Build script, https://github.com/nightroman/Invoke-Build
$Configuration = 'Release'
[ValidateSet('net472', 'netstandard2.0')]
$TargetFramework = 'net472'
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ModuleName = 'Mdbc'
# module root for publish
# netX
$ModuleRoot1 = if ($env:ProgramW6432) {$env:ProgramW6432} else {$env:ProgramFiles}
$ModuleRoot1 = "$ModuleRoot1\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\$ModuleName"
# netstandardX
$ModuleRoot2 = Join-Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments')) PowerShell\Modules\$ModuleName
# current
if ($TargetFramework -eq 'net472') {
$ModuleRoot = $ModuleRoot1
else {
$ModuleRoot = $ModuleRoot2
# Get version from release notes.
function Get-Version {
switch -Regex -File Release-Notes.md {'##\s+v(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)' {return $Matches[1]} }
$MetaParam = @{
Inputs = '.build.ps1', 'Release-Notes.md'
Outputs = "Module\$ModuleName.psd1", 'Src\AssemblyInfo.cs'
# Synopsis: Generate or update meta files.
task meta @MetaParam {
$Version = Get-Version
$Project = 'https://github.com/nightroman/Mdbc'
$Summary = 'Mdbc module - MongoDB Cmdlets for PowerShell'
$Copyright = 'Copyright (c) Roman Kuzmin'
Set-Content Module\$ModuleName.psd1 @"
Author = 'Roman Kuzmin'
ModuleVersion = '$Version'
Description = '$Summary'
CompanyName = 'https://github.com/nightroman'
Copyright = '$Copyright'
RootModule = '$ModuleName.dll'
RequiredAssemblies = 'MongoDB.Bson.dll', 'MongoDB.Driver.Core.dll', 'MongoDB.Driver.dll'
PowerShellVersion = '3.0'
GUID = '12c81cd8-bde3-4c91-a292-e6c4f868106a'
PrivateData = @{
PSData = @{
Tags = 'Mongo', 'MongoDB', 'Database'
ProjectUri = '$Project'
LicenseUri = 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0'
ReleaseNotes = '$Project/blob/master/Release-Notes.md'
Set-Content Src\AssemblyInfo.cs @"
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("$ModuleName")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("$Version")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("$Summary")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("$Project")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("$Copyright")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: CLSCompliant(false)]
# Synopsis: Build the project (and post-build Publish).
task build meta, {
exec { dotnet build Src\$ModuleName.csproj -c $Configuration -f $TargetFramework }
# Synopsis: Build all frameworks.
task build2 {
Invoke-Build Build -Configuration $Configuration -TargetFramework net472
Invoke-Build Build -Configuration $Configuration -TargetFramework netstandard2.0
# Synopsis: Publish the module (post-build).
task publish {
if ($TargetFramework -eq 'net472') {
remove $ModuleRoot
exec { robocopy Module $ModuleRoot /s /np /r:0 /xf *-Help.ps1 } (0..3)
exec { robocopy Src\bin\$Configuration\$TargetFramework $ModuleRoot /s /np /r:0 } (0..3)
else {
exec { dotnet publish Src\$ModuleName.csproj -c $Configuration -f $TargetFramework --no-build }
remove $ModuleRoot
exec { robocopy Module $ModuleRoot /s /np /r:0 /xf *-Help.ps1 } (0..3)
exec { robocopy Src\bin\$Configuration\$TargetFramework\publish $ModuleRoot /s /np /r:0 } (0..3)
# tweak manifest requirements
Import-Module PsdKit
$xml = Import-PsdXml $ModuleRoot\Mdbc.psd1
Set-Psd $xml '5.1' 'Data/Table/Item[@Key="PowerShellVersion"]'
