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extension.js 31.77 KB
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neSneSgB 提交于 2023-06-25 17:31 . Update extension.js
const Meta = imports.gi.Meta;
const Main = imports.ui.main;
const Mainloop = imports.mainloop;
const Shell = imports.gi.Shell;
const Extension = imports.misc.extensionUtils.getCurrentExtension();
const Utils = Extension.imports.utils;
const MoveFocus = Extension.imports.moveFocus;
// disabled for now
// TODO - fix moveWorkspace
// const MoveWorkspace = Extension.imports.moveWorkspace;
let _moveWindow = null;
* Thanks to:
* gcampax for auto-move-window extension and
* vibou_ for gtile and his getInner/OuterPadding that is used in nearly every
* extension that moves windows around
* 73 for fixing overlapping windows issue and the idea and help for the
* "Move Focus" feature.
* Believe in the force! Read the source!
function MoveWindow() {
MoveWindow.prototype = {
_utils: {},
// private variables
_bindings: [],
_padding: 2,
_primary: 0,
_screens: [],
focusListener: null,
* Helper functions to set custom handler for keybindings
_addKeyBinding: function(key, handler) {
if (Main.wm.addKeybinding && Shell.ActionMode){ // introduced in 3.16
this._utils.getSettingsObject(), Meta.KeyBindingFlags.NONE,
} else if (Main.wm.addKeybinding && Shell.KeyBindingMode) { // introduced in 3.7.5
// Shell.KeyBindingMode.NORMAL | Shell.KeyBindingMode.MESSAGE_TRAY,
this._utils.getSettingsObject(), Meta.KeyBindingFlags.NONE,
} else {
_getTopPanelHeight: function() {
if (this._utils.getBoolean(this._utils.IGNORE_TOP_PANEL, false)) {
return 0;
// 0 means hidden, 255 is visible
let opacity;
if (Main.panel.get_paint_opacity) {
opacity = Main.panel.get_paint_opacity();
} else {
let opacity = Main.panel.actor.get_paint_opacity();
if (opacity == 0) {
return 0;
if (!Main.layoutManager.panelBox.visible) {
return 0;
if (Main.panel.get_y) {
return Main.panel.get_y() + Main.panel.get_height();
} else {
return Main.panel.actor.y + Main.panel.actor.height;
_recalculateSizes: function(s) {
let topPanelHeight = s.primary ? this._getTopPanelHeight() : 0;
if (Math.abs(topPanelHeight) <= 2) {
topPanelHeight = 0;
if (s.geomY != topPanelHeight) {
s.y = s.geomY + topPanelHeight;
} else {
s.y = s.geomY;
let i = 0;
let widths = this._utils.getWestWidths();
s.west = [];
for ( i=0; i < widths.length; i++) {
s.west[i] = {
width: s.totalWidth * widths[i],
x: s.x
widths = this._utils.getEastWidths();
s.east = [];
for ( i=0; i < widths.length; i++) {
s.east[i] = {
width: s.totalWidth * widths[i],
x: s.geomX + (s.totalWidth * (1 - widths[i]))
let heights = this._utils.getNorthHeights();
let absoluteHeight = s.totalHeight + topPanelHeight;
s.north = [];
for ( i=0; i < heights.length; i++) {
s.north[i] = {
height: absoluteHeight * heights[i] - topPanelHeight * heights[i],
y: s.y
heights = this._utils.getSouthHeights();
s.south = [];
for (i=0; i < heights.length; i++) {
let h = absoluteHeight * heights[i] - topPanelHeight * heights[i];
s.south[i] = {
height: h,
y: absoluteHeight - h + s.geomY
return s;
* Checks the _screens array, and returns the index of the screen, the
* given window (win) is on
_getCurrentScreenIndex: function(win) {
// left edge is sometimes -1px...
