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fastify.d.ts 27.36 KB
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/* eslint no-unused-vars: 0 */
/* eslint no-undef: 0 */
/* eslint space-infix-ops: 0 */
/// <reference types="node" />
import * as http from 'http'
import * as http2 from 'http2'
import * as https from 'https'
declare function fastify<
HttpServer extends (http.Server | http2.Http2Server) = http.Server,
HttpRequest extends (http.IncomingMessage | http2.Http2ServerRequest) = http.IncomingMessage,
HttpResponse extends (http.ServerResponse | http2.Http2ServerResponse) = http.ServerResponse
>(opts?: fastify.ServerOptions): fastify.FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>;
declare function fastify(opts?: fastify.ServerOptionsAsHttp): fastify.FastifyInstance<http.Server, http.IncomingMessage, http.ServerResponse>;
declare function fastify(opts?: fastify.ServerOptionsAsSecureHttp): fastify.FastifyInstance<https.Server, http.IncomingMessage, http.ServerResponse>;
declare function fastify(opts?: fastify.ServerOptionsAsHttp2): fastify.FastifyInstance<http2.Http2Server, http2.Http2ServerRequest, http2.Http2ServerResponse>;
declare function fastify(opts?: fastify.ServerOptionsAsSecureHttp2): fastify.FastifyInstance<http2.Http2SecureServer, http2.Http2ServerRequest, http2.Http2ServerResponse>;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare
declare namespace fastify {
type Plugin < HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, T > = (instance: FastifyInstance< HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse >, opts: T, callback: (err?: FastifyError) => void) => void
type Middleware < HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse > = (this: FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>, req: HttpRequest, res: HttpResponse, callback: (err?: FastifyError) => void) => void
type DefaultQuery = { [k: string]: any }
type DefaultParams = { [k: string]: any }
type DefaultHeaders = { [k: string]: any }
type DefaultBody = any
type HTTPMethod = 'DELETE' | 'GET' | 'HEAD' | 'PATCH' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'OPTIONS'
interface ValidationResult {
keyword: string;
dataPath: string;
schemaPath: string;
params: {
[type: string]: string;
message: string;
* Fastify custom error
interface FastifyError extends Error {
statusCode?: number;
* Validation errors
validation?: Array<ValidationResult>;
interface Logger {
fatal(msg: string, ...args: any[]): void;
fatal(obj: {}, msg?: string, ...args: any[]): void;
error(msg: string, ...args: any[]): void;
error(obj: {}, msg?: string, ...args: any[]): void;
warn(msg: string, ...args: any[]): void;
warn(obj: {}, msg?: string, ...args: any[]): void;
info(msg: string, ...args: any[]): void;
info(obj: {}, msg?: string, ...args: any[]): void;
debug(msg: string, ...args: any[]): void;
debug(obj: {}, msg?: string, ...args: any[]): void;
trace(msg: string, ...args: any[]): void;
trace(obj: {}, msg?: string, ...args: any[]): void;
type FastifyMiddleware<
HttpServer = http.Server,
HttpRequest = http.IncomingMessage,
HttpResponse = http.ServerResponse,
Query = DefaultQuery,
Params = DefaultParams,
Headers = DefaultHeaders,
Body = DefaultBody
> = (
this: FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>,
req: FastifyRequest<HttpRequest, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
reply: FastifyReply<HttpResponse>,
done: (err?: Error) => void,
) => void
type FastifyMiddlewareWithPayload<
HttpServer = http.Server,
HttpRequest = http.IncomingMessage,
HttpResponse = http.ServerResponse,
Query = DefaultQuery,
Params = DefaultParams,
Headers = DefaultHeaders,
Body = DefaultBody
> = (
this: FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>,
req: FastifyRequest<HttpRequest, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
reply: FastifyReply<HttpResponse>,
payload: any,
done: (err?: Error, value?: any) => void,
) => void
type RequestHandler<
HttpRequest = http.IncomingMessage,
HttpResponse = http.ServerResponse,
Query = DefaultQuery,
Params = DefaultParams,
Headers = DefaultHeaders,
Body = DefaultBody
> = (
this: FastifyInstance<http.Server, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>,
request: FastifyRequest<HttpRequest, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
reply: FastifyReply<HttpResponse>,
) => void | Promise<any>
