Parts Unlimited is a fictional ecommerce website based on the The Phoenix Project by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr and George Spafford. The website, built on ASP.NET 5 MVC 6 includes product listings by category, product details, shopping cart, order history, product recommendations, search, and more.
近年来行业对界面的越加重视使得后台界面也要做得 ‘ 高大上 ’ 起来;可惜国内至今未能找到一款免费开源的稍微高大上点后台模板,用国内模板的都会引来 leader的各种吐槽;而国外虽然有很多很优秀的模板,但由于都没有中文版或者担心社区不够强大而不敢使用;针对这一点龙果团队决定为国民谋利。
Easily create site navigation bar, custom HTML, CSS, and support for the pop-up menu. 轻松创建网站导航条,自定义HTML、CSS,以及支持弹出菜单。
An distributed game server framework based on [Socket4Net](