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neSneSgB 提交于 2023-06-25 17:30 . Update prefs.js
const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk;
const GObject = imports.gi.GObject;
const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils;
const Me = ExtensionUtils.getCurrentExtension();
const Utils = new Me.imports.utils.Utils();
const _ = imports.gettext.domain(Me.metadata['gettext-domain']).gettext;
let createSlider = function(configName) {
let ret = new Gtk.Scale({digits: 0, sensitive: true, orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, margin_end: 6, margin_start: 6});
ret.set_range(0, 100);
ret.set_value(Utils.getNumber(configName, 50));
ret.connect("value-changed", function(obj, userData) {
Utils.setParameter(configName, obj.get_value());
return ret;
let _createDescriptionLabel = function(text) {
return new Gtk.Label({
halign: Gtk.Align.START,
margin_end: 4,
margin_start: 4,
margin_top: 8,
margin_bottom: 8,
label: text,
wrap: true
const PutWindowSettingsWidget = GObject.registerClass({
GTypeName: 'PutWindowSettingsWidget',
class PutWindowSettingsWidget extends Gtk.Notebook {
_init(params) {
this.orientation = Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL;
this.hexpand = true;
this.tab_pos = Gtk.PositionType.LEFT;
this.append_page(this._generateMainSettings(), new Gtk.Label({label: "<b>" + _("Main") + "</b>",
halign:Gtk.Align.START, margin_top: 0, use_markup: true}));
this.append_page(this._createPositionSettings(), new Gtk.Label({label: "<b>" + _("Width &amp; Height") + "</b>",
halign:Gtk.Align.START, use_markup: true}));
this.append_page(this._createKeyboardConfig(), new Gtk.Label({label: "<b>" + _("Keyboard Shortcuts") + "</b>",
halign:Gtk.Align.START, use_markup: true}));
this.append_page(this._createMoveFocusConfig(), new Gtk.Label({label: "<b>" + _("Move Focus") + "</b>",
halign:Gtk.Align.START, use_markup: true}));
this.append_page(new PutWindowLocationWidget(), new Gtk.Label({label: "<b>" + _("Applications") + "</b>",
halign:Gtk.Align.START, use_markup: true}));
_createCornerChangesCombo() {
this._model = new Gtk.ListStore();
this._model.set_column_types([GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_STRING]);
let combo = new Gtk.ComboBox({ model: this._model, halign: Gtk.Align.END});
let currentValue = Utils.getNumber(Utils.CORNER_CHANGE, 0);
let values = [
["0", _("Both")],
["1", _("Only height")],
["2", _("Only width")],
["3", _("Never change size")],
["4", _("Nothing on first move, both on second")],
["5", _("Nothing on first move, Only height on second")],
["6", _("Nothing on first move, Only width on second")]
let selectMe = null;
for (let i=0; i< values.length; i++) {
let iter = this._model.append();
this._model.set(iter, [0, 1], values[i]);
if (values[i][0] == currentValue) {
selectMe = iter;
if (selectMe != null) {
let renderer = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
combo.pack_start(renderer, true);
combo.add_attribute(renderer, 'text', 1);
combo.connect("changed", (obj) => {
let[success, iter] = obj.get_active_iter();
if (!success) {
Utils.setParameter(Utils.CORNER_CHANGE, this._model.get_value(iter, 0));
return combo;
_addSliders(grid, row, labels, configName) {
for (let i=0; i < labels.length; i++) {
grid.attach(new Gtk.Label({label: labels[i], halign:Gtk.Align.START, margin_start: 15 }), 0, row, 1, 1);
grid.attach(createSlider(configName + "-" + i), 1, row, 5, 1);
return row;
_createWorkInProgress() {
let row = 0;
let ret = new Gtk.Grid({
column_homogeneous: true,
margin_top: 4,
margin_start: 4,
margin_end: 4
ret.attach(new Gtk.Label({
label: "<b>This settings are not supported at the moment</b>",
halign: Gtk.Align.START,
margin_start: 4,
use_markup: true
}), 0, row++, 5, 1);
return ret;
_generateMainSettings() {
let row = 0;
let ret = new Gtk.Grid({
column_homogeneous: true,
margin_top: 4,
margin_start: 4,
margin_end: 4