type SchemaCompiler = (schema: Object) => Function
type BodyParser<HttpRequest, RawBody extends string | Buffer> =
| ((req: HttpRequest, rawBody: RawBody, done: (err: Error | null, body?: any) => void) => void)
| ((req: HttpRequest, rawBody: RawBody) => Promise<any>)
type ContentTypeParser<HttpRequest> =
| ((req: HttpRequest, done: (err: Error | null, body?: any) => void) => void)
| ((req: HttpRequest) => Promise<any>)
interface FastifyContext {
config: any
* fastify's wrapped version of node.js IncomingMessage
interface FastifyRequest<
HttpRequest = http.IncomingMessage,
Query = DefaultQuery,
Params = DefaultParams,
Headers = DefaultHeaders,
Body = DefaultBody
> {
query: Query
params: Params
headers: Headers
body: Body
id: any
ip: string
ips: string[]
hostname: string
raw: HttpRequest
req: HttpRequest
log: Logger
* Response object that is used to build and send a http response
interface FastifyReply<HttpResponse> {
code(statusCode: number): FastifyReply<HttpResponse>
status(statusCode: number): FastifyReply<HttpResponse>
header(name: string, value: any): FastifyReply<HttpResponse>
headers(headers: { [key: string]: any }): FastifyReply<HttpResponse>
getHeader(name: string): string | undefined
hasHeader(name: string): boolean
callNotFound(): void
getResponseTime(): number
type(contentType: string): FastifyReply<HttpResponse>
redirect(url: string): FastifyReply<HttpResponse>
redirect(statusCode: number, url: string): FastifyReply<HttpResponse>
serialize(payload: any): string
serializer(fn: Function): FastifyReply<HttpResponse>
send(payload?: any): FastifyReply<HttpResponse>
sent: boolean
res: HttpResponse
context: FastifyContext
type TrustProxyFunction = (addr: string, index: number) => boolean
interface ServerOptions {
caseSensitive?: boolean,
ignoreTrailingSlash?: boolean,
bodyLimit?: number,
pluginTimeout?: number,
disableRequestLogging?: boolean,
onProtoPoisoning?: 'error' | 'remove' | 'ignore',
logger?: any,
trustProxy?: string | number | boolean | Array<string> | TrustProxyFunction,
maxParamLength?: number,
querystringParser?: (str: string) => { [key: string]: string | string[] },
versioning? : {
storage() : {
get(version: String) : Function | null,
set(version: String, store: Function) : void,
del(version: String) : void,
empty() : void
deriveVersion<Context>(req: Object, ctx?: Context) : String,
modifyCoreObjects?: boolean,
return503OnClosing?: boolean
interface ServerOptionsAsSecure extends ServerOptions {
https: http2.SecureServerOptions
interface ServerOptionsAsHttp extends ServerOptions {
http2?: false
interface ServerOptionsAsSecureHttp extends ServerOptionsAsHttp, ServerOptionsAsSecure {}
interface ServerOptionsAsHttp2 extends ServerOptions {
http2: true
interface ServerOptionsAsSecureHttp2 extends ServerOptionsAsHttp2, ServerOptionsAsSecure {}
// TODO - define/import JSONSchema types
type JSONSchema = Object
interface RouteSchema {
body?: JSONSchema
querystring?: JSONSchema
params?: JSONSchema
headers?: JSONSchema
response?: {
[code: number]: JSONSchema,
[code: string]: JSONSchema
* Optional configuration parameters for the route being created
interface RouteShorthandOptions<
HttpServer = http.Server,
HttpRequest = http.IncomingMessage,
HttpResponse = http.ServerResponse,
Query = DefaultQuery,
Params = DefaultParams,
Headers = DefaultHeaders,
Body = DefaultBody
> {
schema?: RouteSchema
attachValidation?: boolean
| FastifyMiddleware<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>
| Array<FastifyMiddleware<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>>
| FastifyMiddleware<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>
| Array<FastifyMiddleware<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>>
| FastifyMiddleware<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>
| Array<FastifyMiddleware<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>>
| FastifyMiddleware<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>
| Array<FastifyMiddleware<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>>
FastifyMiddlewareWithPayload<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>
| Array<FastifyMiddlewareWithPayload<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>>
schemaCompiler?: SchemaCompiler
bodyLimit?: number
logLevel?: string
config?: any
prefixTrailingSlash?: 'slash' | 'no-slash' | 'both'
* Route configuration options such as "url" and "method"
interface RouteOptions<
