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一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2016 - 2024 The excelize Authors. All rights reserved. Use of
// this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
// Package excelize providing a set of functions that allow you to write to and
// read from XLAM / XLSM / XLSX / XLTM / XLTX files. Supports reading and
// writing spreadsheet documents generated by Microsoft Excel™ 2007 and later.
// Supports complex components by high compatibility, and provided streaming
// API for generating or reading data from a worksheet with huge amounts of
// data. This library needs Go version 1.18 or later.
// See https://xuri.me/excelize for more information about this package.
package excelize
import (
// File define a populated spreadsheet file struct.
type File struct {
mu sync.Mutex
checked sync.Map
formulaChecked bool
options *Options
sharedStringItem [][]uint
sharedStringsMap map[string]int
sharedStringTemp *os.File
sheetMap map[string]string
streams map[string]*StreamWriter
tempFiles sync.Map
xmlAttr sync.Map
CalcChain *xlsxCalcChain
CharsetReader charsetTranscoderFn
Comments map[string]*xlsxComments
ContentTypes *xlsxTypes
DecodeVMLDrawing map[string]*decodeVmlDrawing
DecodeCellImages *decodeCellImages
Drawings sync.Map
Path string
Pkg sync.Map
Relationships sync.Map
SharedStrings *xlsxSST
Sheet sync.Map
SheetCount int
Styles *xlsxStyleSheet
Theme *decodeTheme
VMLDrawing map[string]*vmlDrawing
VolatileDeps *xlsxVolTypes
WorkBook *xlsxWorkbook
// charsetTranscoderFn set user-defined codepage transcoder function for open
// the spreadsheet from non-UTF-8 encoding.
type charsetTranscoderFn func(charset string, input io.Reader) (rdr io.Reader, err error)
// Options define the options for opening and reading the spreadsheet.
// MaxCalcIterations specifies the maximum iterations for iterative
// calculation, the default value is 0.
// Password specifies the password of the spreadsheet in plain text.
// RawCellValue specifies if apply the number format for the cell value or get
// the raw value.
// UnzipSizeLimit specifies to unzip size limit in bytes on open the
// spreadsheet, this value should be greater than or equal to
// UnzipXMLSizeLimit, the default size limit is 16GB.
// UnzipXMLSizeLimit specifies the memory limit on unzipping worksheet and
// shared string table in bytes, worksheet XML will be extracted to system
// temporary directory when the file size is over this value, this value
// should be less than or equal to UnzipSizeLimit, the default value is
// 16MB.
// ShortDatePattern specifies the short date number format code. In the
// spreadsheet applications, date formats display date and time serial numbers
// as date values. Date formats that begin with an asterisk (*) respond to
// changes in regional date and time settings that are specified for the
// operating system. Formats without an asterisk are not affected by operating
// system settings. The ShortDatePattern used for specifies apply date formats
// that begin with an asterisk.
// LongDatePattern specifies the long date number format code.
// LongTimePattern specifies the long time number format code.
// CultureInfo specifies the country code for applying built-in language number
// format code these effect by the system's local language settings.
type Options struct {
MaxCalcIterations uint
Password string
RawCellValue bool
UnzipSizeLimit int64
UnzipXMLSizeLimit int64
ShortDatePattern string
LongDatePattern string
LongTimePattern string
CultureInfo CultureName
// OpenFile take the name of a spreadsheet file and returns a populated
// spreadsheet file struct for it. For example, open spreadsheet with
// password protection:
// f, err := excelize.OpenFile("Book1.xlsx", excelize.Options{Password: "password"})
// Close the file by Close function after opening the spreadsheet.
func OpenFile(filename string, opts ...Options) (*File, error) {
file, err := os.Open(filepath.Clean(filename))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
f, err := OpenReader(file, opts...)
if err != nil {
if closeErr := file.Close(); closeErr != nil {
return f, closeErr
return f, err
f.Path = filename
return f, file.Close()
// newFile is object builder
func newFile() *File {
return &File{
options: &Options{UnzipSizeLimit: UnzipSizeLimit, UnzipXMLSizeLimit: StreamChunkSize},
xmlAttr: sync.Map{},
checked: sync.Map{},
sheetMap: make(map[string]string),
tempFiles: sync.Map{},
Comments: make(map[string]*xlsxComments),
Drawings: sync.Map{},
sharedStringsMap: make(map[string]int),
Sheet: sync.Map{},
DecodeVMLDrawing: make(map[string]*decodeVmlDrawing),
VMLDrawing: make(map[string]*vmlDrawing),
Relationships: sync.Map{},
CharsetReader: charset.NewReaderLabel,
// checkOpenReaderOptions check and validate options field value for open
// reader.