ret.attach(new Gtk.Label({label: "<b>" + _("Main settings") + "</b>", halign:Gtk.Align.START, margin_start: 4, use_markup: true}), 0, row++, 5, 1);
ret.attach(new Gtk.Separator({orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, margin_top: 4, margin_bottom: 4}), 0, row++, 5, 1);
ret.attach(new Gtk.Label({
halign: Gtk.Align.START,
margin_start: 10,
label: _("Keep window on current screen:"),
tooltip_text: _("Disable this option to move to other screen if possible"),
}), 0, row, 4, 1);
let alwaysSwitch = new Gtk.Switch({ sensitive: true, halign: Gtk.Align.END });
alwaysSwitch.set_active(Utils.getBoolean(Utils.ALWAYS_USE_WIDTHS, false));
alwaysSwitch.connect("notify::active", function(obj) { Utils.setParameter(Utils.ALWAYS_USE_WIDTHS, obj.get_active()); });
ret.attach(alwaysSwitch, 4, row++, 1, 1);
/** TODO - fix moveWorkspace
ret.attach(new Gtk.Label({
halign: Gtk.Align.START,
margin_start: 10,
label: _("Enable move to workspace:")
}), 0, row, 4, 1);
let workspaceSwitch = new Gtk.Switch({ sensitive: true, halign: Gtk.Align.END });
workspaceSwitch.set_active(Utils.getBoolean(Utils.ENABLE_MOVE_WORKSPACE, false));
workspaceSwitch.connect("notify::active", function(obj) { Utils.setParameter(Utils.ENABLE_MOVE_WORKSPACE, obj.get_active()); });
ret.attach(workspaceSwitch, 4, row++, 1, 1);
ret.attach(new Gtk.Label({
halign: Gtk.Align.START,
margin_start: 10,
label: _("Move to center maximizes and restores initial window size (first w/h only):"),
tooltip_text: _("Maximize the window on first move and restore original size and position on second. Only works with first width/height")
}), 0, row, 4, 1);
let centerToggleSwitch = new Gtk.Switch({sensitive: true, halign: Gtk.Align.END });
centerToggleSwitch.set_active(Utils.getBoolean(Utils.MOVE_CENTER_ONLY_TOGGLES, false));
centerToggleSwitch.connect("notify::active", function(obj) {
Utils.setParameter(Utils.MOVE_CENTER_ONLY_TOGGLES, obj.get_active());
ret.attach(centerToggleSwitch, 4, row++, 1, 1);
ret.attach(new Gtk.Label({
halign: Gtk.Align.START,
margin_start: 10,
label: _("Always ignore top panel:"),
tooltip_text: _("Enable this if you use an extension to hide the top panel")
}), 0, row, 4, 1);
let ignoreTopPanelSwitch = new Gtk.Switch({sensitive: true, halign: Gtk.Align.END });
ignoreTopPanelSwitch.set_active(Utils.getBoolean(Utils.IGNORE_TOP_PANEL, false));
ignoreTopPanelSwitch.connect("notify::active", function(obj) {
Utils.setParameter(Utils.IGNORE_TOP_PANEL, obj.get_active());
ret.attach(ignoreTopPanelSwitch, 4, row++, 1, 1);
ret.attach(new Gtk.Label({
halign: Gtk.Align.START,
margin_start: 10,
label: _("Intelligent corner movement:"),
tooltip_text: _("Moving from E to S moves to SE not S"),
}), 0, row, 4, 1);
let intelligentCornerSwitch = new Gtk.Switch({ sensitive: true, halign: Gtk.Align.END });
intelligentCornerSwitch.set_active(Utils.getBoolean(Utils.INTELLIGENT_CORNER_MOVEMENT, false));
intelligentCornerSwitch.connect("notify::active", function(obj) { Utils.setParameter(Utils.INTELLIGENT_CORNER_MOVEMENT, obj.get_active()); });
ret.attach(intelligentCornerSwitch, 4, row++, 1, 1);
ret.attach(new Gtk.Label({
halign: Gtk.Align.START,
margin_start: 10,
label: _("Keep width when moving north/south:"),
tooltip_text: _("Windows will not change their width when moved north or south"),
}), 0, row, 4, 1);
let keepWidthSwitch = new Gtk.Switch({ sensitive: true, halign: Gtk.Align.END });
keepWidthSwitch.set_active(Utils.getBoolean(Utils.ALWAYS_KEEP_WIDTH, false));
keepWidthSwitch.connect("notify::active", function(obj) { Utils.setParameter(Utils.ALWAYS_KEEP_WIDTH, obj.get_active()); });
ret.attach(keepWidthSwitch, 4, row++, 1, 1);
ret.attach(new Gtk.Label({
halign: Gtk.Align.START,
margin_start: 10,
label: _("Keep height when moving east/west:"),
tooltip_text: _("Windows will not change their height when moved east or west"),
}), 0, row, 4, 1);
let keepHeightSwitch = new Gtk.Switch({ sensitive: true, halign: Gtk.Align.END });
keepHeightSwitch.set_active(Utils.getBoolean(Utils.ALWAYS_KEEP_HEIGHT, false));
