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swsql.php 19.54 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
luobin 提交于 2015-01-30 00:06 . Test chanage
Reportico - PHP Reporting Tool
Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Peter Deed
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* File: swsql.php
* Contains functionality for parsing SQL statements and
* converting them to queries that can be used by the
* Reportico engine
* @link http://www.reportico.org/
* @copyright 2010-2014 Peter Deed
* @author Peter Deed <info@reportico.org>
* @package Reportico
* @license - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL
* @version $Id: swsql.php,v 1.17 2014/05/17 15:12:32 peter Exp $
* Class reportico_sql_parser
* Parses SQL statements entered by user during
* report design mode and imports them into
* the Reportico engine
class reportico_sql_parser
var $sql;
var $sql_raw;
var $columns = array();
var $tables = array();
var $table_text;
var $where = "";
var $group = "";
var $orders = array();
var $status_message = "";
var $unique = false;
var $columnoffset = 0; // Positon in sql where select columns exists
var $whereoffset = 0; // Positon in sql where WHERE clause exists or would exist
var $haswhere = false; // Does the sql have a where clause?
function __construct( $in_sql )
$this->sql = $in_sql;
function import_into_query( &$in_query )
$in_query->sql_raw = $this->sql_raw;
//When importing into query, we need to ensure that we remove
// any columns already existing which do not appear in the
// new query
$delete_columns = array();
foreach ( $in_query->columns as $k => $v )
if ( $v->in_select )
$delete_columns[$v->query_name] = true;
foreach ( $this->columns as $col )
$qn = $col["name"];
if ( $col["alias"] )
$qn = $col["alias"];
$qn, $col["table"], $col["name"], "char", 30, "####", true);
if ( array_key_exists($qn, $delete_columns ) )
$delete_columns[$qn] = false;
$ct = 0;
$tabtext = "";
foreach ( $this->tables as $col )
if ( $ct++ > 0 )
$tabtext .= ",";
switch ( $col["jointype"] )
case "outer":
$tabtext .= "outer ";
case "inner":
case "default":
$tabtext .= $col["name"];
if ( $col["alias"] )
$tabtext .= " ".$col["alias"];
$in_query->table_text = $tabtext;
$in_query->table_text = $this->table_text;
$in_query->where_text = false;
if ( substr($in_query->where_text, 0, 9) == "AND 1 = 1" )
$in_query->where_text = substr($in_query->where_text, 9);
if ( $this->group )
$in_query->group_text = "GROUP BY ".$this->group;
$in_query->group_text = "";
// Delete existing order columns
$in_query->order_set = array();
foreach ( $this->orders as $col )
if ( ($qc = get_query_column($col["name"], $in_query->columns)) )
$in_query->create_order_column( $col["name"], $col["type"] );
// Now remove from the parent query any columns which were not in the
// imported SQL
foreach ( $delete_columns as $k => $v )
if ( $v )
// Now order the query columns in the reportico query to reflect the order specified in
// the select statement
$pos = 0;
$xx = false;
foreach ( $this->columns as $col )
$pos2 = 0;
$cut = false;
foreach ( $in_query->columns as $k => $v )
if ( $v->query_name == $col["alias"] )
$cut = array_splice($in_query->columns, $pos2, 1 );
if ( $cut )
array_splice($in_query->columns, $pos, 0,
$cut );
$in_query->rowselection = "all";
if ( $this->unique )
$in_query->rowselection = "unique";
function display()
echo "Columns<br>\n=======<br>\n";
foreach ( $this->columns as $col )
echo $col["table"].".".$col["name"];
echo " (".$col["alias"].")";
echo " => ",$col["expression"];
echo "<br>\n";
echo "<br>\nTables<br>\n======<br>\n";
foreach ( $this->tables as $col )
echo $col["name"];
echo " (".$col["alias"].")";
echo " - ".$col["jointype"];
echo "<br>\n";
echo "<br>\nWhere<br>\n=====<br>\n";
echo $this->where;
echo "<br>\n";
echo "<br>\nOrder<br>\n=====<br>\n";
foreach ( $this->orders as $col )
echo $col["name"]." ";
echo $col["type"];
echo "<br>\n";
// **
// Parses the report main SQL in order to extract the report columns to return
// It performs this first trying to find the SELECT part of the query which contains the columns
// Given that a single SQL statement may have many SELECT elements ( a WITH statement, th emain select,
// embedded select in a where clause ) any of them could bring back the report columns.
