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In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:drm/amd/display: Check null pointers before using dc->clk_mgr[WHY & HOW]dc->clk_mgr is null checked previously in the same function, indicatingit might be null.Passing dc to dc->hwss.apply_idle_power_optimizations , whichdereferences null dc->clk_mgr . (The function pointer resolves to dcn35_apply_idle_power_optimizations .)This fixes 1 FORWARD_NULL issue reported by Coverity.
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:drm/amd/display: Check null pointers before using dc->clk_mgr[WHY & HOW]dc->clk_mgr is null checked previously in the same function, indicatingit might be null.Passing dc to dc->hwss.apply_idle_power_optimizations , whichdereferences null dc->clk_mgr . (The function pointer resolves to dcn35_apply_idle_power_optimizations .)This fixes 1 FORWARD_NULL issue reported by Coverity.