\partstar.outer point 1);
\coordinate (upper right)
at (star\partstar.outer point 5 |- star\partstar.outer point 1);
\coordinate (lower right)
at (star\partstar.outer point 5 |- star\partstar.outer point 4);
\clip (upper left) rectangle
({$ (upper left)!\starpart!(upper right) $} |- lower right);
\node[score stars=gray] at (\partstar*0.8em, 0) {};
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