// **
function parse($warn_empty_aliases = true)
$err = false;
$this->sql_raw = $this->sql;
// First extract every element of of the sql which begins with SELECT ..... FROM
$matches = array();
preg_match_all ( "/.*SELECT\s*(.*)\sFROM\s.*/isU", $this->sql, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE );
$sql =& $this->sql;
// Find the main query SELECT column list which may be hidden among other many selects in
// a the users statement. The trick is to find the columns belonging to a select that
// is not preceded by a "(" indicating a sub select.
$col = "";
$selpos = -1;
$frompos = -1;
$ptr = 0;
$brackets = 0;
$doublequotes = 0;
while ( $ptr < strlen($sql) )
$bit = substr($sql, $ptr, 1);
$bit4 = substr($sql, $ptr, 4);
$bit6 = substr($sql, $ptr, 6);
$bit7 = substr($sql, $ptr, 7);
$inc = 1;
if ( $bit == "\"" && $doublequotes == 0)
else if ( $bit == "\"" )
else if ( $bit == "(" )
else if ( $bit == ")" )
else if ( preg_match ("/SELECT\s/i", $bit7) )
if ( $brackets == 0 && $doublequotes == 0 )
$selpos = $ptr + 7;
$inc = 7;
else if ( preg_match("/\sFROM\s/i", $bit6 ) )
if ( $selpos > -1 && $brackets == 0 && $doublequotes == 0 )
$frompos = $ptr;
$inc = 5;
$ptr += $inc;
$columnoffset = $frompos;
// Find the main query SELECT column list which may be hidden among other many selects in
// a the users statement. The trick is to find the columns belonging to a select that
// is not preceded by a "(" indicating a sub select.
if ( $selpos == -1 || $frompos == -1 )
trigger_error("no SELECT clause specified. Query must contain a 'SELECT'", E_USER_ERROR);
$col = substr ( $sql, $selpos, $frompos - $selpos );
if ( $col )
$this->parse_column_list($this->sql_raw, $col, $selpos ,$warn_empty_aliases );
// Now find the location where the WHERE is or where it would be if there isnt one
$wherematch = array();
if ( preg_match ( "/.*(\[\s*WHERE\s+.*)/siU", $sql, $wherematch, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->columnoffset ) )
$this->haswhere = false;
$this->whereoffset = $wherematch[1][1];
else if ( preg_match ( "/.*\s+WHERE(\s+.*)/siU", $sql, $wherematch, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->columnoffset ))
$this->haswhere = true;
$this->whereoffset = $wherematch[1][1];
else if ( preg_match ( "/.*(\s+GROUP BY\s+.*)/siU", $sql, $wherematch, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->columnoffset ) )
$this->whereoffset = $wherematch[1][1];
else if ( preg_match ( "/.*(\s+GROUP BY\s+.*)/siU", $sql, $wherematch, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->columnoffset ) )
$this->whereoffset = $wherematch[1][1];
else if ( preg_match ( "/.*(\s+GROUP BY\s+.*)/siU", $sql, $wherematch, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->columnoffset ) )
$this->whereoffset = $wherematch[1][1];
else if ( preg_match ( "/.*(\s+HAVING\s+.*)/siU", $sql, $wherematch, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->columnoffset ) )
$this->whereoffset = $wherematch[1][1];
else if ( preg_match ( "/.*(\s+ORDER BY\s+.*)/siU", $sql, $wherematch, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->columnoffset ) )
$this->whereoffset = $wherematch[1][1];
else if ( preg_match ( "/.*(\s+LIMIT\s+.*)/siU", $sql, $wherematch, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->columnoffset ) )
$this->whereoffset = $wherematch[1][1];
else if ( preg_match ( "/.*(\s+PROCEDURE\s+.*)/siU", $sql, $wherematch, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $this->columnoffset ) )
$this->whereoffset = $wherematch[1][1];
$this->whereoffset = strlen ( $sql ) ;
$upd_match = "/^\s*UPDATE\s*(.*)/is";
$del_match = "/^\s*DELETE\s*(.*)/is";
if ( preg_match($upd_match, $sql, $cpt ) )
