diff --git a/model/modelyg.js b/model/modelyg.js
index 08cc06a039ae2fb41bdafa125d6be5ddbcf5b233..d7577433f5a02f2def4b7e62cf279938dae45c50 100644
--- a/model/modelyg.js
+++ b/model/modelyg.js
@@ -1,13 +1,31 @@
const mongoose = require('./db')
+let Schema = new mongoose.Schema({
+ name: String,
+ password: String,
+ age: Number,
+ sex: Number,
+ phone: String,
+let User = mongoose.model('user', Schema,'user')
+let Commodity = new mongoose.Schema({
+ name: String, //商品名称
+ price: Number, //商品价格
+ img: String, //商品图片
+ desc: String, //商品描述
+ num: Number, //商品数量
+ type: String, //商品类型
+ order:Number,//商品订单号
+ flag:{type:Boolean,default:false}, //商品是否付款
+ refund:{type:Boolean,default:false}, //商品是否被退款
+ shpr:{type:Boolean,default:false}, //商品是否被发货
+ favorite:{type:Boolean,default:false}, //商品是否被收藏
+let commodity = mongoose.model('commodity', Commodity,'commodity')
+ User,
+ commodity
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/acorn b/node_modules/.bin/acorn
deleted file mode 100644
index 46a3e61a1008218aa5e2522e871c10fcf7c8c2db..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/acorn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')")
-case `uname` in
- *CYGWIN*|*MINGW*|*MSYS*) basedir=`cygpath -w "$basedir"`;;
-if [ -x "$basedir/node" ]; then
- exec "$basedir/node" "$basedir/../acorn/bin/acorn" "$@"
- exec node "$basedir/../acorn/bin/acorn" "$@"
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/acorn.cmd b/node_modules/.bin/acorn.cmd
deleted file mode 100644
index a9324df955bdbe4f8deded602851b28db55ba630..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/acorn.cmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-@ECHO off
-GOTO start
-SET dp0=%~dp0
-EXIT /b
-CALL :find_dp0
-IF EXIST "%dp0%\node.exe" (
- SET "_prog=%dp0%\node.exe"
-) ELSE (
- SET "_prog=node"
-endLocal & goto #_undefined_# 2>NUL || title %COMSPEC% & "%_prog%" "%dp0%\..\acorn\bin\acorn" %*
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/acorn.ps1 b/node_modules/.bin/acorn.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f6dcddf3bedbbdd275f0cf39734caee1a1b3485..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/acorn.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
-$basedir=Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
-if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt "6.0" -or $IsWindows) {
- # Fix case when both the Windows and Linux builds of Node
- # are installed in the same directory
- $exe=".exe"
-if (Test-Path "$basedir/node$exe") {
- # Support pipeline input
- if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
- $input | & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../acorn/bin/acorn" $args
- } else {
- & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../acorn/bin/acorn" $args
- }
-} else {
- # Support pipeline input
- if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
- $input | & "node$exe" "$basedir/../acorn/bin/acorn" $args
- } else {
- & "node$exe" "$basedir/../acorn/bin/acorn" $args
- }
-exit $ret
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/cleancss b/node_modules/.bin/cleancss
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ff67f2a3bc6e20f3134b2d5d8782b9d180a0553..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/cleancss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')")
-case `uname` in
- *CYGWIN*|*MINGW*|*MSYS*) basedir=`cygpath -w "$basedir"`;;
-if [ -x "$basedir/node" ]; then
- exec "$basedir/node" "$basedir/../clean-css/bin/cleancss" "$@"
- exec node "$basedir/../clean-css/bin/cleancss" "$@"
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/cleancss.cmd b/node_modules/.bin/cleancss.cmd
deleted file mode 100644
index 0757a44b32e5937f09f445ec2a4d87d297bd84d9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/cleancss.cmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-@ECHO off
-GOTO start
-SET dp0=%~dp0
-EXIT /b
-CALL :find_dp0
-IF EXIST "%dp0%\node.exe" (
- SET "_prog=%dp0%\node.exe"
-) ELSE (
- SET "_prog=node"
-endLocal & goto #_undefined_# 2>NUL || title %COMSPEC% & "%_prog%" "%dp0%\..\clean-css\bin\cleancss" %*
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/cleancss.ps1 b/node_modules/.bin/cleancss.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index fd674bb6b39de05a76dda036082c08270450dfd4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/cleancss.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
-$basedir=Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
-if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt "6.0" -or $IsWindows) {
- # Fix case when both the Windows and Linux builds of Node
- # are installed in the same directory
- $exe=".exe"
-if (Test-Path "$basedir/node$exe") {
- # Support pipeline input
- if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
- $input | & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../clean-css/bin/cleancss" $args
- } else {
- & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../clean-css/bin/cleancss" $args
- }
-} else {
- # Support pipeline input
- if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
- $input | & "node$exe" "$basedir/../clean-css/bin/cleancss" $args
- } else {
- & "node$exe" "$basedir/../clean-css/bin/cleancss" $args
- }
-exit $ret
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/jade b/node_modules/.bin/jade
deleted file mode 100644
index bb759712e96d6736970a1eab2ff32c917fe9f01e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/jade
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')")
-case `uname` in
- *CYGWIN*|*MINGW*|*MSYS*) basedir=`cygpath -w "$basedir"`;;
-if [ -x "$basedir/node" ]; then
- exec "$basedir/node" "$basedir/../jade/bin/jade.js" "$@"
- exec node "$basedir/../jade/bin/jade.js" "$@"
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/jade.cmd b/node_modules/.bin/jade.cmd
deleted file mode 100644
index 6db3e7815d84bf685a737f737ff142a216d3bfc0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/jade.cmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-@ECHO off
-GOTO start
-SET dp0=%~dp0
-EXIT /b
-CALL :find_dp0
-IF EXIST "%dp0%\node.exe" (
- SET "_prog=%dp0%\node.exe"
-) ELSE (
- SET "_prog=node"
-endLocal & goto #_undefined_# 2>NUL || title %COMSPEC% & "%_prog%" "%dp0%\..\jade\bin\jade.js" %*
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/jade.ps1 b/node_modules/.bin/jade.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index dd9e6f5fbbf27b37d7ea098c8cb8cbbe4ae67cde..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/jade.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
-$basedir=Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
-if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt "6.0" -or $IsWindows) {
- # Fix case when both the Windows and Linux builds of Node
- # are installed in the same directory
- $exe=".exe"
-if (Test-Path "$basedir/node$exe") {
- # Support pipeline input
- if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
- $input | & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../jade/bin/jade.js" $args
- } else {
- & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../jade/bin/jade.js" $args
- }
-} else {
- # Support pipeline input
- if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
- $input | & "node$exe" "$basedir/../jade/bin/jade.js" $args
- } else {
- & "node$exe" "$basedir/../jade/bin/jade.js" $args
- }
-exit $ret
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/mime b/node_modules/.bin/mime
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a62a1b13b965546f7aab56bbcb07d37e1cb6087..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/mime
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')")
-case `uname` in
- *CYGWIN*|*MINGW*|*MSYS*) basedir=`cygpath -w "$basedir"`;;
-if [ -x "$basedir/node" ]; then
- exec "$basedir/node" "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" "$@"
- exec node "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" "$@"
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/mime.cmd b/node_modules/.bin/mime.cmd
deleted file mode 100644
index 54491f12e08014083099d3a46bf7b99f0ec22b56..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/mime.cmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-@ECHO off
-GOTO start
-SET dp0=%~dp0
-EXIT /b
-CALL :find_dp0
-IF EXIST "%dp0%\node.exe" (
- SET "_prog=%dp0%\node.exe"
-) ELSE (
- SET "_prog=node"
-endLocal & goto #_undefined_# 2>NUL || title %COMSPEC% & "%_prog%" "%dp0%\..\mime\cli.js" %*
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/mime.ps1 b/node_modules/.bin/mime.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 2222f40bcf2aca56c70178225cfe21cc31e2773f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/mime.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
-$basedir=Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
-if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt "6.0" -or $IsWindows) {
- # Fix case when both the Windows and Linux builds of Node
- # are installed in the same directory
- $exe=".exe"
-if (Test-Path "$basedir/node$exe") {
- # Support pipeline input
- if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
- $input | & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" $args
- } else {
- & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" $args
- }
-} else {
- # Support pipeline input
- if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
- $input | & "node$exe" "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" $args
- } else {
- & "node$exe" "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" $args
- }
-exit $ret
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/mkdirp b/node_modules/.bin/mkdirp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ba5765a8cd217d8965731b917977e786e4d97b7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/mkdirp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')")
-case `uname` in
- *CYGWIN*|*MINGW*|*MSYS*) basedir=`cygpath -w "$basedir"`;;
-if [ -x "$basedir/node" ]; then
- exec "$basedir/node" "$basedir/../mkdirp/bin/cmd.js" "$@"
- exec node "$basedir/../mkdirp/bin/cmd.js" "$@"
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/mkdirp.cmd b/node_modules/.bin/mkdirp.cmd
deleted file mode 100644
index a865dd9f3a2ef7c26f9cb350ee12041578808e79..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/mkdirp.cmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-@ECHO off
-GOTO start
-SET dp0=%~dp0
-EXIT /b
-CALL :find_dp0
-IF EXIST "%dp0%\node.exe" (
- SET "_prog=%dp0%\node.exe"
-) ELSE (
- SET "_prog=node"
-endLocal & goto #_undefined_# 2>NUL || title %COMSPEC% & "%_prog%" "%dp0%\..\mkdirp\bin\cmd.js" %*
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/mkdirp.ps1 b/node_modules/.bin/mkdirp.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 911e85466417449a40e584cce49fa18f1c513c3d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/mkdirp.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
-$basedir=Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
-if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt "6.0" -or $IsWindows) {
- # Fix case when both the Windows and Linux builds of Node
- # are installed in the same directory
- $exe=".exe"
-if (Test-Path "$basedir/node$exe") {
- # Support pipeline input
- if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
- $input | & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../mkdirp/bin/cmd.js" $args
- } else {
- & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../mkdirp/bin/cmd.js" $args
- }
-} else {
- # Support pipeline input
- if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
- $input | & "node$exe" "$basedir/../mkdirp/bin/cmd.js" $args
- } else {
- & "node$exe" "$basedir/../mkdirp/bin/cmd.js" $args
- }
-exit $ret
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/semver b/node_modules/.bin/semver
deleted file mode 100644
index 77443e78737628f1255d345b000313421cab68b5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/semver
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')")
-case `uname` in
- *CYGWIN*|*MINGW*|*MSYS*) basedir=`cygpath -w "$basedir"`;;
-if [ -x "$basedir/node" ]; then
- exec "$basedir/node" "$basedir/../semver/bin/semver.js" "$@"
- exec node "$basedir/../semver/bin/semver.js" "$@"
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/semver.cmd b/node_modules/.bin/semver.cmd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9913fa9d0812ac0bcdccc80d2805c013cf2237b7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/semver.cmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-@ECHO off
-GOTO start
-SET dp0=%~dp0
-EXIT /b
-CALL :find_dp0
-IF EXIST "%dp0%\node.exe" (
- SET "_prog=%dp0%\node.exe"
-) ELSE (
- SET "_prog=node"
-endLocal & goto #_undefined_# 2>NUL || title %COMSPEC% & "%_prog%" "%dp0%\..\semver\bin\semver.js" %*
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/semver.ps1 b/node_modules/.bin/semver.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 314717ad4828ba2866c75d51292fcd0254701070..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/semver.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
-$basedir=Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
-if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt "6.0" -or $IsWindows) {
- # Fix case when both the Windows and Linux builds of Node
- # are installed in the same directory
- $exe=".exe"
-if (Test-Path "$basedir/node$exe") {
- # Support pipeline input
- if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
- $input | & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../semver/bin/semver.js" $args
- } else {
- & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../semver/bin/semver.js" $args
- }
-} else {
- # Support pipeline input
- if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
- $input | & "node$exe" "$basedir/../semver/bin/semver.js" $args
- } else {
- & "node$exe" "$basedir/../semver/bin/semver.js" $args
- }
-exit $ret
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs b/node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d0ff19663cd2e6da7c844452d3167faab2a7580..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')")
-case `uname` in
- *CYGWIN*|*MINGW*|*MSYS*) basedir=`cygpath -w "$basedir"`;;
-if [ -x "$basedir/node" ]; then
- exec "$basedir/node" "$basedir/../uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs" "$@"
- exec node "$basedir/../uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs" "$@"
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs.cmd b/node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs.cmd
deleted file mode 100644
index 17a9df1243a9477d3288b0828ba4eb0c35428b49..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs.cmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-@ECHO off
-GOTO start
-SET dp0=%~dp0
-EXIT /b
-CALL :find_dp0
-IF EXIST "%dp0%\node.exe" (
- SET "_prog=%dp0%\node.exe"
-) ELSE (
- SET "_prog=node"
-endLocal & goto #_undefined_# 2>NUL || title %COMSPEC% & "%_prog%" "%dp0%\..\uglify-js\bin\uglifyjs" %*
diff --git a/node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs.ps1 b/node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e0bc56db57c62785fe1f3a290288c2c74dca157..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
-$basedir=Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
-if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt "6.0" -or $IsWindows) {
- # Fix case when both the Windows and Linux builds of Node
- # are installed in the same directory
- $exe=".exe"
-if (Test-Path "$basedir/node$exe") {
- # Support pipeline input
- if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
- $input | & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs" $args
- } else {
- & "$basedir/node$exe" "$basedir/../uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs" $args
- }
-} else {
- # Support pipeline input
- if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
- $input | & "node$exe" "$basedir/../uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs" $args
- } else {
- & "node$exe" "$basedir/../uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs" $args
- }
-exit $ret
diff --git a/node_modules/.package-lock.json b/node_modules/.package-lock.json
deleted file mode 100644
index db49b8e7811ffe203ccb2efd9c32ce6a9a01925e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/.package-lock.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1444 +0,0 @@
- "name": "app",
- "version": "0.0.0",
- "lockfileVersion": 3,
- "requires": true,
- "packages": {
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- "sparse-bitfield": "^3.0.3"
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--- a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2014 Dmitry Tsvettsikh
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
-obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
-files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
-restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
-copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
-Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/.esm-wrapper.mjs b/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/.esm-wrapper.mjs
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--- a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/.esm-wrapper.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-import mod from "./index.js";
-export default mod;
-export const saslprep = mod.saslprep;
diff --git a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-data.d.ts b/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-data.d.ts
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index cc908ec59621a9997a6220fd0d538f36cfc00d7e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-data.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-declare const _default: Buffer;
-export default _default;
-//# sourceMappingURL=code-points-data.d.ts.map
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-data.d.ts.map b/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-data.d.ts.map
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--- a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-data.d.ts.map
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-data.js b/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-data.js
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index 36e458cf812949ad9cc37211032d46549c7aac8c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-data.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
-const zlib_1 = require("zlib");
-exports.default = (0, zlib_1.gunzipSync)(Buffer.from('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', 'base64'));
-//# sourceMappingURL=code-points-data.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-data.js.map b/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-data.js.map
deleted file mode 100644
index 89b5e528e86fca8518d2b224889589bdb1467e63..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-data.js.map
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-src.d.ts b/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-src.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 36b6c56503146575c6973d08c52820153b5d142b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-src.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-export declare const unassigned_code_points: Set;
-export declare const commonly_mapped_to_nothing: Set;
-export declare const non_ASCII_space_characters: Set;
-export declare const prohibited_characters: Set;
-export declare const bidirectional_r_al: Set;
-export declare const bidirectional_l: Set;
-//# sourceMappingURL=code-points-src.d.ts.map
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-src.d.ts.map b/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-src.d.ts.map
deleted file mode 100644
index ef0e6947b45fc78581ac7f87141def305e5b060f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-src.d.ts.map
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-src.js b/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-src.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2caa6297874c732f8701ca013af46633c508510e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-src.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,881 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
-exports.bidirectional_l = exports.bidirectional_r_al = exports.prohibited_characters = exports.non_ASCII_space_characters = exports.commonly_mapped_to_nothing = exports.unassigned_code_points = void 0;
-const util_1 = require("./util");
-exports.unassigned_code_points = new Set([
- 0x0221,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0234, 0x024f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x02ae, 0x02af),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x02ef, 0x02ff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0350, 0x035f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0370, 0x0373),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0376, 0x0379),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x037b, 0x037d),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x037f, 0x0383),
- 0x038b,
- 0x038d,
- 0x03a2,
- 0x03cf,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x03f7, 0x03ff),
- 0x0487,
- 0x04cf,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x04f6, 0x04f7),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x04fa, 0x04ff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0510, 0x0530),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0557, 0x0558),
- 0x0560,
- 0x0588,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x058b, 0x0590),
- 0x05a2,
- 0x05ba,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x05c5, 0x05cf),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x05eb, 0x05ef),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x05f5, 0x060b),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x060d, 0x061a),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x061c, 0x061e),
- 0x0620,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x063b, 0x063f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0656, 0x065f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x06ee, 0x06ef),
- 0x06ff,
- 0x070e,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x072d, 0x072f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x074b, 0x077f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x07b2, 0x0900),
- 0x0904,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x093a, 0x093b),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x094e, 0x094f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0955, 0x0957),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0971, 0x0980),
- 0x0984,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x098d, 0x098e),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0991, 0x0992),
- 0x09a9,
- 0x09b1,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x09b3, 0x09b5),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x09ba, 0x09bb),
- 0x09bd,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x09c5, 0x09c6),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x09c9, 0x09ca),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x09ce, 0x09d6),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x09d8, 0x09db),
- 0x09de,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x09e4, 0x09e5),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x09fb, 0x0a01),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a03, 0x0a04),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a0b, 0x0a0e),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a11, 0x0a12),
- 0x0a29,
- 0x0a31,
- 0x0a34,
- 0x0a37,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a3a, 0x0a3b),
- 0x0a3d,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a43, 0x0a46),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a49, 0x0a4a),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a4e, 0x0a58),
- 0x0a5d,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a5f, 0x0a65),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a75, 0x0a80),
- 0x0a84,
- 0x0a8c,
- 0x0a8e,
- 0x0a92,
- 0x0aa9,
- 0x0ab1,
- 0x0ab4,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0aba, 0x0abb),
- 0x0ac6,
- 0x0aca,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ace, 0x0acf),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ad1, 0x0adf),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ae1, 0x0ae5),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0af0, 0x0b00),
- 0x0b04,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b0d, 0x0b0e),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b11, 0x0b12),
- 0x0b29,
- 0x0b31,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b34, 0x0b35),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b3a, 0x0b3b),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b44, 0x0b46),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b49, 0x0b4a),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b4e, 0x0b55),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b58, 0x0b5b),
- 0x0b5e,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b62, 0x0b65),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b71, 0x0b81),
- 0x0b84,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b8b, 0x0b8d),
- 0x0b91,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b96, 0x0b98),
- 0x0b9b,
- 0x0b9d,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ba0, 0x0ba2),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ba5, 0x0ba7),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0bab, 0x0bad),
- 0x0bb6,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0bba, 0x0bbd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0bc3, 0x0bc5),
- 0x0bc9,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0bce, 0x0bd6),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0bd8, 0x0be6),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0bf3, 0x0c00),
- 0x0c04,
- 0x0c0d,
- 0x0c11,
- 0x0c29,
- 0x0c34,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0c3a, 0x0c3d),
- 0x0c45,
- 0x0c49,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0c4e, 0x0c54),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0c57, 0x0c5f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0c62, 0x0c65),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0c70, 0x0c81),
- 0x0c84,
- 0x0c8d,
- 0x0c91,
- 0x0ca9,
- 0x0cb4,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0cba, 0x0cbd),
- 0x0cc5,
- 0x0cc9,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0cce, 0x0cd4),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0cd7, 0x0cdd),
- 0x0cdf,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ce2, 0x0ce5),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0cf0, 0x0d01),
- 0x0d04,
- 0x0d0d,
- 0x0d11,
- 0x0d29,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0d3a, 0x0d3d),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0d44, 0x0d45),
- 0x0d49,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0d4e, 0x0d56),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0d58, 0x0d5f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0d62, 0x0d65),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0d70, 0x0d81),
- 0x0d84,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0d97, 0x0d99),
- 0x0db2,
- 0x0dbc,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0dbe, 0x0dbf),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0dc7, 0x0dc9),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0dcb, 0x0dce),
- 0x0dd5,
- 0x0dd7,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0de0, 0x0df1),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0df5, 0x0e00),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0e3b, 0x0e3e),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0e5c, 0x0e80),
- 0x0e83,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0e85, 0x0e86),
- 0x0e89,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0e8b, 0x0e8c),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0e8e, 0x0e93),
- 0x0e98,
- 0x0ea0,
- 0x0ea4,
- 0x0ea6,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ea8, 0x0ea9),
- 0x0eac,
- 0x0eba,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ebe, 0x0ebf),
- 0x0ec5,
- 0x0ec7,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ece, 0x0ecf),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0eda, 0x0edb),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ede, 0x0eff),
- 0x0f48,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0f6b, 0x0f70),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0f8c, 0x0f8f),
- 0x0f98,
- 0x0fbd,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0fcd, 0x0fce),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0fd0, 0x0fff),
- 0x1022,
- 0x1028,
- 0x102b,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1033, 0x1035),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x103a, 0x103f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x105a, 0x109f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x10c6, 0x10cf),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x10f9, 0x10fa),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x10fc, 0x10ff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x115a, 0x115e),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x11a3, 0x11a7),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x11fa, 0x11ff),
- 0x1207,
- 0x1247,
- 0x1249,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x124e, 0x124f),
- 0x1257,
- 0x1259,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x125e, 0x125f),
- 0x1287,
- 0x1289,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x128e, 0x128f),
- 0x12af,
- 0x12b1,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x12b6, 0x12b7),
- 0x12bf,
- 0x12c1,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x12c6, 0x12c7),
- 0x12cf,
- 0x12d7,
- 0x12ef,
- 0x130f,
- 0x1311,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1316, 0x1317),
- 0x131f,
- 0x1347,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x135b, 0x1360),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x137d, 0x139f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x13f5, 0x1400),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1677, 0x167f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x169d, 0x169f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x16f1, 0x16ff),
- 0x170d,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1715, 0x171f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1737, 0x173f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1754, 0x175f),
- 0x176d,
- 0x1771,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1774, 0x177f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x17dd, 0x17df),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x17ea, 0x17ff),
- 0x180f,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x181a, 0x181f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1878, 0x187f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x18aa, 0x1dff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1e9c, 0x1e9f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1efa, 0x1eff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1f16, 0x1f17),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1f1e, 0x1f1f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1f46, 0x1f47),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1f4e, 0x1f4f),
- 0x1f58,
- 0x1f5a,
- 0x1f5c,
- 0x1f5e,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1f7e, 0x1f7f),
- 0x1fb5,
- 0x1fc5,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1fd4, 0x1fd5),
- 0x1fdc,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1ff0, 0x1ff1),
- 0x1ff5,
- 0x1fff,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2053, 0x2056),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2058, 0x205e),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2064, 0x2069),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2072, 0x2073),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x208f, 0x209f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x20b2, 0x20cf),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x20eb, 0x20ff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x213b, 0x213c),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x214c, 0x2152),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2184, 0x218f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x23cf, 0x23ff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2427, 0x243f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x244b, 0x245f),
- 0x24ff,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2614, 0x2615),
- 0x2618,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x267e, 0x267f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x268a, 0x2700),
- 0x2705,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x270a, 0x270b),
- 0x2728,
- 0x274c,
- 0x274e,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2753, 0x2755),
- 0x2757,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x275f, 0x2760),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2795, 0x2797),
- 0x27b0,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x27bf, 0x27cf),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x27ec, 0x27ef),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2b00, 0x2e7f),
- 0x2e9a,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2ef4, 0x2eff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2fd6, 0x2fef),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2ffc, 0x2fff),
- 0x3040,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x3097, 0x3098),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x3100, 0x3104),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x312d, 0x3130),
- 0x318f,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x31b8, 0x31ef),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x321d, 0x321f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x3244, 0x3250),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x327c, 0x327e),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x32cc, 0x32cf),
- 0x32ff,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x3377, 0x337a),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x33de, 0x33df),
- 0x33ff,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x4db6, 0x4dff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x9fa6, 0x9fff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xa48d, 0xa48f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xa4c7, 0xabff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xd7a4, 0xd7ff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfa2e, 0xfa2f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfa6b, 0xfaff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfb07, 0xfb12),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfb18, 0xfb1c),
- 0xfb37,
- 0xfb3d,
- 0xfb3f,
- 0xfb42,
- 0xfb45,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfbb2, 0xfbd2),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfd40, 0xfd4f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfd90, 0xfd91),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfdc8, 0xfdcf),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfdfd, 0xfdff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfe10, 0xfe1f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfe24, 0xfe2f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfe47, 0xfe48),
- 0xfe53,
- 0xfe67,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfe6c, 0xfe6f),
- 0xfe75,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfefd, 0xfefe),
- 0xff00,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xffbf, 0xffc1),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xffc8, 0xffc9),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xffd0, 0xffd1),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xffd8, 0xffd9),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xffdd, 0xffdf),
- 0xffe7,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xffef, 0xfff8),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x10000, 0x102ff),
- 0x1031f,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x10324, 0x1032f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1034b, 0x103ff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x10426, 0x10427),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1044e, 0x1cfff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d0f6, 0x1d0ff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d127, 0x1d129),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d1de, 0x1d3ff),
- 0x1d455,
- 0x1d49d,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d4a0, 0x1d4a1),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d4a3, 0x1d4a4),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d4a7, 0x1d4a8),
- 0x1d4ad,
- 0x1d4ba,
- 0x1d4bc,
- 0x1d4c1,
- 0x1d4c4,
- 0x1d506,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d50b, 0x1d50c),
- 0x1d515,
- 0x1d51d,
- 0x1d53a,
- 0x1d53f,
- 0x1d545,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d547, 0x1d549),
- 0x1d551,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d6a4, 0x1d6a7),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d7ca, 0x1d7cd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d800, 0x1fffd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2a6d7, 0x2f7ff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2fa1e, 0x2fffd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x30000, 0x3fffd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x40000, 0x4fffd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x50000, 0x5fffd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x60000, 0x6fffd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x70000, 0x7fffd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x80000, 0x8fffd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x90000, 0x9fffd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xa0000, 0xafffd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xb0000, 0xbfffd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xc0000, 0xcfffd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xd0000, 0xdfffd),
- 0xe0000,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xe0002, 0xe001f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xe0080, 0xefffd),
-exports.commonly_mapped_to_nothing = new Set([
- 0x00ad, 0x034f, 0x1806, 0x180b, 0x180c, 0x180d, 0x200b, 0x200c, 0x200d,
- 0x2060, 0xfe00, 0xfe01, 0xfe02, 0xfe03, 0xfe04, 0xfe05, 0xfe06, 0xfe07,
- 0xfe08, 0xfe09, 0xfe0a, 0xfe0b, 0xfe0c, 0xfe0d, 0xfe0e, 0xfe0f, 0xfeff,
-exports.non_ASCII_space_characters = new Set([
- 0x00a0, 0x1680,
- 0x2000, 0x2001, 0x2002,
- 0x2003, 0x2004,
- 0x2005, 0x2006,
- 0x2007, 0x2008,
- 0x2009, 0x200a,
- 0x200b, 0x202f,
- 0x205f, 0x3000,
-exports.prohibited_characters = new Set([
- ...exports.non_ASCII_space_characters,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0, 0x001f),
- 0x007f,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0080, 0x009f),
- 0x06dd,
- 0x070f,
- 0x180e,
- 0x200c,
- 0x200d,
- 0x2028,
- 0x2029,
- 0x2060,
- 0x2061,
- 0x2062,
- 0x2063,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x206a, 0x206f),
- 0xfeff,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfff9, 0xfffc),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d173, 0x1d17a),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xe000, 0xf8ff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xf0000, 0xffffd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x100000, 0x10fffd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfdd0, 0xfdef),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfffe, 0xffff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1fffe, 0x1ffff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2fffe, 0x2ffff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x3fffe, 0x3ffff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x4fffe, 0x4ffff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x5fffe, 0x5ffff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x6fffe, 0x6ffff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x7fffe, 0x7ffff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x8fffe, 0x8ffff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x9fffe, 0x9ffff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xafffe, 0xaffff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xbfffe, 0xbffff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xcfffe, 0xcffff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xdfffe, 0xdffff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xefffe, 0xeffff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x10fffe, 0x10ffff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xd800, 0xdfff),
- 0xfff9,
- 0xfffa,
- 0xfffb,
- 0xfffc,
- 0xfffd,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2ff0, 0x2ffb),
- 0x0340,
- 0x0341,
- 0x200e,
- 0x200f,
- 0x202a,
- 0x202b,
- 0x202c,
- 0x202d,
- 0x202e,
- 0x206a,
- 0x206b,
- 0x206c,
- 0x206d,
- 0x206e,
- 0x206f,
- 0xe0001,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xe0020, 0xe007f),
-exports.bidirectional_r_al = new Set([
- 0x05be,
- 0x05c0,
- 0x05c3,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x05d0, 0x05ea),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x05f0, 0x05f4),
- 0x061b,
- 0x061f,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0621, 0x063a),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0640, 0x064a),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x066d, 0x066f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0671, 0x06d5),
- 0x06dd,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x06e5, 0x06e6),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x06fa, 0x06fe),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0700, 0x070d),
- 0x0710,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0712, 0x072c),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0780, 0x07a5),
- 0x07b1,
- 0x200f,
- 0xfb1d,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfb1f, 0xfb28),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfb2a, 0xfb36),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfb38, 0xfb3c),
- 0xfb3e,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfb40, 0xfb41),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfb43, 0xfb44),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfb46, 0xfbb1),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfbd3, 0xfd3d),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfd50, 0xfd8f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfd92, 0xfdc7),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfdf0, 0xfdfc),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfe70, 0xfe74),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfe76, 0xfefc),
-exports.bidirectional_l = new Set([
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0041, 0x005a),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0061, 0x007a),
- 0x00aa,
- 0x00b5,
- 0x00ba,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x00c0, 0x00d6),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x00d8, 0x00f6),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x00f8, 0x0220),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0222, 0x0233),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0250, 0x02ad),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x02b0, 0x02b8),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x02bb, 0x02c1),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x02d0, 0x02d1),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x02e0, 0x02e4),
- 0x02ee,
- 0x037a,
- 0x0386,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0388, 0x038a),
- 0x038c,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x038e, 0x03a1),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x03a3, 0x03ce),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x03d0, 0x03f5),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0400, 0x0482),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x048a, 0x04ce),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x04d0, 0x04f5),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x04f8, 0x04f9),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0500, 0x050f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0531, 0x0556),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0559, 0x055f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0561, 0x0587),
- 0x0589,
- 0x0903,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0905, 0x0939),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x093d, 0x0940),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0949, 0x094c),
- 0x0950,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0958, 0x0961),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0964, 0x0970),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0982, 0x0983),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0985, 0x098c),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x098f, 0x0990),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0993, 0x09a8),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x09aa, 0x09b0),
- 0x09b2,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x09b6, 0x09b9),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x09be, 0x09c0),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x09c7, 0x09c8),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x09cb, 0x09cc),
- 0x09d7,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x09dc, 0x09dd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x09df, 0x09e1),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x09e6, 0x09f1),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x09f4, 0x09fa),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a05, 0x0a0a),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a0f, 0x0a10),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a13, 0x0a28),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a2a, 0x0a30),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a32, 0x0a33),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a35, 0x0a36),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a38, 0x0a39),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a3e, 0x0a40),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a59, 0x0a5c),
- 0x0a5e,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a66, 0x0a6f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a72, 0x0a74),
- 0x0a83,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a85, 0x0a8b),
- 0x0a8d,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a8f, 0x0a91),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0a93, 0x0aa8),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0aaa, 0x0ab0),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ab2, 0x0ab3),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ab5, 0x0ab9),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0abd, 0x0ac0),
- 0x0ac9,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0acb, 0x0acc),
- 0x0ad0,
- 0x0ae0,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ae6, 0x0aef),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b02, 0x0b03),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b05, 0x0b0c),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b0f, 0x0b10),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b13, 0x0b28),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b2a, 0x0b30),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b32, 0x0b33),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b36, 0x0b39),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b3d, 0x0b3e),
- 0x0b40,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b47, 0x0b48),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b4b, 0x0b4c),
- 0x0b57,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b5c, 0x0b5d),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b5f, 0x0b61),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b66, 0x0b70),
- 0x0b83,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b85, 0x0b8a),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b8e, 0x0b90),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b92, 0x0b95),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b99, 0x0b9a),
- 0x0b9c,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0b9e, 0x0b9f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ba3, 0x0ba4),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ba8, 0x0baa),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0bae, 0x0bb5),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0bb7, 0x0bb9),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0bbe, 0x0bbf),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0bc1, 0x0bc2),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0bc6, 0x0bc8),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0bca, 0x0bcc),
- 0x0bd7,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0be7, 0x0bf2),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0c01, 0x0c03),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0c05, 0x0c0c),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0c0e, 0x0c10),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0c12, 0x0c28),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0c2a, 0x0c33),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0c35, 0x0c39),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0c41, 0x0c44),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0c60, 0x0c61),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0c66, 0x0c6f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0c82, 0x0c83),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0c85, 0x0c8c),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0c8e, 0x0c90),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0c92, 0x0ca8),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0caa, 0x0cb3),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0cb5, 0x0cb9),
- 0x0cbe,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0cc0, 0x0cc4),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0cc7, 0x0cc8),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0cca, 0x0ccb),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0cd5, 0x0cd6),
- 0x0cde,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ce0, 0x0ce1),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ce6, 0x0cef),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0d02, 0x0d03),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0d05, 0x0d0c),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0d0e, 0x0d10),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0d12, 0x0d28),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0d2a, 0x0d39),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0d3e, 0x0d40),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0d46, 0x0d48),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0d4a, 0x0d4c),
- 0x0d57,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0d60, 0x0d61),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0d66, 0x0d6f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0d82, 0x0d83),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0d85, 0x0d96),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0d9a, 0x0db1),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0db3, 0x0dbb),
- 0x0dbd,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0dc0, 0x0dc6),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0dcf, 0x0dd1),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0dd8, 0x0ddf),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0df2, 0x0df4),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0e01, 0x0e30),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0e32, 0x0e33),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0e40, 0x0e46),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0e4f, 0x0e5b),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0e81, 0x0e82),
- 0x0e84,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0e87, 0x0e88),
- 0x0e8a,
- 0x0e8d,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0e94, 0x0e97),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0e99, 0x0e9f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ea1, 0x0ea3),
- 0x0ea5,
- 0x0ea7,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0eaa, 0x0eab),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ead, 0x0eb0),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0eb2, 0x0eb3),
- 0x0ebd,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ec0, 0x0ec4),
- 0x0ec6,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0ed0, 0x0ed9),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0edc, 0x0edd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0f00, 0x0f17),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0f1a, 0x0f34),
- 0x0f36,
- 0x0f38,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0f3e, 0x0f47),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0f49, 0x0f6a),
- 0x0f7f,
- 0x0f85,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0f88, 0x0f8b),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0fbe, 0x0fc5),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x0fc7, 0x0fcc),
- 0x0fcf,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1000, 0x1021),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1023, 0x1027),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1029, 0x102a),
- 0x102c,
- 0x1031,
- 0x1038,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1040, 0x1057),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x10a0, 0x10c5),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x10d0, 0x10f8),
- 0x10fb,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1100, 0x1159),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x115f, 0x11a2),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x11a8, 0x11f9),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1200, 0x1206),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1208, 0x1246),
- 0x1248,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x124a, 0x124d),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1250, 0x1256),
- 0x1258,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x125a, 0x125d),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1260, 0x1286),
- 0x1288,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x128a, 0x128d),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1290, 0x12ae),
- 0x12b0,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x12b2, 0x12b5),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x12b8, 0x12be),
- 0x12c0,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x12c2, 0x12c5),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x12c8, 0x12ce),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x12d0, 0x12d6),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x12d8, 0x12ee),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x12f0, 0x130e),
- 0x1310,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1312, 0x1315),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1318, 0x131e),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1320, 0x1346),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1348, 0x135a),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1361, 0x137c),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x13a0, 0x13f4),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1401, 0x1676),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1681, 0x169a),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x16a0, 0x16f0),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1700, 0x170c),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x170e, 0x1711),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1720, 0x1731),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1735, 0x1736),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1740, 0x1751),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1760, 0x176c),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x176e, 0x1770),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1780, 0x17b6),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x17be, 0x17c5),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x17c7, 0x17c8),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x17d4, 0x17da),
- 0x17dc,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x17e0, 0x17e9),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1810, 0x1819),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1820, 0x1877),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1880, 0x18a8),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1e00, 0x1e9b),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1ea0, 0x1ef9),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1f00, 0x1f15),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1f18, 0x1f1d),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1f20, 0x1f45),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1f48, 0x1f4d),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1f50, 0x1f57),
- 0x1f59,
- 0x1f5b,
- 0x1f5d,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1f5f, 0x1f7d),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1f80, 0x1fb4),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1fb6, 0x1fbc),
- 0x1fbe,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1fc2, 0x1fc4),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1fc6, 0x1fcc),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1fd0, 0x1fd3),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1fd6, 0x1fdb),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1fe0, 0x1fec),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1ff2, 0x1ff4),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1ff6, 0x1ffc),
- 0x200e,
- 0x2071,
- 0x207f,
- 0x2102,
- 0x2107,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x210a, 0x2113),
- 0x2115,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2119, 0x211d),
- 0x2124,
- 0x2126,
- 0x2128,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x212a, 0x212d),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x212f, 0x2131),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2133, 0x2139),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x213d, 0x213f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2145, 0x2149),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2160, 0x2183),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2336, 0x237a),
- 0x2395,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x249c, 0x24e9),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x3005, 0x3007),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x3021, 0x3029),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x3031, 0x3035),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x3038, 0x303c),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x3041, 0x3096),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x309d, 0x309f),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x30a1, 0x30fa),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x30fc, 0x30ff),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x3105, 0x312c),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x3131, 0x318e),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x3190, 0x31b7),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x31f0, 0x321c),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x3220, 0x3243),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x3260, 0x327b),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x327f, 0x32b0),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x32c0, 0x32cb),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x32d0, 0x32fe),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x3300, 0x3376),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x337b, 0x33dd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x33e0, 0x33fe),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x3400, 0x4db5),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x4e00, 0x9fa5),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xa000, 0xa48c),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xac00, 0xd7a3),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xd800, 0xfa2d),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfa30, 0xfa6a),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfb00, 0xfb06),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xfb13, 0xfb17),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xff21, 0xff3a),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xff41, 0xff5a),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xff66, 0xffbe),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xffc2, 0xffc7),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xffca, 0xffcf),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xffd2, 0xffd7),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xffda, 0xffdc),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x10300, 0x1031e),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x10320, 0x10323),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x10330, 0x1034a),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x10400, 0x10425),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x10428, 0x1044d),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d000, 0x1d0f5),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d100, 0x1d126),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d12a, 0x1d166),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d16a, 0x1d172),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d183, 0x1d184),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d18c, 0x1d1a9),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d1ae, 0x1d1dd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d400, 0x1d454),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d456, 0x1d49c),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d49e, 0x1d49f),
- 0x1d4a2,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d4a5, 0x1d4a6),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d4a9, 0x1d4ac),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d4ae, 0x1d4b9),
- 0x1d4bb,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d4bd, 0x1d4c0),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d4c2, 0x1d4c3),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d4c5, 0x1d505),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d507, 0x1d50a),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d50d, 0x1d514),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d516, 0x1d51c),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d51e, 0x1d539),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d53b, 0x1d53e),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d540, 0x1d544),
- 0x1d546,
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d54a, 0x1d550),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d552, 0x1d6a3),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x1d6a8, 0x1d7c9),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x20000, 0x2a6d6),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x2f800, 0x2fa1d),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0xf0000, 0xffffd),
- ...(0, util_1.range)(0x100000, 0x10fffd),
-//# sourceMappingURL=code-points-src.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-src.js.map b/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-src.js.map
deleted file mode 100644
index dfb14ea823fb8f379bd4a808a64c66588759b1b6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/code-points-src.js.map
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/generate-code-points.d.ts b/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/generate-code-points.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a83ab249ef8c2793a4b86d56be0947b4971a4ac..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/generate-code-points.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-export {};
-//# sourceMappingURL=generate-code-points.d.ts.map
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/generate-code-points.d.ts.map b/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/generate-code-points.d.ts.map
deleted file mode 100644
index b102903ec4c28dc19f63ef6ba0fa37b284190b5b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/generate-code-points.d.ts.map
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/generate-code-points.js b/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/generate-code-points.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8307ea4cec3fba540009db7eb4de4969e5ec7070..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/generate-code-points.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
- if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
- var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
- if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
- desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };
- }
- Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
-}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
- if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
- o[k2] = m[k];
-var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
- Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
-}) : function(o, v) {
- o["default"] = v;
-var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
- if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
- var result = {};
- if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
- __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
- return result;
-var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
- return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
-Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
-const zlib_1 = require("zlib");
-const sparse_bitfield_1 = __importDefault(require("sparse-bitfield"));
-const codePoints = __importStar(require("./code-points-src"));
-const unassigned_code_points = (0, sparse_bitfield_1.default)();
-const commonly_mapped_to_nothing = (0, sparse_bitfield_1.default)();
-const non_ascii_space_characters = (0, sparse_bitfield_1.default)();
-const prohibited_characters = (0, sparse_bitfield_1.default)();
-const bidirectional_r_al = (0, sparse_bitfield_1.default)();
-const bidirectional_l = (0, sparse_bitfield_1.default)();
-function traverse(bits, src) {
- for (const code of src.keys()) {
- bits.set(code, true);
- }
- const buffer = bits.toBuffer();
- return Buffer.concat([createSize(buffer), buffer]);
-function createSize(buffer) {
- const buf = Buffer.alloc(4);
- buf.writeUInt32BE(buffer.length);
- return buf;
-const memory = [];
-memory.push(traverse(unassigned_code_points, codePoints.unassigned_code_points), traverse(commonly_mapped_to_nothing, codePoints.commonly_mapped_to_nothing), traverse(non_ascii_space_characters, codePoints.non_ASCII_space_characters), traverse(prohibited_characters, codePoints.prohibited_characters), traverse(bidirectional_r_al, codePoints.bidirectional_r_al), traverse(bidirectional_l, codePoints.bidirectional_l));
-process.stdout.write(`import { gunzipSync } from 'zlib';
-export default gunzipSync(
- Buffer.from(
- '${(0, zlib_1.gzipSync)(Buffer.concat(memory), { level: 9 }).toString('base64')}',
- 'base64'
- )
-//# sourceMappingURL=generate-code-points.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/generate-code-points.js.map b/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/generate-code-points.js.map
deleted file mode 100644
index 97d3f4d59e82fcf71c268bea9d50215f1a5405b1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/generate-code-points.js.map
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/index.d.ts b/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/index.d.ts
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index 786acbd64c4d598391f547a18ce359d02a655197..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/index.d.ts
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-declare function saslprep(input: string, opts?: {
- allowUnassigned?: boolean;
-}): string;
-declare namespace saslprep {
- export var saslprep: typeof import(".");
- var _a: typeof import(".");
- export { _a as default };
-export = saslprep;
-//# sourceMappingURL=index.d.ts.map
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-"use strict";
-const memory_code_points_1 = require("./memory-code-points");
-const mapping2space = memory_code_points_1.non_ASCII_space_characters;
-const mapping2nothing = memory_code_points_1.commonly_mapped_to_nothing;
-const getCodePoint = (character) => character.codePointAt(0);
-const first = (x) => x[0];
-const last = (x) => x[x.length - 1];
-function toCodePoints(input) {
- const codepoints = [];
- const size = input.length;
- for (let i = 0; i < size; i += 1) {
- const before = input.charCodeAt(i);
- if (before >= 0xd800 && before <= 0xdbff && size > i + 1) {
- const next = input.charCodeAt(i + 1);
- if (next >= 0xdc00 && next <= 0xdfff) {
- codepoints.push((before - 0xd800) * 0x400 + next - 0xdc00 + 0x10000);
- i += 1;
- continue;
- }
- }
- codepoints.push(before);
- }
- return codepoints;
-function saslprep(input, opts = {}) {
- if (typeof input !== 'string') {
- throw new TypeError('Expected string.');
- }
- if (input.length === 0) {
- return '';
- }
- const mapped_input = toCodePoints(input)
- .map((character) => (mapping2space.get(character) ? 0x20 : character))
- .filter((character) => !mapping2nothing.get(character));
- const normalized_input = String.fromCodePoint
- .apply(null, mapped_input)
- .normalize('NFKC');
- const normalized_map = toCodePoints(normalized_input);
- const hasProhibited = normalized_map.some((character) => memory_code_points_1.prohibited_characters.get(character));
- if (hasProhibited) {
- throw new Error('Prohibited character, see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4013#section-2.3');
- }
- if (opts.allowUnassigned !== true) {
- const hasUnassigned = normalized_map.some((character) => memory_code_points_1.unassigned_code_points.get(character));
- if (hasUnassigned) {
- throw new Error('Unassigned code point, see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4013#section-2.5');
- }
- }
- const hasBidiRAL = normalized_map.some((character) => memory_code_points_1.bidirectional_r_al.get(character));
- const hasBidiL = normalized_map.some((character) => memory_code_points_1.bidirectional_l.get(character));
- if (hasBidiRAL && hasBidiL) {
- throw new Error('String must not contain RandALCat and LCat at the same time,' +
- ' see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3454#section-6');
- }
- const isFirstBidiRAL = memory_code_points_1.bidirectional_r_al.get(getCodePoint(first(normalized_input)));
- const isLastBidiRAL = memory_code_points_1.bidirectional_r_al.get(getCodePoint(last(normalized_input)));
- if (hasBidiRAL && !(isFirstBidiRAL && isLastBidiRAL)) {
- throw new Error('Bidirectional RandALCat character must be the first and the last' +
- ' character of the string, see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3454#section-6');
- }
- return normalized_input;
-saslprep.saslprep = saslprep;
-saslprep.default = saslprep;
-module.exports = saslprep;
-//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
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--- a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/memory-code-points.d.ts
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@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-import bitfield from 'sparse-bitfield';
-export declare const unassigned_code_points: bitfield.BitFieldInstance;
-export declare const commonly_mapped_to_nothing: bitfield.BitFieldInstance;
-export declare const non_ASCII_space_characters: bitfield.BitFieldInstance;
-export declare const prohibited_characters: bitfield.BitFieldInstance;
-export declare const bidirectional_r_al: bitfield.BitFieldInstance;
-export declare const bidirectional_l: bitfield.BitFieldInstance;
-//# sourceMappingURL=memory-code-points.d.ts.map
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--- a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/memory-code-points.js
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@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
- return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
-Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
-exports.bidirectional_l = exports.bidirectional_r_al = exports.prohibited_characters = exports.non_ASCII_space_characters = exports.commonly_mapped_to_nothing = exports.unassigned_code_points = void 0;
-const sparse_bitfield_1 = __importDefault(require("sparse-bitfield"));
-const code_points_data_1 = __importDefault(require("./code-points-data"));
-let offset = 0;
-function read() {
- const size = code_points_data_1.default.readUInt32BE(offset);
- offset += 4;
- const codepoints = code_points_data_1.default.slice(offset, offset + size);
- offset += size;
- return (0, sparse_bitfield_1.default)({ buffer: codepoints });
-exports.unassigned_code_points = read();
-exports.commonly_mapped_to_nothing = read();
-exports.non_ASCII_space_characters = read();
-exports.prohibited_characters = read();
-exports.bidirectional_r_al = read();
-exports.bidirectional_l = read();
-//# sourceMappingURL=memory-code-points.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/dist/util.d.ts
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-export declare function range(from: number, to: number): number[];
-//# sourceMappingURL=util.d.ts.map
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@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
-exports.range = void 0;
-function range(from, to) {
- const list = new Array(to - from + 1);
- for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i += 1) {
- list[i] = from + i;
- }
- return list;
-exports.range = range;
-//# sourceMappingURL=util.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/package.json
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@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- "name": "@mongodb-js/saslprep",
- "description": "SASLprep: Stringprep Profile for User Names and Passwords, rfc4013",
- "keywords": [
- "sasl",
- "saslprep",
- "stringprep",
- "rfc4013",
- "4013"
- ],
- "author": "Dmitry Tsvettsikh ",
- "publishConfig": {
- "access": "public"
- },
- "main": "dist/index.js",
- "bugs": {
- "url": "https://jira.mongodb.org/projects/COMPASS/issues",
- "email": "compass@mongodb.com"
- },
- "homepage": "https://github.com/mongodb-js/devtools-shared/tree/main/packages/saslprep",
- "version": "1.1.0",
- "repository": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/mongodb-js/devtools-shared.git"
- },
- "files": [
- "dist"
- ],
- "license": "MIT",
- "exports": {
- "import": {
- "types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
- "default": "./dist/.esm-wrapper.mjs"
- },
- "require": {
- "types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
- "default": "./dist/index.js"
- }
- },
- "types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
- "scripts": {
- "gen-code-points": "ts-node src/generate-code-points.ts > src/code-points-data.ts",
- "bootstrap": "npm run compile",
- "prepublishOnly": "npm run compile",
- "compile": "npm run gen-code-points && tsc -p tsconfig.json && gen-esm-wrapper . ./dist/.esm-wrapper.mjs",
- "typecheck": "tsc --noEmit",
- "eslint": "eslint",
- "prettier": "prettier",
- "lint": "npm run eslint . && npm run prettier -- --check .",
- "depcheck": "depcheck",
- "check": "npm run typecheck && npm run lint && npm run depcheck",
- "check-ci": "npm run check",
- "test": "mocha",
- "test-cov": "nyc -x \"**/*.spec.*\" --reporter=lcov --reporter=text --reporter=html npm run test",
- "test-watch": "npm run test -- --watch",
- "test-ci": "npm run test-cov",
- "reformat": "npm run prettier -- --write ."
