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Yang_cby/王朝之系谱(The Dynas Tree)

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by22dgb 提交于 2021-01-08 15:39 . 再度尝试
@name : 锅巴汉化 - Web汉化插件
@author : 麦子、JAR、小蓝、好阳光的小锅巴
@version : V0.6.1 - 2019-07-09
@website : http://www.g8hh.com
var cnItems = {
_OTHER_: [],
'☀️ The Dynas Tree v0.': '☀️ 王朝之系谱 - The Dynas Tree v0.',
'Congratulations! You have reached the point of singularity and beaten this game, but for now...': '恭喜!您已经到达了奇点,暂时您可以认为自己已经通关了……',
'In case you haven\'t noticed, there will be more content after this. You can keep continuing. but the game has been paused, since singularity was meant to be a forced prestige layer.': '希望您明白,不出意外的话,这后面还会有其他内容。您当然可以接着继续玩,但目前来说进度不会有太大提升了,因为奇点本意就是这个。',
'Play Again': '从头再来',
'Keep Going': '继续游戏',
'Game Changelog': '游戏更新日志',
'Discord servers': 'Discord频道',
'Hotkeys': '快捷键',
'Achievements': '成就',
'Unfortunately, this world does not have any achievements.': '很遗憾,世界上暂时还没有任何成就。',
'Current endgame': '目前的最终阶段',
'The Singularity': '奇点',
'Statistics': '统计数据',
'Layer Breakdown': '层级明细',
'Layer / Resource': '层级/资源',
'Amount': '数量',
'Best': '最高值',
'Total': '总量',
'🏆 Achievements': '🏆 成就',
'📊 Statistics': '📊 统计数据',
'⚙️ Options': '⚙️ 选项',
'You have ': '您拥有 ',
'The point of singularity has been reached. Your civilization did not make it through.': '奇点已至。您的文明并没有例外,同样无法通过。',
'Close': '关闭',
'Finish': '点此完成',
'Exit Early': '提前退出',
'Completed': '已完成',
'Start': '点此开始',
'Reset for ': '重置以获得 ',
'Respec': '洗点',
' coins': ' 金币',
'Boosts points generation based on your total coin count.': '根据金币总数,增加点数产量。',
'Boosts the previous upgrade based on your best coin count.': '根据金币最高值,增加前一个升级的效果。',
'Boosts the previous upgrade based on your current coin count.': '根据金币目前数量,增加前一个升级的效果。',
'Boosts all boost upgrades above based on your current point count.': '根据点数目前数量,增加之前的“增加”升级效果。',
'Boosts the previous upgrade based on your coins gain on coin reset.': '根据金币重置可获得的金币数量,增加前一个升级的效果。',
'The point generation upgrade also gets boosted by the “all previous boost upgrades” upgrade.': '产生点数的升级也受到“使之前的‘增加’升级效果更好”的升级影响。',
'Boosts coins gain on coin reset (unaffected by the “all previous boost upgrades” upgrades).': '增加金币重置时的金币获取量(不受“使之前的‘增加’升级效果更好”的升级影响)。',
'Boosts all boost upgrades and point production above based on your best worker count.': '根据工人最高值,增加之前的“增加”升级和产生点数的升级效果。',
'Boosts coins gain on coin reset based on point generation speed.': '根据点数产量,增加金币重置时的金币获取量。',
'The two previous “all previous boost upgrades” upgrades are applied once more to point production.': '之前两个“使之前的‘增加’升级效果更好”的升级再对点数产量生效一次。',
'Boosts the above upgrade based on the two previous “all previous boost upgrades” upgrades.': '根据之前两个“使之前的‘增加’升级效果更好”的升级效果,增加上方升级的效果。',
'Boosts all boost upgrades above (again) based on your point production speed.': '根据点数产量,再次增加之前的“增加”升级效果。',
'Alright this is getting boring. Boosts the previous upgrade by itself.': '这么下去没创意了。这样吧,使前一个升级的效果对它自己也生效。',
'Same as the previous upgrade, but the boost is cube rooted.': '与前一个升级效果类似,但效果为它自己的立方根。',
