同步操作将从 wxq8888wxq/gtfpch 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
*! version 2.0
* 30 Apr 2020
* add sbmdir option
*! version 1.1
* 30 Apr 2020
* add biennial option
*! version 1.0
* By Kerry Du, 3 Dec 2019
capture program drop gtfpch2
program define gtfpch2, rclass prop(xt)
version 16
qui mata mata mlib index
_xt, trequired
local id=r(ivar)
local time=r(tvar)
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse(" =:,")
while `"`word'"' != ":" & `"`word'"' != "=" {
if `"`word'"' == "," | `"`word'"'=="" {
error 198
local invars `invars' `word'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=:,")
unab invars : `invars'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse(" =:,")
while `"`word'"' != ":" & `"`word'"' != "=" {
if `"`word'"' == "," | `"`word'"'=="" {
error 198
local gopvars `gopvars' `word'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse(" =:,")
unab gopvars : `gopvars'
syntax varlist [if] [in], [dmu(varname) gx(varlist) gy(varlist) gb(varlist) ///
SBMdir BIennial SEQuential GLOBAL FGNZ RD LUENberger ort(string) ///
WINdow(numlist intege max=1 >=1) SAVing(string) Wmat(string) NONRadial ///
maxiter(numlist integer >0 max=1) tol(numlist max=1)]
marksample touse
local bopvars `varlist'
local ninp: word count `invars'
local ngo: word count `gopvars'
local nbo: word count `bopvars'
local nvar: word count `invars' `gopvars' `bopvars'
qui keep `invars' `gopvars' `bopvars' `touse' `id' `time' `dmu'
qui gen Row=_n
label var Row "Row # in the original dataset"
if `"`sbmdir'"'!=""{
tfp_sbm `varlist' if `touse', dmu(`dmu') gx(`gx') gy(`gy') gb(`gb') `biennial' `sequential' ///
`global' `fgnz' `rd' window(`window') wmat(`wmat') maxiter(`maxiter') ///
tol(`tol') saving(`saving')
if "`nonradial'"!=""{
local luenberger luenberger
if ("`ort'" == "") local ort = "out"
else {
local ort = upper("`ort'")
if ("`ort'" == "I" | "`ort'" == "IN" | "`ort'" == "INPUT") {
local ort = "i"
else if ("`ort'" == "O" | "`ort'" == "OUT" | "`ort'" == "OUTPUT") {
local ort = "out"
else {
di as err "option ort allows for case-insensitive " _c
di as err "(i|in|input|o|out|output) or nothing."
exit 198
if "`gx'"!=""{
local ngx: word count `gx'
if `ngx'!=`ninp'{
disp as error "# of input variables != # of variables specified in gx()."
error 498
local gmat `gmat' `gx'
local gmatname `gmatname' `gx'
if `"`ort'"'!="out"{
local invarscopy `invars'
forv k=1/`ninp'{
gettoken word invarscopy:invarscopy
tempvar gx_`k'
qui gen `gx_`k''=-`word'
local gmat `gmat' `gx_`k''
local gmatname `gmatname' -`word'
forv k=1/`ninp'{
tempvar gx_`k'
qui gen `gx_`k''=0
local gmat `gmat' `gx_`k''
local gmatname `gmatname' 0
if "`gy'"!=""{
local ngy: word count `gy'
if `ngy'!=`ngo'{
disp as error "# of desriable output variables != # of variables specified in gy()."
error 498
local gmat `gmat' `gy'
local gmatname `gmatname' `gy'
if `"`ort'"'=="out"{
local gopvarscopy `gopvars'
forv k=1/`ngo'{
gettoken word gopvarscopy:gopvarscopy
tempvar gy_`k'
qui gen `gy_`k''=`word'
local gmat `gmat' `gy_`k''
local gmatname `gmatname' `word'
forv k=1/`ngo'{
tempvar gy_`k'
qui gen `gy_`k''=0
local gmat `gmat' `gy_`k''
local gmatname `gmatname' 0
if "`gb'"!=""{
local ngb: word count `gb'
if `ngb'!=`nbo'{
disp as error "# of undesriable output variables != # of variables specified in gb()."
error 498
local gmat `gmat' `gb'
local gmatname `gmatname' `gb'
if `"`ort'"'=="out"{
local bopvarscopy `bopvars'
forv k=1/`nbo'{
gettoken word bopvarscopy:bopvarscopy
tempvar gb_`k'
qui gen `gb_`k''=-`word'
local gmat `gmat' `gb_`k''
local gmatname `gmatname' -`word'
forv k=1/`nbo'{
tempvar gb_`k'
qui gen `gb_`k''=0
local gmat `gmat' `gb_`k''
local gmatname `gmatname' 0
tempname weightvec wcheck
if "`nonradial'"==""{
if `"`wmat'"'!=""{
disp as red "Warning: wmat() is only used when nonradial is specified."
if `"`wmat'"'!=""{
confirm matrix `wmat'
local ncol=colsof(`wmat')
if `ncol'!=`nvar'{
dis as error `"# of column of `wmat' != # of input-output variables"'
exit 498
//mat `weightvec'=`wmat'
if "`ort'"=="out"{
mat `weightvec'=`wmat'[1,1..`ninp']
mata: st_numscalar("`wcheck'",sum(st_matrix("`weightvec'")))
if `wcheck'!=0{
disp as error "For output orientied Luenberger productivity index, the weight components for input reduction should be set to 0."
exit 498
mat `weightvec'=`wmat'[1,(`ninp'+1)..(`ninp'+`nbo'+`ngo')]
mata: st_numscalar("`wcheck'",sum(st_matrix("`weightvec'")))
if `wcheck'!=0{
disp as error "For input orientied Luenberger productivity index, the weight components for output reduction should be set to 0."