let pos = win.get_frame_rect();
pos.x = pos.x < 0 ? 0 : pos.x;
let sl = this._screens.length;
for (let i=0; i < sl; i++) {
let s = this._screens[i];
if ((s.x <= pos.x && (s.x + s.totalWidth) > pos.x ) && ((s.y - this._getTopPanelHeight()) <= pos.y && (s.y + s.totalHeight) > pos.y )) {
return i;
return this._primary;
moveToScreen: function(direction) {
if (this._utils.getBoolean("put-to-" + direction +"-screen-enabled", true)) {
* Move the focused window to the screen on the "direction" side
* @param direction left, e, right and w are supported
* @return true, if it was possible to move the focused window in the given direction
_moveToScreen: function(direction) {
let win = global.display.focus_window;
if (win == null) {
return false;
let screenIndex = this._getCurrentScreenIndex(win);
let targetIndex = screenIndex;
let s = null;
let old = {
primary: this._screens[screenIndex].primary,
x: this._screens[screenIndex].x,
y: this._screens[screenIndex].y,
totalWidth: this._screens[screenIndex].totalWidth,
totalHeight: this._screens[screenIndex].totalHeight
if ((direction == "right" || direction == "e") && screenIndex < (this._screens.length - 1)) {
s = this._screens[screenIndex + 1];
s = this._recalculateSizes(s);
if ((direction == "left" || direction == "w") && screenIndex > 0) {
s = this._screens[screenIndex - 1];
s = this._recalculateSizes(s);
if (direction == "next") {
if (screenIndex == this._screens.length - 1) {
s = this._screens[0]
else {
s = this._screens[screenIndex + 1];
s = this._recalculateSizes(s);
if (direction == "previous") {
if (screenIndex == 0) {
s = this._screens[this._screens.length - 1]
else {
s = this._screens[screenIndex - 1];
s = this._recalculateSizes(s);
if (s == null) {
return false;
let wasMaximizeFlags = 0;
if (win.maximized_horizontally) {
wasMaximizeFlags = wasMaximizeFlags | Meta.MaximizeFlags.HORIZONTAL;
if (win.maximized_vertically) {
wasMaximizeFlags = wasMaximizeFlags | Meta.MaximizeFlags.VERTICAL;
if (wasMaximizeFlags != 0) {
let position = win.get_frame_rect();
let xRatio = s.totalWidth / old.totalWidth;
let x = s.x + (position.x - old.x) * xRatio;
let width = position.width * xRatio;
if (width >= s.totalWidth) {
wasMaximizeFlags = wasMaximizeFlags | Meta.MaximizeFlags.HORIZONTAL;
let yRatio = s.totalHeight / old.totalHeight;
let height = position.height;
// we are moving away from the primary screen and topPanel is visible,
// e.g. height was max but is smaller then the totalHeight because of topPanel height
if (old.primary) {
height += this._getTopPanelHeight();
height *= yRatio;
if (s.primary) {
height -= this._getTopPanelHeight();
if (height >= s.totalHeight) {
wasMaximizeFlags = wasMaximizeFlags | Meta.MaximizeFlags.VERTICAL;
let y = s.y + (position.y - old.y) * yRatio;
// add/remove the top panel offset to the y position
if (old.primary) {
y -= this._getTopPanelHeight();
if (s.primary) {
y += this._getTopPanelHeight();
if (y < 0) {
y = 0;
this._resize(win, x, y, width, height);
if (wasMaximizeFlags != 0) {
return true;
* Moves win, that is currently on screen[screenIndex] in the given direction.
* Depending on ALWAYS_USE_WIDTHS config and screen setup, the window is either
* moved to other screen or only resized.
