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Xuzhou Qin 提交于 2020-12-19 11:58 . doc: update changelog



  • A new trait ConnectorInterface that simplify the use of custom connectors
  • New traits in com.jcdecaux.setl.internal:
    • CanVacuum
    • CanUpdate
    • CanPartition
    • CanWait
  • New IO methods in SparkRepository:
    • drop
    • delete
    • create
    • vacuum
    • awaitTermination
    • stopStreaming


  • Parameters of the method DeltaConnector.update
  • Parameters of the method DeltaConnector.partition
  • Parameter readCache in Setl.setSparkRepository was renamed to cacheData to avoid ambiguity
  • Deprecated FileConnector.delete() to avoid ambiguity (use FileConnector.drop() instead)
  • Upgraded spark-cassandra-connector to 3.0.0 for the mvn profile spark_3.0
  • New logo


  • DeltaConnector reader options (PR #170)


  • Deprecated methods and constructors

1.0.0-RC1 (2020-08-19)


  • Spark 3.0 support


  • Downgraded default hadoop version to 3.2.0


  • Save mode in DynamoDB Connector

0.4.3 (2020-07-10)


  • Updated spark-cassandra-connector from 2.4.2 to 2.5.0 (PR #117)
  • Updated spark-excel-connector from 0.12.4 to 0.13.1 (PR #117)
  • Updated spark-dynamodb-connector from 1.0.1 to 1.0.4 (PR #117)
  • Updated scalatest (scope test) from 3.1.0 to 3.1.2 (PR #117)
  • Updated postgresql (scope test) from 42.2.9 to 42.2.12 (PR #117)


  • Added pipeline dependency check before starting the spark job (PR #114)
  • Added default Spark job group and description (PR #116)
  • Added StructuredStreamingConnector (PR #119)
  • Added DeltaConnector (PR #118)
  • Added ZipArchiver that can zip files/directories (PR #124)


  • Fixed path separator in FileConnectorSuite that cause test failure
  • Fixed Setl.hasExternalInput that always returns false (PR #121)

0.4.2 (2020-02-15)

  • Fixed cross building issue (#111)

0.4.1 (2020-02-13)


  • Changed benchmark unit of time to seconds (#88)
  • Improved test coverage


  • The master URL of SparkSession can now be overwritten in local environment (#74)
  • FileConnector now lists path correctly for nested directories (#97)


  • Added Mermaid diagram generation to Pipeline (#51)
  • Added showDiagram() method to Pipeline that prints the Mermaid code and generates the live editor URL 🎩🐰✨ (#52)
  • Added Codecov report and Scala API doc
  • Added delete method in JDBCConnector (#82)
  • Added drop method in DBConnector (#83)
  • Added support for both of the following two Spark configuration styles in SETL builder (#86)
    setl.config {
      spark {
        spark.app.name = "my_app"
        spark.sql.shuffle.partitions = "1000"
    setl.config_2 {
      spark.app.name = "my_app"
      spark.sql.shuffle.partitions = "1000"

0.4.0 (2020-01-09)


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed DCContext to Setl
  • Changed the default application environment config path into setl.environment
  • Changed the default context config path into setl.config
  • Optimized DeliverableDispatcher
  • Optimized PipelineInspector (#33)


  • Fixed issue of DynamoDBConnector that doesn't take user configuration
  • Fixed issue of CompoundKey annotation. Now SparkRepository handles correctly columns having multiple compound keys. (#36)


  • Added support for private variable delivery (#24)
  • Added empty SparkRepository as placeholder (#30)
  • Added annotation Benchmark that could be used on methods of an AbstractFactory (#35)

0.3.5 (2019-12-16)

  • BREAKING CHANGE: replace the Spark compatible version by the Scala compatible version in the artifact ID. The old artifact id dc-spark-sdk_2.4 was changed to dc-spark-sdk_2.11 (or dc-spark-sdk_2.12)
  • Upgraded dependencies
  • Added Scala 2.12 support
  • Removed SparkSession from Connector and SparkRepository constructor (old constructors are kept but now deprecated)
  • Added Column type support in FindBy method of SparkRepository and Condition
  • Added method setConnector and setRepository in Setl that accept object of type Connector/SparkRepository

0.3.4 (2019-12-06)

  • Added read cache into spark repository to avoid consecutive disk IO.
  • Added option autoLoad in the Delivery annotation so that DeliverableDispatcher can still handle the dependency injection in the case where the delivery is missing but a corresponding repository is present.
  • Added option condition in the Delivery annotation to pre-filter loaded data when autoLoad is set to true.
  • Added option id in the Delivery annotation. DeliveryDispatcher will match deliveries by the id in addition to the payload type. By default the id is an empty string ("").
  • Added setConnector method in DCContext. Each connector should be delivered with an ID. By default the ID will be itsconfig path.
  • Added support of wildcard path for SparkRepository and Connector
  • Added JDBCConnector

0.3.3 (2019-10-22)

  • Added SnappyCompressor.
  • Added method persist(persistence: Boolean) into Stage and Factory to activate/deactivate output persistence. By default the output persistence is set to true.
  • Added implicit method filter(cond: Set[Condition]) for Dataset and DataFrame.
  • Added setUserDefinedSuffixKey and getUserDefinedSuffixKey to SparkRepository.

