同步操作将从 UCAS-SAS-Robot-Team/算法组自瞄 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
#include "Driver/Linux/camera.hpp"
#include "Serial/serial.h"
#include "Serial/nucCommu.h"
#include "AngleSolver/AngleSolverArmor.hpp"
#include "AngleSolver/AngleSolverEnergy.hpp"
#include "Armor/Armor.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "tools/CLI11.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <math.h>
/* read from Video or MindVision */
#define VIDEO
// #define MINDVISION
#ifdef VIDEO
//#define VIDEOPATH "../Energy/HitWindmills/redWindmills.avi"
//#define VIDEOPATH "../Energy/HitWindmills/test.mp4"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
Serial *newSerialPointer;
MVCamera newCamera;
ArmorDetector newDetector;
vector<Point2f> contourPoints;
Point2f centerPoint;
ArmorType type;
AngleSolverArmor newSolverArmor;
AngleSolverEnergy newSolverEnergy;
float yaw, pitch, r;
bool video, noSerial, debug, savepic, manually, showframe;
string videopath;
Color color = BLUE;
Mat standard[8]; //用作参考标准的扇叶
double getDistance(Point A,Point B){
return sqrt(pow((A.x-B.x),2)+pow((A.y-B.y),2));
double TemplateMatch(cv::Mat image, cv::Mat tepl, cv::Point &point, int method)
int result_cols = image.cols - tepl.cols + 1;
int result_rows = image.rows - tepl.rows + 1;
cv::Mat result = cv::Mat( result_cols, result_rows, CV_32FC1 );
cv::matchTemplate( image, tepl, result, method );
double minVal, maxVal;
cv::Point minLoc, maxLoc;
cv::minMaxLoc( result, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc, Mat() );
point = minLoc;
return minVal;
point = maxLoc;
return maxVal;
void hitFan(Mat srcImage){
vector<vector<Point>> contours;
vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;
RotatedRect rect_tmp;
bool findTarget=0;
if(!hierarchy.size()) return; //无轮廓信息
for(int i=0; i>=0; i=hierarchy[i][0]){//利用hierarcky[][0],每次更新为下一个轮廓
rect_tmp = minAreaRect(contours[i]);
Point2f P[4];
Point2f srcRect[4];
Point2f dstRect[4];
double width;
double height;
double area=height*width;
// 应用透视变换,矫正成规则矩形
Mat transform = getPerspectiveTransform(srcRect,dstRect);
Mat perspectMat;
// 提取扇叶图片
Mat test_img;
test_img = perspectMat(Rect(0,0,width,height));
cv::Point matchLoc;
double score;
vector<double> UnhitScore;
vector<double> HitScore;
for(int j=1;j<=6;j++){
score = TemplateMatch(test_img, standard[j], matchLoc, TM_CCOEFF_NORMED);
for(int j=7;j<=8;j++){
score = TemplateMatch(test_img, standard[j], matchLoc, TM_CCOEFF_NORMED);
int max_unhit = 0, max_hit = 0;
for(int t1=0;t1<6;t1++){
for(int t2=0;t2<2;t2++)
if(UnhitScore[max_unhit]>HitScore[max_hit] && UnhitScore[max_unhit]>0.6){
RotatedRect rect_temp=minAreaRect(contours[hierarchy[i][2]]);
Point2f Pnt[4];
const float maxHWRatio=0.7153846;
const float maxArea=2000;
const float minArea=500;
float width=rect_temp.size.width;
float height=rect_temp.size.height;
float area=width*height;
if(height/width>maxHWRatio||area>maxArea ||area<minArea){
Point centerP=rect_temp.center;
imshow("hit point",srcImage);
