Fetch the repository succeeded.
This action will force synchronization from setoutsoft/soui, which will overwrite any changes that you have made since you forked the repository, and can not be recovered!!!
Synchronous operation will process in the background and will refresh the page when finishing processing. Please be patient.
cd /d %~dp0
@ECHO off
SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
cd ..
mkdir soui-demo
cd soui-demo
call :update_repo TimDemo
call :update_repo UiEditor
call :update_repo qqlogin
call :update_repo 360
call :update_repo 360Preview
call :update_repo souispy
call :update_repo PcManager
call :update_repo SoTool
call :update_repo mclistview_demo
call :update_repo souitest
call :update_repo VUI
call :update_repo BesLyric
call :update_repo QQMain
call :update_repo FrogPlay
call :update_repo MultiLangs
call :update_repo TXMgr
call :update_repo SLogViewer
call :update_repo souieditor
call :update_repo DropDemo
call :update_repo ThreeClearGame
call :update_repo baiduwp
call :update_repo ScreenShotTool
call :update_repo SoftMaster
call :update_repo SweepingEdge
call :update_repo iectrl
call :update_repo mfc.demo
call :update_repo CapScreenDemo
call :update_repo SOUI-CEF
call :update_repo nsisdemo
call :update_repo SouiWallPaper
call :update_repo TczKline
call :update_repo SIpcDemo
call :update_repo wxdemo
call :update_repo idoudemo
SET /p selected=1.是否生成soui_demo.sln工程[1=YES;Other=No]:
if %selected% neq 1 (
goto :eof
If Defined SOUIPATH (
) Else (
Echo can't find env variable SOUIPATH, clone soui core and install wizard first, please.
goto error
Echo 当前目录:"%cd%"
for /f "tokens=1" %%a in ('dir /ad ^|find "个目录"') do (
set all=%%a
if(%all%=="2") (
goto error
goto inipro
for /f "tokens=* eol=." %%a in ('dir /ad /b') do (
if exist %%a\%%a.pro Echo SUBDIRS += %%a>>soui-demo.pro
goto :createbat
Echo "error 有一些错误请检查前面的输出"
goto :eof
Echo TEMPLATE = subdirs>soui-demo.pro
Echo TARGET = soui-demo>>soui-demo.pro
Echo CONFIG(x64){>>soui-demo.pro
Echo TARGET = $$TARGET"64">>soui-demo.pro
Echo }>>soui-demo.pro
goto :inputfilelist
SET cfg=
set file=%SOUIPATH%\config\build.cfg
for /f "tokens=1,2* delims==" %%i in (%file%) do (
if "%%i"=="UNICODE" set cfg_unicode=%%j
if "%%i"=="WCHAR" set cfg_wchar=%%j
if "%%i"=="MT" set cfg_mt=%%j
if %cfg_mt%==1 ( SET cfg=%cfg% USING_MT)
if %cfg_unicode%==0 (SET cfg=%cfg% MBCS)
if %cfg_wchar%==0 (SET cfg=%cfg% DISABLE_WCHAR)
SET specs=
SET selected=
SET vsvarbat=
SET target=
rem 选择编译版本
SET /p selected=1.选择编译版本[1=x86;2=x64]:
if %selected%==1 (
SET target=x86
) else if %selected%==2 (
SET target=x64
SET cfg=!cfg! x64
) else (
goto error
SET proj_ext=
rem 选择开发环境
SET /p selected=2.选择开发环境[1=2008;2=2010;3=2012;4=2013;5=2015;6=2017;7=2005]:
if %selected%==1 (
SET specs=win32-msvc2008
SET proj_ext=vcproj
SET vsvarbat="!VS90COMNTOOLS!..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
call !vsvarbat! %target%
rem call "%VS90COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %target%
goto built
) else if %selected%==2 (
SET specs=win32-msvc2010
SET proj_ext=vcxproj
SET vsvarbat="%VS100COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
call !vsvarbat! %target%
rem call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %target%
goto built
) else if %selected%==3 (
SET specs=win32-msvc2012
SET proj_ext=vcxproj
SET vsvarbat="%VS110COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
call !vsvarbat! %target%
rem call "%VS110COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %target%
goto built
) else if %selected%==4 (
SET specs=win32-msvc2013
SET proj_ext=vcxproj
SET vsvarbat="%VS120COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
call !vsvarbat! %target%
rem call "%VS120COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %target%
goto built
) else if %selected%==5 (
SET specs=win32-msvc2015
SET proj_ext=vcxproj
SET vsvarbat="%VS140COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
call !vsvarbat! %target%
rem call "%VS140COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %target%
goto built
)else if %selected%==6 (
SET specs=win32-msvc2017
SET proj_ext=vcxproj
for /f "skip=2 delims=: tokens=1,*" %%i in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VS7" /v "15.0" /reg:32') do (
set str=%%i
set var=%%j
set "var=!var:"=!"
if not "!var:~-1!"=="=" set value=!str:~-1!:!var!
SET value=!value!\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat
rem ECHO Vs2017 path is:!value!
SET vsvarbat="!value!"
call !vsvarbat! %target%
rem call "!value!" %target%
goto built
else if %selected%==7 (
SET specs=win32-msvc2005
SET proj_ext=vcproj
SET vsvarbat="%VS80COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
call !vsvarbat! %target%
rem call "%VS80COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %target%
goto built
) else (
goto error
if %specs%==win32-msvc2017 (
%SOUIPATH%\tools\qmake2017 -tp vc -r -spec %SOUIPATH%\tools\mkspecs\%specs% "CONFIG += !cfg! "
) else (
%SOUIPATH%\tools\qmake -tp vc -r -spec %SOUIPATH%\tools\mkspecs\%specs% "CONFIG += !cfg! "
goto :eof
if not exist %1 (
echo "clone %1"
git clone https://github.com/soui-demo/%1.git
) else (
echo "pull %1"
cd %1
git pull https://github.com/soui-demo/%1.git
cd ..
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。