同步操作将从 easysoft/zui 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
var extend = require('extend'),
runSequence = require('run-sequence'),
fs = require('fs'),
chmod = require('gulp-chmod'),
moment = require('moment'),
less = require('gulp-less'),
cssmin = require('gulp-cssmin'),
csscomb = require('gulp-csscomb'),
autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'),
concat = require('gulp-concat'),
header = require('gulp-header'),
uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
rename = require('gulp-rename'),
change = require('gulp-change'),
sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps'),
prettify = require('gulp-jsbeautifier'),
mkdirp = require('mkdirp'),
del = require('del'),
format = require('string-format').extend(String.prototype),
colors = require('colors'),
gulp = require('gulp'),
jsonminify = require('gulp-jsonminify'),
zui = require('./zui.json'),
pkg = require('./package.json'),
showFileDetail = true;
// Disable the 'possible EventEmitter memory leak detected' warning.
// try load zui.custom.json and merge into zui.
try {
var zuicustom = require('./zui.custom.json');
if(zuicustom) extend(true, zui, zuicustom);
} catch(e) {}
var today = moment();
var typeSet = ['less', 'js', 'resource'],
lib = zui.lib,
builds = zui.builds,
BANNER = ('/*!\n' +
' * {title} - v{version} - {date}\n' +
' * {homepage}\n' +
' * GitHub: {repo} \n' +
' * Copyright (c) {year} {author}; Licensed {license}\n' +
' */\n\n'),
title: pkg.title || pkg.name,
version: pkg.version,
date: today.format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
homepage: pkg.homepage,
repo: pkg.repository.url,
year: today.format('YYYY'),
author: pkg.author,
license: pkg.license
BOOTSTRAP_STATEMENT = '/*! Some code copy from Bootstrap v3.0.0 by @fat and @mdo. (Copyright 2013 Twitter, Inc. Licensed under http://www.apache.org/licenses/)*/\n\n';
function formatBanner(options) {
if(options && options.title) {
options.title = BANNER_OPTONS.title + ': ' + options.title;
options = Object.assign({}, BANNER_OPTONS, options);
return BANNER.format(options);
function tryStatSync(path) {
try {
return fs.statSync(path);
} catch(e) {
return false;
function isFileExist(path) {
var stats = tryStatSync(path);
return stats && stats.isFile();
function getItemList(list, items, ignoreDpds, ignoreBasic) {
items = items || [];
if(Array.isArray(list)) {
list.forEach(function(name) {
if(name === 'basic' && ignoreBasic) return;
getItemList(name, items, ignoreDpds, ignoreBasic);
} else if(!(list === 'basic' && ignoreBasic)) {
var item = lib[list];
if(item && items.indexOf(list) < 0) {
if(!ignoreDpds && item.dpds) {
getItemList(item.dpds, items, ignoreDpds, ignoreBasic);
if(item.src) items.push(list);
return items;
function getBuildSource(build) {
var list = [];
var sources = {
less: [],
js: [],
resource: []
if(!Array.isArray(list)) list = [list];
if(build.settingDpds) list = getItemList(build.settingDpds, list);
list = getItemList(build.includes, list, build.ignoreDpds, build.ignoreBasic);
list.forEach(function(item) {
var libItem = lib[item];
if(libItem && libItem.src) {
typeSet.forEach(function(type) {
if(libItem.src[type]) {
libItem.src[type].forEach(function(file) {
if(sources[type].indexOf(file) < 0) {
return sources;
function getSourceConfig(src) {
var idx = src.lastIndexOf('//');
if(idx > 0) {
return {
base: src.substr(0, idx + 1),
src: src.replace(/\/\//g, '/'),
file: src.substr(idx + 2)
idx = src.lastIndexOf('/');
return {
base: src.substr(0, idx + 1),
src: src,
file: src.substr(idx + 1)
function getBuildPath(build, type) {
var path = build.dest;
if(build.subdirectories) {
path += '/' + type + '/';
if(path.indexOf('.') !== 0) {
path = './' + path;
return path.replace(/\/\//g, '/').replace(/\/\//g, '/');
function getBuildDestFilename(build, type, suffix) {
var file = getBuildPath(build, type);
file += '/' + build.filename + '.' + (suffix || type);
return file.replace(/\/\//g, '/');
function gulpBuildColorsetJS(build, lessSrc, bannerContent) {
var name = 'build:' + build.name;
var destPath = getBuildPath(build, 'js');
return gulp.src(lessSrc)
extname: '.js'
.pipe(change(function(css, done) {
css = css.replace(/\/\*\*/g, '').replace(/\*\*\//g, '');
css = css.replace(/\.color-(\w+) \{\n color: (#?\w+);\n\}/g, " $1: '$2',");
css = css.replace(',\n };', '\n };');
css = css.replace('\n\n', '\n');
done(null, css);