/* distance between 2D points*/
double getPotDistance(Point2f a, Point2f b) {
return (double)sqrt(pow(a.x - b.x, 2) + pow(a.y - b.y, 2));
/* distance between 3D points*/
double getPotDistance(Point3f a, Point3f b) {
return (double)sqrt(pow(a.x - b.x, 2) + pow(a.y - b.y, 2) + pow(a.z - b.z, 2));
Point2f getCrossPoint(Vec3f l1, Vec3f l2) {
double A1 = l1[0], B1 = l1[1], C1 = l1[2];
double A2 = l2[0], B2 = l2[1], C2 = l2[2];
double D = A1 * B2 - A2 * B1;
return Point2f((B1 * C2 - B2 * C1) / D, (A1 * C2 - A2 * C1) / D);
double getDirection(Point2f a, Point2f b) {
double dx = b.x - a.x, dy = b.y - a.y;
double adx = abs(dx), ady = abs(dy);
double dir = (ady < adx) ? (atan(ady / adx)) : (CV_PI / 2 - atan(adx / ady));
if(dx < 0) dir = CV_PI - dir;
if(dy < 0) dir = -dir;
while(dir < 0) dir += CV_2PI;
while(dir > CV_2PI) dir -= CV_2PI;
return dir;
Point2f getRectCross(RotatedRect A, RotatedRect B) {
Vec3f last_line(
sin(A.angle * CV_PI / 180),
cos(A.angle * CV_PI / 180),
A.center.y * cos(A.angle * CV_PI / 180) - A.center.x * sin(A.angle * CV_PI / 180));
Vec3f this_line(
sin(B.angle * CV_PI / 180),
cos(B.angle * CV_PI / 180),
B.center.y * cos(B.angle * CV_PI / 180) - B.center.x * sin(B.angle * CV_PI / 180));
return getCrossPoint(last_line, this_line);
bool inside(Size o, Point2f i) {
return 0.0 < i.x && 0.0 < i.y && i.x < o.width && i.y < o.height;
int main1(Color color) {
if(!video && newCamera.OpenCamera() == newCamera.NO_CAMERA) {
printf("No camera loaded!\n");
return 0;
VideoCapture *cap;
if(video) {
cap = new VideoCapture(videopath);
if (!cap->isOpened()) {
cout << "Can not open the Video!" << endl;
return 0;
Mat CamImg;
while(!video || cap->read(CamImg)){
if(!video) CamImg = newCamera.ReadCamera();
//cout << CamImg << endl;
//cout << "@" << endl;
//cout << "#" << endl;
if(debug) newDetector.showDebugInfo(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
newDetector.getTargetInfo(contourPoints, centerPoint, type);
newSolverArmor.solve(contourPoints, centerPoint, CamImg.size(), yaw, pitch, r);
// Chenzhuoxun 2022-7-13 22:02 : i just turn it into real pitch and real yaw\
if(yaw > CV_PI)
yaw -= CV_2PI;
pitch = CV_PI/2 - pitch;
if(debug) cout << "Solved: " << yaw << " " << pitch << " " << r << endl;
if(!noSerial) newSerialPointer->sendTargetData(pitch, yaw, r, ((color == BLUE) ? COLOR_BLUE : COLOR_RED), 1, 1);
else if(!noSerial) newSerialPointer->sendTargetData(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, ((color == BLUE) ? COLOR_BLUE : COLOR_RED), 0, 0);
//cout << "$" << endl;
if(!noSerial) waitKey(50);
else if(debug) waitKey(1);
//cout << "=====================================================================" << endl;
if(!video) newCamera.CloseCamera();
else {
delete cap;
return 0;
/* the Operate System */
//#define WINDOWS
#define LINUX
/* Save or Show pictures */
// #define SAVEPIC
//#define DEBUG_1 // For adjust 1: Please make sure both SHOWPIC and DEBUG_1 are ON!!
// #define DEBUG_2 // For adjust 2: Please make sure both SHOWPIC and DEBUG_2 are ON!!
