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Antishov 提交于 2020-02-27 09:56 . Fixed duplicated definitions
declare module jsPlumb {
interface PaintStyle {
stroke?: string;
fill?: string;
strokeWidth?: number;
module jsPlumb {
function extend(target: Object, source: Object): any;
function addClass(el: NodeListOf<Element>, clazz: string): void;
function removeClass(el: NodeListOf<Element>, clazz: string): void;
function on(el: any, event: string, delegateSelector: string, handler: Function): void;
function on(el: any, event: string, handler: Function): void;
function off(el: any, event: string, handler: Function): void;
function revalidate(el: Element): void;
function getInstance(_defaults?: Defaults): jsPlumbInstance;
module jsPlumbUtil {
function isArray(obj:any):boolean;
function isNumber(obj:any):boolean;
function isString(obj:any):boolean;
function isBoolean(obj:any):boolean;
function isNull(obj:any):boolean;
function isObject(obj:any):boolean;
function isDate(obj:any):boolean;
function isFunction(obj:any):boolean;
function isNamedFunction(obj:any):boolean;
function isEmpty(obj:any):boolean;
function extend(target: Object, source: Object): any;
function uuid():UUID;
function findWithFunction(list:Array<any>, fn:(obj:any)=>boolean):number;
function addWithFunction(list:Array<any>, item:any, fn:(obj:any)=>boolean):void;
function removeWithFunction(list:Array<any>, fn:(obj:any)=>boolean):number;
function suggest(list:Array<any>, item:any, insertAtHead?:boolean):boolean;
function fastTrim(s:string):string;
type Selector = string;
type UUID = string;
type ElementId = string;
type ElementRef = ElementId | Element;
type ElementGroupRef = ElementId | Element | Array<ElementId> | Array<Element>;
type ConnectionId = string;
class jsPlumbInstance {
addEndpoint(el: ElementGroupRef, params?: EndpointOptions, referenceParams?: EndpointOptions): Endpoint | Array<Endpoint>;
addEndpoints(target: ElementGroupRef, endpoints: Array<EndpointOptions>, referenceParams?: EndpointOptions): Array<Endpoint>;
animate(el: ElementRef, properties?: Object, options?: Object): void;
batch(fn: Function, doNotRepaintAfterwards?: boolean/* =false */): void;
bind(event: "connection", callback: (info: ConnectionMadeEventInfo, originalEvent: Event) => void, insertAtStart?: boolean/* =false */): void;
bind(event: "click", callback: (info: Connection, originalEvent: Event) => void, insertAtStart?: boolean/* =false */): void;
bind(event: string, callback: (info: OnConnectionBindInfo, originalEvent: Event) => void, insertAtStart?: boolean/* =false */): void;
cleanupListeners(): void;
connect(params: ConnectParams, referenceParams?: Object): Connection;
deleteEndpoint(object: UUID | Endpoint, doNotRepaintAfterwards?: boolean/* =false */): jsPlumbInstance;
deleteEveryConnection(): void;
deleteEveryEndpoint(): jsPlumbInstance;
deleteConnection(conn: Connection): void;
doWhileSuspended(): jsPlumbInstance;
draggable(el: Object, options?: DragOptions): jsPlumbInstance;
empty(el: string | Element | Selector): void;
fire(event: string, value: Object, originalEvent: Event): void;
getAllConnections(): Array<Connection>;
getConnections(scope: string, options: Object, scope2?: string | string, source?: string | string | Selector, target?: string | string | Selector, flat?: boolean/* =false */): Array<any> | Map<any, any>;
getContainer(): Element;
getDefaultScope(): string;
getEndpoint(uuid: string): Endpoint;
getScope(Element: Element | string): string;
getSelector(context?: Element | Selector, spec?: string): void;
getSourceScope(element: Element | string): string;
getTargetScope(element: Element | string): string;
getType(id: string, typeDescriptor: string): Object;
getZoom(): number;
hide(el: string | Element | Selector, changeEndpoints?: boolean/* =false */): jsPlumbInstance;
importDefaults(defaults: Object): jsPlumbInstance;
isHoverSuspended(): boolean;
isSource(el: string | Element | Selector): boolean;
isSourceEnabled(el: string | Element | Selector, connectionType?: string): boolean;
isSuspendDrawing(): boolean;
isSuspendEvents(): boolean;