* @param win The window that must be moved
* @param screenIndex The screen the window belongs to (this._screens)
* @param direction The two available sides e/w (i.e. east/west)
_moveToSide: function(win, screenIndex, direction) {
let s = this._screens[screenIndex];
let pos = win.get_frame_rect();
let sizes = direction == "e" ? s.east : s.west;
if (win.maximized_horizontally && !win.maximized_vertically && this._utils.getBoolean(this._utils.INTELLIGENT_CORNER_MOVEMENT, false)) {
// currently at the left side (WEST)
if (pos.y == s.y) {
this._moveToCorner(win, screenIndex, "n" + direction, false, true, true);
} else {
this._moveToCorner(win, screenIndex, "s" + direction, false, true, true);
let useIndex = 0;
let moveToOtherScreen = false;
let minDistance = false;
let dist;
for ( let i=0; i < sizes.length; i++) {
if (!this._samePoint(pos.x, sizes[i].x)) {
if (this._samePoint(pos.width, sizes[i].width)) {
useIndex = i + 1;
if (useIndex >= sizes.length) {
moveToOtherScreen = true;
useIndex = 0;
dist = Math.abs((pos.width - sizes[i].width));
if (!minDistance || minDistance > dist) {
minDistance = dist;
useIndex = i+1;
if (useIndex >= sizes.length) {
moveToOtherScreen = true;
useIndex = 0;
let otherDirection = "e";
let canMoveScreen = screenIndex > 0;
if (direction == "e") {
otherDirection = "w";
canMoveScreen = !this._isVerticalScreenSetup && screenIndex < (this._screens.length - 1);
if (moveToOtherScreen && canMoveScreen && !this._utils.getBoolean(this._utils.ALWAYS_USE_WIDTHS)) {
// moved in this direction more then once, if a screen exists, move the window there
if (useIndex > 1) {
// the window was moved here from an other screen, just resize it
useIndex = 0;
} else {
// moving to other screen is possible, move to screen and resize afterwards
if (this._utils.getBoolean(this._utils.ALWAYS_KEEP_HEIGHT, false)) {
this._resize(win, sizes[useIndex].x, pos.y, sizes[useIndex].width, pos.height);
} else {
this._resize(win, sizes[useIndex].x, s.y, sizes[useIndex].width, s.totalHeight * -1);
_moveNorthSouth: function(win, screenIndex, direction) {
let s = this._screens[screenIndex];
let pos = win.get_frame_rect();
let sizes = direction == "n" ? s.north : s.south;
if ( win.maximized_vertically && !win.maximized_horizontally && this._utils.getBoolean(this._utils.INTELLIGENT_CORNER_MOVEMENT, false)) {
// currently at the left side (WEST)
if (pos.x == s.x) {
this._moveToCorner(win, screenIndex, "w" + direction, true, false, true);
} else {
this._moveToCorner(win, screenIndex, "e" + direction, true, false, true);
let useIndex = 0;
for ( let i=0; i < sizes.length; i++) {
if (this._samePoint(pos.height, sizes[i].height) && this._samePoint(pos.y, sizes[i].y)) {
useIndex = i + 1;
if (useIndex >= sizes.length) {
useIndex = 0;
let canMoveScreen = screenIndex > 0;
let screenMoveDirection = direction == "s" ? "e" : "w";
if (direction == "s") {
canMoveScreen = this._isVerticalScreenSetup && screenIndex < (this._screens.length - 1);
if (useIndex > 0 && canMoveScreen && !this._utils.getBoolean(this._utils.ALWAYS_USE_WIDTHS)) {
// moved in this direction more then once, if a screen exists, move the window there
if (useIndex > 1) {
// the window was moved here from an other screen, just resize it
useIndex = 0;
} else {
// moving to other screen is possible, move to screen and resize afterwards
this._moveFocused(direction == "s" ? "n" : "s");
if ((this._utils.getBoolean(this._utils.CENTER_KEEP_WIDTH, false) && this._isCenterWidth(screenIndex, pos)) ||
this._utils.getBoolean(this._utils.ALWAYS_KEEP_WIDTH, false)) {
this._resize(win, pos.x, sizes[useIndex].y, pos.width, sizes[useIndex].height);
} else {
this._resize(win, s.x, sizes[useIndex].y, s.totalWidth * -1, sizes[useIndex].height);