func (f *File) checkOpenReaderOptions() error {
if f.options.UnzipSizeLimit == 0 {
f.options.UnzipSizeLimit = UnzipSizeLimit
if f.options.UnzipXMLSizeLimit > f.options.UnzipSizeLimit {
f.options.UnzipSizeLimit = f.options.UnzipXMLSizeLimit
if f.options.UnzipXMLSizeLimit == 0 {
f.options.UnzipXMLSizeLimit = StreamChunkSize
if f.options.UnzipSizeLimit < f.options.UnzipXMLSizeLimit {
f.options.UnzipXMLSizeLimit = f.options.UnzipSizeLimit
if f.options.UnzipXMLSizeLimit > f.options.UnzipSizeLimit {
return ErrOptionsUnzipSizeLimit
return f.checkDateTimePattern()
// OpenReader read data stream from io.Reader and return a populated
// spreadsheet file.
func OpenReader(r io.Reader, opts ...Options) (*File, error) {
b, err := io.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
f := newFile()
f.options = f.getOptions(opts...)
if err = f.checkOpenReaderOptions(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if bytes.Contains(b, oleIdentifier) {
if b, err = Decrypt(b, f.options); err != nil {
return nil, ErrWorkbookFileFormat
zr, err := zip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(b), int64(len(b)))
if err != nil {
if len(f.options.Password) > 0 {
return nil, ErrWorkbookPassword
return nil, err
file, sheetCount, err := f.ReadZipReader(zr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
f.SheetCount = sheetCount
for k, v := range file {
f.Pkg.Store(k, v)
if f.CalcChain, err = f.calcChainReader(); err != nil {
return f, err
if f.sheetMap, err = f.getSheetMap(); err != nil {
return f, err
if f.Styles, err = f.stylesReader(); err != nil {
return f, err
f.Theme, err = f.themeReader()
return f, err
// getOptions provides a function to parse the optional settings for open
// and reading spreadsheet.
func (f *File) getOptions(opts ...Options) *Options {
options := f.options
for _, opt := range opts {
options = &opt
return options
// CharsetTranscoder Set user defined codepage transcoder function for open
// workbook from non UTF-8 encoding.
func (f *File) CharsetTranscoder(fn charsetTranscoderFn) *File { f.CharsetReader = fn; return f }
// Creates new XML decoder with charset reader.
func (f *File) xmlNewDecoder(rdr io.Reader) (ret *xml.Decoder) {
ret = xml.NewDecoder(rdr)
ret.CharsetReader = f.CharsetReader
// setDefaultTimeStyle provides a function to set default numbers format for
// time.Time type cell value by given worksheet name, cell reference and
// number format code.
func (f *File) setDefaultTimeStyle(sheet, cell string, format int) error {
s, err := f.GetCellStyle(sheet, cell)
if err != nil {
return err
if s == 0 {
style, _ := f.NewStyle(&Style{NumFmt: format})
err = f.SetCellStyle(sheet, cell, cell, style)
return err
// workSheetReader provides a function to get the pointer to the structure
// after deserialization by given worksheet name.
func (f *File) workSheetReader(sheet string) (ws *xlsxWorksheet, err error) {
var (
name string
ok bool
if err = checkSheetName(sheet); err != nil {
if name, ok = f.getSheetXMLPath(sheet); !ok {
err = ErrSheetNotExist{sheet}
if worksheet, ok := f.Sheet.Load(name); ok && worksheet != nil {
ws = worksheet.(*xlsxWorksheet)
for _, sheetType := range []string{"xl/chartsheets", "xl/dialogsheet", "xl/macrosheet"} {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, sheetType) {
err = newNotWorksheetError(sheet)
ws = new(xlsxWorksheet)
if attrs, ok := f.xmlAttr.Load(name); !ok {
d := f.xmlNewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(namespaceStrictToTransitional(f.readBytes(name))))
if attrs == nil {
attrs = []xml.Attr{}
attrs = append(attrs.([]xml.Attr), getRootElement(d)...)
f.xmlAttr.Store(name, attrs)
if err = f.xmlNewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(namespaceStrictToTransitional(f.readBytes(name)))).
Decode(ws); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
err = nil
if _, ok = f.checked.Load(name); !ok {
if err = ws.checkRow(); err != nil {
f.checked.Store(name, true)
f.Sheet.Store(name, ws)
// checkSheet provides a function to fill each row element and make that is
// continuous in a worksheet of XML.
func (ws *xlsxWorksheet) checkSheet() {
var (
row int
r0Rows []xlsxRow
lastRowNum = func(r xlsxRow) int {
var num int
for _, cell := range r.C {
if _, row, err := CellNameToCoordinates(cell.R); err == nil {
if row > num {
num = row
return num
for i := 0; i < len(ws.SheetData.Row); i++ {
r := ws.SheetData.Row[i]
if r.R == 0 || r.R == row {
num := lastRowNum(r)
if num > row {
row = num
if num == 0 {
r.R = row
r0Rows = append(r0Rows, r)
ws.SheetData.Row = append(ws.SheetData.Row[:i], ws.SheetData.Row[i+1:]...)