0.3.2 (2019-10-14)

  • Added @Compress annotation. SparkRepository will compress all columns having this annotation by using a Compressor (the default compressor is XZCompressor)
case class CompressionDemo(@Compress col1: Seq[Int],
                           @Compress(compressor = classOf[GZIPCompressor]) col2: Seq[String])
  • Added interface Compressor and implemented XZCompressor and GZIPCompressor
  • Added SparkRepositoryAdapter[A, B]. It will allow a SparkRepository[A] to write/read a data store of type B by using an implicit DatasetConverter[A, B]
  • Added trait Converter[A, B] that handles the conversion between an object of type A and an object of type B
  • Added abstract class DatasetConverter[A, B] that extends a Converter[Dataset[A], Dataset[B]]
  • Added auto-correction for SparkRepository.findby(conditions) method when we filter by case class field name instead of column name
  • Added DCContext that simplifies the creation of SparkSession, SparkRepository, Connector and Pipeline
  • Added a builder for ConfigLoader to simplify the instantiation of a ConfigLoader object
  • Added readStandardJSON and writeStandardJSON method into JSONConnector to read/write standard JSON format file

0.3.1 (2019-08-23)

  • Added sequential mode in class Stage. Use can turn in on by setting parallel to true.
  • Added external data flow description in pipeline description
  • Added method beforeAll into ConfigLoader
  • Added new method addStage and addFactory that take a class object as input. The instantiation will be handled by the stage.
  • Removed implicit argument encoder from all methods of Repository trait
  • Added new get method to Pipeline: get[A](cls: Class[_ <: Factory[_]): A.

0.3.0 (2019-07-22)

New Features

  • Added Delivery annotation to handle inputs of a Factory
    class Foo {
      @Delivery(producer = classOf[Factory1], optional = true)
      var input1: String = _
      @Delivery(producer = classOf[Factory2])
      var input2: String = _
  • Added an optional argument suffix in FileConnector and SparkRepository
  • Added method partitionBy in FileConnector and SparkRepository
  • Added possibility to filter by name pattern when a FileConnector is trying to read a directory. To do this, add filenamePattern into the configuration file
  • Added possibility to create a Conf object from Map.
    Conf(Map("a" -> "A"))
  • Improved Hadoop and S3 compatibility of connectors

Developper Features

  • Added DispatchManager class. It will dispatch its deliverable object to setters (denoted by @Delivery) of a factory
  • Added Deliverable class, which contains a payload to be delivered
  • Added PipelineInspector to describe a pipeline
  • Added FileConnector and DBConnector

Fixed Issue

  • Fixed issue of file path containing whitespace character(s) in the URI creation (52eee322aacd85e0b03a96435b07c4565e894934)

Other changes

  • Removed EnrichedConnector
  • Removed V1 interfaces

0.2.8 (2019-07-09)

  • Added a second argument to CompoundKey to handle primary and sort keys

0.2.7 (2019-06-21)

  • Added Conf into SparkRepositoryBuilder and changed all the set methods of SparkRepositoryBuilder to use the conf object
  • Changed package name com.jcdecaux.setl.annotations to com.jcdecaux.setl.annotation

0.2.6 (2019-06-18)

  • Added annotation ColumnName, which could be used to replace the current column name with an alias in the data storage.
  • Added annotation CompoundKey. It could be used to define a compound key for databases that only allow one partition key
  • Added sheet name into arguments of ExcelConnector

0.2.5 (2019-06-12)

  • Added DynamoDB V2 repository
  • Added auxiliary constructors of case class Condition
  • Added SchemaConverter

0.2.4 (2019-06-11)

  • Added DynamoDB Repository

0.2.3 (2019-06-11)

  • Removed scope provided from connectors and TypeSafe config

0.2.2 (2019-06-11)

  • Added DynamoDB Connector

0.2.1 (2019-06-03)

  • Removed unnecessary Type variable in Connector
  • Added ConnectorBuilder to directly build a connector from a typesafe's Config object
  • Added auxiliary constructor in SparkRepositoryBuilder
  • Added enumeration AppEnv

0.2.0 (2019-05-21)

  • Changed spark version to 2.4.3
  • Added SparkRepositoryBuilder that allows creation of a SparkRepository for a given class without creating a dedicated Repository class
  • Added Excel support for SparkRepository by creating ExcelConnector
  • Added Logging trait

0.1.6 (2019-04-25)

  • Fixed Factory class covariance issue (0764d10d616c3171d9bfd58acfffafbd8b9dda15)
  • Added documentation

0.1.5 (2019-04-23)

  • Added changelog
  • Changed .gitlab-ci.yml to speed up CI

0.1.4 (2019-04-19)

  • Added unit tests
  • Added .gitlab-ci.yml
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