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semeval2010_task8_scorer-v1.2.pl 15.48 KB
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htwang 提交于 2020-03-08 20:38 . update
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Author: Preslav Nakov
# nakov@comp.nus.edu.sg
# National University of Singapore
# WHAT: This is the official scorer for SemEval-2010 Task #8.
# Last modified: March 22, 2010
# Current version: 1.2
# Revision history:
# - Version 1.2 (fixed a bug in the precision for the scoring of (iii))
# - Version 1.1 (fixed a bug in the calculation of accuracy)
# Use:
# semeval2010_task8_scorer-v1.1.pl <PROPOSED_ANSWERS> <ANSWER_KEY>
# Example2:
# semeval2010_task8_scorer-v1.1.pl proposed_answer1.txt answer_key1.txt > result_scores1.txt
# semeval2010_task8_scorer-v1.1.pl proposed_answer2.txt answer_key2.txt > result_scores2.txt
# semeval2010_task8_scorer-v1.1.pl proposed_answer3.txt answer_key3.txt > result_scores3.txt
# Description:
# The scorer takes as input a proposed classification file and an answer key file.
# Both files should contain one prediction per line in the format "<SENT_ID> <RELATION>"
# with a TAB as a separator, e.g.,
# 1 Component-Whole(e2,e1)
# 2 Other
# 3 Instrument-Agency(e2,e1)
# ...
# The files do not have to be sorted in any way and the first file can have predictions
# for a subset of the IDs in the second file only, e.g., because hard examples have been skipped.
# Repetitions of IDs are not allowed in either of the files.
# The scorer calculates and outputs the following statistics:
# (1) confusion matrix, which shows
# - the sums for each row/column: -SUM-
# - the number of skipped examples: skip
# - the number of examples with correct relation, but wrong directionality: xDIRx
# - the number of examples in the answer key file: ACTUAL ( = -SUM- + skip + xDIRx )
# (2) accuracy and coverage
# (3) precision (P), recall (R), and F1-score for each relation
# (4) micro-averaged P, R, F1, where the calculations ignore the Other category.
# (5) macro-averaged P, R, F1, where the calculations ignore the Other category.
# Note that in scores (4) and (5), skipped examples are equivalent to those classified as Other.
# So are examples classified as relations that do not exist in the key file (which is probably not optimal).
# The scoring is done three times:
# (i) as a (2*9+1)-way classification
# (ii) as a (9+1)-way classification, with directionality ignored
# (iii) as a (9+1)-way classification, with directionality taken into account.
# The official score is the macro-averaged F1-score for (iii).
use strict;
### I/O ###
if ($#ARGV != 1) {
die "Usage:\nsemeval2010_task8_scorer.pl <PROPOSED_ANSWERS> <ANSWER_KEY>\n";
### MAIN ###
my (%confMatrix19way, %confMatrix10wayNoDir, %confMatrix10wayWithDir) = ();
my (%idsProposed, %idsAnswer) = ();
my (%allLabels19waylAnswer, %allLabels10wayAnswer) = ();
my (%allLabels19wayProposed, %allLabels10wayNoDirProposed, %allLabels10wayWithDirProposed) = ();
### 1. Read the file contents
my $totalProposed = &readFileIntoHash($PROPOSED_ANSWERS_FILE_NAME, \%idsProposed);
my $totalAnswer = &readFileIntoHash($ANSWER_KEYS_FILE_NAME, \%idsAnswer);
### 2. Calculate the confusion matrices
foreach my $id (keys %idsProposed) {
### 2.1. Unexpected IDs are not allowed
die "File $PROPOSED_ANSWERS_FILE_NAME contains a bad ID: '$id'"
if (!defined($idsAnswer{$id}));
### 2.2. Update the 19-way confusion matrix
my $labelProposed = $idsProposed{$id};
my $labelAnswer = $idsAnswer{$id};