keepHeightSwitch.connect("notify::active", function(obj) { Utils.setParameter(Utils.ALWAYS_KEEP_HEIGHT, obj.get_active()); });
ret.attach(keepHeightSwitch, 4, row++, 1, 1);
ret.attach(new Gtk.Label({
label: _("Moving to corner:"),
margin_start: 10,
tooltip_text: _("Adjust window width and height when moved to corner?"),
halign: Gtk.Align.START
}), 0, row, 2, 1);
let combo = this._createCornerChangesCombo();
ret.attach(combo, 2, row++, 3, 1);
// ------------------------------------- center ----------------------------------------
ret.attach(new Gtk.Label({label: "<b>" + _("Center Width &amp; Height") + "</b>", halign:Gtk.Align.START, use_markup: true}), 0, row++, 5, 1);
ret.attach(new Gtk.Separator({orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, margin_top: 4, margin_bottom: 4}), 0, row++, 5, 1);
ret.attach(new Gtk.Label({
halign: Gtk.Align.START,
margin_start: 10,
label: _("Keep width when moving from center to south or north:"),
tooltip_text: _("Don't change width when moving window from center to north or south")
}), 0, row, 4, 1);
let centerKeepWidthSwitch = new Gtk.Switch({ sensitive: true, halign: Gtk.Align.END });
centerKeepWidthSwitch.set_active(Utils.getBoolean(Utils.CENTER_KEEP_WIDTH, false));
centerKeepWidthSwitch.connect("notify::active", function(obj) { Utils.setParameter(Utils.CENTER_KEEP_WIDTH, obj.get_active()); });
ret.attach(centerKeepWidthSwitch, 4, row++, 1, 1);
ret.attach(new Gtk.Label({label: "First width:", halign: Gtk.Align.START, margin_start: 10 }), 0, ++row, 1, 1);
ret.attach(createSlider(Utils.CENTER_WIDTH_0), 1, row++, 4, 1);
ret.attach(new Gtk.Label({label: "First height:", halign: Gtk.Align.START, margin_start: 10 }), 0, ++row, 1, 1);
ret.attach(createSlider(Utils.CENTER_HEIGHT_0), 1, row++, 4, 1);
ret.attach(new Gtk.Label({label: "Second width:", halign: Gtk.Align.START, margin_start: 10 }), 0, ++row, 1, 1);
ret.attach(createSlider(Utils.CENTER_WIDTH_1), 1, row++, 4, 1);
ret.attach(new Gtk.Label({label: "Second height:", halign: Gtk.Align.START, margin_start: 10 }), 0, ++row, 1, 1);
ret.attach(createSlider(Utils.CENTER_HEIGHT_1), 1, row++, 4, 1);
ret.attach(new Gtk.Label({label: "Third width:", halign: Gtk.Align.START, margin_start: 10 }), 0, ++row, 1, 1);
ret.attach(createSlider(Utils.CENTER_WIDTH_2), 1, row++, 4, 1);
ret.attach(new Gtk.Label({label: "Third height:", halign: Gtk.Align.START, margin_start: 10 }), 0, ++row, 1, 1);
ret.attach(createSlider(Utils.CENTER_HEIGHT_2), 1, row++, 4, 1);
return ret;
_createPositionSettings() {
let row = 0;
let positions = new Gtk.Grid();
positions.column_homogeneous = true;
let description = _createDescriptionLabel(_("You can define up to three sizes that will be used " +
"when you move a window to the same direction multiple times. Equal values are ignored."));
positions.attach(description, 0, row++, 6, 1);
let labels = [_("First:"), _("Second:"), _("Third:")];
// ------------------------------------- north ----------------------------------------
positions.attach(new Gtk.Label({label: "<b>" + _("North height") + "</b>", halign:Gtk.Align.START, margin_start: 4, margin_top: 4, use_markup: true}), 0, row++, 5, 1);
positions.attach(new Gtk.Separator({orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, margin_start: 4, margin_top: 4}), 0, row++, 6, 1);
row = this._addSliders(positions, row, labels, "north-height");
// ------------------------------------- south ----------------------------------------
positions.attach(new Gtk.Label({label: "<b>" + _("South height") + "</b>", halign:Gtk.Align.START, margin_start: 4, margin_top: 4, use_markup: true}), 0, row++, 5, 1);
positions.attach(new Gtk.Separator({orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, margin_start: 4, margin_top: 4}), 0, row++, 6, 1);
row = this._addSliders(positions, row, labels, "south-height");
// ------------------------------------- east ----------------------------------------