'Same as the previous upgrade. That\'s literally all you need to know.': '与前一个升级效果类似。您知道的太多了。',
'Boosts all boost upgrades above (yet again) based on your current workfinder count.': '根据工作中介的数量,又一次增加之前的“增加”升级效果。',
'Boosts the previous upgrade based on point generation speed.': '根据点数产量,增加前一个升级的效果。',
'Boosts the previous upgrade based on finished work count.': '根据已完成的工作数量,增加前一个升级的效果。',
'Raises all left upgrades to the power of ^1.02.': '左边的所有升级效果变为原来的^1.02。',
'Boost all boost upgrades on the fifth row based on unfinished work.': '根据未完成的工作数量,增加第五行所有“增加”升级的效果。',
'Boost all boost upgrades on the fifth row based on finished work.': '根据已完成的工作数量,增加第五行所有“增加”升级的效果。',
'Boost all boost upgrades on the fifth row based on bankings\' effects.': '根据银行业务的效果,增加第五行所有“增加”升级的效果。',
'Boost all left upgrades based on current bank count.': '根据银行目前数量,增加左边的所有升级效果。',
'C: Reset for coins': '快捷键C:金币重置',
' workfinders': ' 工作中介',
'Increase workers\' strength': '增加工人的力量',
'Increase workers\' dexterity': '增加工人的敏捷',
'Increase workers\' collaborativeness': '增加工人的协同能力',
'Promote workfinders to part-time workers': '让工作中介也来兼职',
'Increase work quality': '增加工作的质量',
'Increase work planning skills': '提升工作规划的技能',
'Unlock a new row of coin upgrades because why not?': '解锁一行新的金币升级。原因?何乐不为呢?',
'Finish work faster based on unfinished work count.': '根据未完成的工作数量,增加完成工作的速度。',
'Finish work faster based on finshed work\'s effect.': '根据已完成的工作效果,增加完成工作的速度。',
'Find work faster based on finshed work count.': '根据已完成的工作数量,增加找到工作的速度。',
'Find work faster based on current workfinder count.': '根据目前的工作中介数量,增加找到工作的速度。',
'Multiplier to finished work\'s effect based on unfinished work\'s effect.': '根据未完成的工作效果,使已完成的工作效果乘上一个倍率。',
'Power to unfinished work\'s effect based on finished work\'s effect.': '根据已完成的工作效果,使未完成的工作效果变为原来的一个指数。',
'Finish work 10 times faster. Are you happy now?': '完成工作的速度变为原来的10倍。您开心了吗?',
'Find work 5 times faster. With yin there are yang.': '找到工作的速度变为原来的5倍。阴阳相生,道法自然。',
'Find work 3 more times faster.': '找到工作的速度再度变为原来的3倍。',
'Guys this is it. A new prestige layer.': '兄弟们,就是这样。新的转生层级来了。',
'Rebuyables': '重复购买项',
'Upgrades': '升级',
'Hire ': '雇佣 ',
'F: Hire workfinders': '快捷键F:雇佣工作中介',
' banks': ' 银行',
'Please disable the current active banking before you can activate another one.': '请在激活此项业务之前先取消正在进行中的业务。',
'You need to build at least 2 banks before you can use this function.': '至少建造2个银行后才可以开始使用此项业务。',
'You need to build at least 4 banks before you can use this function.': '至少建造4个银行后才可以开始使用此项业务。',
'You need to build at least 6 banks before you can use this function.': '至少建造6个银行后才可以开始使用此项业务。',
'You need to build at least 12 banks before you can use this function.': '至少建造12个银行后才可以开始使用此项业务。',
'You need to build at least 15 banks before you can use this function.': '至少建造15个银行后才可以开始使用此项业务。',
'You need to build at least 19 banks before you can use this function.': '至少建造19个银行后才可以开始使用此项业务。',
'You need to build at least 60 banks before you can use this function.': '至少建造60个银行后才可以开始使用此项业务。',
'You need to build at least 80 banks before you can use this function.': '至少建造80个银行后才可以开始使用此项业务。',