- },
- "dependencies": {
- "sparse-bitfield": "^3.0.3"
- },
- "devDependencies": {
- "@mongodb-js/eslint-config-devtools": "0.9.10",
- "@mongodb-js/mocha-config-devtools": "^1.0.1",
- "@mongodb-js/prettier-config-devtools": "^1.0.1",
- "@mongodb-js/tsconfig-devtools": "^1.0.1",
- "@types/chai": "^4.2.21",
- "@types/mocha": "^9.0.0",
- "@types/node": "^17.0.35",
- "@types/sinon-chai": "^3.2.5",
- "@types/sparse-bitfield": "^3.0.1",
- "chai": "^4.3.6",
- "depcheck": "^1.4.1",
- "eslint": "^7.25.0",
- "gen-esm-wrapper": "^1.1.0",
- "mocha": "^8.4.0",
- "nyc": "^15.1.0",
- "prettier": "^2.3.2",
- "sinon": "^9.2.3",
- "typescript": "^5.0.4"
- },
- "gitHead": "2db5dcbccc918c10118354e6f55e83bf389e3bc8"
diff --git a/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/readme.md b/node_modules/@mongodb-js/saslprep/readme.md
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-# saslprep
-_Note: This is a fork of the original [`saslprep`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/saslprep) npm package
-and provides equivalent functionality._
-Stringprep Profile for User Names and Passwords, [rfc4013](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4013)
-### Usage
-const saslprep = require('@mongodb-js/saslprep');
-saslprep('password\u00AD'); // password
-saslprep('password\u0007'); // Error: prohibited character
-### API
-##### `saslprep(input: String, opts: Options): String`
-Normalize user name or password.
-##### `Options.allowUnassigned: bool`
-A special behavior for unassigned code points, see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4013#section-2.5. Disabled by default.
-## License
-MIT, 2017-2019 (c) Dmitriy Tsvettsikh
diff --git a/node_modules/@types/jsonwebtoken/LICENSE b/node_modules/@types/jsonwebtoken/LICENSE
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- MIT License
- Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/node_modules/@types/jsonwebtoken/README.md b/node_modules/@types/jsonwebtoken/README.md
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-# Installation
-> `npm install --save @types/jsonwebtoken`
-# Summary
-This package contains type definitions for jsonwebtoken (https://github.com/auth0/node-jsonwebtoken).
-# Details
-Files were exported from https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/jsonwebtoken.
-### Additional Details
- * Last updated: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 05:47:07 GMT
- * Dependencies: [@types/node](https://npmjs.com/package/@types/node)
-# Credits
-These definitions were written by [Maxime LUCE](https://github.com/SomaticIT), [Daniel Heim](https://github.com/danielheim), [Brice BERNARD](https://github.com/brikou), [Veli-Pekka Kestilä](https://github.com/vpk), [Daniel Parker](https://github.com/GeneralistDev), [Kjell Dießel](https://github.com/kettil), [Robert Gajda](https://github.com/RunAge), [Nico Flaig](https://github.com/nflaig), [Linus Unnebäck](https://github.com/LinusU), [Ivan Sieder](https://github.com/ivansieder), [Piotr Błażejewicz](https://github.com/peterblazejewicz), and [Nandor Kraszlan](https://github.com/nandi95).
diff --git a/node_modules/@types/jsonwebtoken/index.d.ts b/node_modules/@types/jsonwebtoken/index.d.ts
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--- a/node_modules/@types/jsonwebtoken/index.d.ts
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-import { KeyObject } from "crypto";
-export class JsonWebTokenError extends Error {
- inner: Error;
- constructor(message: string, error?: Error);
-export class TokenExpiredError extends JsonWebTokenError {
- expiredAt: Date;
- constructor(message: string, expiredAt: Date);
- * Thrown if current time is before the nbf claim.
- */
-export class NotBeforeError extends JsonWebTokenError {
- date: Date;
- constructor(message: string, date: Date);
-export interface SignOptions {
- /**
- * Signature algorithm. Could be one of these values :
- * - HS256: HMAC using SHA-256 hash algorithm (default)
- * - HS384: HMAC using SHA-384 hash algorithm
- * - HS512: HMAC using SHA-512 hash algorithm
- * - RS256: RSASSA using SHA-256 hash algorithm
- * - RS384: RSASSA using SHA-384 hash algorithm
- * - RS512: RSASSA using SHA-512 hash algorithm
- * - ES256: ECDSA using P-256 curve and SHA-256 hash algorithm
- * - ES384: ECDSA using P-384 curve and SHA-384 hash algorithm
- * - ES512: ECDSA using P-521 curve and SHA-512 hash algorithm
- * - none: No digital signature or MAC value included
- */
- algorithm?: Algorithm | undefined;
- keyid?: string | undefined;
- /** expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span [zeit/ms](https://github.com/zeit/ms.js). Eg: 60, "2 days", "10h", "7d" */
- expiresIn?: string | number | undefined;
- /** expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span [zeit/ms](https://github.com/zeit/ms.js). Eg: 60, "2 days", "10h", "7d" */
- notBefore?: string | number | undefined;
- audience?: string | string[] | undefined;
- subject?: string | undefined;
- issuer?: string | undefined;
- jwtid?: string | undefined;
- mutatePayload?: boolean | undefined;
- noTimestamp?: boolean | undefined;
- header?: JwtHeader | undefined;
- encoding?: string | undefined;
- allowInsecureKeySizes?: boolean | undefined;
- allowInvalidAsymmetricKeyTypes?: boolean | undefined;
-export interface VerifyOptions {
- algorithms?: Algorithm[] | undefined;
- audience?: string | RegExp | Array | undefined;
- clockTimestamp?: number | undefined;
- clockTolerance?: number | undefined;
- /** return an object with the decoded `{ payload, header, signature }` instead of only the usual content of the payload. */
- complete?: boolean | undefined;
- issuer?: string | string[] | undefined;
- ignoreExpiration?: boolean | undefined;
- ignoreNotBefore?: boolean | undefined;
- jwtid?: string | undefined;
- /**
- * If you want to check `nonce` claim, provide a string value here.
- * It is used on Open ID for the ID Tokens. ([Open ID implementation notes](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#NonceNotes))
- */
- nonce?: string | undefined;
- subject?: string | undefined;
- maxAge?: string | number | undefined;
- allowInvalidAsymmetricKeyTypes?: boolean | undefined;
-export interface DecodeOptions {
- complete?: boolean | undefined;
- json?: boolean | undefined;
-export type VerifyErrors =
- | JsonWebTokenError
- | NotBeforeError
- | TokenExpiredError;
-export type VerifyCallback = (
- error: VerifyErrors | null,
- decoded: T | undefined,
-) => void;
-export type SignCallback = (
- error: Error | null,
- encoded: string | undefined,
-) => void;
-// standard names https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7515.html#section-4.1
-export interface JwtHeader {
- alg: string | Algorithm;
- typ?: string | undefined;
- cty?: string | undefined;
- crit?: Array> | undefined;
- kid?: string | undefined;
- jku?: string | undefined;
- x5u?: string | string[] | undefined;
- "x5t#S256"?: string | undefined;
- x5t?: string | undefined;
- x5c?: string | string[] | undefined;
-// standard claims https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519#section-4.1
-export interface JwtPayload {
- [key: string]: any;
- iss?: string | undefined;
- sub?: string | undefined;
- aud?: string | string[] | undefined;
- exp?: number | undefined;
- nbf?: number | undefined;
- iat?: number | undefined;
- jti?: string | undefined;
-export interface Jwt {
- header: JwtHeader;
- payload: JwtPayload | string;
- signature: string;
-// https://github.com/auth0/node-jsonwebtoken#algorithms-supported
-export type Algorithm =
- | "HS256"
- | "HS384"
- | "HS512"
- | "RS256"
- | "RS384"
- | "RS512"
- | "ES256"
- | "ES384"
- | "ES512"
- | "PS256"
- | "PS384"
- | "PS512"
- | "none";
-export type SigningKeyCallback = (
- error: Error | null,
- signingKey?: Secret,
-) => void;
-export type GetPublicKeyOrSecret = (
- header: JwtHeader,
- callback: SigningKeyCallback,
-) => void;
-export type Secret =
- | string
- | Buffer
- | KeyObject
- | { key: string | Buffer; passphrase: string };
- * Synchronously sign the given payload into a JSON Web Token string
- * payload - Payload to sign, could be an literal, buffer or string
- * secretOrPrivateKey - Either the secret for HMAC algorithms, or the PEM encoded private key for RSA and ECDSA.
- * [options] - Options for the signature
- * returns - The JSON Web Token string
- */
-export function sign(
- payload: string | Buffer | object,
- secretOrPrivateKey: Secret,
- options?: SignOptions,
-): string;
-export function sign(
- payload: string | Buffer | object,
- secretOrPrivateKey: null,
- options?: SignOptions & { algorithm: "none" },
-): string;
- * Sign the given payload into a JSON Web Token string
- * payload - Payload to sign, could be an literal, buffer or string
- * secretOrPrivateKey - Either the secret for HMAC algorithms, or the PEM encoded private key for RSA and ECDSA.
- * [options] - Options for the signature
- * callback - Callback to get the encoded token on
- */
-export function sign(
- payload: string | Buffer | object,
- secretOrPrivateKey: Secret,
- callback: SignCallback,
-): void;
-export function sign(
- payload: string | Buffer | object,
- secretOrPrivateKey: Secret,
- options: SignOptions,
- callback: SignCallback,
-): void;
-export function sign(
- payload: string | Buffer | object,
- secretOrPrivateKey: null,
- options: SignOptions & { algorithm: "none" },
- callback: SignCallback,
-): void;
- * Synchronously verify given token using a secret or a public key to get a decoded token
- * token - JWT string to verify
- * secretOrPublicKey - Either the secret for HMAC algorithms, or the PEM encoded public key for RSA and ECDSA.
- * [options] - Options for the verification
- * returns - The decoded token.
- */
-export function verify(token: string, secretOrPublicKey: Secret, options: VerifyOptions & { complete: true }): Jwt;
-export function verify(
- token: string,
- secretOrPublicKey: Secret,
- options?: VerifyOptions & { complete?: false },
-): JwtPayload | string;
-export function verify(token: string, secretOrPublicKey: Secret, options?: VerifyOptions): Jwt | JwtPayload | string;
- * Asynchronously verify given token using a secret or a public key to get a decoded token
- * token - JWT string to verify
- * secretOrPublicKey - A string or buffer containing either the secret for HMAC algorithms,
- * or the PEM encoded public key for RSA and ECDSA. If jwt.verify is called asynchronous,
- * secretOrPublicKey can be a function that should fetch the secret or public key
- * [options] - Options for the verification
- * callback - Callback to get the decoded token on
- */
-export function verify(
- token: string,
- secretOrPublicKey: Secret | GetPublicKeyOrSecret,
- callback?: VerifyCallback,
-): void;
-export function verify(
- token: string,
- secretOrPublicKey: Secret | GetPublicKeyOrSecret,
- options: VerifyOptions & { complete: true },
- callback?: VerifyCallback,
-): void;
-export function verify(
- token: string,
- secretOrPublicKey: Secret | GetPublicKeyOrSecret,
- options?: VerifyOptions & { complete?: false },
- callback?: VerifyCallback,
-): void;
-export function verify(
- token: string,
- secretOrPublicKey: Secret | GetPublicKeyOrSecret,
- options?: VerifyOptions,
- callback?: VerifyCallback,
-): void;
- * Returns the decoded payload without verifying if the signature is valid.
- * token - JWT string to decode
- * [options] - Options for decoding
- * returns - The decoded Token
- */
-export function decode(token: string, options: DecodeOptions & { complete: true }): null | Jwt;
-export function decode(token: string, options: DecodeOptions & { json: true }): null | JwtPayload;
-export function decode(token: string, options?: DecodeOptions): null | JwtPayload | string;
diff --git a/node_modules/@types/jsonwebtoken/package.json b/node_modules/@types/jsonwebtoken/package.json
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--- a/node_modules/@types/jsonwebtoken/package.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
- "name": "@types/jsonwebtoken",
- "version": "9.0.4",
- "description": "TypeScript definitions for jsonwebtoken",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/jsonwebtoken",
- "license": "MIT",
- "contributors": [
- {
- "name": "Maxime LUCE",
- "githubUsername": "SomaticIT",
- "url": "https://github.com/SomaticIT"
- },
- {
- "name": "Daniel Heim",
- "githubUsername": "danielheim",
- "url": "https://github.com/danielheim"
- },
- {
- "name": "Brice BERNARD",
- "githubUsername": "brikou",
- "url": "https://github.com/brikou"
- },
- {
- "name": "Veli-Pekka Kestilä",
- "githubUsername": "vpk",
- "url": "https://github.com/vpk"
- },
- {
- "name": "Daniel Parker",
- "githubUsername": "GeneralistDev",
- "url": "https://github.com/GeneralistDev"
- },
- {
- "name": "Kjell Dießel",
- "githubUsername": "kettil",
- "url": "https://github.com/kettil"
- },
- {
- "name": "Robert Gajda",
- "githubUsername": "RunAge",
- "url": "https://github.com/RunAge"
- },
- {
- "name": "Nico Flaig",
- "githubUsername": "nflaig",
- "url": "https://github.com/nflaig"
- },
- {
- "name": "Linus Unnebäck",
- "githubUsername": "LinusU",
- "url": "https://github.com/LinusU"
- },
- {
- "name": "Ivan Sieder",
- "githubUsername": "ivansieder",
- "url": "https://github.com/ivansieder"
- },
- {
- "name": "Piotr Błażejewicz",
- "githubUsername": "peterblazejewicz",
- "url": "https://github.com/peterblazejewicz"
- },
- {
- "name": "Nandor Kraszlan",
- "githubUsername": "nandi95",
- "url": "https://github.com/nandi95"
- }
- ],
- "main": "",
- "types": "index.d.ts",
- "repository": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped.git",
- "directory": "types/jsonwebtoken"
- },
- "scripts": {},
- "dependencies": {
- "@types/node": "*"
- },
- "typesPublisherContentHash": "9b97fcfb405ada6ecf0a889b959c871480e56d4e0bc893205bf8215c522f029a",
- "typeScriptVersion": "4.5"
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/node_modules/@types/node/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- MIT License
- Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/node_modules/@types/node/README.md b/node_modules/@types/node/README.md
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-# Installation
-> `npm install --save @types/node`
-# Summary
-This package contains type definitions for Node.js (https://nodejs.org/).
-# Details
-Files were exported from https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/node.
-### Additional Details
- * Last updated: Sat, 02 Sep 2023 20:02:59 GMT
- * Dependencies: none
- * Global values: `AbortController`, `AbortSignal`, `__dirname`, `__filename`, `console`, `exports`, `gc`, `global`, `module`, `process`, `require`, `structuredClone`
-# Credits
-These definitions were written by [Microsoft TypeScript](https://github.com/Microsoft), [DefinitelyTyped](https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped), [Alberto Schiabel](https://github.com/jkomyno), [Alvis HT Tang](https://github.com/alvis), [Andrew Makarov](https://github.com/r3nya), [Benjamin Toueg](https://github.com/btoueg), [Chigozirim C.](https://github.com/smac89), [David Junger](https://github.com/touffy), [Deividas Bakanas](https://github.com/DeividasBakanas), [Eugene Y. Q. Shen](https://github.com/eyqs), [Hannes Magnusson](https://github.com/Hannes-Magnusson-CK), [Huw](https://github.com/hoo29), [Kelvin Jin](https://github.com/kjin), [Klaus Meinhardt](https://github.com/ajafff), [Lishude](https://github.com/islishude), [Mariusz Wiktorczyk](https://github.com/mwiktorczyk), [Mohsen Azimi](https://github.com/mohsen1), [Nicolas Even](https://github.com/n-e), [Nikita Galkin](https://github.com/galkin), [Parambir Singh](https://github.com/parambirs), [Sebastian Silbermann](https://github.com/eps1lon), [Thomas den Hollander](https://github.com/ThomasdenH), [Wilco Bakker](https://github.com/WilcoBakker), [wwwy3y3](https://github.com/wwwy3y3), [Samuel Ainsworth](https://github.com/samuela), [Kyle Uehlein](https://github.com/kuehlein), [Thanik Bhongbhibhat](https://github.com/bhongy), [Marcin Kopacz](https://github.com/chyzwar), [Trivikram Kamat](https://github.com/trivikr), [Junxiao Shi](https://github.com/yoursunny), [Ilia Baryshnikov](https://github.com/qwelias), [ExE Boss](https://github.com/ExE-Boss), [Piotr Błażejewicz](https://github.com/peterblazejewicz), [Anna Henningsen](https://github.com/addaleax), [Victor Perin](https://github.com/victorperin), [Yongsheng Zhang](https://github.com/ZYSzys), [NodeJS Contributors](https://github.com/NodeJS), [Linus Unnebäck](https://github.com/LinusU), [wafuwafu13](https://github.com/wafuwafu13), [Matteo Collina](https://github.com/mcollina), and [Dmitry Semigradsky](https://github.com/Semigradsky).
diff --git a/node_modules/@types/node/assert.d.ts b/node_modules/@types/node/assert.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index e309252c11cdce9b6d63c44405a3d7715b5430cd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@types/node/assert.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,972 +0,0 @@
- * The `node:assert` module provides a set of assertion functions for verifying
- * invariants.
- * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v20.2.0/lib/assert.js)
- */
-declare module 'assert' {
- /**
- * An alias of {@link ok}.
- * @since v0.5.9
- * @param value The input that is checked for being truthy.
- */
- function assert(value: unknown, message?: string | Error): asserts value;
- namespace assert {
- /**
- * Indicates the failure of an assertion. All errors thrown by the `node:assert`module will be instances of the `AssertionError` class.
- */
- class AssertionError extends Error {
- /**
- * Set to the `actual` argument for methods such as {@link assert.strictEqual()}.
- */
- actual: unknown;
- /**
- * Set to the `expected` argument for methods such as {@link assert.strictEqual()}.
- */
- expected: unknown;
- /**
- * Set to the passed in operator value.
- */
- operator: string;
- /**
- * Indicates if the message was auto-generated (`true`) or not.
- */
- generatedMessage: boolean;
- /**
- * Value is always `ERR_ASSERTION` to show that the error is an assertion error.
- */
- code: 'ERR_ASSERTION';
- constructor(options?: {
- /** If provided, the error message is set to this value. */
- message?: string | undefined;
- /** The `actual` property on the error instance. */
- actual?: unknown | undefined;
- /** The `expected` property on the error instance. */
- expected?: unknown | undefined;
- /** The `operator` property on the error instance. */
- operator?: string | undefined;
- /** If provided, the generated stack trace omits frames before this function. */
- // tslint:disable-next-line:ban-types
- stackStartFn?: Function | undefined;
- });
- }
- /**
- * This feature is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
- * Please consider using alternatives such as the `mock` helper function.
- * @since v14.2.0, v12.19.0
- * @deprecated Deprecated
- */
- class CallTracker {
- /**
- * The wrapper function is expected to be called exactly `exact` times. If the
- * function has not been called exactly `exact` times when `tracker.verify()` is called, then `tracker.verify()` will throw an
- * error.
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert';
- *
- * // Creates call tracker.
- * const tracker = new assert.CallTracker();
- *
- * function func() {}
- *
- * // Returns a function that wraps func() that must be called exact times
- * // before tracker.verify().
- * const callsfunc = tracker.calls(func);
- * ```
- * @since v14.2.0, v12.19.0
- * @param [fn='A no-op function']
- * @param [exact=1]
- * @return that wraps `fn`.
- */
- calls(exact?: number): () => void;
- calls any>(fn?: Func, exact?: number): Func;
- /**
- * Example:
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert';
- *
- * const tracker = new assert.CallTracker();
- *
- * function func() {}
- * const callsfunc = tracker.calls(func);
- * callsfunc(1, 2, 3);
- *
- * assert.deepStrictEqual(tracker.getCalls(callsfunc),
- * [{ thisArg: undefined, arguments: [1, 2, 3] }]);
- * ```
- * @since v18.8.0, v16.18.0
- * @param fn
- * @return An Array with all the calls to a tracked function.
- */
- getCalls(fn: Function): CallTrackerCall[];
- /**
- * The arrays contains information about the expected and actual number of calls of
- * the functions that have not been called the expected number of times.
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert';
- *
- * // Creates call tracker.
- * const tracker = new assert.CallTracker();
- *
- * function func() {}
- *
- * // Returns a function that wraps func() that must be called exact times
- * // before tracker.verify().
- * const callsfunc = tracker.calls(func, 2);
- *
- * // Returns an array containing information on callsfunc()
- * console.log(tracker.report());
- * // [
- * // {
- * // message: 'Expected the func function to be executed 2 time(s) but was
- * // executed 0 time(s).',
- * // actual: 0,
- * // expected: 2,
- * // operator: 'func',
- * // stack: stack trace
- * // }
- * // ]
- * ```
- * @since v14.2.0, v12.19.0
- * @return An Array of objects containing information about the wrapper functions returned by `calls`.
- */
- report(): CallTrackerReportInformation[];
- /**
- * Reset calls of the call tracker.
- * If a tracked function is passed as an argument, the calls will be reset for it.
- * If no arguments are passed, all tracked functions will be reset.
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert';
- *
- * const tracker = new assert.CallTracker();
- *
- * function func() {}
- * const callsfunc = tracker.calls(func);
- *
- * callsfunc();
- * // Tracker was called once
- * assert.strictEqual(tracker.getCalls(callsfunc).length, 1);
- *
- * tracker.reset(callsfunc);
- * assert.strictEqual(tracker.getCalls(callsfunc).length, 0);
- * ```
- * @since v18.8.0, v16.18.0
- * @param fn a tracked function to reset.
- */
- reset(fn?: Function): void;
- /**
- * Iterates through the list of functions passed to `tracker.calls()` and will throw an error for functions that
- * have not been called the expected number of times.
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert';
- *
- * // Creates call tracker.
- * const tracker = new assert.CallTracker();
- *
- * function func() {}
- *
- * // Returns a function that wraps func() that must be called exact times
- * // before tracker.verify().
- * const callsfunc = tracker.calls(func, 2);
- *
- * callsfunc();
- *
- * // Will throw an error since callsfunc() was only called once.
- * tracker.verify();
- * ```
- * @since v14.2.0, v12.19.0
- */
- verify(): void;
- }
- interface CallTrackerCall {
- thisArg: object;
- arguments: unknown[];
- }
- interface CallTrackerReportInformation {
- message: string;
- /** The actual number of times the function was called. */
- actual: number;
- /** The number of times the function was expected to be called. */
- expected: number;
- /** The name of the function that is wrapped. */
- operator: string;
- /** A stack trace of the function. */
- stack: object;
- }
- type AssertPredicate = RegExp | (new () => object) | ((thrown: unknown) => boolean) | object | Error;
- /**
- * Throws an `AssertionError` with the provided error message or a default
- * error message. If the `message` parameter is an instance of an `Error` then
- * it will be thrown instead of the `AssertionError`.
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * assert.fail();
- * // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Failed
- *
- * assert.fail('boom');
- * // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: boom
- *
- * assert.fail(new TypeError('need array'));
- * // TypeError: need array
- * ```
- *
- * Using `assert.fail()` with more than two arguments is possible but deprecated.
- * See below for further details.
- * @since v0.1.21
- * @param [message='Failed']
- */
- function fail(message?: string | Error): never;
- /** @deprecated since v10.0.0 - use fail([message]) or other assert functions instead. */
- function fail(
- actual: unknown,
- expected: unknown,
- message?: string | Error,
- operator?: string,
- // tslint:disable-next-line:ban-types
- stackStartFn?: Function
- ): never;
- /**
- * Tests if `value` is truthy. It is equivalent to`assert.equal(!!value, true, message)`.
- *
- * If `value` is not truthy, an `AssertionError` is thrown with a `message`property set equal to the value of the `message` parameter. If the `message`parameter is `undefined`, a default
- * error message is assigned. If the `message`parameter is an instance of an `Error` then it will be thrown instead of the`AssertionError`.
- * If no arguments are passed in at all `message` will be set to the string:`` 'No value argument passed to `assert.ok()`' ``.
- *
- * Be aware that in the `repl` the error message will be different to the one
- * thrown in a file! See below for further details.
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * assert.ok(true);
- * // OK
- * assert.ok(1);
- * // OK
- *
- * assert.ok();
- * // AssertionError: No value argument passed to `assert.ok()`
- *
- * assert.ok(false, 'it\'s false');
- * // AssertionError: it's false
- *
- * // In the repl:
- * assert.ok(typeof 123 === 'string');
- * // AssertionError: false == true
- *
- * // In a file (e.g. test.js):
- * assert.ok(typeof 123 === 'string');
- * // AssertionError: The expression evaluated to a falsy value:
- * //
- * // assert.ok(typeof 123 === 'string')
- *
- * assert.ok(false);
- * // AssertionError: The expression evaluated to a falsy value:
- * //
- * // assert.ok(false)
- *
- * assert.ok(0);
- * // AssertionError: The expression evaluated to a falsy value:
- * //
- * // assert.ok(0)
- * ```
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * // Using `assert()` works the same:
- * assert(0);
- * // AssertionError: The expression evaluated to a falsy value:
- * //
- * // assert(0)
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.21
- */
- function ok(value: unknown, message?: string | Error): asserts value;
- /**
- * **Strict assertion mode**
- *
- * An alias of {@link strictEqual}.
- *
- * **Legacy assertion mode**
- *
- * > Stability: 3 - Legacy: Use {@link strictEqual} instead.
- *
- * Tests shallow, coercive equality between the `actual` and `expected` parameters
- * using the [`==` operator](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Equality). `NaN` is specially handled
- * and treated as being identical if both sides are `NaN`.
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert';
- *
- * assert.equal(1, 1);
- * // OK, 1 == 1
- * assert.equal(1, '1');
- * // OK, 1 == '1'
- * assert.equal(NaN, NaN);
- * // OK
- *
- * assert.equal(1, 2);
- * // AssertionError: 1 == 2
- * assert.equal({ a: { b: 1 } }, { a: { b: 1 } });
- * // AssertionError: { a: { b: 1 } } == { a: { b: 1 } }
- * ```
- *
- * If the values are not equal, an `AssertionError` is thrown with a `message`property set equal to the value of the `message` parameter. If the `message`parameter is undefined, a default
- * error message is assigned. If the `message`parameter is an instance of an `Error` then it will be thrown instead of the`AssertionError`.
- * @since v0.1.21
- */
- function equal(actual: unknown, expected: unknown, message?: string | Error): void;
- /**
- * **Strict assertion mode**
- *
- * An alias of {@link notStrictEqual}.
- *
- * **Legacy assertion mode**
- *
- * > Stability: 3 - Legacy: Use {@link notStrictEqual} instead.
- *
- * Tests shallow, coercive inequality with the [`!=` operator](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Inequality). `NaN` is
- * specially handled and treated as being identical if both sides are `NaN`.
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert';
- *
- * assert.notEqual(1, 2);
- * // OK
- *
- * assert.notEqual(1, 1);
- * // AssertionError: 1 != 1
- *
- * assert.notEqual(1, '1');
- * // AssertionError: 1 != '1'
- * ```
- *
- * If the values are equal, an `AssertionError` is thrown with a `message`property set equal to the value of the `message` parameter. If the `message`parameter is undefined, a default error
- * message is assigned. If the `message`parameter is an instance of an `Error` then it will be thrown instead of the`AssertionError`.
- * @since v0.1.21
- */
- function notEqual(actual: unknown, expected: unknown, message?: string | Error): void;
- /**
- * **Strict assertion mode**
- *
- * An alias of {@link deepStrictEqual}.
- *
- * **Legacy assertion mode**
- *
- * > Stability: 3 - Legacy: Use {@link deepStrictEqual} instead.
- *
- * Tests for deep equality between the `actual` and `expected` parameters. Consider
- * using {@link deepStrictEqual} instead. {@link deepEqual} can have
- * surprising results.
- *
- * _Deep equality_ means that the enumerable "own" properties of child objects
- * are also recursively evaluated by the following rules.
- * @since v0.1.21
- */
- function deepEqual(actual: unknown, expected: unknown, message?: string | Error): void;
- /**
- * **Strict assertion mode**
- *
- * An alias of {@link notDeepStrictEqual}.
- *
- * **Legacy assertion mode**
- *
- * > Stability: 3 - Legacy: Use {@link notDeepStrictEqual} instead.
- *
- * Tests for any deep inequality. Opposite of {@link deepEqual}.
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert';
- *
- * const obj1 = {
- * a: {
- * b: 1,
- * },
- * };
- * const obj2 = {
- * a: {
- * b: 2,
- * },
- * };
- * const obj3 = {
- * a: {
- * b: 1,
- * },
- * };
- * const obj4 = { __proto__: obj1 };
- *
- * assert.notDeepEqual(obj1, obj1);
- * // AssertionError: { a: { b: 1 } } notDeepEqual { a: { b: 1 } }
- *
- * assert.notDeepEqual(obj1, obj2);
- * // OK
- *
- * assert.notDeepEqual(obj1, obj3);
- * // AssertionError: { a: { b: 1 } } notDeepEqual { a: { b: 1 } }
- *
- * assert.notDeepEqual(obj1, obj4);
- * // OK
- * ```
- *
- * If the values are deeply equal, an `AssertionError` is thrown with a`message` property set equal to the value of the `message` parameter. If the`message` parameter is undefined, a default
- * error message is assigned. If the`message` parameter is an instance of an `Error` then it will be thrown
- * instead of the `AssertionError`.
- * @since v0.1.21
- */
- function notDeepEqual(actual: unknown, expected: unknown, message?: string | Error): void;
- /**
- * Tests strict equality between the `actual` and `expected` parameters as
- * determined by [`Object.is()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/is).
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * assert.strictEqual(1, 2);
- * // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Expected inputs to be strictly equal:
- * //
- * // 1 !== 2
- *
- * assert.strictEqual(1, 1);
- * // OK
- *
- * assert.strictEqual('Hello foobar', 'Hello World!');
- * // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Expected inputs to be strictly equal:
- * // + actual - expected
- * //
- * // + 'Hello foobar'
- * // - 'Hello World!'
- * // ^
- *
- * const apples = 1;
- * const oranges = 2;
- * assert.strictEqual(apples, oranges, `apples ${apples} !== oranges ${oranges}`);
- * // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: apples 1 !== oranges 2
- *
- * assert.strictEqual(1, '1', new TypeError('Inputs are not identical'));
- * // TypeError: Inputs are not identical
- * ```
- *
- * If the values are not strictly equal, an `AssertionError` is thrown with a`message` property set equal to the value of the `message` parameter. If the`message` parameter is undefined, a
- * default error message is assigned. If the`message` parameter is an instance of an `Error` then it will be thrown
- * instead of the `AssertionError`.
- * @since v0.1.21
- */
- function strictEqual(actual: unknown, expected: T, message?: string | Error): asserts actual is T;
- /**
- * Tests strict inequality between the `actual` and `expected` parameters as
- * determined by [`Object.is()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/is).
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * assert.notStrictEqual(1, 2);
- * // OK
- *
- * assert.notStrictEqual(1, 1);
- * // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Expected "actual" to be strictly unequal to:
- * //
- * // 1
- *
- * assert.notStrictEqual(1, '1');
- * // OK
- * ```
- *
- * If the values are strictly equal, an `AssertionError` is thrown with a`message` property set equal to the value of the `message` parameter. If the`message` parameter is undefined, a
- * default error message is assigned. If the`message` parameter is an instance of an `Error` then it will be thrown
- * instead of the `AssertionError`.
- * @since v0.1.21
- */
- function notStrictEqual(actual: unknown, expected: unknown, message?: string | Error): void;
- /**
- * Tests for deep equality between the `actual` and `expected` parameters.
- * "Deep" equality means that the enumerable "own" properties of child objects
- * are recursively evaluated also by the following rules.
- * @since v1.2.0
- */
- function deepStrictEqual(actual: unknown, expected: T, message?: string | Error): asserts actual is T;
- /**
- * Tests for deep strict inequality. Opposite of {@link deepStrictEqual}.
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * assert.notDeepStrictEqual({ a: 1 }, { a: '1' });
- * // OK
- * ```
- *
- * If the values are deeply and strictly equal, an `AssertionError` is thrown
- * with a `message` property set equal to the value of the `message` parameter. If
- * the `message` parameter is undefined, a default error message is assigned. If
- * the `message` parameter is an instance of an `Error` then it will be thrown
- * instead of the `AssertionError`.
- * @since v1.2.0
- */
- function notDeepStrictEqual(actual: unknown, expected: unknown, message?: string | Error): void;
- /**
- * Expects the function `fn` to throw an error.
- *
- * If specified, `error` can be a [`Class`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Classes),
- * [`RegExp`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions), a validation function,
- * a validation object where each property will be tested for strict deep equality,
- * or an instance of error where each property will be tested for strict deep
- * equality including the non-enumerable `message` and `name` properties. When
- * using an object, it is also possible to use a regular expression, when
- * validating against a string property. See below for examples.
- *
- * If specified, `message` will be appended to the message provided by the`AssertionError` if the `fn` call fails to throw or in case the error validation
- * fails.
- *
- * Custom validation object/error instance:
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * const err = new TypeError('Wrong value');
- * err.code = 404;
- * err.foo = 'bar';
- * err.info = {
- * nested: true,
- * baz: 'text',
- * };
- * err.reg = /abc/i;
- *
- * assert.throws(
- * () => {
- * throw err;
- * },
- * {
- * name: 'TypeError',
- * message: 'Wrong value',
- * info: {
- * nested: true,
- * baz: 'text',
- * },
- * // Only properties on the validation object will be tested for.
- * // Using nested objects requires all properties to be present. Otherwise
- * // the validation is going to fail.
- * },
- * );
- *
- * // Using regular expressions to validate error properties:
- * assert.throws(
- * () => {
- * throw err;
- * },
- * {
- * // The `name` and `message` properties are strings and using regular
- * // expressions on those will match against the string. If they fail, an
- * // error is thrown.
- * name: /^TypeError$/,
- * message: /Wrong/,
- * foo: 'bar',
- * info: {
- * nested: true,
- * // It is not possible to use regular expressions for nested properties!
- * baz: 'text',
- * },
- * // The `reg` property contains a regular expression and only if the
- * // validation object contains an identical regular expression, it is going
- * // to pass.
- * reg: /abc/i,
- * },
- * );
- *
- * // Fails due to the different `message` and `name` properties:
- * assert.throws(
- * () => {
- * const otherErr = new Error('Not found');
- * // Copy all enumerable properties from `err` to `otherErr`.
- * for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(err)) {
- * otherErr[key] = value;
- * }
- * throw otherErr;
- * },
- * // The error's `message` and `name` properties will also be checked when using
- * // an error as validation object.
- * err,
- * );
- * ```
- *
- * Validate instanceof using constructor:
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * assert.throws(
- * () => {
- * throw new Error('Wrong value');
- * },
- * Error,
- * );
- * ```
- *
- * Validate error message using [`RegExp`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions):
- *
- * Using a regular expression runs `.toString` on the error object, and will
- * therefore also include the error name.
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * assert.throws(
- * () => {
- * throw new Error('Wrong value');
- * },
- * /^Error: Wrong value$/,
- * );
- * ```
- *
- * Custom error validation:
- *
- * The function must return `true` to indicate all internal validations passed.
- * It will otherwise fail with an `AssertionError`.
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * assert.throws(
- * () => {
- * throw new Error('Wrong value');
- * },
- * (err) => {
- * assert(err instanceof Error);
- * assert(/value/.test(err));
- * // Avoid returning anything from validation functions besides `true`.
- * // Otherwise, it's not clear what part of the validation failed. Instead,
- * // throw an error about the specific validation that failed (as done in this
- * // example) and add as much helpful debugging information to that error as
- * // possible.
- * return true;
- * },
- * 'unexpected error',
- * );
- * ```
- *
- * `error` cannot be a string. If a string is provided as the second
- * argument, then `error` is assumed to be omitted and the string will be used for`message` instead. This can lead to easy-to-miss mistakes. Using the same
- * message as the thrown error message is going to result in an`ERR_AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT` error. Please read the example below carefully if using
- * a string as the second argument gets considered:
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * function throwingFirst() {
- * throw new Error('First');
- * }
- *
- * function throwingSecond() {
- * throw new Error('Second');
- * }
- *
- * function notThrowing() {}
- *
- * // The second argument is a string and the input function threw an Error.
- * // The first case will not throw as it does not match for the error message
- * // thrown by the input function!
- * assert.throws(throwingFirst, 'Second');
- * // In the next example the message has no benefit over the message from the
- * // error and since it is not clear if the user intended to actually match
- * // against the error message, Node.js throws an `ERR_AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT` error.
- * assert.throws(throwingSecond, 'Second');
- *
- * // The string is only used (as message) in case the function does not throw:
- * assert.throws(notThrowing, 'Second');
- * // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Missing expected exception: Second
- *
- * // If it was intended to match for the error message do this instead:
- * // It does not throw because the error messages match.
- * assert.throws(throwingSecond, /Second$/);
- *
- * // If the error message does not match, an AssertionError is thrown.
- * assert.throws(throwingFirst, /Second$/);
- * // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]
- * ```
- *
- * Due to the confusing error-prone notation, avoid a string as the second
- * argument.
- * @since v0.1.21
- */
- function throws(block: () => unknown, message?: string | Error): void;
- function throws(block: () => unknown, error: AssertPredicate, message?: string | Error): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that the function `fn` does not throw an error.
- *
- * Using `assert.doesNotThrow()` is actually not useful because there
- * is no benefit in catching an error and then rethrowing it. Instead, consider
- * adding a comment next to the specific code path that should not throw and keep
- * error messages as expressive as possible.
- *
- * When `assert.doesNotThrow()` is called, it will immediately call the `fn`function.
- *
- * If an error is thrown and it is the same type as that specified by the `error`parameter, then an `AssertionError` is thrown. If the error is of a
- * different type, or if the `error` parameter is undefined, the error is
- * propagated back to the caller.
- *
- * If specified, `error` can be a [`Class`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Classes),
- * [`RegExp`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions), or a validation
- * function. See {@link throws} for more details.
- *
- * The following, for instance, will throw the `TypeError` because there is no
- * matching error type in the assertion:
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * assert.doesNotThrow(
- * () => {
- * throw new TypeError('Wrong value');
- * },
- * SyntaxError,
- * );
- * ```
- *
- * However, the following will result in an `AssertionError` with the message
- * 'Got unwanted exception...':
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * assert.doesNotThrow(
- * () => {
- * throw new TypeError('Wrong value');
- * },
- * TypeError,
- * );
- * ```
- *
- * If an `AssertionError` is thrown and a value is provided for the `message`parameter, the value of `message` will be appended to the `AssertionError` message:
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * assert.doesNotThrow(
- * () => {
- * throw new TypeError('Wrong value');
- * },
- * /Wrong value/,
- * 'Whoops',
- * );
- * // Throws: AssertionError: Got unwanted exception: Whoops
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.21
- */
- function doesNotThrow(block: () => unknown, message?: string | Error): void;
- function doesNotThrow(block: () => unknown, error: AssertPredicate, message?: string | Error): void;
- /**
- * Throws `value` if `value` is not `undefined` or `null`. This is useful when
- * testing the `error` argument in callbacks. The stack trace contains all frames
- * from the error passed to `ifError()` including the potential new frames for`ifError()` itself.
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * assert.ifError(null);
- * // OK
- * assert.ifError(0);
- * // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: ifError got unwanted exception: 0
- * assert.ifError('error');
- * // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: ifError got unwanted exception: 'error'
- * assert.ifError(new Error());
- * // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: ifError got unwanted exception: Error
- *
- * // Create some random error frames.
- * let err;
- * (function errorFrame() {
- * err = new Error('test error');
- * })();
- *
- * (function ifErrorFrame() {
- * assert.ifError(err);
- * })();
- * // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: ifError got unwanted exception: test error
- * // at ifErrorFrame
- * // at errorFrame
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.97
- */
- function ifError(value: unknown): asserts value is null | undefined;
- /**
- * Awaits the `asyncFn` promise or, if `asyncFn` is a function, immediately
- * calls the function and awaits the returned promise to complete. It will then
- * check that the promise is rejected.
- *
- * If `asyncFn` is a function and it throws an error synchronously,`assert.rejects()` will return a rejected `Promise` with that error. If the
- * function does not return a promise, `assert.rejects()` will return a rejected`Promise` with an `ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE` error. In both cases the error
- * handler is skipped.
- *
- * Besides the async nature to await the completion behaves identically to {@link throws}.
- *
- * If specified, `error` can be a [`Class`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Classes),
- * [`RegExp`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions), a validation function,
- * an object where each property will be tested for, or an instance of error where
- * each property will be tested for including the non-enumerable `message` and`name` properties.
- *
- * If specified, `message` will be the message provided by the `AssertionError` if the `asyncFn` fails to reject.
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * await assert.rejects(
- * async () => {
- * throw new TypeError('Wrong value');
- * },
- * {
- * name: 'TypeError',
- * message: 'Wrong value',
- * },
- * );
- * ```
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * await assert.rejects(
- * async () => {
- * throw new TypeError('Wrong value');
- * },
- * (err) => {
- * assert.strictEqual(err.name, 'TypeError');
- * assert.strictEqual(err.message, 'Wrong value');
- * return true;
- * },
- * );
- * ```
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * assert.rejects(
- * Promise.reject(new Error('Wrong value')),
- * Error,
- * ).then(() => {
- * // ...
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * `error` cannot be a string. If a string is provided as the second
- * argument, then `error` is assumed to be omitted and the string will be used for`message` instead. This can lead to easy-to-miss mistakes. Please read the
- * example in {@link throws} carefully if using a string as the second
- * argument gets considered.
- * @since v10.0.0
- */
- function rejects(block: (() => Promise) | Promise, message?: string | Error): Promise;
- function rejects(block: (() => Promise) | Promise, error: AssertPredicate, message?: string | Error): Promise;
- /**
- * Awaits the `asyncFn` promise or, if `asyncFn` is a function, immediately
- * calls the function and awaits the returned promise to complete. It will then
- * check that the promise is not rejected.
- *
- * If `asyncFn` is a function and it throws an error synchronously,`assert.doesNotReject()` will return a rejected `Promise` with that error. If
- * the function does not return a promise, `assert.doesNotReject()` will return a
- * rejected `Promise` with an `ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE` error. In both cases
- * the error handler is skipped.
- *
- * Using `assert.doesNotReject()` is actually not useful because there is little
- * benefit in catching a rejection and then rejecting it again. Instead, consider
- * adding a comment next to the specific code path that should not reject and keep
- * error messages as expressive as possible.
- *
- * If specified, `error` can be a [`Class`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Classes),
- * [`RegExp`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions), or a validation
- * function. See {@link throws} for more details.
- *
- * Besides the async nature to await the completion behaves identically to {@link doesNotThrow}.
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * await assert.doesNotReject(
- * async () => {
- * throw new TypeError('Wrong value');
- * },
- * SyntaxError,
- * );
- * ```
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * assert.doesNotReject(Promise.reject(new TypeError('Wrong value')))
- * .then(() => {
- * // ...
- * });
- * ```
- * @since v10.0.0
- */
- function doesNotReject(block: (() => Promise) | Promise, message?: string | Error): Promise;
- function doesNotReject(block: (() => Promise) | Promise, error: AssertPredicate, message?: string | Error): Promise;
- /**
- * Expects the `string` input to match the regular expression.
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * assert.match('I will fail', /pass/);
- * // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: The input did not match the regular ...
- *
- * assert.match(123, /pass/);
- * // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: The "string" argument must be of type string.
- *
- * assert.match('I will pass', /pass/);
- * // OK
- * ```
- *
- * If the values do not match, or if the `string` argument is of another type than`string`, an `AssertionError` is thrown with a `message` property set equal
- * to the value of the `message` parameter. If the `message` parameter is
- * undefined, a default error message is assigned. If the `message` parameter is an
- * instance of an `Error` then it will be thrown instead of the `AssertionError`.
- * @since v13.6.0, v12.16.0
- */
- function match(value: string, regExp: RegExp, message?: string | Error): void;
- /**
- * Expects the `string` input not to match the regular expression.
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
- *
- * assert.doesNotMatch('I will fail', /fail/);
- * // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: The input was expected to not match the ...
- *
- * assert.doesNotMatch(123, /pass/);
- * // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: The "string" argument must be of type string.
- *
- * assert.doesNotMatch('I will pass', /different/);
- * // OK
- * ```
- *
- * If the values do match, or if the `string` argument is of another type than`string`, an `AssertionError` is thrown with a `message` property set equal
- * to the value of the `message` parameter. If the `message` parameter is
- * undefined, a default error message is assigned. If the `message` parameter is an
- * instance of an `Error` then it will be thrown instead of the `AssertionError`.
- * @since v13.6.0, v12.16.0
- */
- function doesNotMatch(value: string, regExp: RegExp, message?: string | Error): void;
- const strict: Omit & {
- (value: unknown, message?: string | Error): asserts value;
- equal: typeof strictEqual;
- notEqual: typeof notStrictEqual;
- deepEqual: typeof deepStrictEqual;
- notDeepEqual: typeof notDeepStrictEqual;
- // Mapped types and assertion functions are incompatible?
- // TS2775: Assertions require every name in the call target
- // to be declared with an explicit type annotation.
- ok: typeof ok;
- strictEqual: typeof strictEqual;
- deepStrictEqual: typeof deepStrictEqual;
- ifError: typeof ifError;
- strict: typeof strict;
- };
- }
- export = assert;
-declare module 'node:assert' {
- import assert = require('assert');
- export = assert;
diff --git a/node_modules/@types/node/assert/strict.d.ts b/node_modules/@types/node/assert/strict.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index b4319b974861f6cad84b745485af55264b13c3d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@types/node/assert/strict.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-declare module 'assert/strict' {
- import { strict } from 'node:assert';
- export = strict;
-declare module 'node:assert/strict' {
- import { strict } from 'node:assert';
- export = strict;
diff --git a/node_modules/@types/node/async_hooks.d.ts b/node_modules/@types/node/async_hooks.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index d0b2ebfa80fd996785a9d5afe8d652109f383705..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@types/node/async_hooks.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,531 +0,0 @@
- * We strongly discourage the use of the `async_hooks` API.
- * Other APIs that can cover most of its use cases include:
- *
- * * `AsyncLocalStorage` tracks async context
- * * `process.getActiveResourcesInfo()` tracks active resources
- *
- * The `node:async_hooks` module provides an API to track asynchronous resources.
- * It can be accessed using:
- *
- * ```js
- * import async_hooks from 'node:async_hooks';
- * ```
- * @experimental
- * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v20.2.0/lib/async_hooks.js)
- */
-declare module 'async_hooks' {
- /**
- * ```js
- * import { executionAsyncId } from 'node:async_hooks';
- * import fs from 'node:fs';
- *
- * console.log(executionAsyncId()); // 1 - bootstrap
- * fs.open(path, 'r', (err, fd) => {
- * console.log(executionAsyncId()); // 6 - open()
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * The ID returned from `executionAsyncId()` is related to execution timing, not
- * causality (which is covered by `triggerAsyncId()`):
- *
- * ```js
- * const server = net.createServer((conn) => {
- * // Returns the ID of the server, not of the new connection, because the
- * // callback runs in the execution scope of the server's MakeCallback().
- * async_hooks.executionAsyncId();
- *
- * }).listen(port, () => {
- * // Returns the ID of a TickObject (process.nextTick()) because all
- * // callbacks passed to .listen() are wrapped in a nextTick().
- * async_hooks.executionAsyncId();
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * Promise contexts may not get precise `executionAsyncIds` by default.
- * See the section on `promise execution tracking`.
- * @since v8.1.0
- * @return The `asyncId` of the current execution context. Useful to track when something calls.
- */
- function executionAsyncId(): number;
- /**
- * Resource objects returned by `executionAsyncResource()` are most often internal
- * Node.js handle objects with undocumented APIs. Using any functions or properties
- * on the object is likely to crash your application and should be avoided.
- *
- * Using `executionAsyncResource()` in the top-level execution context will
- * return an empty object as there is no handle or request object to use,
- * but having an object representing the top-level can be helpful.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { open } from 'node:fs';
- * import { executionAsyncId, executionAsyncResource } from 'node:async_hooks';
- *
- * console.log(executionAsyncId(), executionAsyncResource()); // 1 {}
- * open(new URL(import.meta.url), 'r', (err, fd) => {
- * console.log(executionAsyncId(), executionAsyncResource()); // 7 FSReqWrap
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * This can be used to implement continuation local storage without the
- * use of a tracking `Map` to store the metadata:
- *
- * ```js
- * import { createServer } from 'node:http';
- * import {
- * executionAsyncId,
- * executionAsyncResource,
- * createHook,
- * } from 'async_hooks';
- * const sym = Symbol('state'); // Private symbol to avoid pollution
- *
- * createHook({
- * init(asyncId, type, triggerAsyncId, resource) {
- * const cr = executionAsyncResource();
- * if (cr) {
- * resource[sym] = cr[sym];
- * }
- * },
- * }).enable();
- *
- * const server = createServer((req, res) => {
- * executionAsyncResource()[sym] = { state: req.url };
- * setTimeout(function() {
- * res.end(JSON.stringify(executionAsyncResource()[sym]));
- * }, 100);
- * }).listen(3000);
- * ```
- * @since v13.9.0, v12.17.0
- * @return The resource representing the current execution. Useful to store data within the resource.
- */
- function executionAsyncResource(): object;
- /**
- * ```js
- * const server = net.createServer((conn) => {
- * // The resource that caused (or triggered) this callback to be called
- * // was that of the new connection. Thus the return value of triggerAsyncId()
- * // is the asyncId of "conn".
- * async_hooks.triggerAsyncId();
- *
- * }).listen(port, () => {
- * // Even though all callbacks passed to .listen() are wrapped in a nextTick()
- * // the callback itself exists because the call to the server's .listen()
- * // was made. So the return value would be the ID of the server.