positions.attach(new Gtk.Label({label: "<b>" + _("East width") + "</b>", halign:Gtk.Align.START, margin_start: 4, margin_top: 4, use_markup: true}), 0, row++, 5, 1);
positions.attach(new Gtk.Separator({orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, margin_start: 4, margin_top: 4}), 0, row++, 6, 1);
row = this._addSliders(positions, row, labels, "right-side-widths");
// ------------------------------------- west ----------------------------------------
positions.attach(new Gtk.Label({label: "<b>" + _("West width") + "</b>", halign:Gtk.Align.START, margin_start: 4, margin_top: 4, use_markup: true}), 0, row++, 5, 1);
positions.attach(new Gtk.Separator({orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, margin_start: 4, margin_top: 4}), 0, row++, 6, 1);
this._addSliders(positions, row, labels, "left-side-widths");
let scroll = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow({ vexpand: true, hexpand: true });
// scroll.add_with_viewport(positions);
return scroll;
_createKeyboardConfig() {
return this._createBindingList({
"put-to-corner-ne": _("Move to top right corner"),
"put-to-corner-nw": _("Move to top left corner"),
"put-to-corner-se": _("Move to bottom right corner"),
"put-to-corner-sw": _("Move to bottom left corner"),
"put-to-side-n": _("Move to top"),
"put-to-side-e": _("Move to right"),
"put-to-side-s": _("Move to bottom"),
"put-to-side-w": _("Move to left"),
"put-to-center": _("Move to center/maximize"),
"put-to-location": _("Move to configured location"),
"put-to-left-screen": _("Move to the left screen"),
"put-to-right-screen": _("Move to the right screen"),
"put-to-previous-screen": _("Move to the previous screen"),
"put-to-next-screen": _("Move to the next screen"),
_createMoveFocusConfig() {
let row = 0;
let ret = new Gtk.Grid();
ret.column_homogeneous = true;
let description = _createDescriptionLabel(_("'Move Focus' allows you to change the focus based on " +
"the relative location of the current focused window using the keyboard and to push the currently focused" +
" window into the background to get the focus to the windows below."));
ret.attach(description, 0, row++, 5, 1);
let configOptions = [
label: _("Enable 'Move focus'")
}, {
label: _("Show animation when moving")
for (let i=0; i < configOptions.length; i++) {
ret.attach(new Gtk.Label({
halign: Gtk.Align.START,
margin_start: 4,
label: configOptions[i].label + ":"
}), 0, row, 4, 1);
let enabledSwitch = new Gtk.Switch({ sensitive: true, halign: Gtk.Align.END, vexpand: false});
enabledSwitch.set_active(Utils.getBoolean(configOptions[i].key, true));
let setParamFunction = function(obj) {
Utils.setParameter(this.configName, obj.get_active());
enabledSwitch.connect("notify::active", setParamFunction.bind({configName: configOptions[i].key}));
ret.attach(enabledSwitch, 4, row++, 1, 1);
ret.attach(new Gtk.Label({label: "<b>" + _("Keyboard bindings") + "</b>", halign:Gtk.Align.START, margin_start: 4, margin_top: 4, use_markup: true}), 0, row++, 5, 1);
ret.attach(new Gtk.Separator({orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, margin_start: 4, margin_top: 4, margin_bottom: 4}), 0, row++, 5, 1);
let keyBinding = this._createBindingList({
"move-focus-north": _("Move the window focus up"),
"move-focus-east": _("Move the window focus right"),
"move-focus-south": _("Move the window focus down"),
"move-focus-west": _("Move the window focus left"),
"move-focus-cycle": _("Push focused window to the background"),
"move-focus-left-screen": _("Move the focus to the left screen"),
"move-focus-right-screen": _("Move the focus to the right screen")
ret.attach(keyBinding, 0, row, 5, 1);
return ret;
_createBindingList(bindings) {
let name, model = new Gtk.ListStore();
for (name in bindings) {
let enabled = Utils.getBoolean(name + "-enabled");
if (!enabled) {
Utils.set_strv(name, []);
let ok, key, mods;
let binding = Utils.get_strv(name, null)[0];
if (enabled && binding) {
