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options.go 2.07 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
roseduan 提交于 2023-06-15 21:52 . support iterator (#218)
package rosedb
import "os"
// Options specifies the options for opening a database.
type Options struct {
// DirPath specifies the directory path where the WAL segment files will be stored.
DirPath string
// SegmentSize specifies the maximum size of each segment file in bytes.
SegmentSize int64
// BlockCache specifies the size of the block cache in number of bytes.
// A block cache is used to store recently accessed data blocks, improving read performance.
// If BlockCache is set to 0, no block cache will be used.
BlockCache uint32
// Sync is whether to synchronize writes through os buffer cache and down onto the actual disk.
// Setting sync is required for durability of a single write operation, but also results in slower writes.
// If false, and the machine crashes, then some recent writes may be lost.
// Note that if it is just the process that crashes (machine does not) then no writes will be lost.
// In other words, Sync being false has the same semantics as a write
// system call. Sync being true means write followed by fsync.
Sync bool
// BytesPerSync specifies the number of bytes to write before calling fsync.
BytesPerSync uint32
// BatchOptions specifies the options for creating a batch.
type BatchOptions struct {
// Sync has the same semantics as Options.Sync.
Sync bool
// ReadOnly specifies whether the batch is read only.
ReadOnly bool
// IteratorOptions is the options for the iterator.
type IteratorOptions struct {
// Prefix filters the keys by prefix.
Prefix []byte
// Reverse indicates whether the iterator is reversed.
// false is forward, true is backward.
Reverse bool
const (
B = 1
KB = 1024 * B
MB = 1024 * KB
GB = 1024 * MB
var DefaultOptions = Options{
DirPath: tempDBDir(),
SegmentSize: 1 * GB,
BlockCache: 64 * MB,
Sync: false,
BytesPerSync: 0,
var DefaultBatchOptions = BatchOptions{
Sync: true,
ReadOnly: false,
var DefaultIteratorOptions = IteratorOptions{
Prefix: nil,
Reverse: false,
func tempDBDir() string {
dir, _ := os.MkdirTemp("", "rosedb-temp")
return dir
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