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types.d.ts 16.02 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
汪磊 提交于 2022-03-24 18:33 . v1.0.0 (#93)
* PackageJson declaration type.
* for import package.js as ESM without having to participate in compilation
* declarations.d.ts
declare module '*/package.json' {
export const name: string
export const version: string
// References:
// https://github.com/egoist/tsup/issues/14
// https://github.com/egoist/tsup/issues/367
// https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/types/prompts/index.d.ts
declare module 'prompts' {
import { Readable, Writable } from 'stream'
namespace prompts {
function inject (arr: readonly any[]): void
function override (obj: { [key: string]: any }): void
function autocomplete (args: PromptObject): any
function confirm (args: PromptObject): void
function date (args: PromptObject): any
function invisible (args: PromptObject): any
function list (args: PromptObject): any
function multiselect (args: PromptObject): any
function number (args: PromptObject): void
function password (args: PromptObject): any
function select (args: PromptObject): void
function text (args: PromptObject): void
function toggle (args: PromptObject): void
// Based upon: https://github.com/terkelg/prompts/blob/d7d2c37a0009e3235b2e88a7d5cdbb114ac271b2/lib/elements/select.js#L29
interface Choice {
title: string
value?: any
disabled?: boolean | undefined
selected?: boolean | undefined
description?: string | undefined
interface Options {
| ((prompt: PromptObject, answer: any, answers: any[]) => void)
| undefined
onCancel?: ((prompt: PromptObject, answers: any) => void) | undefined
interface PromptObject<T extends string = string> {
type: PromptType | Falsy | PrevCaller<T, PromptType | Falsy>
name: ValueOrFunc<T>
message?: ValueOrFunc<string> | undefined
| InitialReturnValue
| PrevCaller<T, InitialReturnValue | Promise<InitialReturnValue>>
| undefined
style?: string | PrevCaller<T, string | Falsy> | undefined
format?: PrevCaller<T, void> | undefined
| PrevCaller<T, boolean | string | Promise<boolean | string>>
| undefined
onState?: PrevCaller<T, void> | undefined
min?: number | PrevCaller<T, number | Falsy> | undefined
max?: number | PrevCaller<T, number | Falsy> | undefined
float?: boolean | PrevCaller<T, boolean | Falsy> | undefined
round?: number | PrevCaller<T, number | Falsy> | undefined
instructions?: string | boolean | undefined
increment?: number | PrevCaller<T, number | Falsy> | undefined
separator?: string | PrevCaller<T, string | Falsy> | undefined
active?: string | PrevCaller<T, string | Falsy> | undefined
inactive?: string | PrevCaller<T, string | Falsy> | undefined
choices?: Choice[] | PrevCaller<T, Choice[] | Falsy> | undefined
hint?: string | PrevCaller<T, string | Falsy> | undefined
warn?: string | PrevCaller<T, string | Falsy> | undefined
suggest?: ((input: any, choices: Choice[]) => Promise<any>) | undefined
limit?: number | PrevCaller<T, number | Falsy> | undefined
mask?: string | PrevCaller<T, string | Falsy> | undefined
stdout?: Writable | undefined
stdin?: Readable | undefined
type Answers<T extends string> = { [id in T]: any }
type PrevCaller<T extends string, R = T> = (
prev: any,
values: Answers<T>,
prompt: PromptObject
) => R
type Falsy = false | null | undefined
type PromptType =
| 'text'
| 'password'
| 'invisible'
| 'number'
| 'confirm'
| 'list'
| 'toggle'
| 'select'
| 'multiselect'
| 'autocomplete'
| 'date'
| 'autocompleteMultiselect'
type ValueOrFunc<T extends string> = T | PrevCaller<T>
type InitialReturnValue = string | number | boolean | Date
function prompts<T extends string = string> (
questions: prompts.PromptObject<T> | Array<prompts.PromptObject<T>>,
options?: prompts.Options
): Promise<prompts.Answers<T>>
export = prompts
// References:
// https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/pull/59369
// https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/types/adm-zip/index.d.ts
declare module 'adm-zip' {
class AdmZip {
* @param fileNameOrRawData If provided, reads an existing archive. Otherwise creates a new, empty archive.
constructor (fileNameOrRawData?: string | Buffer);
* Extracts the given entry from the archive and returns the content.
* @param entry The full path of the entry or a `IZipEntry` object.
* @return `Buffer` or `null` in case of error.
readFile (entry: string | AdmZip.IZipEntry): Buffer | null;
* Asynchronous `readFile`.