exit 498
mat `weightvec'=`wmat'
if "`ort'"=="out"{
mat `weightvec'=(J(1,`ninp',0),J(1,`ngo',1)*(1/2/`ngo'),J(1,`nbo',1)*(1/2/`nbo'))
mat `weightvec'=(J(1,`ninp',1/`ninp'),J(1,`ngo'+`nbo',0))
if "`nonradial'"==""{
if "`luenberger'"==""{
_malmqluen `invars'=`gopvars':`bopvars' if `touse', id(`id') time(`time') gx(`gx') ///
gy(`gy') gb(`gb') ort(`ort') ///
`biennial' `global' `sequential' window(`window') ///
maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
local indexname "Malmquist-Luenberger Productivity Index"
_luen_ddf `invars'=`gopvars':`bopvars' if `touse', id(`id') time(`time') gx(`gx') ///
gy(`gy') gb(`gb') ort(`ort') ///
`biennial' `global' `sequential' window(`window') ///
maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
local indexname "Luenberger Productivity Index (base on DDF)"
matrix colnames `weightvec' =`invars' `gopvars' `bopvars'
matrix rownames `weightvec' = "W"
disp " The weight vector is:"
mat list `weightvec',noblank noheader
_luen_nddf `invars'=`gopvars':`bopvars' if `touse', id(`id') time(`time') gx(`gx') ///
gy(`gy') gb(`gb') ort(`ort') wmat(`weightvec') ///
`biennial' `global' `sequential' window(`window') ///
maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
local indexname "Luenberger Productivity Index (base on nonrial DDF)"
local resvars `r(rvars)'
if "`rd'"==""&"`fgnz'"==""{
di " The diectional vector is (`gmatname')"
format `resvars' %9.4f
qui keep if `touse'
qui cap bys `id' (`time'): gen Pdwise=`time'[_n-1]+"~"+`time' if _n>1
qui cap bys `id' (`time'): gen Pdwise=string(`time'[_n-1])+"~"+string(`time') if _n>1
label var Pdwise "Period wise"
order Row `dmu' `id' Pdwise `resvars'
qui keep Row `dmu' `id' Pdwise `resvars'
qui keep if !missing(Pdwise)
disp _n(2) " Total Factor Productivity Change:`indexname'"
disp " (Row: Row # in the original data; Pdwise: periodwise)"
list Row `dmu' `id' Pdwise `resvars', sep(0)
di "Note: missing value indicates infeasible problem."
if `"`saving'"'!=""{
save `saving'
gettoken filenames saving:saving, parse(",")
local filenames `filenames'.dta
disp _n `"Estimated Results are saved in `filenames'."'
return local file `filenames'
foreach v of local resvars{
rename `v' `v'_crs
if "`nonradial'"==""{
if "`luenberger'"==""{
_malmqluen `invars'=`gopvars':`bopvars' if `touse', id(`id') time(`time') gx(`gx') ///
gy(`gy') gb(`gb') ort(`ort') vrs ///
`biennial' `global' `sequential' window(`window') ///
maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
//local indexname "Malmquist-Luenberger Productivity Index"
_luen_ddf `invars'=`gopvars':`bopvars' if `touse', id(`id') time(`time') gx(`gx') ///
gy(`gy') gb(`gb') ort(`ort') vrs ///
`biennial' `global' `sequential' window(`window') ///
maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
//local indexname "Luenberger Productivity Index (base on DDF)"
_luen_nddf `invars'=`gopvars':`bopvars' if `touse', id(`id') time(`time') gx(`gx') ///
gy(`gy') gb(`gb') ort(`ort') wmat(`weightvec') ///
`biennial' `global' `sequential' window(`window') vrs ///
maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
//local indexname "Luenberger Productivity Index (base on nonrial DDF)"
local resvars `r(rvars)'
if "`luenberger'"==""{
if "`rd'"!=""{
qui gen SECH=TFPCH_crs/TFPCH
label var SECH "Scale efficiecny change"
qui replace TFPCH=TFPCH_crs
local resvars `resvars' SECH
qui gen SECH=TECH_crs/TECH
label var SECH "Scale efficiecny change"
qui replace TFPCH=TFPCH_crs
if "`global'"!=""{
qui replace BPC=BPC_crs
qui replace TECCH=TECCH_crs
local resvars `resvars' SECH
if "`rd'"!=""{
//su TFPCH_crs TFPCH
qui gen SECH=TFPCH_crs-TFPCH
label var SECH "Scale efficiecny change"
qui replace TFPCH=TFPCH_crs
local resvars `resvars' SECH
//su TECH_crs TECH
qui gen SECH=TECH_crs-TECH
label var SECH "Scale efficiecny change"
qui replace TFPCH=TFPCH_crs
if "`global'"!=""{
qui replace BPC=BPC_crs
qui replace TECCH=TECCH_crs
local resvars `resvars' SECH
di " The diectional vector is (`gmatname')"
format `resvars' %9.4f
qui keep if `touse'
qui cap bys `id' (`time'): gen Pdwise=`time'[_n-1]+"~"+`time' if _n>1
qui cap bys `id' (`time'): gen Pdwise=string(`time'[_n-1])+"~"+string(`time') if _n>1
label var Pdwise "Period wise"
order Row `dmu' `id' Pdwise `resvars'
qui keep if !missing(Pdwise) & `touse'
qui keep Row `dmu' `id' Pdwise `resvars'
disp _n(2) " Total Factor Productivity Change:`indexname'"
disp " (Row: Row # in the original data; Pdwise: periodwise)"
list Row `dmu' `id' Pdwise `resvars' , sep(0)
di "Note: missing value indicates infeasible problem."
if `"`saving'"'!=""{
save `saving'
gettoken filenames saving:saving, parse(",")
local filenames `filenames'.dta
disp _n `"Estimated Results are saved in `filenames'."'
return local file `filenames'
cap program drop _malmqluen
program define _malmqluen,rclass
version 16
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=:,")
while `"`word'"' != ":" & `"`word'"' != "=" {
if `"`word'"' == "," | `"`word'"'=="" {
error 198
local invars `invars' `word'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=:,")
unab invars : `invars'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=:,")
while `"`word'"' != ":" & `"`word'"' != "=" {
if `"`word'"' == "," | `"`word'"'=="" {
error 198
local gopvars `gopvars' `word'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse(" =:,")
unab gopvars : `gopvars'
*local ninv: word count `invars'
*local ngov: word count `gopvars'
syntax varlist [if] [in], id(varname) time(varname) [gx(varlist) ///
BIennial gy(varlist) gb(varlist) VRS ort(string) ///
GLOBAL SEQuential WINdow(numlist intege max=1 >=1) ///
maxiter(numlist integer >0 max=1) tol(numlist max=1 >0)]
marksample touse
local bopvars `varlist'
local ninp: word count `invars'
local ngo: word count `gopvars'
local nbo: word count `bopvars'
local nvar: word count `invars' `gopvars' `bopvars'
confirm numeric var `invars' `gopvars' `bopvars'
local techtype "contemporaneous"
if "`global'"!=""{
if "`sequential'"!=""{
disp as error "global and sequential cannot be specified together."
error 498
if "`window'"!=""{
disp as error "global and window() cannot be specified together."