- * async_hooks.triggerAsyncId();
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * Promise contexts may not get valid `triggerAsyncId`s by default. See
- * the section on `promise execution tracking`.
- * @return The ID of the resource responsible for calling the callback that is currently being executed.
- */
- function triggerAsyncId(): number;
- interface HookCallbacks {
- /**
- * Called when a class is constructed that has the possibility to emit an asynchronous event.
- * @param asyncId a unique ID for the async resource
- * @param type the type of the async resource
- * @param triggerAsyncId the unique ID of the async resource in whose execution context this async resource was created
- * @param resource reference to the resource representing the async operation, needs to be released during destroy
- */
- init?(asyncId: number, type: string, triggerAsyncId: number, resource: object): void;
- /**
- * When an asynchronous operation is initiated or completes a callback is called to notify the user.
- * The before callback is called just before said callback is executed.
- * @param asyncId the unique identifier assigned to the resource about to execute the callback.
- */
- before?(asyncId: number): void;
- /**
- * Called immediately after the callback specified in before is completed.
- * @param asyncId the unique identifier assigned to the resource which has executed the callback.
- */
- after?(asyncId: number): void;
- /**
- * Called when a promise has resolve() called. This may not be in the same execution id
- * as the promise itself.
- * @param asyncId the unique id for the promise that was resolve()d.
- */
- promiseResolve?(asyncId: number): void;
- /**
- * Called after the resource corresponding to asyncId is destroyed
- * @param asyncId a unique ID for the async resource
- */
- destroy?(asyncId: number): void;
- }
- interface AsyncHook {
- /**
- * Enable the callbacks for a given AsyncHook instance. If no callbacks are provided enabling is a noop.
- */
- enable(): this;
- /**
- * Disable the callbacks for a given AsyncHook instance from the global pool of AsyncHook callbacks to be executed. Once a hook has been disabled it will not be called again until enabled.
- */
- disable(): this;
- }
- /**
- * Registers functions to be called for different lifetime events of each async
- * operation.
- *
- * The callbacks `init()`/`before()`/`after()`/`destroy()` are called for the
- * respective asynchronous event during a resource's lifetime.
- *
- * All callbacks are optional. For example, if only resource cleanup needs to
- * be tracked, then only the `destroy` callback needs to be passed. The
- * specifics of all functions that can be passed to `callbacks` is in the `Hook Callbacks` section.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { createHook } from 'node:async_hooks';
- *
- * const asyncHook = createHook({
- * init(asyncId, type, triggerAsyncId, resource) { },
- * destroy(asyncId) { },
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * The callbacks will be inherited via the prototype chain:
- *
- * ```js
- * class MyAsyncCallbacks {
- * init(asyncId, type, triggerAsyncId, resource) { }
- * destroy(asyncId) {}
- * }
- *
- * class MyAddedCallbacks extends MyAsyncCallbacks {
- * before(asyncId) { }
- * after(asyncId) { }
- * }
- *
- * const asyncHook = async_hooks.createHook(new MyAddedCallbacks());
- * ```
- *
- * Because promises are asynchronous resources whose lifecycle is tracked
- * via the async hooks mechanism, the `init()`, `before()`, `after()`, and`destroy()` callbacks _must not_ be async functions that return promises.
- * @since v8.1.0
- * @param callbacks The `Hook Callbacks` to register
- * @return Instance used for disabling and enabling hooks
- */
- function createHook(callbacks: HookCallbacks): AsyncHook;
- interface AsyncResourceOptions {
- /**
- * The ID of the execution context that created this async event.
- * @default executionAsyncId()
- */
- triggerAsyncId?: number | undefined;
- /**
- * Disables automatic `emitDestroy` when the object is garbage collected.
- * This usually does not need to be set (even if `emitDestroy` is called
- * manually), unless the resource's `asyncId` is retrieved and the
- * sensitive API's `emitDestroy` is called with it.
- * @default false
- */
- requireManualDestroy?: boolean | undefined;
- }
- /**
- * The class `AsyncResource` is designed to be extended by the embedder's async
- * resources. Using this, users can easily trigger the lifetime events of their
- * own resources.
- *
- * The `init` hook will trigger when an `AsyncResource` is instantiated.
- *
- * The following is an overview of the `AsyncResource` API.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { AsyncResource, executionAsyncId } from 'node:async_hooks';
- *
- * // AsyncResource() is meant to be extended. Instantiating a
- * // new AsyncResource() also triggers init. If triggerAsyncId is omitted then
- * // async_hook.executionAsyncId() is used.
- * const asyncResource = new AsyncResource(
- * type, { triggerAsyncId: executionAsyncId(), requireManualDestroy: false },
- * );
- *
- * // Run a function in the execution context of the resource. This will
- * // * establish the context of the resource
- * // * trigger the AsyncHooks before callbacks
- * // * call the provided function `fn` with the supplied arguments
- * // * trigger the AsyncHooks after callbacks
- * // * restore the original execution context
- * asyncResource.runInAsyncScope(fn, thisArg, ...args);
- *
- * // Call AsyncHooks destroy callbacks.
- * asyncResource.emitDestroy();
- *
- * // Return the unique ID assigned to the AsyncResource instance.
- * asyncResource.asyncId();
- *
- * // Return the trigger ID for the AsyncResource instance.
- * asyncResource.triggerAsyncId();
- * ```
- */
- class AsyncResource {
- /**
- * AsyncResource() is meant to be extended. Instantiating a
- * new AsyncResource() also triggers init. If triggerAsyncId is omitted then
- * async_hook.executionAsyncId() is used.
- * @param type The type of async event.
- * @param triggerAsyncId The ID of the execution context that created
- * this async event (default: `executionAsyncId()`), or an
- * AsyncResourceOptions object (since v9.3.0)
- */
- constructor(type: string, triggerAsyncId?: number | AsyncResourceOptions);
- /**
- * Binds the given function to the current execution context.
- * @since v14.8.0, v12.19.0
- * @param fn The function to bind to the current execution context.
- * @param type An optional name to associate with the underlying `AsyncResource`.
- */
- static bind any, ThisArg>(fn: Func, type?: string, thisArg?: ThisArg): Func;
- /**
- * Binds the given function to execute to this `AsyncResource`'s scope.
- * @since v14.8.0, v12.19.0
- * @param fn The function to bind to the current `AsyncResource`.
- */
- bind any>(fn: Func): Func;
- /**
- * Call the provided function with the provided arguments in the execution context
- * of the async resource. This will establish the context, trigger the AsyncHooks
- * before callbacks, call the function, trigger the AsyncHooks after callbacks, and
- * then restore the original execution context.
- * @since v9.6.0
- * @param fn The function to call in the execution context of this async resource.
- * @param thisArg The receiver to be used for the function call.
- * @param args Optional arguments to pass to the function.
- */
- runInAsyncScope(fn: (this: This, ...args: any[]) => Result, thisArg?: This, ...args: any[]): Result;
- /**
- * Call all `destroy` hooks. This should only ever be called once. An error will
- * be thrown if it is called more than once. This **must** be manually called. If
- * the resource is left to be collected by the GC then the `destroy` hooks will
- * never be called.
- * @return A reference to `asyncResource`.
- */
- emitDestroy(): this;
- /**
- * @return The unique `asyncId` assigned to the resource.
- */
- asyncId(): number;
- /**
- *
- * @return The same `triggerAsyncId` that is passed to the `AsyncResource` constructor.
- */
- triggerAsyncId(): number;
- }
- /**
- * This class creates stores that stay coherent through asynchronous operations.
- *
- * While you can create your own implementation on top of the `node:async_hooks`module, `AsyncLocalStorage` should be preferred as it is a performant and memory
- * safe implementation that involves significant optimizations that are non-obvious
- * to implement.
- *
- * The following example uses `AsyncLocalStorage` to build a simple logger
- * that assigns IDs to incoming HTTP requests and includes them in messages
- * logged within each request.
- *
- * ```js
- * import http from 'node:http';
- * import { AsyncLocalStorage } from 'node:async_hooks';
- *
- * const asyncLocalStorage = new AsyncLocalStorage();
- *
- * function logWithId(msg) {
- * const id = asyncLocalStorage.getStore();
- * console.log(`${id !== undefined ? id : '-'}:`, msg);
- * }
- *
- * let idSeq = 0;
- * http.createServer((req, res) => {
- * asyncLocalStorage.run(idSeq++, () => {
- * logWithId('start');
- * // Imagine any chain of async operations here
- * setImmediate(() => {
- * logWithId('finish');
- * res.end();
- * });
- * });
- * }).listen(8080);
- *
- * http.get('http://localhost:8080');
- * http.get('http://localhost:8080');
- * // Prints:
- * // 0: start
- * // 1: start
- * // 0: finish
- * // 1: finish
- * ```
- *
- * Each instance of `AsyncLocalStorage` maintains an independent storage context.
- * Multiple instances can safely exist simultaneously without risk of interfering
- * with each other's data.
- * @since v13.10.0, v12.17.0
- */
- class AsyncLocalStorage {
- /**
- * Binds the given function to the current execution context.
- * @since v19.8.0
- * @experimental
- * @param fn The function to bind to the current execution context.
- * @return A new function that calls `fn` within the captured execution context.
- */
- static bind any>(fn: Func): Func;
- /**
- * Captures the current execution context and returns a function that accepts a
- * function as an argument. Whenever the returned function is called, it
- * calls the function passed to it within the captured context.
- *
- * ```js
- * const asyncLocalStorage = new AsyncLocalStorage();
- * const runInAsyncScope = asyncLocalStorage.run(123, () => AsyncLocalStorage.snapshot());
- * const result = asyncLocalStorage.run(321, () => runInAsyncScope(() => asyncLocalStorage.getStore()));
- * console.log(result); // returns 123
- * ```
- *
- * AsyncLocalStorage.snapshot() can replace the use of AsyncResource for simple
- * async context tracking purposes, for example:
- *
- * ```js
- * class Foo {
- * #runInAsyncScope = AsyncLocalStorage.snapshot();
- *
- * get() { return this.#runInAsyncScope(() => asyncLocalStorage.getStore()); }
- * }
- *
- * const foo = asyncLocalStorage.run(123, () => new Foo());
- * console.log(asyncLocalStorage.run(321, () => foo.get())); // returns 123
- * ```
- * @since v19.8.0
- * @experimental
- * @return A new function with the signature `(fn: (...args) : R, ...args) : R`.
- */
- static snapshot(): (fn: (...args: TArgs) => R, ...args: TArgs) => R;
- /**
- * Disables the instance of `AsyncLocalStorage`. All subsequent calls
- * to `asyncLocalStorage.getStore()` will return `undefined` until`asyncLocalStorage.run()` or `asyncLocalStorage.enterWith()` is called again.
- *
- * When calling `asyncLocalStorage.disable()`, all current contexts linked to the
- * instance will be exited.
- *
- * Calling `asyncLocalStorage.disable()` is required before the`asyncLocalStorage` can be garbage collected. This does not apply to stores
- * provided by the `asyncLocalStorage`, as those objects are garbage collected
- * along with the corresponding async resources.
- *
- * Use this method when the `asyncLocalStorage` is not in use anymore
- * in the current process.
- * @since v13.10.0, v12.17.0
- * @experimental
- */
- disable(): void;
- /**
- * Returns the current store.
- * If called outside of an asynchronous context initialized by
- * calling `asyncLocalStorage.run()` or `asyncLocalStorage.enterWith()`, it
- * returns `undefined`.
- * @since v13.10.0, v12.17.0
- */
- getStore(): T | undefined;
- /**
- * Runs a function synchronously within a context and returns its
- * return value. The store is not accessible outside of the callback function.
- * The store is accessible to any asynchronous operations created within the
- * callback.
- *
- * The optional `args` are passed to the callback function.
- *
- * If the callback function throws an error, the error is thrown by `run()` too.
- * The stacktrace is not impacted by this call and the context is exited.
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * ```js
- * const store = { id: 2 };
- * try {
- * asyncLocalStorage.run(store, () => {
- * asyncLocalStorage.getStore(); // Returns the store object
- * setTimeout(() => {
- * asyncLocalStorage.getStore(); // Returns the store object
- * }, 200);
- * throw new Error();
- * });
- * } catch (e) {
- * asyncLocalStorage.getStore(); // Returns undefined
- * // The error will be caught here
- * }
- * ```
- * @since v13.10.0, v12.17.0
- */
- run(store: T, callback: () => R): R;
- run(store: T, callback: (...args: TArgs) => R, ...args: TArgs): R;
- /**
- * Runs a function synchronously outside of a context and returns its
- * return value. The store is not accessible within the callback function or
- * the asynchronous operations created within the callback. Any `getStore()`call done within the callback function will always return `undefined`.
- *
- * The optional `args` are passed to the callback function.
- *
- * If the callback function throws an error, the error is thrown by `exit()` too.
- * The stacktrace is not impacted by this call and the context is re-entered.
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * ```js
- * // Within a call to run
- * try {
- * asyncLocalStorage.getStore(); // Returns the store object or value
- * asyncLocalStorage.exit(() => {
- * asyncLocalStorage.getStore(); // Returns undefined
- * throw new Error();
- * });
- * } catch (e) {
- * asyncLocalStorage.getStore(); // Returns the same object or value
- * // The error will be caught here
- * }
- * ```
- * @since v13.10.0, v12.17.0
- * @experimental
- */
- exit(callback: (...args: TArgs) => R, ...args: TArgs): R;
- /**
- * Transitions into the context for the remainder of the current
- * synchronous execution and then persists the store through any following
- * asynchronous calls.
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * ```js
- * const store = { id: 1 };
- * // Replaces previous store with the given store object
- * asyncLocalStorage.enterWith(store);
- * asyncLocalStorage.getStore(); // Returns the store object
- * someAsyncOperation(() => {
- * asyncLocalStorage.getStore(); // Returns the same object
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * This transition will continue for the _entire_ synchronous execution.
- * This means that if, for example, the context is entered within an event
- * handler subsequent event handlers will also run within that context unless
- * specifically bound to another context with an `AsyncResource`. That is why`run()` should be preferred over `enterWith()` unless there are strong reasons
- * to use the latter method.
- *
- * ```js
- * const store = { id: 1 };
- *
- * emitter.on('my-event', () => {
- * asyncLocalStorage.enterWith(store);
- * });
- * emitter.on('my-event', () => {
- * asyncLocalStorage.getStore(); // Returns the same object
- * });
- *
- * asyncLocalStorage.getStore(); // Returns undefined
- * emitter.emit('my-event');
- * asyncLocalStorage.getStore(); // Returns the same object
- * ```
- * @since v13.11.0, v12.17.0
- * @experimental
- */
- enterWith(store: T): void;
- }
-declare module 'node:async_hooks' {
- export * from 'async_hooks';
diff --git a/node_modules/@types/node/buffer.d.ts b/node_modules/@types/node/buffer.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 179a82564dd08099e7358738d8581a3f032c4fc9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@types/node/buffer.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2354 +0,0 @@
- * `Buffer` objects are used to represent a fixed-length sequence of bytes. Many
- * Node.js APIs support `Buffer`s.
- *
- * The `Buffer` class is a subclass of JavaScript's [`Uint8Array`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Uint8Array) class and
- * extends it with methods that cover additional use cases. Node.js APIs accept
- * plain [`Uint8Array`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Uint8Array) s wherever `Buffer`s are supported as well.
- *
- * While the `Buffer` class is available within the global scope, it is still
- * recommended to explicitly reference it via an import or require statement.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * // Creates a zero-filled Buffer of length 10.
- * const buf1 = Buffer.alloc(10);
- *
- * // Creates a Buffer of length 10,
- * // filled with bytes which all have the value `1`.
- * const buf2 = Buffer.alloc(10, 1);
- *
- * // Creates an uninitialized buffer of length 10.
- * // This is faster than calling Buffer.alloc() but the returned
- * // Buffer instance might contain old data that needs to be
- * // overwritten using fill(), write(), or other functions that fill the Buffer's
- * // contents.
- * const buf3 = Buffer.allocUnsafe(10);
- *
- * // Creates a Buffer containing the bytes [1, 2, 3].
- * const buf4 = Buffer.from([1, 2, 3]);
- *
- * // Creates a Buffer containing the bytes [1, 1, 1, 1] – the entries
- * // are all truncated using `(value & 255)` to fit into the range 0–255.
- * const buf5 = Buffer.from([257, 257.5, -255, '1']);
- *
- * // Creates a Buffer containing the UTF-8-encoded bytes for the string 'tést':
- * // [0x74, 0xc3, 0xa9, 0x73, 0x74] (in hexadecimal notation)
- * // [116, 195, 169, 115, 116] (in decimal notation)
- * const buf6 = Buffer.from('tést');
- *
- * // Creates a Buffer containing the Latin-1 bytes [0x74, 0xe9, 0x73, 0x74].
- * const buf7 = Buffer.from('tést', 'latin1');
- * ```
- * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v20.2.0/lib/buffer.js)
- */
-declare module 'buffer' {
- import { BinaryLike } from 'node:crypto';
- import { ReadableStream as WebReadableStream } from 'node:stream/web';
- /**
- * This function returns `true` if `input` contains only valid UTF-8-encoded data,
- * including the case in which `input` is empty.
- *
- * Throws if the `input` is a detached array buffer.
- * @since v19.4.0, v18.14.0
- * @param input The input to validate.
- */
- export function isUtf8(input: Buffer | ArrayBuffer | NodeJS.TypedArray): boolean;
- /**
- * This function returns `true` if `input` contains only valid ASCII-encoded data,
- * including the case in which `input` is empty.
- *
- * Throws if the `input` is a detached array buffer.
- * @since v19.6.0, v18.15.0
- * @param input The input to validate.
- */
- export function isAscii(input: Buffer | ArrayBuffer | NodeJS.TypedArray): boolean;
- export const INSPECT_MAX_BYTES: number;
- export const kMaxLength: number;
- export const kStringMaxLength: number;
- export const constants: {
- MAX_LENGTH: number;
- };
- export type TranscodeEncoding = 'ascii' | 'utf8' | 'utf16le' | 'ucs2' | 'latin1' | 'binary';
- /**
- * Re-encodes the given `Buffer` or `Uint8Array` instance from one character
- * encoding to another. Returns a new `Buffer` instance.
- *
- * Throws if the `fromEnc` or `toEnc` specify invalid character encodings or if
- * conversion from `fromEnc` to `toEnc` is not permitted.
- *
- * Encodings supported by `buffer.transcode()` are: `'ascii'`, `'utf8'`,`'utf16le'`, `'ucs2'`, `'latin1'`, and `'binary'`.
- *
- * The transcoding process will use substitution characters if a given byte
- * sequence cannot be adequately represented in the target encoding. For instance:
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer, transcode } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const newBuf = transcode(Buffer.from('€'), 'utf8', 'ascii');
- * console.log(newBuf.toString('ascii'));
- * // Prints: '?'
- * ```
- *
- * Because the Euro (`€`) sign is not representable in US-ASCII, it is replaced
- * with `?` in the transcoded `Buffer`.
- * @since v7.1.0
- * @param source A `Buffer` or `Uint8Array` instance.
- * @param fromEnc The current encoding.
- * @param toEnc To target encoding.
- */
- export function transcode(source: Uint8Array, fromEnc: TranscodeEncoding, toEnc: TranscodeEncoding): Buffer;
- export const SlowBuffer: {
- /** @deprecated since v6.0.0, use `Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow()` */
- new (size: number): Buffer;
- prototype: Buffer;
- };
- /**
- * Resolves a `'blob:nodedata:...'` an associated `Blob` object registered using
- * a prior call to `URL.createObjectURL()`.
- * @since v16.7.0
- * @experimental
- * @param id A `'blob:nodedata:...` URL string returned by a prior call to `URL.createObjectURL()`.
- */
- export function resolveObjectURL(id: string): Blob | undefined;
- export { Buffer };
- /**
- * @experimental
- */
- export interface BlobOptions {
- /**
- * @default 'utf8'
- */
- encoding?: BufferEncoding | undefined;
- /**
- * The Blob content-type. The intent is for `type` to convey
- * the MIME media type of the data, however no validation of the type format
- * is performed.
- */
- type?: string | undefined;
- }
- /**
- * A [`Blob`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Blob) encapsulates immutable, raw data that can be safely shared across
- * multiple worker threads.
- * @since v15.7.0, v14.18.0
- */
- export class Blob {
- /**
- * The total size of the `Blob` in bytes.
- * @since v15.7.0, v14.18.0
- */
- readonly size: number;
- /**
- * The content-type of the `Blob`.
- * @since v15.7.0, v14.18.0
- */
- readonly type: string;
- /**
- * Creates a new `Blob` object containing a concatenation of the given sources.
- *
- * {ArrayBuffer}, {TypedArray}, {DataView}, and {Buffer} sources are copied into
- * the 'Blob' and can therefore be safely modified after the 'Blob' is created.
- *
- * String sources are also copied into the `Blob`.
- */
- constructor(sources: Array, options?: BlobOptions);
- /**
- * Returns a promise that fulfills with an [ArrayBuffer](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/ArrayBuffer) containing a copy of
- * the `Blob` data.
- * @since v15.7.0, v14.18.0
- */
- arrayBuffer(): Promise;
- /**
- * Creates and returns a new `Blob` containing a subset of this `Blob` objects
- * data. The original `Blob` is not altered.
- * @since v15.7.0, v14.18.0
- * @param start The starting index.
- * @param end The ending index.
- * @param type The content-type for the new `Blob`
- */
- slice(start?: number, end?: number, type?: string): Blob;
- /**
- * Returns a promise that fulfills with the contents of the `Blob` decoded as a
- * UTF-8 string.
- * @since v15.7.0, v14.18.0
- */
- text(): Promise;
- /**
- * Returns a new `ReadableStream` that allows the content of the `Blob` to be read.
- * @since v16.7.0
- */
- stream(): WebReadableStream;
- }
- export interface FileOptions {
- /**
- * One of either `'transparent'` or `'native'`. When set to `'native'`, line endings in string source parts will be
- * converted to the platform native line-ending as specified by `require('node:os').EOL`.
- */
- endings?: 'native' | 'transparent';
- /** The File content-type. */
- type?: string;
- /** The last modified date of the file. `Default`: Date.now(). */
- lastModified?: number;
- }
- /**
- * A [`File`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File) provides information about files.
- * @since v19.2.0, v18.13.0
- */
- export class File extends Blob {
- constructor(sources: Array, fileName: string, options?: FileOptions);
- /**
- * The name of the `File`.
- * @since v19.2.0, v18.13.0
- */
- readonly name: string;
- /**
- * The last modified date of the `File`.
- * @since v19.2.0, v18.13.0
- */
- readonly lastModified: number;
- }
- export import atob = globalThis.atob;
- export import btoa = globalThis.btoa;
- import { Blob as NodeBlob } from 'buffer';
- // This conditional type will be the existing global Blob in a browser, or
- // the copy below in a Node environment.
- type __Blob = typeof globalThis extends { onmessage: any; Blob: infer T } ? T : NodeBlob;
- global {
- namespace NodeJS {
- export { BufferEncoding };
- }
- // Buffer class
- type BufferEncoding =
- | 'ascii'
- | 'utf8'
- | 'utf-8'
- | 'utf16le'
- | 'ucs2'
- | 'ucs-2'
- | 'base64'
- | 'base64url'
- | 'latin1'
- | 'binary'
- | 'hex';
- type WithImplicitCoercion =
- | T
- | {
- valueOf(): T;
- };
- /**
- * Raw data is stored in instances of the Buffer class.
- * A Buffer is similar to an array of integers but corresponds to a raw memory allocation outside the V8 heap. A Buffer cannot be resized.
- * Valid string encodings: 'ascii'|'utf8'|'utf16le'|'ucs2'(alias of 'utf16le')|'base64'|'base64url'|'binary'(deprecated)|'hex'
- */
- interface BufferConstructor {
- /**
- * Allocates a new buffer containing the given {str}.
- *
- * @param str String to store in buffer.
- * @param encoding encoding to use, optional. Default is 'utf8'
- * @deprecated since v10.0.0 - Use `Buffer.from(string[, encoding])` instead.
- */
- new (str: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding): Buffer;
- /**
- * Allocates a new buffer of {size} octets.
- *
- * @param size count of octets to allocate.
- * @deprecated since v10.0.0 - Use `Buffer.alloc()` instead (also see `Buffer.allocUnsafe()`).
- */
- new (size: number): Buffer;
- /**
- * Allocates a new buffer containing the given {array} of octets.
- *
- * @param array The octets to store.
- * @deprecated since v10.0.0 - Use `Buffer.from(array)` instead.
- */
- new (array: Uint8Array): Buffer;
- /**
- * Produces a Buffer backed by the same allocated memory as
- * the given {ArrayBuffer}/{SharedArrayBuffer}.
- *
- *
- * @param arrayBuffer The ArrayBuffer with which to share memory.
- * @deprecated since v10.0.0 - Use `Buffer.from(arrayBuffer[, byteOffset[, length]])` instead.
- */
- new (arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer | SharedArrayBuffer): Buffer;
- /**
- * Allocates a new buffer containing the given {array} of octets.
- *
- * @param array The octets to store.
- * @deprecated since v10.0.0 - Use `Buffer.from(array)` instead.
- */
- new (array: ReadonlyArray): Buffer;
- /**
- * Copies the passed {buffer} data onto a new {Buffer} instance.
- *
- * @param buffer The buffer to copy.
- * @deprecated since v10.0.0 - Use `Buffer.from(buffer)` instead.
- */
- new (buffer: Buffer): Buffer;
- /**
- * Allocates a new `Buffer` using an `array` of bytes in the range `0` – `255`.
- * Array entries outside that range will be truncated to fit into it.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * // Creates a new Buffer containing the UTF-8 bytes of the string 'buffer'.
- * const buf = Buffer.from([0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x66, 0x65, 0x72]);
- * ```
- *
- * If `array` is an `Array`\-like object (that is, one with a `length` property of
- * type `number`), it is treated as if it is an array, unless it is a `Buffer` or
- * a `Uint8Array`. This means all other `TypedArray` variants get treated as an`Array`. To create a `Buffer` from the bytes backing a `TypedArray`, use `Buffer.copyBytesFrom()`.
- *
- * A `TypeError` will be thrown if `array` is not an `Array` or another type
- * appropriate for `Buffer.from()` variants.
- *
- * `Buffer.from(array)` and `Buffer.from(string)` may also use the internal`Buffer` pool like `Buffer.allocUnsafe()` does.
- * @since v5.10.0
- */
- from(
- arrayBuffer: WithImplicitCoercion,
- byteOffset?: number,
- length?: number,
- ): Buffer;
- /**
- * Creates a new Buffer using the passed {data}
- * @param data data to create a new Buffer
- */
- from(data: Uint8Array | ReadonlyArray): Buffer;
- from(data: WithImplicitCoercion | string>): Buffer;
- /**
- * Creates a new Buffer containing the given JavaScript string {str}.
- * If provided, the {encoding} parameter identifies the character encoding.
- * If not provided, {encoding} defaults to 'utf8'.
- */
- from(
- str:
- | WithImplicitCoercion
- | {
- [Symbol.toPrimitive](hint: 'string'): string;
- },
- encoding?: BufferEncoding,
- ): Buffer;
- /**
- * Creates a new Buffer using the passed {data}
- * @param values to create a new Buffer
- */
- of(...items: number[]): Buffer;
- /**
- * Returns `true` if `obj` is a `Buffer`, `false` otherwise.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * Buffer.isBuffer(Buffer.alloc(10)); // true
- * Buffer.isBuffer(Buffer.from('foo')); // true
- * Buffer.isBuffer('a string'); // false
- * Buffer.isBuffer([]); // false
- * Buffer.isBuffer(new Uint8Array(1024)); // false
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.101
- */
- isBuffer(obj: any): obj is Buffer;
- /**
- * Returns `true` if `encoding` is the name of a supported character encoding,
- * or `false` otherwise.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * console.log(Buffer.isEncoding('utf8'));
- * // Prints: true
- *
- * console.log(Buffer.isEncoding('hex'));
- * // Prints: true
- *
- * console.log(Buffer.isEncoding('utf/8'));
- * // Prints: false
- *
- * console.log(Buffer.isEncoding(''));
- * // Prints: false
- * ```
- * @since v0.9.1
- * @param encoding A character encoding name to check.
- */
- isEncoding(encoding: string): encoding is BufferEncoding;
- /**
- * Returns the byte length of a string when encoded using `encoding`.
- * This is not the same as [`String.prototype.length`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/length), which does not account
- * for the encoding that is used to convert the string into bytes.
- *
- * For `'base64'`, `'base64url'`, and `'hex'`, this function assumes valid input.
- * For strings that contain non-base64/hex-encoded data (e.g. whitespace), the
- * return value might be greater than the length of a `Buffer` created from the
- * string.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const str = '\u00bd + \u00bc = \u00be';
- *
- * console.log(`${str}: ${str.length} characters, ` +
- * `${Buffer.byteLength(str, 'utf8')} bytes`);
- * // Prints: ½ + ¼ = ¾: 9 characters, 12 bytes
- * ```
- *
- * When `string` is a
- * `Buffer`/[`DataView`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/DataView)/[`TypedArray`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/-
- * Reference/Global_Objects/TypedArray)/[`ArrayBuffer`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/ArrayBuffer)/[`SharedArrayBuffer`](https://develop-
- * er.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/SharedArrayBuffer), the byte length as reported by `.byteLength`is returned.
- * @since v0.1.90
- * @param string A value to calculate the length of.
- * @param [encoding='utf8'] If `string` is a string, this is its encoding.
- * @return The number of bytes contained within `string`.
- */
- byteLength(
- string: string | NodeJS.ArrayBufferView | ArrayBuffer | SharedArrayBuffer,
- encoding?: BufferEncoding,
- ): number;
- /**
- * Returns a new `Buffer` which is the result of concatenating all the `Buffer`instances in the `list` together.
- *
- * If the list has no items, or if the `totalLength` is 0, then a new zero-length`Buffer` is returned.
- *
- * If `totalLength` is not provided, it is calculated from the `Buffer` instances
- * in `list` by adding their lengths.
- *
- * If `totalLength` is provided, it is coerced to an unsigned integer. If the
- * combined length of the `Buffer`s in `list` exceeds `totalLength`, the result is
- * truncated to `totalLength`.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * // Create a single `Buffer` from a list of three `Buffer` instances.
- *
- * const buf1 = Buffer.alloc(10);
- * const buf2 = Buffer.alloc(14);
- * const buf3 = Buffer.alloc(18);
- * const totalLength = buf1.length + buf2.length + buf3.length;
- *
- * console.log(totalLength);
- * // Prints: 42
- *
- * const bufA = Buffer.concat([buf1, buf2, buf3], totalLength);
- *
- * console.log(bufA);
- * // Prints:
- * console.log(bufA.length);
- * // Prints: 42
- * ```
- *
- * `Buffer.concat()` may also use the internal `Buffer` pool like `Buffer.allocUnsafe()` does.
- * @since v0.7.11
- * @param list List of `Buffer` or {@link Uint8Array} instances to concatenate.
- * @param totalLength Total length of the `Buffer` instances in `list` when concatenated.
- */
- concat(list: ReadonlyArray, totalLength?: number): Buffer;
- /**
- * Copies the underlying memory of `view` into a new `Buffer`.
- *
- * ```js
- * const u16 = new Uint16Array([0, 0xffff]);
- * const buf = Buffer.copyBytesFrom(u16, 1, 1);
- * u16[1] = 0;
- * console.log(buf.length); // 2
- * console.log(buf[0]); // 255
- * console.log(buf[1]); // 255
- * ```
- * @since v19.8.0
- * @param view The {TypedArray} to copy.
- * @param [offset=': 0'] The starting offset within `view`.
- * @param [length=view.length - offset] The number of elements from `view` to copy.
- */
- copyBytesFrom(view: NodeJS.TypedArray, offset?: number, length?: number): Buffer;
- /**
- * Compares `buf1` to `buf2`, typically for the purpose of sorting arrays of`Buffer` instances. This is equivalent to calling `buf1.compare(buf2)`.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf1 = Buffer.from('1234');
- * const buf2 = Buffer.from('0123');
- * const arr = [buf1, buf2];
- *
- * console.log(arr.sort(Buffer.compare));
- * // Prints: [ , ]
- * // (This result is equal to: [buf2, buf1].)
- * ```
- * @since v0.11.13
- * @return Either `-1`, `0`, or `1`, depending on the result of the comparison. See `compare` for details.
- */
- compare(buf1: Uint8Array, buf2: Uint8Array): -1 | 0 | 1;
- /**
- * Allocates a new `Buffer` of `size` bytes. If `fill` is `undefined`, the`Buffer` will be zero-filled.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.alloc(5);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- *
- * If `size` is larger than {@link constants.MAX_LENGTH} or smaller than 0, `ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE` is thrown.
- *
- * If `fill` is specified, the allocated `Buffer` will be initialized by calling `buf.fill(fill)`.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.alloc(5, 'a');
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- *
- * If both `fill` and `encoding` are specified, the allocated `Buffer` will be
- * initialized by calling `buf.fill(fill, encoding)`.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.alloc(11, 'aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=', 'base64');
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- *
- * Calling `Buffer.alloc()` can be measurably slower than the alternative `Buffer.allocUnsafe()` but ensures that the newly created `Buffer` instance
- * contents will never contain sensitive data from previous allocations, including
- * data that might not have been allocated for `Buffer`s.
- *
- * A `TypeError` will be thrown if `size` is not a number.
- * @since v5.10.0
- * @param size The desired length of the new `Buffer`.
- * @param [fill=0] A value to pre-fill the new `Buffer` with.
- * @param [encoding='utf8'] If `fill` is a string, this is its encoding.
- */
- alloc(size: number, fill?: string | Uint8Array | number, encoding?: BufferEncoding): Buffer;
- /**
- * Allocates a new `Buffer` of `size` bytes. If `size` is larger than {@link constants.MAX_LENGTH} or smaller than 0, `ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE` is thrown.
- *
- * The underlying memory for `Buffer` instances created in this way is _not_
- * _initialized_. The contents of the newly created `Buffer` are unknown and _may contain sensitive data_. Use `Buffer.alloc()` instead to initialize`Buffer` instances with zeroes.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(10);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints (contents may vary):
- *
- * buf.fill(0);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- *
- * A `TypeError` will be thrown if `size` is not a number.
- *
- * The `Buffer` module pre-allocates an internal `Buffer` instance of
- * size `Buffer.poolSize` that is used as a pool for the fast allocation of new`Buffer` instances created using `Buffer.allocUnsafe()`, `Buffer.from(array)`,
- * and `Buffer.concat()` only when `size` is less than or equal to`Buffer.poolSize >> 1` (floor of `Buffer.poolSize` divided by two).
- *
- * Use of this pre-allocated internal memory pool is a key difference between
- * calling `Buffer.alloc(size, fill)` vs. `Buffer.allocUnsafe(size).fill(fill)`.
- * Specifically, `Buffer.alloc(size, fill)` will _never_ use the internal `Buffer`pool, while `Buffer.allocUnsafe(size).fill(fill)`_will_ use the internal`Buffer` pool if `size` is less
- * than or equal to half `Buffer.poolSize`. The
- * difference is subtle but can be important when an application requires the
- * additional performance that `Buffer.allocUnsafe()` provides.
- * @since v5.10.0
- * @param size The desired length of the new `Buffer`.
- */
- allocUnsafe(size: number): Buffer;
- /**
- * Allocates a new `Buffer` of `size` bytes. If `size` is larger than {@link constants.MAX_LENGTH} or smaller than 0, `ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE` is thrown. A zero-length `Buffer` is created if
- * `size` is 0.
- *
- * The underlying memory for `Buffer` instances created in this way is _not_
- * _initialized_. The contents of the newly created `Buffer` are unknown and _may contain sensitive data_. Use `buf.fill(0)` to initialize
- * such `Buffer` instances with zeroes.
- *
- * When using `Buffer.allocUnsafe()` to allocate new `Buffer` instances,
- * allocations under 4 KiB are sliced from a single pre-allocated `Buffer`. This
- * allows applications to avoid the garbage collection overhead of creating many
- * individually allocated `Buffer` instances. This approach improves both
- * performance and memory usage by eliminating the need to track and clean up as
- * many individual `ArrayBuffer` objects.
- *
- * However, in the case where a developer may need to retain a small chunk of
- * memory from a pool for an indeterminate amount of time, it may be appropriate
- * to create an un-pooled `Buffer` instance using `Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow()` and
- * then copying out the relevant bits.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * // Need to keep around a few small chunks of memory.
- * const store = [];
- *
- * socket.on('readable', () => {
- * let data;
- * while (null !== (data = readable.read())) {
- * // Allocate for retained data.
- * const sb = Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(10);
- *
- * // Copy the data into the new allocation.
- * data.copy(sb, 0, 0, 10);
- *
- * store.push(sb);
- * }
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * A `TypeError` will be thrown if `size` is not a number.
- * @since v5.12.0
- * @param size The desired length of the new `Buffer`.
- */
- allocUnsafeSlow(size: number): Buffer;
- /**
- * This is the size (in bytes) of pre-allocated internal `Buffer` instances used
- * for pooling. This value may be modified.
- * @since v0.11.3
- */
- poolSize: number;
- }
- interface Buffer extends Uint8Array {
- /**
- * Writes `string` to `buf` at `offset` according to the character encoding in`encoding`. The `length` parameter is the number of bytes to write. If `buf` did
- * not contain enough space to fit the entire string, only part of `string` will be
- * written. However, partially encoded characters will not be written.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.alloc(256);
- *
- * const len = buf.write('\u00bd + \u00bc = \u00be', 0);
- *
- * console.log(`${len} bytes: ${buf.toString('utf8', 0, len)}`);
- * // Prints: 12 bytes: ½ + ¼ = ¾
- *
- * const buffer = Buffer.alloc(10);
- *
- * const length = buffer.write('abcd', 8);
- *
- * console.log(`${length} bytes: ${buffer.toString('utf8', 8, 10)}`);
- * // Prints: 2 bytes : ab
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.90
- * @param string String to write to `buf`.
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write `string`.
- * @param [length=buf.length - offset] Maximum number of bytes to write (written bytes will not exceed `buf.length - offset`).
- * @param [encoding='utf8'] The character encoding of `string`.
- * @return Number of bytes written.
- */
- write(string: string, encoding?: BufferEncoding): number;
- write(string: string, offset: number, encoding?: BufferEncoding): number;
- write(string: string, offset: number, length: number, encoding?: BufferEncoding): number;
- /**
- * Decodes `buf` to a string according to the specified character encoding in`encoding`. `start` and `end` may be passed to decode only a subset of `buf`.
- *
- * If `encoding` is `'utf8'` and a byte sequence in the input is not valid UTF-8,
- * then each invalid byte is replaced with the replacement character `U+FFFD`.
- *
- * The maximum length of a string instance (in UTF-16 code units) is available
- * as {@link constants.MAX_STRING_LENGTH}.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf1 = Buffer.allocUnsafe(26);
- *
- * for (let i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
- * // 97 is the decimal ASCII value for 'a'.
- * buf1[i] = i + 97;
- * }
- *
- * console.log(buf1.toString('utf8'));
- * // Prints: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- * console.log(buf1.toString('utf8', 0, 5));
- * // Prints: abcde
- *
- * const buf2 = Buffer.from('tést');
- *
- * console.log(buf2.toString('hex'));
- * // Prints: 74c3a97374
- * console.log(buf2.toString('utf8', 0, 3));
- * // Prints: té
- * console.log(buf2.toString(undefined, 0, 3));
- * // Prints: té
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.90
- * @param [encoding='utf8'] The character encoding to use.
- * @param [start=0] The byte offset to start decoding at.
- * @param [end=buf.length] The byte offset to stop decoding at (not inclusive).
- */
- toString(encoding?: BufferEncoding, start?: number, end?: number): string;
- /**
- * Returns a JSON representation of `buf`. [`JSON.stringify()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify) implicitly calls
- * this function when stringifying a `Buffer` instance.
- *
- * `Buffer.from()` accepts objects in the format returned from this method.
- * In particular, `Buffer.from(buf.toJSON())` works like `Buffer.from(buf)`.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5]);
- * const json = JSON.stringify(buf);
- *
- * console.log(json);
- * // Prints: {"type":"Buffer","data":[1,2,3,4,5]}
- *
- * const copy = JSON.parse(json, (key, value) => {
- * return value && value.type === 'Buffer' ?
- * Buffer.from(value) :
- * value;
- * });
- *
- * console.log(copy);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v0.9.2
- */
- toJSON(): {
- type: 'Buffer';
- data: number[];
- };
- /**
- * Returns `true` if both `buf` and `otherBuffer` have exactly the same bytes,`false` otherwise. Equivalent to `buf.compare(otherBuffer) === 0`.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf1 = Buffer.from('ABC');
- * const buf2 = Buffer.from('414243', 'hex');
- * const buf3 = Buffer.from('ABCD');
- *
- * console.log(buf1.equals(buf2));
- * // Prints: true
- * console.log(buf1.equals(buf3));
- * // Prints: false
- * ```
- * @since v0.11.13
- * @param otherBuffer A `Buffer` or {@link Uint8Array} with which to compare `buf`.
- */
- equals(otherBuffer: Uint8Array): boolean;
- /**
- * Compares `buf` with `target` and returns a number indicating whether `buf`comes before, after, or is the same as `target` in sort order.
- * Comparison is based on the actual sequence of bytes in each `Buffer`.
- *
- * * `0` is returned if `target` is the same as `buf`
- * * `1` is returned if `target` should come _before_`buf` when sorted.
- * * `-1` is returned if `target` should come _after_`buf` when sorted.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf1 = Buffer.from('ABC');
- * const buf2 = Buffer.from('BCD');
- * const buf3 = Buffer.from('ABCD');
- *
- * console.log(buf1.compare(buf1));
- * // Prints: 0
- * console.log(buf1.compare(buf2));
- * // Prints: -1
- * console.log(buf1.compare(buf3));
- * // Prints: -1
- * console.log(buf2.compare(buf1));
- * // Prints: 1
- * console.log(buf2.compare(buf3));
- * // Prints: 1
- * console.log([buf1, buf2, buf3].sort(Buffer.compare));
- * // Prints: [ , , ]
- * // (This result is equal to: [buf1, buf3, buf2].)
- * ```
- *
- * The optional `targetStart`, `targetEnd`, `sourceStart`, and `sourceEnd`arguments can be used to limit the comparison to specific ranges within `target`and `buf` respectively.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf1 = Buffer.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);
- * const buf2 = Buffer.from([5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4]);
- *
- * console.log(buf1.compare(buf2, 5, 9, 0, 4));
- * // Prints: 0
- * console.log(buf1.compare(buf2, 0, 6, 4));
- * // Prints: -1
- * console.log(buf1.compare(buf2, 5, 6, 5));
- * // Prints: 1
- * ```
- *
- * `ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE` is thrown if `targetStart < 0`, `sourceStart < 0`,`targetEnd > target.byteLength`, or `sourceEnd > source.byteLength`.
- * @since v0.11.13
- * @param target A `Buffer` or {@link Uint8Array} with which to compare `buf`.
- * @param [targetStart=0] The offset within `target` at which to begin comparison.
- * @param [targetEnd=target.length] The offset within `target` at which to end comparison (not inclusive).
- * @param [sourceStart=0] The offset within `buf` at which to begin comparison.
- * @param [sourceEnd=buf.length] The offset within `buf` at which to end comparison (not inclusive).
- */
- compare(
- target: Uint8Array,
- targetStart?: number,
- targetEnd?: number,
- sourceStart?: number,
- sourceEnd?: number,
- ): -1 | 0 | 1;
- /**
- * Copies data from a region of `buf` to a region in `target`, even if the `target`memory region overlaps with `buf`.
- *
- * [`TypedArray.prototype.set()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/TypedArray/set) performs the same operation, and is available
- * for all TypedArrays, including Node.js `Buffer`s, although it takes
- * different function arguments.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * // Create two `Buffer` instances.
- * const buf1 = Buffer.allocUnsafe(26);
- * const buf2 = Buffer.allocUnsafe(26).fill('!');
- *
- * for (let i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
- * // 97 is the decimal ASCII value for 'a'.
- * buf1[i] = i + 97;
- * }
- *
- * // Copy `buf1` bytes 16 through 19 into `buf2` starting at byte 8 of `buf2`.
- * buf1.copy(buf2, 8, 16, 20);
- * // This is equivalent to:
- * // buf2.set(buf1.subarray(16, 20), 8);
- *
- * console.log(buf2.toString('ascii', 0, 25));
- * // Prints: !!!!!!!!qrst!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- * ```
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * // Create a `Buffer` and copy data from one region to an overlapping region
- * // within the same `Buffer`.
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(26);
- *
- * for (let i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
- * // 97 is the decimal ASCII value for 'a'.
- * buf[i] = i + 97;
- * }
- *
- * buf.copy(buf, 0, 4, 10);
- *
- * console.log(buf.toString());
- * // Prints: efghijghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.90
- * @param target A `Buffer` or {@link Uint8Array} to copy into.
- * @param [targetStart=0] The offset within `target` at which to begin writing.
- * @param [sourceStart=0] The offset within `buf` from which to begin copying.
- * @param [sourceEnd=buf.length] The offset within `buf` at which to stop copying (not inclusive).
- * @return The number of bytes copied.
- */
- copy(target: Uint8Array, targetStart?: number, sourceStart?: number, sourceEnd?: number): number;
- /**
- * Returns a new `Buffer` that references the same memory as the original, but
- * offset and cropped by the `start` and `end` indices.
- *
- * This method is not compatible with the `Uint8Array.prototype.slice()`,
- * which is a superclass of `Buffer`. To copy the slice, use`Uint8Array.prototype.slice()`.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from('buffer');
- *
- * const copiedBuf = Uint8Array.prototype.slice.call(buf);
- * copiedBuf[0]++;
- * console.log(copiedBuf.toString());
- * // Prints: cuffer
- *
- * console.log(buf.toString());
- * // Prints: buffer
- *
- * // With buf.slice(), the original buffer is modified.
- * const notReallyCopiedBuf = buf.slice();
- * notReallyCopiedBuf[0]++;
- * console.log(notReallyCopiedBuf.toString());
- * // Prints: cuffer
- * console.log(buf.toString());
- * // Also prints: cuffer (!)
- * ```
- * @since v0.3.0
- * @deprecated Use `subarray` instead.
- * @param [start=0] Where the new `Buffer` will start.
- * @param [end=buf.length] Where the new `Buffer` will end (not inclusive).
- */
- slice(start?: number, end?: number): Buffer;
- /**
- * Returns a new `Buffer` that references the same memory as the original, but
- * offset and cropped by the `start` and `end` indices.
- *
- * Specifying `end` greater than `buf.length` will return the same result as
- * that of `end` equal to `buf.length`.
- *
- * This method is inherited from [`TypedArray.prototype.subarray()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/TypedArray/subarray).
- *
- * Modifying the new `Buffer` slice will modify the memory in the original `Buffer`because the allocated memory of the two objects overlap.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * // Create a `Buffer` with the ASCII alphabet, take a slice, and modify one byte
- * // from the original `Buffer`.
- *
- * const buf1 = Buffer.allocUnsafe(26);
- *
- * for (let i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
- * // 97 is the decimal ASCII value for 'a'.
- * buf1[i] = i + 97;
- * }
- *
- * const buf2 = buf1.subarray(0, 3);
- *
- * console.log(buf2.toString('ascii', 0, buf2.length));
- * // Prints: abc
- *
- * buf1[0] = 33;
- *
- * console.log(buf2.toString('ascii', 0, buf2.length));
- * // Prints: !bc
- * ```
- *
- * Specifying negative indexes causes the slice to be generated relative to the
- * end of `buf` rather than the beginning.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from('buffer');
- *
- * console.log(buf.subarray(-6, -1).toString());
- * // Prints: buffe
- * // (Equivalent to buf.subarray(0, 5).)
- *
- * console.log(buf.subarray(-6, -2).toString());
- * // Prints: buff
- * // (Equivalent to buf.subarray(0, 4).)
- *
- * console.log(buf.subarray(-5, -2).toString());
- * // Prints: uff
- * // (Equivalent to buf.subarray(1, 4).)
- * ```
- * @since v3.0.0
- * @param [start=0] Where the new `Buffer` will start.
- * @param [end=buf.length] Where the new `Buffer` will end (not inclusive).
- */
- subarray(start?: number, end?: number): Buffer;
- /**
- * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as big-endian.
- *
- * `value` is interpreted and written as a two's complement signed integer.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8);
- *
- * buf.writeBigInt64BE(0x0102030405060708n, 0);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v12.0.0, v10.20.0
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy: `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeBigInt64BE(value: bigint, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as little-endian.
- *
- * `value` is interpreted and written as a two's complement signed integer.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8);
- *
- * buf.writeBigInt64LE(0x0102030405060708n, 0);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v12.0.0, v10.20.0
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy: `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeBigInt64LE(value: bigint, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as big-endian.
- *
- * This function is also available under the `writeBigUint64BE` alias.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8);
- *
- * buf.writeBigUInt64BE(0xdecafafecacefaden, 0);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v12.0.0, v10.20.0
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy: `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeBigUInt64BE(value: bigint, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * @alias Buffer.writeBigUInt64BE
- * @since v14.10.0, v12.19.0
- */
- writeBigUint64BE(value: bigint, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as little-endian
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8);
- *
- * buf.writeBigUInt64LE(0xdecafafecacefaden, 0);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- *
- * This function is also available under the `writeBigUint64LE` alias.
- * @since v12.0.0, v10.20.0
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy: `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeBigUInt64LE(value: bigint, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * @alias Buffer.writeBigUInt64LE
- * @since v14.10.0, v12.19.0
- */
- writeBigUint64LE(value: bigint, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Writes `byteLength` bytes of `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset`as little-endian. Supports up to 48 bits of accuracy. Behavior is undefined
- * when `value` is anything other than an unsigned integer.
- *
- * This function is also available under the `writeUintLE` alias.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(6);
- *
- * buf.writeUIntLE(0x1234567890ab, 0, 6);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.5
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param offset Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - byteLength`.