if r.R != 0 && r.R > row {
row = r.R
sheetData := xlsxSheetData{Row: make([]xlsxRow, row)}
row = 0
for _, r := range ws.SheetData.Row {
if r.R != 0 {
sheetData.Row[r.R-1] = r
row = r.R
for _, r0Row := range r0Rows {
sheetData.Row[r0Row.R-1].R = r0Row.R
ws.checkSheetR0(&sheetData, &r0Row, true)
for i := 1; i <= row; i++ {
sheetData.Row[i-1].R = i
ws.checkSheetR0(&sheetData, &sheetData.Row[i-1], false)
// checkSheetR0 handle the row element with r="0" attribute, cells in this row
// could be disorderly, the cell in this row can be used as the value of
// which cell is empty in the normal rows.
func (ws *xlsxWorksheet) checkSheetR0(sheetData *xlsxSheetData, rowData *xlsxRow, r0 bool) {
checkRow := func(col, row int, r0 bool, cell xlsxC) {
rowIdx := row - 1
columns, colIdx := len(sheetData.Row[rowIdx].C), col-1
for c := columns; c < col; c++ {
sheetData.Row[rowIdx].C = append(sheetData.Row[rowIdx].C, xlsxC{})
if !sheetData.Row[rowIdx].C[colIdx].hasValue() {
sheetData.Row[rowIdx].C[colIdx] = cell
if r0 {
sheetData.Row[rowIdx].C[colIdx] = cell
var err error
for i, cell := range rowData.C {
col, row := i+1, rowData.R
if cell.R == "" {
checkRow(col, row, r0, cell)
if col, row, err = CellNameToCoordinates(cell.R); err == nil && r0 {
checkRow(col, row, r0, cell)
ws.SheetData = *sheetData
// setRels provides a function to set relationships by given relationship ID,
// XML path, relationship type, target and target mode.
func (f *File) setRels(rID, relPath, relType, target, targetMode string) int {
rels, _ := f.relsReader(relPath)
if rels == nil || rID == "" {
return f.addRels(relPath, relType, target, targetMode)
defer rels.mu.Unlock()
var ID int
for i, rel := range rels.Relationships {
if rel.ID == rID {
rels.Relationships[i].Type = relType
rels.Relationships[i].Target = target
rels.Relationships[i].TargetMode = targetMode
ID, _ = strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(rID, "rId"))
return ID
// addRels provides a function to add relationships by given XML path,
// relationship type, target and target mode.
func (f *File) addRels(relPath, relType, target, targetMode string) int {
uniqPart := map[string]string{
SourceRelationshipSharedStrings: "/xl/sharedStrings.xml",
rels, _ := f.relsReader(relPath)
if rels == nil {
rels = &xlsxRelationships{}
defer rels.mu.Unlock()
var rID int
for idx, rel := range rels.Relationships {
ID, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(rel.ID, "rId"))
if ID > rID {
rID = ID
if relType == rel.Type {
if partName, ok := uniqPart[rel.Type]; ok {
rels.Relationships[idx].Target = partName
return rID
var ID bytes.Buffer
rels.Relationships = append(rels.Relationships, xlsxRelationship{
ID: ID.String(),
Type: relType,
Target: target,
TargetMode: targetMode,
f.Relationships.Store(relPath, rels)
return rID
// UpdateLinkedValue fix linked values within a spreadsheet are not updating in
// Office Excel application. This function will be remove value tag when met a
// cell have a linked value. Reference
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/msdn-technet-forums/e16bae1f-6a2c-4325-8013-e989a3479066
// Notice: after opening generated workbook, Excel will update the linked value
// and generate a new value and will prompt to save the file or not.
// For example:
// <row r="19">
// <c r="B19">
// <f>SUM(Sheet2!D2,Sheet2!D11)</f>
// <v>100</v>
// </c>
// </row>
// to
// <row r="19">
// <c r="B19">
// <f>SUM(Sheet2!D2,Sheet2!D11)</f>
// </c>
// </row>
func (f *File) UpdateLinkedValue() error {
wb, err := f.workbookReader()
if err != nil {
return err
// recalculate formulas
wb.CalcPr = nil
for _, name := range f.GetSheetList() {
ws, err := f.workSheetReader(name)
if err != nil {
if err.Error() == newNotWorksheetError(name).Error() {
return err
for indexR := range ws.SheetData.Row {
for indexC, col := range ws.SheetData.Row[indexR].C {
if col.F != nil && col.V != "" {
ws.SheetData.Row[indexR].C[indexC].V = ""
ws.SheetData.Row[indexR].C[indexC].T = ""
return nil
// AddVBAProject provides the method to add vbaProject.bin file which contains
// functions and/or macros. The file extension should be XLSM or XLTM. For
// example:
// codeName := "Sheet1"
// if err := f.SetSheetProps("Sheet1", &excelize.SheetPropsOptions{
// CodeName: &codeName,
// }); err != nil {
// fmt.Println(err)
// return
// }
// file, err := os.ReadFile("vbaProject.bin")
// if err != nil {
// fmt.Println(err)
// return
// }
// if err := f.AddVBAProject(file); err != nil {
// fmt.Println(err)
// return
// }
// if err := f.SaveAs("macros.xlsm"); err != nil {
// fmt.Println(err)
// return
// }
func (f *File) AddVBAProject(file []byte) error {
var err error
// Check vbaProject.bin exists first.