isTarget(el: string | Element | Selector): boolean;
isTargetEnabled(el: string | Element | Selector): boolean;
makeSource(el: string | Element | Selector, params: Object, endpoint?: string | Array<any>, parent?: string | Element, scope?: string, dragOptions?: Object, deleteEndpointsOnEmpty?: boolean/* =false */, filter?: Function): void;
makeTarget(el: string | Element | Selector, params: Object, endpoint?: string | Array<any>, scope?: string, dropOptions?: Object, deleteEndpointsOnEmpty?: boolean/* =true */, maxConnections?: number/* =-1 */, onMaxConnections?: Function): void;
off(el: Element | Element | string, event: string, fn: Function): jsPlumbInstance;
on(el: Element | Element | string, children?: string, event?: string, fn?: Function): jsPlumbInstance;
ready(fn: Function): void;
recalculateOffsets(el: string | Element | Selector): void;
registerConnectionType(typeId: string, type: Object): void;
registerConnectionTypes(types: Object): void;
registerEndpointType(typeId: string, type: Object): void;
registerEndpointTypes(types: Object): void;
remove(el: string | Element | Selector): void;
removeAllEndpoints(el: string | Element | Selector, recurse?: boolean/* =false */): jsPlumbInstance;
repaint(el: string | Element | Selector): jsPlumbInstance;
repaintEverything(clearEdits?: boolean/* =false */): jsPlumbInstance;
reset(doNotUnbindInstanceEventListeners?: boolean): void;
restoreDefaults(): jsPlumbInstance;
revalidate(el: string | Element | Selector): void;
select(params?: Object, scope?: string | string, source?: string | string, target?: string | string, connections?: Connection[]): { each(fn: (conn: Connection) => void): void };
getHoverPaintStyle(params?: Object, scope?: string | string/* =jsPlumb.DefaultScope */, source?: string | Element | Selector | Array<any>, target?: string | Element | Selector | Array<any>, element?: string | Element | Selector | Array<any>): Selection;
setContainer(el: string | Element | Selector): void;
setHover(container: string | Element | Selector): void;
setDefaultScope(scope: string): jsPlumbInstance;
setDraggable(el: string | Object | Array<any>, draggable: boolean): void;
setHoverSuspended(hover: boolean): void;
setIdChanged(oldId: string, newId: string): void;
setParent(el: Selector | Element, newParent: Selector | Element | string): void;
setScope(el: Element | string, scope: string): void;
setSource(connection: Connection, source: string | Element | Endpoint, doNotRepaint?: boolean/* =false */): jsPlumbInstance;
setSourceEnabled(el: string | Element | Selector, state: boolean): jsPlumbInstance;
setSourceScope(el: Element | string, scope: string, connectionType?: string): void;
setSuspendDrawing(val: boolean, repaintAfterwards?: boolean/* =false */): boolean;
setSuspendEvents(val: boolean): void;
setTarget(connection: Connection, target: string | Element | Endpoint, doNotRepaint?: boolean/* =false */): jsPlumbInstance;
setTargetEnabled(el: string | Element | Selector, state: boolean): jsPlumbInstance;
setTargetScope(el: Element | string, scope: string, connectionType?: string): void;
setZoom(val: number, repaintEverything?: boolean/* =false */): boolean;
show(el: string | Element | Selector, changeEndpoints?: boolean/* =false */): jsPlumbInstance;
toggleDraggable(el: string | Element | Selector): boolean;
toggleSourceEnabled(el: string | Element | Selector): boolean;
toggleTargetEnabled(el: string | Element | Selector): boolean;
toggleVisible(el: string | Element | Selector, changeEndpoints?: boolean/* =false */): void;
unbind(eventOrListener?: string | Function, listener?: Function): void;
unmakeEverySource(): jsPlumbInstance;
unmakeEveryTarget(): jsPlumbInstance;
unmakeSource(el: string | Element | Selector): jsPlumbInstance;
unmakeTarget(el: string | Element | Selector): jsPlumbInstance;
interface ConnectionMadeEventInfo {
connection: Connection;
source: HTMLDivElement;
sourceEndpoint: Endpoint;
sourceId: string;
target: HTMLDivElement;
targetEndpoint: Endpoint;
targetId: string;
interface OnConnectionBindInfo {
connection: Connection;// the new Connection.you can register listeners on this etc.
