# SwiftFormat config compliant with Google Swift Guideline
# https://google.github.io/swift/#control-flow-statements
# Specify version used in a project
--swiftversion 5.5
# Rules explicitly required by the guideline
--rules \
blankLinesAroundMark, \
blankLinesAtEndOfScope, \
blankLinesAtStartOfScope, \
blankLinesBetweenScopes, \
braces, \
consecutiveBlankLines, \
consecutiveSpaces, \
duplicateImports, \
elseOnSameLine, \
emptyBraces, \
enumNamespaces, \
extensionAccessControl, \
hoistPatternLet, \
indent, \
leadingDelimiters, \
linebreakAtEndOfFile, \
markTypes, \
organizeDeclarations, \
redundantInit, \
redundantParens, \
redundantPattern, \
redundantRawValues, \
redundantType, \
redundantVoidReturnType, \
semicolons, \
sortImports, \
sortSwitchCases, \
spaceAroundBraces, \
spaceAroundBrackets, \
spaceAroundComments, \
spaceAroundGenerics, \
spaceAroundOperators, \
spaceAroundParens, \
spaceInsideBraces, \
spaceInsideBrackets, \
spaceInsideComments, \
spaceInsideGenerics, \
spaceInsideParens, \
todos, \
trailingClosures, \
trailingCommas, \
trailingSpace, \
typeSugar, \
void, \
wrap, \
wrapArguments, \
wrapAttributes, \
# Additional rules not mentioned in the guideline, but helping to keep the codebase clean
# Quoting the guideline:
# Common themes among the rules in this section are:
# avoid redundancy, avoid ambiguity, and prefer implicitness over explicitness
# unless being explicit improves readability and/or reduces ambiguity.
andOperator, \
isEmpty, \
redundantBackticks, \
redundantBreak, \
redundantExtensionACL, \
redundantGet, \
redundantLetError, \
redundantNilInit, \
redundantObjc, \
redundantReturn, \
redundantSelf, \
# Options for basic rules
--extensionacl on-declarations
--funcattributes prev-line
--indent 2
--maxwidth 100
--typeattributes prev-line
--varattributes prev-line
--voidtype tuple
--wraparguments before-first
--wrapparameters before-first
--wrapcollections before-first
--wrapreturntype if-multiline
--wrapconditions after-first
# Option for additional rules
--self init-only
# Excluded folders
--exclude Pods,**/UNTESTED_TODO,vendor,fastlane
# https://github.com/NoemiRozpara/Google-SwiftFormat-Config
# vChewing-specific settings:
--disable preferForLoop
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