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// Package validate is a generic go data validate, filtering library.
// Source code and other details for the project are available at GitHub:
// https://github.com/gookit/validate
package validate
import (
// const requiredValidator = "required"
// the validate result status:
// 0 ok 1 skip 2 fail
const (
statusOk uint8 = iota
// Apply current rule for the rule fields
func (r *Rule) Apply(v *Validation) (stop bool) {
// scene name is not match. skip the rule
if r.scene != "" && r.scene != v.scene {
// has beforeFunc and it return FALSE, skip validate
if r.beforeFunc != nil && !r.beforeFunc(v) {
var err error
// get real validator name
name := r.realName
// validator name is not "required"
isNotRequired := r.nameNotRequired
// validate each field
for _, field := range r.fields {
if v.isNotNeedToCheck(field) {
// uploaded file validate
if isFileValidator(name) {
status := r.fileValidate(field, name, v)
if status == statusFail {
// build and collect error message
v.AddError(field, r.validator, r.errorMessage(field, r.validator, v))
if v.StopOnError {
return true
// get field value. val, exist := v.Get(field)
val, exist, isDefault := v.GetWithDefault(field)
// not exists but has default value
if isDefault {
// update source data field value and re-set value
val, err := v.updateValue(field, val)
if err != nil {
// panicf(err.Error())
v.AddErrorf(field, err.Error())
if v.StopOnError {
return true
// dont need check default value
if !v.CheckDefault {
// save validated value.
v.safeData[field] = val
// go on check custom default value
exist = true
} else if r.optional { // r.optional=true. skip check.
// apply filter func.
if exist && r.filterFunc != nil {
if val, err = r.filterFunc(val); err != nil { // has error
v.AddError(filterError, filterError, err.Error())
return true
// update source field value
newVal, err := v.updateValue(field, val)
if err != nil {
// panicf(err.Error())
v.AddErrorf(field, err.Error())
if v.StopOnError {
return true
// re-set value
val = newVal
// save filtered value.
v.filteredData[field] = val
// empty value AND skip on empty.
if r.skipEmpty && isNotRequired && IsEmpty(val) {
// validate field value
if r.valueValidate(field, name, val, v) {
v.safeData[field] = val // save validated value.
} else { // build and collect error message
v.AddError(field, r.validator, r.errorMessage(field, r.validator, v))
// stop on error
if v.shouldStop() {
return true
return false
func (r *Rule) fileValidate(field, name string, v *Validation) uint8 {
// check data source
form, ok := v.data.(*FormData)
if !ok {
return statusFail
// skip on empty AND field not exist
if r.skipEmpty && !form.HasFile(field) {
return statusSkip
var ss []string
for _, item := range r.arguments {
ss = append(ss, item.(string))
switch name {
case "isFile":
ok = v.IsFormFile(form, field)
case "isImage":
ok = v.IsFormImage(form, field, ss...)
case "inMimeTypes":
if ln := len(ss); ln == 0 {
panicf("not enough parameters for validator '%s'!", r.validator)
} else if ln == 1 {
//noinspection GoNilness
ok = v.InMimeTypes(form, field, ss[0])
} else { // ln > 1
//noinspection GoNilness
ok = v.InMimeTypes(form, field, ss[0], ss[1:]...)
if ok {
return statusOk
return statusFail
// validate the field value
func (r *Rule) valueValidate(field, name string, val interface{}, v *Validation) bool {
// "-" OR "safe" mark field value always is safe.
if name == "-" || name == "safe" {
return true
// call custom validator in the rule.
fm := r.checkFuncMeta
if fm == nil {
// get validator for global or validation
fm = v.validatorMeta(name)
if fm == nil {
panicf("the validator '%s' is not exists", r.validator)
// some prepare and check.
argNum := len(r.arguments) + 1 // "+1" is the "val" position
rftVal := reflect.ValueOf(val)
valKind := rftVal.Kind()
// check arg num is match, need exclude "requiredXXX"
if r.nameNotRequired {
//noinspection GoNilness
fm.checkArgNum(argNum, r.validator)
//noinspection GoNilness
ft := fm.fv.Type()
// convert field val type, is first argument.
firstTyp := ft.In(0).Kind()
if firstTyp != valKind && firstTyp != reflect.Interface {
ak, err := basicKind(rftVal)
if err != nil { // todo check?