error 498
if "`biennial'"!=""{
disp as error "global and biennial cannot be specified together."
error 498
local techtype "global"
if "`sequential'"!=""{
if "`window'"!=""{
disp as error "sequential and window() cannot be specified together."
error 498
if "`biennial'"!=""{
disp as error "sequential and biennial cannot be specified together."
error 498
local techtype "sequential"
if "`window'"!=""{
if "`biennial'"!=""{
disp as error "biennial and window() cannot be specified together."
error 498
local techtype "window"
if "`biennial'"!=""{
local techtype "biennial"
if "`gx'"!=""{
local ngx: word count `gx'
if `ngx'!=`ninp'{
disp as error "# of input variables != # of variables specified in gx()."
error 498
local gmat `gmat' `gx'
if `"`ort'"'!="out"{
local invarscopy `invars'
forv k=1/`ninp'{
gettoken word invarscopy:invarscopy
tempvar gx_`k'
qui gen `gx_`k''=-`word'
local gmat `gmat' `gx_`k''
forv k=1/`ninp'{
tempvar gx_`k'
qui gen `gx_`k''=0
local gmat `gmat' `gx_`k''
if "`gy'"!=""{
local ngy: word count `gy'
if `ngy'!=`ngo'{
disp as error "# of desriable output variables != # of variables specified in gy()."
error 498
local gmat `gmat' `gy'
if `"`ort'"'=="out"{
local gopvarscopy `gopvars'
forv k=1/`ngo'{
gettoken word gopvarscopy:gopvarscopy
tempvar gy_`k'
qui gen `gy_`k''=`word'
local gmat `gmat' `gy_`k''
forv k=1/`ngo'{
tempvar gy_`k'
qui gen `gy_`k''=0
local gmat `gmat' `gy_`k''
if "`gb'"!=""{
local ngb: word count `gb'
if `ngb'!=`nbo'{
disp as error "# of undesriable output variables != # of variables specified in gb()."
error 498
local gmat `gmat' `gb'
if `"`ort'"'=="out"{
local bopvarscopy `bopvars'
forv k=1/`nbo'{
gettoken word bopvarscopy:bopvarscopy
tempvar gb_`k'
qui gen `gb_`k''=-`word'
local gmat `gmat' `gb_`k''
forv k=1/`nbo'{
tempvar gb_`k'
qui gen `gb_`k''=0
local gmat `gmat' `gb_`k''
local comvars: list invars & gopvars
if !(`"`comvars'"'==""){
disp as error "`comvars' should not be specified as input and desriable output simultaneously."
error 498
local comvars: list invars & bopvars
if !(`"`comvars'"'==""){
disp as error "`comvars' should not be specified as input and undesriable output simultaneously."
error 498
local comvars: list gopvars & bopvars
if !(`"`comvars'"'==""){
disp as error "`comvars' should not be specified as desriable and undesriable outputs simultaneously."
error 498
if "`maxiter'"==""{
local maxiter=-1
if "`tol'"==""{
local tol=-1
tempvar period dmu
qui egen `period'=group(`time')
qui egen `dmu'=group(`id')
qui su `period'
local tmax=r(max)
tempvar flag temp DD D21 D12
qui gen `DD'=.
qui gen `D21'=.
qui gen `D12'=.
qui gen `flag'=0
sort `period' `dmu'
if `"`techtype'"'=="contemporaneous"{
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'= (`period'==`t')
_ddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
local tt=`tmax'-1
forv t=1/`tt'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'==`t'+1)
_ddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D21'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
forv t=2/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'==`t'-1)
_ddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D12'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
if `"`techtype'"'=="sequential"{
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'<=`t')
_ddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui replace `flag'=0
qui drop `temp'
local tt=`tmax'-1
forv t=1/`tt'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'<=`t'+1)
_ddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D21'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
forv t=2/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'= (`period'<=`t'-1)
_ddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D12'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
if `"`techtype'"'=="window"{
local band=(`window'-1)/2
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'<=`t'+`band' & `period'>=`t'-`band')
_ddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
local tt=`tmax'-1
forv t=1/`tt'{
qui replace `flag'= (`period'<=`t'+1+`band' & `period'>=`t'-`band'+1)
_ddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D21'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
forv t=2/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'<=`t'-1+`band' & `period'>=`t'-1-`band')
_ddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D12'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
if `"`techtype'"'=="biennial" {
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'= (`period'==`t' | `period'==`t'+1)
_ddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
forv t=2/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'==`t'-1 | `period'==`t')
_ddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D12'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
if `"`techtype'"'=="global"{
qui replace `flag'=1
_ddf if `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TFPCH=`temp'/`temp'[_n-1]
label var TFPCH "Total factor productivity change"
cap drop `temp'
sort `period' `dmu'
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'==`t')
_ddf if `touse' & `period'==`t', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECH=`DD'/`DD'[_n-1]
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen BPC=TFPCH/TECH
label var TECH "Technical efficiency change"
label var BPC "Best practice gap change"
local resvars TFPCH TECH BPC
else if `"`techtype'"'=="biennial"{
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TFPCH=`D12'/`DD'[_n-1] if _n>1
label var TFPCH "Total factor productivity change"
cap drop `temp'
sort `period' `dmu'
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'==`t')
_ddf if `touse' & `period'==`t', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' ort(`ort') in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECH=`DD'/`DD'[_n-1]
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECCH=TFPCH/TECH
label var TECH "Technical efficiency change"
label var TECCH "Techological change"
local resvars TFPCH TECH TECCH
//su `DD' `D12' `D21'
qui {
sort `dmu' `period'
bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECH=`DD'/`DD'[_n-1]
bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECCH=sqrt(`D12'/`DD'*`DD'[_n-1]/`D21'[_n-1])
local resvars TFPCH TECH TECCH
label var TFPCH "Total factor productivity change"
label var TECH "Technical efficiency change"
label var TECCH "Techological change"
return local rvars "`resvars'"
capture program drop _ddf
program define _ddf
version 16
syntax [if] [in], gen(string) INvars(varlist) OPvars(varlist) BADvars(varlist) [GVec(varlist) rflag(varname) ort(string) VRS maxiter(numlist) tol(numlist)]
marksample touse
markout `touse' `invars' `opvars' `badvars' `gvec'
tempvar touse2
mark `touse2' if `rflag' // `rflag' might be empty
markout `touse2' `invars' `opvars' `badvars'
//qui gen `touse2'=`rflag'
qui gen `gen'=.