[ok, key, mods] = Gtk.accelerator_parse(binding);
} else {
[ok, key, mods] = [0,0];
let row = model.insert(10);
if (mods == undefined) {
mods = null;
model.set(row, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [enabled, name, bindings[name], mods, key ]);
let treeview = new Gtk.TreeView({
hexpand: true,
vexpand: true,
'model': model,
margin_top: 4,
margin_bottom: 4,
margin_start: 4,
margin_end: 4
// enabled column
let cellrend = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle({'radio': false, 'activatable': true});
let col = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn({ 'title': _('Enabled'), 'expand': false});
col.pack_start(cellrend, true);
col.add_attribute(cellrend, 'active', 0);
cellrend.connect("toggled", function(toggle, iter) {
let [success, iterator ] = model.get_iter_from_string(iter);
var value = !model.get_value(iterator, 0);
model.set(iterator, [0], [value]);
let name = model.get_value(iterator, 1);
Utils.setParameter(name + "-enabled", value ? 1 : 0);
// disable the keybinding
if (!value) {
model.set(iterator, [3, 4], [0, 0]);
// Action column
cellrend = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
col = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn({ 'title': _('Action'), 'expand': true});
col.pack_start(cellrend, true);
col.add_attribute(cellrend, 'text', 2);
// keybinding column
cellrend = new Gtk.CellRendererAccel({
'editable': true,
'accel-mode': Gtk.CellRendererAccelMode.GTK
cellrend.connect('accel-edited', function(rend, iter, key, mods) {
let value = Gtk.accelerator_name(key, mods);
let [success, iterator ] = model.get_iter_from_string(iter);
if(!success) {
throw new Error(_("Error updating Keybinding"));
let name = model.get_value(iterator, 1);
let existingBinding = Utils.keyboardBindingExists(name, value);
if (existingBinding) {
var md = new Gtk.MessageDialog({
modal: true,
message_type: Gtk.MessageType.WARNING,
buttons: Gtk.ButtonsType.OK,
text: _("Keyboard binding already defined"),
secondary_text: _("The binding is already used by '%s'").format(existingBinding)
md.connect("response", (dialog, responseType) => {
// set the active flag
Utils.setParameter(name + "-enabled",1);
model.set(iterator, [0], [true]);
model.set(iterator, [ 3, 4], [ mods, key ]);
Utils.set_strv(name, [value]);
cellrend.connect('accel-cleared', function(rend, iter, key, mods) {
let [success, iterator] = model.get_iter_from_string(iter);
if (!success) {
throw new Error(_("Error clearing keybinding"));
let name = model.get_value(iterator, 1);
// set the active flag
Utils.setParameter(name + "-enabled",0);
model.set(iterator, [0], [false]);
model.set(iterator, [3, 4], [0, 0]);
Utils.set_strv(name, []);
col = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn({'title': _('Modify')});
col.pack_end(cellrend, false);
col.add_attribute(cellrend, 'accel-mods', 3);
col.add_attribute(cellrend, 'accel-key', 4);
return treeview;
const PutWindowLocationWidget = new GObject.Class({
Name: 'PutWindow.Prefs.PutWindowLocationWidget',
GTypeName: 'PutWindowLocationWidget',
Extends: Gtk.Grid,
_init: function() {
this.margin = 4;
this.orientation= Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL;
this.column_homogeneous = true;
let description = _createDescriptionLabel(_("Application based size and location setting, that allows you " +
"to move windows on startup or circle between multiple configured locations."));
// label.set_line_wrap(true);
this.attach(description, 0, 0, 8, 1);
this._selectedApp = null;
this._apps = [];
this.treeModel = new Gtk.ListStore();
this.treeView = new Gtk.TreeView({
model: this.treeModel,
headers_visible: false,
vexpand: true
// this.treeView.get_style_context().add_class(Gtk.STYLE_CLASS_RAISED);
let column = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn({ min_width: 150 });
let renderer = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
column.pack_start(renderer, true);
column.add_attribute(renderer, 'text', 0);