HttpServer = http.Server,
HttpRequest = http.IncomingMessage,
HttpResponse = http.ServerResponse,
Query = DefaultQuery,
Params = DefaultParams,
Headers = DefaultHeaders,
Body = DefaultBody
> extends RouteShorthandOptions<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body> {
method: HTTPMethod | HTTPMethod[]
url: string
handler: RequestHandler<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>
* Register options
interface RegisterOptions<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse> {
[key: string]: any,
prefix?: string,
* Fake http inject options
interface HTTPInjectOptions {
url: string,
method?: HTTPMethod,
authority?: string,
headers?: DefaultHeaders,
query?: DefaultQuery,
remoteAddress?: string,
payload?: string | object | Buffer | NodeJS.ReadableStream
simulate?: {
end?: boolean,
split?: boolean,
error?: boolean,
close?: boolean
validate?: boolean
* Fake http inject response
interface HTTPInjectResponse {
raw: {
req: NodeJS.ReadableStream,
res: http.ServerResponse
headers: Record<string, string>,
statusCode: number,
statusMessage: string,
payload: string,
rawPayload: Buffer,
trailers: object
* Server listen options
interface ListenOptions {
port?: number;
host?: string;
backlog?: number;
path?: string;
exclusive?: boolean;
readableAll?: boolean;
writableAll?: boolean;
* @default false
ipv6Only?: boolean;
* Represents the fastify instance created by the factory function the module exports.
interface FastifyInstance<HttpServer = http.Server, HttpRequest = http.IncomingMessage, HttpResponse = http.ServerResponse> {
server: HttpServer
log: Logger
schemaCompiler: SchemaCompiler
* Adds a route to the server
route<Query = DefaultQuery, Params = DefaultParams, Headers = DefaultHeaders, Body = DefaultBody>(
opts: RouteOptions<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Defines a GET route with the given mount path, options, and handler
get<Query = DefaultQuery, Params = DefaultParams, Headers = DefaultHeaders, Body = DefaultBody>(
url: string,
opts: RouteShorthandOptions<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
handler: RequestHandler<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Defines a GET route with the given mount path and handler
get<Query = DefaultQuery, Params = DefaultParams, Headers = DefaultHeaders, Body = DefaultBody>(
url: string,
handler: RequestHandler<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Defines a PUT route with the given mount path, options, and handler
put<Query = DefaultQuery, Params = DefaultParams, Headers = DefaultHeaders, Body = DefaultBody>(
url: string,
opts: RouteShorthandOptions<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
handler: RequestHandler<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Defines a PUT route with the given mount path and handler
put<Query = DefaultQuery, Params = DefaultParams, Headers = DefaultHeaders, Body = DefaultBody>(
url: string,
handler: RequestHandler<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Defines a PATCH route with the given mount path, options, and handler
patch<Query = DefaultQuery, Params = DefaultParams, Headers = DefaultHeaders, Body = DefaultBody>(
url: string,
opts: RouteShorthandOptions<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
handler: RequestHandler<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Defines a PATCH route with the given mount path and handler
patch<Query = DefaultQuery, Params = DefaultParams, Headers = DefaultHeaders, Body = DefaultBody>(
url: string,
handler: RequestHandler<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Defines a POST route with the given mount path, options, and handler
post<Query = DefaultQuery, Params = DefaultParams, Headers = DefaultHeaders, Body = DefaultBody>(
url: string,
opts: RouteShorthandOptions<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
handler: RequestHandler<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Defines a POST route with the given mount path and handler
post<Query = DefaultQuery, Params = DefaultParams, Headers = DefaultHeaders, Body = DefaultBody>(
url: string,
handler: RequestHandler<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Defines a HEAD route with the given mount path, options, and handler
head<Query = DefaultQuery, Params = DefaultParams, Headers = DefaultHeaders, Body = DefaultBody>(
url: string,
