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hand_feature(1).py 12.74 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
杨雪元 提交于 2023-09-08 12:07 . first commit
import mediapipe as mp
import cv2
import numpy as np
# 用来计算余弦距离
def get_angle(v1,v2):
angle = np.dot(v1,v2)/(np.sqrt(np.sum(v1*v1))*np.sqrt(np.sum(v2*v2)))
angle = np.arccos(angle)/3.14*180
return angle
# def get_str_guester(left_up_fingers,right_up_fingers,list_lms):
if len(right_up_fingers)==1 and right_up_fingers[0]==8:
v1 = list_lms[6]-list_lms[7]
v2 = list_lms[8]-list_lms[7]
angle = get_angle(v1,v2)
if angle<160:
str_guester = "9"
str_guester = "1"
hand_type = 'right'
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 1 and len(left_up_fingers) == 1 and right_up_fingers[0] == 8 and left_up_fingers[0] == 8:
str_guester = "1_1"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 1 and len(left_up_fingers) == 2 and right_up_fingers[0] == 8 and left_up_fingers[0] == 8 and left_up_fingers[1] ==12:
str_guester = "1_2"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 1 and len(left_up_fingers) == 3 and right_up_fingers[0] == 8 and left_up_fingers[0] == 8 and left_up_fingers[1] ==12 and left_up_fingers[0] == 16 :
str_guester = "1_3"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 1 and len(left_up_fingers) == 0 and right_up_fingers[0] == 4 :
str_guester = "good"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 1 and len(left_up_fingers) == 1 and right_up_fingers[0] == 4 and left_up_fingers[0] == 4:
str_guester = "index"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 1 and right_up_fingers[0] == 16:
str_guester = "aa"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 1 and len(left_up_fingers) == 2 and right_up_fingers[0] == 16 and left_up_fingers[0] == 16:
str_guester = "aa_aa"
elif len(right_up_fingers)==1 and right_up_fingers[0]==20:
str_guester = "Bad"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 1 and len(left_up_fingers) == 1 and right_up_fingers[0] == 20 and left_up_fingers[0] == 20:
str_guester = "bad_bad"
elif len(right_up_fingers)==2 and right_up_fingers[0]==8 and right_up_fingers[1]==12:
str_guester = "2"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 2 and len(left_up_fingers) == 2 and right_up_fingers[0] == 8 and right_up_fingers[1] == 12 and left_up_fingers[0] == 8 and left_up_fingers[1] ==12:
str_guester = "2_2"
elif len(right_up_fingers)==2 and right_up_fingers[0]==4 and right_up_fingers[1]==20:
str_guester = "6"
elif len(right_up_fingers)==2 and len(left_up_fingers) == 2 and right_up_fingers[0]==4 and right_up_fingers[1]==20 and left_up_fingers[0]==4 and left_up_fingers[1]==20:
str_guester = "6_6"
elif len(right_up_fingers)==2 and right_up_fingers[0]==4 and right_up_fingers[1]==8:
str_guester = "8"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 2 and len(left_up_fingers) == 2 and right_up_fingers[0] == 4 and right_up_fingers[1] == 8 and left_up_fingers[0] == 8 and left_up_fingers[1] ==4:
str_guester = "8_8"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 2 and right_up_fingers[0] == 4 and right_up_fingers[1] == 12:
str_guester = "bb"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 2 and len(left_up_fingers) == 2 and right_up_fingers[0] == 4 and right_up_fingers[1] == 12 and left_up_fingers[0] == 4 and left_up_fingers[1] == 12:
str_guester = "bb_bb"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 2 and right_up_fingers[0] == 12 and right_up_fingers[1] == 20:
str_guester = "cc"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 2 and len(left_up_fingers) == 2 and right_up_fingers[0] == 12 and right_up_fingers[1] == 20 and left_up_fingers[0] == 12 and left_up_fingers[1] == 20:
str_guester = "cc_cc"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 2 and right_up_fingers[0] == 8 and right_up_fingers[1] == 20:
str_guester = "dd"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 2 and len(left_up_fingers) == 2 and right_up_fingers[0] == 8 and right_up_fingers[1] == 20 and left_up_fingers[0] == 8 and left_up_fingers[1] == 20:
str_guester = "dd_dd"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 2 and right_up_fingers[0] == 16 and right_up_fingers[1] == 20:
str_guester = "ee"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 2 and len(left_up_fingers) == 2 and right_up_fingers[0] == 16 and right_up_fingers[1] == 20 and left_up_fingers[0] == 16 and left_up_fingers[1] == 20:
str_guester = "ee_ee"
elif len(right_up_fingers)==3 and right_up_fingers[0]==8 and right_up_fingers[1]==12 and right_up_fingers[2]==16:
str_guester = "3"
elif len(right_up_fingers)==3 and len(left_up_fingers) == 3 and right_up_fingers[0]==8 and right_up_fingers[1]==12 and right_up_fingers[2]==16 and left_up_fingers[0]==8 and left_up_fingers[1]==12 and left_up_fingers[2]==16:
str_guester = "3_3"
elif len(right_up_fingers)==3 and right_up_fingers[0]==4 and right_up_fingers[1]==8 and right_up_fingers[2]==12:
dis_8_12 = list_lms[8,:] - list_lms[12,:]
dis_8_12 = np.sqrt(np.dot(dis_8_12,dis_8_12))
dis_4_12 = list_lms[4,:] - list_lms[12,:]
dis_4_12 = np.sqrt(np.dot(dis_4_12,dis_4_12))
if dis_4_12/(dis_8_12+1) <3:
str_guester = "7"
elif dis_4_12/(dis_8_12+1) >5:
str_guester = "Gun"
str_guester = "7"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 3 and len(left_up_fingers) == 3 and right_up_fingers[0] == 4 and right_up_fingers[1] == 8 and right_up_fingers[2] == 12 and left_up_fingers[0] == 8 and left_up_fingers[1] ==4 and left_up_fingers[2] ==12:
str_guester = "gun_gun"
# 29
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 3 and right_up_fingers[0] == 8 and right_up_fingers[1] == 16 and right_up_fingers[2] == 20 :
str_guester = "ff"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 3 and len(left_up_fingers) == 3 and right_up_fingers[0] == 8 and right_up_fingers[1] == 16 and right_up_fingers[2] == 20 and left_up_fingers[0] == 8 and left_up_fingers[1] == 16 and left_up_fingers[2] == 20:
str_guester = "ff_ff"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 3 and right_up_fingers[0] == 12 and right_up_fingers[1] == 16 and right_up_fingers[2] == 20:
str_guester = "gg"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 3 and len(left_up_fingers) == 3 and right_up_fingers[0] == 12 and right_up_fingers[1] == 16 and right_up_fingers[2] == 20 and left_up_fingers[0] == 12 and left_up_fingers[1] == 16 and left_up_fingers[2] == 20:
str_guester = "gg_gg"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 3 and right_up_fingers[0] == 4 and right_up_fingers[1] == 8 and right_up_fingers[2] == 20:
str_guester = "hh"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 3 and len(left_up_fingers) == 3 and right_up_fingers[0] == 4 and right_up_fingers[1] == 8 and right_up_fingers[2] == 20 and left_up_fingers[0] == 4 and left_up_fingers[1] == 8 and left_up_fingers[2] == 20:
str_guester = "hh_hh"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 3 and right_up_fingers[0] == 8 and right_up_fingers[1] == 12 and right_up_fingers[2] == 20:
str_guester = "ii"
elif len(right_up_fingers) == 3 and len(left_up_fingers) == 3 and left_up_fingers[0] == 8 and left_up_fingers[1] == 12 and left_up_fingers[2] == 20:
str_guester = "ii_li"
elif len(right_up_fingers)==4 and right_up_fingers[0]==8 and right_up_fingers[1]==12 and right_up_fingers[2]==16 and right_up_fingers[3]==20:
str_guester = "4"
elif len(right_up_fingers)==4 and right_up_fingers[0]==20 and right_up_fingers[1]==16 and right_up_fingers[2]==12 and right_up_fingers[3]==8:
str_guester = "4_4"
elif len(right_up_fingers)==5:
str_guester = "5"
elif len(right_up_fingers)==0:
str_guester = "10"
str_guester = " "
return str_guester
if __name__ == "__main__":
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
# 定义手 检测对象
mpHands = mp.solutions.hands
hands = mpHands.Hands(static_image_mode=False,
mpDraw = mp.solutions.drawing_utils
while True:
# 读取一帧图像
success, img = cap.read()
if not success:
image_height, image_width, _ = np.shape(img)
# 转换为RGB
imgRGB = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# 得到检测结果
left_up_fingers = []
results = hands.process(imgRGB)
right_up_fingers = []
if results.multi_hand_landmarks:
# for hand in results.multi_hand_landmarks:
for idx, hand in enumerate(results.multi_hand_landmarks):
hand_type = results.multi_handedness[idx].classification[0].label
# print(hand_type) # 打印手的类型(左手或右手)
# 双手检测
# hand = results.multi_hand_landmarks[0]
# hand_type = results.multi_handedness[hand].classification[0].label
if hand_type == 'Left':
# 采集所有关键点的坐标
list_lms = []
for i in range(21):
pos_x = hand.landmark[i].x*image_width
pos_y = hand.landmark[i].y*image_height
# # 构造凸包点
# list_lms = np.array(list_lms,dtype=np.int32)
# hull_index = [0,1,2,3,6,10,14,19,18,17,10]
# hull = cv2.convexHull(list_lms[hull_index,:])
# # 绘制凸包
# cv2.polylines(img,[hull], True, (0, 255, 0), 2)
# # 查找外部的点数-指尖的点
# n_fig = -1
# ll = [4,8,12,16,20]
# for i in ll:
# pt = (int(list_lms[i][0]),int(list_lms[i][1]))
# # 检测点是否在凸包的外面
# dist= cv2.pointPolygonTest(hull,pt,True)
# if dist <0:
# left_up_fingers.append(i)
# print(up_fingers)
# print(list_lms)
# print(np.shape(list_lms))
# 凸包外点的list
# str_guester = get_str_guester(left_up_fingers,right_up_fingers,list_lms)
# 左右手结合
# result = process_gesture(str_guester)
for i in ll:
pos_x = hand.landmark[i].x*image_width
pos_y = hand.landmark[i].y*image_height
# 画点
cv2.circle(img, (int(pos_x),int(pos_y)), 3, (0,255,255),-1)
elif hand_type == 'Right':
# 采集所有关键点的坐标
list_lms = []
for i in range(21):
pos_x = hand.landmark[i].x*image_width
pos_y = hand.landmark[i].y*image_height
# 构造凸包点
list_lms = np.array(list_lms,dtype=np.int32)
hull_index = [0,1,2,3,6,10,14,19,18,17,10]
hull = cv2.convexHull(list_lms[hull_index,:])
# 绘制凸包
cv2.polylines(img,[hull], True, (0, 255, 0), 2)
# 查找外部的点数-指尖的点
n_fig = -1
ll = [4,8,12,16,20]
for i in ll:
pt = (int(list_lms[i][0]),int(list_lms[i][1]))
# 检测点是否在凸包的外面
dist= cv2.pointPolygonTest(hull,pt,True)
if dist <0:
# print(up_fingers)
# print(list_lms)
# print(np.shape(list_lms))
# 凸包外点的list
str_guester = get_str_guester(left_up_fingers,right_up_fingers,list_lms)
# 左右手结合
# result = process_gesture(str_guester)
key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
# 按键 "q" 退出
if key == ord('q'):
马建仓 AI 助手