'You need to build at least 125 banks before you can use this function.': '至少建造125个银行后才可以开始使用此项业务。',
'Build ': '建造 ',
'Bankings': '银行业务',
'Note: Enabling/Disabling bankings will force a bank reset.': '注意:激活或者取消银行业务后将强制进行一次银行重置。',
'B: Build banks': '快捷键B:建造银行',
' spiritual power': ' 魂灵能量',
'Convert spiritual power into castable magic fountain': '将魂灵能量转化为流动的魔力源泉',
'Extend the fabric of time using spiritual power': '使用魂灵能量延展时间的结构',
'Use spiritual power to enchant basic spells': '使用魂灵能量强化基础的魔咒',
'Use spiritual power to power magic in advanced spells': '使用魂灵能量控制高级魔咒的魔力',
'Spell of Generation': '产量魔咒',
'Spell of Goldilocks': '金凤花魔咒',
'Spell of Haste': '急速魔咒',
'Spell of Fortune': '财富魔咒',
'Spell of Skills': '技巧魔咒',
'Spell of Spirits': '魂灵魔咒',
'Spell of Spells': '咒之魔咒',
'Spell of Savings': '储蓄魔咒',
'Spell of “Strongetivity”': '“强化”魔咒',
'Spell of Unsoftcappers': '界限突破魔咒',
'Spells': '魔咒',
'S: Reset for spiritual power': '快捷键S:魂灵能量重置',
' workers': ' 工人',
'1 Worker': '1名工人',
'2 Workers': '2名工人',
'3 Workers': '3名工人',
'4 Workers': '4名工人',
'5 Workers': '5名工人',
'6 Workers': '6名工人',
'7 Workers': '7名工人',
'8 Workers': '8名工人',
'9 Workers': '9名工人',
'12 Workers': '12名工人',
'13 Workers': '13名工人',
'16 Workers': '16名工人',
'The “Promote workfinders to part-time workers” rebuyable upgrade is 5× stronger.': '让工作中介也来兼职”的重复购买项升级效果变为5倍。',
'Unlocks workfinders and working, where workers can do their work. They are reseted on worker reset.': '解锁工作中介和工作,工人们可以进行工作。这些在工人重置时进度重置。',
'Unlocks more worker upgrades, may or may not related to the workfinder layer.': '解锁更多的工人升级,有些跟工作中介层级有关,有些跟工作中介层级无关。',
'Hiring workfinders no longer resets anything.': '雇佣工作中介不再重置任何东西。',
'Unlocks banks, which you can manage bankings. They are reseted on worker reset too.': '解锁银行,可以在那里管理业务。这些也在工人重置时进度重置。',
'Unlocks more worker upgrades. And you can bulk hire workers now. Why didn\'t I think of this earlier...': '解锁更多的工人升级。现在您可以批量雇佣工人了。怎么到现在才想起来这个……',
'The first three banking buffs are 25× stronger.': '前三个银行业务效果变为25倍。',
'You can bulk build banks.': '您可以批量建造银行了。',
'Unlocks new banking options. Also the workers\' effect gets cubed.': '解锁新的银行业务选项。另外,工人的效果变为原来的立方。',
'The workers\' effect gets cubed again. Yay!': '工人的效果再度变为原来的立方。耶!',
'Raises all of the first three coin layer\'s “all previous boost upgrades” upgrades based on your best worker count.': '根据工人最高值,使金币层级前三个“使之前的‘增加’升级效果更好”的升级效果变得更好。',
'The previous upgrade also affect the first coin layer\'s boost upgrade but with reduced effect.': '前一个升级对金币层级第一个“增加”升级的效果也生效,但效果减弱。',
'Remember that upgrade that applies something again to the point prodution? Why not keep doing that again, shall we?': '还记得某个可以再对点数产量生效一次的金币升级吗?我们再把那个升级来一次吧。',
'The current worker count also contibutes to the first upgrade\'s formula.': '目前的工人数量也能影响第一个升级的公式。',
'Unlock more coin upgrades. Yay.': '解锁更多的金币升级。耶。',
'Worker\'s effect is scaled better. ((x+1)^2 => (x+2)^': '工人的效果成长得更快。(从 (x+1)^2 变为 (x+2)^',
'You gain 10% of your current coins gain on coin reset per second.': '每秒获得金币重置时的金币获取量10%的金币。',