RotatedRect ThisEnergy;
vector<RotatedRect> rect_vec;
int DetectEnergy(Mat image, Mat &binary)
vector<vector<Point>> contours; // idk if i can change the type...Point to Point2f
findContours((Mat_<uchar>)image, contours, RETR_LIST, CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);
int circle_cnt = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
vector<Point> points;
double area = contourArea(contours[i]);
if (area < (video ? 50 : 30) || 1e4 < area)
* the floodfill will reduce the area
drawContours(binary, contours, static_cast<int>(i), Scalar(255), 2);
points = contours[i];
RotatedRect rrect = fitEllipse(points);
cv::Point2f *vertices = new cv::Point2f[4];
double aim = rrect.size.height / rrect.size.width;
if(debug) {
cv::namedWindow("DEBUG2", 0);
imshow("DEBUG2", image);
//#############the square may be much higher than 2.6##################
if (aim > 1.2 && aim < (video ? 2.6 : 4))
// draw rectangle
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
cv::line(binary, vertices[j], vertices[(j + 1) % 4], cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1);
// for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
// cout << "j = " << vertices[j] << "\t(j+1)%4 = " << vertices[(j+1)%4] << endl;
double middle = 100000;
for (size_t j = 0; j < contours.size(); j++)
if(i == j) continue;
vector<Point> pointsA;
double area = contourArea(contours[j]);
* th e floodfill will reduce the area %%%%%%%%%attention: there are 2 area in this code
if (area < (video ? 50 : 10) || 1e4 < area)
pointsA = contours[j];
RotatedRect rrectA = fitEllipse(pointsA);
circle(binary, rrectA.center, 2, Scalar(255, 255, 0));
double aimA = rrectA.size.height / rrectA.size.width;
// cout << aimA << endl;
// adjust here
if (aimA > (video ? 3.0 : 1.7))
// if (aimA > 3) {
// adjust here
double distance = sqrt((rrect.center.x - rrectA.center.x) * (rrect.center.x - rrectA.center.x) +
(rrect.center.y - rrectA.center.y) * (rrect.center.y - rrectA.center.y));
if (middle > distance)
middle = distance;
//cout << distance << "\t";
// *** You need to adjust threshold ***
// To See the hit point
// Adjust Here
// cout << middle << endl;
if (middle > (video ? 100 : 10))
{ //##########################important for find######################
// Adjust Here
ThisEnergy = rrect;
delete vertices;
return circle_cnt;
const double OFFSET_MIN = 0.02;
const double OFFSET_STEP = 0.02;
double T = 5;
int main2(){
//for(int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) cout << getDirection(Point2f(0, 0), Point2f(cos(i), sin(i))) << endl;
VideoCapture *cap;
if(video) {
cap = new VideoCapture(videopath);
if (!cap->isOpened()) {
cout << "Can not open the Video!" << endl;
return 0;
// TODO: input from mindVision
else {
if(newCamera.OpenCamera() == newCamera.NO_CAMERA) {
cout << "No camera loaded!" << endl;
return 0;
} else {
cout << "Camera loaded!" << endl;
int stateNum = 5;
int measureNum = 4;
KalmanFilter KF(stateNum, measureNum, 0, CV_64F);
Mat measurement = Mat::zeros(measureNum, 1, CV_64F);
KF.transitionMatrix = (Mat_<double>(stateNum, stateNum) <<
1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
setIdentity(KF.processNoiseCov, Scalar::all(1e-5));
setIdentity(KF.measurementNoiseCov, Scalar::all(1e-1));
setIdentity(KF.errorCovPost, Scalar::all(1));
//randn(KF.statePost, Scalar::all(100), Scalar::all(10));
int cnt_origin = 0;
int cnt_process = 0;
//int detectNum = 0;
double gate_alpha_avg = 80; //the color intensity threshold
double gate_prefix = 1.0;
double offset = OFFSET_MIN;
double color_mask_avg = 1.0;
