同步操作将从 ly525/luban-h5 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
var os = require('os');
var plan = require('flightplan');
// configuration
local_dist_dir = './'; // root path for luban-h5
remote_project_dir = '~/codebase/luban/luban-h5'; // root path for luban-h5 on server
remote_project_api_dir = '~/codebase/luban/luban-h5/back-end/h5-api'; // api root path for luban-h5 on server
remote_nginx_conf_path = `${remote_project_dir}/deploy/api.luban-h5.conf`
// production server config
plan.target('production', {
host: 'your host ip', // your server ip
username: 'centos', // your server username
// 更新为绝对路径
privateKey: `${os.homedir}/.ssh/id_rsa` // your privateKey to rsync files
* 1. setup folders
* 2. sync files
* 3. install dependencies
* 4. (re)start api service
* 5. soft link nginx conf
* 1. 创建同步文件件
* 2. 同步本地在 git 中的文件(你也可以在服务器端git clone)
* 3. 在 h5-api 目录安装依赖
* 4. 使用pm2 重启服务
* 5. 在 /etc/nginx/conf.d 中给 luban-h5 新建一个软连接
// // init remove server path
// // 在第一步的时候,需要打开这一项:初始化服务器,现在还不完整,需要补充
// plan.remote(remote => {
// remote.sudo(`ln -sfv ${remote_nginx_conf_path} /etc/nginx/conf.d`)
// remote.with(`mkdir -p ${remote_project_dir}`, () => {
// remote.exec('pwd');
// });
// });
// run commands on localhost
plan.local(local => {
local.log('=> Copy files to remote hosts');
// reference: https://github.com/pstadler/flightplan/issues/142
local.with(`cd ${local_dist_dir}`, () => {
// const filesToCopy = local.exec('find . -type f', { silent: true })
const filesToCopy = local.git('ls-files', {silent: true}) // get list of files under version control
local.transfer(filesToCopy, remote_project_dir);
local.log('=> Copy finish');
// run commands on the target's remote hosts
plan.remote(remote => {
remote.with(`cd ${remote_project_api_dir}`, () => {
remote.log('Install dependencies');
// !! 第一次同步的时候,需要执行 npm run build 来构建 admin ui
remote.exec('pm2 restart server')
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