'Boosts finished work and unfinished work gain based on current coin count.': '根据目前的金币数量,增加已完成和未完成的工作获取量。',
'Find and finish work 2× faster.': '找到和完成工作的速度变为2倍。',
'Unlocks the ability to bulk hire workfinders.': '解锁批量雇佣工作中介的功能。',
'Boosts finished work and unfinished work gain based on current point count.': '根据目前的点数,增加已完成和未完成的工作获取量。',
'The first three banking buffs are stronger based on workers.': '根据工人数量,前三个银行业务的效果变得更好。',
'Milestones': '里程碑',
'W: Hire workers': '快捷键W:雇佣工人',
'Selected Tile: Unselected': '选择方格:未选择',
'Conquering Unselected...': '正在征服未选择……',
'Click on a tile in the map to see its details. Drag the tiles on the map to see more of it.': '点击地图上的方格可以查看它的详情,拖动方格可以查看地图的其他部分。',
' managers': ' 经理',
'1 Manager': '1名经理',
'2 Managers': '2名经理',
'3 Managers': '3名经理',
'4 Managers': '4名经理',
'5 Managers': '5名经理',
'6 Managers': '6名经理',
'7 Managers': '7名经理',
'8 Managers': '8名经理',
'10 Managers': '10名经理',
'Not available yet': '暂不可用',
'Unlocks builders, which can build structures to boost your production.': '解锁建造者,可以建造建筑来提升产量。',
'Hiring workers no longer resets anything and you can choose to automate finding workers. Also you unlock a new structure.': '雇佣工人不再重置任何东西,您可以自动找到工人。同时解锁一个新建筑。',
'You can choose to automate finding workfinders. Also you unlock an another new structure. This one might be hard.': '您可以自动找到工作中介。同时解锁一个新建筑。这个可能会有点难。',
'Unlocks an another new structure. This one is probably easier.': '解锁一个新建筑。这个应该会容易不少。',
'Each banking produces the banking before it. This will boost your builders\' speed by a lot. You\'ll still need to manually do bankings sometimes though.': '每个银行业务都可以产生它之前的银行业务。这将使建造者的速度提升很多。不过您还是需要手动操作银行业务的。',
'Unlocks an another new structure. This one is very important.': '解锁一个新建筑。这个很重要。',
'Unlocks an another new structure. This one is also important.': '解锁一个新建筑。这个也很重要。',
'Managers now have the ability to manage jobs and lands.': '经理可以管理工作和土地。',
'To be continued...': '未完待续……',
'Respec Land & Jobs Allocation': '洗点土地和工作的分配',
'这将同时强制进行一次 "manager" 重置!': '这将同时强制进行一次经理重置!',
'Farmlands': '农田',
'Sheep Farm': '绵羊牧场',
'Mine': '矿井',
'Large Mine': '大型矿井',
'Wood Workshop': '木作坊',
'Large Wood Workshop': '大型木作坊',
'Savanna Transportation': '荒原运输',
'Desert Transportation': '沙漠运输',
'Fish Farm': '养鱼场',
'Ice Farm': '冰之农场',
'Land & Jobs Management': '土地与工作管理',
'Each manager gives 2 managing power.': '每个经理提供2点管理权力。',
'M: Hire managers': '快捷键M:雇佣经理',
'You can not build more than one structure at once.': '您同时只能建造一个建筑。',
'You can adjust the allocated builders using the slider above.': '您可以通过上方的滑块来调整分配的建造者数量。',
'Structures': '建筑列表',
'Note: Starting building structures will force a builder reset.': '注意:开始建造建筑后将强制进行一次建造者重置。',
'You\'ll unlock more structures as you get more managers.': '获得更多经理以后您可以解锁更多建筑。',
'D: Hire builders': '快捷键D:雇佣建造者',
'Coin gain and point generation is square rooted.': '金币获取量和点数产量变为原来的平方根。',
'Builders build faster based on points.': '根据点数,使建造者的建造速度变得更快。',
'You can not access the workfinder layer.': '您无法使用工作中介层级。',
'Find and finish work faster based on points.': '根据点数,使找到和完成工作的速度变得更快。',
'You can access more banking options.': '可以使用更多项银行业务。',