double rand_range = 1.0;
double colorsum_max = 0.0;
int sgn = 1;
int waitcnt = 0;
int miscnt = 0;
RNG randeng;
Mat ImgSrc;
unsigned long long around = 0;
bool aroundflag = true;
if(manually) {
cout << "gate_alpha_avg: ";
cin >> gate_alpha_avg;
cout << "color_mask_avg: ";
cin >> color_mask_avg;
RotatedRect LastEnergy(Point2f(1.0, 1.0), Size2f(1.0, 1.0), -1000.0);
RotatedRect TempEnergy(Point2f(1.0, 1.0), Size2f(1.0, 1.0), -1000.0);
double Theta0 = 0.0;
while(!video || cap->read(ImgSrc)) {
cout << endl;
if(!video) ImgSrc = newCamera.ReadCamera();
double areasum = ImgSrc.size().height * ImgSrc.size().width;
//cout << image.size().height << " " << image.size().width << endl;
//colorsum_max = areasum;
//cout << colorsum_max << endl;
if(savepic) {
cout << cv::imwrite("../Energy/FindWindmills/OriginPic/" + to_string(++cnt_origin) + ".jpg", ImgSrc) << endl;
cout << "OriginPic\t" << cnt_origin << "\tis writing..." << endl;
Mat image, binary;
vector<Mat> imagesplit;
double gate_alpha_sum = 0, color_mask_sum = 0;
int match_cnt = 0;
for(int i = 1; i <= (manually ? 1 : T); i++) {
binary = image = ImgSrc;
// cout << "#" << endl;
//resize(image, image, Size(image.cols * 0.5, binary.rows * 0.5));
// cout << "#" << endl;
//resize(binary, binary, Size(binary.cols * 0.5, binary.rows * 0.5));
// cout << "#" << endl;
Mat Thres;
cvtColor(image, Thres, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
double colmin, colmax;
minMaxLoc(Thres, &colmin, &colmax);
if(colmax > 254) {
cout << "DownAeTarget();" << endl;
if(colmax < 200) {
cout << "UpAeTarget();" << endl;
split(image, imagesplit);
double color_range = manually ? 0 : 0.05;
double color_rand = randeng.uniform(-color_range * rand_range, color_range * rand_range);
double color_mask = color_mask_avg + color_rand;
//double color_mask = color_mask_avg;
// image = (imagesplit[2] * (1 - color_mask) + imagesplit[0] * color_mask);
// blue
if(color == BLUE)
image = ((imagesplit[0] - imagesplit[2] * color_mask));
image = ((imagesplit[2] - imagesplit[0] * color_mask));
// red
minMaxLoc(image, &colmin, &colmax);
image = ((image - colmin) * 255 / (colmax - colmin));
Mat color_image;
// cout << image.depth() << endl;
// cvtColor(image, image, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
// *** You need to adjust threshold ***
// To See the Windmills
* threshole(src, dst, thresh, maxval, type)
* src -- source pic
* dst -- output pic
* thresh -- thresh smaller->more clear
* maxval -- the max val in dst bigger->brighter in debug picture
* type -- the type of thresh:
// if(video) threshold(image, image, 80, 255, THRESH_BINARY);
// else threshold(image, image, 20, 255, THRESH_BINARY);
double alpha_range = manually ? 0 : 5;
double alpha_rand = randeng.uniform(-alpha_range * rand_range, alpha_range * rand_range);
double gate_alpha = gate_alpha_avg + alpha_rand;
//double gate_alpha = gate_alpha_avg;
threshold(image, image, gate_alpha, 255, THRESH_BINARY);
Mat alpha_image;
if (debug)
cv::namedWindow("Ways substract", 1);
imshow("Ways substract", color_image);
if (debug)
cv::namedWindow("Bi-valued", 1);
imshow("Bi-valued", alpha_image);
double alphasum = sum(alpha_image)[0] / 255, bound = areasum * gate_prefix / 20;
if (sgn == 0 && alphasum > bound)
gate_alpha_avg += 10;
Mat diff_image;
absdiff(color_image, alpha_image, diff_image);
double colorsum = sum(diff_image)[0] / 255;
/*if(debug) {
cv::namedWindow("DEBUG3", 1);
imshow("DEBUG3", diff_image);
// cout << color_image << endl;
// cout << bound << " ~ " << alphasum << " ";
// cout << gate_alpha << "->";
