同步操作将从 jinfan0931/meic2wrf 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
############################################### meic2wrf ########################################################
# Authors: Fan Jin; Zhou Yong-long; Zhang Lei; Xu Xuan-ye; Jiang Pei-ya; Li Zhuo #
# Institution: Chengdu AeriDice Environment Technology Co., Ltd.; Chengdu University of Information & Technology; #
# Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences #
# E-mail: jin.fan@outlook.com #
# Environment: Python 3.7.7; pynio 1.5.5 #
# June 8, 2020, added noGUI script (by Hao Lyu)
# Environment added: area(https://github.com/scisco/area)
import Nio
import numpy as np
import os
from int_dis import *
import fnmatch
import shutil
meic2wrf = meic2wrf#_interp #用线性插值替代最邻近插值
ll_area = ll_area #更高精度计算每块meic网格面积
# 排放源高度分布
agr_z_d = [1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000]
ind_z_d = [0.602, 0.346, 0.052, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000]
pow_z_d = [0.034, 0.140, 0.349, 0.227, 0.167, 0.059, 0.024, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000]
res_z_d = [0.900, 0.100, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000]
tra_z_d = [0.950, 0.050, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000]
sec_z_d = [agr_z_d, ind_z_d, pow_z_d, res_z_d, tra_z_d, ]
# 排放源时间分布
agr_t_d=[0.400, 1.600, 1.600, 1.600, 1.600, 1.600, 1.600, 1.600, 1.600, 1.600, 1.600, 1.600, 1.600, 0.400,\
0.400, 0.400, 0.400, 0.400, 0.400, 0.400, 0.400, 0.400, 0.400, 0.400]
#[1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000,
#1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000]
ind_t_d=[1.080, 1.632, 1.632, 1.632, 1.632, 1.632, 1.632, 1.632, 1.632, 1.080, 0.936, 0.792, 0.648, 0.504,
0.504, 0.504, 0.504, 0.504, 0.504, 0.504, 0.504, 0.648, 0.792, 0.936]
#[0.400, 1.600, 1.600, 1.600, 1.600, 1.600, 1.600, 1.600, 1.600, 1.600, 1.600, 1.600, 1.600, 0.400,
#0.400, 0.400, 0.400, 0.400, 0.400, 0.400, 0.400, 0.400, 0.400, 0.400]
pow_t_d=[1.104, 1.200, 1.212, 1.200, 1.224, 1.236, 1.236, 1.224, 1.176, 1.104, 1.116, 1.128, 1.080, 1.008,
0.948, 0.720, 0.840, 0.708, 0.576, 0.600, 0.732, 0.804, 0.852, 0.972]
#[1.185, 1.185, 1.481, 1.481, 1.481, 1.481, 1.481, 1.481, 1.481, 1.185, 1.185, 0.889, 0.889, 0.593,
#0.593, 0.593, 0.593, 0.593, 0.593, 0.593, 0.593, 0.593, 0.889, 0.889]
res_t_d=[1.224, 1.584, 2.736, 2.520, 0.984, 0.696, 0.552, 0.984, 1.680, 2.328, 1.488, 0.840, 0.264, 0.360,
0.336, 0.240, 0.336, 0.312, 0.408, 0.216, 0.408, 1.080, 1.176, 1.248]
#[1.455, 1.212, 1.212, 0.970, 0.970, 0.970, 0.970, 0.970, 1.212, 1.697, 2.182, 1.939, 1.697, 1.455,
#1.212, 0.727, 0.485, 0.242, 0.242, 0.242, 0.242, 0.242, 0.485, 0.970]
tra_t_d=[1.536, 1.440, 1.392, 1.272, 1.212, 1.368, 1.380, 1.416, 1.428, 1.524, 1.380, 1.128, 1.068, 1.008,
0.864, 0.648, 0.480, 0.348, 0.252, 0.216, 0.192, 0.312, 0.720, 1.416]
#[1.656, 1.488, 1.488, 1.488, 1.224, 1.056, 1.560, 1.560, 1.560, 1.632, 1.608, 1.080, 1.032, 0.984,
#0.840, 0.576, 0.456, 0.336, 0.240, 0.192, 0.144, 0.216, 0.360, 1.224]
sec_t_d = [agr_t_d, ind_t_d, pow_t_d, res_t_d, tra_t_d, ]
print('Merging MEIC emission files of different departments...')