opts: RouteShorthandOptions<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
handler: RequestHandler<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Defines a HEAD route with the given mount path and handler
head<Query = DefaultQuery, Params = DefaultParams, Headers = DefaultHeaders, Body = DefaultBody>(
url: string,
handler: RequestHandler<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Defines a DELETE route with the given mount path, options, and handler
delete<Query = DefaultQuery, Params = DefaultParams, Headers = DefaultHeaders, Body = DefaultBody>(
url: string,
opts: RouteShorthandOptions<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
handler: RequestHandler<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Defines a DELETE route with the given mount path and handler
delete<Query = DefaultQuery, Params = DefaultParams, Headers = DefaultHeaders, Body = DefaultBody>(
url: string,
handler: RequestHandler<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Defines a OPTIONS route with the given mount path, options, and handler
options<Query = DefaultQuery, Params = DefaultParams, Headers = DefaultHeaders, Body = DefaultBody>(
url: string,
opts: RouteShorthandOptions<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
handler: RequestHandler<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Defines a OPTIONS route with the given mount path and handler
options<Query = DefaultQuery, Params = DefaultParams, Headers = DefaultHeaders, Body = DefaultBody>(
url: string,
handler: RequestHandler<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Defines a route for all the supported methods with the given mount path, options, and handler
all<Query = DefaultQuery, Params = DefaultParams, Headers = DefaultHeaders, Body = DefaultBody>(
url: string,
opts: RouteShorthandOptions<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
handler: RequestHandler<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Defines a route for all the supported methods with the given mount path and handler
all<Query = DefaultQuery, Params = DefaultParams, Headers = DefaultHeaders, Body = DefaultBody>(
url: string,
handler: RequestHandler<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Query, Params, Headers, Body>,
): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Starts the server on the given port after all the plugins are loaded,
* internally waits for the .ready() event. The callback is the same as the
* Node core.
listen(callback: (err: Error, address: string) => void): void
listen(port: number, callback: (err: Error, address: string) => void): void
listen(port: number, address: string, callback: (err: Error, address: string) => void): void
listen(port: number, address: string, backlog: number, callback: (err: Error, address: string) => void): void
listen(options: ListenOptions, callback: (err: Error, address: string) => void): void
listen(sockFile: string, callback: (err: Error, address: string) => void): void
listen(port: number, address?: string, backlog?: number): Promise<string>
listen(sockFile: string): Promise<string>
listen(options: ListenOptions): Promise<string>
* Registers a listener function that is invoked when all the plugins have
* been loaded. It receives an error parameter if something went wrong.
ready(): Promise<FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>>
ready(readyListener: (err: Error) => void): void
ready(readyListener: (err: Error, done: Function) => void): void
ready(readyListener: (err: Error, context: FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>, done: Function) => void): void
* Call this function to close the server instance and run the "onClose" callback
close(closeListener: () => void): void
close<T = any>(): Promise<T>
* Apply the given middleware to all incoming requests
use(middleware: Middleware<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>): void
* Apply the given middleware to routes matching the given path
use(path: string, middleware: Middleware<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>): void
* Registers a plugin
register<T extends RegisterOptions<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>>(plugin: Plugin<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, T>, opts?: T): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* `Register a callback that will be executed just after a register.