- * @param byteLength Number of bytes to write. Must satisfy `0 < byteLength <= 6`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeUIntLE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
- /**
- * @alias Buffer.writeUIntLE
- * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
- */
- writeUintLE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
- /**
- * Writes `byteLength` bytes of `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset`as big-endian. Supports up to 48 bits of accuracy. Behavior is undefined
- * when `value` is anything other than an unsigned integer.
- *
- * This function is also available under the `writeUintBE` alias.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(6);
- *
- * buf.writeUIntBE(0x1234567890ab, 0, 6);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.5
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param offset Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - byteLength`.
- * @param byteLength Number of bytes to write. Must satisfy `0 < byteLength <= 6`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeUIntBE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
- /**
- * @alias Buffer.writeUIntBE
- * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
- */
- writeUintBE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
- /**
- * Writes `byteLength` bytes of `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset`as little-endian. Supports up to 48 bits of accuracy. Behavior is undefined
- * when `value` is anything other than a signed integer.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(6);
- *
- * buf.writeIntLE(0x1234567890ab, 0, 6);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v0.11.15
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param offset Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - byteLength`.
- * @param byteLength Number of bytes to write. Must satisfy `0 < byteLength <= 6`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeIntLE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
- /**
- * Writes `byteLength` bytes of `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset`as big-endian. Supports up to 48 bits of accuracy. Behavior is undefined when`value` is anything other than a
- * signed integer.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(6);
- *
- * buf.writeIntBE(0x1234567890ab, 0, 6);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v0.11.15
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param offset Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - byteLength`.
- * @param byteLength Number of bytes to write. Must satisfy `0 < byteLength <= 6`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeIntBE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
- /**
- * Reads an unsigned, big-endian 64-bit integer from `buf` at the specified`offset`.
- *
- * This function is also available under the `readBigUint64BE` alias.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]);
- *
- * console.log(buf.readBigUInt64BE(0));
- * // Prints: 4294967295n
- * ```
- * @since v12.0.0, v10.20.0
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy: `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`.
- */
- readBigUInt64BE(offset?: number): bigint;
- /**
- * @alias Buffer.readBigUInt64BE
- * @since v14.10.0, v12.19.0
- */
- readBigUint64BE(offset?: number): bigint;
- /**
- * Reads an unsigned, little-endian 64-bit integer from `buf` at the specified`offset`.
- *
- * This function is also available under the `readBigUint64LE` alias.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]);
- *
- * console.log(buf.readBigUInt64LE(0));
- * // Prints: 18446744069414584320n
- * ```
- * @since v12.0.0, v10.20.0
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy: `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`.
- */
- readBigUInt64LE(offset?: number): bigint;
- /**
- * @alias Buffer.readBigUInt64LE
- * @since v14.10.0, v12.19.0
- */
- readBigUint64LE(offset?: number): bigint;
- /**
- * Reads a signed, big-endian 64-bit integer from `buf` at the specified `offset`.
- *
- * Integers read from a `Buffer` are interpreted as two's complement signed
- * values.
- * @since v12.0.0, v10.20.0
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy: `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`.
- */
- readBigInt64BE(offset?: number): bigint;
- /**
- * Reads a signed, little-endian 64-bit integer from `buf` at the specified`offset`.
- *
- * Integers read from a `Buffer` are interpreted as two's complement signed
- * values.
- * @since v12.0.0, v10.20.0
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy: `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`.
- */
- readBigInt64LE(offset?: number): bigint;
- /**
- * Reads `byteLength` number of bytes from `buf` at the specified `offset`and interprets the result as an unsigned, little-endian integer supporting
- * up to 48 bits of accuracy.
- *
- * This function is also available under the `readUintLE` alias.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xab]);
- *
- * console.log(buf.readUIntLE(0, 6).toString(16));
- * // Prints: ab9078563412
- * ```
- * @since v0.11.15
- * @param offset Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - byteLength`.
- * @param byteLength Number of bytes to read. Must satisfy `0 < byteLength <= 6`.
- */
- readUIntLE(offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
- /**
- * @alias Buffer.readUIntLE
- * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
- */
- readUintLE(offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
- /**
- * Reads `byteLength` number of bytes from `buf` at the specified `offset`and interprets the result as an unsigned big-endian integer supporting
- * up to 48 bits of accuracy.
- *
- * This function is also available under the `readUintBE` alias.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xab]);
- *
- * console.log(buf.readUIntBE(0, 6).toString(16));
- * // Prints: 1234567890ab
- * console.log(buf.readUIntBE(1, 6).toString(16));
- * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
- * ```
- * @since v0.11.15
- * @param offset Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - byteLength`.
- * @param byteLength Number of bytes to read. Must satisfy `0 < byteLength <= 6`.
- */
- readUIntBE(offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
- /**
- * @alias Buffer.readUIntBE
- * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
- */
- readUintBE(offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
- /**
- * Reads `byteLength` number of bytes from `buf` at the specified `offset`and interprets the result as a little-endian, two's complement signed value
- * supporting up to 48 bits of accuracy.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xab]);
- *
- * console.log(buf.readIntLE(0, 6).toString(16));
- * // Prints: -546f87a9cbee
- * ```
- * @since v0.11.15
- * @param offset Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - byteLength`.
- * @param byteLength Number of bytes to read. Must satisfy `0 < byteLength <= 6`.
- */
- readIntLE(offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
- /**
- * Reads `byteLength` number of bytes from `buf` at the specified `offset`and interprets the result as a big-endian, two's complement signed value
- * supporting up to 48 bits of accuracy.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xab]);
- *
- * console.log(buf.readIntBE(0, 6).toString(16));
- * // Prints: 1234567890ab
- * console.log(buf.readIntBE(1, 6).toString(16));
- * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
- * console.log(buf.readIntBE(1, 0).toString(16));
- * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
- * ```
- * @since v0.11.15
- * @param offset Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - byteLength`.
- * @param byteLength Number of bytes to read. Must satisfy `0 < byteLength <= 6`.
- */
- readIntBE(offset: number, byteLength: number): number;
- /**
- * Reads an unsigned 8-bit integer from `buf` at the specified `offset`.
- *
- * This function is also available under the `readUint8` alias.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([1, -2]);
- *
- * console.log(buf.readUInt8(0));
- * // Prints: 1
- * console.log(buf.readUInt8(1));
- * // Prints: 254
- * console.log(buf.readUInt8(2));
- * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.0
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 1`.
- */
- readUInt8(offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * @alias Buffer.readUInt8
- * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
- */
- readUint8(offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Reads an unsigned, little-endian 16-bit integer from `buf` at the specified`offset`.
- *
- * This function is also available under the `readUint16LE` alias.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([0x12, 0x34, 0x56]);
- *
- * console.log(buf.readUInt16LE(0).toString(16));
- * // Prints: 3412
- * console.log(buf.readUInt16LE(1).toString(16));
- * // Prints: 5634
- * console.log(buf.readUInt16LE(2).toString(16));
- * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.5
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 2`.
- */
- readUInt16LE(offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * @alias Buffer.readUInt16LE
- * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
- */
- readUint16LE(offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Reads an unsigned, big-endian 16-bit integer from `buf` at the specified`offset`.
- *
- * This function is also available under the `readUint16BE` alias.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([0x12, 0x34, 0x56]);
- *
- * console.log(buf.readUInt16BE(0).toString(16));
- * // Prints: 1234
- * console.log(buf.readUInt16BE(1).toString(16));
- * // Prints: 3456
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.5
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 2`.
- */
- readUInt16BE(offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * @alias Buffer.readUInt16BE
- * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
- */
- readUint16BE(offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Reads an unsigned, little-endian 32-bit integer from `buf` at the specified`offset`.
- *
- * This function is also available under the `readUint32LE` alias.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78]);
- *
- * console.log(buf.readUInt32LE(0).toString(16));
- * // Prints: 78563412
- * console.log(buf.readUInt32LE(1).toString(16));
- * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.5
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`.
- */
- readUInt32LE(offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * @alias Buffer.readUInt32LE
- * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
- */
- readUint32LE(offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Reads an unsigned, big-endian 32-bit integer from `buf` at the specified`offset`.
- *
- * This function is also available under the `readUint32BE` alias.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78]);
- *
- * console.log(buf.readUInt32BE(0).toString(16));
- * // Prints: 12345678
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.5
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`.
- */
- readUInt32BE(offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * @alias Buffer.readUInt32BE
- * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
- */
- readUint32BE(offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Reads a signed 8-bit integer from `buf` at the specified `offset`.
- *
- * Integers read from a `Buffer` are interpreted as two's complement signed values.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([-1, 5]);
- *
- * console.log(buf.readInt8(0));
- * // Prints: -1
- * console.log(buf.readInt8(1));
- * // Prints: 5
- * console.log(buf.readInt8(2));
- * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.0
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 1`.
- */
- readInt8(offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Reads a signed, little-endian 16-bit integer from `buf` at the specified`offset`.
- *
- * Integers read from a `Buffer` are interpreted as two's complement signed values.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([0, 5]);
- *
- * console.log(buf.readInt16LE(0));
- * // Prints: 1280
- * console.log(buf.readInt16LE(1));
- * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.5
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 2`.
- */
- readInt16LE(offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Reads a signed, big-endian 16-bit integer from `buf` at the specified `offset`.
- *
- * Integers read from a `Buffer` are interpreted as two's complement signed values.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([0, 5]);
- *
- * console.log(buf.readInt16BE(0));
- * // Prints: 5
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.5
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 2`.
- */
- readInt16BE(offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Reads a signed, little-endian 32-bit integer from `buf` at the specified`offset`.
- *
- * Integers read from a `Buffer` are interpreted as two's complement signed values.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([0, 0, 0, 5]);
- *
- * console.log(buf.readInt32LE(0));
- * // Prints: 83886080
- * console.log(buf.readInt32LE(1));
- * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.5
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`.
- */
- readInt32LE(offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Reads a signed, big-endian 32-bit integer from `buf` at the specified `offset`.
- *
- * Integers read from a `Buffer` are interpreted as two's complement signed values.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([0, 0, 0, 5]);
- *
- * console.log(buf.readInt32BE(0));
- * // Prints: 5
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.5
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`.
- */
- readInt32BE(offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Reads a 32-bit, little-endian float from `buf` at the specified `offset`.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([1, 2, 3, 4]);
- *
- * console.log(buf.readFloatLE(0));
- * // Prints: 1.539989614439558e-36
- * console.log(buf.readFloatLE(1));
- * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
- * ```
- * @since v0.11.15
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`.
- */
- readFloatLE(offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Reads a 32-bit, big-endian float from `buf` at the specified `offset`.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([1, 2, 3, 4]);
- *
- * console.log(buf.readFloatBE(0));
- * // Prints: 2.387939260590663e-38
- * ```
- * @since v0.11.15
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`.
- */
- readFloatBE(offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Reads a 64-bit, little-endian double from `buf` at the specified `offset`.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
- *
- * console.log(buf.readDoubleLE(0));
- * // Prints: 5.447603722011605e-270
- * console.log(buf.readDoubleLE(1));
- * // Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE.
- * ```
- * @since v0.11.15
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`.
- */
- readDoubleLE(offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Reads a 64-bit, big-endian double from `buf` at the specified `offset`.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
- *
- * console.log(buf.readDoubleBE(0));
- * // Prints: 8.20788039913184e-304
- * ```
- * @since v0.11.15
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to read. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`.
- */
- readDoubleBE(offset?: number): number;
- reverse(): this;
- /**
- * Interprets `buf` as an array of unsigned 16-bit integers and swaps the
- * byte order _in-place_. Throws `ERR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE` if `buf.length` is not a multiple of 2.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf1 = Buffer.from([0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8]);
- *
- * console.log(buf1);
- * // Prints:
- *
- * buf1.swap16();
- *
- * console.log(buf1);
- * // Prints:
- *
- * const buf2 = Buffer.from([0x1, 0x2, 0x3]);
- *
- * buf2.swap16();
- * ```
- *
- * One convenient use of `buf.swap16()` is to perform a fast in-place conversion
- * between UTF-16 little-endian and UTF-16 big-endian:
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from('This is little-endian UTF-16', 'utf16le');
- * buf.swap16(); // Convert to big-endian UTF-16 text.
- * ```
- * @since v5.10.0
- * @return A reference to `buf`.
- */
- swap16(): Buffer;
- /**
- * Interprets `buf` as an array of unsigned 32-bit integers and swaps the
- * byte order _in-place_. Throws `ERR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE` if `buf.length` is not a multiple of 4.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf1 = Buffer.from([0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8]);
- *
- * console.log(buf1);
- * // Prints:
- *
- * buf1.swap32();
- *
- * console.log(buf1);
- * // Prints:
- *
- * const buf2 = Buffer.from([0x1, 0x2, 0x3]);
- *
- * buf2.swap32();
- * ```
- * @since v5.10.0
- * @return A reference to `buf`.
- */
- swap32(): Buffer;
- /**
- * Interprets `buf` as an array of 64-bit numbers and swaps byte order _in-place_.
- * Throws `ERR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE` if `buf.length` is not a multiple of 8.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf1 = Buffer.from([0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8]);
- *
- * console.log(buf1);
- * // Prints:
- *
- * buf1.swap64();
- *
- * console.log(buf1);
- * // Prints:
- *
- * const buf2 = Buffer.from([0x1, 0x2, 0x3]);
- *
- * buf2.swap64();
- * ```
- * @since v6.3.0
- * @return A reference to `buf`.
- */
- swap64(): Buffer;
- /**
- * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset`. `value` must be a
- * valid unsigned 8-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when `value` is anything
- * other than an unsigned 8-bit integer.
- *
- * This function is also available under the `writeUint8` alias.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
- *
- * buf.writeUInt8(0x3, 0);
- * buf.writeUInt8(0x4, 1);
- * buf.writeUInt8(0x23, 2);
- * buf.writeUInt8(0x42, 3);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.0
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 1`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeUInt8(value: number, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * @alias Buffer.writeUInt8
- * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
- */
- writeUint8(value: number, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as little-endian. The `value`must be a valid unsigned 16-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when `value` is
- * anything other than an unsigned 16-bit integer.
- *
- * This function is also available under the `writeUint16LE` alias.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
- *
- * buf.writeUInt16LE(0xdead, 0);
- * buf.writeUInt16LE(0xbeef, 2);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.5
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 2`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeUInt16LE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * @alias Buffer.writeUInt16LE
- * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
- */
- writeUint16LE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as big-endian. The `value`must be a valid unsigned 16-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when `value`is anything other than an
- * unsigned 16-bit integer.
- *
- * This function is also available under the `writeUint16BE` alias.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
- *
- * buf.writeUInt16BE(0xdead, 0);
- * buf.writeUInt16BE(0xbeef, 2);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.5
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 2`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeUInt16BE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * @alias Buffer.writeUInt16BE
- * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
- */
- writeUint16BE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as little-endian. The `value`must be a valid unsigned 32-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when `value` is
- * anything other than an unsigned 32-bit integer.
- *
- * This function is also available under the `writeUint32LE` alias.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
- *
- * buf.writeUInt32LE(0xfeedface, 0);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.5
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeUInt32LE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * @alias Buffer.writeUInt32LE
- * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
- */
- writeUint32LE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as big-endian. The `value`must be a valid unsigned 32-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when `value`is anything other than an
- * unsigned 32-bit integer.
- *
- * This function is also available under the `writeUint32BE` alias.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
- *
- * buf.writeUInt32BE(0xfeedface, 0);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.5
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeUInt32BE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * @alias Buffer.writeUInt32BE
- * @since v14.9.0, v12.19.0
- */
- writeUint32BE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset`. `value` must be a valid
- * signed 8-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when `value` is anything other than
- * a signed 8-bit integer.
- *
- * `value` is interpreted and written as a two's complement signed integer.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(2);
- *
- * buf.writeInt8(2, 0);
- * buf.writeInt8(-2, 1);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.0
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 1`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeInt8(value: number, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as little-endian. The `value`must be a valid signed 16-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when `value` is
- * anything other than a signed 16-bit integer.
- *
- * The `value` is interpreted and written as a two's complement signed integer.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(2);
- *
- * buf.writeInt16LE(0x0304, 0);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.5
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 2`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeInt16LE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as big-endian. The `value`must be a valid signed 16-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when `value` is
- * anything other than a signed 16-bit integer.
- *
- * The `value` is interpreted and written as a two's complement signed integer.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(2);
- *
- * buf.writeInt16BE(0x0102, 0);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.5
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 2`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeInt16BE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as little-endian. The `value`must be a valid signed 32-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when `value` is
- * anything other than a signed 32-bit integer.
- *
- * The `value` is interpreted and written as a two's complement signed integer.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
- *
- * buf.writeInt32LE(0x05060708, 0);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.5
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeInt32LE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as big-endian. The `value`must be a valid signed 32-bit integer. Behavior is undefined when `value` is
- * anything other than a signed 32-bit integer.
- *
- * The `value` is interpreted and written as a two's complement signed integer.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
- *
- * buf.writeInt32BE(0x01020304, 0);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.5
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeInt32BE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as little-endian. Behavior is
- * undefined when `value` is anything other than a JavaScript number.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
- *
- * buf.writeFloatLE(0xcafebabe, 0);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v0.11.15
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeFloatLE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as big-endian. Behavior is
- * undefined when `value` is anything other than a JavaScript number.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
- *
- * buf.writeFloatBE(0xcafebabe, 0);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v0.11.15
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 4`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeFloatBE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as little-endian. The `value`must be a JavaScript number. Behavior is undefined when `value` is anything
- * other than a JavaScript number.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8);
- *
- * buf.writeDoubleLE(123.456, 0);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v0.11.15
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeDoubleLE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Writes `value` to `buf` at the specified `offset` as big-endian. The `value`must be a JavaScript number. Behavior is undefined when `value` is anything
- * other than a JavaScript number.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8);
- *
- * buf.writeDoubleBE(123.456, 0);
- *
- * console.log(buf);
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- * @since v0.11.15
- * @param value Number to be written to `buf`.
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to write. Must satisfy `0 <= offset <= buf.length - 8`.
- * @return `offset` plus the number of bytes written.
- */
- writeDoubleBE(value: number, offset?: number): number;
- /**
- * Fills `buf` with the specified `value`. If the `offset` and `end` are not given,
- * the entire `buf` will be filled:
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * // Fill a `Buffer` with the ASCII character 'h'.
- *
- * const b = Buffer.allocUnsafe(50).fill('h');
- *
- * console.log(b.toString());
- * // Prints: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
- *
- * // Fill a buffer with empty string
- * const c = Buffer.allocUnsafe(5).fill('');
- *
- * console.log(c.fill(''));
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- *
- * `value` is coerced to a `uint32` value if it is not a string, `Buffer`, or
- * integer. If the resulting integer is greater than `255` (decimal), `buf` will be
- * filled with `value & 255`.
- *
- * If the final write of a `fill()` operation falls on a multi-byte character,
- * then only the bytes of that character that fit into `buf` are written:
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * // Fill a `Buffer` with character that takes up two bytes in UTF-8.
- *
- * console.log(Buffer.allocUnsafe(5).fill('\u0222'));
- * // Prints:
- * ```
- *
- * If `value` contains invalid characters, it is truncated; if no valid
- * fill data remains, an exception is thrown:
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(5);
- *
- * console.log(buf.fill('a'));
- * // Prints:
- * console.log(buf.fill('aazz', 'hex'));
- * // Prints:
- * console.log(buf.fill('zz', 'hex'));
- * // Throws an exception.
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.0
- * @param value The value with which to fill `buf`. Empty value (string, Uint8Array, Buffer) is coerced to `0`.
- * @param [offset=0] Number of bytes to skip before starting to fill `buf`.
- * @param [end=buf.length] Where to stop filling `buf` (not inclusive).
- * @param [encoding='utf8'] The encoding for `value` if `value` is a string.
- * @return A reference to `buf`.
- */
- fill(value: string | Uint8Array | number, offset?: number, end?: number, encoding?: BufferEncoding): this;
- /**
- * If `value` is:
- *
- * * a string, `value` is interpreted according to the character encoding in`encoding`.
- * * a `Buffer` or [`Uint8Array`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Uint8Array), `value` will be used in its entirety.
- * To compare a partial `Buffer`, use `buf.subarray`.
- * * a number, `value` will be interpreted as an unsigned 8-bit integer
- * value between `0` and `255`.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from('this is a buffer');
- *
- * console.log(buf.indexOf('this'));
- * // Prints: 0
- * console.log(buf.indexOf('is'));
- * // Prints: 2
- * console.log(buf.indexOf(Buffer.from('a buffer')));
- * // Prints: 8
- * console.log(buf.indexOf(97));
- * // Prints: 8 (97 is the decimal ASCII value for 'a')
- * console.log(buf.indexOf(Buffer.from('a buffer example')));
- * // Prints: -1
- * console.log(buf.indexOf(Buffer.from('a buffer example').slice(0, 8)));
- * // Prints: 8
- *
- * const utf16Buffer = Buffer.from('\u039a\u0391\u03a3\u03a3\u0395', 'utf16le');
- *
- * console.log(utf16Buffer.indexOf('\u03a3', 0, 'utf16le'));
- * // Prints: 4
- * console.log(utf16Buffer.indexOf('\u03a3', -4, 'utf16le'));
- * // Prints: 6
- * ```
- *
- * If `value` is not a string, number, or `Buffer`, this method will throw a`TypeError`. If `value` is a number, it will be coerced to a valid byte value,
- * an integer between 0 and 255.
- *
- * If `byteOffset` is not a number, it will be coerced to a number. If the result
- * of coercion is `NaN` or `0`, then the entire buffer will be searched. This
- * behavior matches [`String.prototype.indexOf()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/indexOf).
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const b = Buffer.from('abcdef');
- *
- * // Passing a value that's a number, but not a valid byte.
- * // Prints: 2, equivalent to searching for 99 or 'c'.
- * console.log(b.indexOf(99.9));
- * console.log(b.indexOf(256 + 99));
- *
- * // Passing a byteOffset that coerces to NaN or 0.
- * // Prints: 1, searching the whole buffer.
- * console.log(b.indexOf('b', undefined));
- * console.log(b.indexOf('b', {}));
- * console.log(b.indexOf('b', null));
- * console.log(b.indexOf('b', []));
- * ```
- *
- * If `value` is an empty string or empty `Buffer` and `byteOffset` is less
- * than `buf.length`, `byteOffset` will be returned. If `value` is empty and`byteOffset` is at least `buf.length`, `buf.length` will be returned.
- * @since v1.5.0
- * @param value What to search for.
- * @param [byteOffset=0] Where to begin searching in `buf`. If negative, then offset is calculated from the end of `buf`.
- * @param [encoding='utf8'] If `value` is a string, this is the encoding used to determine the binary representation of the string that will be searched for in `buf`.
- * @return The index of the first occurrence of `value` in `buf`, or `-1` if `buf` does not contain `value`.
- */
- indexOf(value: string | number | Uint8Array, byteOffset?: number, encoding?: BufferEncoding): number;
- /**
- * Identical to `buf.indexOf()`, except the last occurrence of `value` is found
- * rather than the first occurrence.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from('this buffer is a buffer');
- *
- * console.log(buf.lastIndexOf('this'));
- * // Prints: 0
- * console.log(buf.lastIndexOf('buffer'));
- * // Prints: 17
- * console.log(buf.lastIndexOf(Buffer.from('buffer')));
- * // Prints: 17
- * console.log(buf.lastIndexOf(97));
- * // Prints: 15 (97 is the decimal ASCII value for 'a')
- * console.log(buf.lastIndexOf(Buffer.from('yolo')));
- * // Prints: -1
- * console.log(buf.lastIndexOf('buffer', 5));
- * // Prints: 5
- * console.log(buf.lastIndexOf('buffer', 4));
- * // Prints: -1
- *
- * const utf16Buffer = Buffer.from('\u039a\u0391\u03a3\u03a3\u0395', 'utf16le');
- *
- * console.log(utf16Buffer.lastIndexOf('\u03a3', undefined, 'utf16le'));
- * // Prints: 6
- * console.log(utf16Buffer.lastIndexOf('\u03a3', -5, 'utf16le'));
- * // Prints: 4
- * ```
- *
- * If `value` is not a string, number, or `Buffer`, this method will throw a`TypeError`. If `value` is a number, it will be coerced to a valid byte value,
- * an integer between 0 and 255.
- *
- * If `byteOffset` is not a number, it will be coerced to a number. Any arguments
- * that coerce to `NaN`, like `{}` or `undefined`, will search the whole buffer.
- * This behavior matches [`String.prototype.lastIndexOf()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/lastIndexOf).
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const b = Buffer.from('abcdef');
- *
- * // Passing a value that's a number, but not a valid byte.
- * // Prints: 2, equivalent to searching for 99 or 'c'.
- * console.log(b.lastIndexOf(99.9));
- * console.log(b.lastIndexOf(256 + 99));
- *
- * // Passing a byteOffset that coerces to NaN.
- * // Prints: 1, searching the whole buffer.
- * console.log(b.lastIndexOf('b', undefined));
- * console.log(b.lastIndexOf('b', {}));
- *
- * // Passing a byteOffset that coerces to 0.
- * // Prints: -1, equivalent to passing 0.
- * console.log(b.lastIndexOf('b', null));
- * console.log(b.lastIndexOf('b', []));
- * ```
- *
- * If `value` is an empty string or empty `Buffer`, `byteOffset` will be returned.
- * @since v6.0.0
- * @param value What to search for.
- * @param [byteOffset=buf.length - 1] Where to begin searching in `buf`. If negative, then offset is calculated from the end of `buf`.
- * @param [encoding='utf8'] If `value` is a string, this is the encoding used to determine the binary representation of the string that will be searched for in `buf`.
- * @return The index of the last occurrence of `value` in `buf`, or `-1` if `buf` does not contain `value`.
- */
- lastIndexOf(value: string | number | Uint8Array, byteOffset?: number, encoding?: BufferEncoding): number;
- /**
- * Creates and returns an [iterator](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols) of `[index, byte]` pairs from the contents
- * of `buf`.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * // Log the entire contents of a `Buffer`.
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from('buffer');
- *
- * for (const pair of buf.entries()) {
- * console.log(pair);
- * }
- * // Prints:
- * // [0, 98]
- * // [1, 117]
- * // [2, 102]
- * // [3, 102]
- * // [4, 101]
- * // [5, 114]
- * ```
- * @since v1.1.0
- */
- entries(): IterableIterator<[number, number]>;
- /**
- * Equivalent to `buf.indexOf() !== -1`.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from('this is a buffer');
- *
- * console.log(buf.includes('this'));
- * // Prints: true
- * console.log(buf.includes('is'));
- * // Prints: true
- * console.log(buf.includes(Buffer.from('a buffer')));
- * // Prints: true
- * console.log(buf.includes(97));
- * // Prints: true (97 is the decimal ASCII value for 'a')
- * console.log(buf.includes(Buffer.from('a buffer example')));
- * // Prints: false
- * console.log(buf.includes(Buffer.from('a buffer example').slice(0, 8)));
- * // Prints: true
- * console.log(buf.includes('this', 4));
- * // Prints: false
- * ```
- * @since v5.3.0
- * @param value What to search for.
- * @param [byteOffset=0] Where to begin searching in `buf`. If negative, then offset is calculated from the end of `buf`.
- * @param [encoding='utf8'] If `value` is a string, this is its encoding.
- * @return `true` if `value` was found in `buf`, `false` otherwise.
- */
- includes(value: string | number | Buffer, byteOffset?: number, encoding?: BufferEncoding): boolean;
- /**
- * Creates and returns an [iterator](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols) of `buf` keys (indices).
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from('buffer');
- *
- * for (const key of buf.keys()) {
- * console.log(key);
- * }
- * // Prints:
- * // 0
- * // 1
- * // 2
- * // 3
- * // 4
- * // 5
- * ```
- * @since v1.1.0
- */
- keys(): IterableIterator;
- /**
- * Creates and returns an [iterator](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols) for `buf` values (bytes). This function is
- * called automatically when a `Buffer` is used in a `for..of` statement.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.from('buffer');
- *
- * for (const value of buf.values()) {
- * console.log(value);
- * }
- * // Prints:
- * // 98
- * // 117
- * // 102
- * // 102
- * // 101
- * // 114
- *
- * for (const value of buf) {
- * console.log(value);
- * }
- * // Prints:
- * // 98
- * // 117
- * // 102
- * // 102
- * // 101
- * // 114
- * ```
- * @since v1.1.0
- */
- values(): IterableIterator;
- }
- var Buffer: BufferConstructor;
- /**
- * Decodes a string of Base64-encoded data into bytes, and encodes those bytes
- * into a string using Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1).
- *
- * The `data` may be any JavaScript-value that can be coerced into a string.
- *
- * **This function is only provided for compatibility with legacy web platform APIs**
- * **and should never be used in new code, because they use strings to represent**
- * **binary data and predate the introduction of typed arrays in JavaScript.**
- * **For code running using Node.js APIs, converting between base64-encoded strings**
- * **and binary data should be performed using `Buffer.from(str, 'base64')` and`buf.toString('base64')`.**
- * @since v15.13.0, v14.17.0
- * @legacy Use `Buffer.from(data, 'base64')` instead.
- * @param data The Base64-encoded input string.
- */
- function atob(data: string): string;
- /**
- * Decodes a string into bytes using Latin-1 (ISO-8859), and encodes those bytes
- * into a string using Base64.
- *
- * The `data` may be any JavaScript-value that can be coerced into a string.
- *
- * **This function is only provided for compatibility with legacy web platform APIs**
- * **and should never be used in new code, because they use strings to represent**
- * **binary data and predate the introduction of typed arrays in JavaScript.**
- * **For code running using Node.js APIs, converting between base64-encoded strings**
- * **and binary data should be performed using `Buffer.from(str, 'base64')` and`buf.toString('base64')`.**
- * @since v15.13.0, v14.17.0
- * @legacy Use `buf.toString('base64')` instead.
- * @param data An ASCII (Latin1) string.
- */
- function btoa(data: string): string;
- interface Blob extends __Blob {}
- /**
- * `Blob` class is a global reference for `require('node:buffer').Blob`
- * https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html#class-blob
- * @since v18.0.0
- */
- var Blob: typeof globalThis extends {
- onmessage: any;
- Blob: infer T;
- }
- ? T
- : typeof NodeBlob;
- }
-declare module 'node:buffer' {
- export * from 'buffer';
diff --git a/node_modules/@types/node/child_process.d.ts b/node_modules/@types/node/child_process.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index b255795272b7bde64e84d4f7549166694ba49f97..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@types/node/child_process.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1400 +0,0 @@
- * The `node:child_process` module provides the ability to spawn subprocesses in
- * a manner that is similar, but not identical, to [`popen(3)`](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/popen.3.html). This capability
- * is primarily provided by the {@link spawn} function:
- *
- * ```js
- * const { spawn } = require('node:child_process');
- * const ls = spawn('ls', ['-lh', '/usr']);
- *
- * ls.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
- * console.log(`stdout: ${data}`);
- * });
- *
- * ls.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
- * console.error(`stderr: ${data}`);
- * });
- *
- * ls.on('close', (code) => {
- * console.log(`child process exited with code ${code}`);
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * By default, pipes for `stdin`, `stdout`, and `stderr` are established between
- * the parent Node.js process and the spawned subprocess. These pipes have
- * limited (and platform-specific) capacity. If the subprocess writes to
- * stdout in excess of that limit without the output being captured, the
- * subprocess blocks waiting for the pipe buffer to accept more data. This is
- * identical to the behavior of pipes in the shell. Use the `{ stdio: 'ignore' }`option if the output will not be consumed.
- *
- * The command lookup is performed using the `options.env.PATH` environment
- * variable if `env` is in the `options` object. Otherwise, `process.env.PATH` is
- * used. If `options.env` is set without `PATH`, lookup on Unix is performed
- * on a default search path search of `/usr/bin:/bin` (see your operating system's
- * manual for execvpe/execvp), on Windows the current processes environment
- * variable `PATH` is used.
- *
- * On Windows, environment variables are case-insensitive. Node.js
- * lexicographically sorts the `env` keys and uses the first one that
- * case-insensitively matches. Only first (in lexicographic order) entry will be
- * passed to the subprocess. This might lead to issues on Windows when passing
- * objects to the `env` option that have multiple variants of the same key, such as`PATH` and `Path`.
- *
- * The {@link spawn} method spawns the child process asynchronously,
- * without blocking the Node.js event loop. The {@link spawnSync} function provides equivalent functionality in a synchronous manner that blocks
- * the event loop until the spawned process either exits or is terminated.
- *
- * For convenience, the `node:child_process` module provides a handful of
- * synchronous and asynchronous alternatives to {@link spawn} and {@link spawnSync}. Each of these alternatives are implemented on
- * top of {@link spawn} or {@link spawnSync}.
- *
- * * {@link exec}: spawns a shell and runs a command within that
- * shell, passing the `stdout` and `stderr` to a callback function when
- * complete.
- * * {@link execFile}: similar to {@link exec} except
- * that it spawns the command directly without first spawning a shell by
- * default.
- * * {@link fork}: spawns a new Node.js process and invokes a
- * specified module with an IPC communication channel established that allows
- * sending messages between parent and child.
- * * {@link execSync}: a synchronous version of {@link exec} that will block the Node.js event loop.
- * * {@link execFileSync}: a synchronous version of {@link execFile} that will block the Node.js event loop.
- *
- * For certain use cases, such as automating shell scripts, the `synchronous counterparts` may be more convenient. In many cases, however,
- * the synchronous methods can have significant impact on performance due to
- * stalling the event loop while spawned processes complete.
- * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v20.2.0/lib/child_process.js)
- */
-declare module 'child_process' {
- import { ObjectEncodingOptions } from 'node:fs';
- import { EventEmitter, Abortable } from 'node:events';
- import * as net from 'node:net';
- import { Writable, Readable, Stream, Pipe } from 'node:stream';
- import { URL } from 'node:url';
- type Serializable = string | object | number | boolean | bigint;
- type SendHandle = net.Socket | net.Server;
- /**
- * Instances of the `ChildProcess` represent spawned child processes.
- *
- * Instances of `ChildProcess` are not intended to be created directly. Rather,
- * use the {@link spawn}, {@link exec},{@link execFile}, or {@link fork} methods to create
- * instances of `ChildProcess`.
- * @since v2.2.0
- */
- class ChildProcess extends EventEmitter {
- /**
- * A `Writable Stream` that represents the child process's `stdin`.
- *
- * If a child process waits to read all of its input, the child will not continue
- * until this stream has been closed via `end()`.
- *
- * If the child was spawned with `stdio[0]` set to anything other than `'pipe'`,
- * then this will be `null`.
- *
- * `subprocess.stdin` is an alias for `subprocess.stdio[0]`. Both properties will
- * refer to the same value.
- *
- * The `subprocess.stdin` property can be `null` or `undefined`if the child process could not be successfully spawned.
- * @since v0.1.90
- */
- stdin: Writable | null;
- /**
- * A `Readable Stream` that represents the child process's `stdout`.
- *
- * If the child was spawned with `stdio[1]` set to anything other than `'pipe'`,
- * then this will be `null`.
- *
- * `subprocess.stdout` is an alias for `subprocess.stdio[1]`. Both properties will
- * refer to the same value.
- *
- * ```js
- * const { spawn } = require('node:child_process');
- *
- * const subprocess = spawn('ls');
- *
- * subprocess.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
- * console.log(`Received chunk ${data}`);
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * The `subprocess.stdout` property can be `null` or `undefined`if the child process could not be successfully spawned.
- * @since v0.1.90
- */
- stdout: Readable | null;
- /**
- * A `Readable Stream` that represents the child process's `stderr`.
- *
- * If the child was spawned with `stdio[2]` set to anything other than `'pipe'`,
- * then this will be `null`.
- *
- * `subprocess.stderr` is an alias for `subprocess.stdio[2]`. Both properties will
- * refer to the same value.
- *
- * The `subprocess.stderr` property can be `null` or `undefined`if the child process could not be successfully spawned.
- * @since v0.1.90
- */
- stderr: Readable | null;
- /**
- * The `subprocess.channel` property is a reference to the child's IPC channel. If
- * no IPC channel exists, this property is `undefined`.
- * @since v7.1.0
- */
- readonly channel?: Pipe | null | undefined;
- /**
- * A sparse array of pipes to the child process, corresponding with positions in
- * the `stdio` option passed to {@link spawn} that have been set
- * to the value `'pipe'`. `subprocess.stdio[0]`, `subprocess.stdio[1]`, and`subprocess.stdio[2]` are also available as `subprocess.stdin`,`subprocess.stdout`, and `subprocess.stderr`,
- * respectively.
- *
- * In the following example, only the child's fd `1` (stdout) is configured as a
- * pipe, so only the parent's `subprocess.stdio[1]` is a stream, all other values
- * in the array are `null`.
- *
- * ```js
- * const assert = require('node:assert');
- * const fs = require('node:fs');
- * const child_process = require('node:child_process');
- *
- * const subprocess = child_process.spawn('ls', {
- * stdio: [
- * 0, // Use parent's stdin for child.
- * 'pipe', // Pipe child's stdout to parent.
- * fs.openSync('err.out', 'w'), // Direct child's stderr to a file.
- * ],
- * });
- *
- * assert.strictEqual(subprocess.stdio[0], null);
- * assert.strictEqual(subprocess.stdio[0], subprocess.stdin);
- *
- * assert(subprocess.stdout);
- * assert.strictEqual(subprocess.stdio[1], subprocess.stdout);
- *
- * assert.strictEqual(subprocess.stdio[2], null);
- * assert.strictEqual(subprocess.stdio[2], subprocess.stderr);
- * ```
- *
- * The `subprocess.stdio` property can be `undefined` if the child process could
- * not be successfully spawned.
- * @since v0.7.10
- */
- readonly stdio: [
- Writable | null,
- // stdin
- Readable | null,
- // stdout
- Readable | null,
- // stderr
- Readable | Writable | null | undefined,
- // extra
- Readable | Writable | null | undefined // extra
- ];
- /**
- * The `subprocess.killed` property indicates whether the child process
- * successfully received a signal from `subprocess.kill()`. The `killed` property
- * does not indicate that the child process has been terminated.
- * @since v0.5.10
- */
- readonly killed: boolean;
- /**
- * Returns the process identifier (PID) of the child process. If the child process
- * fails to spawn due to errors, then the value is `undefined` and `error` is
- * emitted.
- *
- * ```js
- * const { spawn } = require('node:child_process');
- * const grep = spawn('grep', ['ssh']);
- *
- * console.log(`Spawned child pid: ${grep.pid}`);
- * grep.stdin.end();
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.90
- */
- readonly pid?: number | undefined;
- /**
- * The `subprocess.connected` property indicates whether it is still possible to
- * send and receive messages from a child process. When `subprocess.connected` is`false`, it is no longer possible to send or receive messages.
- * @since v0.7.2
- */
- readonly connected: boolean;
- /**
- * The `subprocess.exitCode` property indicates the exit code of the child process.
- * If the child process is still running, the field will be `null`.
- */
- readonly exitCode: number | null;
- /**
- * The `subprocess.signalCode` property indicates the signal received by
- * the child process if any, else `null`.
- */
- readonly signalCode: NodeJS.Signals | null;
- /**
- * The `subprocess.spawnargs` property represents the full list of command-line
- * arguments the child process was launched with.
- */
- readonly spawnargs: string[];
- /**
- * The `subprocess.spawnfile` property indicates the executable file name of
- * the child process that is launched.
- *
- * For {@link fork}, its value will be equal to `process.execPath`.
- * For {@link spawn}, its value will be the name of
- * the executable file.
- * For {@link exec}, its value will be the name of the shell
- * in which the child process is launched.
- */
- readonly spawnfile: string;
- /**
- * The `subprocess.kill()` method sends a signal to the child process. If no
- * argument is given, the process will be sent the `'SIGTERM'` signal. See [`signal(7)`](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/signal.7.html) for a list of available signals. This function
- * returns `true` if [`kill(2)`](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/kill.2.html) succeeds, and `false` otherwise.
- *
- * ```js
- * const { spawn } = require('node:child_process');
- * const grep = spawn('grep', ['ssh']);
- *
- * grep.on('close', (code, signal) => {
- * console.log(
- * `child process terminated due to receipt of signal ${signal}`);
- * });
- *
- * // Send SIGHUP to process.
- * grep.kill('SIGHUP');
- * ```
- *
- * The `ChildProcess` object may emit an `'error'` event if the signal
- * cannot be delivered. Sending a signal to a child process that has already exited
- * is not an error but may have unforeseen consequences. Specifically, if the
- * process identifier (PID) has been reassigned to another process, the signal will
- * be delivered to that process instead which can have unexpected results.
- *
- * While the function is called `kill`, the signal delivered to the child process
- * may not actually terminate the process.
- *
- * See [`kill(2)`](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/kill.2.html) for reference.
- *
- * On Windows, where POSIX signals do not exist, the `signal` argument will be
- * ignored, and the process will be killed forcefully and abruptly (similar to`'SIGKILL'`).
- * See `Signal Events` for more details.
- *
- * On Linux, child processes of child processes will not be terminated
- * when attempting to kill their parent. This is likely to happen when running a
- * new process in a shell or with the use of the `shell` option of `ChildProcess`:
- *
- * ```js
- * 'use strict';
- * const { spawn } = require('node:child_process');
- *
- * const subprocess = spawn(
- * 'sh',
- * [
- * '-c',
- * `node -e "setInterval(() => {
- * console.log(process.pid, 'is alive')
- * }, 500);"`,
- * ], {
- * stdio: ['inherit', 'inherit', 'inherit'],
- * },
- * );
- *
- * setTimeout(() => {
- * subprocess.kill(); // Does not terminate the Node.js process in the shell.
- * }, 2000);
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.90
- */
- kill(signal?: NodeJS.Signals | number): boolean;
- /**
- * Calls {@link ChildProcess.kill} with `'SIGTERM'`.
- * @since v20.5.0
- */
- [Symbol.dispose](): void;
- /**
- * When an IPC channel has been established between the parent and child (
- * i.e. when using {@link fork}), the `subprocess.send()` method can
- * be used to send messages to the child process. When the child process is a
- * Node.js instance, these messages can be received via the `'message'` event.
- *
- * The message goes through serialization and parsing. The resulting
- * message might not be the same as what is originally sent.
- *
- * For example, in the parent script:
- *
- * ```js
- * const cp = require('node:child_process');
- * const n = cp.fork(`${__dirname}/sub.js`);
- *
- * n.on('message', (m) => {
- * console.log('PARENT got message:', m);
- * });
- *
- * // Causes the child to print: CHILD got message: { hello: 'world' }
- * n.send({ hello: 'world' });
- * ```
- *
- * And then the child script, `'sub.js'` might look like this:
- *
- * ```js
- * process.on('message', (m) => {
- * console.log('CHILD got message:', m);
- * });
- *
- * // Causes the parent to print: PARENT got message: { foo: 'bar', baz: null }
- * process.send({ foo: 'bar', baz: NaN });
- * ```
- *
- * Child Node.js processes will have a `process.send()` method of their own
- * that allows the child to send messages back to the parent.
- *
- * There is a special case when sending a `{cmd: 'NODE_foo'}` message. Messages
- * containing a `NODE_` prefix in the `cmd` property are reserved for use within
- * Node.js core and will not be emitted in the child's `'message'` event. Rather, such messages are emitted using the`'internalMessage'` event and are consumed internally by Node.js.
- * Applications should avoid using such messages or listening for`'internalMessage'` events as it is subject to change without notice.
- *
- * The optional `sendHandle` argument that may be passed to `subprocess.send()` is
- * for passing a TCP server or socket object to the child process. The child will
- * receive the object as the second argument passed to the callback function
- * registered on the `'message'` event. Any data that is received
- * and buffered in the socket will not be sent to the child.
- *
- * The optional `callback` is a function that is invoked after the message is
- * sent but before the child may have received it. The function is called with a
- * single argument: `null` on success, or an `Error` object on failure.
- *
- * If no `callback` function is provided and the message cannot be sent, an`'error'` event will be emitted by the `ChildProcess` object. This can
- * happen, for instance, when the child process has already exited.
- *
- * `subprocess.send()` will return `false` if the channel has closed or when the
- * backlog of unsent messages exceeds a threshold that makes it unwise to send
- * more. Otherwise, the method returns `true`. The `callback` function can be
- * used to implement flow control.
- *
- * #### Example: sending a server object
- *
- * The `sendHandle` argument can be used, for instance, to pass the handle of
- * a TCP server object to the child process as illustrated in the example below:
- *
- * ```js
- * const subprocess = require('node:child_process').fork('subprocess.js');
- *
- * // Open up the server object and send the handle.
- * const server = require('node:net').createServer();
- * server.on('connection', (socket) => {
- * socket.end('handled by parent');
- * });
- * server.listen(1337, () => {
- * subprocess.send('server', server);
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * The child would then receive the server object as:
- *
- * ```js
- * process.on('message', (m, server) => {
- * if (m === 'server') {
- * server.on('connection', (socket) => {
- * socket.end('handled by child');
- * });
- * }
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * Once the server is now shared between the parent and child, some connections
- * can be handled by the parent and some by the child.
- *
- * While the example above uses a server created using the `node:net` module,`node:dgram` module servers use exactly the same workflow with the exceptions of
- * listening on a `'message'` event instead of `'connection'` and using`server.bind()` instead of `server.listen()`. This is, however, only
- * supported on Unix platforms.
- *
- * #### Example: sending a socket object
- *
- * Similarly, the `sendHandler` argument can be used to pass the handle of a
- * socket to the child process. The example below spawns two children that each
- * handle connections with "normal" or "special" priority:
- *
- * ```js
- * const { fork } = require('node:child_process');
- * const normal = fork('subprocess.js', ['normal']);
- * const special = fork('subprocess.js', ['special']);
- *
- * // Open up the server and send sockets to child. Use pauseOnConnect to prevent
- * // the sockets from being read before they are sent to the child process.
- * const server = require('node:net').createServer({ pauseOnConnect: true });
- * server.on('connection', (socket) => {
- *
- * // If this is special priority...
- * if (socket.remoteAddress === '') {
- * special.send('socket', socket);
- * return;
- * }
- * // This is normal priority.
- * normal.send('socket', socket);
- * });
- * server.listen(1337);
- * ```
- *
- * The `subprocess.js` would receive the socket handle as the second argument
- * passed to the event callback function:
- *
- * ```js
- * process.on('message', (m, socket) => {
- * if (m === 'socket') {
- * if (socket) {
- * // Check that the client socket exists.
- * // It is possible for the socket to be closed between the time it is
- * // sent and the time it is received in the child process.
- * socket.end(`Request handled with ${process.argv[2]} priority`);
- * }
- * }
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * Do not use `.maxConnections` on a socket that has been passed to a subprocess.
- * The parent cannot track when the socket is destroyed.
- *
- * Any `'message'` handlers in the subprocess should verify that `socket` exists,
- * as the connection may have been closed during the time it takes to send the
- * connection to the child.
- * @since v0.5.9
- * @param options The `options` argument, if present, is an object used to parameterize the sending of certain types of handles. `options` supports the following properties:
- */
- send(message: Serializable, callback?: (error: Error | null) => void): boolean;
- send(message: Serializable, sendHandle?: SendHandle, callback?: (error: Error | null) => void): boolean;
- send(message: Serializable, sendHandle?: SendHandle, options?: MessageOptions, callback?: (error: Error | null) => void): boolean;
- /**
- * Closes the IPC channel between parent and child, allowing the child to exit
- * gracefully once there are no other connections keeping it alive. After calling
- * this method the `subprocess.connected` and `process.connected` properties in
- * both the parent and child (respectively) will be set to `false`, and it will be
- * no longer possible to pass messages between the processes.
- *
- * The `'disconnect'` event will be emitted when there are no messages in the
- * process of being received. This will most often be triggered immediately after
- * calling `subprocess.disconnect()`.
- *
- * When the child process is a Node.js instance (e.g. spawned using {@link fork}), the `process.disconnect()` method can be invoked
- * within the child process to close the IPC channel as well.
- * @since v0.7.2
- */
- disconnect(): void;
- /**
- * By default, the parent will wait for the detached child to exit. To prevent the
- * parent from waiting for a given `subprocess` to exit, use the`subprocess.unref()` method. Doing so will cause the parent's event loop to not
- * include the child in its reference count, allowing the parent to exit
- * independently of the child, unless there is an established IPC channel between
- * the child and the parent.
- *
- * ```js
- * const { spawn } = require('node:child_process');
- *
- * const subprocess = spawn(process.argv[0], ['child_program.js'], {
- * detached: true,
- * stdio: 'ignore',
- * });
- *
- * subprocess.unref();
- * ```
- * @since v0.7.10
- */
- unref(): void;
- /**
- * Calling `subprocess.ref()` after making a call to `subprocess.unref()` will
- * restore the removed reference count for the child process, forcing the parent
- * to wait for the child to exit before exiting itself.
