同步操作将从 cygsd/Chess 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
using Chess.SuanFa;
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using static Chess.CustomClass.Qipu;
using Chess.CustomClass;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace Chess
internal class GlobalValue
public const float GRID_WIDTH = 67.5f; //棋盘格大小为 67.5*67.5
public const bool BLACKSIDE = false; // 黑方
public const bool REDSIDE = true; //红方
public static bool _sideTag;
public static bool SideTag // 当前走棋方
get { return _sideTag; }
_sideTag = value;
Settings.Default.CurrentSide = value;
private static bool _isGameOver;
public static bool IsGameOver // 游戏结束标志
get { return _isGameOver; }
_isGameOver = value;
if (value)
Juesha = new();
} // 已绝杀时,显示绝杀图像
} // 游戏结束,系统自动检测
public static bool EnableGameStop; // 人为停止游戏,用于电脑自动走棋过程中,中止走棋
public static bool IsQiPanFanZhuan; // 棋盘上下翻转,默认值为false,下红上黑,设为true后,翻转后为下黑上红
public static int CurrentQiZi; // 当前选定的棋子
public static int[,] QiPan = new int[9, 10]; // 棋盘数据,9列10行,记录棋子位置,如果为-1,则表示该位置没有棋子。
public static MediaPlayer player = new();
public const int PERSON_PC = 1;
public const int PC_PC = 2;
public const int FREE_DAPU = 3;
public const int QIPU_RECORD = 4;
public const int CANJU_DESIGN = 5;
public const int CANJU_POJIE = 6;
#region // 用户界面元素
public static PathPoint[,] pathPointImage = new PathPoint[9, 10]; // 棋子可走路径的圆点标记
public static QiZi[] qiZiArray = new QiZi[32]; // 棋子数组,所有棋子均在此数组中
public static QiZi yuanWeiZhi; // 棋子走动后在原位置显示圆圈
public static string jiangJunTiShiText
get { return ""; }
if (jiangJunTiShi != null)
jiangJunTiShi.Text = value;
public static TextBlock jiangJunTiShi; // 将军时的文字提示
public static string BestMoveInfoText
get { return ""; }
if (BestMoveInfo != null)
BestMoveInfo.Text = value;
public static TextBlock BestMoveInfo; // 将军时的文字提示
public static Grid JueShaGrid; // 绝杀图片的容器
public static JueSha Juesha; // 绝杀时显示图片
public static Window_QiPu qiPuKuForm; // 棋谱库窗口
public static MyGraphics arrows; // 走棋指示箭头
#region 数据存储
//public static ObservableCollection<ContractQPClass> fuPanDataList = new(); // 复盘棋谱步骤列表,后期将弃用本变量
public static QiPuRecord qiPuRecordRoot = new(); // 棋谱树型数据结构
public static QiPuSimpleRecord qiPuSimpleRecordRoot = new(); // 棋谱树型数据结构的精简版
//public static List<Qipu.ContractQPClass> cnNumberList = new(); // 棋谱中文步骤列表
#region 棋子及棋盘基础数据
/// <summary>
/// 棋子编号0-31,分别对应的图像文件名
/// </summary>
public static readonly string[] qiZiImageFileName = {
"黑将", "黑士", "黑士", "黑象", "黑象", "黑马", "黑马", "黑车", "黑车", "黑炮", "黑炮", "黑卒", "黑卒", "黑卒", "黑卒", "黑卒",
"红帅", "红仕", "红仕", "红相", "红相", "红马", "红马", "红车", "红车", "红炮", "红炮", "红兵", "红兵", "红兵", "红兵", "红兵"
/// <summary>
/// 棋子的中文简称,用于棋谱翻译
/// </summary>