* @param entry The full path of the entry or a `IZipEntry` object.
* @param callback Called with a `Buffer` or `null` in case of error.
readFileAsync (
entry: string | AdmZip.IZipEntry,
callback: (data: Buffer | null, err: string) => any
): void;
* Extracts the given entry from the archive and returns the content as
* plain text in the given encoding.
* @param entry The full path of the entry or a `IZipEntry` object.
* @param encoding If no encoding is specified `"utf8"` is used.
readAsText (fileName: string | AdmZip.IZipEntry, encoding?: string): string;
* Asynchronous `readAsText`.
* @param entry The full path of the entry or a `IZipEntry` object.
* @param callback Called with the resulting string.
* @param encoding If no encoding is specified `"utf8"` is used.
readAsTextAsync (
fileName: string | AdmZip.IZipEntry,
callback: (data: string, err: string) => any,
encoding?: string
): void;
* Remove the entry from the file or the entry and all its nested directories
* and files if the given entry is a directory.
* @param entry The full path of the entry or a `IZipEntry` object.
deleteFile (entry: string | AdmZip.IZipEntry): void;
* Adds a comment to the zip. The zip must be rewritten after
* adding the comment.
* @param comment Content of the comment.
addZipComment (comment: string): void;
* @return The zip comment.
getZipComment (): string;
* Adds a comment to a specified file or `IZipEntry`. The zip must be rewritten after
* adding the comment.
* The comment cannot exceed 65535 characters in length.
* @param entry The full path of the entry or a `IZipEntry` object.
* @param comment The comment to add to the entry.
addZipEntryComment (entry: string | AdmZip.IZipEntry, comment: string): void;
* Returns the comment of the specified entry.
* @param entry The full path of the entry or a `IZipEntry` object.
* @return The comment of the specified entry.
getZipEntryComment (entry: string | AdmZip.IZipEntry): string;
* Updates the content of an existing entry inside the archive. The zip
* must be rewritten after updating the content.
* @param entry The full path of the entry or a `IZipEntry` object.
* @param content The entry's new contents.
updateFile (entry: string | AdmZip.IZipEntry, content: Buffer): void;
* Adds a file from the disk to the archive.
* @param localPath Path to a file on disk.
* @param zipPath Path to a directory in the archive. Defaults to the empty
* string.
* @param zipName Name for the file.
addLocalFile (localPath: string, zipPath?: string, zipName?: string): void;
* Adds a local directory and all its nested files and directories to the
* archive.
* @param localPath Path to a folder on disk.
* @param zipPath Path to a folder in the archive. Default: `""`.
* @param filter RegExp or Function if files match will be included.
addLocalFolder (
localPath: string,
zipPath?: string,
filter?: RegExp | ((filename: string) => boolean)
): void;
* Allows you to create a entry (file or directory) in the zip file.
* If you want to create a directory the `entryName` must end in `"/"` and a `null`
* buffer should be provided.
* @param entryName Entry path.
* @param content Content to add to the entry; must be a 0-length buffer
* for a directory.
* @param comment Comment to add to the entry.
* @param attr Attribute to add to the entry.
addFile (
entryName: string,
data: Buffer,
comment?: string,
attr?: number
): void;
* Returns an array of `IZipEntry` objects representing the files and folders
* inside the archive.
getEntries (): AdmZip.IZipEntry[];
* Returns a `IZipEntry` object representing the file or folder specified by `name`.
* @param name Name of the file or folder to retrieve.
* @return The entry corresponding to the `name`.
getEntry (name: string): AdmZip.IZipEntry | null;
* Extracts the given entry to the given `targetPath`.
* If the entry is a directory inside the archive, the entire directory and
* its subdirectories will be extracted.
* @param entry The full path of the entry or a `IZipEntry` object.
* @param targetPath Target folder where to write the file.
* @param maintainEntryPath If maintainEntryPath is `true` and the entry is
* inside a folder, the entry folder will be created in `targetPath` as
* well. Default: `true`.
* @param overwrite If the file already exists at the target path, the file
* will be overwriten if this is `true`. Default: `false`.
extractEntryTo (
entryPath: string | AdmZip.IZipEntry,
targetPath: string,
maintainEntryPath?: boolean,
overwrite?: boolean
): boolean;
* Extracts the entire archive to the given location.
* @param targetPath Target location.