trigger_error("Update statements are not allowed in designer queries", E_USER_ERROR);
$sel_type = "UPDATE";
$this->sql_raw = "#". $this->sql_raw;
$this->whereoffset = 0;
if ( preg_match($del_match, $sql, $cpt ) )
trigger_error("Delete statements are not allowed designer queries", E_USER_ERROR);
$sel_type = "DELETE";
$this->sql_raw = "#". $this->sql_raw;
$this->whereoffset = 0;
return $this->whereoffset;
function tokenise_columns( $in_string )
$escaped = false;
$level_stack = array();
$in_dquote = false;
$in_squote = false;
$rbracket_level = 0;
$sbracket_level = 0;
$collist = array();
$cur = false;
for ( $ct = 0; $ct < strlen($in_string); $ct++ )
if ( $ct == 0 )
$collist[] = "";
$ky = key($collist);
$cur =& $collist[$ky];
$ch = substr($in_string,$ct,1);
$ok_to_add = true;
switch ( $ch )
case ",":
if ( !($in_dquote || $in_squote || $rbracket_level > 0 || $sbracket_level > 0) )
$collist[] = "";
$ky = key($collist);
$cur =& $collist[$ky];
$ok_to_add = false;
case "\"":
if ( $in_dquote )
$in_dquote = false;
if ( !$in_squote )
$in_dquote = true;
case "'":
if ( $in_squote )
$in_squote = false;
if ( !$in_dquote )
$in_squote = true;
case "(":
if ( !$in_squote && !$in_dquote )
case ")":
if ( !$in_squote && !$in_dquote )
case "[":
if ( !$in_squote && !$in_dquote )
case "]":
if ( !$in_squote && !$in_dquote )
if ($ok_to_add )
$cur .= $ch;
return $collist;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function : parse_column_list
// ----------------------------
// Analyses each column in a user SQL statement
// If user has provided expressions in sql without aliases then an autogenerated
// alias is added in
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function parse_column_list( &$original_sql, $in_string, $offset_in_original_sql ,$warn_empty_aliases )
$tmpsql = $original_sql;
$rolling_new_alias_offset = $offset_in_original_sql ;
$collist = $this->tokenise_columns($in_string);
foreach ( $collist as $k => $colitem )
$auto_gen_alias = false;
if ( !$this->parse_column($k + 1, trim($colitem), $auto_gen_alias ,$warn_empty_aliases ) )
return false;
$rolling_new_alias_offset += strlen($colitem);
if ( $auto_gen_alias )
$tmpsql = substr($tmpsql, 0, $rolling_new_alias_offset).
" $auto_gen_alias". substr($tmpsql, $rolling_new_alias_offset);
$rolling_new_alias_offset += strlen($auto_gen_alias) + 1;
$rolling_new_alias_offset += 1;
$original_sql = $tmpsql;
return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function : parse_column
// -----------------------
// Will take a column item from an SQL statement and parse it to identify
// any alias, table identifier or expression
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function parse_column( $in_colno, $in_string, &$auto_gen_alias ,$warn_empty_aliases )
$err = false;
$colalias = "";
$colname = "";
$coltable = "";
$colexp = "";
// Check for an alias ( any final word which is preceded by any non
// numeric or expression character
// Split out the last two elements
if ( preg_match("/(.+\))([^\s]*)\s*\$/s", $in_string, $out_match) )
if ( preg_match ( "/^[[:alpha:]]\w+$/s", $out_match[2] ) )
$colalias = $out_match[2];
$colname = $out_match[1];
$colexp = $colname;
if ( preg_match("/[^0-9A-Za-z_\r\n\t .]/", $in_string ) )
$colalias = "column".$in_colno;
$auto_gen_alias = $colalias;
if ( $warn_empty_aliases )
handle_debug("Expression <b>($in_string)</b> is unnamed and will be given the name <b>$colalias</b>. You might like to provide your own column alias for this expression.", 0);
$colname = $in_string;
$colexp = $in_string;
if ( preg_match("/(.+)\s+(.*)\s*\$/s", $in_string, $out_match) )
if ( preg_match ( "/^[[:alpha:]]\w+$/s", $out_match[2] ) )