local data `invars' `opvars' `badvars'
local num1: word count `invars'
local num2: word count `opvars'
/////////This section is from Yong-bae Ji and Choonjoo Lee's DEA.ado//////////
// default orientation - Input Oriented
if ("`ort'" == "") local ort = "IN"
else {
local ort = upper("`ort'")
if ("`ort'" == "I" | "`ort'" == "IN" | "`ort'" == "INPUT") {
local ort = "IN"
else if ("`ort'" == "O" | "`ort'" == "OUT" | "`ort'" == "OUTPUT") {
local ort = "OUT"
else {
di as err "option ort allows for case-insensitive " _c
di as err "(i|in|input|o|out|output) or nothing."
exit 198
if "`vrs'"!=""{
local rts=1
local rts=0
mata: _ddf("`data'",`num1',`num2',"`touse'", "`touse2'","`gvec'","`gen'",`rts',`maxiter',`tol')
if "`ort'" =="OUT"{
qui replace `gen'=1/(1+`gen')
qui replace `gen'=(1-`gen')
cap program drop _luen_ddf
program define _luen_ddf,rclass
version 16
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=:,")
while `"`word'"' != ":" & `"`word'"' != "=" {
if `"`word'"' == "," | `"`word'"'=="" {
error 198
local invars `invars' `word'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=:,")
unab invars : `invars'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=:,")
while `"`word'"' != ":" & `"`word'"' != "=" {
if `"`word'"' == "," | `"`word'"'=="" {
error 198
local gopvars `gopvars' `word'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse(" =:,")
unab gopvars : `gopvars'
*local ninv: word count `invars'
*local ngov: word count `gopvars'
syntax varlist [if] [in], id(varname) time(varname) [gx(varlist) ///
BIennial gy(varlist) gb(varlist) VRS ort(string) ///
GLOBAL SEQuential WINdow(numlist intege max=1 >=1) ///
maxiter(numlist integer >0 max=1) tol(numlist max=1 >0)]
marksample touse
local bopvars `varlist'
local ninp: word count `invars'
local ngo: word count `gopvars'
local nbo: word count `bopvars'
local nvar: word count `invars' `gopvars' `bopvars'
confirm numeric var `invars' `gopvars' `bopvars'
local techtype "contemporaneous"
if "`global'"!=""{
if "`sequential'"!=""{
disp as error "global and sequential cannot be specified together."
error 498
if "`window'"!=""{
disp as error "global and window() cannot be specified together."
error 498
if "`biennial'"!=""{
disp as error "global and biennial cannot be specified together."
error 498
local techtype "global"
if "`sequential'"!=""{
if "`window'"!=""{
disp as error "sequential and window() cannot be specified together."
error 498
if "`biennial'"!=""{
disp as error "sequential and biennial cannot be specified together."
error 498
local techtype "sequential"
if "`window'"!=""{
if "`biennial'"!=""{
disp as error "biennial and window() cannot be specified together."
error 498
local techtype "window"
if "`biennial'"!=""{
local techtype "biennial"
if "`gx'"!=""{
local ngx: word count `gx'
if `ngx'!=`ninp'{
disp as error "# of input variables != # of variables specified in gx()."
error 498
local gmat `gmat' `gx'
if `"`ort'"'!="out"{
local invarscopy `invars'
forv k=1/`ninp'{
gettoken word invarscopy:invarscopy
tempvar gx_`k'
qui gen `gx_`k''=-`word'
local gmat `gmat' `gx_`k''
forv k=1/`ninp'{
tempvar gx_`k'
qui gen `gx_`k''=0
local gmat `gmat' `gx_`k''
if "`gy'"!=""{
local ngy: word count `gy'
if `ngy'!=`ngo'{
disp as error "# of desriable output variables != # of variables specified in gy()."
error 498
local gmat `gmat' `gy'
if `"`ort'"'=="out"{
local gopvarscopy `gopvars'
forv k=1/`ngo'{
gettoken word gopvarscopy:gopvarscopy
tempvar gy_`k'
qui gen `gy_`k''=`word'
local gmat `gmat' `gy_`k''
forv k=1/`ngo'{
tempvar gy_`k'
qui gen `gy_`k''=0
local gmat `gmat' `gy_`k''
if "`gb'"!=""{
local ngb: word count `gb'
if `ngb'!=`nbo'{
disp as error "# of undesriable output variables != # of variables specified in gb()."
error 498
local gmat `gmat' `gb'
if `"`ort'"'=="out"{
local bopvarscopy `bopvars'
forv k=1/`nbo'{
gettoken word bopvarscopy:bopvarscopy
tempvar gb_`k'
qui gen `gb_`k''=-`word'
local gmat `gmat' `gb_`k''
forv k=1/`nbo'{
tempvar gb_`k'
qui gen `gb_`k''=0
local gmat `gmat' `gb_`k''
local comvars: list invars & gopvars
if !(`"`comvars'"'==""){
disp as error "`comvars' should not be specified as input and desriable output simultaneously."
error 498
local comvars: list invars & bopvars
if !(`"`comvars'"'==""){
disp as error "`comvars' should not be specified as input and undesriable output simultaneously."
error 498
local comvars: list gopvars & bopvars
if !(`"`comvars'"'==""){
disp as error "`comvars' should not be specified as desriable and undesriable outputs simultaneously."
error 498
if "`maxiter'"==""{
local maxiter=-1
if "`tol'"==""{
local tol=-1
tempvar period dmu
qui egen `period'=group(`time')
qui egen `dmu'=group(`id')
qui su `period'
local tmax=r(max)
tempvar flag temp DD D21 D12
qui gen `DD'=.
qui gen `D21'=.
qui gen `D12'=.
