// ==== HTML5 CANVAS transform Image ====
// full 3D version
// @author Gerard Ferrandez / http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/
// last update: Dec 8, 2012
// Released under the MIT license
// http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/LICENSE.html
"use strict";
var ge1doot = ge1doot || {};
ge1doot.transform3D = {};
/* ==== draw Poly ==== */
ge1doot.transform3D.drawPoly = function () {
this.ctx.moveTo(this.points[0].X, this.points[0].Y);
this.ctx.lineTo(this.points[1].X, this.points[1].Y);
this.ctx.lineTo(this.points[2].X, this.points[2].Y);
this.ctx.lineTo(this.points[3].X, this.points[3].Y);
/* =============== camera constructor ================= */
ge1doot.transform3D.Camera = function (setup, func) {
ge1doot.camera = this;
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.z = 0;
this.rx = 0;
this.ry = 0;
this.rz = 0;
this.focalLength = setup.focalLength || 500;
this.easeTranslation = setup.easeTranslation || 0.1;
this.easeRotation = setup.easeRotation || 0.025;
this.enableRx = setup.disableRx ? false : true;
this.enableRy = setup.disableRy ? false : true;
this.enableRz = setup.disableRz ? false : true;
this.cmov = false;
this.cosX = 1;
this.sinX = 0;
this.cosY = 1;
this.sinY = 0;
this.cosZ = 1;
this.sinZ = 0;
this.target = {
over: false,
elem: false,
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0,
rx: 0,
ry: 0,
rz: 0
// ---- def custom move ----
if (func && func.move) this.cmov = func.move;
/* ==== easing ==== */
ge1doot.transform3D.Camera.prototype.ease = function (target, value) {
while (Math.abs(target - value) > Math.PI) {
if (target < value) value -= 2 * Math.PI;
else value += 2 * Math.PI;
return (target - value) * this.easeRotation;
/* ==== move / rotate camera ==== */
ge1doot.transform3D.Camera.prototype.move = function () {
// ---- run custom function ----
this.cmov && this.cmov();
// ---- translations ----
this.x += (this.target.x - this.x) * this.easeTranslation;
this.y += (this.target.y - this.y) * this.easeTranslation;
this.z += (this.target.z - this.z) * this.easeTranslation;
// ---- rotation rx ----
if (this.enableRx) {
this.rx += this.ease(this.target.rx, this.rx);
this.cosX = Math.cos(this.rx);
this.sinX = Math.sin(this.rx);
// ---- rotation ry ----
if (this.enableRy) {
this.ry += this.ease(this.target.ry, this.ry);
this.cosY = Math.cos(this.ry);
this.sinY = Math.sin(this.ry);
// ---- rotation rz ----
if (this.enableRz) {
this.rz += this.ease(this.target.rz, this.rz);
this.cosZ = Math.cos(this.rz);
this.sinZ = Math.sin(this.rz);
/* =============== point constructor ================= */
ge1doot.transform3D.Point = function (x, y, z, tx, ty) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
this.tx = tx || 0;
this.ty = ty || 0;
this.visible = false;
this.scale = 0;
this.X = 0;
this.Y = 0;
this.Z = 0;
this.next = true;
/* ==== perspective projection ==== */
ge1doot.transform3D.Point.prototype.projection = function () {
var sw = this.scr.width >> 1;
var sh = this.scr.height >> 1;
// ---- 3D coordinates ----
var nx = this.x - this.camera.x;
var ny = this.y - this.camera.y;
var nz = this.z - this.camera.z;
// ---- 3D rotation and projection ----
if (this.camera.enableRz) {