.on('end', function() {
console.log(' js > '.yellow.bold + (destPath + build.filename + '.js').italic.underline);
function buildBundle(name, callback, type) {
name = name || 'all';
var build = builds[name];
var taskList = [],
depTaskList = [];
// clean files
if(!type && name === 'dist') {
} else if(!type && name === 'doc') {
if(!build) {
if(name === 'all') {
console.log(' ========== BUILD ALL =========='.blue.bold);
var buildList = Object.keys(builds);
buildList.forEach(function(nm) {
build = builds[nm];
if(build && !build.bundles) {
var taskName = 'build:' + nm;
gulp.task(taskName, function(cb) {
buildBundle(nm, cb, type)
if(taskList.length) runSequence(taskList, function() {
console.log((' √ Build ' + 'ALL'.bold + ' success! ').green);
callback && callback();
} else {
var buildLib = lib[name];
if(buildLib) {
build = {
title: buildLib.name,
dest: 'dist/lib/' + name + '/',
filename: buildLib.filename || ((buildLib.source && buildLib.source !== 'Bootstrap') ? name : ('zui.' + name)),
includes: [name],
source: buildLib.source,
settingDpds: (buildLib.src && buildLib.src.less && buildLib.src.less.length) ? ['setting'] : null,
ignoreBasic: true,
ignoreDpds: buildLib.ignoreDpds !== undefined ? buildLib.ignoreDpds : true
} else {
console.log((' Cannot found the build config: ' + name).red);
return false;
} else if(build.bundles) {
console.log((' === BUILD BUNDLES ' + name.toUpperCase() + ' [' + build.bundles.join(', ') + '] ===').blue.bold);
var bundlesTaskList = [];
build.bundles.forEach(function(bundleName) {
gulp.task('build:' + bundleName, function(cb) {
buildBundle(bundleName, cb, type);
bundlesTaskList.push('build:' + bundleName);
gulp.task('build:' + name + ':bundles', function(cb) {
runSequence(bundlesTaskList, function() {
console.log((' √ Build BUNDLES ' + name.toUpperCase() + ' [' + build.bundles.map(function(x){return x.bold;}).join(', ') + '] success! ').green);
depTaskList.push('build:' + name + ':bundles');
if(build.includes && build.includes.indexOf('colorset.js') > -1) {
gulp.task('build:colorset.less2js', function(cb) {
buildBundle('colorset.less2js', cb, 'less');
console.log((' --- build ' + name + ' ---').cyan.bold);
var banner = formatBanner({title: build.title || name});
var source = getBuildSource(build),
bannerContent = (build.source && build.source !== 'Bootstrap') ?
'' : banner + (build.bootstrapStatement ? BOOTSTRAP_STATEMENT : '');
if(source.js && source.js.length && (!type || type === 'js')) {
console.log((' + Ready to process ' + source.js.length + ' javascript files.').bold);
source.js.forEach(function(f, idx) {
if(f.indexOf('~/') === 0) {
source.js[idx] = f = 'src/js/' + f.substr(2);
if(showFileDetail) console.log((' | ' + f).italic);
//ar taskName = 'build:' + name + ':js';
gulp.task('build:' + name + ':js', function() {
var destPath = getBuildPath(build, 'js');
return gulp.src(source.js)
.pipe(concat(build.filename + '.js'))
.on('end', function() {
console.log(' js > '.yellow.bold + (destPath + build.filename + '.js').italic.underline);
.pipe(uglify({preserveComments: 'some'}))
suffix: '.min'
.on('end', function() {
console.log(' js > '.yellow.bold + (destPath + build.filename + '.min.js').italic.underline);
taskList.push('build:' + name + ':js');
if(source.less && source.less.length && (!type || type === 'less')) {
var lessFileContent = '// \n// ' + build.title + '\n// Build config: ' + name + '\n//\n// This file generated by ZUI builder automatically at ' + today.toString() + '.\n//\n\n';
console.log((' + Ready to process ' + source.less.length + ' less files.').bold);
source.less.forEach(function(f, idx) {
if(f.indexOf('~/') === 0) {
source.less[idx] = f = 'src/less/' + f.substr(2);
if(isFileExist(f)) {
lessFileContent += '@import "';
lessFileContent += '../../' + f;
lessFileContent += '";\n';
if(showFileDetail) console.log((' | ' + f).italic);
} else {
lessFileContent += '// @import "';
lessFileContent += '../../' + f;
lessFileContent += '" // FILE NOT FOUND;\n';
if(showFileDetail) console.log((' - ' + f + ' [NOT FOUND]').red.italic);
gulp.task('build:' + name + ':less', function() {
var buildSourceFilePath = './build/less/' + build.filename + '.less';
var destPath = getBuildPath(build, 'css');
fs.writeFileSync(buildSourceFilePath, lessFileContent);
if(name === 'colorset.less2js') {
return gulpBuildColorsetJS(build, buildSourceFilePath, bannerContent);