qui gen `flag'=0
sort `period' `dmu'
if `"`techtype'"'=="contemporaneous"{
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'= (`period'==`t')
_ddf_luen if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
local tt=`tmax'-1
forv t=1/`tt'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'==`t'+1)
_ddf_luen if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D21'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
forv t=2/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'==`t'-1)
_ddf_luen if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D12'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
if `"`techtype'"'=="biennial"{
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'= (`period'==`t' | `period'==`t'+1)
_ddf_luen if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
forv t=2/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'==`t'-1 | `period'==`t')
_ddf_luen if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D12'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
if `"`techtype'"'=="sequential"{
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'<=`t')
_ddf_luen if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui replace `flag'=0
qui drop `temp'
local tt=`tmax'-1
forv t=1/`tt'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'<=`t'+1)
_ddf_luen if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D21'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
forv t=2/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'= (`period'<=`t'-1)
_ddf_luen if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D12'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
if `"`techtype'"'=="window"{
local band=(`window'-1)/2
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'<=`t'+`band' & `period'>=`t'-`band')
_ddf_luen if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
local tt=`tmax'-1
forv t=1/`tt'{
qui replace `flag'= (`period'<=`t'+1+`band' & `period'>=`t'-`band'+1)
_ddf_luen if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D21'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
forv t=2/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'<=`t'-1+`band' & `period'>=`t'-1-`band')
_ddf_luen if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D12'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
if `"`techtype'"'=="global"{
qui replace `flag'=1
_ddf_luen if `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TFPCH=`temp'[_n-1]-`temp'
label var TFPCH "Total factor productivity change"
cap drop `temp'
sort `period' `dmu'
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'==`t')
_ddf_luen if `touse' & `period'==`t', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECH=`DD'[_n-1]-`DD'
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen BPC=TFPCH-TECH
label var TECH "Technical efficiency change"
label var BPC "Best practice gap change"
local resvars TFPCH TECH BPC
else if `"`techtype'"'="biennial"{
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TFPCH=`DD'[_n-1]-`D12' if _n>1
label var TFPCH "Total factor productivity change"
qui cap drop `temp'
sort `period' `dmu'
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'==`t')
_ddf_luen if `touse' & `period'==`t', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECH=`DD'[_n-1]-`DD'
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECCH=TFPCH-TECH
label var TECH "Technical efficiency change"
label var TECCH "Techological change"
local resvars TFPCH TECH TECCH
//su `DD' `D12' `D21'
qui {
sort `dmu' `period'
bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECH=`DD'[_n-1]-`DD'
bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECCH=0.5*(`DD'-`D12'+`D21'[_n-1]-`DD'[_n-1])
local resvars TFPCH TECH TECCH
label var TFPCH "Total factor productivity change"
label var TECH "Technical efficiency change"
label var TECCH "Techological change"
return local rvars "`resvars'"
capture program drop _ddf_luen
program define _ddf_luen
version 16
syntax [if] [in], gen(string) INvars(varlist) OPvars(varlist) BADvars(varlist) [GVec(varlist) rflag(varname) VRS maxiter(numlist) tol(numlist)]
marksample touse
markout `touse' `invars' `opvars' `badvars' `gvec'
tempvar touse2
mark `touse2' if `rflag' // `rflag' might be empty
markout `touse2' `invars' `opvars' `badvars'
//qui gen `touse2'=`rflag'
qui gen `gen'=.
local data `invars' `opvars' `badvars'
local num1: word count `invars'
local num2: word count `opvars'
if "`vrs'"!=""{
local rts=1
local rts=0
mata: _ddf("`data'",`num1',`num2',"`touse'", "`touse2'","`gvec'","`gen'",`rts',`maxiter',`tol')
cap program drop _luen_nddf
program define _luen_nddf,rclass
version 16
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=:,")
while `"`word'"' != ":" & `"`word'"' != "=" {
if `"`word'"' == "," | `"`word'"'=="" {
error 198
local invars `invars' `word'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=:,")
unab invars : `invars'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=:,")
while `"`word'"' != ":" & `"`word'"' != "=" {
if `"`word'"' == "," | `"`word'"'=="" {
error 198
local gopvars `gopvars' `word'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse(" =:,")
unab gopvars : `gopvars'
*local ninv: word count `invars'
*local ngov: word count `gopvars'
syntax varlist [if] [in], id(varname) time(varname) wmat(string) [ gx(varlist) ///
BIennial gy(varlist) gb(varlist) VRS ort(string) ///
GLOBAL SEQuential WINdow(numlist intege max=1 >=1) ///
maxiter(numlist integer >0 max=1) tol(numlist max=1 >0)]
marksample touse
local bopvars `varlist'
local ninp: word count `invars'
local ngo: word count `gopvars'
local nbo: word count `bopvars'
local nvar: word count `invars' `gopvars' `bopvars'
confirm numeric var `invars' `gopvars' `bopvars'
local techtype "contemporaneous"
if "`global'"!=""{
if "`sequential'"!=""{
disp as error "global and sequential cannot be specified together."
error 498
if "`window'"!=""{
disp as error "global and window() cannot be specified together."
error 498
if "`biennial'"!=""{
disp as error "global and biennial cannot be specified together."
error 498
local techtype "global"
if "`sequential'"!=""{
if "`window'"!=""{
disp as error "sequential and window() cannot be specified together."
error 498
if "`biennial'"!=""{
disp as error "sequential and biennial cannot be specified together."
error 498
local techtype "sequential"
if "`window'"!=""{
if "`biennial'"!=""{
disp as error "biennial and window() cannot be specified together."
error 498
local techtype "window"
if "`biennial'"!=""{
local techtype "biennial"
if "`gx'"!=""{
local ngx: word count `gx'
if `ngx'!=`ninp'{
disp as error "# of input variables != # of variables specified in gx()."
error 498
local gmat `gmat' `gx'
if `"`ort'"'!="out"{
local invarscopy `invars'
forv k=1/`ninp'{
gettoken word invarscopy:invarscopy
tempvar gx_`k'
qui gen `gx_`k''=-`word'
local gmat `gmat' `gx_`k''
forv k=1/`ninp'{
tempvar gx_`k'
qui gen `gx_`k''=0
local gmat `gmat' `gx_`k''
if "`gy'"!=""{
local ngy: word count `gy'
if `ngy'!=`ngo'{
disp as error "# of desriable output variables != # of variables specified in gy()."
error 498
local gmat `gmat' `gy'
if `"`ort'"'=="out"{
local gopvarscopy `gopvars'
forv k=1/`ngo'{
gettoken word gopvarscopy:gopvarscopy
tempvar gy_`k'
qui gen `gy_`k''=`word'
local gmat `gmat' `gy_`k''
forv k=1/`ngo'{
tempvar gy_`k'
qui gen `gy_`k''=0
local gmat `gmat' `gy_`k''
if "`gb'"!=""{
local ngb: word count `gb'
if `ngb'!=`nbo'{
disp as error "# of undesriable output variables != # of variables specified in gb()."
error 498
local gmat `gmat' `gb'
if `"`ort'"'=="out"{
local bopvarscopy `bopvars'
forv k=1/`nbo'{
gettoken word bopvarscopy:bopvarscopy
tempvar gb_`k'
qui gen `gb_`k''=-`word'
local gmat `gmat' `gb_`k''
forv k=1/`nbo'{
tempvar gb_`k'
qui gen `gb_`k''=0
local gmat `gmat' `gb_`k''
local comvars: list invars & gopvars
if !(`"`comvars'"'==""){
disp as error "`comvars' should not be specified as input and desriable output simultaneously."