sourceId: string;// - id of the source element in the Connection
originalSourceId: string;
newSourceId: string;
targetId: string;// - id of the target element in the Connection
originalTargetId: string;
newTargetId: string;
source: Element;// - the source element in the Connection
target: Element;//- the target element in the Connection
sourceEndpoint: Endpoint;//- the source Endpoint in the Connection
newSourceEndpoint: Endpoint;
targetEndpoint: Endpoint;//- the targetEndpoint in the Connection
newTargetEndpoint: Endpoint;
interface Defaults {
Endpoint?: EndpointSpec;
Endpoints?: [ EndpointSpec, EndpointSpec ];
Anchor?: AnchorSpec;
Anchors?: [ AnchorSpec, AnchorSpec ];
PaintStyle?: PaintStyle;
HoverPaintStyle?: PaintStyle;
EndpointStyle?: PaintStyle;
EndpointHoverStyle?: PaintStyle;
ConnectionsDetachable?: boolean;
ReattachConnections?: boolean;
ConnectionOverlays?: Array<OverlaySpec>;
Container?: any; // string(selector or id) or element
DragOptions?: DragOptions;
interface Connections {
detach(): void;
length: number;
each(e: (c: Connection) => void): void;
interface ConnectParams {
uuids?: [UUID, UUID];
source?: ElementRef | Endpoint;
target?: ElementRef | Endpoint;
detachable?: boolean;
deleteEndpointsOnDetach?: boolean;
endpoint?: EndpointSpec;
anchor?: AnchorSpec;
anchors?: [AnchorSpec, AnchorSpec];
label?: string;
connector?: ConnectorSpec;
cssClass?: string
interface DragEventCallbackOptions {
drag: object; // The associated Drag instance
e: MouseEvent;
el: HTMLElement; // element being dragged
pos: [number, number]; // x,y location of the element. drag event only.
interface DragOptions {
containment?: string;
start?: (params:DragEventCallbackOptions) => void;
drag?: (params:DragEventCallbackOptions) => void;
stop?: (params:DragEventCallbackOptions) => void;
cursor?: string;
zIndex?: number;
interface DropOptions {
hoverClass: string;
interface Connection {
id: ConnectionId;
setDetachable(detachable: boolean): void;
setParameter(name: string, value: any): void;
endpoints: [Endpoint, Endpoint];
getLabelOverlay(): Overlay;
getOverlays(): Object;
getOverlay(s: string): Overlay;
showOverlay(s: string): void;
hideOverlay(s: string): void;
setLabel(s: string): void;
getElement(): Connection;
source: Element;
target: Element;
sourceId: string;
targetId: string;
/* -------------------------------------------- CONNECTORS ---------------------------------------------------- */
interface ConnectorOptions {
type UserDefinedConnectorId = string;
type ConnectorId = "Bezier" | "StateMachine" | "Flowchart" | "Straight" | UserDefinedConnectorId;
type ConnectorSpec = ConnectorId | [ConnectorId, ConnectorOptions];
/* -------------------------------------------- ENDPOINTS ------------------------------------------------------ */
type EndpointSpec = EndpointId |
[ EndpointRectangle, EndpointRectangleOptions ] |
[ EndpointDot, EndpointDotOptions ] |
[ EndpointBlank, EndpointBlankOptions ]
type EndpointId = EndpointRectangle | EndpointDot | EndpointBlank;
type EndpointRectangle = "Rectangle";
type EndpointDot = "Dot";
type EndpointBlank = "Blank";
type EndpointDotOptions = { radius?: number, cssClass?: string, hoverClass?: string };
type EndpointRectangleOptions = { width?: number, height?: number, cssClass?: string, hoverClass?: string};
type EndpointImageOptions = { src: string, cssClass?: string, hoverClass?: string };
type EndpointBlankOptions = {};
interface EndpointOptions {
anchor?: AnchorSpec;
endpoint?: EndpointSpec;
enabled?: boolean;//= true
paintStyle?: PaintStyle;
hoverPaintStyle?: PaintStyle;
cssClass?: string;
hoverClass?: string;
maxConnections: number;//= 1?