def merge_meic_dept(ent_dir): # 生成merge文件夹,预处理排放源文件
if os.path.exists(ent_dir+'/merged/'):
for i, j in zip(['*BC*', '*CO[!2]*', '*CO2*', '*NH3*', '*NOx*', '*[!V]OC*', '*PM2.5*', '*PMcoarse*', '*ALD*',
'*CSL*', '*ETH*', '*GLY*', '*HC3*', '*HC5*', '*HC8*', '*HCHO*',
'*ISO*', '*KET*', '*MACR*', '*MGLY*', '*MVK*', '*NR*', '*NVOL*',
'*OL2*', '*OLI*', '*OLT*', '*ORA1*', '*ORA2*', '*TOL*', '*XYL*', '*SO2*', '*VOC*', ],
['BC', 'CO', 'CO2', 'NH3', 'NOx', 'OC', 'PM2.5', 'PMcoarse', 'ALD',
'CSL', 'ETH', 'GLY', 'HC3', 'HC5', 'HC8', 'HCHO',
'ISO', 'KET', 'MACR', 'MGLY', 'MVK', 'NR','NVOL',
'OL2', 'OLI', 'OLT', 'ORA1', 'ORA2', 'TOL', 'XYL', 'SO2', 'VOC', ]):
fn_act = ent_dir+'/' + \
os.listdir(ent_dir), i), '*agr*nc')[0]
fn_idt = ent_dir+'/' + \
os.listdir(ent_dir), i), '*ind*nc')[0]
fn_pwr = ent_dir+'/' + \
os.listdir(ent_dir), i), '*pow*nc')[0]
fn_rdt = ent_dir+'/' + \
os.listdir(ent_dir), i), '*res*nc')[0]
fn_tpt = ent_dir+'/' + \
os.listdir(ent_dir), i), '*tra*nc')[0]
f_act = Nio.open_file(fn_act)
f_idt = Nio.open_file(fn_idt)
f_pwr = Nio.open_file(fn_pwr)
f_rdt = Nio.open_file(fn_rdt)
f_tpt = Nio.open_file(fn_tpt)
act = f_act.variables['z'][:].reshape((200, 320),)[::-1]
act = np.where(act > 0.0, act*1, 0.0)
idt = f_idt.variables['z'][:].reshape((200, 320),)[::-1]
idt = np.where(idt > 0.0, idt*1, 0.0)
pwr = f_pwr.variables['z'][:].reshape((200, 320),)[::-1]
pwr = np.where(pwr > 0.0, pwr*1, 0.0)
rdt = f_rdt.variables['z'][:].reshape((200, 320),)[::-1]
rdt = np.where(rdt > 0.0, rdt*1, 0.0)
tpt = f_tpt.variables['z'][:].reshape((200, 320),)[::-1]
tpt = np.where(tpt > 0.0, tpt*1, 0.0)
lon = np.arange(70.125, 150, 0.25, dtype=np.float32)
lat = np.arange(10.125, 60, 0.25, dtype=np.float32)
lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)
f = Nio.open_file(ent_dir+'/merged/'+j+'.nc', 'c')
f.create_dimension('lon', 320)
f.create_dimension('lat', 200)
for var, val in zip(['act', 'idt', 'pwr', 'rdt', 'tpt', 'lon', 'lat'], [act, idt, pwr, rdt, tpt, lon, lat]):
f.create_variable(var, 'f', ('lat', 'lon',))
f.variables[var][:] = val
def itp_dis(ent_inp,ent_dir,save_dir):
f_inp = Nio.open_file(ent_inp, format='nc')
lon_inp = f_inp.variables['XLONG'][0, :]
lat_inp = f_inp.variables['XLAT'][0, :]
time_inp = f_inp.variables['Times'][:][0]
time_inp = ''.join([i.decode('utf-8') for i in time_inp]).split('_')[0]
# put all the distributed meic species into meic_spec_emis:
meic_spec_emis = []
# inorganic gas: ton/(grid.month) to mole/(km2.h)
print('Interpolating & distributing MEIC inorganic species...')