_isCenterWidth: function(screenIndex, pos) {
let s = this._screens[screenIndex];
let w = s.totalWidth * (this._utils.getNumber(this._utils.CENTER_WIDTH_0, 50) / 100),
h = s.totalHeight * (this._utils.getNumber(this._utils.CENTER_HEIGHT_0, 50) / 100),
x = s.x + (s.totalWidth - w) / 2,
y = s.y + (s.totalHeight - h) / 2;
return this._samePoint(w, pos.width) && this._samePoint(x, pos.x);
_moveToCorner: function(win, screenIndex, direction, keepWidth, keepHeight, ignoreCornerSettings) {
ignoreCornerSettings = ignoreCornerSettings || false;
keepWidth = keepWidth || false;
keepHeight = keepHeight || false;
let s = this._screens[screenIndex];
let pos = win.get_frame_rect();
let sameWidth = false;
let sameHeight = false;
if (this._utils.changeCornerNever()) {
this._moveToCornerKeepSize(win, screenIndex, direction);
let useWidth = 0;
let widths = (direction.indexOf("e") == -1) ? s.west : s.east;
let add = this._utils.changeCornerWidth() ? 1 : 0;
if (keepWidth) {
add = 0;
for (let i=0; i < widths.length; i++) {
if (this._samePoint(pos.width, widths[i].width) && this._samePoint(pos.x, widths[i].x)) {
sameWidth = true;
useWidth = i + add;
if (useWidth >= widths.length) {
useWidth = 0;
let useHeight = 0;
let heights = (direction.indexOf("n") == -1) ? s.south : s.north;
add = this._utils.changeCornerHeight() ? 1 : 0;
if (keepHeight) {
add = 0;
for (let i=0; i < heights.length; i++) {
if (this._samePoint(pos.height, heights[i].height) && this._samePoint(pos.y, heights[i].y)) {
sameHeight = true;
useHeight = i + add;
if (useHeight >= heights.length) {
useHeight = 0;
// currently at the east/west and, now moved to corner
if (!keepHeight && this._utils.changeCornerHeight() && this._samePoint(pos.height, s.totalHeight)) {
sameHeight = true;
useHeight = 0;
// currently at north/south and now moved to corner
if (!keepWidth && this._utils.changeCornerWidth() && this._samePoint(pos.width, s.totalWidth)) {
sameWidth = true;
useWidth = 0;
// no special handling for first time move
if (ignoreCornerSettings) { // || !this._utils.changeCornerFirstTime()) {
// window was moved to an other corner
if ((!keepHeight && !keepWidth) && (!sameWidth || !sameHeight)) {
useWidth = 0;
useHeight = 0;
this._resize(win, widths[useWidth].x, heights[useHeight].y, widths[useWidth].width, heights[useHeight].height);
// moveToCornerKeepSize returns true, if the window must be moved (not already in the given corner)
if (this._moveToCornerKeepSize(win, screenIndex, direction) && !this._utils.changeCornerFirstTime()) {
if (this._utils.changeCornerBoth()) {
useWidth = useHeight = Math.min(useWidth, useHeight);
let x, y, width, height;
if (this._utils.changeCornerWidth()) {
x = widths[useWidth].x;
width = widths[useWidth].width;
} else {
width = pos.width;
if (direction.indexOf("w") == -1) {
x = s.x + (s.totalWidth - pos.width);
} else {
x = s.x;
if (this._utils.changeCornerHeight()) {
y = heights[useHeight].y;
height = heights[useHeight].height;
} else {
height = pos.height;
if (direction.indexOf("s") == -1) {
y = s.y;
} else {
y = (s.totalHeight - pos.height);
this._resize(win, x, y, width, height);
_moveToCornerKeepSize: function(win, screenIndex, direction) {
let s = this._screens[screenIndex];
let pos = win.get_frame_rect();
let x,y;
if (direction.indexOf("s") == -1) {
y = s.y;
} else {
y = s.y + (s.totalHeight - pos.height);
if (direction.indexOf("w") == -1) {
x = s.x + (s.totalWidth - pos.width);
} else {
x = s.x;
// window is already in the given corner
if (this._samePoint(pos.x, x) && this._samePoint(pos.y, y)) {
return false;
win.move_frame(true, x, y);
return true;
* _moveFocused is called internal when for example moving between screens.
* The -enabled flag should only be checked, if the method is called because of the keybinding.