dragOptions?: DragOptions;
dropOptions?: DropOptions;
connectorStyle?: PaintStyle;
connectorHoverStyle?: PaintStyle;
connector?: ConnectorSpec;
connectorOverlays?: Array<OverlaySpec>;
connectorClass?: string;
connectorHoverClass?: string;
connectionsDetachable?: boolean;//= true
isSource?: boolean;//= false
isTarget?: boolean;//= false
reattach?: boolean;//= false
parameters?: object;
"connector-pointer-events"?: string;
connectionType?: string;
dragProxy?: string | Array<string>;
id?: string;
scope?: string;
reattachConnections?: boolean;
type?: string; // "Dot", etc.
class Endpoint {
anchor: Anchor;
connections?: Array<Connection>;
maxConnections: number;//= 1?
id: string;
scope: string;
type: EndpointId;
setEndpoint(spec: EndpointSpec): void;
connectorSelector(): Connection;
isEnabled(): boolean;
setEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;
setHover(hover: boolean): void;
getElement(): Element;
setElement(el: Element): void;
* The actual component that does the rendering.
interface EndpointRenderer {
/* -------------------------------------------- ANCHORS -------------------------------------------------------- */
type AnchorOrientationHint = -1 | 0 | 1;
interface Anchor {
type: AnchorId;
cssClass: string;
elementId: string;
id: string;
locked: boolean;
offsets: [number, number];
orientation: [AnchorOrientationHint, AnchorOrientationHint];
x: number;
y: number;
type AnchorDynamicSpec = Array<
AnchorStaticSpec |
AnchorDynamicId |
AnchorPerimeterSpec |
type AnchorDynamicId = "AutoDefault";
type AnchorId =
AnchorStaticId |
AnchorDynamicId |
AnchorPerimeterId |
type AnchorStaticSpec = AnchorStaticId | AnchorArraySpec;
type AnchorStaticId =
"Assign" |
"Bottom" |
"BottomCenter" |
"BottomLeft" |
"BottomRight" |
"Center" |
"Left" |
"LeftMiddle" |
"Right" |
"RightMiddle" |
"Top" |
"TopCenter" |
"TopLeft" |
type AnchorArraySpec = [ number, number, number, number, number?, number?, string? ];
type AnchorPerimeterSpec = AnchorPerimeterId | [ AnchorPerimeterId, { shape?: PerimeterShape, anchorCount?: number, rotation?: number } ]
type AnchorPerimeterId = "Perimeter";
type PerimeterShape =
"Circle" |
"Ellipse" |
"Triangle" |
"Diamond" |
"Rectangle" |
type AnchorContinuousSpec = AnchorContinuousId | [ AnchorContinuousId, { faces?: [ ContinuousAnchorFace ] } ]
type AnchorContinuousId =
"Continuous" |
"ContinuousBottom" |
"ContinuousLeft" |
"ContinuousRight" |
type ContinuousAnchorFace = "top" | "left" | "right" | "bottom";
type AnchorSpec =
AnchorStaticSpec |
AnchorDynamicSpec |
AnchorPerimeterSpec |
/* --------------------------------------- OVERLAYS ------------------------------------------------------------- */
interface OverlayOptions {
interface ArrowOverlayOptions extends OverlayOptions {
width?: number; // 20
length?: number; // 20
location?: number; // 0.5
direction?: number; // 1
foldback?: number; // 0.623
paintStyle?: PaintStyle;
interface LabelOverlayOptions extends OverlayOptions {
label: string;
cssClass?: string;
location?: number; // 0.5
labelStyle?: {
font?: string;
color?: string;
fill?: string;
borderStyle?: string;
borderWidth?: number;// integer
padding?: number; //integer
type OverlayId = "Label" | "Arrow" | "PlainArrow" | "Custom";
type OverlaySpec = OverlayId | [OverlayId, OverlayOptions];
interface Overlay { }
export = jsPlumb
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