'Boost the first two obstacles\' buffs based on your total territory count.': '根据领土总数,使前两个障碍给予的奖励变得更多。',
'“From Square One” and “Time Banking”\'s debuff are applied at once.': '“从头开始” 和 “时间业务” 的负面效果同时触发。',
'You unlock more spiritual power rebuyable upgrades.': '魂灵能量解锁更多的重复购买项。',
'“From Square One” and “Metacoin Banking”\'s debuff are applied at once.': '“从头开始” 和 “多元金币业务” 的负面效果同时触发。',
'Boost the first two obstacles\' buffs based on your number of roads.': '根据道路数量,使前两个障碍给予的奖励变得更多。',
'2 Territories': '2块领土',
'3 Territories': '3块领土',
'4 Territories': '4块领土',
'6 Territories': '6块领土',
'15 Territories': '15块领土',
'40 Territories': '40块领土',
'80 Territories': '80块领土',
'You can automate previous automation toggles, automatically toggle autobuying coin upgrades and autobuying workfinder rebuyable upgrades on when you unlock them and keep auto hiring workfinder off until you have 7 workers and it will also automatically be turned on.': '您可以自动控制之前的自动开关,即在解锁时自动开启自动购买金币升级和自动购买工作中介重复购买项升级,并且在拥有7名工人之前,关闭自动雇佣工作中介,在这之后再开启它。',
'You can automate buying worker upgrades.': '您可以自动购买工人升级。',
'You can automate buying workfinder upgrades.': '您可以自动购买工作中介升级。',
'You can bulk explore territories.': '您可以批量探索领土。',
'You can automate casting spells.': '您可以自动施放魔咒。',
'You can automate buying spell rebuyables.': '您可以自动购买魔咒的重复购买项。',
'Unlock The Queue, which lets you plan out which tiles for soldiers to conquer them automatically. Also recruiting soldiers, hiring managers, and exploring territories no longer resets anything.': '解锁队列功能,您可以控制士兵自动征服相应的方格。另外,招募士兵,雇佣经理和探索领土不再重置任何东西。',
'Update the queue': '更新队列',
'Queue strategy': '队列策略',
' Least difficulty': ' 难度最低',
' Most encounter chance': ' 最高遭遇概率',
' Least diff. × (chance+1) score': ' 难度x(概率+1) 数值最低',
' Least diff. × chance score': ' 难度x概率 数值最低',
' Least diff. / (chance+1) score': ' 难度/(概率+1) 数值最低',
'Change strategy': '改变策略',
'You can get more strategies by geting more honor.': '获得更多荣誉值以后可以获得更多策略。',
'Obstacles': '障碍',
'Note: Entering/Exiting obstacles will force a territory reset.': '注意:进入或退出障碍后将强制进行一次领土重置。',
'World Map': '世界地图',
'Ship of Neighboring Country': '邻国的船只',
'A Cthulhu': '一只克总',
'A Shiver of Sharks': '一群鲨鱼',
'Army of Neighboring Country': '邻国的军队',
'A Sloth of Bears': '一群熊',
'Selected Tile: Waters': '选择方格:水域',
'Selected Tile: Waters, Conquered': '选择方格:水域,已征服',
'Conquering Waters...': '正在征服水域……',
'Selected Tile: Grasslands': '选择方格:草地',
'Selected Tile: Grasslands, Conquered': '选择方格:草地,已征服',
'Conquering Grasslands...': '正在征服草地……',
'Selected Tile: Mountains': '选择方格:山脉',
'Selected Tile: Mountains, Conquered': '选择方格:山脉,已征服',
'Conquering Mountains...': '正在征服山脉……',
'Selected Tile: Tall Mountains': '选择方格:高山',
'Selected Tile: Tall Mountains, Conquered': '选择方格:高山,已征服',
'Conquering Tall Mountains...': '正在征服高山……',
'Selected Tile: Desert': '选择方格:沙漠',
'Selected Tile: Desert, Conquered': '选择方格:沙漠,已征服',
'Conquering Desert...': '正在征服沙漠……',
'Selected Tile: Tundra': '选择方格:苔原',
'Selected Tile: Tundra, Conquered': '选择方格:苔原,已征服',
'Conquering Tundra...': '正在征服苔原……',