* e.g. Internal calls should not check the config.
moveFocused: function(where) {
if ("e,s,w,n".indexOf(where) != -1) {
if (!this._utils.getBoolean("put-to-side-" + where + "-enabled", true)) {
} else if ("ne,se,sw,nw".indexOf(where) != -1) {
if (!this._utils.getBoolean("put-to-corner-" + where + "-enabled", true)) {
} else if ("c" == where) {
if (!this._utils.getBoolean("put-to-center-enabled", true)) {
* move the current focused window into the given direction (c, n,e,s,w, ne, nw, sw, so)
_moveFocused: function(where) {
let win = global.display.focus_window;
if (win == null) {
let screenIndex = this._getCurrentScreenIndex(win);
let s = this._screens[screenIndex];
// check if we are on primary screen and if the main panel is visible
s = this._recalculateSizes(s);
if (where == "c") {
if (this._utils.toggleMaximizeOnMoveCenter()) {
var flags = Meta.MaximizeFlags.HORIZONTAL | Meta.MaximizeFlags.VERTICAL;
if (win.maximized_horizontally && win.maximized_vertically) {
} else {
let pos = win.get_frame_rect(),
centerWidths = [],
centerHeights = [];
centerWidths.push(this._utils.getNumber(this._utils.CENTER_WIDTH_0, 50));
centerWidths.push(this._utils.getNumber(this._utils.CENTER_WIDTH_1, 100));
centerWidths.push(this._utils.getNumber(this._utils.CENTER_WIDTH_2, 100));
centerHeights.push(this._utils.getNumber(this._utils.CENTER_HEIGHT_0, 50));
centerHeights.push(this._utils.getNumber(this._utils.CENTER_HEIGHT_1, 100));
centerHeights.push(this._utils.getNumber(this._utils.CENTER_HEIGHT_2, 100));
if (centerWidths[1] == centerWidths[2] && centerHeights[1] == centerHeights[2]) {
let ws = [],
hs = [],
xs = [],
ys = [],
sameHeights = [];
for (let i = 0; i < centerWidths.length; ++i) {
ws.push(s.totalWidth * (centerWidths[i] / 100));
hs.push(s.totalHeight * (centerHeights[i] / 100));
xs.push(s.x + (s.totalWidth - ws[i]) / 2);
ys.push(s.y + (s.totalHeight - hs[i]) / 2);
sameHeights.push(this._samePoint(hs[i], pos.height));
if (centerWidths[i] == 100 && centerHeights[i] == 100) {
ws[i] *= -1;
hs[i] *= -1;
if (this._utils.getBoolean(this._utils.MOVE_CENTER_ONLY_TOGGLES, false)) {
if (win.maximized_horizontally && win.maximized_vertically) {
this._resize(win, xs[0], ys[0], ws[0], hs[0]);
} else {
this._resize(win, s.x, s.y, s.totalWidth * -1, s.totalHeight * -1);
} else {
// do not check window.width. until i find get_size_hint(), or min_width..
// windows that have a min_width < our width will not be maximized (evolution for example)
let next_i;
for (next_i = 0; next_i < centerWidths.length; ++next_i) {
if (this._samePoint(xs[next_i], pos.x) && this._samePoint(ys[next_i], pos.y) && sameHeights[next_i]) {
// next window size is i (first if we didn't match any)
next_i %= centerWidths.length;
this._resize(win, xs[next_i], ys[next_i], ws[next_i], hs[next_i]); // YYY
} else if (where == "n" || where == "s") {
this._moveNorthSouth(win, screenIndex, where);
} else if (where == "e" || where == "w") {
this._moveToSide(win, screenIndex, where);
} else {
this._moveToCorner(win, screenIndex, where);
_moveConfiguredWhenCreated: function(display, win, noRecurse) {
if (win.skip_taskbar) {
let app = this._windowTracker.get_window_app(win);
if (!app) {
if (!noRecurse) {
// window is not tracked yet
Mainloop.idle_add(() => {
this._moveConfiguredWhenCreated(display, win, true);
app = win.get_wm_class();
// move the window if a location is configured and autoMove is set to true
let appPath = "locations." + app;
var configExists = this._utils.getParameter(appPath, false);
if (!configExists) {
// check if there is a config for "all"
appPath = "locations.All";