* @param overwrite If the file already exists at the target path, the file
* will be overwriten if this is `true`. Default: `false`.
extractAllTo (targetPath: string, overwrite?: boolean): void;
* Extracts the entire archive to the given location.
* @param targetPath Target location.
* @param overwrite If the file already exists at the target path, the file
* will be overwriten if this is `true`. Default: `false`.
* @param keepOriginalPermission The file will be set as the permission from
* the entry if this is true. Default: `false`.
extractAllTo (
targetPath: string,
overwrite?: boolean,
keepOriginalPermission?: boolean
): void;
* Extracts the entire archive to the given location.
* @param targetPath Target location.
* @param overwrite If the file already exists at the target path, the file
* will be overwriten if this is `true`. Default: `false`.
* @param callback The callback function will be called after extraction.
extractAllToAsync (
targetPath: string,
overwrite?: boolean,
callback?: (error: Error) => void
): void;
* Extracts the entire archive to the given location.
* @param targetPath Target location.
* @param overwrite If the file already exists at the target path, the file
* will be overwriten if this is `true`. Default: `false`.
* @param keepOriginalPermission The file will be set as the permission from
* the entry if this is true. Default: `false`.
* @param callback The callback function will be called after extraction.
extractAllToAsync (
targetPath: string,
overwrite?: boolean,
keepOriginalPermission?: boolean,
callback?: (error: Error) => void
): void;
* Writes the newly created zip file to disk at the specified location or
* if a zip was opened and no `targetFileName` is provided, it will
* overwrite the opened zip.
writeZip (
targetFileName?: string,
callback?: (error: Error | null) => void
): void;
* Returns the content of the entire zip file.
toBuffer (): Buffer;
* Asynchronously returns the content of the entire zip file.
* @param onSuccess called with the content of the zip file, once it has been generated.
* @param onFail unused.
* @param onItemStart called before an entry is compressed.
* @param onItemEnd called after an entry is compressed.
toBuffer (
onSuccess: (buffer: Buffer) => void,
onFail?: (...args: any[]) => void,
onItemStart?: (name: string) => void,
onItemEnd?: (name: string) => void
): void;
* Test the archive.
test (): boolean;
namespace AdmZip {
* The `IZipEntry` is more than a structure representing the entry inside the
* zip file. Beside the normal attributes and headers a entry can have, the
* class contains a reference to the part of the file where the compressed
* data resides and decompresses it when requested. It also compresses the
* data and creates the headers required to write in the zip file.
// disable warning about the I-prefix in interface name to prevent breaking stuff for users without a major bump
// tslint:disable-next-line:interface-name
interface IZipEntry {
* Represents the full name and path of the file
entryName: string
readonly rawEntryName: Buffer
* Extra data associated with this entry.
extra: Buffer
* Entry comment.
comment: string
readonly name: string
* Read-Only property that indicates the type of the entry.
readonly isDirectory: boolean
* Get the header associated with this ZipEntry.
readonly header: EntryHeader
attr: number
* Retrieve the compressed data for this entry. Note that this may trigger
* compression if any properties were modified.
getCompressedData: () => Buffer
* Asynchronously retrieve the compressed data for this entry. Note that
* this may trigger compression if any properties were modified.
getCompressedDataAsync: (callback: (data: Buffer) => void) => void
* Set the (uncompressed) data to be associated with this entry.
setData: (value: string | Buffer) => void
* Get the decompressed data associated with this entry.
getData: () => Buffer
* Asynchronously get the decompressed data associated with this entry.
getDataAsync: (callback: (data: Buffer, err: string) => any) => void
* Returns the CEN Entry Header to be written to the output zip file, plus
* the extra data and the entry comment.
packHeader: () => Buffer
* Returns a nicely formatted string with the most important properties of
* the ZipEntry.
toString: () => string
interface EntryHeader {
made: number
version: number
flags: number
method: number
time: Date
crc: number
compressedSize: number
size: number
fileNameLength: number
extraLength: number
commentLength: number
diskNumStart: number
inAttr: number
attr: number
offset: number
readonly encripted: boolean
readonly entryHeaderSize: number
readonly realDataOffset: number
readonly dataHeader: DataHeader
loadDataHeaderFromBinary: (data: Buffer) => void
loadFromBinary: (data: Buffer) => void
dataHeaderToBinary: () => Buffer
entryHeaderToBinary: () => Buffer
toString: () => string
interface DataHeader {
version: number
flags: number
method: number
time: number
crc: number
compressedSize: number
size: number
fnameLen: number
extraLen: number
export = AdmZip
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