### 2.3. Update the 10-way confusion matrix *without* direction
my $labelProposedNoDir = $labelProposed;
my $labelAnswerNoDir = $labelAnswer;
$labelProposedNoDir =~ s/\(e[12],e[12]\)[\n\r]*$//;
$labelAnswerNoDir =~ s/\(e[12],e[12]\)[\n\r]*$//;
### 2.4. Update the 10-way confusion matrix *with* direction
if ($labelProposed eq $labelAnswer) { ## both relation and direction match
elsif ($labelProposedNoDir eq $labelAnswerNoDir) { ## the relations match, but the direction is wrong
else { ### Wrong relation
### 3. Calculate the ground truth distributions
foreach my $id (keys %idsAnswer) {
### 3.1. Update the 19-way answer distribution
my $labelAnswer = $idsAnswer{$id};
### 3.2. Update the 10-way answer distribution
my $labelAnswerNoDir = $labelAnswer;
$labelAnswerNoDir =~ s/\(e[12],e[12]\)[\n\r]*$//;
### 4. Check for proposed classes that are not contained in the answer key file: this may happen in cross-validation
foreach my $labelProposed (sort keys %allLabels19wayProposed) {
if (!defined($allLabels19waylAnswer{$labelProposed})) {
print "!!!WARNING!!! The proposed file contains $allLabels19wayProposed{$labelProposed} label(s) of type '$labelProposed', which is NOT present in the key file.\n\n";
### 4. 19-way evaluation with directionality
print "<<< (2*9+1)-WAY EVALUATION (USING DIRECTIONALITY)>>>:\n\n";
&evaluate(\%confMatrix19way, \%allLabels19wayProposed, \%allLabels19waylAnswer, $totalProposed, $totalAnswer, 0);
### 5. Evaluate without directionality
&evaluate(\%confMatrix10wayNoDir, \%allLabels10wayNoDirProposed, \%allLabels10wayAnswer, $totalProposed, $totalAnswer, 0);
### 6. Evaluate without directionality
my $officialScore = &evaluate(\%confMatrix10wayWithDir, \%allLabels10wayWithDirProposed, \%allLabels10wayAnswer, $totalProposed, $totalAnswer, 1);
### 7. Output the official score
printf "<<< The official score is (9+1)-way evaluation with directionality taken into account: macro-averaged F1 = %0.2f%s >>>\n", $officialScore, '%';
### SUBS ###
sub getIDandLabel() {
my $line = shift;
return (-1,()) if ($line !~ /^([0-9]+)\t([^\r]+)\r?\n$/);
my ($id, $label) = ($1, $2);
return ($id, '_Other') if ($label eq 'Other');
return ($id, $label)
if (($label eq 'Cause-Effect(e1,e2)') || ($label eq 'Cause-Effect(e2,e1)') ||
($label eq 'Component-Whole(e1,e2)') || ($label eq 'Component-Whole(e2,e1)') ||
($label eq 'Content-Container(e1,e2)') || ($label eq 'Content-Container(e2,e1)') ||
($label eq 'Entity-Destination(e1,e2)') || ($label eq 'Entity-Destination(e2,e1)') ||
($label eq 'Entity-Origin(e1,e2)') || ($label eq 'Entity-Origin(e2,e1)') ||
($label eq 'Instrument-Agency(e1,e2)') || ($label eq 'Instrument-Agency(e2,e1)') ||
($label eq 'Member-Collection(e1,e2)') || ($label eq 'Member-Collection(e2,e1)') ||
($label eq 'Message-Topic(e1,e2)') || ($label eq 'Message-Topic(e2,e1)') ||
($label eq 'Product-Producer(e1,e2)') || ($label eq 'Product-Producer(e2,e1)'));
return (-1, ());
sub readFileIntoHash() {
my ($fname, $ids) = @_;
open(INPUT, $fname) or die "Failed to open $fname for text reading.\n";
my $lineNo = 0;
while (<INPUT>) {
my ($id, $label) = &getIDandLabel($_);
die "Bad file format on line $lineNo: '$_'\n" if ($id < 0);
if (defined $$ids{$id}) {
die "Bad file format on line $lineNo (ID $id is already defined): '$_'\n";
$$ids{$id} = $label;
close(INPUT) or die "Failed to close $fname.\n";
return $lineNo;
sub evaluate() {
my ($confMatrix, $allLabelsProposed, $allLabelsAnswer, $totalProposed, $totalAnswer, $useWrongDir) = @_;
### 0. Create a merged list for the confusion matrix
my @allLabels = ();