// if(fabs((alphasum - bound) / areasum) > 0.005) gate_alpha += (alphasum - bound) * 5000 / (areasum * 255);
// cout << gate_alpha << endl;
// When in Fight, use WindMills
// threshold(image, image, 30, 255, THRESH_BINARY);
// Adjust Here
//"20"can be changed with holo(aperture)
// Adjust Here
dilate(image, image, Mat());
erode(image, image, Mat());
dilate(image, image, Mat());
erode(image, image, Mat());
// *** You need to adjust threshold ***
* int floodFill(InputArray image, Point seedPoint, Scalar newVal,
* Rect* rect=0,Scalar ioDiff=Scalar(), Scalar upDiff=Scalar(),
* int flags=4)
* image: input image
* seedPoint: the flood fill algorithm's start point
* newVal: the new color which is be dyed {255 for complete white; 200 for human to look}
* loDiff: val �� newVal - loDiff
* upDiff: val �� upDiff - newVal
* flags: FLOODFILL_FIXED_RANGE(assign color) / FLOODFILL_MASK_ONLY(assign position)
* {may need to add another line for floodfill}
// Adjust Here
if (video)
floodFill(image, Point(5, 50), Scalar(255), 0, FLOODFILL_FIXED_RANGE);
floodFill(image, Point(5, 50), Scalar(150), 0, FLOODFILL_MASK_ONLY);
// Adjust Here
threshold(image, image, 80, 255, THRESH_BINARY_INV);
if (debug)
cv::namedWindow("Flood fill", 1);
imshow("Flood fill", image);
alphasum = sum(image)[0] / 255, bound = areasum * gate_prefix / 400;
cout << bound << " ~ " << alphasum << " ";
cout << gate_alpha << "->";
if(fabs((alphasum - bound) / areasum) > 0.5) gate_alpha += (alphasum - bound) * 50000 / (areasum * 255);
cout << gate_alpha << endl;*/
int detectnum = DetectEnergy(image, binary);
cout << detectnum << endl;
if (detectnum == 1)
// gate_prefix += (alphasum / bound - gate_prefix) * 0.1;
// gate_alpha = gate_alpha + 255 * offset * sgn / 2.0;
// offset = OFFSET_MIN;
gate_alpha_sum += gate_alpha;
color_mask_sum += color_mask;
//gate_alpha_avg = (gate_alpha_avg + gate_alpha * 9) / 10;
//color_mask_avg = (color_mask_avg + color_mask * 9) / 10;
/*if(1.0 / colorsum > colorsum_max) {
color_mask_avg = (color_mask_avg + color_mask * 9) / 10;
colorsum_max = 1.0 / colorsum;
// else continue;
//if (rand_range > 0.05)
// rand_range *= 0.95;
// if(sgn == 0) offset += OFFSET_STEP;
// if((gate_alpha + 255 * offset) > 255 && offset * 255 > gate_alpha) offset = OFFSET_MIN;
// sgn = (sgn + 2) % 3 - 1;
// waitKey(500);
if(match_cnt == 0 || getPotDistance(ThisEnergy.center, LastEnergy.center) > 1000) {
// colorsum_max *= 0.99;
T = 5;
if (rand_range < 5.0) rand_range *= 1.05;
if (!noSerial) newSerialPointer->sendTargetData(randeng.gaussian(1.0), 0.0f, 0.0f, COLOR_RED, 0, 0);
if (waitcnt++ > 10 && !manually) {
waitcnt = 0;
gate_alpha_avg = randeng.uniform(0, 255);
cv::namedWindow("frame", 1);
imshow("frame", ImgSrc);
else {
//if(T > 1) T *= 0.95;
waitcnt = 0;
gate_alpha_avg = gate_alpha_sum / match_cnt;
color_mask_avg = color_mask_sum / match_cnt;
cv::Point2f *vertices = new cv::Point2f[4];
if(inside(binary.size(), ThisEnergy.center)) cv::circle(binary, Point(ThisEnergy.center.x, ThisEnergy.center.y), 15, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 4);
for(vector<RotatedRect>::iterator it = rect_vec.begin(); it != rect_vec.end(); it++) if(inside(binary.size(), it->center)) cv::circle(binary, it->center, 2, Scalar(255, 34, 255), -1);
Mat prediction;
for(int i = 1; i <= 0; i++) prediction = KF.transitionMatrix * prediction;
double predict_radius = prediction.at<double>(0), predict_theta = prediction.at<double>(1);
Point2f Predict_Center = Point2f(prediction.at<double>(2), prediction.at<double>(3));