if !bytes.Contains(file, oleIdentifier) {
return ErrAddVBAProject
rels, err := f.relsReader(f.getWorkbookRelsPath())
if err != nil {
return err
defer rels.mu.Unlock()
var rID int
var ok bool
for _, rel := range rels.Relationships {
if rel.Target == "vbaProject.bin" && rel.Type == SourceRelationshipVBAProject {
ok = true
t, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(rel.ID, "rId"))
if t > rID {
rID = t
if !ok {
rels.Relationships = append(rels.Relationships, xlsxRelationship{
ID: "rId" + strconv.Itoa(rID),
Target: "vbaProject.bin",
Type: SourceRelationshipVBAProject,
f.Pkg.Store("xl/vbaProject.bin", file)
return err
// setContentTypePartProjectExtensions provides a function to set the content
// type for relationship parts and the main document part.
func (f *File) setContentTypePartProjectExtensions(contentType string) error {
var ok bool
content, err := f.contentTypesReader()
if err != nil {
return err
defer content.mu.Unlock()
for _, v := range content.Defaults {
if v.Extension == "bin" {
ok = true
for idx, o := range content.Overrides {
if o.PartName == "/xl/workbook.xml" {
content.Overrides[idx].ContentType = contentType
if !ok {
content.Defaults = append(content.Defaults, xlsxDefault{
Extension: "bin",
ContentType: ContentTypeVBA,
return err
// metadataReader provides a function to get the pointer to the structure
// after deserialization of xl/metadata.xml.
func (f *File) metadataReader() (*xlsxMetadata, error) {
var mataData xlsxMetadata
if err := f.xmlNewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(namespaceStrictToTransitional(f.readXML(defaultXMLMetadata)))).
Decode(&mataData); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return &mataData, err
return &mataData, nil
// richValueReader provides a function to get the pointer to the structure after
// deserialization of xl/richData/richvalue.xml.
func (f *File) richValueReader() (*xlsxRichValueData, error) {
var richValue xlsxRichValueData
if err := f.xmlNewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(namespaceStrictToTransitional(f.readXML(defaultXMLRdRichValuePart)))).
Decode(&richValue); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return &richValue, err
return &richValue, nil
// richValueRelReader provides a function to get the pointer to the structure
// after deserialization of xl/richData/richValueRel.xml.
func (f *File) richValueRelReader() (*xlsxRichValueRels, error) {
var richValueRels xlsxRichValueRels
if err := f.xmlNewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(namespaceStrictToTransitional(f.readXML(defaultXMLRdRichValueRel)))).
Decode(&richValueRels); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return &richValueRels, err
return &richValueRels, nil
// richValueWebImageReader provides a function to get the pointer to the
// structure after deserialization of xl/richData/rdRichValueWebImage.xml.
func (f *File) richValueWebImageReader() (*xlsxWebImagesSupportingRichData, error) {
var richValueWebImages xlsxWebImagesSupportingRichData
if err := f.xmlNewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(namespaceStrictToTransitional(f.readXML(defaultXMLRdRichValueWebImagePart)))).
Decode(&richValueWebImages); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return &richValueWebImages, err
return &richValueWebImages, nil
// getRichDataRichValueRelRelationships provides a function to get relationships
// from xl/richData/_rels/richValueRel.xml.rels by given relationship ID.
func (f *File) getRichDataRichValueRelRelationships(rID string) *xlsxRelationship {
if rels, _ := f.relsReader(defaultXMLRdRichValueRelRels); rels != nil {
defer rels.mu.Unlock()
for _, v := range rels.Relationships {
if v.ID == rID {
return &v
return nil
// getRichValueWebImageRelationships provides a function to get relationships
// from xl/richData/_rels/rdRichValueWebImage.xml.rels by given relationship ID.
func (f *File) getRichValueWebImageRelationships(rID string) *xlsxRelationship {
if rels, _ := f.relsReader(defaultXMLRdRichValueWebImagePartRels); rels != nil {
defer rels.mu.Unlock()
for _, v := range rels.Relationships {
if v.ID == rID {
return &v
return nil
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