configExists = this._utils.getParameter(appPath, false);
// config exists and autoMove is enabled
if (configExists && this._utils.getBoolean(appPath + ".autoMove", false)) {
this.focusListener = win.connect("focus",
() => {
this._moveToConfiguredLocation(win, app);
moveToConfiguredLocation: function(win, appName) {
if (this._utils.getBoolean("put-to-location-enabled", true)) {
this._moveToConfiguredLocation(win, appName);
* check if the current focus window has a configured location. If so move it there ;)
_moveToConfiguredLocation: function(win, appName) {
if (!win || !appName) {
win = global.display.focus_window;
if (win==null) {
appName = win.get_wm_class();
if (this.focusListener != null) {
this.focusListener = null;
let config = this._utils.getParameter("locations." + appName, false);
// no config for appName. maybe we have a config for "all"
if (!config) {
config = this._utils.getParameter("locations.All", false);
// no config for "all"
if (!config) {
appName = "All";
if (config.lastPosition == undefined) {
config.lastPosition= 0;
let pos = config.positions[config.lastPosition];
if (!pos) {
pos = config.positions[0];
config.lastPosition = 0;
// undefined on first load
if (pos.screen) {
pos.screen = 0;
this._utils.setParameter("locations." + appName + ".lastPosition", 1);
} else {
if (config.lastPosition >= config.positions.length) {
this._utils.setParameter("locations." + appName + ".lastPosition", 0);
// config may be for 2 screens but currently only 1 is connected
let targetScreenIndex = (this._screens.length > pos.screen) ? pos.screen : 0;
let s = this._screens[targetScreenIndex];
let disableResize = !!pos.disableResize;
let disableMove = !!pos.disableMove;
let x = (pos.x == "0.0") ? s.x : s.x + (s.totalWidth * pos.x/100);
let y = (pos.y == "0.0") ? s.y : s.totalHeight - (s.totalHeight * (1-pos.y/100));
// _resize will maximize the window if width/height is -1
let maximize = (pos.width == 100 && pos.height == 100);
let width = maximize ? -1 * pos.width : s.totalWidth * pos.width/100;
let height = maximize ? -1 * pos.height : s.totalHeight * pos.height/100;
if (disableResize) {
let r = win.get_frame_rect();
width = r.width;
height = r.height;
if (disableMove) {
let r = win.get_frame_rect();
x = r.x;
y = r.y;
let screenIndex = this._getCurrentScreenIndex(win);
if (targetScreenIndex != screenIndex) {
let oldScreen = this._screens[screenIndex];
x = s.x + Math.abs(r.x - oldScreen.x);
y = s.y + Math.abs(r.y - oldScreen.y);
this._resize(win, x, y, width, height);
// On large screens the values used for moving/resizing windows, and the resulting
// window.rect are may not be not equal (==)
// --> Assume points are equal, if the difference is <= 40px
// @return true, if the difference between p1 and p2 is less then 41
_samePoint: function(p1, p2) {
return (Math.abs(p1-p2) <= 40);
// actual resizing
_resize: function(win, x, y, width, height) {
let maximizeFlags = 0;
let unMaximizeFlags = 0;
if (height < 0) {
maximizeFlags = maximizeFlags | Meta.MaximizeFlags.VERTICAL;
height = 400; // dont resize to width, -1
} else {
unMaximizeFlags = unMaximizeFlags | Meta.MaximizeFlags.VERTICAL;
if (width < 0) {
maximizeFlags = maximizeFlags | Meta.MaximizeFlags.HORIZONTAL;
width = 400; // dont resize to height, -1
} else {
unMaximizeFlags = unMaximizeFlags | Meta.MaximizeFlags.HORIZONTAL;
if (maximizeFlags != 0) {
if (unMaximizeFlags != 0) {
if (width == 0 && height == 0) {
win.move_frame(false, x, y);
let targetRectangle = this._getRectangle(win, x, y, width, height);
// user_operation, width, height, force
// the difference between input and outer rect as object.
