Fetch the repository succeeded.
This action will force synchronization from NaNShaner/repoll, which will overwrite any changes that you have made since you forked the repository, and can not be recovered!!!
Synchronous operation will process in the background and will refresh the page when finishing processing. Please be patient.
# @desc:
# - 1. create user;
# - 2. create default directories and authorize;
# - 3. @usage: sh repoll-init.sh [username]
# @author: NaNShaner
# @time: 191111
# If the variable is empty, exit
set -o nounset
# Command execution return code is not 0 exit
set -o errexit
readonly redisDir="/opt/repoll/redis"
readonly redisTarGz="redis-3.0.6.tar.gz"
# check if the user exists
checkExist() {
local num=`cat /etc/passwd | grep -w $1 | wc -l`
#cat /etc/passwd | grep -q "$1"
if [[ ${num} == 1 ]]; then
echo "user $1 exists, overwrite user and *init all data*: [y/n]?"
read replace
if [[ ${replace} == "y" ]]; then
echo "delete existed user: $1."
userdel -r "$1"
createUser "$1"
init "$1"
return 0
createUser "$1"
init "$1"
return 0
# create the user
createUser() {
# create a user
useradd -m -d /home/$1 -s /bin/bash $1
# give the user a password
passwd $1
# Maximum number of days between password change
chage -M 9999 $1
echo "OK: create user: $1 done"
# create defautl dirs and authorize
init() {
# create working dirs and a tmp dir
mkdir -p /opt/repoll/data
mkdir -p /opt/repoll/conf
mkdir -p /opt/repoll/logs
mkdir -p /opt/repoll/redis
mkdir -p /tmp/repoll
# change owner
chown -R $1:$1 /opt/repoll
chown -R $1:$1 /tmp/repoll
echo "OK: init: $1 done"
# install redis
installRedis() {
apt install -y gcc
mkdir -p ${redisDir} && cd ${redisDir}
wget http://download.redis.io/releases/${redisTarGz} && mv ${redisTarGz} redis.tar.gz && tar zxvf redis.tar.gz --strip-component=1
make && make install
if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
echo "OK: redis is installed, exit."
chown -R $1:$1 ${redisDir}
export PATH=$PATH:${redisDir}/src
echo "ERROR: redis is NOT installed, exit."
checkExist "${username}"
installRedis "${username}"
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