for spec, M in zip(['CO', 'CO2', 'NH3', 'NOx', 'SO2', ], [28, 44, 17, 31.6, 64]):
f_post = Nio.open_file(ent_dir+'/merged/'+spec+'.nc')
lon = f_post.variables['lon'][:]
lat = f_post.variables['lat'][:]
section = [(f_post.variables[sec][:, :]*1e6)/(ll_area(lat, 0.25)*30*24*M)
for sec in ['act', 'idt', 'pwr', 'rdt', 'tpt', ]]
sections = [meic2wrf(lon_inp, lat_inp, lon, lat, emis,)
for emis in section]
c = [sec2zt(i, j, k) for i, j, k in zip(sections, sec_z_d, sec_t_d)]
c = sum(c)
# organic gas: million_mole/(grid.month) to mole/(km2.h)
print('Interpolating & distributing MEIC organic species...')
for spec in ['ALD', 'CSL', 'ETH', 'GLY', 'HC3', 'HC5', 'HC8', 'HCHO', 'ISO', 'KET', 'MACR', 'MGLY', 'MVK', 'NR', 'NVOL',
'OL2', 'OLI', 'OLT', 'ORA1', 'ORA2', 'TOL', 'XYL', ]:
f_post = Nio.open_file(ent_dir+'/merged/'+spec+'.nc')
section = [(f_post.variables[sec][:, :]*1e6)/(ll_area(lat, 0.25)*30*24)
for sec in ['act', 'idt', 'pwr', 'rdt', 'tpt', ]]
sections = [meic2wrf(lon_inp, lat_inp, lon, lat, emis,)
for emis in section]
c = [sec2zt(i, j, k) for i, j, k in zip(sections, sec_z_d, sec_t_d)]
c = sum(c)
# aerosol: ton/(grid.month) to ug/(m2.s)
print('Interpolating & distributing MEIC aerosol species...')
for spec in ['BC', 'OC', 'PM2.5', 'PMcoarse', ]:
f_post = Nio.open_file(ent_dir+'/merged/'+spec+'.nc')
# lon=f_post.variables['lon'][:]
# lat=f_post.variables['lat'][:]
section = [(f_post.variables[sec][:, :]*1e6)/(ll_area(lat, 0.25)*30*24*3600)
for sec in ['act', 'idt', 'pwr', 'rdt', 'tpt', ]]
sections = [meic2wrf(lon_inp, lat_inp, lon, lat, emis,)
for emis in section]
c = [sec2zt(i, j, k) for i, j, k in zip(sections, sec_z_d, sec_t_d)]
c = sum(c)
# meic emission to RADM2 chemistry scheme:
print('Matching all species to WRF-Chem chemistry scheme...')