- *
- * ```js
- * const { spawn } = require('node:child_process');
- *
- * const subprocess = spawn(process.argv[0], ['child_program.js'], {
- * detached: true,
- * stdio: 'ignore',
- * });
- *
- * subprocess.unref();
- * subprocess.ref();
- * ```
- * @since v0.7.10
- */
- ref(): void;
- /**
- * events.EventEmitter
- * 1. close
- * 2. disconnect
- * 3. error
- * 4. exit
- * 5. message
- * 6. spawn
- */
- addListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'close', listener: (code: number | null, signal: NodeJS.Signals | null) => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'disconnect', listener: () => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'error', listener: (err: Error) => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'exit', listener: (code: number | null, signal: NodeJS.Signals | null) => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'message', listener: (message: Serializable, sendHandle: SendHandle) => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'spawn', listener: () => void): this;
- emit(event: string | symbol, ...args: any[]): boolean;
- emit(event: 'close', code: number | null, signal: NodeJS.Signals | null): boolean;
- emit(event: 'disconnect'): boolean;
- emit(event: 'error', err: Error): boolean;
- emit(event: 'exit', code: number | null, signal: NodeJS.Signals | null): boolean;
- emit(event: 'message', message: Serializable, sendHandle: SendHandle): boolean;
- emit(event: 'spawn', listener: () => void): boolean;
- on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
- on(event: 'close', listener: (code: number | null, signal: NodeJS.Signals | null) => void): this;
- on(event: 'disconnect', listener: () => void): this;
- on(event: 'error', listener: (err: Error) => void): this;
- on(event: 'exit', listener: (code: number | null, signal: NodeJS.Signals | null) => void): this;
- on(event: 'message', listener: (message: Serializable, sendHandle: SendHandle) => void): this;
- on(event: 'spawn', listener: () => void): this;
- once(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
- once(event: 'close', listener: (code: number | null, signal: NodeJS.Signals | null) => void): this;
- once(event: 'disconnect', listener: () => void): this;
- once(event: 'error', listener: (err: Error) => void): this;
- once(event: 'exit', listener: (code: number | null, signal: NodeJS.Signals | null) => void): this;
- once(event: 'message', listener: (message: Serializable, sendHandle: SendHandle) => void): this;
- once(event: 'spawn', listener: () => void): this;
- prependListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'close', listener: (code: number | null, signal: NodeJS.Signals | null) => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'disconnect', listener: () => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'error', listener: (err: Error) => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'exit', listener: (code: number | null, signal: NodeJS.Signals | null) => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'message', listener: (message: Serializable, sendHandle: SendHandle) => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'spawn', listener: () => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'close', listener: (code: number | null, signal: NodeJS.Signals | null) => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'disconnect', listener: () => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'error', listener: (err: Error) => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'exit', listener: (code: number | null, signal: NodeJS.Signals | null) => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'message', listener: (message: Serializable, sendHandle: SendHandle) => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'spawn', listener: () => void): this;
- }
- // return this object when stdio option is undefined or not specified
- interface ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams extends ChildProcess {
- stdin: Writable;
- stdout: Readable;
- stderr: Readable;
- readonly stdio: [
- Writable,
- Readable,
- Readable,
- // stderr
- Readable | Writable | null | undefined,
- // extra, no modification
- Readable | Writable | null | undefined // extra, no modification
- ];
- }
- // return this object when stdio option is a tuple of 3
- interface ChildProcessByStdio extends ChildProcess {
- stdin: I;
- stdout: O;
- stderr: E;
- readonly stdio: [
- I,
- O,
- E,
- Readable | Writable | null | undefined,
- // extra, no modification
- Readable | Writable | null | undefined // extra, no modification
- ];
- }
- interface MessageOptions {
- keepOpen?: boolean | undefined;
- }
- type IOType = 'overlapped' | 'pipe' | 'ignore' | 'inherit';
- type StdioOptions = IOType | Array;
- type SerializationType = 'json' | 'advanced';
- interface MessagingOptions extends Abortable {
- /**
- * Specify the kind of serialization used for sending messages between processes.
- * @default 'json'
- */
- serialization?: SerializationType | undefined;
- /**
- * The signal value to be used when the spawned process will be killed by the abort signal.
- * @default 'SIGTERM'
- */
- killSignal?: NodeJS.Signals | number | undefined;
- /**
- * In milliseconds the maximum amount of time the process is allowed to run.
- */
- timeout?: number | undefined;
- }
- interface ProcessEnvOptions {
- uid?: number | undefined;
- gid?: number | undefined;
- cwd?: string | URL | undefined;
- env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv | undefined;
- }
- interface CommonOptions extends ProcessEnvOptions {
- /**
- * @default false
- */
- windowsHide?: boolean | undefined;
- /**
- * @default 0
- */
- timeout?: number | undefined;
- }
- interface CommonSpawnOptions extends CommonOptions, MessagingOptions, Abortable {
- argv0?: string | undefined;
- /**
- * Can be set to 'pipe', 'inherit', 'overlapped', or 'ignore', or an array of these strings.
- * If passed as an array, the first element is used for `stdin`, the second for
- * `stdout`, and the third for `stderr`. A fourth element can be used to
- * specify the `stdio` behavior beyond the standard streams. See
- * {@link ChildProcess.stdio} for more information.
- *
- * @default 'pipe'
- */
- stdio?: StdioOptions | undefined;
- shell?: boolean | string | undefined;
- windowsVerbatimArguments?: boolean | undefined;
- }
- interface SpawnOptions extends CommonSpawnOptions {
- detached?: boolean | undefined;
- }
- interface SpawnOptionsWithoutStdio extends SpawnOptions {
- stdio?: StdioPipeNamed | StdioPipe[] | undefined;
- }
- type StdioNull = 'inherit' | 'ignore' | Stream;
- type StdioPipeNamed = 'pipe' | 'overlapped';
- type StdioPipe = undefined | null | StdioPipeNamed;
- interface SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple extends SpawnOptions {
- stdio: [Stdin, Stdout, Stderr];
- }
- /**
- * The `child_process.spawn()` method spawns a new process using the given`command`, with command-line arguments in `args`. If omitted, `args` defaults
- * to an empty array.
- *
- * **If the `shell` option is enabled, do not pass unsanitized user input to this**
- * **function. Any input containing shell metacharacters may be used to trigger**
- * **arbitrary command execution.**
- *
- * A third argument may be used to specify additional options, with these defaults:
- *
- * ```js
- * const defaults = {
- * cwd: undefined,
- * env: process.env,
- * };
- * ```
- *
- * Use `cwd` to specify the working directory from which the process is spawned.
- * If not given, the default is to inherit the current working directory. If given,
- * but the path does not exist, the child process emits an `ENOENT` error
- * and exits immediately. `ENOENT` is also emitted when the command
- * does not exist.
- *
- * Use `env` to specify environment variables that will be visible to the new
- * process, the default is `process.env`.
- *
- * `undefined` values in `env` will be ignored.
- *
- * Example of running `ls -lh /usr`, capturing `stdout`, `stderr`, and the
- * exit code:
- *
- * ```js
- * const { spawn } = require('node:child_process');
- * const ls = spawn('ls', ['-lh', '/usr']);
- *
- * ls.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
- * console.log(`stdout: ${data}`);
- * });
- *
- * ls.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
- * console.error(`stderr: ${data}`);
- * });
- *
- * ls.on('close', (code) => {
- * console.log(`child process exited with code ${code}`);
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * Example: A very elaborate way to run `ps ax | grep ssh`
- *
- * ```js
- * const { spawn } = require('node:child_process');
- * const ps = spawn('ps', ['ax']);
- * const grep = spawn('grep', ['ssh']);
- *
- * ps.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
- * grep.stdin.write(data);
- * });
- *
- * ps.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
- * console.error(`ps stderr: ${data}`);
- * });
- *
- * ps.on('close', (code) => {
- * if (code !== 0) {
- * console.log(`ps process exited with code ${code}`);
- * }
- * grep.stdin.end();
- * });
- *
- * grep.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
- * console.log(data.toString());
- * });
- *
- * grep.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
- * console.error(`grep stderr: ${data}`);
- * });
- *
- * grep.on('close', (code) => {
- * if (code !== 0) {
- * console.log(`grep process exited with code ${code}`);
- * }
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * Example of checking for failed `spawn`:
- *
- * ```js
- * const { spawn } = require('node:child_process');
- * const subprocess = spawn('bad_command');
- *
- * subprocess.on('error', (err) => {
- * console.error('Failed to start subprocess.');
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * Certain platforms (macOS, Linux) will use the value of `argv[0]` for the process
- * title while others (Windows, SunOS) will use `command`.
- *
- * Node.js overwrites `argv[0]` with `process.execPath` on startup, so`process.argv[0]` in a Node.js child process will not match the `argv0`parameter passed to `spawn` from the parent. Retrieve
- * it with the`process.argv0` property instead.
- *
- * If the `signal` option is enabled, calling `.abort()` on the corresponding`AbortController` is similar to calling `.kill()` on the child process except
- * the error passed to the callback will be an `AbortError`:
- *
- * ```js
- * const { spawn } = require('node:child_process');
- * const controller = new AbortController();
- * const { signal } = controller;
- * const grep = spawn('grep', ['ssh'], { signal });
- * grep.on('error', (err) => {
- * // This will be called with err being an AbortError if the controller aborts
- * });
- * controller.abort(); // Stops the child process
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.90
- * @param command The command to run.
- * @param args List of string arguments.
- */
- function spawn(command: string, options?: SpawnOptionsWithoutStdio): ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams;
- function spawn(command: string, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple): ChildProcessByStdio;
- function spawn(command: string, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple): ChildProcessByStdio;
- function spawn(command: string, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple): ChildProcessByStdio;
- function spawn(command: string, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple): ChildProcessByStdio;
- function spawn(command: string, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple): ChildProcessByStdio;
- function spawn(command: string, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple): ChildProcessByStdio;
- function spawn(command: string, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple): ChildProcessByStdio;
- function spawn(command: string, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple): ChildProcessByStdio;
- function spawn(command: string, options: SpawnOptions): ChildProcess;
- // overloads of spawn with 'args'
- function spawn(command: string, args?: ReadonlyArray, options?: SpawnOptionsWithoutStdio): ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams;
- function spawn(command: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple): ChildProcessByStdio;
- function spawn(command: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple): ChildProcessByStdio;
- function spawn(command: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple): ChildProcessByStdio;
- function spawn(command: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple): ChildProcessByStdio;
- function spawn(command: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple): ChildProcessByStdio;
- function spawn(command: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple): ChildProcessByStdio;
- function spawn(command: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple): ChildProcessByStdio;
- function spawn(command: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple): ChildProcessByStdio;
- function spawn(command: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnOptions): ChildProcess;
- interface ExecOptions extends CommonOptions {
- shell?: string | undefined;
- signal?: AbortSignal | undefined;
- maxBuffer?: number | undefined;
- killSignal?: NodeJS.Signals | number | undefined;
- }
- interface ExecOptionsWithStringEncoding extends ExecOptions {
- encoding: BufferEncoding;
- }
- interface ExecOptionsWithBufferEncoding extends ExecOptions {
- encoding: BufferEncoding | null; // specify `null`.
- }
- interface ExecException extends Error {
- cmd?: string | undefined;
- killed?: boolean | undefined;
- code?: number | undefined;
- signal?: NodeJS.Signals | undefined;
- }
- /**
- * Spawns a shell then executes the `command` within that shell, buffering any
- * generated output. The `command` string passed to the exec function is processed
- * directly by the shell and special characters (vary based on [shell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_command-line_interpreters))
- * need to be dealt with accordingly:
- *
- * ```js
- * const { exec } = require('node:child_process');
- *
- * exec('"/path/to/test file/test.sh" arg1 arg2');
- * // Double quotes are used so that the space in the path is not interpreted as
- * // a delimiter of multiple arguments.
- *
- * exec('echo "The \\$HOME variable is $HOME"');
- * // The $HOME variable is escaped in the first instance, but not in the second.
- * ```
- *
- * **Never pass unsanitized user input to this function. Any input containing shell**
- * **metacharacters may be used to trigger arbitrary command execution.**
- *
- * If a `callback` function is provided, it is called with the arguments`(error, stdout, stderr)`. On success, `error` will be `null`. On error,`error` will be an instance of `Error`. The
- * `error.code` property will be
- * the exit code of the process. By convention, any exit code other than `0`indicates an error. `error.signal` will be the signal that terminated the
- * process.
- *
- * The `stdout` and `stderr` arguments passed to the callback will contain the
- * stdout and stderr output of the child process. By default, Node.js will decode
- * the output as UTF-8 and pass strings to the callback. The `encoding` option
- * can be used to specify the character encoding used to decode the stdout and
- * stderr output. If `encoding` is `'buffer'`, or an unrecognized character
- * encoding, `Buffer` objects will be passed to the callback instead.
- *
- * ```js
- * const { exec } = require('node:child_process');
- * exec('cat *.js missing_file | wc -l', (error, stdout, stderr) => {
- * if (error) {
- * console.error(`exec error: ${error}`);
- * return;
- * }
- * console.log(`stdout: ${stdout}`);
- * console.error(`stderr: ${stderr}`);
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * If `timeout` is greater than `0`, the parent will send the signal
- * identified by the `killSignal` property (the default is `'SIGTERM'`) if the
- * child runs longer than `timeout` milliseconds.
- *
- * Unlike the [`exec(3)`](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/exec.3.html) POSIX system call, `child_process.exec()` does not replace
- * the existing process and uses a shell to execute the command.
- *
- * If this method is invoked as its `util.promisify()` ed version, it returns
- * a `Promise` for an `Object` with `stdout` and `stderr` properties. The returned`ChildProcess` instance is attached to the `Promise` as a `child` property. In
- * case of an error (including any error resulting in an exit code other than 0), a
- * rejected promise is returned, with the same `error` object given in the
- * callback, but with two additional properties `stdout` and `stderr`.
- *
- * ```js
- * const util = require('node:util');
- * const exec = util.promisify(require('node:child_process').exec);
- *
- * async function lsExample() {
- * const { stdout, stderr } = await exec('ls');
- * console.log('stdout:', stdout);
- * console.error('stderr:', stderr);
- * }
- * lsExample();
- * ```
- *
- * If the `signal` option is enabled, calling `.abort()` on the corresponding`AbortController` is similar to calling `.kill()` on the child process except
- * the error passed to the callback will be an `AbortError`:
- *
- * ```js
- * const { exec } = require('node:child_process');
- * const controller = new AbortController();
- * const { signal } = controller;
- * const child = exec('grep ssh', { signal }, (error) => {
- * console.error(error); // an AbortError
- * });
- * controller.abort();
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.90
- * @param command The command to run, with space-separated arguments.
- * @param callback called with the output when process terminates.
- */
- function exec(command: string, callback?: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void): ChildProcess;
- // `options` with `"buffer"` or `null` for `encoding` means stdout/stderr are definitely `Buffer`.
- function exec(
- command: string,
- options: {
- encoding: 'buffer' | null;
- } & ExecOptions,
- callback?: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: Buffer, stderr: Buffer) => void
- ): ChildProcess;
- // `options` with well known `encoding` means stdout/stderr are definitely `string`.
- function exec(
- command: string,
- options: {
- encoding: BufferEncoding;
- } & ExecOptions,
- callback?: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void
- ): ChildProcess;
- // `options` with an `encoding` whose type is `string` means stdout/stderr could either be `Buffer` or `string`.
- // There is no guarantee the `encoding` is unknown as `string` is a superset of `BufferEncoding`.
- function exec(
- command: string,
- options: {
- encoding: BufferEncoding;
- } & ExecOptions,
- callback?: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer) => void
- ): ChildProcess;
- // `options` without an `encoding` means stdout/stderr are definitely `string`.
- function exec(command: string, options: ExecOptions, callback?: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void): ChildProcess;
- // fallback if nothing else matches. Worst case is always `string | Buffer`.
- function exec(
- command: string,
- options: (ObjectEncodingOptions & ExecOptions) | undefined | null,
- callback?: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer) => void
- ): ChildProcess;
- interface PromiseWithChild extends Promise {
- child: ChildProcess;
- }
- namespace exec {
- function __promisify__(command: string): PromiseWithChild<{
- stdout: string;
- stderr: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- command: string,
- options: {
- encoding: 'buffer' | null;
- } & ExecOptions
- ): PromiseWithChild<{
- stdout: Buffer;
- stderr: Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- command: string,
- options: {
- encoding: BufferEncoding;
- } & ExecOptions
- ): PromiseWithChild<{
- stdout: string;
- stderr: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- command: string,
- options: ExecOptions
- ): PromiseWithChild<{
- stdout: string;
- stderr: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- command: string,
- options?: (ObjectEncodingOptions & ExecOptions) | null
- ): PromiseWithChild<{
- stdout: string | Buffer;
- stderr: string | Buffer;
- }>;
- }
- interface ExecFileOptions extends CommonOptions, Abortable {
- maxBuffer?: number | undefined;
- killSignal?: NodeJS.Signals | number | undefined;
- windowsVerbatimArguments?: boolean | undefined;
- shell?: boolean | string | undefined;
- signal?: AbortSignal | undefined;
- }
- interface ExecFileOptionsWithStringEncoding extends ExecFileOptions {
- encoding: BufferEncoding;
- }
- interface ExecFileOptionsWithBufferEncoding extends ExecFileOptions {
- encoding: 'buffer' | null;
- }
- interface ExecFileOptionsWithOtherEncoding extends ExecFileOptions {
- encoding: BufferEncoding;
- }
- type ExecFileException =
- & Omit
- & Omit
- & { code?: string | number | undefined | null };
- /**
- * The `child_process.execFile()` function is similar to {@link exec} except that it does not spawn a shell by default. Rather, the specified
- * executable `file` is spawned directly as a new process making it slightly more
- * efficient than {@link exec}.
- *
- * The same options as {@link exec} are supported. Since a shell is
- * not spawned, behaviors such as I/O redirection and file globbing are not
- * supported.
- *
- * ```js
- * const { execFile } = require('node:child_process');
- * const child = execFile('node', ['--version'], (error, stdout, stderr) => {
- * if (error) {
- * throw error;
- * }
- * console.log(stdout);
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * The `stdout` and `stderr` arguments passed to the callback will contain the
- * stdout and stderr output of the child process. By default, Node.js will decode
- * the output as UTF-8 and pass strings to the callback. The `encoding` option
- * can be used to specify the character encoding used to decode the stdout and
- * stderr output. If `encoding` is `'buffer'`, or an unrecognized character
- * encoding, `Buffer` objects will be passed to the callback instead.
- *
- * If this method is invoked as its `util.promisify()` ed version, it returns
- * a `Promise` for an `Object` with `stdout` and `stderr` properties. The returned`ChildProcess` instance is attached to the `Promise` as a `child` property. In
- * case of an error (including any error resulting in an exit code other than 0), a
- * rejected promise is returned, with the same `error` object given in the
- * callback, but with two additional properties `stdout` and `stderr`.
- *
- * ```js
- * const util = require('node:util');
- * const execFile = util.promisify(require('node:child_process').execFile);
- * async function getVersion() {
- * const { stdout } = await execFile('node', ['--version']);
- * console.log(stdout);
- * }
- * getVersion();
- * ```
- *
- * **If the `shell` option is enabled, do not pass unsanitized user input to this**
- * **function. Any input containing shell metacharacters may be used to trigger**
- * **arbitrary command execution.**
- *
- * If the `signal` option is enabled, calling `.abort()` on the corresponding`AbortController` is similar to calling `.kill()` on the child process except
- * the error passed to the callback will be an `AbortError`:
- *
- * ```js
- * const { execFile } = require('node:child_process');
- * const controller = new AbortController();
- * const { signal } = controller;
- * const child = execFile('node', ['--version'], { signal }, (error) => {
- * console.error(error); // an AbortError
- * });
- * controller.abort();
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.91
- * @param file The name or path of the executable file to run.
- * @param args List of string arguments.
- * @param callback Called with the output when process terminates.
- */
- function execFile(file: string): ChildProcess;
- function execFile(file: string, options: (ObjectEncodingOptions & ExecFileOptions) | undefined | null): ChildProcess;
- function execFile(file: string, args?: ReadonlyArray | null): ChildProcess;
- function execFile(file: string, args: ReadonlyArray | undefined | null, options: (ObjectEncodingOptions & ExecFileOptions) | undefined | null): ChildProcess;
- // no `options` definitely means stdout/stderr are `string`.
- function execFile(file: string, callback: (error: ExecFileException | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void): ChildProcess;
- function execFile(file: string, args: ReadonlyArray | undefined | null, callback: (error: ExecFileException | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void): ChildProcess;
- // `options` with `"buffer"` or `null` for `encoding` means stdout/stderr are definitely `Buffer`.
- function execFile(file: string, options: ExecFileOptionsWithBufferEncoding, callback: (error: ExecFileException | null, stdout: Buffer, stderr: Buffer) => void): ChildProcess;
- function execFile(
- file: string,
- args: ReadonlyArray | undefined | null,
- options: ExecFileOptionsWithBufferEncoding,
- callback: (error: ExecFileException | null, stdout: Buffer, stderr: Buffer) => void
- ): ChildProcess;
- // `options` with well known `encoding` means stdout/stderr are definitely `string`.
- function execFile(file: string, options: ExecFileOptionsWithStringEncoding, callback: (error: ExecFileException | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void): ChildProcess;
- function execFile(
- file: string,
- args: ReadonlyArray | undefined | null,
- options: ExecFileOptionsWithStringEncoding,
- callback: (error: ExecFileException | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void
- ): ChildProcess;
- // `options` with an `encoding` whose type is `string` means stdout/stderr could either be `Buffer` or `string`.
- // There is no guarantee the `encoding` is unknown as `string` is a superset of `BufferEncoding`.
- function execFile(file: string, options: ExecFileOptionsWithOtherEncoding, callback: (error: ExecFileException | null, stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer) => void): ChildProcess;
- function execFile(
- file: string,
- args: ReadonlyArray | undefined | null,
- options: ExecFileOptionsWithOtherEncoding,
- callback: (error: ExecFileException | null, stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer) => void
- ): ChildProcess;
- // `options` without an `encoding` means stdout/stderr are definitely `string`.
- function execFile(file: string, options: ExecFileOptions, callback: (error: ExecFileException | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void): ChildProcess;
- function execFile(
- file: string,
- args: ReadonlyArray | undefined | null,
- options: ExecFileOptions,
- callback: (error: ExecFileException | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void
- ): ChildProcess;
- // fallback if nothing else matches. Worst case is always `string | Buffer`.
- function execFile(
- file: string,
- options: (ObjectEncodingOptions & ExecFileOptions) | undefined | null,
- callback: ((error: ExecFileException | null, stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer) => void) | undefined | null
- ): ChildProcess;
- function execFile(
- file: string,
- args: ReadonlyArray | undefined | null,
- options: (ObjectEncodingOptions & ExecFileOptions) | undefined | null,
- callback: ((error: ExecFileException | null, stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer) => void) | undefined | null
- ): ChildProcess;
- namespace execFile {
- function __promisify__(file: string): PromiseWithChild<{
- stdout: string;
- stderr: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- file: string,
- args: ReadonlyArray | undefined | null
- ): PromiseWithChild<{
- stdout: string;
- stderr: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- file: string,
- options: ExecFileOptionsWithBufferEncoding
- ): PromiseWithChild<{
- stdout: Buffer;
- stderr: Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- file: string,
- args: ReadonlyArray | undefined | null,
- options: ExecFileOptionsWithBufferEncoding
- ): PromiseWithChild<{
- stdout: Buffer;
- stderr: Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- file: string,
- options: ExecFileOptionsWithStringEncoding
- ): PromiseWithChild<{
- stdout: string;
- stderr: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- file: string,
- args: ReadonlyArray | undefined | null,
- options: ExecFileOptionsWithStringEncoding
- ): PromiseWithChild<{
- stdout: string;
- stderr: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- file: string,
- options: ExecFileOptionsWithOtherEncoding
- ): PromiseWithChild<{
- stdout: string | Buffer;
- stderr: string | Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- file: string,
- args: ReadonlyArray | undefined | null,
- options: ExecFileOptionsWithOtherEncoding
- ): PromiseWithChild<{
- stdout: string | Buffer;
- stderr: string | Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- file: string,
- options: ExecFileOptions
- ): PromiseWithChild<{
- stdout: string;
- stderr: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- file: string,
- args: ReadonlyArray | undefined | null,
- options: ExecFileOptions
- ): PromiseWithChild<{
- stdout: string;
- stderr: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- file: string,
- options: (ObjectEncodingOptions & ExecFileOptions) | undefined | null
- ): PromiseWithChild<{
- stdout: string | Buffer;
- stderr: string | Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- file: string,
- args: ReadonlyArray | undefined | null,
- options: (ObjectEncodingOptions & ExecFileOptions) | undefined | null
- ): PromiseWithChild<{
- stdout: string | Buffer;
- stderr: string | Buffer;
- }>;
- }
- interface ForkOptions extends ProcessEnvOptions, MessagingOptions, Abortable {
- execPath?: string | undefined;
- execArgv?: string[] | undefined;
- silent?: boolean | undefined;
- /**
- * Can be set to 'pipe', 'inherit', 'overlapped', or 'ignore', or an array of these strings.
- * If passed as an array, the first element is used for `stdin`, the second for
- * `stdout`, and the third for `stderr`. A fourth element can be used to
- * specify the `stdio` behavior beyond the standard streams. See
- * {@link ChildProcess.stdio} for more information.
- *
- * @default 'pipe'
- */
- stdio?: StdioOptions | undefined;
- detached?: boolean | undefined;
- windowsVerbatimArguments?: boolean | undefined;
- }
- /**
- * The `child_process.fork()` method is a special case of {@link spawn} used specifically to spawn new Node.js processes.
- * Like {@link spawn}, a `ChildProcess` object is returned. The
- * returned `ChildProcess` will have an additional communication channel
- * built-in that allows messages to be passed back and forth between the parent and
- * child. See `subprocess.send()` for details.
- *
- * Keep in mind that spawned Node.js child processes are
- * independent of the parent with exception of the IPC communication channel
- * that is established between the two. Each process has its own memory, with
- * their own V8 instances. Because of the additional resource allocations
- * required, spawning a large number of child Node.js processes is not
- * recommended.
- *
- * By default, `child_process.fork()` will spawn new Node.js instances using the `process.execPath` of the parent process. The `execPath` property in the`options` object allows for an alternative
- * execution path to be used.
- *
- * Node.js processes launched with a custom `execPath` will communicate with the
- * parent process using the file descriptor (fd) identified using the
- * environment variable `NODE_CHANNEL_FD` on the child process.
- *
- * Unlike the [`fork(2)`](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/fork.2.html) POSIX system call, `child_process.fork()` does not clone the
- * current process.
- *
- * The `shell` option available in {@link spawn} is not supported by`child_process.fork()` and will be ignored if set.
- *
- * If the `signal` option is enabled, calling `.abort()` on the corresponding`AbortController` is similar to calling `.kill()` on the child process except
- * the error passed to the callback will be an `AbortError`:
- *
- * ```js
- * if (process.argv[2] === 'child') {
- * setTimeout(() => {
- * console.log(`Hello from ${process.argv[2]}!`);
- * }, 1_000);
- * } else {
- * const { fork } = require('node:child_process');
- * const controller = new AbortController();
- * const { signal } = controller;
- * const child = fork(__filename, ['child'], { signal });
- * child.on('error', (err) => {
- * // This will be called with err being an AbortError if the controller aborts
- * });
- * controller.abort(); // Stops the child process
- * }
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.0
- * @param modulePath The module to run in the child.
- * @param args List of string arguments.
- */
- function fork(modulePath: string, options?: ForkOptions): ChildProcess;
- function fork(modulePath: string, args?: ReadonlyArray, options?: ForkOptions): ChildProcess;
- interface SpawnSyncOptions extends CommonSpawnOptions {
- input?: string | NodeJS.ArrayBufferView | undefined;
- maxBuffer?: number | undefined;
- encoding?: BufferEncoding | 'buffer' | null | undefined;
- }
- interface SpawnSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding extends SpawnSyncOptions {
- encoding: BufferEncoding;
- }
- interface SpawnSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding extends SpawnSyncOptions {
- encoding?: 'buffer' | null | undefined;
- }
- interface SpawnSyncReturns {
- pid: number;
- output: Array;
- stdout: T;
- stderr: T;
- status: number | null;
- signal: NodeJS.Signals | null;
- error?: Error | undefined;
- }
- /**
- * The `child_process.spawnSync()` method is generally identical to {@link spawn} with the exception that the function will not return
- * until the child process has fully closed. When a timeout has been encountered
- * and `killSignal` is sent, the method won't return until the process has
- * completely exited. If the process intercepts and handles the `SIGTERM` signal
- * and doesn't exit, the parent process will wait until the child process has
- * exited.
- *
- * **If the `shell` option is enabled, do not pass unsanitized user input to this**
- * **function. Any input containing shell metacharacters may be used to trigger**
- * **arbitrary command execution.**
- * @since v0.11.12
- * @param command The command to run.
- * @param args List of string arguments.
- */
- function spawnSync(command: string): SpawnSyncReturns;
- function spawnSync(command: string, options: SpawnSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding): SpawnSyncReturns;
- function spawnSync(command: string, options: SpawnSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): SpawnSyncReturns;
- function spawnSync(command: string, options?: SpawnSyncOptions): SpawnSyncReturns;
- function spawnSync(command: string, args: ReadonlyArray): SpawnSyncReturns;
- function spawnSync(command: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding): SpawnSyncReturns;
- function spawnSync(command: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): SpawnSyncReturns;
- function spawnSync(command: string, args?: ReadonlyArray, options?: SpawnSyncOptions): SpawnSyncReturns;
- interface CommonExecOptions extends CommonOptions {
- input?: string | NodeJS.ArrayBufferView | undefined;
- /**
- * Can be set to 'pipe', 'inherit, or 'ignore', or an array of these strings.
- * If passed as an array, the first element is used for `stdin`, the second for
- * `stdout`, and the third for `stderr`. A fourth element can be used to
- * specify the `stdio` behavior beyond the standard streams. See
- * {@link ChildProcess.stdio} for more information.
- *
- * @default 'pipe'
- */
- stdio?: StdioOptions | undefined;
- killSignal?: NodeJS.Signals | number | undefined;
- maxBuffer?: number | undefined;
- encoding?: BufferEncoding | 'buffer' | null | undefined;
- }
- interface ExecSyncOptions extends CommonExecOptions {
- shell?: string | undefined;
- }
- interface ExecSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding extends ExecSyncOptions {
- encoding: BufferEncoding;
- }
- interface ExecSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding extends ExecSyncOptions {
- encoding?: 'buffer' | null | undefined;
- }
- /**
- * The `child_process.execSync()` method is generally identical to {@link exec} with the exception that the method will not return
- * until the child process has fully closed. When a timeout has been encountered
- * and `killSignal` is sent, the method won't return until the process has
- * completely exited. If the child process intercepts and handles the `SIGTERM`signal and doesn't exit, the parent process will wait until the child process
- * has exited.
- *
- * If the process times out or has a non-zero exit code, this method will throw.
- * The `Error` object will contain the entire result from {@link spawnSync}.
- *
- * **Never pass unsanitized user input to this function. Any input containing shell**
- * **metacharacters may be used to trigger arbitrary command execution.**
- * @since v0.11.12
- * @param command The command to run.
- * @return The stdout from the command.
- */
- function execSync(command: string): Buffer;
- function execSync(command: string, options: ExecSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding): string;
- function execSync(command: string, options: ExecSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): Buffer;
- function execSync(command: string, options?: ExecSyncOptions): string | Buffer;
- interface ExecFileSyncOptions extends CommonExecOptions {
- shell?: boolean | string | undefined;
- }
- interface ExecFileSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding extends ExecFileSyncOptions {
- encoding: BufferEncoding;
- }
- interface ExecFileSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding extends ExecFileSyncOptions {
- encoding?: 'buffer' | null; // specify `null`.
- }
- /**
- * The `child_process.execFileSync()` method is generally identical to {@link execFile} with the exception that the method will not
- * return until the child process has fully closed. When a timeout has been
- * encountered and `killSignal` is sent, the method won't return until the process
- * has completely exited.
- *
- * If the child process intercepts and handles the `SIGTERM` signal and
- * does not exit, the parent process will still wait until the child process has
- * exited.
- *
- * If the process times out or has a non-zero exit code, this method will throw an `Error` that will include the full result of the underlying {@link spawnSync}.
- *
- * **If the `shell` option is enabled, do not pass unsanitized user input to this**
- * **function. Any input containing shell metacharacters may be used to trigger**
- * **arbitrary command execution.**
- * @since v0.11.12
- * @param file The name or path of the executable file to run.
- * @param args List of string arguments.
- * @return The stdout from the command.
- */
- function execFileSync(file: string): Buffer;
- function execFileSync(file: string, options: ExecFileSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding): string;
- function execFileSync(file: string, options: ExecFileSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): Buffer;
- function execFileSync(file: string, options?: ExecFileSyncOptions): string | Buffer;
- function execFileSync(file: string, args: ReadonlyArray): Buffer;
- function execFileSync(file: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: ExecFileSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding): string;
- function execFileSync(file: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: ExecFileSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): Buffer;
- function execFileSync(file: string, args?: ReadonlyArray, options?: ExecFileSyncOptions): string | Buffer;
-declare module 'node:child_process' {
- export * from 'child_process';
diff --git a/node_modules/@types/node/cluster.d.ts b/node_modules/@types/node/cluster.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fa9aef12148d69b2ce2e86a27d9161aeec27776..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@types/node/cluster.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
- * Clusters of Node.js processes can be used to run multiple instances of Node.js
- * that can distribute workloads among their application threads. When process
- * isolation is not needed, use the `worker_threads` module instead, which
- * allows running multiple application threads within a single Node.js instance.
- *
- * The cluster module allows easy creation of child processes that all share
- * server ports.
- *
- * ```js
- * import cluster from 'node:cluster';
- * import http from 'node:http';
- * import { availableParallelism } from 'node:os';
- * import process from 'node:process';
- *
- * const numCPUs = availableParallelism();
- *
- * if (cluster.isPrimary) {
- * console.log(`Primary ${process.pid} is running`);
- *
- * // Fork workers.
- * for (let i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) {
- * cluster.fork();
- * }
- *
- * cluster.on('exit', (worker, code, signal) => {
- * console.log(`worker ${worker.process.pid} died`);
- * });
- * } else {
- * // Workers can share any TCP connection
- * // In this case it is an HTTP server
- * http.createServer((req, res) => {
- * res.writeHead(200);
- * res.end('hello world\n');
- * }).listen(8000);
- *
- * console.log(`Worker ${process.pid} started`);
- * }
- * ```
- *
- * Running Node.js will now share port 8000 between the workers:
- *
- * ```console
- * $ node server.js
- * Primary 3596 is running
- * Worker 4324 started
- * Worker 4520 started
- * Worker 6056 started
- * Worker 5644 started
- * ```
- *
- * On Windows, it is not yet possible to set up a named pipe server in a worker.
- * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v20.2.0/lib/cluster.js)
- */
-declare module 'cluster' {
- import * as child from 'node:child_process';
- import EventEmitter = require('node:events');
- import * as net from 'node:net';
- type SerializationType = 'json' | 'advanced';
- export interface ClusterSettings {
- execArgv?: string[] | undefined; // default: process.execArgv
- exec?: string | undefined;
- args?: string[] | undefined;
- silent?: boolean | undefined;
- stdio?: any[] | undefined;
- uid?: number | undefined;
- gid?: number | undefined;
- inspectPort?: number | (() => number) | undefined;
- serialization?: SerializationType | undefined;
- cwd?: string | undefined;
- windowsHide?: boolean | undefined;
- }
- export interface Address {
- address: string;
- port: number;
- addressType: number | 'udp4' | 'udp6'; // 4, 6, -1, "udp4", "udp6"
- }
- /**
- * A `Worker` object contains all public information and method about a worker.
- * In the primary it can be obtained using `cluster.workers`. In a worker
- * it can be obtained using `cluster.worker`.
- * @since v0.7.0
- */
- export class Worker extends EventEmitter {
- /**
- * Each new worker is given its own unique id, this id is stored in the`id`.
- *
- * While a worker is alive, this is the key that indexes it in`cluster.workers`.
- * @since v0.8.0
- */
- id: number;
- /**
- * All workers are created using `child_process.fork()`, the returned object
- * from this function is stored as `.process`. In a worker, the global `process`is stored.
- *
- * See: `Child Process module`.
- *
- * Workers will call `process.exit(0)` if the `'disconnect'` event occurs
- * on `process` and `.exitedAfterDisconnect` is not `true`. This protects against
- * accidental disconnection.
- * @since v0.7.0
- */
- process: child.ChildProcess;
- /**
- * Send a message to a worker or primary, optionally with a handle.
- *
- * In the primary, this sends a message to a specific worker. It is identical to `ChildProcess.send()`.
- *
- * In a worker, this sends a message to the primary. It is identical to`process.send()`.
- *
- * This example will echo back all messages from the primary:
- *
- * ```js
- * if (cluster.isPrimary) {
- * const worker = cluster.fork();
- * worker.send('hi there');
- *
- * } else if (cluster.isWorker) {
- * process.on('message', (msg) => {
- * process.send(msg);
- * });
- * }
- * ```
- * @since v0.7.0
- * @param options The `options` argument, if present, is an object used to parameterize the sending of certain types of handles. `options` supports the following properties:
- */
- send(message: child.Serializable, callback?: (error: Error | null) => void): boolean;
- send(message: child.Serializable, sendHandle: child.SendHandle, callback?: (error: Error | null) => void): boolean;
- send(message: child.Serializable, sendHandle: child.SendHandle, options?: child.MessageOptions, callback?: (error: Error | null) => void): boolean;
- /**
- * This function will kill the worker. In the primary worker, it does this by
- * disconnecting the `worker.process`, and once disconnected, killing with`signal`. In the worker, it does it by killing the process with `signal`.
- *
- * The `kill()` function kills the worker process without waiting for a graceful
- * disconnect, it has the same behavior as `worker.process.kill()`.
- *
- * This method is aliased as `worker.destroy()` for backwards compatibility.
- *
- * In a worker, `process.kill()` exists, but it is not this function;
- * it is `kill()`.
- * @since v0.9.12
- * @param [signal='SIGTERM'] Name of the kill signal to send to the worker process.
- */
- kill(signal?: string): void;
- destroy(signal?: string): void;
- /**
- * In a worker, this function will close all servers, wait for the `'close'` event
- * on those servers, and then disconnect the IPC channel.
- *
- * In the primary, an internal message is sent to the worker causing it to call`.disconnect()` on itself.
- *
- * Causes `.exitedAfterDisconnect` to be set.
- *
- * After a server is closed, it will no longer accept new connections,
- * but connections may be accepted by any other listening worker. Existing
- * connections will be allowed to close as usual. When no more connections exist,
- * see `server.close()`, the IPC channel to the worker will close allowing it
- * to die gracefully.
- *
- * The above applies _only_ to server connections, client connections are not
- * automatically closed by workers, and disconnect does not wait for them to close
- * before exiting.
- *
- * In a worker, `process.disconnect` exists, but it is not this function;
- * it is `disconnect()`.
- *
- * Because long living server connections may block workers from disconnecting, it
- * may be useful to send a message, so application specific actions may be taken to
- * close them. It also may be useful to implement a timeout, killing a worker if
- * the `'disconnect'` event has not been emitted after some time.
- *
- * ```js
- * if (cluster.isPrimary) {
- * const worker = cluster.fork();
- * let timeout;
- *
- * worker.on('listening', (address) => {
- * worker.send('shutdown');
- * worker.disconnect();
- * timeout = setTimeout(() => {
- * worker.kill();
- * }, 2000);
- * });
- *
- * worker.on('disconnect', () => {
- * clearTimeout(timeout);
- * });
- *
- * } else if (cluster.isWorker) {
- * const net = require('node:net');
- * const server = net.createServer((socket) => {
- * // Connections never end
- * });
- *
- * server.listen(8000);
- *
- * process.on('message', (msg) => {
- * if (msg === 'shutdown') {
- * // Initiate graceful close of any connections to server
- * }
- * });
- * }
- * ```
- * @since v0.7.7
- * @return A reference to `worker`.
- */
- disconnect(): void;
- /**
- * This function returns `true` if the worker is connected to its primary via its
- * IPC channel, `false` otherwise. A worker is connected to its primary after it
- * has been created. It is disconnected after the `'disconnect'` event is emitted.
- * @since v0.11.14
- */
- isConnected(): boolean;
- /**
- * This function returns `true` if the worker's process has terminated (either
- * because of exiting or being signaled). Otherwise, it returns `false`.
- *
- * ```js
- * import cluster from 'node:cluster';
- * import http from 'node:http';
- * import { availableParallelism } from 'node:os';
- * import process from 'node:process';
- *
- * const numCPUs = availableParallelism();
- *
- * if (cluster.isPrimary) {
- * console.log(`Primary ${process.pid} is running`);
- *
- * // Fork workers.
- * for (let i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) {
- * cluster.fork();
- * }
- *
- * cluster.on('fork', (worker) => {
- * console.log('worker is dead:', worker.isDead());
- * });
- *
- * cluster.on('exit', (worker, code, signal) => {
- * console.log('worker is dead:', worker.isDead());
- * });
- * } else {
- * // Workers can share any TCP connection. In this case, it is an HTTP server.
- * http.createServer((req, res) => {
- * res.writeHead(200);
- * res.end(`Current process\n ${process.pid}`);
- * process.kill(process.pid);
- * }).listen(8000);
- * }
- * ```
- * @since v0.11.14
- */
- isDead(): boolean;
- /**
- * This property is `true` if the worker exited due to `.disconnect()`.
- * If the worker exited any other way, it is `false`. If the
- * worker has not exited, it is `undefined`.
- *
- * The boolean `worker.exitedAfterDisconnect` allows distinguishing between
- * voluntary and accidental exit, the primary may choose not to respawn a worker
- * based on this value.
- *
- * ```js
- * cluster.on('exit', (worker, code, signal) => {
- * if (worker.exitedAfterDisconnect === true) {
- * console.log('Oh, it was just voluntary – no need to worry');
- * }
- * });
- *
- * // kill worker
- * worker.kill();
- * ```
- * @since v6.0.0
- */
- exitedAfterDisconnect: boolean;
- /**
- * events.EventEmitter
- * 1. disconnect
- * 2. error
- * 3. exit
- * 4. listening
- * 5. message
- * 6. online
- */
- addListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'disconnect', listener: () => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'error', listener: (error: Error) => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'exit', listener: (code: number, signal: string) => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'listening', listener: (address: Address) => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'message', listener: (message: any, handle: net.Socket | net.Server) => void): this; // the handle is a net.Socket or net.Server object, or undefined.
- addListener(event: 'online', listener: () => void): this;
- emit(event: string | symbol, ...args: any[]): boolean;
- emit(event: 'disconnect'): boolean;
- emit(event: 'error', error: Error): boolean;
- emit(event: 'exit', code: number, signal: string): boolean;
- emit(event: 'listening', address: Address): boolean;
- emit(event: 'message', message: any, handle: net.Socket | net.Server): boolean;
- emit(event: 'online'): boolean;
- on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
- on(event: 'disconnect', listener: () => void): this;
- on(event: 'error', listener: (error: Error) => void): this;
- on(event: 'exit', listener: (code: number, signal: string) => void): this;
- on(event: 'listening', listener: (address: Address) => void): this;
- on(event: 'message', listener: (message: any, handle: net.Socket | net.Server) => void): this; // the handle is a net.Socket or net.Server object, or undefined.
- on(event: 'online', listener: () => void): this;
- once(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
- once(event: 'disconnect', listener: () => void): this;
- once(event: 'error', listener: (error: Error) => void): this;
- once(event: 'exit', listener: (code: number, signal: string) => void): this;
- once(event: 'listening', listener: (address: Address) => void): this;
- once(event: 'message', listener: (message: any, handle: net.Socket | net.Server) => void): this; // the handle is a net.Socket or net.Server object, or undefined.
- once(event: 'online', listener: () => void): this;
- prependListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'disconnect', listener: () => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'error', listener: (error: Error) => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'exit', listener: (code: number, signal: string) => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'listening', listener: (address: Address) => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'message', listener: (message: any, handle: net.Socket | net.Server) => void): this; // the handle is a net.Socket or net.Server object, or undefined.
- prependListener(event: 'online', listener: () => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'disconnect', listener: () => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'error', listener: (error: Error) => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'exit', listener: (code: number, signal: string) => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'listening', listener: (address: Address) => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'message', listener: (message: any, handle: net.Socket | net.Server) => void): this; // the handle is a net.Socket or net.Server object, or undefined.
- prependOnceListener(event: 'online', listener: () => void): this;
- }
- export interface Cluster extends EventEmitter {
- disconnect(callback?: () => void): void;
- fork(env?: any): Worker;
- /** @deprecated since v16.0.0 - use isPrimary. */
- readonly isMaster: boolean;
- readonly isPrimary: boolean;
- readonly isWorker: boolean;
- schedulingPolicy: number;
- readonly settings: ClusterSettings;
- /** @deprecated since v16.0.0 - use setupPrimary. */
- setupMaster(settings?: ClusterSettings): void;
- /**
- * `setupPrimary` is used to change the default 'fork' behavior. Once called, the settings will be present in cluster.settings.
- */
- setupPrimary(settings?: ClusterSettings): void;
- readonly worker?: Worker | undefined;
- readonly workers?: NodeJS.Dict | undefined;
- readonly SCHED_NONE: number;
- readonly SCHED_RR: number;
- /**
- * events.EventEmitter
- * 1. disconnect
- * 2. exit
- * 3. fork
- * 4. listening
- * 5. message
- * 6. online
- * 7. setup
- */
- addListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'disconnect', listener: (worker: Worker) => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'exit', listener: (worker: Worker, code: number, signal: string) => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'fork', listener: (worker: Worker) => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'listening', listener: (worker: Worker, address: Address) => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'message', listener: (worker: Worker, message: any, handle: net.Socket | net.Server) => void): this; // the handle is a net.Socket or net.Server object, or undefined.
- addListener(event: 'online', listener: (worker: Worker) => void): this;
- addListener(event: 'setup', listener: (settings: ClusterSettings) => void): this;
- emit(event: string | symbol, ...args: any[]): boolean;
- emit(event: 'disconnect', worker: Worker): boolean;
- emit(event: 'exit', worker: Worker, code: number, signal: string): boolean;
- emit(event: 'fork', worker: Worker): boolean;
- emit(event: 'listening', worker: Worker, address: Address): boolean;
- emit(event: 'message', worker: Worker, message: any, handle: net.Socket | net.Server): boolean;
- emit(event: 'online', worker: Worker): boolean;
- emit(event: 'setup', settings: ClusterSettings): boolean;
- on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
- on(event: 'disconnect', listener: (worker: Worker) => void): this;
- on(event: 'exit', listener: (worker: Worker, code: number, signal: string) => void): this;
- on(event: 'fork', listener: (worker: Worker) => void): this;
- on(event: 'listening', listener: (worker: Worker, address: Address) => void): this;
- on(event: 'message', listener: (worker: Worker, message: any, handle: net.Socket | net.Server) => void): this; // the handle is a net.Socket or net.Server object, or undefined.
- on(event: 'online', listener: (worker: Worker) => void): this;
- on(event: 'setup', listener: (settings: ClusterSettings) => void): this;
- once(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
- once(event: 'disconnect', listener: (worker: Worker) => void): this;
- once(event: 'exit', listener: (worker: Worker, code: number, signal: string) => void): this;
- once(event: 'fork', listener: (worker: Worker) => void): this;
- once(event: 'listening', listener: (worker: Worker, address: Address) => void): this;
- once(event: 'message', listener: (worker: Worker, message: any, handle: net.Socket | net.Server) => void): this; // the handle is a net.Socket or net.Server object, or undefined.
- once(event: 'online', listener: (worker: Worker) => void): this;
- once(event: 'setup', listener: (settings: ClusterSettings) => void): this;
- prependListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'disconnect', listener: (worker: Worker) => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'exit', listener: (worker: Worker, code: number, signal: string) => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'fork', listener: (worker: Worker) => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'listening', listener: (worker: Worker, address: Address) => void): this;
- // the handle is a net.Socket or net.Server object, or undefined.
- prependListener(event: 'message', listener: (worker: Worker, message: any, handle?: net.Socket | net.Server) => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'online', listener: (worker: Worker) => void): this;
- prependListener(event: 'setup', listener: (settings: ClusterSettings) => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'disconnect', listener: (worker: Worker) => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'exit', listener: (worker: Worker, code: number, signal: string) => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'fork', listener: (worker: Worker) => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'listening', listener: (worker: Worker, address: Address) => void): this;
- // the handle is a net.Socket or net.Server object, or undefined.
- prependOnceListener(event: 'message', listener: (worker: Worker, message: any, handle: net.Socket | net.Server) => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'online', listener: (worker: Worker) => void): this;
- prependOnceListener(event: 'setup', listener: (settings: ClusterSettings) => void): this;
- }
- const cluster: Cluster;
- export default cluster;
-declare module 'node:cluster' {
- export * from 'cluster';
- export { default as default } from 'cluster';
diff --git a/node_modules/@types/node/console.d.ts b/node_modules/@types/node/console.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e35638df3f59004c34a89bc4fe455e6f935b284..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@types/node/console.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
- * The `node:console` module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to
- * the JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.
- *
- * The module exports two specific components:
- *
- * * A `Console` class with methods such as `console.log()`, `console.error()`, and`console.warn()` that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
- * * A global `console` instance configured to write to `process.stdout` and `process.stderr`. The global `console` can be used without calling`require('node:console')`.
- *
- * _**Warning**_: The global console object's methods are neither consistently
- * synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently
- * asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the `note on process I/O` for
- * more information.
- *
- * Example using the global `console`:
- *
- * ```js
- * console.log('hello world');
- * // Prints: hello world, to stdout
- * console.log('hello %s', 'world');
- * // Prints: hello world, to stdout
- * console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
- * // Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
- * // Error: Whoops, something bad happened
- * // at [eval]:5:15
- * // at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
- * // at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
- * // at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
- * // at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
- * // at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
- * // at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
- *
- * const name = 'Will Robinson';
- * console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
- * // Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr
- * ```
- *
- * Example using the `Console` class:
- *
- * ```js
- * const out = getStreamSomehow();
- * const err = getStreamSomehow();
- * const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
- *
- * myConsole.log('hello world');
- * // Prints: hello world, to out
- * myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
- * // Prints: hello world, to out
- * myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
- * // Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
- *
- * const name = 'Will Robinson';
- * myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
- * // Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err
- * ```
- * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v20.2.0/lib/console.js)
- */
-declare module 'console' {
- import console = require('node:console');
- export = console;
-declare module 'node:console' {
- import { InspectOptions } from 'node:util';
- global {
- // This needs to be global to avoid TS2403 in case lib.dom.d.ts is present in the same build
- interface Console {
- Console: console.ConsoleConstructor;
- /**
- * `console.assert()` writes a message if `value` is [falsy](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Falsy) or omitted. It only
- * writes a message and does not otherwise affect execution. The output always
- * starts with `"Assertion failed"`. If provided, `message` is formatted using `util.format()`.
