Delete the collection
, Its followers can’t see the contents any more,
and all repositories inside won’t be remorved from your starred repositories list.
思通舆情 是一款开源免费的舆情系统,支持本地化部署一键安装。支持对海量的舆情数据进行交叉分析和深度挖掘,为用户提供全面的舆情数据,专业的舆情分析,快速的舆情处理等服务,提升企业品牌价值和风控能力。 #舆情系统 #舆情监测 #网络舆情 #开源舆情 #免费舆情 #舆情分析
Last updated: 28 days ago
Delete the collection
, Its followers can’t see the contents any more,
and all repositories inside won’t be remorved from your starred repositories list.
Cancel the public colletion , This stars collection will be private, and its followers can’t see the contents any more.
This repository won't be unstarred