&mergeLabelLists($allLabelsAnswer, $allLabelsProposed, \@allLabels);
### 1. Print the confusion matrix heading
print "Confusion matrix:\n";
print " ";
foreach my $label (@allLabels) {
printf " %4s", &getShortRelName($label, $allLabelsAnswer);
print " <-- classified as\n";
print " +";
foreach my $label (@allLabels) {
print "-----";
if ($useWrongDir) {
print "+ -SUM- xDIRx skip ACTUAL\n";
else {
print "+ -SUM- skip ACTUAL\n";
### 2. Print the rest of the confusion matrix
my $freqCorrect = 0;
my $ind = 1;
my $otherSkipped = 0;
foreach my $labelAnswer (sort keys %{$allLabelsAnswer}) {
### 2.1. Output the short relation label
printf " %4s |", &getShortRelName($labelAnswer, $allLabelsAnswer);
### 2.2. Output a row of the confusion matrix
my $sumProposed = 0;
foreach my $labelProposed (@allLabels) {
$$confMatrix{$labelProposed}{$labelAnswer} = 0
if (!defined($$confMatrix{$labelProposed}{$labelAnswer}));
printf "%4d ", $$confMatrix{$labelProposed}{$labelAnswer};
$sumProposed += $$confMatrix{$labelProposed}{$labelAnswer};
### 2.3. Output the horizontal sums
if ($useWrongDir) {
my $ans = defined($$allLabelsAnswer{$labelAnswer}) ? $$allLabelsAnswer{$labelAnswer} : 0;
$$confMatrix{'WRONG_DIR'}{$labelAnswer} = 0 if (!defined $$confMatrix{'WRONG_DIR'}{$labelAnswer});
printf "| %4d %4d %4d %6d\n", $sumProposed, $$confMatrix{'WRONG_DIR'}{$labelAnswer}, $ans - $sumProposed - $$confMatrix{'WRONG_DIR'}{$labelAnswer}, $ans;
if ($labelAnswer eq '_Other') {
$otherSkipped = $ans - $sumProposed - $$confMatrix{'WRONG_DIR'}{$labelAnswer};
else {
my $ans = defined($$allLabelsAnswer{$labelAnswer}) ? $$allLabelsAnswer{$labelAnswer} : 0;
printf "| %4d %4d %4d\n", $sumProposed, $ans - $sumProposed, $ans;
if ($labelAnswer eq '_Other') {
$otherSkipped = $ans - $sumProposed;
$$confMatrix{$labelAnswer}{$labelAnswer} = 0
if (!defined($$confMatrix{$labelAnswer}{$labelAnswer}));
$freqCorrect += $$confMatrix{$labelAnswer}{$labelAnswer};
print " +";
foreach (@allLabels) {
print "-----";
print "+\n";
### 3. Print the vertical sums
print " -SUM- ";
foreach my $labelProposed (@allLabels) {
$$allLabelsProposed{$labelProposed} = 0
if (!defined $$allLabelsProposed{$labelProposed});
printf "%4d ", $$allLabelsProposed{$labelProposed};
if ($useWrongDir) {
printf " %4d %4d %4d %6d\n\n", $totalProposed - $$allLabelsProposed{'WRONG_DIR'}, $$allLabelsProposed{'WRONG_DIR'}, $totalAnswer - $totalProposed, $totalAnswer;
else {
printf " %4d %4d %4d\n\n", $totalProposed, $totalAnswer - $totalProposed, $totalAnswer;
### 4. Output the coverage
my $coverage = 100.0 * $totalProposed / $totalAnswer;
printf "%s%d%s%d%s%5.2f%s", 'Coverage = ', $totalProposed, '/', $totalAnswer, ' = ', $coverage, "\%\n";
### 5. Output the accuracy
my $accuracy = 100.0 * $freqCorrect / $totalProposed;
printf "%s%d%s%d%s%5.2f%s", 'Accuracy (calculated for the above confusion matrix) = ', $freqCorrect, '/', $totalProposed, ' = ', $accuracy, "\%\n";
### 6. Output the accuracy considering all skipped to be wrong
$accuracy = 100.0 * $freqCorrect / $totalAnswer;
printf "%s%d%s%d%s%5.2f%s", 'Accuracy (considering all skipped examples as Wrong) = ', $freqCorrect, '/', $totalAnswer, ' = ', $accuracy, "\%\n";
### 7. Calculate accuracy with all skipped examples considered Other
my $accuracyWithOther = 100.0 * ($freqCorrect + $otherSkipped) / $totalAnswer;
printf "%s%d%s%d%s%5.2f%s", 'Accuracy (considering all skipped examples as Other) = ', ($freqCorrect + $otherSkipped), '/', $totalAnswer, ' = ', $accuracyWithOther, "\%\n";