public static readonly string[] qiZiCnName = {
"将", "士", "士", "象", "象", "马", "马", "车", "车", "炮", "炮", "卒", "卒", "卒", "卒", "卒",
"帅", "仕", "仕", "相", "相", "马", "马", "车", "车", "炮", "炮", "兵", "兵", "兵", "兵", "兵"
/// <summary>
/// 棋子初始位置
/// </summary>
public static readonly int[,] qiZiInitPosition = new int[32, 2]
{4, 0},{3, 0},{5, 0},{2, 0},{6, 0},{1, 0},{7, 0},{0, 0},{8, 0},
{1, 2},{7, 2},
{0, 3},{2, 3},{4, 3},{6, 3},{8, 3},
{4, 9},{3, 9},{5, 9},{2, 9},{6, 9},{1, 9},{7, 9},{0, 9},{8, 9},
{1, 7},{7, 7},
{0, 6},{2, 6},{4, 6},{6, 6},{8, 6}
/// <summary>
/// 残局设计时棋子的初始位置
/// </summary>
public static readonly int[,] qiZiCanJuInitPosition = new int[32, 2]
{0, -1},{1, -1},{1, -1},{2, -1},{2, -1},{3, -1},{3, -1},{4, -1},{4, -1},
{5, -1},{5, -1},
{6, -1},{6, -1},{6, -1},{6, -1},{6, -1},
{0, 10},{1, 10},{1, 10},{2, 10},{2, 10},{3, 10},{3, 10},{4, 10},{4, 10},
{5, 10},{5, 10},
{6, 10},{6, 10},{6, 10},{6, 10},{6, 10}
const int gw = 35;
/// <summary>
/// 棋盘每一格的列坐标
/// </summary>
public static readonly double[] QiPanGrid_X = new double[9]
75.0 + gw, 143.0 + gw, 211.0 + gw, 278.0 + gw, 346.0 + gw, 413.0 + gw, 480.0 + gw, 548.0 + gw, 616.0 + gw
/// <summary>
/// 棋盘每一格的行坐标
/// </summary>
public static readonly double[] QiPanGrid_Y = new double[10]
61.0 + gw, 130.0 + gw, 197.0 + gw, 264.0 + gw, 332.0 + gw, 400.0 + gw, 467.0 + gw, 535.0 + gw, 603.0 + gw, 669.0 + gw
public static readonly double QiPanGrid_Y_0 = -20;
public static readonly double QiPanGrid_Y_10 = 750;
/// <summary>
/// 阿拉伯数字0-9,对应的中文数字
/// </summary>
public static readonly string[] CnNumber = { "", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九" };
/// <summary>
/// 棋子移动的处理,如果棋子移动后配方被将军,则不能移动。
/// </summary>
/// <param name="qiZi">棋子编号</param>
/// <param name="m">目的地的列</param>
/// <param name="n">目的地的行</param>
/// <param name="dieQiZi">所杀死的棋子的编号,-1表示没有杀死棋子</param>
/// <param name="sound">是否打开声音效果</param>
public static bool QiZiMoveTo(int qiZi, int m, int n, bool sound) // 运子
if (qiZi is < 0 or > 31) return false;
if (GlobalValue.IsGameOver == true) return false;
qiZiArray[qiZi].Select(); // 人工走棋时,引代码多余。仅用于电脑走棋时,模拟棋子被选中。
// 运子到(m,n)位置
int x0 = qiZiArray[qiZi].Col;
int y0 = qiZiArray[qiZi].Row;
int dieQiZi = QiPan[m, n];
AnimationMove(qiZi, x0, y0, m, n); // 动画为异步运行,要注意系统数据的更新是否同步,放在此处,是为了提高应用体验,点击时能够有所反馈。后期注意验证。
if (sound && Settings.Default.EnableSound)
player.Open(new Uri("sounds/go.mp3", UriKind.Relative));
if (MoveCheck.AfterMoveStillJiangJun(qiZi, m, n, QiPan)) return false; // 如果棋子移动后,本方处于将军状态,则不可以移动。
qiZiArray[qiZi].SetPosition(m, n);
GlobalValue.QiPan[x0, y0] = -1;
GlobalValue.QiPan[m, n] = qiZi;
arrows.HideAllPath(); // 隐藏提示箭头
AddQiPuItem(qiZi, x0, y0, m, n, dieQiZi); // 增加一行棋谱记录
