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forked from BreakLo0p/wxappUnpacker 
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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
wuWxapkg.js 7.85 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
薛定喵君 提交于 2019-12-01 14:29 . init
const wu = require("./wuLib.js");
const wuJs = require("./wuJs.js");
const wuCfg = require("./wuConfig.js");
const wuMl = require("./wuWxml.js");
const wuSs = require("./wuWxss.js");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
function header(buf) {
console.log("\nHeader info:");
let firstMark = buf.readUInt8(0);
console.log(" firstMark: 0x%s", firstMark.toString(16));
let unknownInfo = buf.readUInt32BE(1);
console.log(" unknownInfo: ", unknownInfo);
let infoListLength = buf.readUInt32BE(5);
console.log(" infoListLength: ", infoListLength);
let dataLength = buf.readUInt32BE(9);
console.log(" dataLength: ", dataLength);
let lastMark = buf.readUInt8(13);
console.log(" lastMark: 0x%s", lastMark.toString(16));
if (firstMark != 0xbe || lastMark != 0xed) throw Error("Magic number is not correct!");
return [infoListLength, dataLength];
function genList(buf) {
console.log("\nFile list info:");
let fileCount = buf.readUInt32BE(0);
console.log(" fileCount: ", fileCount);
let fileInfo = [], off = 4;
for (let i = 0; i < fileCount; i++) {
let info = {};
let nameLen = buf.readUInt32BE(off);
off += 4;
info.name = buf.toString('utf8', off, off + nameLen);
off += nameLen;
info.off = buf.readUInt32BE(off);
off += 4;
info.size = buf.readUInt32BE(off);
off += 4;
return fileInfo;
function saveFile(dir, buf, list) {
console.log("Saving files...");
for (let info of list)
wu.save(path.resolve(dir, (info.name.startsWith("/") ? "." : "") + info.name), buf.slice(info.off, info.off + info.size));
function packDone(dir, cb, order) {
console.log("Unpack done.");
let weappEvent = new wu.CntEvent, needDelete = {};
weappEvent.add(() => {
wu.addIO(() => {
console.log("Split and make up done.");
if (!order.includes("d")) {
console.log("Delete files...");
wu.addIO(() => console.log("Deleted.\n\nFile done."));
for (let name in needDelete) if (needDelete[name] >= 8) wu.del(name);
function doBack(deletable) {
for (let key in deletable) {
if (!needDelete[key]) needDelete[key] = 0;
needDelete[key] += deletable[key];//all file have score bigger than 8 will be delete.
function dealThreeThings(dir, mainDir, nowDir) {
console.log("Split app-service.js and make up configs & wxss & wxml & wxs...");
//deal config
if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(dir, "app-config.json"))) {
wuCfg.doConfig(path.resolve(dir, "app-config.json"), doBack);
console.log('deal config ok');
//deal js
if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(dir, "app-service.js"))) {
wuJs.splitJs(path.resolve(dir, "app-service.js"), doBack, mainDir);
console.log('deal js ok');
if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(dir, "workers.js"))) {
wuJs.splitJs(path.resolve(dir, "workers.js"), doBack, mainDir);
console.log('deal js2 ok');
//deal html
if (mainDir) {
if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(dir, "page-frame.js"))) {
wuMl.doFrame(path.resolve(dir, "page-frame.js"), doBack, order, mainDir);
console.log('deal sub html ok');
wuSs.doWxss(dir, doBack, mainDir, nowDir);
} else {
if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(dir, "page-frame.html"))) {
wuMl.doFrame(path.resolve(dir, "page-frame.html"), doBack, order, mainDir);
console.log('deal html ok');
} else if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(dir, "app-wxss.js"))) {
wuMl.doFrame(path.resolve(dir, "app-wxss.js"), doBack, order, mainDir);
if (!needDelete[path.resolve(dir, "page-frame.js")]) {
needDelete[path.resolve(dir, "page-frame.js")] = 8;
console.log('deal wxss.js ok');
} else {
throw Error("page-frame-like file is not found in the package by auto.");
//Force it run at last, becuase lots of error occured in this part
wuSs.doWxss(dir, doBack);
console.log('deal css ok');
//This will be the only func running this time, so async is needless.
if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(dir, "app-service.js"))) {
} else if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(dir, "game.js"))) {
console.log("Split game.js and rewrite game.json...");
let gameCfg = path.resolve(dir, "app-config.json");
wu.get(gameCfg, cfgPlain => {
let cfg = JSON.parse(cfgPlain);
if (cfg.subContext) {
console.log("Found subContext, splitting it...")
delete cfg.subContext;
let contextPath = path.resolve(dir, "subContext.js");
wuJs.splitJs(contextPath, () => wu.del(contextPath));
wu.save(path.resolve(dir, "game.json"), JSON.stringify(cfg, null, 4));
wuJs.splitJs(path.resolve(dir, "game.js"), () => {
wu.addIO(() => {
console.log("Split and rewrite done.");
} else {//分包
let doSubPkg = false;
for (const orderElement of order) {
if (orderElement.indexOf('s=') !== -1) {
let mainDir = orderElement.substring(2, orderElement.length);
console.log("now dir: " + dir);
console.log("param of mainDir: " + mainDir);
let findDir = function (dir, oldDir) {
let files = fs.readdirSync(dir);
for (const file of files) {
let workDir = path.join(dir, file);
if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(workDir, "app-service.js"))) {
console.log("sub package word dir: " + workDir);
mainDir = path.resolve(oldDir, mainDir);
console.log("real mainDir: " + mainDir);
dealThreeThings(workDir, mainDir, oldDir);
doSubPkg = true;
return true;
} else {
findDir(workDir, oldDir);
findDir(dir, dir);
if (!doSubPkg) {
throw new Error("检测到此包是分包后的子包, 请通过 -s 参数指定存放路径后重试, 如 node wuWxapkg.js -s=/xxx/xxx ./testpkg/test-pkg-sub.wxapkg");
function doFile(name, cb, order) {
for (let ord of order) if (ord.startsWith("s=")) global.subPack = ord.slice(3);
console.log("Unpack file " + name + "...");
let dir = path.resolve(name, "..", path.basename(name, ".wxapkg"));
wu.get(name, buf => {
let [infoListLength, dataLength] = header(buf.slice(0, 14));
if (order.includes("o")) wu.addIO(console.log.bind(console), "Unpack done.");
else wu.addIO(packDone, dir, cb, order);
saveFile(dir, buf, genList(buf.slice(14, infoListLength + 14)));
}, {});
module.exports = {doFile: doFile};
if (require.main === module) {
wu.commandExecute(doFile, "Unpack a wxapkg file.\n\n[-o] [-d] [-s=<Main Dir>] <files...>\n\n-d Do not delete transformed unpacked files.\n-o Do not execute any operation after unpack.\n-s=<Main Dir> Regard all packages provided as subPackages and\n regard <Main Dir> as the directory of sources of the main package.\n<files...> wxapkg files to unpack");
马建仓 AI 助手
