同步操作将从 杨雪元/hand_gester 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
import cv2 as cv
import csv
import copy
import itertools
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
import mediapipe as mp
import os
import re
def get_direct_paths(directory):
return [os.path.join(directory, name) for name in os.listdir(directory)]
def find_and_convert(s):
# 使用正则表达式查找'0'后的所有数字字符
match = re.search('0(\d+)', s)
# 如果找到匹配项,返回转换后的数字
if match:
return int(match.group(1))
# 如果没有匹配项,返回None
return None
class GestureRecognition:
def __init__(self, use_static_image_mode=False, min_detection_confidence=0.7, min_tracking_confidence=0.7,
self.use_static_image_mode = use_static_image_mode
self.min_detection_confidence = min_detection_confidence
self.min_tracking_confidence = min_tracking_confidence
self.history_length = history_length
# 保存板书的点集
self.point_history = []
# 手势状态初始
self.gesture_mode = 'VIEW'
# 记录当前有几帧是同样的手势
self.gesture_counter = 0
self.gesture_id = 0
# 读取mediapipe
mp_hands = mp.solutions.hands
self.hands = mp_hands.Hands(
def recognize(self, image, number=13, mode=0):
# bounding_rect
image = cv.flip(image, 1) # Mirror display
# debug_image=cv.imread("image.png")
debug_image = copy.deepcopy(image)
hand_sign_id = 0
############Detection implementation #############################################################
image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
image.flags.writeable = False
results = self.hands.process(image)
image.flags.writeable = True
if results.multi_hand_landmarks is not None:
for hand_landmarks, handedness in zip(results.multi_hand_landmarks,
# 计算手部矩形框
brect = self._calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, hand_landmarks)
# 关键点坐标计算(由比例转为实际像素)
landmark_list = self._calc_landmark_list(debug_image, hand_landmarks)
# 由实际像素转换为相对手腕关键点像素坐标并将坐标归一化
pre_processed_landmark_list = self._pre_process_landmark(
# Write to the dataset file (mode==0,pass)
self._logging_csv(number, mode, pre_processed_landmark_list)
show_image = image
return debug_image,show_image, hand_sign_id
# return debug_image, [k for k, v in GESTURE_MODE.items() if v == self.gesture_mode][0]
def _logging_csv(self, number, mode, landmark_list):
# print("WRITE")
csv_path = 'keypoint.csv'
with open(csv_path, 'a', newline="") as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
writer.writerow([number, *landmark_list])
def _calc_bounding_rect(self, image, landmarks):
image_width, image_height = image.shape[1], image.shape[0]
landmark_array = np.empty((0, 2), int)
for _, landmark in enumerate(landmarks.landmark):
landmark_x = min(int(landmark.x * image_width), image_width - 1)
landmark_y = min(int(landmark.y * image_height), image_height - 1)
landmark_point = [np.array((landmark_x, landmark_y))]
landmark_array = np.append(landmark_array, landmark_point, axis=0)
x, y, w, h = cv.boundingRect(landmark_array)
return [x, y, x + w, y + h]
def _calc_landmark_list(self, image, landmarks):
image_width, image_height = image.shape[1], image.shape[0]
landmark_point = []
# Keypoint
for _, landmark in enumerate(landmarks.landmark):
landmark_x = min(int(landmark.x * image_width), image_width - 1)
landmark_y = min(int(landmark.y * image_height), image_height - 1)
# landmark_z = landmark.z
landmark_point.append([landmark_x, landmark_y])
return landmark_point
def _pre_process_landmark(self, landmark_list):
temp_landmark_list = copy.deepcopy(landmark_list)
# Convert to relative coordinates
base_x, base_y = 0, 0
for index, landmark_point in enumerate(temp_landmark_list):
if index == 0:
base_x, base_y = landmark_point[0], landmark_point[1]
temp_landmark_list[index][0] = temp_landmark_list[index][0] - base_x
temp_landmark_list[index][1] = temp_landmark_list[index][1] - base_y
# Convert to a one-dimensional list
temp_landmark_list = list(
# Normalization
max_value = max(list(map(abs, temp_landmark_list)))
def normalize_(n):
return n / max_value
temp_landmark_list = list(map(normalize_, temp_landmark_list))
return temp_landmark_list
gesture_detector = GestureRecognition()
# Specify the directory containing your images
directory = r'C:\Users\25352\Desktop\hand-gester\handpose_x_gesture_v1'
direct_paths = get_direct_paths(directory)
for tem in direct_paths:
image_directory =tem
# Get a list of all image files in the directory
image_files = [f for f in os.listdir(image_directory) if f.endswith('.jpg') or f.endswith('.png')] # you can add more extensions if needed
# print(image_files)
mode = 0
number = find_and_convert(image_directory)
for image_file in image_files:
image_path = os.path.join(image_directory, image_file)
image = cv.imread(image_path)
_,_,_ = gesture_detector.recognize(image, number, mode)
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