* It can take up to three parameters
after(afterListener: (err: Error) => void): void
after(afterListener: (err: Error, done: Function) => void): void
after(afterListener: (err: Error, context: FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>, done: Function) => void): void
* Decorate this fastify instance with new properties. Throws an execption if
* you attempt to add the same decorator name twice
decorate(name: string, decoration: any, dependencies?: Array<string>): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Decorate reply objects with new properties. Throws an execption if
* you attempt to add the same decorator name twice
decorateReply(name: string, decoration: any, dependencies?: Array<string>): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Decorate request objects with new properties. Throws an execption if
* you attempt to add the same decorator name twice
decorateRequest(name: string, decoration: any, dependencies?: Array<string>): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Determines if the given named decorator is available
hasDecorator(name: string): boolean
* Determines if the given named request decorator is available
hasRequestDecorator(name: string): boolean
* Determines if the given named reply decorator is available
hasReplyDecorator(name: string): boolean
* Add a hook that is triggered when a request is initially received
addHook(name: 'onRequest', hook: FastifyMiddleware<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Add a hook that is triggered after the onRequest hook and middlewares, but before body parsing
addHook(name: 'preParsing', hook: FastifyMiddleware<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Add a hook that is triggered after the onRequest, middlewares, and body parsing, but before the validation
addHook(name: 'preValidation', hook: FastifyMiddleware<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Hook that is fired after a request is processed, but before the response is serialized
* hook
addHook(name: 'preSerialization', hook: FastifyMiddlewareWithPayload<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Hook that is fired before a request is processed, but after the "preValidation"
* hook
addHook(name: 'preHandler', hook: FastifyMiddleware<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Hook that is fired after a request is processed, but before the "onResponse"
* hook
addHook(name: 'onSend', hook: (this: FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>, req: FastifyRequest<HttpRequest>, reply: FastifyReply<HttpResponse>, payload: any, done: (err?: Error, value?: any) => void) => void): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Hook that is fired if `reply.send` is invoked with an Error
addHook(name: 'onError', hook: (this: FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>, req: FastifyRequest<HttpRequest>, reply: FastifyReply<HttpResponse>, error: FastifyError, done: () => void) => void): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Hook that is called when a response is about to be sent to a client
addHook(name: 'onResponse', hook: FastifyMiddleware<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Adds a hook that is triggered when server.close is called. Useful for closing connections
* and performing cleanup tasks
addHook(name: 'onClose', hook: (instance: FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>, done: () => void) => void): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Adds a hook that is triggered when a new route is registered. Listeners are passed a
* routeOptions object as the sole parameter.
* The interface is synchronous, and, as such, the listeners do not get passed a callback.
addHook(name: 'onRoute', hook: (opts: RouteOptions<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse> & { path: string, prefix: string }) => void): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Adds a hook that is triggered when Fastify a new plugin is being registered.
* This hook can be useful if you are developing a plugin that needs to use the encapsulation functionality of Fastify.
* The interface is synchronous, and, as such, the listeners do not get passed a callback.
addHook(name: 'onRegister', hook: (instance: FastifyInstance) => void): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Useful for testing http requests without running a sever
inject(opts: HTTPInjectOptions | string, cb: (err: Error, res: HTTPInjectResponse) => void): void
* Useful for testing http requests without running a sever
inject(opts: HTTPInjectOptions | string): Promise<HTTPInjectResponse>
* Set the 404 handler
setNotFoundHandler(handler: (request: FastifyRequest<HttpRequest>, reply: FastifyReply<HttpResponse>) => void): void
* Set a function that will be called whenever an error happens
setErrorHandler(handler: (error: FastifyError, request: FastifyRequest<HttpRequest>, reply: FastifyReply<HttpResponse>) => void): void
* Set a function that will be called whenever an error happens
setReplySerializer(handler: (payload: string | object | Buffer | NodeJS.ReadableStream, statusCode: number) => string): void
* Set the schema compiler for all routes.
setSchemaCompiler(schemaCompiler: SchemaCompiler): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Create a shared schema
addSchema(schema: object): FastifyInstance<HttpServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse>
* Get all shared schemas
getSchemas(): {[shemaId: string]: Object}
* Add a content type parser
addContentTypeParser(contentType: string | string[], opts: { bodyLimit?: number }, parser: ContentTypeParser<HttpRequest>): void
addContentTypeParser(contentType: string | string[], opts: { parseAs: 'string'; bodyLimit?: number }, parser: BodyParser<HttpRequest, string>): void
addContentTypeParser(contentType: string | string[], opts: { parseAs: 'buffer'; bodyLimit?: number }, parser: BodyParser<HttpRequest, Buffer>): void
addContentTypeParser(contentType: string | string[], parser: ContentTypeParser<HttpRequest>): void
* Check if a parser for the specified content type exists
hasContentTypeParser(contentType: string): boolean;
* Prints the representation of the internal radix tree used by the router
printRoutes(): string
export = fastify;
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