Fetch the repository succeeded.
This action will force synchronization from dromara/MaxKey, which will overwrite any changes that you have made since you forked the repository, and can not be recovered!!!
Synchronous operation will process in the background and will refresh the page when finishing processing. Please be patient.
# * Copyright [2022] [MaxKey of copyright http://www.maxkey.top]
# *
# * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# * You may obtain a copy of the License at
# *
# * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# *
# * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# * limitations under the License.
# */
#maxkey properties
group =maxkey.top
version =3.5.1
vendor =https://www.maxkey.top
author =MaxKeyTop
#docker jib image
jibFromImage =adoptopenjdk:8-jre
jibToImage =maxkeytop
jibToAuthUsername =maxkeytop
jibToAuthPassword =1qazZXCV
#maxkey used jars version
commonsbeanutilsVersion =1.9.3
commonscodecVersion =1.15
commonscollectionsVersion =3.2.2
commonscollections4Version =4.4
commonscsvVersion =1.7
commonstextVersion =1.9
commonsdbcp2Version =2.6.0
commonsdbutilsVersion =1.7
commonsdigester3Version =3.2
commonsdigesterVersion =2.1
commonsioVersion =2.8.0
commonslangVersion =2.6
commonslang3Version =3.11
commonsloggingVersion =1.2
commonspool2Version =2.11.1
commonshttpclientVersion =3.1
commonsfileuploadVersion =1.4
commonsemailVersion =1.5
commonsvalidatorVersion =1.7
httpcomponentsVersion =4.5.13
httpcoreVersion =4.4.14
httpasyncclientVersion =4.1.4
velocityVersion =1.7
velocitydepVersion =1.4
freemarkerVersion =2.3.31
xmlbeansVersion =5.0.2
commonscompressVersion =1.20
log4jVersion =2.17.2
kafkaclientsVersion =2.8.1
rocketmqclientVersion =4.9.3
rocketmqspringbootVersion =2.2.2
poiVersion =5.1.0
tomcatVersion =9.0.63
tomcatembedloggingjuliVersion =8.5.2
springVersion =5.3.20
springBootVersion =2.6.8
springSecurityVersion =5.6.5
springDataVersion =2.6.4
springkafkaVersion =2.8.2
springretryVersion =1.3.0
springplugincoreVersion =2.0.0.RELEASE
springpluginmetadataVersion =2.0.0.RELEASE
springcloudVersion =3.1.1
springcloudalibabaVersion =2021.1
springcloudalibabaspringVersion =1.0.11
springcloudalibabacsplVersion =1.8.2
alibabanacosclientVersion =2.0.3
jibGradlePluginVersion =3.1.4
jhlabsfiltersVersion =2.0.235-1
kaptchaVersion =2.3.2
gsonVersion =2.9.0
guavaVersion =31.1-jre
tinkVersion =1.4.0
zxingcoreVersion =3.5.0
concurrentlinkedhashmaplruVersion =1.4.2
jbossloggingVersion =3.4.3.Final
hibernateVersion =6.2.0.Final
swaggerV3Version =2.1.11
springdocVersion =1.5.13
knife4jVersion =3.0.3
postgresqlVersion =42.3.3
mysqlconnectorjavaVersion =8.0.29
druidVersion =1.2.10
druidspringbootstarterVersion =1.2.9
jedisVersion =3.8.0
#ehcacheVersion =3.9.6
caffeineVersion =2.9.3
mybatisVersion =3.5.10
mybatisspringVersion =2.0.6
opensamlVersion =2.6.6
openwsVersion =1.5.6
xmltoolingVersion =1.4.6
javasupportVersion =7.5.1
thymeleafVersion =3.0.14.RELEASE
springbootadminVersion =2.6.6
nettyVersion =4.1.66.Final
hazelcastVersion =4.2.2
jakartaannotationVersion =2.0.0
jakartavalidationapiVersion =3.0.0
attoparserVersion =2.0.5.RELEASE
unbescapeVersion =1.1.6.RELEASE
slf4jVersion =1.7.35
jacksonVersion =2.13.3
woodstoxVersion =6.2.8
bouncycastleVersion =1.69
junitVersion =4.11
mockitoallVersion =1.10.19
xmlunitVersion =1.6
nimbusjosejwtVersion =9.16.1
jcipannotationsVersion =1.0
minidevjsonsmartVersion =2.3
minidevasmVersion =1.0.2
simplehttpVersion =1.0.5
JustAuthVersion =1.16.5
javassistVersion =3.29.0-GA
esapiVersion =
javaxmailVersion =1.6.2
javaxpersistenceVersion =2.2.1
activationVersion =1.1.1
javaxannotationapiVersion =1.3.2
jtaVersion =1.1
javaxtransactionapiVersion =1.3
validationapiVersion =2.0.1.Final
jsr173Version =1.0
jaxbapiVersion =2.3.1
jaxbcoreVersion =3.0.2
jaxbimplVersion =3.0.2
jaxbxjcVersion =3.0.2
classmateVersion =1.5.0
fastjsonVersion =1.2.83
reactivestreamsVersion =1.0.3
reactorcoreVersion =3.4.9
reactornettyVersion =1.0.10
reactorextraVersion =3.4.4
szxcvbnVersion =0.2
quartzVersion =2.3.2
jodatimeVersion =2.10.14
snakeyamlVersion =1.29
nekohtmlVersion =1.9.22
ognlVersion =3.2.14
cglibVersion =3.3.0
asmVersion =7.3.1
aopallianceVersion =1.0
aspectjtoolsVersion =1.9.4
evictorVersion =1.0.0
lettuceVersion =6.1.4.RELEASE
pinyin4jVersion =2.5.1
jsoupVersion =1.14.3
reflectionsVersion =0.9.11
jdomVersion =2.0.2
dom4jVersion =1.6.1
serializerVersion =2.7.2
xmlresolverVersion =1.2
xmlsecVersion =1.5.8
xpp3Version =1.1.6
xstreamVersion =1.4.10
passayVersion =1.6.1
micrometercoreVersion =1.8.1
prometheusVersion =0.14.1
LatencyUtilsVersion =2.0.3
stax2apiVersion =4.2.1
mapstructVersion =1.4.1.Final
aliyunjavasdkcoreVersion =4.5.1
tencentcloudsdkjavaVersion =3.1.33
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