- *
- * If `value` is [truthy](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Truthy), nothing happens.
- *
- * ```js
- * console.assert(true, 'does nothing');
- *
- * console.assert(false, 'Whoops %s work', 'didn\'t');
- * // Assertion failed: Whoops didn't work
- *
- * console.assert();
- * // Assertion failed
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.101
- * @param value The value tested for being truthy.
- * @param message All arguments besides `value` are used as error message.
- */
- assert(value: any, message?: string, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
- /**
- * When `stdout` is a TTY, calling `console.clear()` will attempt to clear the
- * TTY. When `stdout` is not a TTY, this method does nothing.
- *
- * The specific operation of `console.clear()` can vary across operating systems
- * and terminal types. For most Linux operating systems, `console.clear()`operates similarly to the `clear` shell command. On Windows, `console.clear()`will clear only the output in the
- * current terminal viewport for the Node.js
- * binary.
- * @since v8.3.0
- */
- clear(): void;
- /**
- * Maintains an internal counter specific to `label` and outputs to `stdout` the
- * number of times `console.count()` has been called with the given `label`.
- *
- * ```js
- * > console.count()
- * default: 1
- * undefined
- * > console.count('default')
- * default: 2
- * undefined
- * > console.count('abc')
- * abc: 1
- * undefined
- * > console.count('xyz')
- * xyz: 1
- * undefined
- * > console.count('abc')
- * abc: 2
- * undefined
- * > console.count()
- * default: 3
- * undefined
- * >
- * ```
- * @since v8.3.0
- * @param label The display label for the counter.
- */
- count(label?: string): void;
- /**
- * Resets the internal counter specific to `label`.
- *
- * ```js
- * > console.count('abc');
- * abc: 1
- * undefined
- * > console.countReset('abc');
- * undefined
- * > console.count('abc');
- * abc: 1
- * undefined
- * >
- * ```
- * @since v8.3.0
- * @param label The display label for the counter.
- */
- countReset(label?: string): void;
- /**
- * The `console.debug()` function is an alias for {@link log}.
- * @since v8.0.0
- */
- debug(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
- /**
- * Uses `util.inspect()` on `obj` and prints the resulting string to `stdout`.
- * This function bypasses any custom `inspect()` function defined on `obj`.
- * @since v0.1.101
- */
- dir(obj: any, options?: InspectOptions): void;
- /**
- * This method calls `console.log()` passing it the arguments received.
- * This method does not produce any XML formatting.
- * @since v8.0.0
- */
- dirxml(...data: any[]): void;
- /**
- * Prints to `stderr` with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the
- * first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution
- * values similar to [`printf(3)`](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/printf.3.html) (the arguments are all passed to `util.format()`).
- *
- * ```js
- * const code = 5;
- * console.error('error #%d', code);
- * // Prints: error #5, to stderr
- * console.error('error', code);
- * // Prints: error 5, to stderr
- * ```
- *
- * If formatting elements (e.g. `%d`) are not found in the first string then `util.inspect()` is called on each argument and the resulting string
- * values are concatenated. See `util.format()` for more information.
- * @since v0.1.100
- */
- error(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
- /**
- * Increases indentation of subsequent lines by spaces for `groupIndentation`length.
- *
- * If one or more `label`s are provided, those are printed first without the
- * additional indentation.
- * @since v8.5.0
- */
- group(...label: any[]): void;
- /**
- * An alias for {@link group}.
- * @since v8.5.0
- */
- groupCollapsed(...label: any[]): void;
- /**
- * Decreases indentation of subsequent lines by spaces for `groupIndentation`length.
- * @since v8.5.0
- */
- groupEnd(): void;
- /**
- * The `console.info()` function is an alias for {@link log}.
- * @since v0.1.100
- */
- info(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
- /**
- * Prints to `stdout` with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the
- * first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution
- * values similar to [`printf(3)`](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/printf.3.html) (the arguments are all passed to `util.format()`).
- *
- * ```js
- * const count = 5;
- * console.log('count: %d', count);
- * // Prints: count: 5, to stdout
- * console.log('count:', count);
- * // Prints: count: 5, to stdout
- * ```
- *
- * See `util.format()` for more information.
- * @since v0.1.100
- */
- log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
- /**
- * Try to construct a table with the columns of the properties of `tabularData`(or use `properties`) and rows of `tabularData` and log it. Falls back to just
- * logging the argument if it can’t be parsed as tabular.
- *
- * ```js
- * // These can't be parsed as tabular data
- * console.table(Symbol());
- * // Symbol()
- *
- * console.table(undefined);
- * // undefined
- *
- * console.table([{ a: 1, b: 'Y' }, { a: 'Z', b: 2 }]);
- * // ┌─────────┬─────┬─────┐
- * // │ (index) │ a │ b │
- * // ├─────────┼─────┼─────┤
- * // │ 0 │ 1 │ 'Y' │
- * // │ 1 │ 'Z' │ 2 │
- * // └─────────┴─────┴─────┘
- *
- * console.table([{ a: 1, b: 'Y' }, { a: 'Z', b: 2 }], ['a']);
- * // ┌─────────┬─────┐
- * // │ (index) │ a │
- * // ├─────────┼─────┤
- * // │ 0 │ 1 │
- * // │ 1 │ 'Z' │
- * // └─────────┴─────┘
- * ```
- * @since v10.0.0
- * @param properties Alternate properties for constructing the table.
- */
- table(tabularData: any, properties?: ReadonlyArray): void;
- /**
- * Starts a timer that can be used to compute the duration of an operation. Timers
- * are identified by a unique `label`. Use the same `label` when calling {@link timeEnd} to stop the timer and output the elapsed time in
- * suitable time units to `stdout`. For example, if the elapsed
- * time is 3869ms, `console.timeEnd()` displays "3.869s".
- * @since v0.1.104
- */
- time(label?: string): void;
- /**
- * Stops a timer that was previously started by calling {@link time} and
- * prints the result to `stdout`:
- *
- * ```js
- * console.time('100-elements');
- * for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {}
- * console.timeEnd('100-elements');
- * // prints 100-elements: 225.438ms
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.104
- */
- timeEnd(label?: string): void;
- /**
- * For a timer that was previously started by calling {@link time}, prints
- * the elapsed time and other `data` arguments to `stdout`:
- *
- * ```js
- * console.time('process');
- * const value = expensiveProcess1(); // Returns 42
- * console.timeLog('process', value);
- * // Prints "process: 365.227ms 42".
- * doExpensiveProcess2(value);
- * console.timeEnd('process');
- * ```
- * @since v10.7.0
- */
- timeLog(label?: string, ...data: any[]): void;
- /**
- * Prints to `stderr` the string `'Trace: '`, followed by the `util.format()` formatted message and stack trace to the current position in the code.
- *
- * ```js
- * console.trace('Show me');
- * // Prints: (stack trace will vary based on where trace is called)
- * // Trace: Show me
- * // at repl:2:9
- * // at REPLServer.defaultEval (repl.js:248:27)
- * // at bound (domain.js:287:14)
- * // at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (domain.js:300:12)
- * // at REPLServer. (repl.js:412:12)
- * // at emitOne (events.js:82:20)
- * // at REPLServer.emit (events.js:169:7)
- * // at REPLServer.Interface._onLine (readline.js:210:10)
- * // at REPLServer.Interface._line (readline.js:549:8)
- * // at REPLServer.Interface._ttyWrite (readline.js:826:14)
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.104
- */
- trace(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
- /**
- * The `console.warn()` function is an alias for {@link error}.
- * @since v0.1.100
- */
- warn(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
- // --- Inspector mode only ---
- /**
- * This method does not display anything unless used in the inspector.
- * Starts a JavaScript CPU profile with an optional label.
- */
- profile(label?: string): void;
- /**
- * This method does not display anything unless used in the inspector.
- * Stops the current JavaScript CPU profiling session if one has been started and prints the report to the Profiles panel of the inspector.
- */
- profileEnd(label?: string): void;
- /**
- * This method does not display anything unless used in the inspector.
- * Adds an event with the label `label` to the Timeline panel of the inspector.
- */
- timeStamp(label?: string): void;
- }
- /**
- * The `console` module provides a simple debugging console that is similar to the
- * JavaScript console mechanism provided by web browsers.
- *
- * The module exports two specific components:
- *
- * * A `Console` class with methods such as `console.log()`, `console.error()` and`console.warn()` that can be used to write to any Node.js stream.
- * * A global `console` instance configured to write to `process.stdout` and `process.stderr`. The global `console` can be used without calling`require('console')`.
- *
- * _**Warning**_: The global console object's methods are neither consistently
- * synchronous like the browser APIs they resemble, nor are they consistently
- * asynchronous like all other Node.js streams. See the `note on process I/O` for
- * more information.
- *
- * Example using the global `console`:
- *
- * ```js
- * console.log('hello world');
- * // Prints: hello world, to stdout
- * console.log('hello %s', 'world');
- * // Prints: hello world, to stdout
- * console.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
- * // Prints error message and stack trace to stderr:
- * // Error: Whoops, something bad happened
- * // at [eval]:5:15
- * // at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:132:18)
- * // at Object.runInThisContext (node:vm:309:38)
- * // at node:internal/process/execution:77:19
- * // at [eval]-wrapper:6:22
- * // at evalScript (node:internal/process/execution:76:60)
- * // at node:internal/main/eval_string:23:3
- *
- * const name = 'Will Robinson';
- * console.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
- * // Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to stderr
- * ```
- *
- * Example using the `Console` class:
- *
- * ```js
- * const out = getStreamSomehow();
- * const err = getStreamSomehow();
- * const myConsole = new console.Console(out, err);
- *
- * myConsole.log('hello world');
- * // Prints: hello world, to out
- * myConsole.log('hello %s', 'world');
- * // Prints: hello world, to out
- * myConsole.error(new Error('Whoops, something bad happened'));
- * // Prints: [Error: Whoops, something bad happened], to err
- *
- * const name = 'Will Robinson';
- * myConsole.warn(`Danger ${name}! Danger!`);
- * // Prints: Danger Will Robinson! Danger!, to err
- * ```
- * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v16.4.2/lib/console.js)
- */
- namespace console {
- interface ConsoleConstructorOptions {
- stdout: NodeJS.WritableStream;
- stderr?: NodeJS.WritableStream | undefined;
- ignoreErrors?: boolean | undefined;
- colorMode?: boolean | 'auto' | undefined;
- inspectOptions?: InspectOptions | undefined;
- /**
- * Set group indentation
- * @default 2
- */
- groupIndentation?: number | undefined;
- }
- interface ConsoleConstructor {
- prototype: Console;
- new (stdout: NodeJS.WritableStream, stderr?: NodeJS.WritableStream, ignoreErrors?: boolean): Console;
- new (options: ConsoleConstructorOptions): Console;
- }
- }
- var console: Console;
- }
- export = globalThis.console;
diff --git a/node_modules/@types/node/constants.d.ts b/node_modules/@types/node/constants.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 208020dcbab4ebcd7955b2abcb7ae49185f5976e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@types/node/constants.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-/** @deprecated since v6.3.0 - use constants property exposed by the relevant module instead. */
-declare module 'constants' {
- import { constants as osConstants, SignalConstants } from 'node:os';
- import { constants as cryptoConstants } from 'node:crypto';
- import { constants as fsConstants } from 'node:fs';
- const exp: typeof osConstants.errno &
- typeof osConstants.priority &
- SignalConstants &
- typeof cryptoConstants &
- typeof fsConstants;
- export = exp;
-declare module 'node:constants' {
- import constants = require('constants');
- export = constants;
diff --git a/node_modules/@types/node/crypto.d.ts b/node_modules/@types/node/crypto.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 9018464130c0ddc18be5a28096d737dcc2e10f08..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/node_modules/@types/node/crypto.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3978 +0,0 @@
- * The `node:crypto` module provides cryptographic functionality that includes a
- * set of wrappers for OpenSSL's hash, HMAC, cipher, decipher, sign, and verify
- * functions.
- *
- * ```js
- * const { createHmac } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const secret = 'abcdefg';
- * const hash = createHmac('sha256', secret)
- * .update('I love cupcakes')
- * .digest('hex');
- * console.log(hash);
- * // Prints:
- * // c0fa1bc00531bd78ef38c628449c5102aeabd49b5dc3a2a516ea6ea959d6658e
- * ```
- * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v20.2.0/lib/crypto.js)
- */
-declare module 'crypto' {
- import * as stream from 'node:stream';
- import { PeerCertificate } from 'node:tls';
- /**
- * SPKAC is a Certificate Signing Request mechanism originally implemented by
- * Netscape and was specified formally as part of HTML5's `keygen` element.
- *
- * `` is deprecated since [HTML 5.2](https://www.w3.org/TR/html52/changes.html#features-removed) and new projects
- * should not use this element anymore.
- *
- * The `node:crypto` module provides the `Certificate` class for working with SPKAC
- * data. The most common usage is handling output generated by the HTML5`` element. Node.js uses [OpenSSL's SPKAC
- * implementation](https://www.openssl.org/docs/man3.0/man1/openssl-spkac.html) internally.
- * @since v0.11.8
- */
- class Certificate {
- /**
- * ```js
- * const { Certificate } = await import('node:crypto');
- * const spkac = getSpkacSomehow();
- * const challenge = Certificate.exportChallenge(spkac);
- * console.log(challenge.toString('utf8'));
- * // Prints: the challenge as a UTF8 string
- * ```
- * @since v9.0.0
- * @param encoding The `encoding` of the `spkac` string.
- * @return The challenge component of the `spkac` data structure, which includes a public key and a challenge.
- */
- static exportChallenge(spkac: BinaryLike): Buffer;
- /**
- * ```js
- * const { Certificate } = await import('node:crypto');
- * const spkac = getSpkacSomehow();
- * const publicKey = Certificate.exportPublicKey(spkac);
- * console.log(publicKey);
- * // Prints: the public key as
- * ```
- * @since v9.0.0
- * @param encoding The `encoding` of the `spkac` string.
- * @return The public key component of the `spkac` data structure, which includes a public key and a challenge.
- */
- static exportPublicKey(spkac: BinaryLike, encoding?: string): Buffer;
- /**
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- * const { Certificate } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const spkac = getSpkacSomehow();
- * console.log(Certificate.verifySpkac(Buffer.from(spkac)));
- * // Prints: true or false
- * ```
- * @since v9.0.0
- * @param encoding The `encoding` of the `spkac` string.
- * @return `true` if the given `spkac` data structure is valid, `false` otherwise.
- */
- static verifySpkac(spkac: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView): boolean;
- /**
- * @deprecated
- * @param spkac
- * @returns The challenge component of the `spkac` data structure,
- * which includes a public key and a challenge.
- */
- exportChallenge(spkac: BinaryLike): Buffer;
- /**
- * @deprecated
- * @param spkac
- * @param encoding The encoding of the spkac string.
- * @returns The public key component of the `spkac` data structure,
- * which includes a public key and a challenge.
- */
- exportPublicKey(spkac: BinaryLike, encoding?: string): Buffer;
- /**
- * @deprecated
- * @param spkac
- * @returns `true` if the given `spkac` data structure is valid,
- * `false` otherwise.
- */
- verifySpkac(spkac: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView): boolean;
- }
- namespace constants {
- // https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v20.x/docs/api/crypto.html#crypto-constants
- /** Applies multiple bug workarounds within OpenSSL. See https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.0.2/ssl/SSL_CTX_set_options.html for detail. */
- const SSL_OP_ALL: number;
- /** Allows legacy insecure renegotiation between OpenSSL and unpatched clients or servers. See https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.0.2/ssl/SSL_CTX_set_options.html. */
- /** Attempts to use the server's preferences instead of the client's when selecting a cipher. See https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.0.2/ssl/SSL_CTX_set_options.html. */
- /** Instructs OpenSSL to use Cisco's "speshul" version of DTLS_BAD_VER. */
- const SSL_OP_CISCO_ANYCONNECT: number;
- /** Instructs OpenSSL to turn on cookie exchange. */
- const SSL_OP_COOKIE_EXCHANGE: number;
- /** Instructs OpenSSL to add server-hello extension from an early version of the cryptopro draft. */
- /** Instructs OpenSSL to disable a SSL 3.0/TLS 1.0 vulnerability workaround added in OpenSSL 0.9.6d. */
- /** Allows initial connection to servers that do not support RI. */
- /** Instructs OpenSSL to disable support for SSL/TLS compression. */
- const SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION: number;
- const SSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTU: number;
- /** Instructs OpenSSL to always start a new session when performing renegotiation. */
- const SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2: number;
- const SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3: number;
- const SSL_OP_NO_TICKET: number;
- const SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1: number;
- const SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1: number;
- const SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2: number;
- /** Instructs OpenSSL to disable version rollback attack detection. */
- const SSL_OP_TLS_ROLLBACK_BUG: number;
- const ENGINE_METHOD_RSA: number;
- const ENGINE_METHOD_DSA: number;
- const ENGINE_METHOD_DH: number;
- const ENGINE_METHOD_RAND: number;
- const ENGINE_METHOD_EC: number;
- const ENGINE_METHOD_CIPHERS: number;
- const ENGINE_METHOD_DIGESTS: number;
- const ENGINE_METHOD_ALL: number;
- const ENGINE_METHOD_NONE: number;
- const DH_CHECK_P_NOT_SAFE_PRIME: number;
- const DH_CHECK_P_NOT_PRIME: number;
- const RSA_PKCS1_PADDING: number;
- const RSA_SSLV23_PADDING: number;
- const RSA_NO_PADDING: number;
- const RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING: number;
- const RSA_X931_PADDING: number;
- const RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING: number;
- /** Sets the salt length for RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING to the digest size when signing or verifying. */
- const RSA_PSS_SALTLEN_DIGEST: number;
- /** Sets the salt length for RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING to the maximum permissible value when signing data. */
- const RSA_PSS_SALTLEN_MAX_SIGN: number;
- /** Causes the salt length for RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING to be determined automatically when verifying a signature. */
- const RSA_PSS_SALTLEN_AUTO: number;
- /** Specifies the built-in default cipher list used by Node.js (colon-separated values). */
- const defaultCoreCipherList: string;
- /** Specifies the active default cipher list used by the current Node.js process (colon-separated values). */
- const defaultCipherList: string;
- }
- interface HashOptions extends stream.TransformOptions {
- /**
- * For XOF hash functions such as `shake256`, the
- * outputLength option can be used to specify the desired output length in bytes.
- */
- outputLength?: number | undefined;
- }
- /** @deprecated since v10.0.0 */
- const fips: boolean;
- /**
- * Creates and returns a `Hash` object that can be used to generate hash digests
- * using the given `algorithm`. Optional `options` argument controls stream
- * behavior. For XOF hash functions such as `'shake256'`, the `outputLength` option
- * can be used to specify the desired output length in bytes.
- *
- * The `algorithm` is dependent on the available algorithms supported by the
- * version of OpenSSL on the platform. Examples are `'sha256'`, `'sha512'`, etc.
- * On recent releases of OpenSSL, `openssl list -digest-algorithms` will
- * display the available digest algorithms.
- *
- * Example: generating the sha256 sum of a file
- *
- * ```js
- * import {
- * createReadStream,
- * } from 'node:fs';
- * import { argv } from 'node:process';
- * const {
- * createHash,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const filename = argv[2];
- *
- * const hash = createHash('sha256');
- *
- * const input = createReadStream(filename);
- * input.on('readable', () => {
- * // Only one element is going to be produced by the
- * // hash stream.
- * const data = input.read();
- * if (data)
- * hash.update(data);
- * else {
- * console.log(`${hash.digest('hex')} ${filename}`);
- * }
- * });
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.92
- * @param options `stream.transform` options
- */
- function createHash(algorithm: string, options?: HashOptions): Hash;
- /**
- * Creates and returns an `Hmac` object that uses the given `algorithm` and `key`.
- * Optional `options` argument controls stream behavior.
- *
- * The `algorithm` is dependent on the available algorithms supported by the
- * version of OpenSSL on the platform. Examples are `'sha256'`, `'sha512'`, etc.
- * On recent releases of OpenSSL, `openssl list -digest-algorithms` will
- * display the available digest algorithms.
- *
- * The `key` is the HMAC key used to generate the cryptographic HMAC hash. If it is
- * a `KeyObject`, its type must be `secret`. If it is a string, please consider `caveats when using strings as inputs to cryptographic APIs`. If it was
- * obtained from a cryptographically secure source of entropy, such as {@link randomBytes} or {@link generateKey}, its length should not
- * exceed the block size of `algorithm` (e.g., 512 bits for SHA-256).
- *
- * Example: generating the sha256 HMAC of a file
- *
- * ```js
- * import {
- * createReadStream,
- * } from 'node:fs';
- * import { argv } from 'node:process';
- * const {
- * createHmac,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const filename = argv[2];
- *
- * const hmac = createHmac('sha256', 'a secret');
- *
- * const input = createReadStream(filename);
- * input.on('readable', () => {
- * // Only one element is going to be produced by the
- * // hash stream.
- * const data = input.read();
- * if (data)
- * hmac.update(data);
- * else {
- * console.log(`${hmac.digest('hex')} ${filename}`);
- * }
- * });
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.94
- * @param options `stream.transform` options
- */
- function createHmac(algorithm: string, key: BinaryLike | KeyObject, options?: stream.TransformOptions): Hmac;
- // https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html#buffer_buffers_and_character_encodings
- type BinaryToTextEncoding = 'base64' | 'base64url' | 'hex' | 'binary';
- type CharacterEncoding = 'utf8' | 'utf-8' | 'utf16le' | 'latin1';
- type LegacyCharacterEncoding = 'ascii' | 'binary' | 'ucs2' | 'ucs-2';
- type Encoding = BinaryToTextEncoding | CharacterEncoding | LegacyCharacterEncoding;
- type ECDHKeyFormat = 'compressed' | 'uncompressed' | 'hybrid';
- /**
- * The `Hash` class is a utility for creating hash digests of data. It can be
- * used in one of two ways:
- *
- * * As a `stream` that is both readable and writable, where data is written
- * to produce a computed hash digest on the readable side, or
- * * Using the `hash.update()` and `hash.digest()` methods to produce the
- * computed hash.
- *
- * The {@link createHash} method is used to create `Hash` instances. `Hash`objects are not to be created directly using the `new` keyword.
- *
- * Example: Using `Hash` objects as streams:
- *
- * ```js
- * const {
- * createHash,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const hash = createHash('sha256');
- *
- * hash.on('readable', () => {
- * // Only one element is going to be produced by the
- * // hash stream.
- * const data = hash.read();
- * if (data) {
- * console.log(data.toString('hex'));
- * // Prints:
- * // 6a2da20943931e9834fc12cfe5bb47bbd9ae43489a30726962b576f4e3993e50
- * }
- * });
- *
- * hash.write('some data to hash');
- * hash.end();
- * ```
- *
- * Example: Using `Hash` and piped streams:
- *
- * ```js
- * import { createReadStream } from 'node:fs';
- * import { stdout } from 'node:process';
- * const { createHash } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const hash = createHash('sha256');
- *
- * const input = createReadStream('test.js');
- * input.pipe(hash).setEncoding('hex').pipe(stdout);
- * ```
- *
- * Example: Using the `hash.update()` and `hash.digest()` methods:
- *
- * ```js
- * const {
- * createHash,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const hash = createHash('sha256');
- *
- * hash.update('some data to hash');
- * console.log(hash.digest('hex'));
- * // Prints:
- * // 6a2da20943931e9834fc12cfe5bb47bbd9ae43489a30726962b576f4e3993e50
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.92
- */
- class Hash extends stream.Transform {
- private constructor();
- /**
- * Creates a new `Hash` object that contains a deep copy of the internal state
- * of the current `Hash` object.
- *
- * The optional `options` argument controls stream behavior. For XOF hash
- * functions such as `'shake256'`, the `outputLength` option can be used to
- * specify the desired output length in bytes.
- *
- * An error is thrown when an attempt is made to copy the `Hash` object after
- * its `hash.digest()` method has been called.
- *
- * ```js
- * // Calculate a rolling hash.
- * const {
- * createHash,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const hash = createHash('sha256');
- *
- * hash.update('one');
- * console.log(hash.copy().digest('hex'));
- *
- * hash.update('two');
- * console.log(hash.copy().digest('hex'));
- *
- * hash.update('three');
- * console.log(hash.copy().digest('hex'));
- *
- * // Etc.
- * ```
- * @since v13.1.0
- * @param options `stream.transform` options
- */
- copy(options?: stream.TransformOptions): Hash;
- /**
- * Updates the hash content with the given `data`, the encoding of which
- * is given in `inputEncoding`.
- * If `encoding` is not provided, and the `data` is a string, an
- * encoding of `'utf8'` is enforced. If `data` is a `Buffer`, `TypedArray`, or`DataView`, then `inputEncoding` is ignored.
- *
- * This can be called many times with new data as it is streamed.
- * @since v0.1.92
- * @param inputEncoding The `encoding` of the `data` string.
- */
- update(data: BinaryLike): Hash;
- update(data: string, inputEncoding: Encoding): Hash;
- /**
- * Calculates the digest of all of the data passed to be hashed (using the `hash.update()` method).
- * If `encoding` is provided a string will be returned; otherwise
- * a `Buffer` is returned.
- *
- * The `Hash` object can not be used again after `hash.digest()` method has been
- * called. Multiple calls will cause an error to be thrown.
- * @since v0.1.92
- * @param encoding The `encoding` of the return value.
- */
- digest(): Buffer;
- digest(encoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): string;
- }
- /**
- * The `Hmac` class is a utility for creating cryptographic HMAC digests. It can
- * be used in one of two ways:
- *
- * * As a `stream` that is both readable and writable, where data is written
- * to produce a computed HMAC digest on the readable side, or
- * * Using the `hmac.update()` and `hmac.digest()` methods to produce the
- * computed HMAC digest.
- *
- * The {@link createHmac} method is used to create `Hmac` instances. `Hmac`objects are not to be created directly using the `new` keyword.
- *
- * Example: Using `Hmac` objects as streams:
- *
- * ```js
- * const {
- * createHmac,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const hmac = createHmac('sha256', 'a secret');
- *
- * hmac.on('readable', () => {
- * // Only one element is going to be produced by the
- * // hash stream.
- * const data = hmac.read();
- * if (data) {
- * console.log(data.toString('hex'));
- * // Prints:
- * // 7fd04df92f636fd450bc841c9418e5825c17f33ad9c87c518115a45971f7f77e
- * }
- * });
- *
- * hmac.write('some data to hash');
- * hmac.end();
- * ```
- *
- * Example: Using `Hmac` and piped streams:
- *
- * ```js
- * import { createReadStream } from 'node:fs';
- * import { stdout } from 'node:process';
- * const {
- * createHmac,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const hmac = createHmac('sha256', 'a secret');
- *
- * const input = createReadStream('test.js');
- * input.pipe(hmac).pipe(stdout);
- * ```
- *
- * Example: Using the `hmac.update()` and `hmac.digest()` methods:
- *
- * ```js
- * const {
- * createHmac,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const hmac = createHmac('sha256', 'a secret');
- *
- * hmac.update('some data to hash');
- * console.log(hmac.digest('hex'));
- * // Prints:
- * // 7fd04df92f636fd450bc841c9418e5825c17f33ad9c87c518115a45971f7f77e
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.94
- */
- class Hmac extends stream.Transform {
- private constructor();
- /**
- * Updates the `Hmac` content with the given `data`, the encoding of which
- * is given in `inputEncoding`.
- * If `encoding` is not provided, and the `data` is a string, an
- * encoding of `'utf8'` is enforced. If `data` is a `Buffer`, `TypedArray`, or`DataView`, then `inputEncoding` is ignored.
- *
- * This can be called many times with new data as it is streamed.
- * @since v0.1.94
- * @param inputEncoding The `encoding` of the `data` string.
- */
- update(data: BinaryLike): Hmac;
- update(data: string, inputEncoding: Encoding): Hmac;
- /**
- * Calculates the HMAC digest of all of the data passed using `hmac.update()`.
- * If `encoding` is
- * provided a string is returned; otherwise a `Buffer` is returned;
- *
- * The `Hmac` object can not be used again after `hmac.digest()` has been
- * called. Multiple calls to `hmac.digest()` will result in an error being thrown.
- * @since v0.1.94
- * @param encoding The `encoding` of the return value.
- */
- digest(): Buffer;
- digest(encoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): string;
- }
- type KeyObjectType = 'secret' | 'public' | 'private';
- interface KeyExportOptions {
- type: 'pkcs1' | 'spki' | 'pkcs8' | 'sec1';
- format: T;
- cipher?: string | undefined;
- passphrase?: string | Buffer | undefined;
- }
- interface JwkKeyExportOptions {
- format: 'jwk';
- }
- interface JsonWebKey {
- crv?: string | undefined;
- d?: string | undefined;
- dp?: string | undefined;
- dq?: string | undefined;
- e?: string | undefined;
- k?: string | undefined;
- kty?: string | undefined;
- n?: string | undefined;
- p?: string | undefined;
- q?: string | undefined;
- qi?: string | undefined;
- x?: string | undefined;
- y?: string | undefined;
- [key: string]: unknown;
- }
- interface AsymmetricKeyDetails {
- /**
- * Key size in bits (RSA, DSA).
- */
- modulusLength?: number | undefined;
- /**
- * Public exponent (RSA).
- */
- publicExponent?: bigint | undefined;
- /**
- * Name of the message digest (RSA-PSS).
- */
- hashAlgorithm?: string | undefined;
- /**
- * Name of the message digest used by MGF1 (RSA-PSS).
- */
- mgf1HashAlgorithm?: string | undefined;
- /**
- * Minimal salt length in bytes (RSA-PSS).
- */
- saltLength?: number | undefined;
- /**
- * Size of q in bits (DSA).
- */
- divisorLength?: number | undefined;
- /**
- * Name of the curve (EC).
- */
- namedCurve?: string | undefined;
- }
- /**
- * Node.js uses a `KeyObject` class to represent a symmetric or asymmetric key,
- * and each kind of key exposes different functions. The {@link createSecretKey}, {@link createPublicKey} and {@link createPrivateKey} methods are used to create `KeyObject`instances. `KeyObject`
- * objects are not to be created directly using the `new`keyword.
- *
- * Most applications should consider using the new `KeyObject` API instead of
- * passing keys as strings or `Buffer`s due to improved security features.
- *
- * `KeyObject` instances can be passed to other threads via `postMessage()`.
- * The receiver obtains a cloned `KeyObject`, and the `KeyObject` does not need to
- * be listed in the `transferList` argument.
- * @since v11.6.0
- */
- class KeyObject {
- private constructor();
- /**
- * Example: Converting a `CryptoKey` instance to a `KeyObject`:
- *
- * ```js
- * const { KeyObject } = await import('node:crypto');
- * const { subtle } = globalThis.crypto;
- *
- * const key = await subtle.generateKey({
- * name: 'HMAC',
- * hash: 'SHA-256',
- * length: 256,
- * }, true, ['sign', 'verify']);
- *
- * const keyObject = KeyObject.from(key);
- * console.log(keyObject.symmetricKeySize);
- * // Prints: 32 (symmetric key size in bytes)
- * ```
- * @since v15.0.0
- */
- static from(key: webcrypto.CryptoKey): KeyObject;
- /**
- * For asymmetric keys, this property represents the type of the key. Supported key
- * types are:
- *
- * * `'rsa'` (OID 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1)
- * * `'rsa-pss'` (OID 1.2.840.113549.1.1.10)
- * * `'dsa'` (OID 1.2.840.10040.4.1)
- * * `'ec'` (OID 1.2.840.10045.2.1)
- * * `'x25519'` (OID
- * * `'x448'` (OID
- * * `'ed25519'` (OID
- * * `'ed448'` (OID
- * * `'dh'` (OID 1.2.840.113549.1.3.1)
- *
- * This property is `undefined` for unrecognized `KeyObject` types and symmetric
- * keys.
- * @since v11.6.0
- */
- asymmetricKeyType?: KeyType | undefined;
- /**
- * For asymmetric keys, this property represents the size of the embedded key in
- * bytes. This property is `undefined` for symmetric keys.
- */
- asymmetricKeySize?: number | undefined;
- /**
- * This property exists only on asymmetric keys. Depending on the type of the key,
- * this object contains information about the key. None of the information obtained
- * through this property can be used to uniquely identify a key or to compromise
- * the security of the key.
- *
- * For RSA-PSS keys, if the key material contains a `RSASSA-PSS-params` sequence,
- * the `hashAlgorithm`, `mgf1HashAlgorithm`, and `saltLength` properties will be
- * set.
- *
- * Other key details might be exposed via this API using additional attributes.
- * @since v15.7.0
- */
- asymmetricKeyDetails?: AsymmetricKeyDetails | undefined;
- /**
- * For symmetric keys, the following encoding options can be used:
- *
- * For public keys, the following encoding options can be used:
- *
- * For private keys, the following encoding options can be used:
- *
- * The result type depends on the selected encoding format, when PEM the
- * result is a string, when DER it will be a buffer containing the data
- * encoded as DER, when [JWK](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7517) it will be an object.
- *
- * When [JWK](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7517) encoding format was selected, all other encoding options are
- * ignored.
- *
- * PKCS#1, SEC1, and PKCS#8 type keys can be encrypted by using a combination of
- * the `cipher` and `format` options. The PKCS#8 `type` can be used with any`format` to encrypt any key algorithm (RSA, EC, or DH) by specifying a`cipher`. PKCS#1 and SEC1 can only be
- * encrypted by specifying a `cipher`when the PEM `format` is used. For maximum compatibility, use PKCS#8 for
- * encrypted private keys. Since PKCS#8 defines its own
- * encryption mechanism, PEM-level encryption is not supported when encrypting
- * a PKCS#8 key. See [RFC 5208](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5208.txt) for PKCS#8 encryption and [RFC 1421](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1421.txt) for
- * PKCS#1 and SEC1 encryption.
- * @since v11.6.0
- */
- export(options: KeyExportOptions<'pem'>): string | Buffer;
- export(options?: KeyExportOptions<'der'>): Buffer;
- export(options?: JwkKeyExportOptions): JsonWebKey;
- /**
- * For secret keys, this property represents the size of the key in bytes. This
- * property is `undefined` for asymmetric keys.
- * @since v11.6.0
- */
- symmetricKeySize?: number | undefined;
- /**
- * Depending on the type of this `KeyObject`, this property is either`'secret'` for secret (symmetric) keys, `'public'` for public (asymmetric) keys
- * or `'private'` for private (asymmetric) keys.
- * @since v11.6.0
- */
- type: KeyObjectType;
- }
- type CipherCCMTypes = 'aes-128-ccm' | 'aes-192-ccm' | 'aes-256-ccm' | 'chacha20-poly1305';
- type CipherGCMTypes = 'aes-128-gcm' | 'aes-192-gcm' | 'aes-256-gcm';
- type CipherOCBTypes = 'aes-128-ocb' | 'aes-192-ocb' | 'aes-256-ocb';
- type BinaryLike = string | NodeJS.ArrayBufferView;
- type CipherKey = BinaryLike | KeyObject;
- interface CipherCCMOptions extends stream.TransformOptions {
- authTagLength: number;
- }
- interface CipherGCMOptions extends stream.TransformOptions {
- authTagLength?: number | undefined;
- }
- interface CipherOCBOptions extends stream.TransformOptions {
- authTagLength: number;
- }
- /**
- * Creates and returns a `Cipher` object that uses the given `algorithm` and`password`.
- *
- * The `options` argument controls stream behavior and is optional except when a
- * cipher in CCM or OCB mode (e.g. `'aes-128-ccm'`) is used. In that case, the`authTagLength` option is required and specifies the length of the
- * authentication tag in bytes, see `CCM mode`. In GCM mode, the `authTagLength`option is not required but can be used to set the length of the authentication
- * tag that will be returned by `getAuthTag()` and defaults to 16 bytes.
- * For `chacha20-poly1305`, the `authTagLength` option defaults to 16 bytes.
- *
- * The `algorithm` is dependent on OpenSSL, examples are `'aes192'`, etc. On
- * recent OpenSSL releases, `openssl list -cipher-algorithms` will
- * display the available cipher algorithms.
- *
- * The `password` is used to derive the cipher key and initialization vector (IV).
- * The value must be either a `'latin1'` encoded string, a `Buffer`, a`TypedArray`, or a `DataView`.
- *
- * **This function is semantically insecure for all**
- * **supported ciphers and fatally flawed for ciphers in counter mode (such as CTR,**
- * **GCM, or CCM).**
- *
- * The implementation of `crypto.createCipher()` derives keys using the OpenSSL
- * function [`EVP_BytesToKey`](https://www.openssl.org/docs/man3.0/man3/EVP_BytesToKey.html) with the digest algorithm set to MD5, one
- * iteration, and no salt. The lack of salt allows dictionary attacks as the same
- * password always creates the same key. The low iteration count and
- * non-cryptographically secure hash algorithm allow passwords to be tested very
- * rapidly.
- *
- * In line with OpenSSL's recommendation to use a more modern algorithm instead of [`EVP_BytesToKey`](https://www.openssl.org/docs/man3.0/man3/EVP_BytesToKey.html) it is recommended that
- * developers derive a key and IV on
- * their own using {@link scrypt} and to use {@link createCipheriv} to create the `Cipher` object. Users should not use ciphers with counter mode
- * (e.g. CTR, GCM, or CCM) in `crypto.createCipher()`. A warning is emitted when
- * they are used in order to avoid the risk of IV reuse that causes
- * vulnerabilities. For the case when IV is reused in GCM, see [Nonce-Disrespecting Adversaries](https://github.com/nonce-disrespect/nonce-disrespect) for details.
- * @since v0.1.94
- * @deprecated Since v10.0.0 - Use {@link createCipheriv} instead.
- * @param options `stream.transform` options
- */
- function createCipher(algorithm: CipherCCMTypes, password: BinaryLike, options: CipherCCMOptions): CipherCCM;
- /** @deprecated since v10.0.0 use `createCipheriv()` */
- function createCipher(algorithm: CipherGCMTypes, password: BinaryLike, options?: CipherGCMOptions): CipherGCM;
- /** @deprecated since v10.0.0 use `createCipheriv()` */
- function createCipher(algorithm: string, password: BinaryLike, options?: stream.TransformOptions): Cipher;
- /**
- * Creates and returns a `Cipher` object, with the given `algorithm`, `key` and
- * initialization vector (`iv`).
- *
- * The `options` argument controls stream behavior and is optional except when a
- * cipher in CCM or OCB mode (e.g. `'aes-128-ccm'`) is used. In that case, the`authTagLength` option is required and specifies the length of the
- * authentication tag in bytes, see `CCM mode`. In GCM mode, the `authTagLength`option is not required but can be used to set the length of the authentication
- * tag that will be returned by `getAuthTag()` and defaults to 16 bytes.
- * For `chacha20-poly1305`, the `authTagLength` option defaults to 16 bytes.
- *
- * The `algorithm` is dependent on OpenSSL, examples are `'aes192'`, etc. On
- * recent OpenSSL releases, `openssl list -cipher-algorithms` will
- * display the available cipher algorithms.
- *
- * The `key` is the raw key used by the `algorithm` and `iv` is an [initialization vector](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initialization_vector). Both arguments must be `'utf8'` encoded
- * strings,`Buffers`, `TypedArray`, or `DataView`s. The `key` may optionally be
- * a `KeyObject` of type `secret`. If the cipher does not need
- * an initialization vector, `iv` may be `null`.
- *
- * When passing strings for `key` or `iv`, please consider `caveats when using strings as inputs to cryptographic APIs`.
- *
- * Initialization vectors should be unpredictable and unique; ideally, they will be
- * cryptographically random. They do not have to be secret: IVs are typically just
- * added to ciphertext messages unencrypted. It may sound contradictory that
- * something has to be unpredictable and unique, but does not have to be secret;
- * remember that an attacker must not be able to predict ahead of time what a
- * given IV will be.
- * @since v0.1.94
- * @param options `stream.transform` options
- */
- function createCipheriv(algorithm: CipherCCMTypes, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike, options: CipherCCMOptions): CipherCCM;
- function createCipheriv(algorithm: CipherOCBTypes, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike, options: CipherOCBOptions): CipherOCB;
- function createCipheriv(algorithm: CipherGCMTypes, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike, options?: CipherGCMOptions): CipherGCM;
- function createCipheriv(algorithm: string, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike | null, options?: stream.TransformOptions): Cipher;
- /**
- * Instances of the `Cipher` class are used to encrypt data. The class can be
- * used in one of two ways:
- *
- * * As a `stream` that is both readable and writable, where plain unencrypted
- * data is written to produce encrypted data on the readable side, or
- * * Using the `cipher.update()` and `cipher.final()` methods to produce
- * the encrypted data.
- *
- * The {@link createCipher} or {@link createCipheriv} methods are
- * used to create `Cipher` instances. `Cipher` objects are not to be created
- * directly using the `new` keyword.
- *
- * Example: Using `Cipher` objects as streams:
- *
- * ```js
- * const {
- * scrypt,
- * randomFill,
- * createCipheriv,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const algorithm = 'aes-192-cbc';
- * const password = 'Password used to generate key';
- *
- * // First, we'll generate the key. The key length is dependent on the algorithm.
- * // In this case for aes192, it is 24 bytes (192 bits).
- * scrypt(password, 'salt', 24, (err, key) => {
- * if (err) throw err;
- * // Then, we'll generate a random initialization vector
- * randomFill(new Uint8Array(16), (err, iv) => {
- * if (err) throw err;
- *
- * // Once we have the key and iv, we can create and use the cipher...
- * const cipher = createCipheriv(algorithm, key, iv);
- *
- * let encrypted = '';
- * cipher.setEncoding('hex');
- *
- * cipher.on('data', (chunk) => encrypted += chunk);
- * cipher.on('end', () => console.log(encrypted));
- *
- * cipher.write('some clear text data');
- * cipher.end();
- * });
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * Example: Using `Cipher` and piped streams:
- *
- * ```js
- * import {
- * createReadStream,
- * createWriteStream,
- * } from 'node:fs';
- *
- * import {
- * pipeline,
- * } from 'node:stream';
- *
- * const {
- * scrypt,
- * randomFill,
- * createCipheriv,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const algorithm = 'aes-192-cbc';
- * const password = 'Password used to generate key';
- *
- * // First, we'll generate the key. The key length is dependent on the algorithm.
- * // In this case for aes192, it is 24 bytes (192 bits).
- * scrypt(password, 'salt', 24, (err, key) => {
- * if (err) throw err;
- * // Then, we'll generate a random initialization vector
- * randomFill(new Uint8Array(16), (err, iv) => {
- * if (err) throw err;
- *
- * const cipher = createCipheriv(algorithm, key, iv);
- *
- * const input = createReadStream('test.js');
- * const output = createWriteStream('test.enc');
- *
- * pipeline(input, cipher, output, (err) => {
- * if (err) throw err;
- * });
- * });
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * Example: Using the `cipher.update()` and `cipher.final()` methods:
- *
- * ```js
- * const {
- * scrypt,
- * randomFill,
- * createCipheriv,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const algorithm = 'aes-192-cbc';
- * const password = 'Password used to generate key';
- *
- * // First, we'll generate the key. The key length is dependent on the algorithm.
- * // In this case for aes192, it is 24 bytes (192 bits).
- * scrypt(password, 'salt', 24, (err, key) => {
- * if (err) throw err;
- * // Then, we'll generate a random initialization vector
- * randomFill(new Uint8Array(16), (err, iv) => {
- * if (err) throw err;
- *
- * const cipher = createCipheriv(algorithm, key, iv);
- *
- * let encrypted = cipher.update('some clear text data', 'utf8', 'hex');
- * encrypted += cipher.final('hex');
- * console.log(encrypted);
- * });
- * });
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.94
- */
- class Cipher extends stream.Transform {
- private constructor();
- /**
- * Updates the cipher with `data`. If the `inputEncoding` argument is given,
- * the `data`argument is a string using the specified encoding. If the `inputEncoding`argument is not given, `data` must be a `Buffer`, `TypedArray`, or`DataView`. If `data` is a `Buffer`,
- * `TypedArray`, or `DataView`, then`inputEncoding` is ignored.
- *
- * The `outputEncoding` specifies the output format of the enciphered
- * data. If the `outputEncoding`is specified, a string using the specified encoding is returned. If no`outputEncoding` is provided, a `Buffer` is returned.
- *
- * The `cipher.update()` method can be called multiple times with new data until `cipher.final()` is called. Calling `cipher.update()` after `cipher.final()` will result in an error being
- * thrown.
- * @since v0.1.94
- * @param inputEncoding The `encoding` of the data.
- * @param outputEncoding The `encoding` of the return value.
- */
- update(data: BinaryLike): Buffer;
- update(data: string, inputEncoding: Encoding): Buffer;
- update(data: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView, inputEncoding: undefined, outputEncoding: Encoding): string;
- update(data: string, inputEncoding: Encoding | undefined, outputEncoding: Encoding): string;
- /**
- * Once the `cipher.final()` method has been called, the `Cipher` object can no
- * longer be used to encrypt data. Attempts to call `cipher.final()` more than
- * once will result in an error being thrown.
- * @since v0.1.94
- * @param outputEncoding The `encoding` of the return value.
- * @return Any remaining enciphered contents. If `outputEncoding` is specified, a string is returned. If an `outputEncoding` is not provided, a {@link Buffer} is returned.
- */
- final(): Buffer;
- final(outputEncoding: BufferEncoding): string;
- /**
- * When using block encryption algorithms, the `Cipher` class will automatically
- * add padding to the input data to the appropriate block size. To disable the
- * default padding call `cipher.setAutoPadding(false)`.
- *
- * When `autoPadding` is `false`, the length of the entire input data must be a
- * multiple of the cipher's block size or `cipher.final()` will throw an error.
- * Disabling automatic padding is useful for non-standard padding, for instance
- * using `0x0` instead of PKCS padding.
- *
- * The `cipher.setAutoPadding()` method must be called before `cipher.final()`.
- * @since v0.7.1
- * @param [autoPadding=true]
- * @return for method chaining.
- */
- setAutoPadding(autoPadding?: boolean): this;
- }
- interface CipherCCM extends Cipher {
- setAAD(
- buffer: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView,
- options: {
- plaintextLength: number;
- }
- ): this;
- getAuthTag(): Buffer;
- }
- interface CipherGCM extends Cipher {
- setAAD(
- buffer: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView,
- options?: {
- plaintextLength: number;
- }
- ): this;
- getAuthTag(): Buffer;
- }
- interface CipherOCB extends Cipher {
- setAAD(
- buffer: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView,
- options?: {
- plaintextLength: number;
- }
- ): this;
- getAuthTag(): Buffer;
- }
- /**
- * Creates and returns a `Decipher` object that uses the given `algorithm` and`password` (key).
- *
- * The `options` argument controls stream behavior and is optional except when a
- * cipher in CCM or OCB mode (e.g. `'aes-128-ccm'`) is used. In that case, the`authTagLength` option is required and specifies the length of the
- * authentication tag in bytes, see `CCM mode`.
- * For `chacha20-poly1305`, the `authTagLength` option defaults to 16 bytes.
- *
- * **This function is semantically insecure for all**
- * **supported ciphers and fatally flawed for ciphers in counter mode (such as CTR,**
- * **GCM, or CCM).**
- *
- * The implementation of `crypto.createDecipher()` derives keys using the OpenSSL
- * function [`EVP_BytesToKey`](https://www.openssl.org/docs/man3.0/man3/EVP_BytesToKey.html) with the digest algorithm set to MD5, one
- * iteration, and no salt. The lack of salt allows dictionary attacks as the same
- * password always creates the same key. The low iteration count and
- * non-cryptographically secure hash algorithm allow passwords to be tested very
- * rapidly.
- *
- * In line with OpenSSL's recommendation to use a more modern algorithm instead of [`EVP_BytesToKey`](https://www.openssl.org/docs/man3.0/man3/EVP_BytesToKey.html) it is recommended that
- * developers derive a key and IV on
- * their own using {@link scrypt} and to use {@link createDecipheriv} to create the `Decipher` object.
- * @since v0.1.94
- * @deprecated Since v10.0.0 - Use {@link createDecipheriv} instead.
- * @param options `stream.transform` options
- */
- function createDecipher(algorithm: CipherCCMTypes, password: BinaryLike, options: CipherCCMOptions): DecipherCCM;
- /** @deprecated since v10.0.0 use `createDecipheriv()` */
- function createDecipher(algorithm: CipherGCMTypes, password: BinaryLike, options?: CipherGCMOptions): DecipherGCM;
- /** @deprecated since v10.0.0 use `createDecipheriv()` */
- function createDecipher(algorithm: string, password: BinaryLike, options?: stream.TransformOptions): Decipher;
- /**
- * Creates and returns a `Decipher` object that uses the given `algorithm`, `key`and initialization vector (`iv`).
- *
- * The `options` argument controls stream behavior and is optional except when a
- * cipher in CCM or OCB mode (e.g. `'aes-128-ccm'`) is used. In that case, the`authTagLength` option is required and specifies the length of the
- * authentication tag in bytes, see `CCM mode`. In GCM mode, the `authTagLength`option is not required but can be used to restrict accepted authentication tags
- * to those with the specified length.
- * For `chacha20-poly1305`, the `authTagLength` option defaults to 16 bytes.
- *
- * The `algorithm` is dependent on OpenSSL, examples are `'aes192'`, etc. On
- * recent OpenSSL releases, `openssl list -cipher-algorithms` will
- * display the available cipher algorithms.
