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edf_repair_unidecode.py 4.79 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
yangjie 提交于 2023-09-18 23:42 . init
from unidecode import unidecode
def repair_edf_header(input_edf_path, output_edf_path):
with open(input_edf_path, 'rb') as f:
# Read the entire EDF file into memory
edf_data = bytearray(f.read())
# Read the patient ID field
patient_id_bytes = edf_data[8:88]
# Convert bytes to a string for checking illegal characters
patient_id_str = patient_id_bytes.decode('gb2312', errors='ignore')
# If the repaired ID is empty, assign it 'UNKNOWN'
if patient_id_str == '':
patient_id_str = 'UNKNOWN'
patient_id_str = unidecode(patient_id_str)
# Ensure it doesn't exceed 80 characters and pad to 80
cleaned_patient_id = patient_id_str[:80].ljust(80)
# Convert the string back to bytes
cleaned_patient_id_bytes = cleaned_patient_id.encode('ascii')
# Replace the patient ID field in memory
edf_data[8:88] = cleaned_patient_id_bytes[:80]
# Parse the number of signals
# According to EDF specifications, bytes 236-244 in the file header contain signal count information
num_signals_str = edf_data[252:256].decode('ascii').strip()
num_signals = int(num_signals_str)
# Locate the start position of signal labels
# According to EDF specifications, the first 256 bytes are fixed header information, and each signal label is 16 bytes
label_position = 256
physical_position = 256 + num_signals * (16 + 80 + 8)
physical_dimension_position = 256 + num_signals * (16 + 80)
# Iterate through each signal label
for i in range(num_signals):
# Handle garbled characters in channel name and units
repair_label(edf_data, i, label_position)
repair_physical_dimension(edf_data, i, physical_dimension_position)
# Handle cases where physical values are equal
repair_physical_val(edf_data, i, physical_position, num_signals)
# Write the contents from memory into the new EDF file
with open(output_edf_path, 'wb') as f:
def repair_label(edf_data, i, label_position):
# Calculate the position of this signal label
label_start = label_position + i * 16
label_end = label_start + 16
# Read the signal label
label_bytes = edf_data[label_start:label_end]
# Convert bytes to a string for checking illegal characters
label_str = label_bytes.decode('gb2312', errors='ignore')
# Clear non-ASCII characters: keep only ASCII characters
cleaned_label = ''.join(char for char in label_str if ord(char) < 128)
# Compare if non-ASCII characters exist, use unidecode to process
if len(label_str) != len(cleaned_label):
cleaned_label = unidecode(label_str).replace(" ", '')
# If the repaired label is empty, assign it 'CHANNEL' followed by the signal number
if cleaned_label == '':
cleaned_label = f'CHANNEL{i + 1}'
# Adjust the length of the string to 16 characters, pad with spaces if less than 16
cleaned_label = cleaned_label.ljust(16)
# Convert the string back to bytes
cleaned_label_bytes = cleaned_label.encode('ascii')
# Replace the signal label in memory
edf_data[label_start:label_end] = cleaned_label_bytes[:16]
def repair_physical_val(edf_data, i, physical_position, num_signals):
# Fix cases where physical signal minimum and maximum values are equal
physical_minimum_start = physical_position + i * 8
physical_minimum_end = physical_minimum_start + 8
physical_maximum_start = physical_position + num_signals * 8 + i * 8
physical_maximum_end = physical_maximum_start + 8
physical_minimum = float(edf_data[physical_minimum_start:physical_minimum_end].decode('ascii').strip())
physical_maximum = float(edf_data[physical_maximum_start:physical_maximum_end].decode('ascii').strip())
if physical_minimum == physical_maximum:
physical_maximum = physical_maximum + 1
physical_minimum = -physical_maximum
edf_data[physical_minimum_start:physical_minimum_end] = str(physical_minimum).ljust(8).encode('ascii')
edf_data[physical_maximum_start:physical_maximum_end] = str(physical_maximum).ljust(8).encode('ascii')
def repair_physical_dimension(edf_data, i, physical_dimension_position):
physical_dimension_start = physical_dimension_position + i * 8
physical_dimension_end = physical_dimension_start + 8
# Read the unit label
physical_dimension_bytes = edf_data[physical_dimension_start:physical_dimension_end]
physical_dimension_str = physical_dimension_bytes.decode('ascii', errors='ignore')
physical_dimension_str = ''.join(char for char in physical_dimension_str if ord(char) < 128).ljust(8)
# Convert the string back to bytes
cleaned_physical_dimension_bytes = physical_dimension_str.encode('ascii')
# Replace the unit label in memory
edf_data[physical_dimension_start:physical_dimension_end] = cleaned_physical_dimension_bytes[:8]
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