for (int i = 0; i <= 8; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= 9; j++)
pathPointImage[i, j].HasPoint = false; // 走棋后,隐藏走棋路径
SideTag = !SideTag; // 变换走棋方
if (dieQiZi != -1) // 如果杀死了棋子
if (dieQiZi is 0 or 16) // 将帅被吃,则游戏结束。本系统通过将军和绝杀判断,不允许出现此种情况。仅仅暂且保留此代码。
IsGameOver = true;
return false;
if (JiangJun.IsJueSha(qiZi)) // 检查是否绝杀
IsGameOver = true;
return false;
if (JiangJun.IsKunBi(SideTag)) // 检查是否困毙
IsGameOver = true;
if (SideTag == BLACKSIDE)
jiangJunTiShiText = "战况信息:" + Environment.NewLine + "【黑方】被困毙!";
if (SideTag == REDSIDE)
jiangJunTiShiText = "战况信息:" + Environment.NewLine + "【红方】被困毙!";
return false;
if (GlobalValue.qiPuRecordRoot.IsLianSha()) // 检查是否连杀超过3次
IsGameOver = true;
if (SideTag == BLACKSIDE)
jiangJunTiShiText = "战况信息:" + Environment.NewLine + "【红方】连续吃将未变招,判负!";
if (SideTag == REDSIDE)
jiangJunTiShiText = "战况信息:" + Environment.NewLine + "【黑方】连续吃将未变招,判负!";
return false;
CurrentQiZi = 100; // 当前预选棋子设为无效棋子
//AnimationMove(qiZi, x0, y0, m, n); // 动画为异步运行,要注意系统数据的更新是否同步,因此将动画放在最后执行,避免所取数据出现错误。
BestMoveInfoText = Engine.XQEngine.UcciInfo.GetBestMove(false); // 调用象棋引擎,得到下一步推荐着法
return true;
/// <summary>
/// 自由摆放棋子,主要用于残局设计
/// </summary>
/// <param name="qiZi"></param>
/// <param name="m"></param>
/// <param name="n"></param>
/// <param name="sound"></param>
public static void QiZiFreeMoveTo(int qiZi, int m, int n, bool sound) // 运子
if (qiZi is < 0 or > 31) return;
// 运子到(m,n)位置
int x0 = qiZiArray[qiZi].Col;
int y0 = qiZiArray[qiZi].Row;
if (x0 == m && y0 == n) return;
int dieQiZi = QiPan[m, n];
AnimationMove(qiZi, x0, y0, m, n); // 动画为异步运行,要注意系统数据的更新是否同步,放在此处,是为了提高应用体验,点击时能够有所反馈。后期注意验证。
if (sound && Settings.Default.EnableSound)
player.Open(new Uri("sounds/go.mp3", UriKind.Relative));
if (!MoveCheck.FreeMoveCheck(qiZi, m, n)) return; // 棋子摆放位置是否合规
qiZiArray[qiZi].SetPosition(m, n);
if (y0 >= 0 && y0 < 10) GlobalValue.QiPan[x0, y0] = -1;
GlobalValue.QiPan[m, n] = qiZi;
for (int i = 0; i <= 8; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= 9; j++)
pathPointImage[i, j].HasPoint = false; // 走棋后,隐藏走棋路径
if (dieQiZi != -1) // 如果杀死了棋子
//CurrentQiZi = 100; // 当前预选棋子设为无效棋子
AnimationMove(qiZi, x0, y0, m, n); // 动画为异步运行,要注意系统数据的更新是否同步,因此将动画放在最后执行,避免所取数据出现错误。
/// <summary>
/// 添加一条棋谱记录
/// </summary>
/// <param name="QiZi"></param>
/// <param name="x0"></param>
/// <param name="y0"></param>
/// <param name="x1"></param>
/// <param name="y1"></param>
/// <param name="DieQz"></param>
public static void AddQiPuItem(int QiZi, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int DieQz)
string char1 = GlobalValue.qiZiCnName[QiZi];
string char2 = QiZi is > 0 and < 15 ? (x0 + 1).ToString() : GlobalValue.CnNumber[9 - x0];
string char3 = "";