'Selected Tile: Forest': '选择方格:森林',
'Selected Tile: Forest, Conquered': '选择方格:森林,已征服',
'Conquering Forest...': '正在征服森林……',
'Selected Tile: Savanna': '选择方格:荒原',
'Selected Tile: Savanna, Conquered': '选择方格:荒原,已征服',
'Conquering Savanna...': '正在征服荒原……',
'Selected Tile: Rainforest': '选择方格:雨林',
'Selected Tile: Rainforest, Conquered': '选择方格:雨林,已征服',
'Conquering Rainforest...': '正在征服雨林……',
'Selected Tile: Iced Waters': '选择方格:浮冰',
'Selected Tile: Iced Waters, Conquered': '选择方格:浮冰,已征服',
'Conquering Iced Waters...': '正在征服浮冰……',
'Click on a tile on the map to view its details.': '点击地图上的方格可以查看它的详情。',
'Drag the tiles to move the map around.': '拖动方格可以查看地图的其他部分。',
'This land has already been conquered.': '这块土地已经被征服了。',
'You can not reconquer the land that you already conquered, duh!': '您当然是没法征服已经征服过的土地,这太显然了!',
'You are conquering this tile. Click it again to abort conquering.': '您正在尝试征服这个方格。再次点击将中止征服。',
'Click on the tile again to initialize conquering on that tile.': '再次点击这个方格以开始征服。',
'This tile is too far for you to initialize conquering.': '这个方格太远了,无法开始征服。',
'Your Soldiers': '您的士兵',
'No Encounters': '暂无遭遇',
'Soldiers are Idling.': '士兵们无所事事。',
'Conquering is paused because soldiers are battling the encounters.': '士兵们正在与遭遇的敌人作战,暂时停止征服。',
'Please select a land to be conquered.': '请选择一块土地进行征服。',
'The Queue': '队列',
'You can increase the maximum queue length by getting more territories or military bases.': '您可以通过获取更多领土,或者是建造更多军事基地来增加队列最大长度。',
'Explore ': '探索 ',
'T: Explore territories': '快捷键T:探索领土',
'Strength': '力量',
'Endurance': '耐力',
'Dexterity': '敏捷',
'Recruit ': '招募 ',
'Soldier Statistics': '士兵统计数据',
'Accounts for all soldiers': '以下数字为所有士兵的数据总和',
'Soldier Attributes': '士兵属性',
'O: Recruit soldiers': '快捷键O:招募士兵',
'Knowledge boosts your first row of coin boost upgrades.': '知识可以使第一行金币的“增加”升级效果变得更好。',
'Knowledge boosts finished work\'s effect.': '知识可以使已完成的工作效果变得更好。',
'Brick. It\'s fun.': '砖块。真有趣。',
'Reduces the “Convert spiritual power into castable magic fountain” cost scaling.': '使“将魂灵能量转化为流动的魔力源泉”重复购买项的花费增加速度降低。',
'Raise the “Use spiritual power to power magic in advanced spells” upgrade based on schools.': '根据学校的数量,使“使用魂灵能量控制高级魔咒的魔力”重复购买项的效果变得更好。',
'Knowledge boosts your second row of coin boost upgrades.': '知识可以使第二行金币的“增加”升级效果变得更好。',
'Knowledge boosts your first three banking buffs.': '知识可以使前三个银行业务的效果变得更好。',
'Unlocks a new banking option.': '解锁一项新的银行业务。',
'You gain 100% of your spiritual power gain on reset every second (only when you unlocked the layer).': '您每秒获得魂灵重置时的魂灵能量获取量100%的魂灵能量(只在解锁该层级后生效)。',
'Reduces the “Extend the fabric of time using spiritual power” cost scaling.': '使“使用魂灵能量延展时间的结构”重复购买项的花费增加速度降低。',
'You thought it was a discovery, but it was me, A Brick!': '您以为这是一项发现,但其实是我哒,一块砖块!',
'Wait, it\'s all bricks? Always has been.': '那是……砖块?一直都是。',
'One does not simply discover a brick.': '砖块不是你想发现,想发现就能发现。',
'I\'m sorry, but the brick is in this castle.': '很抱歉,但砖块就在这座城堡里。',
'Honor reduces the requirements of wisdom.': '荣誉值可以减少智慧的需求。',
'Knowledge adds time to the first exotic spell\'s effect.': '知识可以使第一个异域魔咒的效果中基于的时间变得更多。',