let appsLength = 1;
if (Utils.getParameter("locations", null) != null) {
let apps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Utils.getParameter("locations"));
appsLength = apps.length;
for(let i=0; i< appsLength; i++) {
let iter = this.treeModel.append();
this.treeModel.set(iter, [0], [ apps[i] ]);
this._apps.push({name: apps[i], listElement: iter});
(selection) => {
let s = selection.get_selected();
// no new selection
if (!s[0]) {
let selectedValue = s[1].get_value(s[2], 0);
if (this._selectedApp != null && this._selectedApp == selectedValue) {
this._updateAppContainerContent(selectedValue, this.createAppWidgets(selectedValue));
this._removeAppButton = new Gtk.Button();
this._removeAppButton.set_tooltip_text(_("Remove an existing application setting"));
() => {
let dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog({
modal: true,
message_type: Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION,
title: _("Delete application '%s'?").format(this._selectedApp),
text: _("Are you sure to delete the configuration for '%s'?").format(this._selectedApp)
dialog.add_button(_('Cancel'), Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL);
dialog.add_button(_('Delete'), Gtk.ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT);
(dialog, responseType) => {
if (responseType == Gtk.ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT) {
for (let i=0; i< this._apps.length; i++) {
if (this._apps[i].name != this._selectedApp) {
// remove the widget
if (this._appContainer.get_child()) {
// remove the list entry
// unset the parameter
Utils.unsetParameter("locations." + this._apps[i].name);
// remove the entry from _apps array
this._addAppButton = new Gtk.Button();
this._addAppButton.set_tooltip_text(_("Add a new application (make sure it is running)"));
() => {
let apps = this._getRunningApps(this._apps);
if (apps == null) {
let appsLength = apps.length;
let dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog({
modal: false,
message_type: Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION,
title: _("Add application"),
text: _("Please select the application you want to add")
let appModel = new Gtk.ListStore();
appModel.set_column_types([ GObject.TYPE_INT, GObject.TYPE_STRING ]);
let appSelector = new Gtk.ComboBox({ model: appModel, hexpand: true });
let renderer = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
appSelector.set_child(renderer, true);
appSelector.add_attribute(renderer, 'text', 1);
for (let i = 0; i < appsLength; i++ ) {
let iter = appModel.append();
appModel.set(iter, [0, 1], apps[i] );
(combo) => {
let selection = combo.get_model().get_value(combo.get_active_iter()[1], 1);
let configPath = "locations." + selection;
Utils.setParameter(configPath, Utils.START_CONFIG);
this._addToTreeView(selection, true);
this._updateAppContainerContent(selection, this.createAppWidgets(selection));
dialog.add_button(Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL);
dialog.set_default_size(350, 100);
dialog.connect("response", (dialog, responseType) => {
this._saveButton = new Gtk.Button();
this._saveButton.set_tooltip_text(_("'Applications' config is not saved automatically."));
this._saveButton.connect("clicked", function() {
let toolbar = new Gtk.Box({
orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL,
homogeneous: true
let leftPanel = new Gtk.Box({orientation: Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL});
this.attach(leftPanel, 0, 1, 2, 1);
this._appContainer = new Gtk.Frame({ hexpand: true});
this._appContainer.set_child(new Gtk.Label({label: _("Select an application to configure using the list on the left side.") }));
let scroll = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow({
'vexpand': true
this.attach(scroll, 2, 1, 6, 1);
_getRunningApps: function(exclude) {
if (this._wnckScreen != null) {
return this._internalGetRunningApps(exclude);
// wnckScreen will be null when using wayland ...