string char4;
#region 棋谱翻译为中文
int m = Math.Abs(y1 - y0);
// 进退平
if (y0 == y1)
char3 = "平";
char4 = QiZi is >= 0 and <= 15 ? (x1 + 1).ToString() : GlobalValue.CnNumber[9 - x1];
if (QiZi is >= 0 and <= 15)
char3 = y1 > y0 ? "进" : "退";
if (QiZi is >= 16 and <= 31)
char3 = y1 > y0 ? "退" : "进";
char4 = QiZi switch
1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 => (x1 + 1).ToString(),
17 or 18 or 19 or 20 or 21 or 22 => GlobalValue.CnNumber[9 - x1],
// 其他所有可以直走的棋子
_ => QiZi is > 0 and < 15 ? m.ToString() : GlobalValue.CnNumber[m],
QiPuList.Add(new ContractQPClass()
Id = QiPuList.Count + 1,
Nm = $"{QiZi:d2} {x0:d} {y0:d} {x1:d} {y1:d} {DieQz:d}",
Cn = char1 + char2 + char3 + char4,
Remarks = "",
StepData = new StepCode(QiZi, x0, y0, x1, y1, DieQz)
QiPuRecord QRecord = new();
QRecord.SetRecordData(QiZi, x0, y0, x1, y1, DieQz);
GlobalValue.qiPuRecordRoot.Cursor = GlobalValue.qiPuRecordRoot.Cursor.AddChild(QRecord); // 棋谱增加新的节点,指针更新为该节点
GlobalValue.qiPuRecordRoot.Cursor.IsSelected = true;
GlobalValue.qiPuSimpleRecordRoot = GlobalValue.ConvertQiPuToSimple(GlobalValue.qiPuRecordRoot); // 更新简易棋谱记录
//x0 = 100;
/// <summary>
/// 走棋动画
/// </summary>
/// <param name="qiZi"></param>
/// <param name="x0"></param>
/// <param name="y0"></param>
/// <param name="x1"></param>
/// <param name="y1"></param>
private static void AnimationMove(int qiZi, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
const double delayTime = 200.0; // 动画延续时间,毫秒
double Grid_y0 = 0.0;
#region 棋子有效位置检测
if (y0 >= 0 && y0 < 10) // 棋子在棋盘内
Grid_y0 = QiPanGrid_Y[y0] - GRID_WIDTH / 2;
if (y0 == -1) // 残局设计时,棋子初始位置在棋盘外
Grid_y0 = QiPanGrid_Y_0;
if (y0 == 10) // 残局设计时,棋子初始位置在棋盘外
Grid_y0 = QiPanGrid_Y_10;
double Grid_y1 = 0.0;
if (y1 >= 0 && y1 < 10) // 棋子在棋盘内
Grid_y1 = QiPanGrid_Y[y1] - GRID_WIDTH / 2;
if (y1 == -1) // 残局设计时,棋子初始位置在棋盘外
Grid_y1 = QiPanGrid_Y_0;
if (y1 == 10) // 残局设计时,棋子初始位置在棋盘外
Grid_y1 = QiPanGrid_Y_10;
#region 棋子移动动画参数设置
Storyboard sb = new();
DoubleAnimation PAx = new()
From = QiPanGrid_X[x0] - GRID_WIDTH / 2,
To = QiPanGrid_X[x1] - GRID_WIDTH / 2,
FillBehavior = FillBehavior.Stop,
Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(delayTime / 1000))
DoubleAnimation PAy = new()
From = Grid_y0,
To = Grid_y1,
FillBehavior = FillBehavior.Stop,
Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(delayTime / 1000))
if (IsQiPanFanZhuan)
PAx.From = QiPanGrid_X[8 - x0] - GRID_WIDTH / 2;
PAx.To = QiPanGrid_X[8 - x1] - GRID_WIDTH / 2;
PAy.From = QiPanGrid_Y[9 - y0] - GRID_WIDTH / 2;
PAy.To = QiPanGrid_Y[9 - y1] - GRID_WIDTH / 2;
Storyboard.SetTarget(PAx, qiZiArray[qiZi]);
Storyboard.SetTarget(PAy, qiZiArray[qiZi]);
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(PAx, new PropertyPath(Canvas.LeftProperty));