### 8. Output P, R, F1 for each relation
my ($macroP, $macroR, $macroF1) = (0, 0, 0);
my ($microCorrect, $microProposed, $microAnswer) = (0, 0, 0);
print "\nResults for the individual relations:\n";
foreach my $labelAnswer (sort keys %{$allLabelsAnswer}) {
### 8.1. Consider all wrong directionalities as wrong classification decisions
my $wrongDirectionCnt = 0;
if ($useWrongDir && defined $$confMatrix{'WRONG_DIR'}{$labelAnswer}) {
$wrongDirectionCnt = $$confMatrix{'WRONG_DIR'}{$labelAnswer};
### 8.2. Prevent Perl complains about unintialized values
if (!defined($$allLabelsProposed{$labelAnswer})) {
$$allLabelsProposed{$labelAnswer} = 0;
### 8.3. Calculate P/R/F1
my $P = (0 == $$allLabelsProposed{$labelAnswer}) ? 0
: 100.0 * $$confMatrix{$labelAnswer}{$labelAnswer} / ($$allLabelsProposed{$labelAnswer} + $wrongDirectionCnt);
my $R = (0 == $$allLabelsAnswer{$labelAnswer}) ? 0
: 100.0 * $$confMatrix{$labelAnswer}{$labelAnswer} / $$allLabelsAnswer{$labelAnswer};
my $F1 = (0 == $P + $R) ? 0 : 2 * $P * $R / ($P + $R);
### 8.4. Output P/R/F1
if ($useWrongDir) {
printf "%25s%s%4d%s(%4d +%4d)%s%6.2f", $labelAnswer,
" : P = ", $$confMatrix{$labelAnswer}{$labelAnswer}, '/', $$allLabelsProposed{$labelAnswer}, $wrongDirectionCnt, ' = ', $P;
else {
printf "%25s%s%4d%s%4d%s%6.2f", $labelAnswer,
" : P = ", $$confMatrix{$labelAnswer}{$labelAnswer}, '/', ($$allLabelsProposed{$labelAnswer} + $wrongDirectionCnt), ' = ', $P;
"% R = ", $$confMatrix{$labelAnswer}{$labelAnswer}, '/', $$allLabelsAnswer{$labelAnswer}, ' = ', $R,
"% F1 = ", $F1, '%';
### 8.5. Accumulate statistics for micro/macro-averaging
if ($labelAnswer ne '_Other') {
$macroP += $P;
$macroR += $R;
$macroF1 += $F1;
$microCorrect += $$confMatrix{$labelAnswer}{$labelAnswer};
$microProposed += $$allLabelsProposed{$labelAnswer} + $wrongDirectionCnt;
$microAnswer += $$allLabelsAnswer{$labelAnswer};
### 9. Output the micro-averaged P, R, F1
my $microP = (0 == $microProposed) ? 0 : 100.0 * $microCorrect / $microProposed;
my $microR = (0 == $microAnswer) ? 0 : 100.0 * $microCorrect / $microAnswer;
my $microF1 = (0 == $microP + $microR) ? 0 : 2.0 * $microP * $microR / ($microP + $microR);
print "\nMicro-averaged result (excluding Other):\n";
printf "%s%4d%s%4d%s%6.2f%s%4d%s%4d%s%6.2f%s%6.2f%s\n",
"P = ", $microCorrect, '/', $microProposed, ' = ', $microP,
"% R = ", $microCorrect, '/', $microAnswer, ' = ', $microR,
"% F1 = ", $microF1, '%';
### 10. Output the macro-averaged P, R, F1
my $distinctLabelsCnt = keys %{$allLabelsAnswer};
## -1, if '_Other' exists
$distinctLabelsCnt-- if (defined $$allLabelsAnswer{'_Other'});
$macroP /= $distinctLabelsCnt; # first divide by the number of non-Other categories
$macroR /= $distinctLabelsCnt;
$macroF1 /= $distinctLabelsCnt;
print "\nMACRO-averaged result (excluding Other):\n";
printf "%s%6.2f%s%6.2f%s%6.2f%s\n\n\n\n", "P = ", $macroP, "%\tR = ", $macroR, "%\tF1 = ", $macroF1, '%';
### 11. Return the official score
return $macroF1;
sub getShortRelName() {
my ($relName, $hashToCheck) = @_;
return '_O_' if ($relName eq '_Other');
die "relName='$relName'" if ($relName !~ /^(.)[^\-]+\-(.)/);
my $result = (defined $$hashToCheck{$relName}) ? "$1\-$2" : "*$1$2";
if ($relName =~ /\(e([12])/) {
$result .= $1;
return $result;
sub mergeLabelLists() {
my ($hash1, $hash2, $mergedList) = @_;
foreach my $key (sort keys %{$hash1}) {
push @{$mergedList}, $key if ($key ne 'WRONG_DIR');
foreach my $key (sort keys %{$hash2}) {
push @{$mergedList}, $key if (($key ne 'WRONG_DIR') && !defined($$hash1{$key}));
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