return gulp.src(buildSourceFilePath)
browsers: ["Android 2.3",
"Android >= 4",
"Chrome >= 20",
"Firefox >= 24",
"Explorer >= 8",
"iOS >= 6",
"Opera >= 12",
"Safari >= 6"],
cascade: true
.on('end', function() {
console.log(' css > '.yellow.bold + (destPath + build.filename + '.css').italic.underline);
compatibility: 'ie8',
keepSpecialComments: '*',
sourceMap: true,
advanced: false
suffix: '.min'
.on('end', function() {
console.log(' css > '.yellow.bold + (destPath + build.filename + '.min.css').italic.underline);
taskList.push('build:' + name + ':less');
if(source.resource && source.resource.length && (!type || type === 'resource')) {
console.log((' + Ready to process ' + source.resource.length + ' resource files.').bold);
var destPath = getBuildPath(build, '');
source.resource.forEach(function(f, idx) {
if(f.indexOf('~/') === 0) {
source.resource[idx] = f = 'src//' + f.substr(2);
if(showFileDetail) console.log((' | [' + idx + '] ' + f).italic);
gulp.task('build:' + name + ':resource:' + idx, function() {
var sourceConfig = getSourceConfig(f);
return gulp.src(sourceConfig.src, {
base: sourceConfig.base
.on('end', function() {
console.log('resource > '.yellow.bold + (destPath + sourceConfig.file).italic.underline);
taskList.push('build:' + name + ':resource:' + idx);
if(taskList.length || depTaskList.length) {
var completeCallback = function() {
console.log((' √ Build ' + name.bold + ' success! ').green);
callback && callback();
if(taskList.length) {
if(depTaskList.length) {
runSequence(depTaskList, taskList, completeCallback);
} else {
runSequence(taskList, completeCallback);
} else {
runSequence(depTaskList, completeCallback);
} else {
console.log((' No source files for build: ' + name).red);
callback && callback();
gulp.task('build', function(callback) {
var name = process.argv[3] || 'dist';
if(name && name[0] === '-') name = name.substr(1);
if(name === 'lib') name = 'seperate';
var type = process.argv.length > 4 ? process.argv[4] : false;
if(type && type[0] === '-') type = type.substr(1);
console.log(' BEGIN >> ' + (' Build ' + name.bold + ' ').inverse);
buildBundle(name, function() {
console.log(' END >> ' + (' Build ' + name.bold + ' completed :)').green.inverse);
}, type);
function startWatchSrc(name) {
if(name === 'lib') name = 'seperate';
gulp.watch(["./src/less/**/*"], function(event) {
buildBundle(name, function() {
console.log(' √ '.green + (' WATCH ' + name.bold + ' COMPLETED. ').yellow.inverse);
}, 'less');
gulp.watch(["./src/js/**/*"], function(event) {
if(event.path && (event.path.lastIndexOf('src/js/colorset.js') > -1) || event.path.lastIndexOf('src\\js\\colorset.js') > -1) return;
buildBundle(name, function() {
console.log(' √ '.green + (' WATCH ' + name.bold + ' COMPLETED. ').yellow.inverse);
}, 'js');
gulp.watch(["./src/fonts/**/*"], function(event) {
buildBundle(name, function() {
console.log(' √ '.green + (' WATCH ' + name.bold + ' COMPLETED. ').yellow.inverse);
}, 'resource');
gulp.task('watch', function(callback) {
var name = process.argv[3] || 'dist';
if(name && name[0] === '-') name = name.substr(1);
['dist', 'doc', 'theme', 'lib'].forEach(function(name) {
var depsTasks = (name == 'dist' || name == 'doc') ? ['minJSON'] : [];
gulp.task(name, depsTasks, function(callback) {
console.log(' BEGIN >> ' + (' Build ' + name.bold + ' ').inverse);
buildBundle(name == 'lib' ? 'seperate' : name, function() {
console.log(' END >> ' + (' Build ' + name.bold + ' completed. ').green.inverse);
gulp.task('watch:' + name, function() {
gulp.task('minJSON', function(cb) {
gulp.src(['./docs/index.json', './docs/icons.json'])
.pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))
.pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))
gulp.task('prettify:js', function() {
return gulp.src('./src/js/**/*')
logSuccess: true,
config: './.jsbeautifyrc',
gulp.task('prettify', ['prettify:js']);
gulp.task('default', function() {
// Init custom gulp tasks
if(isFileExist("gulpfile.custom.js")) {
require("./gulpfile.custom.js")(gulp, {
chmod: chmod,
less: less,
cssmin: cssmin,
csscomb: csscomb,
autoprefixer: autoprefixer,
concat: concat,
header: header,
uglify: uglify,
rename: rename,
change: change,
sourcemaps: sourcemaps,
prettify: prettify,
buildBundle: buildBundle,
zui: zui,
pkg: pkg,
del: del,
mkdirp: mkdirp,
runSequence: runSequence
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。