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.lintrunner.toml 53.34 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
code = 'FLAKE8'
include_patterns = ['**/*.py']
exclude_patterns = [
# Tests from the NumPy test suite
command = [
init_command = [
'torchfix==0.4.0 ; python_version >= "3.9"',
include_patterns = [
exclude_patterns = [
init_command = [
command = [
is_formatter = true
code = 'MYPY'
include_patterns = [
# 'test/test_numpy_interop.py',
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
init_command = [
'numpy==1.24.3 ; python_version == "3.8"',
'numpy==1.26.0 ; python_version >= "3.9"',
'sympy==1.12.1 ; python_version == "3.8"',
'sympy==1.13.0 ; python_version >= "3.9"',
include_patterns = [
exclude_patterns = [
# (linbinyu) copied from internal repo
command = [
code = 'CLANGTIDY'
include_patterns = [
# Enable coverage of headers in aten/src/ATen
# and excluding most sub-directories for now.
exclude_patterns = [
# The negative filters below are to exclude files that include onnx_pb.h or
# caffe2_pb.h, otherwise we'd have to build protos as part of this CI job.
# CUDA files are also excluded.
init_command = [
command = [
include_patterns = ['**/*.py', '**/*.pyi']
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
'--pattern=# type:\s*ignore([^\[]|$)',
'--error-name=unqualified type: ignore',
This line has an unqualified `type: ignore`; \
please convert it to `type: ignore[xxxx]`\
include_patterns = ['mypy.ini']
command = [
'--error-name=use of follow_imports = skip',
follow_imports = skip is forbidden from mypy.ini configuration as it \
is extremely easy to accidentally turn off type checking unintentionally. If \
you need to suppress type errors, use a top level # mypy: ignore-errors. \
Do not rely on automatic Any substitution; instead, manually # type: ignore \
at use sites or define a pyi type stub with more relaxed types. \
code = 'NOQA'
include_patterns = ['**/*.py', '**/*.pyi']
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
'--pattern=# noqa([^:]|$)',
'--error-name=unqualified noqa',
This line has an unqualified `noqa`; \
please convert it to `noqa: XXXX`\
command = [
init_command = [
is_formatter = true
code = 'NEWLINE'
command = [
is_formatter = true
code = 'CONSTEXPR'
command = [
is_formatter = true
code = 'SPACES'
include_patterns = ['**']
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
'--error-name=trailing spaces',
This line has trailing spaces; please remove them.\
code = 'TABS'
include_patterns = ['**']
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
# @lint-ignore TXT2
'--pattern= ',
'--error-name=saw some tabs',
'--replace-pattern=s/\t/ /',
This line has tabs; please replace them with spaces.\
code = 'INCLUDE'
include_patterns = [
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
'--pattern=#include "',
'--error-name=quoted include',
'--replace-pattern=s/#include "(.*)"$/#include <\1>/',
This #include uses quotes; please convert it to #include <xxxx>\
include_patterns = [
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
'--pattern=#include <pybind11\/',
'--allowlist-pattern=#include <torch\/csrc\/utils\/pybind.h>',
'--error-name=direct include of pybind11',
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/33416489/23845
# NB: this won't work if the pybind11 include is on the first line;
# but that's fine because it will just mean the lint will still fail
# after applying the change and you will have to fix it manually
'--replace-pattern=1,/(#include <pybind11\/)/ s/(#include <pybind11\/)/#include <torch\/csrc\/utils\/pybind.h>\n\1/',
This #include directly includes pybind11 without also including \
#include <torch/csrc/utils/pybind.h>; this means some important \
specializations may not be included.\
include_patterns = [
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
'--error-name=error prone isinstance',
This line has an isinstance call that directly refers to \
int or float. This is error-prone because you may also \
have wanted to allow SymInt or SymFloat in your test. \
To suppress this lint, use an appropriate type alias defined \
in torch._prims_common; use IntLike/FloatLike when you would accept \
both regular and symbolic numbers, Dim for ints representing \
dimensions, or IntWithoutSymInt/FloatWithoutSymFloat if you really \
meant to exclude symbolic numbers.
include_patterns = [
exclude_patterns = [
# The place for all orphan specializations
# These specializations are non-orphan
# These are safe to exclude as they do not have Python
command = [
'--error-name=pybind11 specialization in non-standard location',
This pybind11 specialization (PYBIND11_DECLARE_HOLDER_TYPE) should \
be placed in torch/csrc/utils/pybind.h so that it is guaranteed to be \
included at any site that may potentially make use of it via py::cast. \
If your specialization is in the same header file as the definition \
of the holder type, you can ignore this lint by adding your header to \
the exclude_patterns for this lint in .lintrunner.toml. For more \
information see https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/issues/4099 \
code = 'PYPIDEP'
include_patterns = ['.github/**']
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
(pip|pip3|python -m pip|python3 -m pip|python3 -mpip|python -mpip) \
install ([a-zA-Z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\\._\\-]+)([^/=<>~!]+)[A-Za-z0-9\\._\\-\\*\\+\\!]*$\
'--error-name=unpinned PyPI install',
This line has unpinned PyPi installs; \
please pin them to a specific version: e.g. 'thepackage==1.2'\
code = 'EXEC'
include_patterns = ['**']
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
include_patterns = ['aten/**']
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
'--pattern=#include <cub/',
'--error-name=direct cub include',
This line has a direct cub include; please include \
ATen/cuda/cub.cuh instead and wrap your cub calls in \
at::native namespace if necessary.