var u = this.camera.sinZ * ny + this.camera.cosZ * nx;
var t = this.camera.cosZ * ny - this.camera.sinZ * nx;
} else {
var u = nx;
var t = ny;
var s = this.camera.cosY * nz + this.camera.sinY * u;
this.Z = this.camera.cosX * s - this.camera.sinX * t;
this.scale = this.camera.focalLength / Math.max(1, this.Z);
this.X = sw + (this.camera.cosY * u - this.camera.sinY * nz) * this.scale;
this.Y = -(this.camera.y >> 1) + sh - (this.camera.sinX * s + this.camera.cosX * t) * this.scale;
// ---- visibility test ----
this.visible = (
this.X > -sw * 0.5 && this.X < sw * 2.5
) && (
this.Y > -sh * 0.5 && this.Y < sh * 2.5
// ----return next (fast loop) ----
return this.next;
/* ==== triangle constructor ==== */
ge1doot.transform3D.Triangle = function (parent, p0, p1, p2) {
this.ctx = parent.ctx;
this.texture = parent.texture;
this.p0 = p0;
this.p1 = p1;
this.p2 = p2;
this.d = p0.tx * (p2.ty - p1.ty) - p1.tx * p2.ty + p2.tx * p1.ty + (p1.tx - p2.tx) * p0.ty;
this.pmy = p1.ty - p2.ty;
this.pmx = p1.tx - p2.tx;
this.pxy = p2.tx * p1.ty - p1.tx * p2.ty;
if (parent.t) parent.t.next = true;
/* ==== draw triangle ==== */
ge1doot.transform3D.Triangle.prototype.draw = function () {
if (this.p0.visible || this.p1.visible || this.p2.visible) {
var dx, dy, d;
// ---- centroid ----
var xc = (this.p0.X + this.p1.X + this.p2.X) / 3;
var yc = (this.p0.Y + this.p1.Y + this.p2.Y) / 3;
// ---- clipping ----
dx = xc - this.p0.X;
dy = yc - this.p0.Y;
d = Math.max(Math.abs(dx), Math.abs(dy));
this.ctx.moveTo(this.p0.X - 2 * (dx / d), this.p0.Y - 2 * (dy / d));
dx = xc - this.p1.X;
dy = yc - this.p1.Y;
d = Math.max(Math.abs(dx), Math.abs(dy));
this.ctx.lineTo(this.p1.X - 2 * (dx / d), this.p1.Y - 2 * (dy / d));
dx = xc - this.p2.X;
dy = yc - this.p2.Y;
d = Math.max(Math.abs(dx), Math.abs(dy));
this.ctx.lineTo(this.p2.X - 2 * (dx / d), this.p2.Y - 2 * (dy / d));
// ---- transform ----
var t0 = this.p2.X - this.p1.X,
t1 = this.p1.Y - this.p2.Y,
t2 = this.p2.ty * this.p1.X,
t3 = this.p1.tx * this.p2.X,
t4 = this.p2.ty * this.p1.Y,
t5 = this.p1.ty * this.p2.X,
t6 = this.p1.ty * this.p2.Y,
t7 = this.p2.tx * this.p1.X,
t8 = this.p1.tx * this.p2.Y,
t9 = this.p2.tx * this.p1.Y;
-(this.p0.ty * t0 - t5 + t2 + this.pmy * this.p0.X) / this.d, // m11
(t6 + this.p0.ty * t1 - t4 - this.pmy * this.p0.Y) / this.d, // m12
(this.p0.tx * t0 - t3 + t7 + this.pmx * this.p0.X) / this.d, // m21
-(t8 + this.p0.tx * t1 - t9 - this.pmx * this.p0.Y) / this.d, // m22
(this.p0.tx * (t2 - t5) + this.p0.ty * (t3 - t7) + this.pxy * this.p0.X) / this.d, // dx
(this.p0.tx * (t4 - t6) + this.p0.ty * (t8 - t9) + this.pxy * this.p0.Y) / this.d // dy
// ---- draw ----
this.ctx.drawImage(this.texture, 0, 0);
return this.next;
/* ===================== image constructor ========================== */
ge1doot.transform3D.Image = function (parent, imgSrc, lev, callback) {
this.parent = parent;
this.points = [];
this.triangles = [];
this.ctx = ge1doot.screen.ctx;
this.pointer = ge1doot.pointer;
this.texture = new Image();
this.texture.src = imgSrc;
this.isLoading = true;
this.callback = callback;
this.textureWidth = 0;
this.textureHeight = 0;
this.level = lev || 1;
this.visible = false;
this.t = false;
