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merge.go 9.94 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
roseduan 提交于 2023-06-21 18:05 . Add merge feature (#222)
package rosedb
import (
const (
mergeDirSuffixName = "-merge"
mergeFinishedBatchID = 0
// Merge merges all the data files in the database.
// It will iterate all the data files, find the valid data,
// and rewrite the data to the new data file.
// Merge operation maybe a very time-consuming operation when the database is large.
// So it is recommended to perform this operation when the database is idle.
func (db *DB) Merge() error {
// check if the daabase is closed
if db.closed {
return ErrDBClosed
// check if the data files is empty
if db.dataFiles.IsEmpty() {
return nil
// check if the merge operation is running
if atomic.LoadUint32(&db.mergeRunning) == 1 {
return ErrMergeRunning
// set the mergeRunning flag to true
atomic.StoreUint32(&db.mergeRunning, 1)
// set the mergeRunning flag to false when the merge operation is completed
defer atomic.StoreUint32(&db.mergeRunning, 0)
prevActiveSegId := db.dataFiles.ActiveSegmentID()
// rotate the write-ahead log, create a new active segment file.
// so all the older segment files will be merged.
if err := db.dataFiles.OpenNewActiveSegment(); err != nil {
return err
// we can unlock the mutex here, because the write-ahead log files has been rotated,
// and the new active segment file will be used for the subsequent writes.
// Our Merge operation will only read from the older segment files.
// open a merge db to write the data to the new data file.
// delete the merge directory if it exists and create a new one.
mergeDB, err := db.openMergeDB()
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
_ = mergeDB.Close()
// iterate all the data files, and write the valid data to the new data file.
reader := db.dataFiles.NewReaderWithMax(prevActiveSegId)
for {
chunk, position, err := reader.Next()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return err
record := decodeLogRecord(chunk)
// Only handle the normal log record, LogRecordDeleted and LogRecordBatchFinished
// will be ignored, because they are not valid data.
if record.Type == LogRecordNormal {
indexPos := db.index.Get(record.Key)
if indexPos != nil && positionEquals(indexPos, position) {
// clear the batch id of the record,
// all data after merge will be valid data, so the batch id should be 0.
record.BatchId = mergeFinishedBatchID
// Since the mergeDB will never be used for any read or write operations,
// it is not necessary to update the index.
newPosition, err := mergeDB.dataFiles.Write(encodeLogRecord(record))
if err != nil {
return err
// And now we should write the new posistion to the write-ahead log,
// which is so-called HINT FILE in bitcask paper.
// The HINT FILE will be used to rebuild the index fastly when the database is restarted.
_, err = mergeDB.hintFile.Write(encodeHintRecord(record.Key, newPosition))
if err != nil {
return err
// After rewrite all the data, we should add a file to indicate that the merge operation is completed.
// So when we restart the database, we can know that the merge is completed if the file exists,
// otherwise, we will delete the merge directory and redo the merge operation again.
mergeFinFile, err := mergeDB.openMergeFinishedFile()
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = mergeFinFile.Write(encodeMergeFinRecord(prevActiveSegId))
if err != nil {
return err
// close the merge finished file
if err := mergeFinFile.Close(); err != nil {
return err
// all done successfully, return nil
return nil
func (db *DB) openMergeDB() (*DB, error) {
mergePath := mergeDirPath(db.options.DirPath)
// delete the merge directory if it exists
if err := os.RemoveAll(mergePath); err != nil {
return nil, err
options := db.options
// we don't need to use the original sync policy,
// because we can sync the data file manually after the merge operation is completed.
options.Sync, options.BytesPerSync = false, 0
options.DirPath = mergePath
db, err := Open(options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// open the hint files to write the new position of the data.
hintFile, err := wal.Open(wal.Options{
DirPath: options.DirPath,
// we don't need to rotate the hint file, just write all data to a single file.