- *
- * The `key` is the raw key used by the `algorithm` and `iv` is an [initialization vector](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initialization_vector). Both arguments must be `'utf8'` encoded
- * strings,`Buffers`, `TypedArray`, or `DataView`s. The `key` may optionally be
- * a `KeyObject` of type `secret`. If the cipher does not need
- * an initialization vector, `iv` may be `null`.
- *
- * When passing strings for `key` or `iv`, please consider `caveats when using strings as inputs to cryptographic APIs`.
- *
- * Initialization vectors should be unpredictable and unique; ideally, they will be
- * cryptographically random. They do not have to be secret: IVs are typically just
- * added to ciphertext messages unencrypted. It may sound contradictory that
- * something has to be unpredictable and unique, but does not have to be secret;
- * remember that an attacker must not be able to predict ahead of time what a given
- * IV will be.
- * @since v0.1.94
- * @param options `stream.transform` options
- */
- function createDecipheriv(algorithm: CipherCCMTypes, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike, options: CipherCCMOptions): DecipherCCM;
- function createDecipheriv(algorithm: CipherOCBTypes, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike, options: CipherOCBOptions): DecipherOCB;
- function createDecipheriv(algorithm: CipherGCMTypes, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike, options?: CipherGCMOptions): DecipherGCM;
- function createDecipheriv(algorithm: string, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike | null, options?: stream.TransformOptions): Decipher;
- /**
- * Instances of the `Decipher` class are used to decrypt data. The class can be
- * used in one of two ways:
- *
- * * As a `stream` that is both readable and writable, where plain encrypted
- * data is written to produce unencrypted data on the readable side, or
- * * Using the `decipher.update()` and `decipher.final()` methods to
- * produce the unencrypted data.
- *
- * The {@link createDecipher} or {@link createDecipheriv} methods are
- * used to create `Decipher` instances. `Decipher` objects are not to be created
- * directly using the `new` keyword.
- *
- * Example: Using `Decipher` objects as streams:
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- * const {
- * scryptSync,
- * createDecipheriv,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const algorithm = 'aes-192-cbc';
- * const password = 'Password used to generate key';
- * // Key length is dependent on the algorithm. In this case for aes192, it is
- * // 24 bytes (192 bits).
- * // Use the async `crypto.scrypt()` instead.
- * const key = scryptSync(password, 'salt', 24);
- * // The IV is usually passed along with the ciphertext.
- * const iv = Buffer.alloc(16, 0); // Initialization vector.
- *
- * const decipher = createDecipheriv(algorithm, key, iv);
- *
- * let decrypted = '';
- * decipher.on('readable', () => {
- * let chunk;
- * while (null !== (chunk = decipher.read())) {
- * decrypted += chunk.toString('utf8');
- * }
- * });
- * decipher.on('end', () => {
- * console.log(decrypted);
- * // Prints: some clear text data
- * });
- *
- * // Encrypted with same algorithm, key and iv.
- * const encrypted =
- * 'e5f79c5915c02171eec6b212d5520d44480993d7d622a7c4c2da32f6efda0ffa';
- * decipher.write(encrypted, 'hex');
- * decipher.end();
- * ```
- *
- * Example: Using `Decipher` and piped streams:
- *
- * ```js
- * import {
- * createReadStream,
- * createWriteStream,
- * } from 'node:fs';
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- * const {
- * scryptSync,
- * createDecipheriv,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const algorithm = 'aes-192-cbc';
- * const password = 'Password used to generate key';
- * // Use the async `crypto.scrypt()` instead.
- * const key = scryptSync(password, 'salt', 24);
- * // The IV is usually passed along with the ciphertext.
- * const iv = Buffer.alloc(16, 0); // Initialization vector.
- *
- * const decipher = createDecipheriv(algorithm, key, iv);
- *
- * const input = createReadStream('test.enc');
- * const output = createWriteStream('test.js');
- *
- * input.pipe(decipher).pipe(output);
- * ```
- *
- * Example: Using the `decipher.update()` and `decipher.final()` methods:
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- * const {
- * scryptSync,
- * createDecipheriv,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const algorithm = 'aes-192-cbc';
- * const password = 'Password used to generate key';
- * // Use the async `crypto.scrypt()` instead.
- * const key = scryptSync(password, 'salt', 24);
- * // The IV is usually passed along with the ciphertext.
- * const iv = Buffer.alloc(16, 0); // Initialization vector.
- *
- * const decipher = createDecipheriv(algorithm, key, iv);
- *
- * // Encrypted using same algorithm, key and iv.
- * const encrypted =
- * 'e5f79c5915c02171eec6b212d5520d44480993d7d622a7c4c2da32f6efda0ffa';
- * let decrypted = decipher.update(encrypted, 'hex', 'utf8');
- * decrypted += decipher.final('utf8');
- * console.log(decrypted);
- * // Prints: some clear text data
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.94
- */
- class Decipher extends stream.Transform {
- private constructor();
- /**
- * Updates the decipher with `data`. If the `inputEncoding` argument is given,
- * the `data`argument is a string using the specified encoding. If the `inputEncoding`argument is not given, `data` must be a `Buffer`. If `data` is a `Buffer` then `inputEncoding` is
- * ignored.
- *
- * The `outputEncoding` specifies the output format of the enciphered
- * data. If the `outputEncoding`is specified, a string using the specified encoding is returned. If no`outputEncoding` is provided, a `Buffer` is returned.
- *
- * The `decipher.update()` method can be called multiple times with new data until `decipher.final()` is called. Calling `decipher.update()` after `decipher.final()` will result in an error
- * being thrown.
- * @since v0.1.94
- * @param inputEncoding The `encoding` of the `data` string.
- * @param outputEncoding The `encoding` of the return value.
- */
- update(data: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView): Buffer;
- update(data: string, inputEncoding: Encoding): Buffer;
- update(data: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView, inputEncoding: undefined, outputEncoding: Encoding): string;
- update(data: string, inputEncoding: Encoding | undefined, outputEncoding: Encoding): string;
- /**
- * Once the `decipher.final()` method has been called, the `Decipher` object can
- * no longer be used to decrypt data. Attempts to call `decipher.final()` more
- * than once will result in an error being thrown.
- * @since v0.1.94
- * @param outputEncoding The `encoding` of the return value.
- * @return Any remaining deciphered contents. If `outputEncoding` is specified, a string is returned. If an `outputEncoding` is not provided, a {@link Buffer} is returned.
- */
- final(): Buffer;
- final(outputEncoding: BufferEncoding): string;
- /**
- * When data has been encrypted without standard block padding, calling`decipher.setAutoPadding(false)` will disable automatic padding to prevent `decipher.final()` from checking for and
- * removing padding.
- *
- * Turning auto padding off will only work if the input data's length is a
- * multiple of the ciphers block size.
- *
- * The `decipher.setAutoPadding()` method must be called before `decipher.final()`.
- * @since v0.7.1
- * @param [autoPadding=true]
- * @return for method chaining.
- */
- setAutoPadding(auto_padding?: boolean): this;
- }
- interface DecipherCCM extends Decipher {
- setAuthTag(buffer: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView): this;
- setAAD(
- buffer: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView,
- options: {
- plaintextLength: number;
- }
- ): this;
- }
- interface DecipherGCM extends Decipher {
- setAuthTag(buffer: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView): this;
- setAAD(
- buffer: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView,
- options?: {
- plaintextLength: number;
- }
- ): this;
- }
- interface DecipherOCB extends Decipher {
- setAuthTag(buffer: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView): this;
- setAAD(
- buffer: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView,
- options?: {
- plaintextLength: number;
- }
- ): this;
- }
- interface PrivateKeyInput {
- key: string | Buffer;
- format?: KeyFormat | undefined;
- type?: 'pkcs1' | 'pkcs8' | 'sec1' | undefined;
- passphrase?: string | Buffer | undefined;
- encoding?: string | undefined;
- }
- interface PublicKeyInput {
- key: string | Buffer;
- format?: KeyFormat | undefined;
- type?: 'pkcs1' | 'spki' | undefined;
- encoding?: string | undefined;
- }
- /**
- * Asynchronously generates a new random secret key of the given `length`. The`type` will determine which validations will be performed on the `length`.
- *
- * ```js
- * const {
- * generateKey,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * generateKey('hmac', { length: 512 }, (err, key) => {
- * if (err) throw err;
- * console.log(key.export().toString('hex')); // 46e..........620
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * The size of a generated HMAC key should not exceed the block size of the
- * underlying hash function. See {@link createHmac} for more information.
- * @since v15.0.0
- * @param type The intended use of the generated secret key. Currently accepted values are `'hmac'` and `'aes'`.
- */
- function generateKey(
- type: 'hmac' | 'aes',
- options: {
- length: number;
- },
- callback: (err: Error | null, key: KeyObject) => void
- ): void;
- /**
- * Synchronously generates a new random secret key of the given `length`. The`type` will determine which validations will be performed on the `length`.
- *
- * ```js
- * const {
- * generateKeySync,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const key = generateKeySync('hmac', { length: 512 });
- * console.log(key.export().toString('hex')); // e89..........41e
- * ```
- *
- * The size of a generated HMAC key should not exceed the block size of the
- * underlying hash function. See {@link createHmac} for more information.
- * @since v15.0.0
- * @param type The intended use of the generated secret key. Currently accepted values are `'hmac'` and `'aes'`.
- */
- function generateKeySync(
- type: 'hmac' | 'aes',
- options: {
- length: number;
- }
- ): KeyObject;
- interface JsonWebKeyInput {
- key: JsonWebKey;
- format: 'jwk';
- }
- /**
- * Creates and returns a new key object containing a private key. If `key` is a
- * string or `Buffer`, `format` is assumed to be `'pem'`; otherwise, `key`must be an object with the properties described above.
- *
- * If the private key is encrypted, a `passphrase` must be specified. The length
- * of the passphrase is limited to 1024 bytes.
- * @since v11.6.0
- */
- function createPrivateKey(key: PrivateKeyInput | string | Buffer | JsonWebKeyInput): KeyObject;
- /**
- * Creates and returns a new key object containing a public key. If `key` is a
- * string or `Buffer`, `format` is assumed to be `'pem'`; if `key` is a `KeyObject`with type `'private'`, the public key is derived from the given private key;
- * otherwise, `key` must be an object with the properties described above.
- *
- * If the format is `'pem'`, the `'key'` may also be an X.509 certificate.
- *
- * Because public keys can be derived from private keys, a private key may be
- * passed instead of a public key. In that case, this function behaves as if {@link createPrivateKey} had been called, except that the type of the
- * returned `KeyObject` will be `'public'` and that the private key cannot be
- * extracted from the returned `KeyObject`. Similarly, if a `KeyObject` with type`'private'` is given, a new `KeyObject` with type `'public'` will be returned
- * and it will be impossible to extract the private key from the returned object.
- * @since v11.6.0
- */
- function createPublicKey(key: PublicKeyInput | string | Buffer | KeyObject | JsonWebKeyInput): KeyObject;
- /**
- * Creates and returns a new key object containing a secret key for symmetric
- * encryption or `Hmac`.
- * @since v11.6.0
- * @param encoding The string encoding when `key` is a string.
- */
- function createSecretKey(key: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView): KeyObject;
- function createSecretKey(key: string, encoding: BufferEncoding): KeyObject;
- /**
- * Creates and returns a `Sign` object that uses the given `algorithm`. Use {@link getHashes} to obtain the names of the available digest algorithms.
- * Optional `options` argument controls the `stream.Writable` behavior.
- *
- * In some cases, a `Sign` instance can be created using the name of a signature
- * algorithm, such as `'RSA-SHA256'`, instead of a digest algorithm. This will use
- * the corresponding digest algorithm. This does not work for all signature
- * algorithms, such as `'ecdsa-with-SHA256'`, so it is best to always use digest
- * algorithm names.
- * @since v0.1.92
- * @param options `stream.Writable` options
- */
- function createSign(algorithm: string, options?: stream.WritableOptions): Sign;
- type DSAEncoding = 'der' | 'ieee-p1363';
- interface SigningOptions {
- /**
- * @see crypto.constants.RSA_PKCS1_PADDING
- */
- padding?: number | undefined;
- saltLength?: number | undefined;
- dsaEncoding?: DSAEncoding | undefined;
- }
- interface SignPrivateKeyInput extends PrivateKeyInput, SigningOptions {}
- interface SignKeyObjectInput extends SigningOptions {
- key: KeyObject;
- }
- interface VerifyPublicKeyInput extends PublicKeyInput, SigningOptions {}
- interface VerifyKeyObjectInput extends SigningOptions {
- key: KeyObject;
- }
- interface VerifyJsonWebKeyInput extends JsonWebKeyInput, SigningOptions {}
- type KeyLike = string | Buffer | KeyObject;
- /**
- * The `Sign` class is a utility for generating signatures. It can be used in one
- * of two ways:
- *
- * * As a writable `stream`, where data to be signed is written and the `sign.sign()` method is used to generate and return the signature, or
- * * Using the `sign.update()` and `sign.sign()` methods to produce the
- * signature.
- *
- * The {@link createSign} method is used to create `Sign` instances. The
- * argument is the string name of the hash function to use. `Sign` objects are not
- * to be created directly using the `new` keyword.
- *
- * Example: Using `Sign` and `Verify` objects as streams:
- *
- * ```js
- * const {
- * generateKeyPairSync,
- * createSign,
- * createVerify,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const { privateKey, publicKey } = generateKeyPairSync('ec', {
- * namedCurve: 'sect239k1',
- * });
- *
- * const sign = createSign('SHA256');
- * sign.write('some data to sign');
- * sign.end();
- * const signature = sign.sign(privateKey, 'hex');
- *
- * const verify = createVerify('SHA256');
- * verify.write('some data to sign');
- * verify.end();
- * console.log(verify.verify(publicKey, signature, 'hex'));
- * // Prints: true
- * ```
- *
- * Example: Using the `sign.update()` and `verify.update()` methods:
- *
- * ```js
- * const {
- * generateKeyPairSync,
- * createSign,
- * createVerify,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const { privateKey, publicKey } = generateKeyPairSync('rsa', {
- * modulusLength: 2048,
- * });
- *
- * const sign = createSign('SHA256');
- * sign.update('some data to sign');
- * sign.end();
- * const signature = sign.sign(privateKey);
- *
- * const verify = createVerify('SHA256');
- * verify.update('some data to sign');
- * verify.end();
- * console.log(verify.verify(publicKey, signature));
- * // Prints: true
- * ```
- * @since v0.1.92
- */
- class Sign extends stream.Writable {
- private constructor();
- /**
- * Updates the `Sign` content with the given `data`, the encoding of which
- * is given in `inputEncoding`.
- * If `encoding` is not provided, and the `data` is a string, an
- * encoding of `'utf8'` is enforced. If `data` is a `Buffer`, `TypedArray`, or`DataView`, then `inputEncoding` is ignored.
- *
- * This can be called many times with new data as it is streamed.
- * @since v0.1.92
- * @param inputEncoding The `encoding` of the `data` string.
- */
- update(data: BinaryLike): this;
- update(data: string, inputEncoding: Encoding): this;
- /**
- * Calculates the signature on all the data passed through using either `sign.update()` or `sign.write()`.
- *
- * If `privateKey` is not a `KeyObject`, this function behaves as if`privateKey` had been passed to {@link createPrivateKey}. If it is an
- * object, the following additional properties can be passed:
- *
- * If `outputEncoding` is provided a string is returned; otherwise a `Buffer` is returned.
- *
- * The `Sign` object can not be again used after `sign.sign()` method has been
- * called. Multiple calls to `sign.sign()` will result in an error being thrown.
- * @since v0.1.92
- */
- sign(privateKey: KeyLike | SignKeyObjectInput | SignPrivateKeyInput): Buffer;
- sign(privateKey: KeyLike | SignKeyObjectInput | SignPrivateKeyInput, outputFormat: BinaryToTextEncoding): string;
- }
- /**
- * Creates and returns a `Verify` object that uses the given algorithm.
- * Use {@link getHashes} to obtain an array of names of the available
- * signing algorithms. Optional `options` argument controls the`stream.Writable` behavior.
- *
- * In some cases, a `Verify` instance can be created using the name of a signature
- * algorithm, such as `'RSA-SHA256'`, instead of a digest algorithm. This will use
- * the corresponding digest algorithm. This does not work for all signature
- * algorithms, such as `'ecdsa-with-SHA256'`, so it is best to always use digest
- * algorithm names.
- * @since v0.1.92
- * @param options `stream.Writable` options
- */
- function createVerify(algorithm: string, options?: stream.WritableOptions): Verify;
- /**
- * The `Verify` class is a utility for verifying signatures. It can be used in one
- * of two ways:
- *
- * * As a writable `stream` where written data is used to validate against the
- * supplied signature, or
- * * Using the `verify.update()` and `verify.verify()` methods to verify
- * the signature.
- *
- * The {@link createVerify} method is used to create `Verify` instances.`Verify` objects are not to be created directly using the `new` keyword.
- *
- * See `Sign` for examples.
- * @since v0.1.92
- */
- class Verify extends stream.Writable {
- private constructor();
- /**
- * Updates the `Verify` content with the given `data`, the encoding of which
- * is given in `inputEncoding`.
- * If `inputEncoding` is not provided, and the `data` is a string, an
- * encoding of `'utf8'` is enforced. If `data` is a `Buffer`, `TypedArray`, or`DataView`, then `inputEncoding` is ignored.
- *
- * This can be called many times with new data as it is streamed.
- * @since v0.1.92
- * @param inputEncoding The `encoding` of the `data` string.
- */
- update(data: BinaryLike): Verify;
- update(data: string, inputEncoding: Encoding): Verify;
- /**
- * Verifies the provided data using the given `object` and `signature`.
- *
- * If `object` is not a `KeyObject`, this function behaves as if`object` had been passed to {@link createPublicKey}. If it is an
- * object, the following additional properties can be passed:
- *
- * The `signature` argument is the previously calculated signature for the data, in
- * the `signatureEncoding`.
- * If a `signatureEncoding` is specified, the `signature` is expected to be a
- * string; otherwise `signature` is expected to be a `Buffer`,`TypedArray`, or `DataView`.
- *
- * The `verify` object can not be used again after `verify.verify()` has been
- * called. Multiple calls to `verify.verify()` will result in an error being
- * thrown.
- *
- * Because public keys can be derived from private keys, a private key may
- * be passed instead of a public key.
- * @since v0.1.92
- */
- verify(object: KeyLike | VerifyKeyObjectInput | VerifyPublicKeyInput | VerifyJsonWebKeyInput, signature: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView): boolean;
- verify(object: KeyLike | VerifyKeyObjectInput | VerifyPublicKeyInput | VerifyJsonWebKeyInput, signature: string, signature_format?: BinaryToTextEncoding): boolean;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a `DiffieHellman` key exchange object using the supplied `prime` and an
- * optional specific `generator`.
- *
- * The `generator` argument can be a number, string, or `Buffer`. If`generator` is not specified, the value `2` is used.
- *
- * If `primeEncoding` is specified, `prime` is expected to be a string; otherwise
- * a `Buffer`, `TypedArray`, or `DataView` is expected.
- *
- * If `generatorEncoding` is specified, `generator` is expected to be a string;
- * otherwise a number, `Buffer`, `TypedArray`, or `DataView` is expected.
- * @since v0.11.12
- * @param primeEncoding The `encoding` of the `prime` string.
- * @param [generator=2]
- * @param generatorEncoding The `encoding` of the `generator` string.
- */
- function createDiffieHellman(primeLength: number, generator?: number): DiffieHellman;
- function createDiffieHellman(prime: ArrayBuffer | NodeJS.ArrayBufferView, generator?: number | ArrayBuffer | NodeJS.ArrayBufferView): DiffieHellman;
- function createDiffieHellman(prime: ArrayBuffer | NodeJS.ArrayBufferView, generator: string, generatorEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): DiffieHellman;
- function createDiffieHellman(prime: string, primeEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding, generator?: number | ArrayBuffer | NodeJS.ArrayBufferView): DiffieHellman;
- function createDiffieHellman(prime: string, primeEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding, generator: string, generatorEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): DiffieHellman;
- /**
- * The `DiffieHellman` class is a utility for creating Diffie-Hellman key
- * exchanges.
- *
- * Instances of the `DiffieHellman` class can be created using the {@link createDiffieHellman} function.
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert';
- *
- * const {
- * createDiffieHellman,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * // Generate Alice's keys...
- * const alice = createDiffieHellman(2048);
- * const aliceKey = alice.generateKeys();
- *
- * // Generate Bob's keys...
- * const bob = createDiffieHellman(alice.getPrime(), alice.getGenerator());
- * const bobKey = bob.generateKeys();
- *
- * // Exchange and generate the secret...
- * const aliceSecret = alice.computeSecret(bobKey);
- * const bobSecret = bob.computeSecret(aliceKey);
- *
- * // OK
- * assert.strictEqual(aliceSecret.toString('hex'), bobSecret.toString('hex'));
- * ```
- * @since v0.5.0
- */
- class DiffieHellman {
- private constructor();
- /**
- * Generates private and public Diffie-Hellman key values unless they have been
- * generated or computed already, and returns
- * the public key in the specified `encoding`. This key should be
- * transferred to the other party.
- * If `encoding` is provided a string is returned; otherwise a `Buffer` is returned.
- *
- * This function is a thin wrapper around [`DH_generate_key()`](https://www.openssl.org/docs/man3.0/man3/DH_generate_key.html). In particular,
- * once a private key has been generated or set, calling this function only updates
- * the public key but does not generate a new private key.
- * @since v0.5.0
- * @param encoding The `encoding` of the return value.
- */
- generateKeys(): Buffer;
- generateKeys(encoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): string;
- /**
- * Computes the shared secret using `otherPublicKey` as the other
- * party's public key and returns the computed shared secret. The supplied
- * key is interpreted using the specified `inputEncoding`, and secret is
- * encoded using specified `outputEncoding`.
- * If the `inputEncoding` is not
- * provided, `otherPublicKey` is expected to be a `Buffer`,`TypedArray`, or `DataView`.
- *
- * If `outputEncoding` is given a string is returned; otherwise, a `Buffer` is returned.
- * @since v0.5.0
- * @param inputEncoding The `encoding` of an `otherPublicKey` string.
- * @param outputEncoding The `encoding` of the return value.
- */
- computeSecret(otherPublicKey: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView, inputEncoding?: null, outputEncoding?: null): Buffer;
- computeSecret(otherPublicKey: string, inputEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding, outputEncoding?: null): Buffer;
- computeSecret(otherPublicKey: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView, inputEncoding: null, outputEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): string;
- computeSecret(otherPublicKey: string, inputEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding, outputEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): string;
- /**
- * Returns the Diffie-Hellman prime in the specified `encoding`.
- * If `encoding` is provided a string is
- * returned; otherwise a `Buffer` is returned.
- * @since v0.5.0
- * @param encoding The `encoding` of the return value.
- */
- getPrime(): Buffer;
- getPrime(encoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): string;
- /**
- * Returns the Diffie-Hellman generator in the specified `encoding`.
- * If `encoding` is provided a string is
- * returned; otherwise a `Buffer` is returned.
- * @since v0.5.0
- * @param encoding The `encoding` of the return value.
- */
- getGenerator(): Buffer;
- getGenerator(encoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): string;
- /**
- * Returns the Diffie-Hellman public key in the specified `encoding`.
- * If `encoding` is provided a
- * string is returned; otherwise a `Buffer` is returned.
- * @since v0.5.0
- * @param encoding The `encoding` of the return value.
- */
- getPublicKey(): Buffer;
- getPublicKey(encoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): string;
- /**
- * Returns the Diffie-Hellman private key in the specified `encoding`.
- * If `encoding` is provided a
- * string is returned; otherwise a `Buffer` is returned.
- * @since v0.5.0
- * @param encoding The `encoding` of the return value.
- */
- getPrivateKey(): Buffer;
- getPrivateKey(encoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): string;
- /**
- * Sets the Diffie-Hellman public key. If the `encoding` argument is provided,`publicKey` is expected
- * to be a string. If no `encoding` is provided, `publicKey` is expected
- * to be a `Buffer`, `TypedArray`, or `DataView`.
- * @since v0.5.0
- * @param encoding The `encoding` of the `publicKey` string.
- */
- setPublicKey(publicKey: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView): void;
- setPublicKey(publicKey: string, encoding: BufferEncoding): void;
- /**
- * Sets the Diffie-Hellman private key. If the `encoding` argument is provided,`privateKey` is expected
- * to be a string. If no `encoding` is provided, `privateKey` is expected
- * to be a `Buffer`, `TypedArray`, or `DataView`.
- *
- * This function does not automatically compute the associated public key. Either `diffieHellman.setPublicKey()` or `diffieHellman.generateKeys()` can be
- * used to manually provide the public key or to automatically derive it.
- * @since v0.5.0
- * @param encoding The `encoding` of the `privateKey` string.
- */
- setPrivateKey(privateKey: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView): void;
- setPrivateKey(privateKey: string, encoding: BufferEncoding): void;
- /**
- * A bit field containing any warnings and/or errors resulting from a check
- * performed during initialization of the `DiffieHellman` object.
- *
- * The following values are valid for this property (as defined in `node:constants` module):
- *
- * @since v0.11.12
- */
- verifyError: number;
- }
- /**
- * The `DiffieHellmanGroup` class takes a well-known modp group as its argument.
- * It works the same as `DiffieHellman`, except that it does not allow changing its keys after creation.
- * In other words, it does not implement `setPublicKey()` or `setPrivateKey()` methods.
- *
- * ```js
- * const { createDiffieHellmanGroup } = await import('node:crypto');
- * const dh = createDiffieHellmanGroup('modp1');
- * ```
- * The name (e.g. `'modp1'`) is taken from [RFC 2412](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2412.txt) (modp1 and 2) and [RFC 3526](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3526.txt):
- * ```bash
- * $ perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if /"(modp\d+)"/' src/node_crypto_groups.h
- * modp1 # 768 bits
- * modp2 # 1024 bits
- * modp5 # 1536 bits
- * modp14 # 2048 bits
- * modp15 # etc.
- * modp16
- * modp17
- * modp18
- * ```
- * @since v0.7.5
- */
- const DiffieHellmanGroup: DiffieHellmanGroupConstructor;
- interface DiffieHellmanGroupConstructor {
- new (name: string): DiffieHellmanGroup;
- (name: string): DiffieHellmanGroup;
- readonly prototype: DiffieHellmanGroup;
- }
- type DiffieHellmanGroup = Omit;
- /**
- * Creates a predefined `DiffieHellmanGroup` key exchange object. The
- * supported groups are listed in the documentation for `DiffieHellmanGroup`.
- *
- * The returned object mimics the interface of objects created by {@link createDiffieHellman}, but will not allow changing
- * the keys (with `diffieHellman.setPublicKey()`, for example). The
- * advantage of using this method is that the parties do not have to
- * generate nor exchange a group modulus beforehand, saving both processor
- * and communication time.
- *
- * Example (obtaining a shared secret):
- *
- * ```js
- * const {
- * getDiffieHellman,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- * const alice = getDiffieHellman('modp14');
- * const bob = getDiffieHellman('modp14');
- *
- * alice.generateKeys();
- * bob.generateKeys();
- *
- * const aliceSecret = alice.computeSecret(bob.getPublicKey(), null, 'hex');
- * const bobSecret = bob.computeSecret(alice.getPublicKey(), null, 'hex');
- *
- * // aliceSecret and bobSecret should be the same
- * console.log(aliceSecret === bobSecret);
- * ```
- * @since v0.7.5
- */
- function getDiffieHellman(groupName: string): DiffieHellmanGroup;
- /**
- * An alias for {@link getDiffieHellman}
- * @since v0.9.3
- */
- function createDiffieHellmanGroup(name: string): DiffieHellmanGroup;
- /**
- * Provides an asynchronous Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2)
- * implementation. A selected HMAC digest algorithm specified by `digest` is
- * applied to derive a key of the requested byte length (`keylen`) from the`password`, `salt` and `iterations`.
- *
- * The supplied `callback` function is called with two arguments: `err` and`derivedKey`. If an error occurs while deriving the key, `err` will be set;
- * otherwise `err` will be `null`. By default, the successfully generated`derivedKey` will be passed to the callback as a `Buffer`. An error will be
- * thrown if any of the input arguments specify invalid values or types.
- *
- * The `iterations` argument must be a number set as high as possible. The
- * higher the number of iterations, the more secure the derived key will be,
- * but will take a longer amount of time to complete.
- *
- * The `salt` should be as unique as possible. It is recommended that a salt is
- * random and at least 16 bytes long. See [NIST SP 800-132](https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublication800-132.pdf) for details.
- *
- * When passing strings for `password` or `salt`, please consider `caveats when using strings as inputs to cryptographic APIs`.
- *
- * ```js
- * const {
- * pbkdf2,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * pbkdf2('secret', 'salt', 100000, 64, 'sha512', (err, derivedKey) => {
- * if (err) throw err;
- * console.log(derivedKey.toString('hex')); // '3745e48...08d59ae'
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * An array of supported digest functions can be retrieved using {@link getHashes}.
- *
- * This API uses libuv's threadpool, which can have surprising and
- * negative performance implications for some applications; see the `UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE` documentation for more information.
- * @since v0.5.5
- */
- function pbkdf2(password: BinaryLike, salt: BinaryLike, iterations: number, keylen: number, digest: string, callback: (err: Error | null, derivedKey: Buffer) => void): void;
- /**
- * Provides a synchronous Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2)
- * implementation. A selected HMAC digest algorithm specified by `digest` is
- * applied to derive a key of the requested byte length (`keylen`) from the`password`, `salt` and `iterations`.
- *
- * If an error occurs an `Error` will be thrown, otherwise the derived key will be
- * returned as a `Buffer`.
- *
- * The `iterations` argument must be a number set as high as possible. The
- * higher the number of iterations, the more secure the derived key will be,
- * but will take a longer amount of time to complete.
- *
- * The `salt` should be as unique as possible. It is recommended that a salt is
- * random and at least 16 bytes long. See [NIST SP 800-132](https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublication800-132.pdf) for details.
- *
- * When passing strings for `password` or `salt`, please consider `caveats when using strings as inputs to cryptographic APIs`.
- *
- * ```js
- * const {
- * pbkdf2Sync,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const key = pbkdf2Sync('secret', 'salt', 100000, 64, 'sha512');
- * console.log(key.toString('hex')); // '3745e48...08d59ae'
- * ```
- *
- * An array of supported digest functions can be retrieved using {@link getHashes}.
- * @since v0.9.3
- */
- function pbkdf2Sync(password: BinaryLike, salt: BinaryLike, iterations: number, keylen: number, digest: string): Buffer;
- /**
- * Generates cryptographically strong pseudorandom data. The `size` argument
- * is a number indicating the number of bytes to generate.
- *
- * If a `callback` function is provided, the bytes are generated asynchronously
- * and the `callback` function is invoked with two arguments: `err` and `buf`.
- * If an error occurs, `err` will be an `Error` object; otherwise it is `null`. The`buf` argument is a `Buffer` containing the generated bytes.
- *
- * ```js
- * // Asynchronous
- * const {
- * randomBytes,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * randomBytes(256, (err, buf) => {
- * if (err) throw err;
- * console.log(`${buf.length} bytes of random data: ${buf.toString('hex')}`);
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * If the `callback` function is not provided, the random bytes are generated
- * synchronously and returned as a `Buffer`. An error will be thrown if
- * there is a problem generating the bytes.
- *
- * ```js
- * // Synchronous
- * const {
- * randomBytes,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const buf = randomBytes(256);
- * console.log(
- * `${buf.length} bytes of random data: ${buf.toString('hex')}`);
- * ```
- *
- * The `crypto.randomBytes()` method will not complete until there is
- * sufficient entropy available.
- * This should normally never take longer than a few milliseconds. The only time
- * when generating the random bytes may conceivably block for a longer period of
- * time is right after boot, when the whole system is still low on entropy.
- *
- * This API uses libuv's threadpool, which can have surprising and
- * negative performance implications for some applications; see the `UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE` documentation for more information.
- *
- * The asynchronous version of `crypto.randomBytes()` is carried out in a single
- * threadpool request. To minimize threadpool task length variation, partition
- * large `randomBytes` requests when doing so as part of fulfilling a client
- * request.
- * @since v0.5.8
- * @param size The number of bytes to generate. The `size` must not be larger than `2**31 - 1`.
- * @return if the `callback` function is not provided.
- */
- function randomBytes(size: number): Buffer;
- function randomBytes(size: number, callback: (err: Error | null, buf: Buffer) => void): void;
- function pseudoRandomBytes(size: number): Buffer;
- function pseudoRandomBytes(size: number, callback: (err: Error | null, buf: Buffer) => void): void;
- /**
- * Return a random integer `n` such that `min <= n < max`. This
- * implementation avoids [modulo bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle#Modulo_bias).
- *
- * The range (`max - min`) must be less than 248. `min` and `max` must
- * be [safe integers](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number/isSafeInteger).
- *
- * If the `callback` function is not provided, the random integer is
- * generated synchronously.
- *
- * ```js
- * // Asynchronous
- * const {
- * randomInt,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * randomInt(3, (err, n) => {
- * if (err) throw err;
- * console.log(`Random number chosen from (0, 1, 2): ${n}`);
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * ```js
- * // Synchronous
- * const {
- * randomInt,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const n = randomInt(3);
- * console.log(`Random number chosen from (0, 1, 2): ${n}`);
- * ```
- *
- * ```js
- * // With `min` argument
- * const {
- * randomInt,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const n = randomInt(1, 7);
- * console.log(`The dice rolled: ${n}`);
- * ```
- * @since v14.10.0, v12.19.0
- * @param [min=0] Start of random range (inclusive).
- * @param max End of random range (exclusive).
- * @param callback `function(err, n) {}`.
- */
- function randomInt(max: number): number;
- function randomInt(min: number, max: number): number;
- function randomInt(max: number, callback: (err: Error | null, value: number) => void): void;
- function randomInt(min: number, max: number, callback: (err: Error | null, value: number) => void): void;
- /**
- * Synchronous version of {@link randomFill}.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- * const { randomFillSync } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.alloc(10);
- * console.log(randomFillSync(buf).toString('hex'));
- *
- * randomFillSync(buf, 5);
- * console.log(buf.toString('hex'));
- *
- * // The above is equivalent to the following:
- * randomFillSync(buf, 5, 5);
- * console.log(buf.toString('hex'));
- * ```
- *
- * Any `ArrayBuffer`, `TypedArray` or `DataView` instance may be passed as`buffer`.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- * const { randomFillSync } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const a = new Uint32Array(10);
- * console.log(Buffer.from(randomFillSync(a).buffer,
- * a.byteOffset, a.byteLength).toString('hex'));
- *
- * const b = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(10));
- * console.log(Buffer.from(randomFillSync(b).buffer,
- * b.byteOffset, b.byteLength).toString('hex'));
- *
- * const c = new ArrayBuffer(10);
- * console.log(Buffer.from(randomFillSync(c)).toString('hex'));
- * ```
- * @since v7.10.0, v6.13.0
- * @param buffer Must be supplied. The size of the provided `buffer` must not be larger than `2**31 - 1`.
- * @param [offset=0]
- * @param [size=buffer.length - offset]
- * @return The object passed as `buffer` argument.
- */
- function randomFillSync(buffer: T, offset?: number, size?: number): T;
- /**
- * This function is similar to {@link randomBytes} but requires the first
- * argument to be a `Buffer` that will be filled. It also
- * requires that a callback is passed in.
- *
- * If the `callback` function is not provided, an error will be thrown.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- * const { randomFill } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const buf = Buffer.alloc(10);
- * randomFill(buf, (err, buf) => {
- * if (err) throw err;
- * console.log(buf.toString('hex'));
- * });
- *
- * randomFill(buf, 5, (err, buf) => {
- * if (err) throw err;
- * console.log(buf.toString('hex'));
- * });
- *
- * // The above is equivalent to the following:
- * randomFill(buf, 5, 5, (err, buf) => {
- * if (err) throw err;
- * console.log(buf.toString('hex'));
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * Any `ArrayBuffer`, `TypedArray`, or `DataView` instance may be passed as`buffer`.
- *
- * While this includes instances of `Float32Array` and `Float64Array`, this
- * function should not be used to generate random floating-point numbers. The
- * result may contain `+Infinity`, `-Infinity`, and `NaN`, and even if the array
- * contains finite numbers only, they are not drawn from a uniform random
- * distribution and have no meaningful lower or upper bounds.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- * const { randomFill } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const a = new Uint32Array(10);
- * randomFill(a, (err, buf) => {
- * if (err) throw err;
- * console.log(Buffer.from(buf.buffer, buf.byteOffset, buf.byteLength)
- * .toString('hex'));
- * });
- *
- * const b = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(10));
- * randomFill(b, (err, buf) => {
- * if (err) throw err;
- * console.log(Buffer.from(buf.buffer, buf.byteOffset, buf.byteLength)
- * .toString('hex'));
- * });
- *
- * const c = new ArrayBuffer(10);
- * randomFill(c, (err, buf) => {
- * if (err) throw err;
- * console.log(Buffer.from(buf).toString('hex'));
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * This API uses libuv's threadpool, which can have surprising and
- * negative performance implications for some applications; see the `UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE` documentation for more information.
- *
- * The asynchronous version of `crypto.randomFill()` is carried out in a single
- * threadpool request. To minimize threadpool task length variation, partition
- * large `randomFill` requests when doing so as part of fulfilling a client
- * request.
- * @since v7.10.0, v6.13.0
- * @param buffer Must be supplied. The size of the provided `buffer` must not be larger than `2**31 - 1`.
- * @param [offset=0]
- * @param [size=buffer.length - offset]
- * @param callback `function(err, buf) {}`.
- */
- function randomFill(buffer: T, callback: (err: Error | null, buf: T) => void): void;
- function randomFill(buffer: T, offset: number, callback: (err: Error | null, buf: T) => void): void;
- function randomFill(buffer: T, offset: number, size: number, callback: (err: Error | null, buf: T) => void): void;
- interface ScryptOptions {
- cost?: number | undefined;
- blockSize?: number | undefined;
- parallelization?: number | undefined;
- N?: number | undefined;
- r?: number | undefined;
- p?: number | undefined;
- maxmem?: number | undefined;
- }
- /**
- * Provides an asynchronous [scrypt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrypt) implementation. Scrypt is a password-based
- * key derivation function that is designed to be expensive computationally and
- * memory-wise in order to make brute-force attacks unrewarding.
- *
- * The `salt` should be as unique as possible. It is recommended that a salt is
- * random and at least 16 bytes long. See [NIST SP 800-132](https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublication800-132.pdf) for details.
- *
- * When passing strings for `password` or `salt`, please consider `caveats when using strings as inputs to cryptographic APIs`.
- *
- * The `callback` function is called with two arguments: `err` and `derivedKey`.`err` is an exception object when key derivation fails, otherwise `err` is`null`. `derivedKey` is passed to the
- * callback as a `Buffer`.
- *
- * An exception is thrown when any of the input arguments specify invalid values
- * or types.
- *
- * ```js
- * const {
- * scrypt,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * // Using the factory defaults.
- * scrypt('password', 'salt', 64, (err, derivedKey) => {
- * if (err) throw err;
- * console.log(derivedKey.toString('hex')); // '3745e48...08d59ae'
- * });
- * // Using a custom N parameter. Must be a power of two.
- * scrypt('password', 'salt', 64, { N: 1024 }, (err, derivedKey) => {
- * if (err) throw err;
- * console.log(derivedKey.toString('hex')); // '3745e48...aa39b34'
- * });
- * ```
- * @since v10.5.0
- */
- function scrypt(password: BinaryLike, salt: BinaryLike, keylen: number, callback: (err: Error | null, derivedKey: Buffer) => void): void;
- function scrypt(password: BinaryLike, salt: BinaryLike, keylen: number, options: ScryptOptions, callback: (err: Error | null, derivedKey: Buffer) => void): void;
- /**
- * Provides a synchronous [scrypt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrypt) implementation. Scrypt is a password-based
- * key derivation function that is designed to be expensive computationally and
- * memory-wise in order to make brute-force attacks unrewarding.
- *
- * The `salt` should be as unique as possible. It is recommended that a salt is
- * random and at least 16 bytes long. See [NIST SP 800-132](https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublication800-132.pdf) for details.
- *
- * When passing strings for `password` or `salt`, please consider `caveats when using strings as inputs to cryptographic APIs`.
- *
- * An exception is thrown when key derivation fails, otherwise the derived key is
- * returned as a `Buffer`.
- *
- * An exception is thrown when any of the input arguments specify invalid values
- * or types.
- *
- * ```js
- * const {
- * scryptSync,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- * // Using the factory defaults.
- *
- * const key1 = scryptSync('password', 'salt', 64);
- * console.log(key1.toString('hex')); // '3745e48...08d59ae'
- * // Using a custom N parameter. Must be a power of two.
- * const key2 = scryptSync('password', 'salt', 64, { N: 1024 });
- * console.log(key2.toString('hex')); // '3745e48...aa39b34'
- * ```
- * @since v10.5.0
- */
- function scryptSync(password: BinaryLike, salt: BinaryLike, keylen: number, options?: ScryptOptions): Buffer;
- interface RsaPublicKey {
- key: KeyLike;
- padding?: number | undefined;
- }
- interface RsaPrivateKey {
- key: KeyLike;
- passphrase?: string | undefined;
- /**
- * @default 'sha1'
- */
- oaepHash?: string | undefined;
- oaepLabel?: NodeJS.TypedArray | undefined;
- padding?: number | undefined;
- }
- /**
- * Encrypts the content of `buffer` with `key` and returns a new `Buffer` with encrypted content. The returned data can be decrypted using
- * the corresponding private key, for example using {@link privateDecrypt}.
- *
- * If `key` is not a `KeyObject`, this function behaves as if`key` had been passed to {@link createPublicKey}. If it is an
- * object, the `padding` property can be passed. Otherwise, this function uses`RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING`.
- *
- * Because RSA public keys can be derived from private keys, a private key may
- * be passed instead of a public key.
- * @since v0.11.14
- */
- function publicEncrypt(key: RsaPublicKey | RsaPrivateKey | KeyLike, buffer: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView): Buffer;
- /**
- * Decrypts `buffer` with `key`.`buffer` was previously encrypted using
- * the corresponding private key, for example using {@link privateEncrypt}.
- *
- * If `key` is not a `KeyObject`, this function behaves as if`key` had been passed to {@link createPublicKey}. If it is an
- * object, the `padding` property can be passed. Otherwise, this function uses`RSA_PKCS1_PADDING`.
- *
- * Because RSA public keys can be derived from private keys, a private key may
- * be passed instead of a public key.
- * @since v1.1.0
- */
- function publicDecrypt(key: RsaPublicKey | RsaPrivateKey | KeyLike, buffer: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView): Buffer;
- /**
- * Decrypts `buffer` with `privateKey`. `buffer` was previously encrypted using
- * the corresponding public key, for example using {@link publicEncrypt}.
- *
- * If `privateKey` is not a `KeyObject`, this function behaves as if`privateKey` had been passed to {@link createPrivateKey}. If it is an
- * object, the `padding` property can be passed. Otherwise, this function uses`RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING`.
- * @since v0.11.14
- */
- function privateDecrypt(privateKey: RsaPrivateKey | KeyLike, buffer: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView): Buffer;
- /**
- * Encrypts `buffer` with `privateKey`. The returned data can be decrypted using
- * the corresponding public key, for example using {@link publicDecrypt}.
- *
- * If `privateKey` is not a `KeyObject`, this function behaves as if`privateKey` had been passed to {@link createPrivateKey}. If it is an
- * object, the `padding` property can be passed. Otherwise, this function uses`RSA_PKCS1_PADDING`.
- * @since v1.1.0
- */
- function privateEncrypt(privateKey: RsaPrivateKey | KeyLike, buffer: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView): Buffer;
- /**
- * ```js
- * const {
- * getCiphers,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * console.log(getCiphers()); // ['aes-128-cbc', 'aes-128-ccm', ...]
- * ```
- * @since v0.9.3
- * @return An array with the names of the supported cipher algorithms.
- */
- function getCiphers(): string[];
- /**
- * ```js
- * const {
- * getCurves,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * console.log(getCurves()); // ['Oakley-EC2N-3', 'Oakley-EC2N-4', ...]
- * ```
- * @since v2.3.0
- * @return An array with the names of the supported elliptic curves.
- */
- function getCurves(): string[];
- /**
- * @since v10.0.0
- * @return `1` if and only if a FIPS compliant crypto provider is currently in use, `0` otherwise. A future semver-major release may change the return type of this API to a {boolean}.
- */
- function getFips(): 1 | 0;
- /**
- * Enables the FIPS compliant crypto provider in a FIPS-enabled Node.js build.
- * Throws an error if FIPS mode is not available.
- * @since v10.0.0
- * @param bool `true` to enable FIPS mode.
- */
- function setFips(bool: boolean): void;
- /**
- * ```js
- * const {
- * getHashes,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * console.log(getHashes()); // ['DSA', 'DSA-SHA', 'DSA-SHA1', ...]
- * ```
- * @since v0.9.3
- * @return An array of the names of the supported hash algorithms, such as `'RSA-SHA256'`. Hash algorithms are also called "digest" algorithms.
- */
- function getHashes(): string[];
- /**
- * The `ECDH` class is a utility for creating Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH)
- * key exchanges.
- *
- * Instances of the `ECDH` class can be created using the {@link createECDH} function.
- *
- * ```js
- * import assert from 'node:assert';
- *
- * const {
- * createECDH,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * // Generate Alice's keys...
- * const alice = createECDH('secp521r1');
- * const aliceKey = alice.generateKeys();
- *
- * // Generate Bob's keys...
- * const bob = createECDH('secp521r1');
- * const bobKey = bob.generateKeys();
- *
- * // Exchange and generate the secret...
- * const aliceSecret = alice.computeSecret(bobKey);
- * const bobSecret = bob.computeSecret(aliceKey);
- *
- * assert.strictEqual(aliceSecret.toString('hex'), bobSecret.toString('hex'));
- * // OK
- * ```
- * @since v0.11.14
- */
- class ECDH {
- private constructor();
- /**
- * Converts the EC Diffie-Hellman public key specified by `key` and `curve` to the
- * format specified by `format`. The `format` argument specifies point encoding
- * and can be `'compressed'`, `'uncompressed'` or `'hybrid'`. The supplied key is
- * interpreted using the specified `inputEncoding`, and the returned key is encoded
- * using the specified `outputEncoding`.
- *
- * Use {@link getCurves} to obtain a list of available curve names.
- * On recent OpenSSL releases, `openssl ecparam -list_curves` will also display
- * the name and description of each available elliptic curve.
- *
- * If `format` is not specified the point will be returned in `'uncompressed'`format.
- *
- * If the `inputEncoding` is not provided, `key` is expected to be a `Buffer`,`TypedArray`, or `DataView`.
- *
- * Example (uncompressing a key):
- *
- * ```js
- * const {
- * createECDH,
- * ECDH,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const ecdh = createECDH('secp256k1');
- * ecdh.generateKeys();
- *
- * const compressedKey = ecdh.getPublicKey('hex', 'compressed');
- *
- * const uncompressedKey = ECDH.convertKey(compressedKey,
- * 'secp256k1',
- * 'hex',
- * 'hex',
- * 'uncompressed');
- *
- * // The converted key and the uncompressed public key should be the same
- * console.log(uncompressedKey === ecdh.getPublicKey('hex'));
- * ```
- * @since v10.0.0
- * @param inputEncoding The `encoding` of the `key` string.
- * @param outputEncoding The `encoding` of the return value.
- * @param [format='uncompressed']
- */
- static convertKey(
- key: BinaryLike,
- curve: string,
- inputEncoding?: BinaryToTextEncoding,
- outputEncoding?: 'latin1' | 'hex' | 'base64' | 'base64url',
- format?: 'uncompressed' | 'compressed' | 'hybrid'
- ): Buffer | string;
- /**
- * Generates private and public EC Diffie-Hellman key values, and returns
- * the public key in the specified `format` and `encoding`. This key should be
- * transferred to the other party.
- *
- * The `format` argument specifies point encoding and can be `'compressed'` or`'uncompressed'`. If `format` is not specified, the point will be returned in`'uncompressed'` format.
- *
- * If `encoding` is provided a string is returned; otherwise a `Buffer` is returned.
- * @since v0.11.14
- * @param encoding The `encoding` of the return value.
- * @param [format='uncompressed']
- */
- generateKeys(): Buffer;
- generateKeys(encoding: BinaryToTextEncoding, format?: ECDHKeyFormat): string;
- /**
- * Computes the shared secret using `otherPublicKey` as the other
- * party's public key and returns the computed shared secret. The supplied
- * key is interpreted using specified `inputEncoding`, and the returned secret
- * is encoded using the specified `outputEncoding`.
- * If the `inputEncoding` is not
- * provided, `otherPublicKey` is expected to be a `Buffer`, `TypedArray`, or`DataView`.
- *
- * If `outputEncoding` is given a string will be returned; otherwise a `Buffer` is returned.
- *
- * `ecdh.computeSecret` will throw an`ERR_CRYPTO_ECDH_INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY` error when `otherPublicKey`lies outside of the elliptic curve. Since `otherPublicKey` is
- * usually supplied from a remote user over an insecure network,
- * be sure to handle this exception accordingly.
- * @since v0.11.14
- * @param inputEncoding The `encoding` of the `otherPublicKey` string.
- * @param outputEncoding The `encoding` of the return value.
- */
- computeSecret(otherPublicKey: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView): Buffer;
- computeSecret(otherPublicKey: string, inputEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): Buffer;
- computeSecret(otherPublicKey: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView, outputEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): string;
- computeSecret(otherPublicKey: string, inputEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding, outputEncoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): string;
- /**
- * If `encoding` is specified, a string is returned; otherwise a `Buffer` is
- * returned.
- * @since v0.11.14
- * @param encoding The `encoding` of the return value.
- * @return The EC Diffie-Hellman in the specified `encoding`.