// cout << "Here: " <<prediction.at<double>(0)<<"\t"<<prediction.at<double>(1)<<endl;
// cout << predict_theta << " " << measure_Theta << endl;
//cout << KF.statePre << KF.statePre.at<double>(4) << endl;
Point2f Predict_Pt;
double Rotate_Speed = KF.statePre.at<double>(4) * 10;
if(abs(Rotate_Speed) > 0.2) Rotate_Speed *= 0.2 / abs(Rotate_Speed);
Predict_Pt.x = ThisEnergy.center.x;// + predict_radius * cos(getDirection(Predict_Center, ThisEnergy.center) + Rotate_Speed);
Predict_Pt.y = ThisEnergy.center.y;// + predict_radius * sin(getDirection(Predict_Center, ThisEnergy.center) + Rotate_Speed);
//cout << Predict_Pt << endl;
double Theta;// = (ThisEnergy.angle + (ThisEnergy.center.x > LastEnergy.center.x ? 180 : 0)) * CV_PI / 180;
//if(Theta - Theta0 > 3) Theta -= CV_PI;
double Radius = 0, CenterX = 0, CenterY = 0;
Theta = 0;
cout << rect_vec.size() << endl;
if (rect_vec.size() == 1)
// if (abs(ThisEnergy.center.x - LastEnergy.center.x) < 0.5) Radius = (ThisEnergy.center.y - LastEnergy.center.y) / (sin(Theta) - sin(Theta0));
// else
// Radius = (ThisEnergy.center.x - LastEnergy.center.x) / (cos(Theta) - cos(Theta0));
// CenterX = ThisEnergy.center.x - Radius * cos(Theta);
// CenterY = ThisEnergy.center.y - Radius * sin(Theta);
Point2f CrossCenter = getRectCross(LastEnergy, ThisEnergy);
Theta = getDirection(CrossCenter, ThisEnergy.center);
Radius = getPointsDistance(CrossCenter, ThisEnergy.center);
CenterX = CrossCenter.x;
CenterY = CrossCenter.y;
for (vector<RotatedRect>::iterator it = rect_vec.begin(); it != rect_vec.end();)
RotatedRect LastRect = *it;
if (it == rect_vec.end())
RotatedRect ThisRect = *it;
Point2f CrossCenter = getRectCross(LastRect, ThisRect);
//Theta += getDirection(CrossCenter, ThisEnergy.center) / (rect_vec.size() - 1);
Radius += getPointsDistance(CrossCenter, ThisEnergy.center) / (rect_vec.size() - 1);
CenterX += CrossCenter.x / (rect_vec.size() - 1);
CenterY += CrossCenter.y / (rect_vec.size() - 1);
Theta = getDirection(Point2f(CenterX, CenterY), ThisEnergy.center);
/*if(abs(ThisEnergy.center.x - LastEnergy.center.x) < 0.5) {
Theta = Theta0 + (ThisEnergy.center.y - LastEnergy.center.y) * (ThisEnergy.center.y < Predict_Pt.y ? 1 : -1) / predict_radius;
cout << "#####" << endl;
// cout << ThisEnergy.center.x - LastEnergy.center.x << endl;
// cout << ThisEnergy.center.y << " " << Radius * sin(Theta) << endl;
if (aroundflag && Theta0 - Theta > 3) around++, aroundflag = false;
if(!aroundflag && abs(ThisEnergy.center.x - CenterX) / Radius < 0.98) aroundflag = true;
double measure_Theta = Theta + around * CV_PI * 2;
//cout << Theta0 << " " << Theta << endl << measure_Theta << " " << around << " " << aroundflag << endl;
Theta0 = Theta;
//cout << KF.gain << endl;
//cout << ThisEnergy.center << LastEnergy.center << getPointsDistance(ThisEnergy.center, LastEnergy.center) << endl;
//cout << Radius << " " << Theta0 << " " << Theta << endl;
if(rect_vec.size() > 1 && getPointsDistance(ThisEnergy.center, LastEnergy.center) > 80) {
cout << "########## KF reset ##########" << endl;
//delete KF;
KF.init(stateNum, measureNum, 0, CV_64F);
KF.transitionMatrix = (Mat_<double>(stateNum, stateNum) <<
1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
setIdentity(KF.processNoiseCov, Scalar::all(1e-5));
setIdentity(KF.measurementNoiseCov, Scalar::all(1e-1));
setIdentity(KF.errorCovPost, Scalar::all(1));
//setIdentity(KF.gain, Scalar::all(1));
//KF.statePost = Mat(Vec<double, 4>(Radius, measure_Theta, CenterX, CenterY));
//KF.statePost.at<double>(4) = 0.0;
//cout << KF.statePost << endl;
//cout << KF.statePost << endl;
