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tl_ops_manage_env.lua 5.43 KB
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local ROOT_PATH = "/path/to/tl-ops-manage/"
return {
path = {
en :Console path setting, the page forwarding plugin will use this path for path matching
zn :控制台路径设置,页面转发插件会将此路径用于路径匹配
tlopsmanage = ROOT_PATH .. "web/",
en :The official website path setting, the page forwarding plugin
will use this path for path matching
zn :官网路径设置,页面转发插件会将此路径用于路径匹配
website = ROOT_PATH .. "website/",
en :log output directory, all module logs will be output to this directory
zn :日志输出目录,所有模块的日志都将输出到此目录下
log = ROOT_PATH,
en :data storage directory, the directory where the module data is stored
zn :数据存放目录,模块的数据存放的目录
store = ROOT_PATH .. "store/",
log = {
en :log level, please be careful not to enable debug level logs
in the production environment, it will greatly affect the performance.
zn :日志等级, 注意请不要在生产环境开启调试级别日志,十分影响性能。debug = 1, std = 2, error = 3
level = 1,
en :log formatting. Turning this option on will take up more disk space.
It is recommended to turn off this option in a production environment
zn :日志格式化,开启此选项会占用更多磁盘空间,生产环境推荐关闭此选项
format_json = true,
cache = {
en : enable custom L2 cache, currently supports options [redis], [none],
[none] means close L2 cache
Supports custom extended cache implementations, such as etcd, mysql, etcd.
zn :开启自定义二级缓存,目前支持选项 redis, none, none表示不开启二级缓存
cus = {
name = "none",
check_timeout = 30000,
host = "",
port = 6379,
auth = "your password",
balance = {
en :load counter, after this option is enabled, every time nginx is started,
a timer will be enabled to count the load requests within a certain period of time
zn :负载统计器,开启此选项后,将在每次启动nginx时,将开启定时器统计一定时间段内的负载请求情况
counting = true,
en :load counter interval, the time interval of the load counter,
the unit is seconds, the default is 10s
Notice: Do not set the statistical time interval too short, which may affect performance.
zn :负载统计器间隔,负载统计器的时间间隔,单位为秒,默认为10s,
counting_interval = 10,
en :load current limiter. After this option is enabled, a current limiter will be
connected to the load balancing module. If you need to access current limit,
it is recommended to enable this option
zn :负载限流器,开启此选项后,将在负载均衡模块接入限流器。如果需要接入限流,推荐开启此选项
limiter = true
waf = {
en :waf filtering, after this option is enabled, all traffic will be cleaned according
to the configuration rules, it is recommended to enable
zn :waf过滤,开启此选项后,将根据配置规则对所有流量进行清洗,推荐开启
open = true,
en :waf filter statistic, after this option is enabled, every time nginx is started,
a timer will be enabled to count the waf filter requests within a certain period of time
The time interval is configured in 'constant.tl_ops_constant_waf_count.interval'
Notice: Do not set the statistical time interval too short, which may affect performance.
zn :waf过滤统计器,开启此选项后,将在每次启动nginx时,将开启定时器统计一定时间段内的waf过滤请求情况
counting = true,
en :waf filter statistic interval, the time interval of the waf filter statistic,
the unit is seconds, the default is 10s
Notice: Do not set the statistical time interval too short, which may affect performance.
zn :waf过滤统计器间隔,waf过滤统计器的时间间隔,单位为秒,默认为10s,
counting_interval = 10,
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