wrf_spec_emis = [
np.zeros(meic_spec_emis[0][:].shape, dtype='float32')]*31
wrf_spec_emis[0] = meic_spec_emis[0] # wrf: CO
wrf_spec_emis[1] = meic_spec_emis[2] # wrf: NH3
wrf_spec_emis[2] = meic_spec_emis[3]*0.9 # wrf: NO
wrf_spec_emis[3] = meic_spec_emis[3]*0.1 # wrf: NO2
wrf_spec_emis[4] = meic_spec_emis[4]*0.9 # wrf: SO2
wrf_spec_emis[5] = meic_spec_emis[5] # wrf: ALD
wrf_spec_emis[6] = meic_spec_emis[6] # wrf: CSL
wrf_spec_emis[7] = meic_spec_emis[7] # wrf: ETH
wrf_spec_emis[8] = meic_spec_emis[9] # wrf: HC3
wrf_spec_emis[9] = meic_spec_emis[10] # wrf: HC5
wrf_spec_emis[10] = meic_spec_emis[11] # wrf: HC8
wrf_spec_emis[11] = meic_spec_emis[12] # wrf: HCHO
wrf_spec_emis[12] = meic_spec_emis[13] # wrf: ISO
wrf_spec_emis[13] = meic_spec_emis[14] # wrf: KET
wrf_spec_emis[14] = meic_spec_emis[20]*1.1 # wrf: OL2
wrf_spec_emis[15] = meic_spec_emis[21]*1.1 # wrf: OLI
wrf_spec_emis[16] = meic_spec_emis[22]*1.1 # wrf: OLT
wrf_spec_emis[17] = meic_spec_emis[24] # wrf: ORA2
wrf_spec_emis[18] = meic_spec_emis[25]*1.1 # wrf: TOL
wrf_spec_emis[19] = meic_spec_emis[26]*1.1 # wrf: XYL
wrf_spec_emis[20] = meic_spec_emis[27]*0.2 # wrf: ECi
wrf_spec_emis[21] = meic_spec_emis[27]*0.8 # wrf: ECj
wrf_spec_emis[22] = meic_spec_emis[28]*0.2 # wrf: ORGi
wrf_spec_emis[23] = meic_spec_emis[28]*0.8 # wrf: ORGj
wrf_spec_emis[24] = meic_spec_emis[29] - \
meic_spec_emis[28]-meic_spec_emis[27]*0.2 # wrf: PM25i
wrf_spec_emis[25] = meic_spec_emis[29] - \
meic_spec_emis[28]-meic_spec_emis[27]*0.8 # wrf: PM25j
wrf_spec_emis[26] = meic_spec_emis[30]*0.8 # wrf: PM10
wrf_spec_emis[27] = np.zeros(
meic_spec_emis[0][:].shape, dtype='float32') # wrf: SO4i
wrf_spec_emis[28] = np.zeros(
meic_spec_emis[0][:].shape, dtype='float32') # wrf: SO4j
wrf_spec_emis[29] = np.zeros(
meic_spec_emis[0][:].shape, dtype='float32') # wrf: NO3i
wrf_spec_emis[30] = np.zeros(
meic_spec_emis[0][:].shape, dtype='float32') # wrf: NO3j
print('Generating wrfchemi_00z_%s & wrfchemi_12z_%s emission files...' %(ent_inp.split('_')[-1],ent_inp.split('_')[-1]))
for ihour in [0,12]:
# generate wrfchemi_00z_d01 anthropogenic emission data for wrf-chem model run:
if os.path.exists(ent_dir+'/merged/'+'wrfchemi_'+str(ihour).zfill(2)+'z_'+ent_inp.split('_')[-1]):
os.remove(ent_dir+'/merged/'+'wrfchemi_'+str(ihour).zfill(2)+'z_' + ent_inp.split('_')[-1])
f_chem = Nio.open_file(ent_dir+'/merged/'+'wrfchemi_'+str(ihour).zfill(2)+'z_'+ent_inp.split('_')[-1], 'c', format='nc')
f_chem.create_dimension('Time', None)
f_chem.create_dimension('emissions_zdim', wrf_spec_emis[0].shape[1])
f_chem.create_dimension('south_north', wrf_spec_emis[0].shape[2])