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(PAy, new PropertyPath(Canvas.TopProperty));
//qiZiArray[qiZi].Effect.BeginAnimation(DropShadowEffect.ShadowDepthProperty, DA);
//qiZiArray[qiZi].BeginAnimation(Canvas.LeftProperty, PAx); // 棋子移动动画
//qiZiArray[qiZi].BeginAnimation(Canvas.TopProperty, PAy);
/// <summary>
/// 初始化界面,棋盘设置为开局状态,但棋盘翻转状态不会重置
/// </summary>
public static void Reset()
foreach (QiZi item in qiZiArray)
item.SetInitPosition(); // 所有棋子的位置信息复位
for (int i = 0; i <= 8; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= 9; j++)
QiPan[i, j] = -1; // 棋盘数据清空
pathPointImage[i, j].HasPoint = false; // 走棋路径点清空
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
QiPan[qiZiArray[i].Col, qiZiArray[i].Row] = i; // 棋子位置信息转换到棋盘上
yuanWeiZhi.HiddenYuanWeiZhiImage(); // 原位置标志隐藏
Qipu.QiPuList.Clear(); // 棋谱记录清空
arrows.HideAllPath(); // 隐藏所有提示箭头
qiPuRecordRoot.Cursor = qiPuRecordRoot; // 棋谱记录指针回到根部
qiPuRecordRoot.DeleteChildNode(); // 棋谱记录清除所有子节点
GlobalValue.EnableGameStop = false;
IsGameOver = false;
SideTag = REDSIDE; // 红方先走
/// <summary>
/// 悔棋按钮
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
public static void HuiQi()
if (Qipu.QiPuList.Count < 1)
Qipu.StepCode step = Qipu.QiPuList[^1].StepData; // ^1:索引运算符,表示倒数第一个
qiZiArray[step.QiZi].Select(); // 重新计算可移动路径
qiZiArray[step.QiZi].SetPosition(step.X0, step.Y0);
AnimationMove(step.QiZi, step.X1, step.Y1, step.X0, step.Y0);
if (step.DieQz > -1)
qiZiArray[step.DieQz].SetPosition(step.X1, step.Y1);
QiPan[step.X0, step.Y0] = step.QiZi;
QiPan[step.X1, step.Y1] = step.DieQz;
Qipu.QiPuList.RemoveAt(Qipu.QiPuList.Count - 1);
SideTag = !SideTag;
foreach (var item in pathPointImage)
item.HasPoint = false;
if (qiPuRecordRoot.Cursor.GetParent() != null)
qiPuRecordRoot.Cursor = qiPuRecordRoot.Cursor.GetParent();
qiPuRecordRoot.Cursor.IsSelected = true;
/// <summary>
/// 下一步
/// </summary>
public static int NextStep()
QiPuRecord cursor = qiPuRecordRoot.Cursor;
if (cursor.ChildNode.Count == 1)
cursor = cursor.ChildNode[0];
StepCode step = cursor.StepData;
//QiZiMoveTo(step.QiZi, step.X1, step.Y1, true);
qiPuRecordRoot.Cursor = cursor;
return 1;
if (cursor.ChildNode.Count > 1)
return cursor.ChildNode.Count;
return 0;
public static void NextStep(string childId)
public static void NextStep(int childId)
QiPuRecord cursor = qiPuRecordRoot.Cursor;
if (childId > 0 && childId <= cursor.ChildNode.Count)
cursor = cursor.ChildNode[childId - 1];
StepCode step = cursor.StepData;
//QiZiMoveTo(step.QiZi, step.X1, step.Y1, true);
qiPuRecordRoot.Cursor = cursor;
/// <summary>
/// 将全记录棋谱转化为简易记录棋谱,经JsonConvert.SerializeObject,存入数据库。目的是压缩数据量。
