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pyproject.toml 5.09 KB
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requires = [
# Use legacy backend to import local packages in setup.py
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__"
line-length = 88
target-version = ["py38"]
src_paths = ["caffe2", "torch", "torchgen", "functorch", "test"]
extra_standard_library = ["typing_extensions"]
skip_gitignore = true
skip_glob = ["third_party/*"]
atomic = true
profile = "black"
indent = 4
line_length = 88
lines_after_imports = 2
multi_line_output = 3
include_trailing_comma = true
combine_as_imports = true
first_party = ["caffe2", "torch", "torchgen", "functorch", "test"]
standard_library = ["typing_extensions"]
target-version = "py38"
line-length = 88
src = ["caffe2", "torch", "torchgen", "functorch", "test"]
docstring-code-format = true
quote-style = "double"
# NOTE: Synchoronize the ignores with .flake8
ignore = [
# these ignores are from flake8-bugbear; please fix!
"B007", "B008", "B017",
"B018", # Useless expression
"B028", # No explicit `stacklevel` keyword argument found
"C408", # C408 ignored because we like the dict keyword argument syntax
"E501", # E501 is not flexible enough, we're using B950 instead
"E731", # Assign lambda expression
# these ignores are from flake8-logging-format; please fix!
# these ignores are from ruff NPY; please fix!
# these ignores are from ruff PERF; please fix!
# these ignores are from PYI; please fix!
"SIM102", "SIM103", "SIM112", # flake8-simplify code styles
"SIM113", # please fix
"SIM105", # these ignores are from flake8-simplify. please fix or ignore with commented reason
"SIM108", # SIM108 ignored because we prefer if-else-block instead of ternary expression
"SIM114", # Combine `if` branches using logical `or` operator
"SIM116", # Disable Use a dictionary instead of consecutive `if` statements
"UP006", # keep-runtime-typing
"UP007", # keep-runtime-typing
select = [
"B904", # Re-raised error without specifying the cause via the from keyword
# Not included in flake8
"PLC0131", # type bivariance
"PLC0132", # type param mismatch
"PLC0205", # string as __slots__
"PLC3002", # unnecessary-direct-lambda-call
"PLR0133", # constant comparison
"PLR0206", # property with params
"PLR1722", # use sys exit
"PLR1736", # unnecessary list index
"PLW0129", # assert on string literal
"PLW0133", # useless exception statement
"PLW0406", # import self
"PLW0711", # binary op exception
"PLW1509", # preexec_fn not safe with threads
"PLW2101", # useless lock statement
"PLW3301", # nested min max
"PT006", # TODO: enable more PT rules
"Q003", # avoidable escaped quote
"Q004", # unnecessary escaped quote
"RUF008", # mutable dataclass default
"RUF015", # access first ele in constant time
"RUF016", # type error non-integer index
"RUF018", # no assignment in assert
"RUF019", # unnecessary-key-check
"RUF024", # from keys mutable
"RUF026", # default factory kwarg
"TRY002", # ban vanilla raise (todo fix NOQAs)
"TRY401", # verbose-log-message
"__init__.py" = [
"functorch/notebooks/**" = [
"test/typing/reveal/**" = [
"test/torch_np/numpy_tests/**" = [
"test/dynamo/test_bytecode_utils.py" = [
"test/dynamo/test_debug_utils.py" = [
"test/jit/**" = [
"PLR0133", # tests require this for JIT
"UP", # We don't want to modify the jit test as they test specify syntax
"test/test_jit.py" = [
"PLR0133", # tests require this for JIT
"UP", # We don't want to modify the jit test as they test specify syntax
"test/inductor/test_torchinductor.py" = [
# autogenerated #TODO figure out why file level noqa is ignored
"torch/_inductor/fx_passes/serialized_patterns/**" = ["F401", "F501"]
"torch/_inductor/autoheuristic/artifacts/**" = ["F401", "F501"]
"torchgen/api/types/__init__.py" = [
"torchgen/executorch/api/types/__init__.py" = [
"torch/utils/collect_env.py" = [
"UP", # collect_env.py needs to work with older versions of Python
"torch/_vendor/**" = [
"UP", # No need to mess with _vendor
马建仓 AI 助手


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