/*if (abs(ThisEnergy.angle - TempEnergy.angle) > 0.1){
LastEnergy = TempEnergy;
TempEnergy = ThisEnergy;
if(rect_vec.size() > 1 || abs(ThisEnergy.angle - LastEnergy.angle) > 100) LastEnergy = ThisEnergy;
//KF.statePost.at<double>(4) = 0;
measurement.at<double>(0) = Radius;
measurement.at<double>(1) = measure_Theta;
measurement.at<double>(2) = CenterX;
measurement.at<double>(3) = CenterY;
//cout << KF.statePost << endl;
if(inside(binary.size(), Predict_Center)) cv::circle(binary, Predict_Center, 4, Scalar(34, 255, 255), -1);
if(inside(binary.size(), Predict_Pt)) cv::circle(binary, Predict_Pt, 4, Scalar(255, 255, 34), -1);
//ThisEnergy.center.x = CenterX;// + Radius * cos(Theta);
//ThisEnergy.center.y = CenterY;// + Radius * sin(Theta);
//ThisEnergy.center.x = Predict_Center.x;// + predict_radius * cos(predict_theta);
//ThisEnergy.center.y = Predict_Center.y;// + predict_radius * sin(predict_theta);
/*Old Version
Mat prediction = KF.predict();
Point predict_pt = Point((int)prediction.at<double>(0), (int)prediction.at<double>(1));
// cout << "Here: " <<prediction.at<double>(0)<<"\t"<<prediction.at<double>(1)<<endl;
measurement.at<double>(0) = (double)rrectm.center.x;
measurement.at<double>(1) = (double)rrectm.center.y;
cv::circle(binary, predict_pt, 4, Scalar(34, 255, 255), -1);
rrectm.center.x = (int)prediction.at<double>(0);
rrectm.center.y = (int)prediction.at<double>(1);*/
// Finded Target
vector<Point2f> armor_Points;
double a = getPotDistance(vertices[0], vertices[1]);
double b = getPotDistance(vertices[1], vertices[2]);
Point2f p1(0.0f, 0.0f);
Point2f p2(a, 0.0f);
Point2f p3(a, b);
Point2f p4(0.0f, b);
newSolverEnergy.solve(armor_Points, Predict_Pt, image.size(), yaw, pitch, r);
// if(debug) cout << "Solved: yaw = " << yaw << "\tpitch = "<< pitch << "\tDistance = " << r << "m" << endl;
if (yaw > CV_PI)
yaw -= CV_2PI;
pitch = CV_PI / 2 - pitch;
cout << pitch << " " << yaw << " " << r << endl;
if (!noSerial)
newSerialPointer->sendTargetData(pitch / 10, yaw / 10, r, COLOR_RED, 1, 1); //����
delete vertices;
if (showframe)
cv::namedWindow("frame", 1);
imshow("frame", binary);
if(match_cnt > 0 && rand_range > 0.05) rand_range *= 0.95;
//cout << gate_alpha_avg << " " << color_mask_avg << endl;
if(savepic) {
cout << cv::imwrite("../Energy/FindWindmills/ProcessedPic/" + to_string(++cnt_process) + ".jpg", binary) << endl;
cout << "ProcessedPic\t" << cnt_process << "\tis writing..." << endl;
if(!noSerial) waitKey(50);
//delete KF;
if(video) {
delete cap;
else newCamera.CloseCamera();
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
for(int i=1;i<9;i++){
CLI::App args{"RM Vision"};
char MODE = 'E';
char COLOR = 'R';
bool NOSERIAL = false;
string USEVIDEO;
bool DBG = false;
bool SAVE = false;
bool MANUAL = false;
bool SHOWFRAME = false;
args.add_option("-m", MODE, "(A)rmor or (E)nergy");
args.add_option("-c", COLOR, "Set color R/B");
args.add_flag("-s", NOSERIAL, "Close serial");
args.add_option("-v", USEVIDEO, "Use video");
args.add_flag("-a", MANUAL, "Adjust manually");
args.add_flag("-d", DBG, "Debug mode");
args.add_flag("-p", SAVE, "Save picture");
args.add_flag("-f", SHOWFRAME, "Show frame");
CLI11_PARSE(args, argc, argv);
video = !USEVIDEO.empty();
videopath = USEVIDEO;
noSerial = NOSERIAL;
debug = DBG;
savepic = SAVE;
manually = MANUAL;
showframe = SHOWFRAME;
if(COLOR == 'R') color = RED;
if(!NOSERIAL) newSerialPointer = new Serial(115200);
if(MODE == 'A') main1(color);
else main2();
if(!NOSERIAL) delete newSerialPointer;
return 0;
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