$colalias = $out_match[2];
$colname = $out_match[1];
$colexp = $colname;
if ( preg_match ( "/^[a-zA-Z]$/s", $out_match[2] ) )
$colalias = $out_match[2];
$colname = $out_match[1];
$colexp = $colname;
if ( preg_match("/[^0-9A-Za-z_\r\n\t .]/", $in_string ) )
$colalias = "column".$in_colno;
$auto_gen_alias = $colalias;
if ( $warn_empty_aliases )
handle_debug("Expression <b>($in_string)</b> is unnamed and will be given the name <b>$colalias</b>. You might like to provide your own column alias for this expression.", 0);
$colname = $in_string;
$colexp = $in_string;
// Single column value only so assume no alias
if ( preg_match("/[^0-9A-Za-z_\r\n\t .]/", $in_string ) )
$colalias = "column".$in_colno;
$auto_gen_alias = $colalias;
if ( $warn_empty_aliases )
handle_debug("Expression <b>($in_string)</b> is unnamed and will be given the name <b>$colalias</b>. You might like to provide your own column alias for this expression.", 0);
$colname = $in_string;
$colexp = $in_string;
// Now with what's left of the column try to ascertain a table name
// and column part
if ( preg_match("/^(\w+)\.(\w+)$/", $colname, $out_match) )
$coltable = $out_match[1];
$colname = $out_match[2];
$this->columns[] = array(
"name" => $colname,
"table" => $coltable,
"alias" => $colalias,
"expression" => $colexp
return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function : test_query
// Checks syntax of report query by attempting to run user query. In order to
// avoid long execution times, the WHERE clause is modified to include a 1 = 0
// test so that no rows are returned and therefore execution time is quick
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function test_query($in_query, $sql)
$conn =& $in_query->datasource->ado_connection;
if ( $this->haswhere )
// In order to test an SQL statement with a where clause add an "1 = 0 AND "
$tmp = substr ( $sql, $this->whereoffset );
$tmp = substr ( $sql, 0, $this->whereoffset );
$tmp .= " 1 = 0 AND";
$tmp .= substr( $sql, $this->whereoffset );
$sql = $tmp;
// No where statement add a WHERE 1 = 0
$tmp = substr ( $sql, $this->whereoffset );
$tmp = substr ( $sql, 0, $this->whereoffset );
$tmp .= " WHERE 1 = 0 ";
$tmp .= substr( $sql, $this->whereoffset );
$sql = $tmp;
// Remove any meta_sql criteria links between "[" and "]"
$sql = preg_replace("/WHERE 1 = 1/i", "WHERE 1 = 0", $sql);
$sql = preg_replace("/\[.*\]/U", '', $sql);
// Replace External parameters specified by {USER_PARAM,xxxxx}
if ( preg_match_all ( "/{USER_PARAM,([^}]*)}/", $sql, $matches ) )
foreach ( $matches[0] as $k => $v )
$param = $matches[1][$k];
if ( isset($in_query->user_parameters[$param] ) )
$sql = preg_replace("/{USER_PARAM,$param}/", $in_query->user_parameters[$param], $sql);
trigger_error("User parameter $param, specified but not provided to reportico", E_USER_ERROR);
$errorCode = false;
$errorMessage = false;
$recordSet = false;
$recordSet = $conn->Execute($sql) ;
catch( PDOException $Exception ) {
$errorNumber = $Exception->getCode();
$errorMessage = $Exception->getMessage();
// PHP Fatal Error. Second Argument Has To Be An Integer, But PDOException::getCode Returns A
// String.
// Begin Target Output
if (!$recordSet)
if ( $errorMessage )
handle_error( "Error in Connection: ".$errorMessage. "<BR><BR>(Note that if the error warns of a missing temporary table that will be created at runtime, it is safe to ignore this message)");
handle_error( "Error ( ".$conn->ErrorNo().") in Connection: ".$conn->ErrorMsg(). "<BR><BR>(Note that if the error warns of a missing temporary table that will be created at runtime, it is safe to ignore this message)");
return false;
return true;
马建仓 AI 助手