error 498
local comvars: list invars & bopvars
if !(`"`comvars'"'==""){
disp as error "`comvars' should not be specified as input and undesriable output simultaneously."
error 498
local comvars: list gopvars & bopvars
if !(`"`comvars'"'==""){
disp as error "`comvars' should not be specified as desriable and undesriable outputs simultaneously."
error 498
tempname weightvec wcheck
if "`nonradial'"==""{
if `"`wmat'"'!=""{
disp as red "Warning: wmat() is only used when nonradial is specified."
if `"`wmat'"'!=""{
confirm matrix `wmat'
local ncol=colsof(`wmat')
if `ncol'!=`nvar'{
dis as error `"# of column of `wmat' != # of input-output variables"'
exit 498
//mat `weightvec'=`wmat'
if "`ort'"=="out"{
mat `weightvec'=`wmat'[1,1..`ninp']
mata: st_numscalar("`wcheck'",sum(st_matrix("`weightvec'")))
if `wcheck'!=0{
disp as error "For output orientied Luenberger productivity index, the weight components for input reduction should be set to 0."
exit 498
mat `weightvec'=`wmat'[1,(`ninp'+1)..(`ninp'+`nbo'+`ngo')]
mata: st_numscalar("`wcheck'",sum(st_matrix("`weightvec'")))
if `wcheck'!=0{
disp as error "For input orientied Luenberger productivity index, the weight components for output reduction should be set to 0."
exit 498
mat `weightvec'=`wmat'
if "`ort'"=="out"{
mat `weightvec'=(J(1,`ninp',0),J(1,`ngo',1)*(1/2/`ngo'),J(1,`nbo',1)*(1/2/`nbo'))
mat `weightvec'=(J(1,`ninp',1/`ninp'),J(1,`ngo'+`nbo',0))
if "`maxiter'"==""{
local maxiter=-1
if "`tol'"==""{
local tol=-1
tempvar period dmu
qui egen `period'=group(`time')
qui egen `dmu'=group(`id')
qui su `period'
local tmax=r(max)
tempvar flag temp DD D21 D12
qui gen `DD'=.
qui gen `D21'=.
qui gen `D12'=.
qui gen `flag'=0
sort `period' `dmu'
if `"`techtype'"'=="contemporaneous"{
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'= (`period'==`t')
noi _nddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') wmat(`wmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
local tt=`tmax'-1
forv t=1/`tt'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'==`t'+1)
_nddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') wmat(`wmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D21'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
forv t=2/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'==`t'-1)
_nddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') wmat(`wmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D12'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
if `"`techtype'"'=="biennial"{
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'= (`period'==`t' | `period'==`t'+1)
_nddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') wmat(`wmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
forv t=2/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'==`t'-1 | `period'==`t')
_nddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') wmat(`wmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D12'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
if `"`techtype'"'=="sequential"{
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'<=`t')
_nddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') wmat(`wmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui replace `flag'=0
qui drop `temp'
local tt=`tmax'-1
forv t=1/`tt'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'<=`t'+1)
_nddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') wmat(`wmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D21'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
forv t=2/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'= (`period'<=`t'-1)
_nddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') wmat(`wmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D12'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui drop `temp'
if `"`techtype'"'=="window"{
local band=(`window'-1)/2
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'<=`t'+`band' & `period'>=`t'-`band')
_nddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') wmat(`wmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
local tt=`tmax'-1
forv t=1/`tt'{
qui replace `flag'= (`period'<=`t'+1+`band' & `period'>=`t'-`band'+1)
_nddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') wmat(`wmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D21'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
forv t=2/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'<=`t'-1+`band' & `period'>=`t'-1-`band')
_nddf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') wmat(`wmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D12'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
if `"`techtype'"'=="global"{
qui replace `flag'=1
_nddf if `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') wmat(`wmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TFPCH=`temp'[_n-1]-`temp'
label var TFPCH "Total factor productivity change"
cap drop `temp'
sort `period' `dmu'
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'==`t')
_nddf if `touse' & `period'==`t', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') wmat(`wmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECH=`DD'[_n-1]-`DD'
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen BPC=TFPCH-TECH
label var TECH "Technical efficiency change"
label var BPC "Best practice gap change"
local resvars TFPCH TECH BPC
else if `"`techtype'"'=="biennial"{
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TFPCH=`DD'[_n-1]-`D12'
label var TFPCH "Total factor productivity change"
cap drop `temp'
sort `period' `dmu'
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'==`t')
_nddf if `touse' & `period'==`t', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') gv(`gmat') wmat(`wmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECH=`DD'[_n-1]-`DD'
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECCH=TFPCH-TECH
label var TECH "Technical efficiency change"
label var TECCH "Techological change"
local resvars TFPCH TECH TECCH
//su `DD' `D12' `D21'
qui {
sort `dmu' `period'
bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECH=`DD'[_n-1]-`DD'
bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECCH=0.5*(`DD'-`D12'+`D21'[_n-1]-`DD'[_n-1])
local resvars TFPCH TECH TECCH
label var TFPCH "Total factor productivity change"
label var TECH "Technical efficiency change"
label var TECCH "Techological change"
return local rvars "`resvars'"
capture program drop _nddf
program define _nddf
version 16
syntax [if] [in], gen(string) INvars(varlist) OPvars(varlist) BADvars(varlist) wmat(string) GVec(varlist) [rflag(varname) VRS maxiter(numlist) tol(numlist)]
marksample touse
markout `touse' `invars' `opvars' `badvars' `gvec'
tempvar touse2
mark `touse2' if `rflag' // `rflag' might be empty
markout `touse2' `invars' `opvars' `badvars'
//qui gen `touse2'=`rflag'
qui gen `gen'=.