code = 'RAWCUDA'
include_patterns = [
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
'--error-name=raw CUDA API usage',
This line calls raw CUDA APIs directly; please use at::cuda wrappers instead.
include_patterns = [
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
'--error-name=raw CUDA API usage',
This line calls raw CUDA APIs directly; please use c10::cuda wrappers instead.
include_patterns = [
# These are not library code, but scripts in their own right, and so
# therefore are permitted to use logging
exclude_patterns = [
# Grandfathered in
command = [
'--error-name=use of root logger',
Do not use root logger (logging.info, etc) directly; instead \
define 'log = logging.getLogger(__name__)' and call, e.g., log.info().
include_patterns = [
command = [
'--pattern=sys\.executable == .torch_deploy.',
'--replace-pattern=s/sys\.executable == .torch_deploy./torch._running_with_deploy\(\)/',
'--error-name=properly detect deploy runner',
Do not use sys.executable to detect if running within deploy/multipy, use torch._running_with_deploy().
code = 'CMAKE'
include_patterns = [
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
init_command = [
include_patterns = [
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
init_command = [
include_patterns = [
# actionlint does not support composite actions yet
# '.github/actions/**/*.yml',
# '.github/actions/**/*.yaml',
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
init_command = [
include_patterns = [
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
code = 'TEST_HAS_MAIN'
include_patterns = [
exclude_patterns = [
'test/quantization/**', # should be run through test/test_quantization.py
'test/jit/**', # should be run through test/test_jit.py
'test/ao/sparsity/**', # should be run through test/test_ao_sparsity.py
'test/fx/**', # should be run through test/test_fx.py
'test/bottleneck_test/**', # excluded by test/run_test.py
'test/package/**', # excluded by test/run_test.py
command = [
code = 'CALL_ONCE'
include_patterns = [
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
'--error-name=invalid call_once',
Use of std::call_once is forbidden and should be replaced with c10::call_once\
include_patterns = [
command = [
'--error-name=avoid context decorator',
Do not use context manager as decorator as it breaks cProfile traces. Use it as \
a context manager instead\
code = 'ONCE_FLAG'
include_patterns = [
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
'--error-name=invalid once_flag',
Use of std::once_flag is forbidden and should be replaced with c10::once_flag\
include_patterns = [
command = [
init_command = [
# usort + ruff-format
code = 'PYFMT'
include_patterns = [
command = [
exclude_patterns = [
# We don't care too much about files in this directory, don't enforce
# formatting on them
# These files are all grandfathered in, feel free to remove from this list
# as necessary
'torch/cuda/_memory_viz.py', # mypy: Value of type "object" is not indexable
init_command = [
'ruff==0.6.3', # sync with RUFF
is_formatter = true
code = 'COPYRIGHT'
include_patterns = ['**']
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
'--pattern=Confidential and proprietary',
'--error-name=Confidential Code',
Proprietary and confidential source code\
should not be contributed to PyTorch codebase\
include_patterns = ['WORKSPACE']
command = [
init_command = [
is_formatter = true
include_patterns = ['**']
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
code = 'RUFF'
include_patterns = ['**/*.py', '**/*.pyi']
exclude_patterns = [
command = [
init_command = [
'ruff==0.6.3', # sync with PYFMT
is_formatter = true
# This linter prevents merge conlicts in csv files in pytorch by enforcing
# three lines of whitespace between entries such that unless people are modifying
# the same line, merge conflicts should not arise in git or hg
include_patterns = ['benchmarks/dynamo/ci_expected_accuracy/*.csv']
command = [
is_formatter = true
include_patterns = [
command = [
'--error-name=no create_unbacked in meta registrations',
Data-dependent operators should have their meta \
registration in torch/_subclasses/fake_impls.py, \
not torch/_meta_registrations.py
include_patterns = [
# aten source
# aten native source
# aten headers
# aten native headers
exclude_patterns = [
"aten/src/ATen/native/sparse/SparseBlasImpl.cpp", # triton implementation
"aten/src/ATen/native/**/cudnn/**", # cudnn is cuda specific
command = [
'--error-name=aten-cpu should be gpu agnostic',
We strongly discourage the compile-time divergence \
on ATen-CPU code for different GPU code. This \
disallows sharing the same aten-cpu shared object \
between different GPU backends \
is_formatter = true
马建仓 AI 助手
