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一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
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# E:/SSPU/Courses/Courses/BI/Wiley.Data.Mining.for.Business.Analytics.Concepts.Techniques.and.Applications.in.R.1118879368/codes
# /mnt/e/SSPU/Courses/Courses/BI/Wiley.Data.Mining.for.Business.Analytics.Concepts.Techniques.and.Applications.in.R.1118879368/codes
#### Table 2.3
housing.df <- read.csv("WestRoxbury.csv", header = TRUE) # load data
dim(housing.df) # find the dimension of data frame
head(housing.df) # show the first six rows
View(housing.df) # show all the data in a new tab
# Practice showing different subsets of the data
housing.df[1:10, 1] # show the first 10 rows of the first column only
housing.df[1:10, ] # show the first 10 rows of each of the columns
housing.df[5, 1:10] # show the fifth row of the first 10 columns
housing.df[5, c(1:2, 4, 8:10)] # show the fifth row of some columns
housing.df[, 1] # show the whole first column
housing.df$TOTAL.VALUE # a different way to show the whole first column
housing.df$TOTAL.VALUE[1:10] # show the first 10 rows of the first column
length(housing.df$TOTAL.VALUE) # find the length of the first column
mean(housing.df$TOTAL.VALUE) # find the mean of the first column
summary(housing.df) # find summary statistics for each column
#### Table 2.4
# random sample of 5 observations
s <- sample(row.names(housing.df), 5)
# oversample houses with over 10 rooms
s <- sample(row.names(housing.df), 5, prob = ifelse(housing.df$ROOMS>10, 0.9, 0.01))
#### Table 2.5
names(housing.df) # print a list of variables to the screen.
t(t(names(housing.df))) # print the list in a useful column format
colnames(housing.df)[1] <- c("TOTAL_VALUE") # change the first column's name
class(housing.df$REMODEL) # REMODEL is a factor variable
class(housing.df[ ,14]) # Same.
levels(housing.df[, 14]) # It can take one of three levels
class(housing.df$BEDROOMS) # BEDROOMS is an integer variable
class(housing.df[, 1]) # Total_Value is a numeric variable
#### Table 2.6
# Option 1: use dummies package
# install.packages("dummies") # install.packages(dummies)
# library(dummies)
# housing.df <- dummy.data.frame(housing.df, sep = ".")
# names(housing.df)
# Option 2: use model.matrix() to convert all categorical variables in the data frame into
# a set of dummy variables. We must then turn the resulting data matrix back into
# a data frame for further work.
xtotal <- model.matrix(~ 0 + REMODEL, data = housing.df)
xtotal <- as.data.frame(xtotal)
t(t(names(xtotal))) # check the names of the dummy variables
xtotal <- xtotal[, -4] # drop one of the dummy variables.
# In this case, drop REMODELRecent.
#### Table 2.7
# To illustrate missing data procedures, we first convert a few entries for
# bedrooms to NA's. Then we impute these missing values using the median of the
# remaining values.
rows.to.missing <- sample(row.names(housing.df), 10)
housing.df[rows.to.missing,]$BEDROOMS <- NA
summary(housing.df$BEDROOMS) # Now we have 10 NA's and the median of the
# remaining values is 3.
# replace the missing values using the median of the remaining values.
# use median() with na.rm = TRUE to ignore missing values when computing the median.
housing.df[rows.to.missing,]$BEDROOMS <- median(housing.df$BEDROOMS, na.rm = TRUE)
#### Table 2.9
# use set.seed() to get the same partitions when re-running the R code.
## partitioning into training (60%) and validation (40%)
# randomly sample 60% of the row IDs for training; the remaining 40% serve as
# validation
train.rows <- sample(rownames(housing.df), dim(housing.df)[1]*0.6)
# collect all the columns with training row ID into training set:
train.data <- housing.df[train.rows, ]
# assign row IDs that are not already in the training set, into validation
valid.rows <- setdiff(rownames(housing.df), train.rows)
valid.data <- housing.df[valid.rows, ]
# alternative code for validation (works only when row names are numeric):
# collect all the columns without training row ID into validation set
# valid.data <- housing.df[-train.rows, ] # does not work in this case
## partitioning into training (50%), validation (30%), test (20%)
# randomly sample 50% of the row IDs for training
train.rows <- sample(rownames(housing.df), dim(housing.df)[1]*0.5)
# sample 30% of the row IDs into the validation set, drawing only from records
# not already in the training set
# use setdiff() to find records not already in the training set
valid.rows <- sample(setdiff(rownames(housing.df), train.rows),
# assign the remaining 20% row IDs serve as test
test.rows <- setdiff(rownames(housing.df), union(train.rows, valid.rows))
# create the 3 data frames by collecting all columns from the appropriate rows
train.data <- housing.df[train.rows, ]
valid.data <- housing.df[valid.rows, ]
test.data <- housing.df[test.rows, ]
#### Table 2.11
reg <- lm(TOTAL_VALUE ~ .-TAX, data = housing.df, subset = train.rows) # remove variable "TAX"
tr.res <- data.frame(train.data$TOTAL_VALUE, reg$fitted.values, reg$residuals)
#### Table 2.12
pred <- predict(reg, newdata = valid.data)
vl.res <- data.frame(valid.data$TOTAL_VALUE, pred, residuals =
valid.data$TOTAL_VALUE - pred)
#### Table 2.13
# compute accuracy on training set
accuracy(reg$fitted.values, train.data$TOTAL_VALUE)
# compute accuracy on prediction set
pred <- predict(reg, newdata = valid.data)
accuracy(pred, valid.data$TOTAL_VALUE)
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