local data `invars' `opvars' `badvars'
local num1: word count `invars'
local num2: word count `opvars'
if "`vrs'"!=""{
local rts=1
local rts=0
mata: _nddf("`data'",`num1',`num2',"`touse'", "`touse2'","`gvec'","`wmat'","`gen'",`rts',`maxiter',`tol')
capture program drop tfp_sbm
program define tfp_sbm, rclass prop(xt)
version 16
qui mata mata mlib index
_xt, trequired
local id=r(ivar)
local time=r(tvar)
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse(" =:,")
while `"`word'"' != ":" & `"`word'"' != "=" {
if `"`word'"' == "," | `"`word'"'=="" {
error 198
local invars `invars' `word'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=:,")
unab invars : `invars'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse(" =:,")
while `"`word'"' != ":" & `"`word'"' != "=" {
if `"`word'"' == "," | `"`word'"'=="" {
error 198
local gopvars `gopvars' `word'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse(" =:,")
unab gopvars : `gopvars'
syntax varlist [if] [in], [dmu(varname) gx(varlist) gy(varlist) gb(varlist) ///
BIennial SEQuential GLOBAL ///
WINdow(numlist intege max=1 >=1) SAVing(string) Wmat(string) ///
maxiter(numlist integer >0 max=1) tol(numlist max=1)]
if `"`wmat'"'!="" confirm matrix `wmat'
marksample touse
local bopvars `varlist'
local ninp: word count `invars'
local ngo: word count `gopvars'
local nbo: word count `bopvars'
local nvar: word count `invars' `gopvars' `bopvars'
qui keep `invars' `gopvars' `bopvars' `touse' `id' `time' `dmu' `gx' `gy' `gb'
qui gen Row=_n
label var Row "Row # in the original dataset"
if "`gx'"!=""{
local ngx: word count `gx'
if `ngx'!=`ninp'{
disp as error "# of input variables != # of variables specified in gx()."
error 498
local gmat `gmat' `gx'
local invarscopy `invars'
forv k=1/`ninp'{
gettoken word invarscopy:invarscopy
tempvar gx_`k'
qui gen `gx_`k''=-`word'
local gx `gx' `gx_`k''
local gmat `gmat' `gx'
if "`gy'"!=""{
local ngy: word count `gy'
if `ngy'!=`ngo'{
disp as error "# of desriable output variables != # of variables specified in gy()."
error 498
local gmat `gmat' `gy'
local gopvarscopy `gopvars'
forv k=1/`ngo'{
gettoken word gopvarscopy:gopvarscopy
tempvar gy_`k'
qui gen `gy_`k''=`word'
local gy `gy' `gy_`k''
local gmat `gmat' `gy'
if "`gb'"!=""{
local ngb: word count `gb'
if `ngb'!=`nbo'{
disp as error "# of undesriable output variables != # of variables specified in gb()."
error 498
local gmat `gmat' `gb'
local bopvarscopy `bopvars'
forv k=1/`nbo'{
gettoken word bopvarscopy:bopvarscopy
tempvar gb_`k'
qui gen `gb_`k''=-`word'
local gb `gb' `gb_`k''
local gmat `gmat' `gb'
ltfp_sbmdf `invars'=`gopvars':`bopvars' if `touse', id(`id') time(`time') ///
`global' `sequential' window(`window') ///
maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol') wmat(`wmat') ///
gx(`gx') gy(`gy') gb(`gb')
local resvars `r(rvars)'
format `resvars' %9.4f
qui keep if `touse'
qui cap bys `id' (`time'): gen Pdwise=`time'[_n-1]+"~"+`time' if _n>1
qui cap bys `id' (`time'): gen Pdwise=string(`time'[_n-1])+"~"+string(`time') if _n>1
label var Pdwise "Period wise"
order Row `dmu' `id' Pdwise `resvars'
qui keep Row `dmu' `id' Pdwise `resvars'
qui keep if !missing(Pdwise)
disp _n(2) " Luenberger Productivity Inducator:"
disp " (Row: Row # in the original data; Pdwise: periodwise)"
list Row `dmu' `id' Pdwise `resvars', sep(0)
di "Note: missing value indicates infeasible problem."
if `"`saving'"'!=""{
save `saving'
gettoken filenames saving:saving, parse(",")
local filenames `filenames'.dta
disp _n `"Estimated Results are saved in `filenames'."'
return local file `filenames'
cap program drop ltfp_sbmdf
program define ltfp_sbmdf,rclass
version 16
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=:,")
while `"`word'"' != ":" & `"`word'"' != "=" {
if `"`word'"' == "," | `"`word'"'=="" {
error 198
local invars `invars' `word'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=:,")
unab invars : `invars'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse("=:,")
while `"`word'"' != ":" & `"`word'"' != "=" {
if `"`word'"' == "," | `"`word'"'=="" {
error 198
local gopvars `gopvars' `word'
gettoken word 0 : 0, parse(" =:,")
unab gopvars : `gopvars'
*local ninv: word count `invars'
*local ngov: word count `gopvars'
syntax varlist [if] [in], id(varname) time(varname) gx(varlist) gy(varlist) gb(varlist) [wmat(string) ///
BIennial GLOBAL SEQuential WINdow(numlist intege max=1 >=1) ///
maxiter(numlist integer >0 max=1) tol(numlist max=1 >0)]
marksample touse
local bopvars `varlist'
local ninp: word count `invars'
local ngo: word count `gopvars'
local nbo: word count `bopvars'
local nvar: word count `invars' `gopvars' `bopvars'
confirm numeric var `invars' `gopvars' `bopvars'
local techtype "contemporaneous"
if "`global'"!=""{
if "`sequential'"!=""{
disp as error "global and sequential cannot be specified together."
error 498
if "`window'"!=""{
disp as error "global and window() cannot be specified together."
error 498
local techtype "global"
if "`sequential'"!=""{
if "`window'"!=""{
disp as error "sequential and window() cannot be specified together."
error 498
local techtype "sequential"
if "`window'"!=""{
local techtype "window"
local comvars: list invars & gopvars
if !(`"`comvars'"'==""){
disp as error "`comvars' should not be specified as input and desriable output simultaneously."
error 498
local comvars: list invars & bopvars
if !(`"`comvars'"'==""){
disp as error "`comvars' should not be specified as input and undesriable output simultaneously."
error 498
local comvars: list gopvars & bopvars
if !(`"`comvars'"'==""){
disp as error "`comvars' should not be specified as desriable and undesriable outputs simultaneously."
error 498
if "`maxiter'"==""{
local maxiter=-1
if "`tol'"==""{
local tol=-1
tempvar period dmu
qui egen `period'=group(`time')
qui egen `dmu'=group(`id')
qui su `period'
local tmax=r(max)
tempvar flag temp DD D21 D12 DDv D21v D12v
qui gen `DD'=.
qui gen `D21'=.
qui gen `D12'=.
qui gen `DDv'=.
qui gen `D21v'=.
qui gen `D12v'=.