try {
// global.workspace_manager.get_workspace_by_index(0).list_windows()[1].get_wm_class()
this._wnckScreen = imports.gi.Wnck.Screen.get_default();
} catch (e) {
log("ERROR" + e);
this._wnckScreen = null;
if (this._wnckScreen == null) {
var md = new Gtk.MessageDialog({
modal: true,
message_type: Gtk.MessageType.WARNING,
buttons: Gtk.ButtonsType.OK,
title: _("Error getting running apps"),
text: _("We were not able to get the list of running apps from Wnck. Are you running Wayland? ")
md.connect("response", (dialog, responseType) => {
return null;
return this._internalGetRunningApps(exclude);
_internalGetRunningApps: function(exclude) {
let windows = this._wnckScreen.get_windows();
let winSize = windows.length;
let apps = [];
let name;
for (let i=0; i < winSize; i++) {
name = windows[i].get_class_group_name();
if (name && name != "") {
apps.push( windows[i].get_class_group_name() );
let ret = [],
excludeLength = exclude.length;
for (let i=0; i < apps.length; i++) {
let wm = apps[i],
found = false;
// dont add excluded entries to the returned value
for (let j=0; j < excludeLength; j++) {
if (exclude[j].name == wm || wm == "Update-notifier") {
found = true;
if (!found) {
ret.push( [ret.length, wm]);
ret.sort(function(a, b){
return a[1] < b[1] ? -1
: a[1] == b[1] ? 0 : 1;
return ret;
createAppWidgets: function(appName) {
let configLocation = "locations." + appName + ".";
let ret = new Gtk.Box({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, margin_start: 10});
let autoMoveBox = new Gtk.Box({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL});
autoMoveBox.append(new Gtk.Label({label: _("Auto-Move window when created"), xalign: 0}));
let btn = new Gtk.Switch({ active: Utils.getBoolean(configLocation + "autoMove", false) });
btn.connect("notify::active", function(sw) {
Utils.setParameter(configLocation + "autoMove", sw.get_active());
// widgets for the positions defined for the app
let positions = Utils.getParameter(configLocation + "positions", { positions: []});
let positionSize = positions.length;
this.locationBox = new Gtk.Box({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL });
for (let i = 0; i < positionSize; i++) {
this.locationBox.append(this._generateOnePositionWidgets(configLocation, i, positionSize));
return ret;
_updateAppContainerContent: function(appName, widget) {
this._selectedApp = appName;
if (this._appContainer.get_child()) {
let c = this._appContainer.get_child();
if (c.destroy) {
_addToTreeView: function(value, select) {
let iter = this.treeModel.append();
this.treeModel.set(iter, [0], [ value ]);
this._apps.push({name: value, listElement: iter});
if (select && select == true) {
this._selectedApp = value;
_generateOnePositionWidgets: function(configLocation, index, positionSize) {
let loc = configLocation + "positions." + index + ".",
top = 0;
let grid = new Gtk.Grid({
hexpand: true,
margin_start: 8,
margin_end: 8
grid.locationIndex = index;
// screen ComboBox
let screenModel = new Gtk.ListStore();
screenModel.set_column_types([GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_INT]);
let screenSelector = new Gtk.ComboBox({ model: screenModel, hexpand: true, margin_top: 6, margin_bottom: 6 });
let screenSelectRenderer = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
screenSelector.pack_start(screenSelectRenderer, true);
screenSelector.add_attribute(screenSelectRenderer, 'text', 0);
// fails with "get_n_monitors is not no function" although it works in lg