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fullQiPu">全局变量QiPuRecordRoot</param>
/// <returns>简易记录棋谱</returns>
public static QiPuSimpleRecord ConvertQiPuToSimple(QiPuRecord fullQiPu)
QiPuSimpleRecord simpleQiPu = new()
Id = fullQiPu.Id,
Remarks = fullQiPu.Remarks
foreach (QiPuRecord Recode in fullQiPu.ChildNode)
QiPuSimpleRecord childRecode = ConvertQiPuToSimple(Recode);
return simpleQiPu;
/// <summary>
/// 将简易记录棋谱转化为全记录棋谱。用于从数据库读取数据后,经JsonConvert.DeserializeObject,存入全局变量QiPuRecordRoot
/// </summary>
/// <param name="simpleQiPu">全局变量QiPuSimpleRecordRoot</param>
/// <returns>全记录棋谱</returns>
public static QiPuRecord ConvertQiPuToFull(QiPuSimpleRecord simpleQiPu)
QiPuRecord qiPu = new()
Id = simpleQiPu.Id,
Remarks = simpleQiPu.Remarks
foreach (QiPuSimpleRecord Recode in simpleQiPu.Child)
QiPuRecord childRecode = ConvertQiPuToFull(Recode);
return qiPu;
/// <summary>
/// 转换为中文走棋指令
/// </summary>
/// <param name="QiZi"></param>
/// <param name="x0"></param>
/// <param name="y0"></param>
/// <param name="x1"></param>
/// <param name="y1"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string TranslateToCN(int QiZi, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
string char1 = GlobalValue.qiZiCnName[QiZi];
string char2 = QiZi is >= 0 and <= 15 ? (x0 + 1).ToString() : GlobalValue.CnNumber[9 - x0];
string char3 = "";
string char4;
#region 棋谱翻译为中文
int m = Math.Abs(y1 - y0);
// 进退平
if (y0 == y1)
char3 = "平";
char4 = QiZi is >= 0 and <= 15 ? (x1 + 1).ToString() : GlobalValue.CnNumber[9 - x1];
if (QiZi is >= 0 and <= 15)
char3 = y1 > y0 ? "进" : "退";
if (QiZi is >= 16 and <= 31)
char3 = y1 > y0 ? "退" : "进";
char4 = QiZi switch
1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 => (x1 + 1).ToString(),
17 or 18 or 19 or 20 or 21 or 22 => GlobalValue.CnNumber[9 - x1],
// 其他所有可以直走的棋子
_ => QiZi is >= 0 and <= 15 ? m.ToString() : GlobalValue.CnNumber[m],
return char1 + char2 + char3 + char4;
/// <summary>
/// 延时函数,延时期间可接收和执行事件,解决了系统假死问题
/// </summary>
/// <param name="milliSecond"></param>
public static void Delay(int milliSecond)
int start = Environment.TickCount;
while (Math.Abs(Environment.TickCount - start) < milliSecond)
public static class DispatcherHelper
//[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
public static void DoEvents()
DispatcherFrame frame = new();
// Dispatcher的作用是用于管理线程工作项队列,类似于Win32中的消息队列
Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new DispatcherOperationCallback(ExitFrames), frame);
try { Dispatcher.PushFrame(frame); }
catch (InvalidOperationException) { }
private static object ExitFrames(object frame)
((DispatcherFrame)frame).Continue = false;
return null;
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