f_chem.create_dimension('west_east', wrf_spec_emis[0].shape[3])
f_chem.create_dimension('DateStrLen', 19)
f_chem.create_variable('Times', 'S1', ('Time', 'DateStrLen'),)
for i, time in enumerate([time_inp+'_'+str(ii).zfill(2)+':00:00' for ii in range(ihour,ihour+12)]):
f_chem.variables['Times'][i] = list(time) # split the string to char
for ll, LL in zip([lon_inp, lat_inp], ['XLONG', 'XLAT']):
f_chem.create_variable(LL, 'f', ('south_north', 'west_east',),)
f_chem.variables[LL][:] = ll
radm_gas = ['E_CO', 'E_NH3', 'E_NO', 'E_NO2', 'E_SO2', 'E_ALD', 'E_CSL', 'E_ETH', 'E_HC3', 'E_HC5', 'E_HC8', 'E_HCHO', 'E_ISO', 'E_KET',
'E_OL2', 'E_OLI', 'E_OLT', 'E_ORA2', 'E_TOL', 'E_XYL', ]
radm_aerosol = ['E_ECI', 'E_ECJ', 'E_ORGI', 'E_ORGJ', 'E_PM25I',
'E_PM25J', 'E_PM_10', 'E_SO4I', 'E_SO4J', 'E_NO3I', 'E_NO3J', ]
for gas in radm_gas:
f_chem.create_variable(gas, 'f', ('Time', 'emissions_zdim', 'south_north', 'west_east',))
f_chem.variables[gas].FieldType = np.int16(104)
f_chem.variables[gas].MemoryOrder = 'XYZ'
f_chem.variables[gas].description = 'EMISSIONS'
f_chem.variables[gas].units = 'mol km^-2 hr^-1'
f_chem.variables[gas].stagger = 'Z'
# f_chem.variables[gas].ordinates = 'XLONG XLAT'
for aerosol in radm_aerosol:
f_chem.create_variable(aerosol, 'f', ('Time', 'emissions_zdim', 'south_north', 'west_east',))
f_chem.variables[aerosol].FieldType = np.int16(104)
f_chem.variables[aerosol].MemoryOrder = 'XYZ'
f_chem.variables[aerosol].description = 'EMISSIONS'
f_chem.variables[aerosol].units = 'ug/m3 m/s'
f_chem.variables[aerosol].stagger = 'Z'
# f_chem.variables[aerosol].ordinates = 'XLONG XLAT'
radm_spec = ['E_CO', 'E_NH3', 'E_NO', 'E_NO2', 'E_SO2', 'E_ALD', 'E_CSL', 'E_ETH', 'E_HC3', 'E_HC5', 'E_HC8', 'E_HCHO', 'E_ISO', 'E_KET',
'E_OL2', 'E_OLI', 'E_OLT', 'E_ORA2', 'E_TOL', 'E_XYL', 'E_ECI', 'E_ECJ', 'E_ORGI', 'E_ORGJ', 'E_PM25I', 'E_PM25J', 'E_PM_10', 'E_SO4I',
'E_SO4J', 'E_NO3I', 'E_NO3J', ]
for i, spec in enumerate(radm_spec):
# dimension need to be matched with the variable defination
#f_chem.variables[spec][:] = wrf_spec_emis[i][ihour:ihour+12, :, :, :]
chem_spec_input=wrf_spec_emis[i][ihour:ihour+12, :, :, :]
chem_spec_input_new = chem_spec_input.astype(np.float32)
#rename,delete suffix .nc
if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir)
if __name__ == '__main__':
ent_dir = "/Users/jf/Desktop/make_emis/MEIC_2016_month/06/" #请设置排放源数据所在目录路径(路径最后有'/')
ent_inp = "/Users/jf/Desktop/meic2wrf-master/wrfinput_d01" #请设置wrfinput文件所在路径(路径最后无'/')
save_dir = "/Users/jf/Desktop/meic2wrf-master/" #请设置生成的wrfchemi文件保存目录路径(路径最后有'/')
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。