Export-PsdXml $ModuleRoot\Mdbc.psd1 $xml
# Synopsis: Remove temp files.
task clean {
remove *.nupkg, z, Src\bin, Src\obj, README.htm
# Synopsis: Build help by Helps (https://github.com/nightroman/Helps).
task help @{
Inputs = {Get-Item Src\Commands\*, Module\en-US\$ModuleName.dll-Help.ps1}
Outputs = {"$ModuleRoot\en-US\$ModuleName.dll-Help.xml"}
Jobs = {
. Helps.ps1
Convert-Helps Module\en-US\$ModuleName.dll-Help.ps1 $Outputs
# Synopsis: Test help script examples.
task testHelpExample {
. Helps.ps1
Test-Helps Module\en-US\$ModuleName.dll-Help.ps1
# Synopsis: Test synopsis of each cmdlet and warn about unexpected.
task testHelpSynopsis {
Import-Module Mdbc
Get-Command *-Mdbc* -CommandType cmdlet | Get-Help | .{process{
if (!$_.Synopsis.EndsWith('.')) {
Write-Warning "$($_.Name) : unexpected/missing synopsis"
# Synopsis: Update help then run help tests.
task testHelp help, testHelpExample, testHelpSynopsis
# Synopsis: Convert markdown to HTML.
task markdown {
assert (Test-Path $env:MarkdownCss)
exec { pandoc.exe @(
'--self-contained', "--css=$env:MarkdownCss"
'--standalone', "--metadata=pagetitle=$ModuleName"
# Synopsis: Set $script:Version.
task version {
($script:Version = Get-Version)
# manifest version
$data = & ([scriptblock]::Create([IO.File]::ReadAllText("$ModuleRoot\$ModuleName.psd1")))
assert ($data.ModuleVersion -eq $script:Version)
# assembly version
assert ((Get-Item $ModuleRoot\$ModuleName.dll).VersionInfo.FileVersion -eq ([Version]"$script:Version.0"))
# Synopsis: Make the package in z\tools.
task package {equals $Configuration Release}, updateScript, build, testHelp, test, markdown, {
remove z
$null = mkdir z\tools\$ModuleName\Scripts
Copy-Item -Recurse -Destination z\tools\$ModuleName $(
Copy-Item -Destination z\tools\$ModuleName\Scripts $(
# Synopsis: Make NuGet package.
task nuget package, version, {
$text = @'
Mdbc is the PowerShell module based on the official MongoDB C# driver.
Mdbc makes MongoDB data and operations PowerShell friendly.
# nuspec
Set-Content z\Package.nuspec @"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2010/07/nuspec.xsd">
<authors>Roman Kuzmin</authors>
<owners>Roman Kuzmin</owners>
<license type="expression">Apache-2.0</license>
<tags>Mongo MongoDB PowerShell Module Database</tags>
# pack
exec { NuGet pack z\Package.nuspec -NoPackageAnalysis }
# Synopsis: Push to the repository with a version tag.
task pushRelease version, {
$changes = exec { git status --short }
assert (!$changes) "Please, commit changes."
exec { git push }
exec { git tag -a "v$Version" -m "v$Version" }
exec { git push origin "v$Version" }
# Synopsis: Make and push the NuGet package.
task pushNuGet nuget, {
assert ($TargetFramework -eq 'net472')
$ApiKey = Read-Host nuget.org-ApiKey
exec { NuGet push "$ModuleName.$Version.nupkg" -Source nuget.org -ApiKey $ApiKey }
# Synopsis: Make and push the PSGallery package.
task pushPSGallery package, version, {
equals $TargetFramework netstandard2.0
$NuGetApiKey = Read-Host NuGetApiKey
Publish-Module -Path z/tools/$ModuleName -NuGetApiKey $NuGetApiKey
# Synopsis: Copy external scripts to the project.
task updateScript @{
Partial = $true
Inputs = {
Get-Command Mdbc.ArgumentCompleters.ps1, Update-MongoFiles.ps1 |
.{process{ $_.Definition }}
Outputs = {process{
$2 = "Scripts\$(Split-Path -Leaf $_)"
$item1 = Get-Item -LiteralPath $_
$item2 = Get-Item -LiteralPath $2
if ($item1.LastWriteTimeUtc -lt $item2.LastWriteTimeUtc) {
Write-Warning "Input is older: $_ $2"
Assert-SameFile $_ $2
Copy-Item $_ $2
Jobs = {process{
Copy-Item $_ $2
# Synopsis: Remove test.test* collections
task cleanTest {
Import-Module Mdbc
foreach($name in Connect-Mdbc . test *) {
if ($name -like 'test*') {
Remove-MdbcCollection $name
# Synopsis: Test in the current PowerShell.
task test {
$ErrorView = 'NormalView'
Invoke-Build ** Tests
# Synopsis: Test in PowerShell v6.
task test7 -If $env:pwsh {
exec {& $env:pwsh -NoProfile -Command Invoke-Build Test}
# Synopsis: Build, test and clean all.
task . build2, testHelp, test, test7, clean
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