SegmentSize: math.MaxInt64,
SementFileExt: hintFileNameSuffix,
Sync: false,
BytesPerSync: 0,
BlockCache: 0,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
db.hintFile = hintFile
return db, nil
func mergeDirPath(dirPath string) string {
dir := filepath.Dir(filepath.Clean(dirPath))
base := filepath.Base(dirPath)
return filepath.Join(dir, base+mergeDirSuffixName)
func (db *DB) openMergeFinishedFile() (*wal.WAL, error) {
return wal.Open(wal.Options{
DirPath: db.options.DirPath,
SegmentSize: GB,
SementFileExt: mergeFinNameSuffix,
Sync: false,
BytesPerSync: 0,
BlockCache: 0,
func positionEquals(a, b *wal.ChunkPosition) bool {
return a.SegmentId == b.SegmentId &&
a.BlockNumber == b.BlockNumber &&
a.ChunkOffset == b.ChunkOffset
func encodeHintRecord(key []byte, pos *wal.ChunkPosition) []byte {
// SegmentId BlockNumber ChunkOffset ChunkSize
// 5 5 10 5 = 25
// see binary.MaxVarintLen64 and binary.MaxVarintLen32
buf := make([]byte, 25)
var index = 0
// SegmentId
index += binary.PutUvarint(buf[index:], uint64(pos.SegmentId))
// BlockNumber
index += binary.PutUvarint(buf[index:], uint64(pos.BlockNumber))
// ChunkOffset
index += binary.PutUvarint(buf[index:], uint64(pos.ChunkOffset))
// ChunkSize
index += binary.PutUvarint(buf[index:], uint64(pos.ChunkSize))
// key
result := make([]byte, index+len(key))
copy(result, buf[:index])
copy(result[index:], key)
return result
func decodeHintRecord(buf []byte) ([]byte, *wal.ChunkPosition) {
var index = 0
// SegmentId
segmentId, n := binary.Uvarint(buf[index:])
index += n
// BlockNumber
blockNumber, n := binary.Uvarint(buf[index:])
index += n
// ChunkOffset
chunkOffset, n := binary.Uvarint(buf[index:])
index += n
// ChunkSize
chunkSize, n := binary.Uvarint(buf[index:])
index += n
// Key
key := buf[index:]
return key, &wal.ChunkPosition{
SegmentId: wal.SegmentID(segmentId),
BlockNumber: uint32(blockNumber),
ChunkOffset: int64(chunkOffset),
ChunkSize: uint32(chunkSize),
func encodeMergeFinRecord(segmentId wal.SegmentID) []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 4)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf, segmentId)
return buf
// loadMergeFiles loads all the merge files, and copy the data to the original data directory.
// If there is no merge files, or the merge operation is not completed, it will return nil.
func loadMergeFiles(dirPath string) error {
// check if there is a merge directory
mergeDirPath := mergeDirPath(dirPath)
if _, err := os.Stat(mergeDirPath); err != nil {
// does not exist, just return.
return nil
// remove the merge directory at last
defer func() {
_ = os.RemoveAll(mergeDirPath)
copyFile := func(suffix string, fileId uint32) {
srcFile := wal.SegmentFileName(mergeDirPath, suffix, fileId)
stat, err := os.Stat(srcFile)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("loadMergeFiles: failed to get src file stat %v", err))
if stat.Size() == 0 {
destFile := wal.SegmentFileName(dirPath, suffix, fileId)
_ = os.Rename(srcFile, destFile)
// get the merge finished segment id
mergeFinSegmentId, err := getMergeFinSegmentId(mergeDirPath)
if err != nil {
return err
// now we get the merge finished segment id, so all the segment id less than the merge finished segment id
// should be moved to the original data directory, and the original data files should be deleted.
for fileId := uint32(1); fileId <= mergeFinSegmentId; fileId++ {
destFile := wal.SegmentFileName(dirPath, dataFileNameSuffix, fileId)
// remove the original data file
if err = os.Remove(destFile); err != nil {
return err
// move the merge data file to the original data directory
copyFile(dataFileNameSuffix, fileId)
// copy MERGEFINISHED and HINT files to the original data directory
// there is only one merge finished file, so the file id is always 1,
// the same as the hint file.
copyFile(mergeFinNameSuffix, 1)
copyFile(hintFileNameSuffix, 1)
return nil
func getMergeFinSegmentId(mergePath string) (wal.SegmentID, error) {
// check if the merge operation is completed
mergeFinFile, err := os.Open(wal.SegmentFileName(mergePath, mergeFinNameSuffix, 1))
if err != nil {
// if the merge finished file does not exist, it means that the merge operation is not completed.
// so we should remove the merge directory and return nil.
return 0, nil
defer func() {
_ = mergeFinFile.Close()
// Only 4 bytes are needed to store the segment id.
// And the first 7 bytes are chunk header.
mergeFinBuf := make([]byte, 4)
if _, err := mergeFinFile.ReadAt(mergeFinBuf, 7); err != nil {
return 0, err
mergeFinSegmentId := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(mergeFinBuf)
return mergeFinSegmentId, nil
func (db *DB) loadIndexFromHintFile() error {
hintFile, err := wal.Open(wal.Options{
DirPath: db.options.DirPath,
// we don't need to rotate the hint file, just write all data to the same file.
SegmentSize: math.MaxInt64,
SementFileExt: hintFileNameSuffix,
BlockCache: 32 * KB * 10,
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
_ = hintFile.Close()
// read all the hint records from the hint file
reader := hintFile.NewReader()
for {
chunk, _, err := reader.Next()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return err
key, position := decodeHintRecord(chunk)
// All the hint records are valid because it is generated by the merge operation.
// So just put them into the index without checking.
db.index.Put(key, position)
return nil
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