qui gen `flag'=0
sort `period' `dmu'
if `"`techtype'"'=="global"{
qui replace `flag'=1
sbmdf if `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') wmat(`wmat') in(`invars') ///
op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol') ///
gx(`gx') gy(`gy') gb(`gb')
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TFPCH=`temp'[_n-1]-`temp'
label var TFPCH "Total factor productivity change"
cap drop `temp'
sort `period' `dmu'
forv t=1/`tmax'{
qui replace `flag'=(`period'==`t')
sbmdf if `touse' & `period'==`t', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') ///
wmat(`wmat') in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') ///
maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol') gx(`gx') gy(`gy') gb(`gb')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen TECH=`DD'[_n-1]-`DD'
qui bys `dmu' (`period'): gen BPC=TFPCH-TECH
label var TECH "Technical efficiency change"
label var BPC "Best practice gap change"
local resvars TFPCH TECH BPC
forv t=1/`tmax'{
if `"`techtype'"'=="contemporaneous" local contt (`period'<`t')
if `"`techtype'"'=="sequential" local contt (`period'<=`t')
if `"`techtype'"'=="window"{
local band=(`window'-1)/2
local contt ( `period'<=`t'+`band' & `period'>=`t'-`band')
qui replace `flag'=`contt'
sbmdf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') wmat(`wmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `DD'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
sbmdf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') wmat(`wmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol') vrs
qui replace `DDv'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
local tt=`tmax'-1
forv t=1/`tt'{
if `"`techtype'"'=="contemporaneous" local con21 ( `period'<`t'+1)
if `"`techtype'"'=="sequential" local con21 ( `period'<=`t'+1)
if `"`techtype'"'=="window"{
local band=(`window'-1)/2
local con21 (`period'<=`t'+1+`band' & `period'>=`t'-`band'+1)
qui replace `flag'= `con21'
sbmdf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') wmat(`wmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D21'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
sbmdf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') wmat(`wmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol') vrs
qui replace `D21v'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
forv t=2/`tmax'{
if `"`techtype'"'=="contemporaneous" local con12 (`period'<`t'-1)
if `"`techtype'"'=="sequential" local con12 (`period'<=`t'-1)
if `"`techtype'"'=="window"{
local band=(`window'-1)/2
local con12 (`period'<=`t'-1+`band' & `period'>=`t'-1-`band')
qui replace `flag'=`con12'
sbmdf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') wmat(`wmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol')
qui replace `D12'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
sbmdf if `period'==`t' & `touse', rflag(`flag') gen(`temp') wmat(`wmat') `vrs' in(`invars') op(`gopvars') bad(`bopvars') maxiter(`maxiter') tol(`tol') vrs
qui replace `D12v'=`temp' if `period'==`t'
qui cap drop `temp'
//su `DD' `D12' `D21'
qui {
sort `dmu' `period'
bys `dmu' (`period'): gen LPEC=`DDv'[_n-1]-`DDv'
bys `dmu' (`period'): gen LTPT=0.5*(`DDv'-`D12v'+`D21v'[_n-1]-`DDv'[_n-1])
bys `dmu' (`period'): gen LSEC=`DD'[_n-1]-`DD'-(`DDv'[_n-1]-`DDv')
bys `dmu' (`period'): gen LTPSC=0.5*(`DD'-`D12'+`D21'[_n-1]-`DD'[_n-1])-LTPT
gen LTFP= 0.5*(`DD'-`D12'+`D21'[_n-1]-`DD'[_n-1])+`DD'[_n-1]-`DD'
//label var TFPCH "Total factor productivity change"
//label var TECH "Technical efficiency change"
//label var TECCH "Techological change"
return local rvars "`resvars'"
capture program drop sbmdf
program define sbmdf
version 16
syntax [if] [in], gen(string) gx(varlist) gy(varlist) gb(varlist) INvars(varlist) OPvars(varlist) BADvars(varlist) [Slacks(string) rflag(varname) wmat(string) VRS maxiter(numlist) tol(numlist)]
marksample touse
markout `touse' `invars' `opvars' `badvars'
tempvar touse2
//qui gen byte `touse2'=1
if "`rflag'"!=""{
//qui replace `touse2'= `rflag' // `rflag' might be empty
mark `touse2' if `rflag' & !missing(`rflag')
mark `touse2'
markout `touse2' `invars' `opvars' `badvars'
//qui gen `touse2'=`rflag'
confirm new var `gen'
qui gen `gen'=.
local data `invars' `opvars' `badvars'
local num1: word count `invars'
local num2: word count `opvars'
if `"`slacks'"'!=""{
foreach v in `invars' `opvars' `badvars'{
qui gen `slacks'_`v'=.
label var `slacks'_`v' `"slack in `v'"'
local sname `sname' `slacks'_`v'
if "`vrs'"!=""{
local rts=1
local rts=0
mata: _sbmdf("`data'",`num1',`num2',"`gx'","`gy'","`gb'","`touse'", "`touse2'","`wmat'","`gen'","`sname'",`rts',-1,-1)
if `"`slacks'"'!=""{
foreach v in `invars' `opvars' `badvars'{
qui replace `slacks'_`v'=`slacks'_`v'*`v'
cap mata mata drop _sbmdf()
cap mata mata drop _sbmdf2()
cap mata mata drop lpres()
struct lpres { real scalar fval
real matrix coeff
real scalar converged
real scalar returncode
void function _sbmdf( string scalar d, ///
real scalar nx, ///
real scalar ny, ///
string scalar gx0, ///
string scalar gy0, ///
string scalar gb0, ///
string scalar touse1, ///
string scalar touse2, ///
string scalar wname, ///
string scalar bname, ///
string scalar sname, ///
real scalar rstype, ///
real scalar maxiter, ///
real scalar tol)
struct lpres scalar sbmres
function _sbmdf2( real colvector X, ///
real colvector Y, ///
real colvector B, ///
real colvector gX, ///
real colvector gY, ///
real colvector gB, ///
real matrix Xref, ///
real matrix Yref, ///
real matrix Bref, ///
real rowvector wmat, ///
real scalar rstype, ///
real scalar maxiter, ///
real scalar tol)
class LinearProgram scalar q
q = LinearProgram()
q.setBounds(lowerbd, upperbd)
if (tol!=-1){
q.setEquality((Aie1 \ Aie2 \ Aec),(bie1 \ bie2 \ bec))
q.setEquality((Aie1 \ Aie2 \ Aec \ lsum), (bie1 \ bie2 \ bec \ 1))
struct lpres scalar retres
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