_getRectangle: function(win, x, y, width, height) {
let rect = new Meta.Rectangle();
rect.width = width;
rect.height = height;
rect.x = x;
rect.y = y;
// mutter already works with frame_rect, no need to calculate padding
if (win.client_rect_to_frame_rect) {
return rect;
let outer = win.get_frame_rect();
if (win.get_outer_rect) {
outer = win.get_outer_rect();
let inner = win.get_frame_rect();
if (win.get_rect) {
inner = win.get_rect();
rect.width = rect.width - (outer.width - inner.width);
rect.height = rect.height - (outer.height - inner.height)
return rect;
counter: 0,
_loadScreenData: function() {
// get monitor(s) geometry
this._primary = this._utils.getScreen().get_primary_monitor();
let numMonitors = this._utils.getScreen().get_n_monitors();
this._screens = [];
// only tested with 2 screen setup
let sumX = 0,sumY = 0;
for (let i=0; i < numMonitors; i++) {
let geom;
if (Main.layoutManager.getWorkAreaForMonitor) {
geom = Main.layoutManager.getWorkAreaForMonitor(i);
} else {
geom = this._utils.getScreen().get_monitor_geometry(i)
let primary = (i == this._primary);
sumX += geom.x;
sumY += geom.y;
this._screens[i] = {
primary: primary,
y: geom.y,
x : geom.x,
geomX: geom.x,
geomY: geom.y,
totalWidth: geom.width,
totalHeight: geom.height,
east: [],
west: [],
north: [],
south: []
this._isVerticalScreenSetup = sumX < sumY;
// sort by x position. makes it easier to find the correct screen
this._screens.sort(function(s1, s2) {
return s1.x - s2.x;
* Get global.screen_width and global.screen_height and
* bind the keys
_init: function() {
// read configuration and init the windowTracker
this._utils = new Utils.Utils();
this._windowTracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default();
this._screenListener = this._utils.getMonitorManager()
.connect("monitors-changed", this._loadScreenData.bind(this));
this._workareasChangedListener = this._utils.getScreen()
.connect("workareas-changed", this._loadScreenData.bind(this));
// this._windowCreatedListener = global.screen.get_display().connect_after('window-created',
this._windowCreatedListener = global.display
.connect_after('window-created', this._moveConfiguredWhenCreated.bind(this));
this._bindings = [];
// move to n, e, s an w
() => { this.moveFocused("n");}
() => { this.moveFocused("e");}
() => { this.moveFocused("s");}
() => { this.moveFocused("w");}
// move to nw, se, sw, nw
() => { this.moveFocused("ne");}
() => { this.moveFocused("se");}
() => { this.moveFocused("sw");}
() => { this.moveFocused("nw");}
// move to center. fix 2 screen setup and resize to 50% 50%
() => { this.moveFocused("c");}
() => { this.moveToConfiguredLocation();}
() => { this.moveToScreen("left");}
() => { this.moveToScreen("right");}
() => { this.moveToScreen("previous");}
() => { this.moveToScreen("next");}
this._moveFocusPlugin = new MoveFocus.MoveFocus(this._utils, this._screens);
// TODO - fix moveWorkspace
// new MoveWorkspace.MoveWorkspace(this._utils);
this._moveWorkspacePlugin = false;
* disconnect all keyboard bindings that were added with _addKeyBinding
destroy: function() {
if (this._windowCreatedListener) {
this._windowCreatedListener = false;
if (this._screenListener) {
this._screenListener = false;
if (this._workareasChangedListener) {
this._workareasChangedListener = false;
let size = this._bindings.length;
for(let i = 0; i<size; i++) {
if (Main.wm.removeKeybinding) {// introduced in 3.7.2
} else {
this._bindings = [];
if (this._moveFocusPlugin) {
if (this._moveWorkspacePlugin) {
function init(meta) {
function enable() {
this.original_get_center = Meta.Window.prototype.get_center;
if ((typeof Meta.Window.prototype.get_frame_rect) == "undefined") {
this.original_get_frame_rect = Meta.Window.prototype.get_frame_rect;
Meta.Window.prototype.get_frame_rect = function() {
return this.get_outer_rect();
Meta.Window.prototype.get_center = function(){
let rect = this.get_frame_rect();
return {x: rect.x + rect.width / 2, y: rect.y + rect.height / 2};
_moveWindow = new MoveWindow();
function disable() {
// remove monkey patch, get_center
Meta.Window.prototype.get_center = this.original_get_center;
if (this.original_get_frame_rect) {
Meta.Window.prototype.get_frame_rect = this.original_get_frame_rect;
_moveWindow = null;
马建仓 AI 助手


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