'Exotic spells are also be able to be casted by the auto spell milestone.': '自动施放魔咒的里程碑对异域魔咒也生效。',
'Knowledge reduces the requirement of wisdom.': '知识可以减少智慧的需求。',
'Knowledge and wisdom reduces the requirement of wisdom.': '知识和智慧可以减少智慧的需求。',
'Unlocks an exotic spell. Exotic spells are not affected by amount of shrines or spiritual power upgrades.': '解锁一个异域魔咒。异域魔咒不受圣地数量或魂灵能量升级的影响。',
'Knowledge boosts spiritual power gain.': '知识可以使魂灵能量获取量变得更多。',
'Unlocks a second exotic spell.': '解锁第二个异域魔咒。',
'Its-a-me, Brick-io!': '这就是我,砖块哦!',
'If you haven\'t realized it already, you can not discover bricked discoveries.': '还不明白吗?您是无法发现砖块化的发现的。',
'Knowledge boosts knowledge gain. Yes, really.': '知识可以增加知识获取量。是的,千真万确。',
'It\'s not just a placeholder, it\'s a brick.': '这可不是滥竽充数占位置的,这是一块砖块。',
'Unlocks a third exotic spell.': '解锁第三个异域魔咒。',
'Not yet implemented.': '待后续更新追加。',
'get bricked lol': '砖块摇摇(笑',
'The upgrade above boosts that upgrade. Recursion.': '上方的升级效果对它自己也生效。套娃。',
'Schools boost knowledge gain.': '学校可以增加知识获取量。',
'This discovery is dimmed out, meaning this discovery it actually a brick and thus can not be discovered.': '这个发现是暗的,意思是,它实际上是砖块,并不能被发现。',
'The upgrade above boosts that upgrade again. Recursive recursion.': '上方的升级效果再对它自己生效。套套娃娃。',
'Spiritual power reduces the requirements of wisdom.': '魂灵能量可以减少智慧的需求。',
'Your wisdom has exceed this far and you\'re wanting to seek for more. You unlock a new layer, far higher than this one.': '您的智慧已经到达如此程度,而您却还想继续探求。因此,您解锁了一个新的层级,比此层级高很多很多。',
'Unfortunately, we no longer be able to find anymore brick puns so enjoy this line instead.': '不幸的是我们用完了砖块的梗,只好请您看这段话了。',
'Yay! You found me! I\'m a brick!.': '耶!您发现了我!我是砖块!。',
'Don\'t look at me, I\'m a brick, you should be looking at this instead ->': '看我作甚,别看了,一块砖块而已,看看这个吧 ->',
'Unlock the Subjects tab. Note that this discovery will reset your wisdom back to 0 and will make them harder to get, so be ready first!': '解锁学科选项卡。注意此发现会将智慧重置回0,并使智慧更难获得,因此您应该先做好相应的准备!',
'Respec Wisdom Discovers': '洗点智慧的发现',
'这将同时强制进行一次 "wisdom" 重置!': '这将同时强制进行一次智慧重置!',
'Philosophy': '哲学',
'Mathematics': '数学',
'Psychology': '心理学',
'Physical Education': '体育',
'Structural Engineering': '结构工程学',
'Calculus': '微积分',
'Literature': '文学',
'Algebra': '代数学',
'Discoveries': '发现',
'Subjects': '学科',
'Gain ': '获得 ',
'I: Gain wisdom': '快捷键I:获得智慧',
'WARNING: You\'re approaching the point of singularity. Once you go past this, the game will end.': '警告:您正在接近奇点。当超过奇点以后游戏将完结。',
'This is pretty much the end game for now. Content coming soon, I guess?': '目前这就是游戏终点了。或许之后还会有其他内容?',
'Saving': '保存',
'Instant save': '立刻保存',
'Autosave: ENABLED': '自动保存:启用',
'Autosave: DISABLED': '自动保存:禁用',
'Export save to clipboard': '导出存档到剪贴板',
'Import save': '导入存档',
'Gameplay': '游戏体验',
'Offline Production: ENABLED': '离线产量:启用',
'Offline Production: DISABLED': '离线产量:禁用',
'Display': '显示',
'Theme: DEFAULT': '显示主题:默认',
'Theme: AQUA': '显示主题:海洋',
'Show Milestones: ALWAYS': '显示里程碑:总是',
'Show Milestones: AUTOMATION': '显示里程碑:自动',
'Show Milestones: INCOMPLETE': '显示里程碑:未完成的',
'Show Milestones: NEVER': '显示里程碑:永不',