- */
- getPrivateKey(): Buffer;
- getPrivateKey(encoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): string;
- /**
- * The `format` argument specifies point encoding and can be `'compressed'` or`'uncompressed'`. If `format` is not specified the point will be returned in`'uncompressed'` format.
- *
- * If `encoding` is specified, a string is returned; otherwise a `Buffer` is
- * returned.
- * @since v0.11.14
- * @param encoding The `encoding` of the return value.
- * @param [format='uncompressed']
- * @return The EC Diffie-Hellman public key in the specified `encoding` and `format`.
- */
- getPublicKey(encoding?: null, format?: ECDHKeyFormat): Buffer;
- getPublicKey(encoding: BinaryToTextEncoding, format?: ECDHKeyFormat): string;
- /**
- * Sets the EC Diffie-Hellman private key.
- * If `encoding` is provided, `privateKey` is expected
- * to be a string; otherwise `privateKey` is expected to be a `Buffer`,`TypedArray`, or `DataView`.
- *
- * If `privateKey` is not valid for the curve specified when the `ECDH` object was
- * created, an error is thrown. Upon setting the private key, the associated
- * public point (key) is also generated and set in the `ECDH` object.
- * @since v0.11.14
- * @param encoding The `encoding` of the `privateKey` string.
- */
- setPrivateKey(privateKey: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView): void;
- setPrivateKey(privateKey: string, encoding: BinaryToTextEncoding): void;
- }
- /**
- * Creates an Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (`ECDH`) key exchange object using a
- * predefined curve specified by the `curveName` string. Use {@link getCurves} to obtain a list of available curve names. On recent
- * OpenSSL releases, `openssl ecparam -list_curves` will also display the name
- * and description of each available elliptic curve.
- * @since v0.11.14
- */
- function createECDH(curveName: string): ECDH;
- /**
- * This function compares the underlying bytes that represent the given`ArrayBuffer`, `TypedArray`, or `DataView` instances using a constant-time
- * algorithm.
- *
- * This function does not leak timing information that
- * would allow an attacker to guess one of the values. This is suitable for
- * comparing HMAC digests or secret values like authentication cookies or [capability urls](https://www.w3.org/TR/capability-urls/).
- *
- * `a` and `b` must both be `Buffer`s, `TypedArray`s, or `DataView`s, and they
- * must have the same byte length. An error is thrown if `a` and `b` have
- * different byte lengths.
- *
- * If at least one of `a` and `b` is a `TypedArray` with more than one byte per
- * entry, such as `Uint16Array`, the result will be computed using the platform
- * byte order.
- *
- * **When both of the inputs are `Float32Array`s or`Float64Array`s, this function might return unexpected results due to IEEE 754**
- * **encoding of floating-point numbers. In particular, neither `x === y` nor`Object.is(x, y)` implies that the byte representations of two floating-point**
- * **numbers `x` and `y` are equal.**
- *
- * Use of `crypto.timingSafeEqual` does not guarantee that the _surrounding_ code
- * is timing-safe. Care should be taken to ensure that the surrounding code does
- * not introduce timing vulnerabilities.
- * @since v6.6.0
- */
- function timingSafeEqual(a: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView, b: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView): boolean;
- type KeyType = 'rsa' | 'rsa-pss' | 'dsa' | 'ec' | 'ed25519' | 'ed448' | 'x25519' | 'x448';
- type KeyFormat = 'pem' | 'der' | 'jwk';
- interface BasePrivateKeyEncodingOptions {
- format: T;
- cipher?: string | undefined;
- passphrase?: string | undefined;
- }
- interface KeyPairKeyObjectResult {
- publicKey: KeyObject;
- privateKey: KeyObject;
- }
- interface ED25519KeyPairKeyObjectOptions {}
- interface ED448KeyPairKeyObjectOptions {}
- interface X25519KeyPairKeyObjectOptions {}
- interface X448KeyPairKeyObjectOptions {}
- interface ECKeyPairKeyObjectOptions {
- /**
- * Name of the curve to use
- */
- namedCurve: string;
- }
- interface RSAKeyPairKeyObjectOptions {
- /**
- * Key size in bits
- */
- modulusLength: number;
- /**
- * Public exponent
- * @default 0x10001
- */
- publicExponent?: number | undefined;
- }
- interface RSAPSSKeyPairKeyObjectOptions {
- /**
- * Key size in bits
- */
- modulusLength: number;
- /**
- * Public exponent
- * @default 0x10001
- */
- publicExponent?: number | undefined;
- /**
- * Name of the message digest
- */
- hashAlgorithm?: string;
- /**
- * Name of the message digest used by MGF1
- */
- mgf1HashAlgorithm?: string;
- /**
- * Minimal salt length in bytes
- */
- saltLength?: string;
- }
- interface DSAKeyPairKeyObjectOptions {
- /**
- * Key size in bits
- */
- modulusLength: number;
- /**
- * Size of q in bits
- */
- divisorLength: number;
- }
- interface RSAKeyPairOptions {
- /**
- * Key size in bits
- */
- modulusLength: number;
- /**
- * Public exponent
- * @default 0x10001
- */
- publicExponent?: number | undefined;
- publicKeyEncoding: {
- type: 'pkcs1' | 'spki';
- format: PubF;
- };
- privateKeyEncoding: BasePrivateKeyEncodingOptions & {
- type: 'pkcs1' | 'pkcs8';
- };
- }
- interface RSAPSSKeyPairOptions {
- /**
- * Key size in bits
- */
- modulusLength: number;
- /**
- * Public exponent
- * @default 0x10001
- */
- publicExponent?: number | undefined;
- /**
- * Name of the message digest
- */
- hashAlgorithm?: string;
- /**
- * Name of the message digest used by MGF1
- */
- mgf1HashAlgorithm?: string;
- /**
- * Minimal salt length in bytes
- */
- saltLength?: string;
- publicKeyEncoding: {
- type: 'spki';
- format: PubF;
- };
- privateKeyEncoding: BasePrivateKeyEncodingOptions & {
- type: 'pkcs8';
- };
- }
- interface DSAKeyPairOptions {
- /**
- * Key size in bits
- */
- modulusLength: number;
- /**
- * Size of q in bits
- */
- divisorLength: number;
- publicKeyEncoding: {
- type: 'spki';
- format: PubF;
- };
- privateKeyEncoding: BasePrivateKeyEncodingOptions & {
- type: 'pkcs8';
- };
- }
- interface ECKeyPairOptions {
- /**
- * Name of the curve to use.
- */
- namedCurve: string;
- publicKeyEncoding: {
- type: 'pkcs1' | 'spki';
- format: PubF;
- };
- privateKeyEncoding: BasePrivateKeyEncodingOptions & {
- type: 'sec1' | 'pkcs8';
- };
- }
- interface ED25519KeyPairOptions {
- publicKeyEncoding: {
- type: 'spki';
- format: PubF;
- };
- privateKeyEncoding: BasePrivateKeyEncodingOptions & {
- type: 'pkcs8';
- };
- }
- interface ED448KeyPairOptions {
- publicKeyEncoding: {
- type: 'spki';
- format: PubF;
- };
- privateKeyEncoding: BasePrivateKeyEncodingOptions & {
- type: 'pkcs8';
- };
- }
- interface X25519KeyPairOptions {
- publicKeyEncoding: {
- type: 'spki';
- format: PubF;
- };
- privateKeyEncoding: BasePrivateKeyEncodingOptions & {
- type: 'pkcs8';
- };
- }
- interface X448KeyPairOptions {
- publicKeyEncoding: {
- type: 'spki';
- format: PubF;
- };
- privateKeyEncoding: BasePrivateKeyEncodingOptions & {
- type: 'pkcs8';
- };
- }
- interface KeyPairSyncResult {
- publicKey: T1;
- privateKey: T2;
- }
- /**
- * Generates a new asymmetric key pair of the given `type`. RSA, RSA-PSS, DSA, EC,
- * Ed25519, Ed448, X25519, X448, and DH are currently supported.
- *
- * If a `publicKeyEncoding` or `privateKeyEncoding` was specified, this function
- * behaves as if `keyObject.export()` had been called on its result. Otherwise,
- * the respective part of the key is returned as a `KeyObject`.
- *
- * When encoding public keys, it is recommended to use `'spki'`. When encoding
- * private keys, it is recommended to use `'pkcs8'` with a strong passphrase,
- * and to keep the passphrase confidential.
- *
- * ```js
- * const {
- * generateKeyPairSync,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const {
- * publicKey,
- * privateKey,
- * } = generateKeyPairSync('rsa', {
- * modulusLength: 4096,
- * publicKeyEncoding: {
- * type: 'spki',
- * format: 'pem',
- * },
- * privateKeyEncoding: {
- * type: 'pkcs8',
- * format: 'pem',
- * cipher: 'aes-256-cbc',
- * passphrase: 'top secret',
- * },
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * The return value `{ publicKey, privateKey }` represents the generated key pair.
- * When PEM encoding was selected, the respective key will be a string, otherwise
- * it will be a buffer containing the data encoded as DER.
- * @since v10.12.0
- * @param type Must be `'rsa'`, `'rsa-pss'`, `'dsa'`, `'ec'`, `'ed25519'`, `'ed448'`, `'x25519'`, `'x448'`, or `'dh'`.
- */
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'rsa', options: RSAKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'rsa', options: RSAKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'rsa', options: RSAKeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'rsa', options: RSAKeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'rsa', options: RSAKeyPairKeyObjectOptions): KeyPairKeyObjectResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'rsa-pss', options: RSAPSSKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'rsa-pss', options: RSAPSSKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'rsa-pss', options: RSAPSSKeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'rsa-pss', options: RSAPSSKeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'rsa-pss', options: RSAPSSKeyPairKeyObjectOptions): KeyPairKeyObjectResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'dsa', options: DSAKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'dsa', options: DSAKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'dsa', options: DSAKeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'dsa', options: DSAKeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'dsa', options: DSAKeyPairKeyObjectOptions): KeyPairKeyObjectResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'ec', options: ECKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'ec', options: ECKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'ec', options: ECKeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'ec', options: ECKeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'ec', options: ECKeyPairKeyObjectOptions): KeyPairKeyObjectResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'ed25519', options: ED25519KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'ed25519', options: ED25519KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'ed25519', options: ED25519KeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'ed25519', options: ED25519KeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'ed25519', options?: ED25519KeyPairKeyObjectOptions): KeyPairKeyObjectResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'ed448', options: ED448KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'ed448', options: ED448KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'ed448', options: ED448KeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'ed448', options: ED448KeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'ed448', options?: ED448KeyPairKeyObjectOptions): KeyPairKeyObjectResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'x25519', options: X25519KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'x25519', options: X25519KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'x25519', options: X25519KeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'x25519', options: X25519KeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'x25519', options?: X25519KeyPairKeyObjectOptions): KeyPairKeyObjectResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'x448', options: X448KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'x448', options: X448KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'x448', options: X448KeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'x448', options: X448KeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>): KeyPairSyncResult;
- function generateKeyPairSync(type: 'x448', options?: X448KeyPairKeyObjectOptions): KeyPairKeyObjectResult;
- /**
- * Generates a new asymmetric key pair of the given `type`. RSA, RSA-PSS, DSA, EC,
- * Ed25519, Ed448, X25519, X448, and DH are currently supported.
- *
- * If a `publicKeyEncoding` or `privateKeyEncoding` was specified, this function
- * behaves as if `keyObject.export()` had been called on its result. Otherwise,
- * the respective part of the key is returned as a `KeyObject`.
- *
- * It is recommended to encode public keys as `'spki'` and private keys as`'pkcs8'` with encryption for long-term storage:
- *
- * ```js
- * const {
- * generateKeyPair,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * generateKeyPair('rsa', {
- * modulusLength: 4096,
- * publicKeyEncoding: {
- * type: 'spki',
- * format: 'pem',
- * },
- * privateKeyEncoding: {
- * type: 'pkcs8',
- * format: 'pem',
- * cipher: 'aes-256-cbc',
- * passphrase: 'top secret',
- * },
- * }, (err, publicKey, privateKey) => {
- * // Handle errors and use the generated key pair.
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * On completion, `callback` will be called with `err` set to `undefined` and`publicKey` / `privateKey` representing the generated key pair.
- *
- * If this method is invoked as its `util.promisify()` ed version, it returns
- * a `Promise` for an `Object` with `publicKey` and `privateKey` properties.
- * @since v10.12.0
- * @param type Must be `'rsa'`, `'rsa-pss'`, `'dsa'`, `'ec'`, `'ed25519'`, `'ed448'`, `'x25519'`, `'x448'`, or `'dh'`.
- */
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'rsa', options: RSAKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: string, privateKey: string) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'rsa', options: RSAKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: string, privateKey: Buffer) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'rsa', options: RSAKeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: string) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'rsa', options: RSAKeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'rsa', options: RSAKeyPairKeyObjectOptions, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: KeyObject, privateKey: KeyObject) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'rsa-pss', options: RSAPSSKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: string, privateKey: string) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'rsa-pss', options: RSAPSSKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: string, privateKey: Buffer) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'rsa-pss', options: RSAPSSKeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: string) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'rsa-pss', options: RSAPSSKeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'rsa-pss', options: RSAPSSKeyPairKeyObjectOptions, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: KeyObject, privateKey: KeyObject) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'dsa', options: DSAKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: string, privateKey: string) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'dsa', options: DSAKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: string, privateKey: Buffer) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'dsa', options: DSAKeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: string) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'dsa', options: DSAKeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'dsa', options: DSAKeyPairKeyObjectOptions, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: KeyObject, privateKey: KeyObject) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'ec', options: ECKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: string, privateKey: string) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'ec', options: ECKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: string, privateKey: Buffer) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'ec', options: ECKeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: string) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'ec', options: ECKeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'ec', options: ECKeyPairKeyObjectOptions, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: KeyObject, privateKey: KeyObject) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'ed25519', options: ED25519KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: string, privateKey: string) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'ed25519', options: ED25519KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: string, privateKey: Buffer) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'ed25519', options: ED25519KeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: string) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'ed25519', options: ED25519KeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'ed25519', options: ED25519KeyPairKeyObjectOptions | undefined, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: KeyObject, privateKey: KeyObject) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'ed448', options: ED448KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: string, privateKey: string) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'ed448', options: ED448KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: string, privateKey: Buffer) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'ed448', options: ED448KeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: string) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'ed448', options: ED448KeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'ed448', options: ED448KeyPairKeyObjectOptions | undefined, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: KeyObject, privateKey: KeyObject) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'x25519', options: X25519KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: string, privateKey: string) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'x25519', options: X25519KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: string, privateKey: Buffer) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'x25519', options: X25519KeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: string) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'x25519', options: X25519KeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'x25519', options: X25519KeyPairKeyObjectOptions | undefined, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: KeyObject, privateKey: KeyObject) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'x448', options: X448KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: string, privateKey: string) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'x448', options: X448KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: string, privateKey: Buffer) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'x448', options: X448KeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: string) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'x448', options: X448KeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer) => void): void;
- function generateKeyPair(type: 'x448', options: X448KeyPairKeyObjectOptions | undefined, callback: (err: Error | null, publicKey: KeyObject, privateKey: KeyObject) => void): void;
- namespace generateKeyPair {
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'rsa',
- options: RSAKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: string;
- privateKey: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'rsa',
- options: RSAKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: string;
- privateKey: Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'rsa',
- options: RSAKeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: Buffer;
- privateKey: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'rsa',
- options: RSAKeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: Buffer;
- privateKey: Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(type: 'rsa', options: RSAKeyPairKeyObjectOptions): Promise;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'rsa-pss',
- options: RSAPSSKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: string;
- privateKey: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'rsa-pss',
- options: RSAPSSKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: string;
- privateKey: Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'rsa-pss',
- options: RSAPSSKeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: Buffer;
- privateKey: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'rsa-pss',
- options: RSAPSSKeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: Buffer;
- privateKey: Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(type: 'rsa-pss', options: RSAPSSKeyPairKeyObjectOptions): Promise;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'dsa',
- options: DSAKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: string;
- privateKey: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'dsa',
- options: DSAKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: string;
- privateKey: Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'dsa',
- options: DSAKeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: Buffer;
- privateKey: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'dsa',
- options: DSAKeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: Buffer;
- privateKey: Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(type: 'dsa', options: DSAKeyPairKeyObjectOptions): Promise;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'ec',
- options: ECKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: string;
- privateKey: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'ec',
- options: ECKeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: string;
- privateKey: Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'ec',
- options: ECKeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: Buffer;
- privateKey: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'ec',
- options: ECKeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: Buffer;
- privateKey: Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(type: 'ec', options: ECKeyPairKeyObjectOptions): Promise;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'ed25519',
- options: ED25519KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: string;
- privateKey: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'ed25519',
- options: ED25519KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: string;
- privateKey: Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'ed25519',
- options: ED25519KeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: Buffer;
- privateKey: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'ed25519',
- options: ED25519KeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: Buffer;
- privateKey: Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(type: 'ed25519', options?: ED25519KeyPairKeyObjectOptions): Promise;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'ed448',
- options: ED448KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: string;
- privateKey: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'ed448',
- options: ED448KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: string;
- privateKey: Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'ed448',
- options: ED448KeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: Buffer;
- privateKey: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'ed448',
- options: ED448KeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: Buffer;
- privateKey: Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(type: 'ed448', options?: ED448KeyPairKeyObjectOptions): Promise;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'x25519',
- options: X25519KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: string;
- privateKey: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'x25519',
- options: X25519KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: string;
- privateKey: Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'x25519',
- options: X25519KeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: Buffer;
- privateKey: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'x25519',
- options: X25519KeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: Buffer;
- privateKey: Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(type: 'x25519', options?: X25519KeyPairKeyObjectOptions): Promise;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'x448',
- options: X448KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'pem'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: string;
- privateKey: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'x448',
- options: X448KeyPairOptions<'pem', 'der'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: string;
- privateKey: Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'x448',
- options: X448KeyPairOptions<'der', 'pem'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: Buffer;
- privateKey: string;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(
- type: 'x448',
- options: X448KeyPairOptions<'der', 'der'>
- ): Promise<{
- publicKey: Buffer;
- privateKey: Buffer;
- }>;
- function __promisify__(type: 'x448', options?: X448KeyPairKeyObjectOptions): Promise;
- }
- /**
- * Calculates and returns the signature for `data` using the given private key and
- * algorithm. If `algorithm` is `null` or `undefined`, then the algorithm is
- * dependent upon the key type (especially Ed25519 and Ed448).
- *
- * If `key` is not a `KeyObject`, this function behaves as if `key` had been
- * passed to {@link createPrivateKey}. If it is an object, the following
- * additional properties can be passed:
- *
- * If the `callback` function is provided this function uses libuv's threadpool.
- * @since v12.0.0
- */
- function sign(algorithm: string | null | undefined, data: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView, key: KeyLike | SignKeyObjectInput | SignPrivateKeyInput): Buffer;
- function sign(
- algorithm: string | null | undefined,
- data: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView,
- key: KeyLike | SignKeyObjectInput | SignPrivateKeyInput,
- callback: (error: Error | null, data: Buffer) => void
- ): void;
- /**
- * Verifies the given signature for `data` using the given key and algorithm. If`algorithm` is `null` or `undefined`, then the algorithm is dependent upon the
- * key type (especially Ed25519 and Ed448).
- *
- * If `key` is not a `KeyObject`, this function behaves as if `key` had been
- * passed to {@link createPublicKey}. If it is an object, the following
- * additional properties can be passed:
- *
- * The `signature` argument is the previously calculated signature for the `data`.
- *
- * Because public keys can be derived from private keys, a private key or a public
- * key may be passed for `key`.
- *
- * If the `callback` function is provided this function uses libuv's threadpool.
- * @since v12.0.0
- */
- function verify(
- algorithm: string | null | undefined,
- data: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView,
- key: KeyLike | VerifyKeyObjectInput | VerifyPublicKeyInput | VerifyJsonWebKeyInput,
- signature: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView
- ): boolean;
- function verify(
- algorithm: string | null | undefined,
- data: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView,
- key: KeyLike | VerifyKeyObjectInput | VerifyPublicKeyInput | VerifyJsonWebKeyInput,
- signature: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView,
- callback: (error: Error | null, result: boolean) => void
- ): void;
- /**
- * Computes the Diffie-Hellman secret based on a `privateKey` and a `publicKey`.
- * Both keys must have the same `asymmetricKeyType`, which must be one of `'dh'`(for Diffie-Hellman), `'ec'` (for ECDH), `'x448'`, or `'x25519'` (for ECDH-ES).
- * @since v13.9.0, v12.17.0
- */
- function diffieHellman(options: { privateKey: KeyObject; publicKey: KeyObject }): Buffer;
- type CipherMode = 'cbc' | 'ccm' | 'cfb' | 'ctr' | 'ecb' | 'gcm' | 'ocb' | 'ofb' | 'stream' | 'wrap' | 'xts';
- interface CipherInfoOptions {
- /**
- * A test key length.
- */
- keyLength?: number | undefined;
- /**
- * A test IV length.
- */
- ivLength?: number | undefined;
- }
- interface CipherInfo {
- /**
- * The name of the cipher.
- */
- name: string;
- /**
- * The nid of the cipher.
- */
- nid: number;
- /**
- * The block size of the cipher in bytes.
- * This property is omitted when mode is 'stream'.
- */
- blockSize?: number | undefined;
- /**
- * The expected or default initialization vector length in bytes.
- * This property is omitted if the cipher does not use an initialization vector.
- */
- ivLength?: number | undefined;
- /**
- * The expected or default key length in bytes.
- */
- keyLength: number;
- /**
- * The cipher mode.
- */
- mode: CipherMode;
- }
- /**
- * Returns information about a given cipher.
- *
- * Some ciphers accept variable length keys and initialization vectors. By default,
- * the `crypto.getCipherInfo()` method will return the default values for these
- * ciphers. To test if a given key length or iv length is acceptable for given
- * cipher, use the `keyLength` and `ivLength` options. If the given values are
- * unacceptable, `undefined` will be returned.
- * @since v15.0.0
- * @param nameOrNid The name or nid of the cipher to query.
- */
- function getCipherInfo(nameOrNid: string | number, options?: CipherInfoOptions): CipherInfo | undefined;
- /**
- * HKDF is a simple key derivation function defined in RFC 5869\. The given `ikm`,`salt` and `info` are used with the `digest` to derive a key of `keylen` bytes.
- *
- * The supplied `callback` function is called with two arguments: `err` and`derivedKey`. If an errors occurs while deriving the key, `err` will be set;
- * otherwise `err` will be `null`. The successfully generated `derivedKey` will
- * be passed to the callback as an [ArrayBuffer](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/ArrayBuffer). An error will be thrown if any
- * of the input arguments specify invalid values or types.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- * const {
- * hkdf,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * hkdf('sha512', 'key', 'salt', 'info', 64, (err, derivedKey) => {
- * if (err) throw err;
- * console.log(Buffer.from(derivedKey).toString('hex')); // '24156e2...5391653'
- * });
- * ```
- * @since v15.0.0
- * @param digest The digest algorithm to use.
- * @param ikm The input keying material. Must be provided but can be zero-length.
- * @param salt The salt value. Must be provided but can be zero-length.
- * @param info Additional info value. Must be provided but can be zero-length, and cannot be more than 1024 bytes.
- * @param keylen The length of the key to generate. Must be greater than 0. The maximum allowable value is `255` times the number of bytes produced by the selected digest function (e.g. `sha512`
- * generates 64-byte hashes, making the maximum HKDF output 16320 bytes).
- */
- function hkdf(digest: string, irm: BinaryLike | KeyObject, salt: BinaryLike, info: BinaryLike, keylen: number, callback: (err: Error | null, derivedKey: ArrayBuffer) => void): void;
- /**
- * Provides a synchronous HKDF key derivation function as defined in RFC 5869\. The
- * given `ikm`, `salt` and `info` are used with the `digest` to derive a key of`keylen` bytes.
- *
- * The successfully generated `derivedKey` will be returned as an [ArrayBuffer](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/ArrayBuffer).
- *
- * An error will be thrown if any of the input arguments specify invalid values or
- * types, or if the derived key cannot be generated.
- *
- * ```js
- * import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
- * const {
- * hkdfSync,
- * } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const derivedKey = hkdfSync('sha512', 'key', 'salt', 'info', 64);
- * console.log(Buffer.from(derivedKey).toString('hex')); // '24156e2...5391653'
- * ```
- * @since v15.0.0
- * @param digest The digest algorithm to use.
- * @param ikm The input keying material. Must be provided but can be zero-length.
- * @param salt The salt value. Must be provided but can be zero-length.
- * @param info Additional info value. Must be provided but can be zero-length, and cannot be more than 1024 bytes.
- * @param keylen The length of the key to generate. Must be greater than 0. The maximum allowable value is `255` times the number of bytes produced by the selected digest function (e.g. `sha512`
- * generates 64-byte hashes, making the maximum HKDF output 16320 bytes).
- */
- function hkdfSync(digest: string, ikm: BinaryLike | KeyObject, salt: BinaryLike, info: BinaryLike, keylen: number): ArrayBuffer;
- interface SecureHeapUsage {
- /**
- * The total allocated secure heap size as specified using the `--secure-heap=n` command-line flag.
- */
- total: number;
- /**
- * The minimum allocation from the secure heap as specified using the `--secure-heap-min` command-line flag.
- */
- min: number;
- /**
- * The total number of bytes currently allocated from the secure heap.
- */
- used: number;
- /**
- * The calculated ratio of `used` to `total` allocated bytes.
- */
- utilization: number;
- }
- /**
- * @since v15.6.0
- */
- function secureHeapUsed(): SecureHeapUsage;
- interface RandomUUIDOptions {
- /**
- * By default, to improve performance,
- * Node.js will pre-emptively generate and persistently cache enough
- * random data to generate up to 128 random UUIDs. To generate a UUID
- * without using the cache, set `disableEntropyCache` to `true`.
- *
- * @default `false`
- */
- disableEntropyCache?: boolean | undefined;
- }
- type UUID = `${string}-${string}-${string}-${string}-${string}`;
- /**
- * Generates a random [RFC 4122](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt) version 4 UUID. The UUID is generated using a
- * cryptographic pseudorandom number generator.
- * @since v15.6.0, v14.17.0
- */
- function randomUUID(options?: RandomUUIDOptions): UUID;
- interface X509CheckOptions {
- /**
- * @default 'always'
- */
- subject?: 'always' | 'default' | 'never';
- /**
- * @default true
- */
- wildcards?: boolean;
- /**
- * @default true
- */
- partialWildcards?: boolean;
- /**
- * @default false
- */
- multiLabelWildcards?: boolean;
- /**
- * @default false
- */
- singleLabelSubdomains?: boolean;
- }
- /**
- * Encapsulates an X509 certificate and provides read-only access to
- * its information.
- *
- * ```js
- * const { X509Certificate } = await import('node:crypto');
- *
- * const x509 = new X509Certificate('{... pem encoded cert ...}');
- *
- * console.log(x509.subject);
- * ```
- * @since v15.6.0
- */
- class X509Certificate {
- /**
- * Will be \`true\` if this is a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate.
- * @since v15.6.0
- */
- readonly ca: boolean;
- /**
- * The SHA-1 fingerprint of this certificate.
- *
- * Because SHA-1 is cryptographically broken and because the security of SHA-1 is
- * significantly worse than that of algorithms that are commonly used to sign
- * certificates, consider using `x509.fingerprint256` instead.
- * @since v15.6.0
- */
- readonly fingerprint: string;
- /**
- * The SHA-256 fingerprint of this certificate.
- * @since v15.6.0
- */
- readonly fingerprint256: string;
- /**
- * The SHA-512 fingerprint of this certificate.
- *
- * Because computing the SHA-256 fingerprint is usually faster and because it is
- * only half the size of the SHA-512 fingerprint, `x509.fingerprint256` may be
- * a better choice. While SHA-512 presumably provides a higher level of security in
- * general, the security of SHA-256 matches that of most algorithms that are
- * commonly used to sign certificates.
- * @since v17.2.0, v16.14.0
- */
- readonly fingerprint512: string;
- /**
- * The complete subject of this certificate.
- * @since v15.6.0
- */
- readonly subject: string;
- /**
- * The subject alternative name specified for this certificate.
- *
- * This is a comma-separated list of subject alternative names. Each entry begins
- * with a string identifying the kind of the subject alternative name followed by
- * a colon and the value associated with the entry.
- *
- * Earlier versions of Node.js incorrectly assumed that it is safe to split this
- * property at the two-character sequence `', '` (see [CVE-2021-44532](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2021-44532)). However,
- * both malicious and legitimate certificates can contain subject alternative names
- * that include this sequence when represented as a string.
- *
- * After the prefix denoting the type of the entry, the remainder of each entry
- * might be enclosed in quotes to indicate that the value is a JSON string literal.
- * For backward compatibility, Node.js only uses JSON string literals within this
- * property when necessary to avoid ambiguity. Third-party code should be prepared
- * to handle both possible entry formats.
- * @since v15.6.0
- */
- readonly subjectAltName: string | undefined;
- /**
- * A textual representation of the certificate's authority information access
- * extension.
- *
- * This is a line feed separated list of access descriptions. Each line begins with
- * the access method and the kind of the access location, followed by a colon and
- * the value associated with the access location.
- *
- * After the prefix denoting the access method and the kind of the access location,
- * the remainder of each line might be enclosed in quotes to indicate that the
- * value is a JSON string literal. For backward compatibility, Node.js only uses
- * JSON string literals within this property when necessary to avoid ambiguity.
- * Third-party code should be prepared to handle both possible entry formats.
- * @since v15.6.0
- */
- readonly infoAccess: string | undefined;
- /**
- * An array detailing the key usages for this certificate.
- * @since v15.6.0
- */
- readonly keyUsage: string[];
- /**
- * The issuer identification included in this certificate.
- * @since v15.6.0
- */
- readonly issuer: string;
- /**
- * The issuer certificate or `undefined` if the issuer certificate is not
- * available.
- * @since v15.9.0
- */
- readonly issuerCertificate?: X509Certificate | undefined;
- /**
- * The public key `KeyObject` for this certificate.
- * @since v15.6.0
- */
- readonly publicKey: KeyObject;
- /**
- * A `Buffer` containing the DER encoding of this certificate.
- * @since v15.6.0
- */
- readonly raw: Buffer;
- /**
- * The serial number of this certificate.
- *
- * Serial numbers are assigned by certificate authorities and do not uniquely
- * identify certificates. Consider using `x509.fingerprint256` as a unique
- * identifier instead.
- * @since v15.6.0
- */
- readonly serialNumber: string;
- /**
- * The date/time from which this certificate is considered valid.
- * @since v15.6.0
- */
- readonly validFrom: string;
- /**
- * The date/time until which this certificate is considered valid.
- * @since v15.6.0
- */
- readonly validTo: string;
- constructor(buffer: BinaryLike);
- /**
- * Checks whether the certificate matches the given email address.
- *
- * If the `'subject'` option is undefined or set to `'default'`, the certificate
- * subject is only considered if the subject alternative name extension either does
- * not exist or does not contain any email addresses.
- *
- * If the `'subject'` option is set to `'always'` and if the subject alternative
- * name extension either does not exist or does not contain a matching email
- * address, the certificate subject is considered.
- *
- * If the `'subject'` option is set to `'never'`, the certificate subject is never
- * considered, even if the certificate contains no subject alternative names.
- * @since v15.6.0
- * @return Returns `email` if the certificate matches, `undefined` if it does not.
- */
- checkEmail(email: string, options?: Pick): string | undefined;
- /**
- * Checks whether the certificate matches the given host name.
- *
- * If the certificate matches the given host name, the matching subject name is
- * returned. The returned name might be an exact match (e.g., `foo.example.com`)
- * or it might contain wildcards (e.g., `*.example.com`). Because host name
- * comparisons are case-insensitive, the returned subject name might also differ
- * from the given `name` in capitalization.
- *
- * If the `'subject'` option is undefined or set to `'default'`, the certificate
- * subject is only considered if the subject alternative name extension either does
- * not exist or does not contain any DNS names. This behavior is consistent with [RFC 2818](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2818.txt) ("HTTP Over TLS").
- *
- * If the `'subject'` option is set to `'always'` and if the subject alternative
- * name extension either does not exist or does not contain a matching DNS name,
- * the certificate subject is considered.
- *
- * If the `'subject'` option is set to `'never'`, the certificate subject is never
- * considered, even if the certificate contains no subject alternative names.
- * @since v15.6.0
- * @return Returns a subject name that matches `name`, or `undefined` if no subject name matches `name`.
- */
- checkHost(name: string, options?: X509CheckOptions): string | undefined;
- /**
- * Checks whether the certificate matches the given IP address (IPv4 or IPv6).
- *
- * Only [RFC 5280](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5280.txt) `iPAddress` subject alternative names are considered, and they
- * must match the given `ip` address exactly. Other subject alternative names as
- * well as the subject field of the certificate are ignored.
- * @since v15.6.0
- * @return Returns `ip` if the certificate matches, `undefined` if it does not.
- */
- checkIP(ip: string): string | undefined;
- /**
- * Checks whether this certificate was issued by the given `otherCert`.
- * @since v15.6.0
- */
- checkIssued(otherCert: X509Certificate): boolean;
- /**
- * Checks whether the public key for this certificate is consistent with
- * the given private key.
- * @since v15.6.0
- * @param privateKey A private key.
- */
- checkPrivateKey(privateKey: KeyObject): boolean;
- /**
- * There is no standard JSON encoding for X509 certificates. The`toJSON()` method returns a string containing the PEM encoded
- * certificate.
- * @since v15.6.0
- */
- toJSON(): string;
- /**
- * Returns information about this certificate using the legacy `certificate object` encoding.
- * @since v15.6.0
- */
- toLegacyObject(): PeerCertificate;
- /**
- * Returns the PEM-encoded certificate.
- * @since v15.6.0
- */
- toString(): string;
- /**
- * Verifies that this certificate was signed by the given public key.
- * Does not perform any other validation checks on the certificate.
- * @since v15.6.0
- * @param publicKey A public key.
- */
- verify(publicKey: KeyObject): boolean;
- }
- type LargeNumberLike = NodeJS.ArrayBufferView | SharedArrayBuffer | ArrayBuffer | bigint;
- interface GeneratePrimeOptions {
- add?: LargeNumberLike | undefined;
- rem?: LargeNumberLike | undefined;
- /**
- * @default false
- */
- safe?: boolean | undefined;
- bigint?: boolean | undefined;
- }
- interface GeneratePrimeOptionsBigInt extends GeneratePrimeOptions {
- bigint: true;
- }
- interface GeneratePrimeOptionsArrayBuffer extends GeneratePrimeOptions {
- bigint?: false | undefined;
- }
- /**
- * Generates a pseudorandom prime of `size` bits.
- *
- * If `options.safe` is `true`, the prime will be a safe prime -- that is,`(prime - 1) / 2` will also be a prime.
- *
- * The `options.add` and `options.rem` parameters can be used to enforce additional
- * requirements, e.g., for Diffie-Hellman:
- *
- * * If `options.add` and `options.rem` are both set, the prime will satisfy the
- * condition that `prime % add = rem`.
- * * If only `options.add` is set and `options.safe` is not `true`, the prime will
- * satisfy the condition that `prime % add = 1`.
- * * If only `options.add` is set and `options.safe` is set to `true`, the prime
- * will instead satisfy the condition that `prime % add = 3`. This is necessary
- * because `prime % add = 1` for `options.add > 2` would contradict the condition
- * enforced by `options.safe`.
- * * `options.rem` is ignored if `options.add` is not given.
- *
- * Both `options.add` and `options.rem` must be encoded as big-endian sequences
- * if given as an `ArrayBuffer`, `SharedArrayBuffer`, `TypedArray`, `Buffer`, or`DataView`.
- *
- * By default, the prime is encoded as a big-endian sequence of octets
- * in an [ArrayBuffer](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/ArrayBuffer). If the `bigint` option is `true`, then a
- * [bigint](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/BigInt) is provided.
- * @since v15.8.0
- * @param size The size (in bits) of the prime to generate.
- */
- function generatePrime(size: number, callback: (err: Error | null, prime: ArrayBuffer) => void): void;
- function generatePrime(size: number, options: GeneratePrimeOptionsBigInt, callback: (err: Error | null, prime: bigint) => void): void;
- function generatePrime(size: number, options: GeneratePrimeOptionsArrayBuffer, callback: (err: Error | null, prime: ArrayBuffer) => void): void;
- function generatePrime(size: number, options: GeneratePrimeOptions, callback: (err: Error | null, prime: ArrayBuffer | bigint) => void): void;
- /**
- * Generates a pseudorandom prime of `size` bits.
- *
- * If `options.safe` is `true`, the prime will be a safe prime -- that is,`(prime - 1) / 2` will also be a prime.
- *
- * The `options.add` and `options.rem` parameters can be used to enforce additional
- * requirements, e.g., for Diffie-Hellman:
- *
- * * If `options.add` and `options.rem` are both set, the prime will satisfy the
- * condition that `prime % add = rem`.
- * * If only `options.add` is set and `options.safe` is not `true`, the prime will
- * satisfy the condition that `prime % add = 1`.
- * * If only `options.add` is set and `options.safe` is set to `true`, the prime
- * will instead satisfy the condition that `prime % add = 3`. This is necessary
- * because `prime % add = 1` for `options.add > 2` would contradict the condition
- * enforced by `options.safe`.
- * * `options.rem` is ignored if `options.add` is not given.
- *
- * Both `options.add` and `options.rem` must be encoded as big-endian sequences
- * if given as an `ArrayBuffer`, `SharedArrayBuffer`, `TypedArray`, `Buffer`, or`DataView`.
- *
- * By default, the prime is encoded as a big-endian sequence of octets
- * in an [ArrayBuffer](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/ArrayBuffer). If the `bigint` option is `true`, then a
- * [bigint](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/BigInt) is provided.
- * @since v15.8.0
- * @param size The size (in bits) of the prime to generate.
- */
- function generatePrimeSync(size: number): ArrayBuffer;
- function generatePrimeSync(size: number, options: GeneratePrimeOptionsBigInt): bigint;
- function generatePrimeSync(size: number, options: GeneratePrimeOptionsArrayBuffer): ArrayBuffer;
- function generatePrimeSync(size: number, options: GeneratePrimeOptions): ArrayBuffer | bigint;
- interface CheckPrimeOptions {
- /**
- * The number of Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality iterations to perform.
- * When the value is 0 (zero), a number of checks is used that yields a false positive rate of at most `2**-64` for random input.
- * Care must be used when selecting a number of checks.
- * Refer to the OpenSSL documentation for the BN_is_prime_ex function nchecks options for more details.
- *
- * @default 0
- */
- checks?: number | undefined;
- }
- /**
- * Checks the primality of the `candidate`.
- * @since v15.8.0
- * @param candidate A possible prime encoded as a sequence of big endian octets of arbitrary length.
- */
- function checkPrime(value: LargeNumberLike, callback: (err: Error | null, result: boolean) => void): void;
- function checkPrime(value: LargeNumberLike, options: CheckPrimeOptions, callback: (err: Error | null, result: boolean) => void): void;
- /**
- * Checks the primality of the `candidate`.
- * @since v15.8.0
- * @param candidate A possible prime encoded as a sequence of big endian octets of arbitrary length.
- * @return `true` if the candidate is a prime with an error probability less than `0.25 ** options.checks`.
- */
- function checkPrimeSync(candidate: LargeNumberLike, options?: CheckPrimeOptions): boolean;
- /**
- * Load and set the `engine` for some or all OpenSSL functions (selected by flags).
- *
- * `engine` could be either an id or a path to the engine's shared library.
- *
- * The optional `flags` argument uses `ENGINE_METHOD_ALL` by default. The `flags`is a bit field taking one of or a mix of the following flags (defined in`crypto.constants`):
- *
- * * `crypto.constants.ENGINE_METHOD_RSA`
- * * `crypto.constants.ENGINE_METHOD_DSA`
- * * `crypto.constants.ENGINE_METHOD_DH`
- * * `crypto.constants.ENGINE_METHOD_RAND`
- * * `crypto.constants.ENGINE_METHOD_EC`
- * * `crypto.constants.ENGINE_METHOD_CIPHERS`
- * * `crypto.constants.ENGINE_METHOD_DIGESTS`
- * * `crypto.constants.ENGINE_METHOD_PKEY_METHS`
- * * `crypto.constants.ENGINE_METHOD_PKEY_ASN1_METHS`
- * * `crypto.constants.ENGINE_METHOD_ALL`
- * * `crypto.constants.ENGINE_METHOD_NONE`
- * @since v0.11.11
- * @param flags
- */
- function setEngine(engine: string, flags?: number): void;
- /**
- * A convenient alias for {@link webcrypto.getRandomValues}. This
- * implementation is not compliant with the Web Crypto spec, to write
- * web-compatible code use {@link webcrypto.getRandomValues} instead.
- * @since v17.4.0
- * @return Returns `typedArray`.
- */
- function getRandomValues(typedArray: T): T;
- /**
- * A convenient alias for `crypto.webcrypto.subtle`.
- * @since v17.4.0
- */
- const subtle: webcrypto.SubtleCrypto;
- /**
- * An implementation of the Web Crypto API standard.
- *
- * See the {@link https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/webcrypto.html Web Crypto API documentation} for details.
- * @since v15.0.0
- */
- const webcrypto: webcrypto.Crypto;
- namespace webcrypto {
- type BufferSource = ArrayBufferView | ArrayBuffer;
- type KeyFormat = 'jwk' | 'pkcs8' | 'raw' | 'spki';
- type KeyType = 'private' | 'public' | 'secret';
- type KeyUsage = 'decrypt' | 'deriveBits' | 'deriveKey' | 'encrypt' | 'sign' | 'unwrapKey' | 'verify' | 'wrapKey';
- type AlgorithmIdentifier = Algorithm | string;
- type HashAlgorithmIdentifier = AlgorithmIdentifier;
- type NamedCurve = string;
- type BigInteger = Uint8Array;
- interface AesCbcParams extends Algorithm {
- iv: BufferSource;
- }
- interface AesCtrParams extends Algorithm {
- counter: BufferSource;
- length: number;
- }
- interface AesDerivedKeyParams extends Algorithm {
- length: number;
- }
- interface AesGcmParams extends Algorithm {
- additionalData?: BufferSource;
- iv: BufferSource;
- tagLength?: number;
- }
- interface AesKeyAlgorithm extends KeyAlgorithm {
- length: number;
- }
- interface AesKeyGenParams extends Algorithm {
- length: number;
- }
- interface Algorithm {
- name: string;
- }
- interface EcKeyAlgorithm extends KeyAlgorithm {
- namedCurve: NamedCurve;
- }
- interface EcKeyGenParams extends Algorithm {
- namedCurve: NamedCurve;
- }
- interface EcKeyImportParams extends Algorithm {
- namedCurve: NamedCurve;
- }
- interface EcdhKeyDeriveParams extends Algorithm {
- public: CryptoKey;
- }
- interface EcdsaParams extends Algorithm {
- hash: HashAlgorithmIdentifier;
- }
- interface Ed448Params extends Algorithm {
- context?: BufferSource;
- }
- interface HkdfParams extends Algorithm {
- hash: HashAlgorithmIdentifier;
- info: BufferSource;
- salt: BufferSource;
- }
- interface HmacImportParams extends Algorithm {
- hash: HashAlgorithmIdentifier;
- length?: number;
- }
- interface HmacKeyAlgorithm extends KeyAlgorithm {
- hash: KeyAlgorithm;
- length: number;
- }
- interface HmacKeyGenParams extends Algorithm {
- hash: HashAlgorithmIdentifier;
- length?: number;
- }
- interface JsonWebKey {
- alg?: string;
- crv?: string;
- d?: string;
- dp?: string;
- dq?: string;
- e?: string;
- ext?: boolean;
- k?: string;
- key_ops?: string[];
- kty?: string;
- n?: string;
- oth?: RsaOtherPrimesInfo[];
- p?: string;
- q?: string;
- qi?: string;
- use?: string;
- x?: string;
- y?: string;
- }
- interface KeyAlgorithm {
- name: string;
- }
- interface Pbkdf2Params extends Algorithm {
- hash: HashAlgorithmIdentifier;
- iterations: number;
- salt: BufferSource;
- }
- interface RsaHashedImportParams extends Algorithm {
- hash: HashAlgorithmIdentifier;
- }
- interface RsaHashedKeyAlgorithm extends RsaKeyAlgorithm {
- hash: KeyAlgorithm;
- }
- interface RsaHashedKeyGenParams extends RsaKeyGenParams {
- hash: HashAlgorithmIdentifier;
- }
- interface RsaKeyAlgorithm extends KeyAlgorithm {
- modulusLength: number;
- publicExponent: BigInteger;
- }
- interface RsaKeyGenParams extends Algorithm {
- modulusLength: number;
- publicExponent: BigInteger;
- }
- interface RsaOaepParams extends Algorithm {
- label?: BufferSource;
- }
- interface RsaOtherPrimesInfo {
- d?: string;
- r?: string;
- t?: string;
- }
- interface RsaPssParams extends Algorithm {
- saltLength: number;
- }
- /**
- * Calling `require('node:crypto').webcrypto` returns an instance of the `Crypto` class.
- * `Crypto` is a singleton that provides access to the remainder of the crypto API.
- * @since v15.0.0
- */
- interface Crypto {
- /**
- * Provides access to the `SubtleCrypto` API.
- * @since v15.0.0
- */
- readonly subtle: SubtleCrypto;
- /**
- * Generates cryptographically strong random values.
- * The given `typedArray` is filled with random values, and a reference to `typedArray` is returned.
- *
- * The given `typedArray` must be an integer-based instance of {@link NodeJS.TypedArray}, i.e. `Float32Array` and `Float64Array` are not accepted.
- *
- * An error will be thrown if the given `typedArray` is larger than 65,536 bytes.
- * @since v15.0.0
- */
- getRandomValues>(typedArray: T): T;
- /**
- * Generates a random {@link https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt RFC 4122} version 4 UUID.
- * The UUID is generated using a cryptographic pseudorandom number generator.
- * @since v16.7.0
- */
- randomUUID(): UUID;
- CryptoKey: CryptoKeyConstructor;
- }
- // This constructor throws ILLEGAL_CONSTRUCTOR so it should not be newable.
- interface CryptoKeyConstructor {
- /** Illegal constructor */
- (_: { readonly _: unique symbol }): never; // Allows instanceof to work but not be callable by the user.
- readonly length: 0;
- readonly name: 'CryptoKey';
- readonly prototype: CryptoKey;
- }
- /**
- * @since v15.0.0
- */
- interface CryptoKey {
- /**
- * An object detailing the algorithm for which the key can be used along with additional algorithm-specific parameters.
- * @since v15.0.0
- */
- readonly algorithm: KeyAlgorithm;
- /**
- * When `true`, the {@link CryptoKey} can be extracted using either `subtleCrypto.exportKey()` or `subtleCrypto.wrapKey()`.
- * @since v15.0.0
- */
- readonly extractable: boolean;
- /**
- * A string identifying whether the key is a symmetric (`'secret'`) or asymmetric (`'private'` or `'public'`) key.
- * @since v15.0.0
- */
- readonly type: KeyType;
- /**
- * An array of strings identifying the operations for which the key may be used.
- *
- * The possible usages are:
- * - `'encrypt'` - The key may be used to encrypt data.
- * - `'decrypt'` - The key may be used to decrypt data.
- * - `'sign'` - The key may be used to generate digital signatures.
- * - `'verify'` - The key may be used to verify digital signatures.
- * - `'deriveKey'` - The key may be used to derive a new key.
- * - `'deriveBits'` - The key may be used to derive bits.
- * - `'wrapKey'` - The key may be used to wrap another key.
- * - `'unwrapKey'` - The key may be used to unwrap another key.
- *
- * Valid key usages depend on the key algorithm (identified by `cryptokey.algorithm.name`).
- * @since v15.0.0
- */
- readonly usages: KeyUsage[];
- }
- /**
- * The `CryptoKeyPair` is a simple dictionary object with `publicKey` and `privateKey` properties, representing an asymmetric key pair.
- * @since v15.0.0
- */
- interface CryptoKeyPair {
- /**
- * A {@link CryptoKey} whose type will be `'private'`.
- * @since v15.0.0
- */
- privateKey: CryptoKey;
- /**
- * A {@link CryptoKey} whose type will be `'public'`.
- * @since v15.0.0
- */
- publicKey: CryptoKey;
- }
- /**
- * @since v15.0.0
- */
- interface SubtleCrypto {
- /**
- * Using the method and parameters specified in `algorithm` and the keying material provided by `key`,
- * `subtle.decrypt()` attempts to decipher the provided `data`. If successful,
- * the returned promise will be resolved with an `` containing the plaintext result.
- *
- * The algorithms currently supported include:
- *
- * - `'RSA-OAEP'`
- * - `'AES-CTR'`
- * - `'AES-CBC'`
- * - `'AES-GCM'`
- * @since v15.0.0
- */
- decrypt(algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier | RsaOaepParams | AesCtrParams | AesCbcParams | AesGcmParams, key: CryptoKey, data: BufferSource): Promise;
- /**
- * Using the method and parameters specified in `algorithm` and the keying material provided by `baseKey`,
- * `subtle.deriveBits()` attempts to generate `length` bits.
- * The Node.js implementation requires that when `length` is a number it must be multiple of `8`.
- * When `length` is `null` the maximum number of bits for a given algorithm is generated. This is allowed
- * for the `'ECDH'`, `'X25519'`, and `'X448'` algorithms.
- * If successful, the returned promise will be resolved with an `` containing the generated data.
- *
- * The algorithms currently supported include:
- *
- * - `'ECDH'`
- * - `'X25519'`
- * - `'X448'`
- * - `'HKDF'`
- * - `'PBKDF2'`
- * @since v15.0.0
- */
- deriveBits(algorithm: EcdhKeyDeriveParams, baseKey: CryptoKey, length: number | null): Promise;
- deriveBits(algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier | HkdfParams | Pbkdf2Params, baseKey: CryptoKey, length: number): Promise