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functions.py 8.31 KB
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云金杞 提交于 2022-12-02 09:48 . 更新backtrader的注释
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; py-indent-offset:4 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Daniel Rodriguez
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
import functools
import math
from .linebuffer import LineActions
from .utils.py3 import cmp, range
# Generate a List equivalent which uses "is" for contains
# 创建一个新的List类,改写了__contains__方法,如果list中有一个元素的哈希值等于other的哈希值,那么就返回True
class List(list):
def __contains__(self, other):
return any(x.__hash__() == other.__hash__() for x in self)
# 创建一个类,把其中的元素进行序列化
class Logic(LineActions):
def __init__(self, *args):
super(Logic, self).__init__()
self.args = [self.arrayize(arg) for arg in args]
# 避免两个line想除的时候有值是0,如果分母是0,除以得到的值是0
class DivByZero(Logic):
'''This operation is a Lines object and fills it values by executing a
division on the numerator / denominator arguments and avoiding a division
by zero exception by checking the denominator
- a: numerator (numeric or iterable object ... mostly a Lines object)
- b: denominator (numeric or iterable object ... mostly a Lines object)
- zero (def: 0.0): value to apply if division by zero would be raised
def __init__(self, a, b, zero=0.0):
super(DivByZero, self).__init__(a, b)
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.zero = zero
def next(self):
b = self.b[0]
self[0] = self.a[0] / b if b else self.zero
def once(self, start, end):
# cache python dictionary lookups
dst = self.array
srca = self.a.array
srcb = self.b.array
zero = self.zero
for i in range(start, end):
b = srcb[i]
dst[i] = srca[i] / b if b else zero
# 考虑分母分子都可能是0的两个line的想除操作
class DivZeroByZero(Logic):
'''This operation is a Lines object and fills it values by executing a
division on the numerator / denominator arguments and avoiding a division
by zero exception or an indetermination by checking the
denominator/numerator pair
- a: numerator (numeric or iterable object ... mostly a Lines object)
- b: denominator (numeric or iterable object ... mostly a Lines object)
- single (def: +inf): value to apply if division is x / 0
- dual (def: 0.0): value to apply if division is 0 / 0
def __init__(self, a, b, single=float('inf'), dual=0.0):
super(DivZeroByZero, self).__init__(a, b)
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.single = single
self.dual = dual
def next(self):
b = self.b[0]
a = self.a[0]
if b == 0.0:
self[0] = self.dual if a == 0.0 else self.single
self[0] = self.a[0] / b
def once(self, start, end):
# cache python dictionary lookups
dst = self.array
srca = self.a.array
srcb = self.b.array
single = self.single
dual = self.dual
for i in range(start, end):
b = srcb[i]
a = srca[i]
if b == 0.0:
dst[i] = dual if a == 0.0 else single
dst[i] = a / b
# 对比a和b,a和b很可能是line
class Cmp(Logic):
def __init__(self, a, b):
super(Cmp, self).__init__(a, b)
self.a = self.args[0]
self.b = self.args[1]
def next(self):
self[0] = cmp(self.a[0], self.b[0])
def once(self, start, end):
# cache python dictionary lookups
dst = self.array
srca = self.a.array
srcb = self.b.array
for i in range(start, end):
dst[i] = cmp(srca[i], srcb[i])
# 对比两个line,a和b,a<b的时候,返回r1相应的值,a=b的时候,返回r2相应的值,a>b的时候,返回r3相应的值
# todo 在backtrader量化交流群中有一个朋友指出了这个问题
class CmpEx(Logic):
def __init__(self, a, b, r1, r2, r3):
super(CmpEx, self).__init__(a, b, r1, r2, r3)
self.a = self.args[0]
self.b = self.args[1]
self.r1 = self.args[2]
self.r2 = self.args[3]
self.r3 = self.args[4]
def next(self):
# self[0] = cmp(self.a[0], self.b[0])
if self.a[0]<self.b[0]:
self[0] = self.r1[0]
elif self.a[0]>self.b[0]:
self[0] = self.r3[0]
self[0] = self.r2[0]
def once(self, start, end):
# cache python dictionary lookups
dst = self.array
srca = self.a.array
srcb = self.b.array
r1 = self.r1.array
r2 = self.r2.array
r3 = self.r3.array
for i in range(start, end):
ai = srca[i]
bi = srcb[i]
if ai < bi:
dst[i] = r1[i]
elif ai > bi:
dst[i] = r3[i]
dst[i] = r2[i]
# if判断,对于cond满足的时候,返回a相应的值,不满足的时候,返回b相应的值
class If(Logic):
def __init__(self, cond, a, b):
super(If, self).__init__(a, b)
self.a = self.args[0]
self.b = self.args[1]
self.cond = self.arrayize(cond)
def next(self):
self[0] = self.a[0] if self.cond[0] else self.b[0]
def once(self, start, end):
# cache python dictionary lookups
dst = self.array
srca = self.a.array
srcb = self.b.array
cond = self.cond.array
for i in range(start, end):
dst[i] = srca[i] if cond[i] else srcb[i]
# 一个逻辑应用到多个元素上
class MultiLogic(Logic):
def next(self):
self[0] = self.flogic([arg[0] for arg in self.args])
def once(self, start, end):
# cache python dictionary lookups
dst = self.array
arrays = [arg.array for arg in self.args]
flogic = self.flogic
for i in range(start, end):
dst[i] = flogic([arr[i] for arr in arrays])
# 主要是调用了functools.partial生成偏函数,functools.reduce,对一个sequence迭代使用function
class MultiLogicReduce(MultiLogic):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MultiLogicReduce, self).__init__(*args)
if 'initializer' not in kwargs:
self.flogic = functools.partial(functools.reduce, self.flogic)
self.flogic = functools.partial(functools.reduce, self.flogic,
# 继承类,对flogic进行处理
class Reduce(MultiLogicReduce):
def __init__(self, flogic, *args, **kwargs):
self.flogic = flogic
super(Reduce, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# The _xxxlogic functions are defined at module scope to make them
# pickable and therefore compatible with multiprocessing
# 判断x和y是不是都是True
def _andlogic(x, y):
return bool(x and y)
# 判断是否是所有的元素都是True的
class And(MultiLogicReduce):
flogic = staticmethod(_andlogic)
# 判断x或者y中有没有一个是真的
def _orlogic(x, y):
return bool(x or y)
# 判断序列中是否有一个是真的
class Or(MultiLogicReduce):
flogic = staticmethod(_orlogic)
# 求最大值
class Max(MultiLogic):
flogic = max
# 求最小值
class Min(MultiLogic):
flogic = min
# 求和
class Sum(MultiLogic):
flogic = math.fsum
# 是否有一个
class Any(MultiLogic):
flogic = any
# 是否所有的
class All(MultiLogic):
flogic = all
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