//let numScreens = Gdk.Display.get_default().get_n_monitors();
let numScreens = 4;
for (let j = 0; j < numScreens; j++ ) {
let iter = screenModel.append();
screenModel.set(iter, [0, 1], ["Screen " + (j+1), j]);
screenSelector.set_active(Utils.getNumber(loc + "screen", 0));
(combo) => {
Utils.setParameter(loc + "screen", combo.get_model().get_value(combo.get_active_iter()[1], 1));
grid.attach(new Gtk.Label({label: _("Screen"), xalign: 0}), 0, top, 3, 1);
grid.attach(screenSelector, 3, top, 1, 1);
// add/delete buttons
let buttonContainer = new Gtk.Box({
orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL,
margin_top: 0,
margin_bottom: 0
// the Gtk.STOCK_ADD constant is undefined :/ --> use the string
let addButton = new Gtk.Button({ icon_name: 'list-add-symbolic' });
() => {
let length = Utils.getParameter(configLocation + "positions", []).length;
let newLocation = configLocation + "positions." + length;
Utils.setParameter(newLocation, {x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100, screen: 0} );
this.locationBox.append(this._generateOnePositionWidgets(configLocation, length, length));
// don't delete the first position
if (index > 0) {
// the Gtk.STOCK_REMOVE constant is undefined :/ --> use the string
let deleteButton = new Gtk.Button({ icon_name: "user-trash-symbolic" });
() => {
Utils.unsetParameter(configLocation + "positions." + index);
grid.attach(buttonContainer, 4, top, 1, 1);
// sliders for width, height, x, y
grid.attach(new Gtk.Label({
label: _("Disable resize"),
xalign: 0,
tooltip_text: _("Width and height of the window will not be changed")
}), 0, top, 3, 1);
let dontResizeSwitch = new Gtk.Switch({sensitive: true, halign: Gtk.Align.END });
let disableResize = Utils.getBoolean(loc + "disableResize", false);
dontResizeSwitch.connect("notify::active", function(obj) {
let newValue = obj.get_active();
Utils.setParameter(loc + "disableResize", newValue);
grid.attach(dontResizeSwitch, 1, top, 4, 1);
let scaleW = createSlider(loc + "width");
grid.attach(new Gtk.Label({label: _("Width"), xalign: 0}), 0, top, 1, 1);
grid.attach(scaleW, 1, top, 4, 1);
let scaleH = createSlider(loc + "height");
grid.attach(new Gtk.Label({label: _("Height"), xalign: 0}), 0, top, 1, 1);
grid.attach(scaleH, 1, top, 4, 1);
let updateWidthSliders = function(disabled) {
grid.attach(new Gtk.Label({
label: _("Disable moving"),
xalign: 0,
tooltip_text: _("Relative position of the window will not be changed")
}), 0, top, 3, 1);
let dontMoveSwitch = new Gtk.Switch({sensitive: true, halign: Gtk.Align.END });
let disableMove = Utils.getBoolean(loc + "disableMove", false);
dontMoveSwitch.connect("notify::active", function(obj) {
let newValue = obj.get_active();
Utils.setParameter(loc + "disableMove", newValue);
grid.attach(dontMoveSwitch, 1, top, 4, 1);
let scaleX = createSlider(loc + "x");
grid.attach(new Gtk.Label({label: _("X-Position"), xalign: 0}), 0, top, 1, 1);
grid.attach(scaleX, 1, top, 4, 1);
let scaleY = createSlider(loc + "y");
grid.attach(new Gtk.Label({label: _("Y-Position"), xalign: 0}), 0, top, 1, 1);
grid.attach(scaleY, 1, top, 4, 1);
let updatePositionSliders = function(disabled) {
if (index < (positionSize -1 )) {
grid.attach(new Gtk.Separator({orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, margin_top: 4, margin_bottom: 4}), 0, top, 6, 1);
return grid;
function init() {
function buildPrefsWidget() {
return new PutWindowSettingsWidget();
马建仓 AI 助手


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