if (!ge1doot.transform3D.Point.prototype.scr) {
ge1doot.transform3D.Point.prototype.scr = ge1doot.screen;
ge1doot.transform3D.Point.prototype.camera = ge1doot.camera;
/* ==== drawPoly prototype ==== */
ge1doot.transform3D.Image.prototype.drawPoly = ge1doot.transform3D.drawPoly;
/* ==== change tessellation level prototype ==== */
ge1doot.transform3D.Image.prototype.setLevel = function (level) {
this.points.length = 0;
this.triangles.length = 0;
this.level = level;
/* ==== loading prototype ==== */
ge1doot.transform3D.Image.prototype.loading = function () {
if (this.texture.complete) {
var dir = [0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1];
this.isLoading = false;
// ---- image size ----
this.textureWidth = this.texture.width;
this.textureHeight = this.texture.height;
// ---- isLoaded callback ---
this.callback && this.callback.isLoaded && this.callback.isLoaded(this);
// ---- texture position ----
for (var i = -1, p; p = this.points[++i];) {
p.tx = this.textureWidth * dir[i];
p.ty = this.textureHeight * dir[i+4];
// ---- triangularization ----
this.triangulate(this.points[0], this.points[1], this.points[2], this.level);
this.triangulate(this.points[0], this.points[2], this.points[3], this.level);
// ---- last point ----
this.points[this.points.length - 1].next = false;
/* ==== vector bisection function ==== */
ge1doot.transform3D.Image.prototype.subdivise = function (p0, p1) {
return {
x: (p1.x + p0.x) * 0.5,
y: (p1.y + p0.y) * 0.5,
z: (p1.z + p0.z) * 0.5,
tx: (p1.tx + p0.tx) * 0.5,
ty: (p1.ty + p0.ty) * 0.5
/* ==== triangulation ==== */
ge1doot.transform3D.Image.prototype.triangulate = function (p0, p1, p2, level) {
if (level === 0) {
// final triangle
this.t = new ge1doot.transform3D.Triangle(this, p0, p1, p2);
} else {
// ---- subdivision ----
var p01 = this.subdivise(p0, p1);
var p12 = this.subdivise(p1, p2);
var p20 = this.subdivise(p2, p0);
// ---- insert new points ----
this.points.push(p01 = new ge1doot.transform3D.Point(p01.x, p01.y, p01.z, p01.tx, p01.ty));
this.points.push(p12 = new ge1doot.transform3D.Point(p12.x, p12.y, p12.z, p12.tx, p12.ty));
this.points.push(p20 = new ge1doot.transform3D.Point(p20.x, p20.y, p20.z, p20.tx, p20.ty));
// ---- recursive triangulation ----
this.triangulate(p0, p01, p20, level);
this.triangulate(p01, p1, p12, level);
this.triangulate(p20, p12, p2, level);
this.triangulate(p01, p12, p20, level);
/* ==== transform prototype ==== */
ge1doot.transform3D.Image.prototype.transform3D = function (backfaceTest) {
if (this.isLoading) {
// ---- image is loading ----
return false;
} else {
// ---- project points ----
for (
var i = 0;
if (backfaceTest) {
var p0 = this.points[0];
var p1 = this.points[1];
var p2 = this.points[2];
return (
((p1.Y - p0.Y) / (p1.X - p0.X) -
(p2.Y - p0.Y) / (p2.X - p0.X) < 0) ^
(p0.X <= p1.X == p0.X > p2.X)
} else return true;
/* ==== draw prototype ==== */
ge1doot.transform3D.Image.prototype.draw = function () {
if (!this.isLoading) {
// ---- draw triangles ----
for (
var i = 0;
/* ==== isPointerInside prototype ==== */
ge1doot.transform3D.Image.prototype.isPointerInside = function (x, y) {
return this.ctx.isPointInPath(x, y);
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