'Tree Quality: QUALITY': '树的显示效果:美观',
'Tree Quality: PERFORMANCE': '树的显示效果:流畅',
'Option Tab Flavor: CLASSIC': '选项界面偏好:传统',
'Option Tab Flavor: REMADE': '选项界面偏好:重制',
'Tree Menu Flavor: CLASSIC': '树的菜单偏好:传统',
'Tree Menu Flavor: TOPBAR': '树的菜单偏好:顶部',
'Save': '保存',
'Autosave: ON': '自动保存:开启',
'Autosave: OFF': '自动保存:关闭',
'HARD RESET': '硬重置',
'Export to clipboard': '导出到剪贴板',
'Import': '导入',
'Offline Prod: ON': '离线产量:开启',
'Offline Prod: OFF': '离线产量:关闭',
'Theme: Default': '显示主题:默认',
'Theme: Aqua': '显示主题:海洋',
'High-Quality Tree: ON': '增强树的显示效果:开启',
'High-Quality Tree: OFF': '增强树的显示效果:关闭',
'': '',
'': '',
var cnPrefix = {
"(-": "(-",
"(+": "(+",
"(": "(",
"-": "-",
"+": "+",
"+": "+",
": ": "",
"\n\t\t\t": "",
"\t": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
var cnPostfix = {
":::": ":::",
":": "",
"": "",
": ": "",
"": "",
"/s)": "/s)",
")": ")",
"%": "%",
"\n\t\t": "",
"\n\t\t\t": "",
"\n\t\t\t\t": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
" ": "",
"\n": "",
var cnExcludeWhole = [
/^x?\d+(\.\d+)?(e[+\-]?\d+)?\s*\-?$/, //12.34e+4
/^\s*$/, //纯空格
/^x?\d{1,3}(\,\d*)+$/, //不抓取内容
/^\d{1,3}\,$/, //不抓取内容
/^(.*)\d{1,2}(\.\d+)?e(\+?\d+)?(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^(.*)\d{1,3}(\,\d+)+(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^(.*)\{(.+)\}(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^(.*)(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^(.*)(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^(.*)(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^(.*)(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^(.*)(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^花费(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^离线时间(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^每秒产生(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^魔咒持续时间(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^您拥有(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^您最高拥有(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^施法花费(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^世界(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^需要(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^预计完成时间(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^进度(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^难度(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^荣誉值(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^伤害(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^生命值(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^剩余时间(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^分配花费(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^共(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^您共有(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
/^遭遇概率(.*)$/, //不抓取内容
var cnExcludePostfix = [
/:?\s*x?\d+(\.\d+)?(e[+\-]?\d+)?\s*$/, //12.34e+4
/:?\s*x?\d+(\.\d+)?[A-Za-z]{0,2}$/, //: 12.34K, x1.5
/秒$/, //不抓取时间
var cnRegReplace = new Map([
[/^(.d+)Just make up for the space(\d+)$/, '纯举例用意'],
马建仓 AI 助手
王朝之系谱(The Dynas Tree)