//noinspection GoNilness
v.convertArgTypeError(field, fm.name, valKind, firstTyp)
return false
// manual converted
if nVal, _ := convertType(val, ak, firstTyp); nVal != nil {
val = nVal
// 1. args data type convert
args := r.arguments
if ok := convertArgsType(v, fm, field, args); !ok {
return false
// 2. call built in validators
return callValidator(v, fm, field, val, r.arguments)
func callValidator(v *Validation, fm *funcMeta, field string, val interface{}, args []interface{}) (ok bool) {
switch fm.name {
case "required":
ok = v.Required(field, val)
case "requiredIf":
ok = v.RequiredIf(field, val, args2strings(args)...)
case "requiredUnless":
ok = v.RequiredUnless(field, val, args2strings(args)...)
case "requiredWith":
ok = v.RequiredWith(field, val, args2strings(args)...)
case "requiredWithAll":
ok = v.RequiredWithAll(field, val, args2strings(args)...)
case "requiredWithout":
ok = v.RequiredWithout(field, val, args2strings(args)...)
case "requiredWithoutAll":
ok = v.RequiredWithoutAll(field, val, args2strings(args)...)
case "lt":
ok = Lt(val, args[0].(int64))
case "gt":
ok = Gt(val, args[0].(int64))
case "min":
ok = Min(val, args[0].(int64))
case "max":
ok = Max(val, args[0].(int64))
case "enum":
ok = Enum(val, args[0])
case "notIn":
ok = NotIn(val, args[0])
case "isInt":
if argLn := len(args); argLn == 0 {
ok = IsInt(val)
} else if argLn == 1 {
ok = IsInt(val, args[0].(int64))
} else { // argLn == 2
ok = IsInt(val, args[0].(int64), args[1].(int64))
case "isString":
if argLn := len(args); argLn == 0 {
ok = IsString(val)
} else if argLn == 1 {
ok = IsString(val, args[0].(int))
} else { // argLn == 2
ok = IsString(val, args[0].(int), args[1].(int))
case "isNumber":
ok = IsNumber(val)
case "isStringNumber":
ok = IsStringNumber(val.(string))
case "length":
ok = Length(val, args[0].(int))
case "minLength":
ok = MinLength(val, args[0].(int))
case "maxLength":
ok = MaxLength(val, args[0].(int))
case "stringLength":
if argLn := len(args); argLn == 1 {
ok = RuneLength(val, args[0].(int))
} else if argLn == 2 {
ok = RuneLength(val, args[0].(int), args[1].(int))
case "regexp":
ok = Regexp(val.(string), args[0].(string))
case "between":
ok = Between(val, args[0].(int64), args[1].(int64))
case "isJSON":
ok = IsJSON(val.(string))
// 3. call user custom validators, will call by reflect
ok = callValidatorValue(fm.fv, val, args)
// convert args data type
func convertArgsType(v *Validation, fm *funcMeta, field string, args []interface{}) (ok bool) {
if len(args) == 0 {
return true
ft := fm.fv.Type()
lastTyp := reflect.Invalid
lastArgIndex := fm.numIn - 1
// fix: isVariadic == true. last arg always is slice.
// eg. "...int64" -> slice "[]int64"
if fm.isVariadic {
// get variadic kind. "[]int64" -> reflect.Int64
lastTyp = getVariadicKind(ft.In(lastArgIndex).String())
// only one args and it type is interface{}
if lastArgIndex == 1 && lastTyp == reflect.Interface {
return true
var wantTyp reflect.Kind
// convert args data type
for i, arg := range args {
av := reflect.ValueOf(arg)
// Notice: "+1" because first arg is field-value, need exclude it.
if fm.isVariadic && i+1 >= lastArgIndex {
if lastTyp == av.Kind() { // type is same
ak, err := basicKind(av)
if err != nil {
v.convertArgTypeError(field, fm.name, av.Kind(), wantTyp)
// manual converted
if nVal, _ := convertType(args[i], ak, lastTyp); nVal != nil {
args[i] = nVal
// unable to convert
v.convertArgTypeError(field, fm.name, av.Kind(), wantTyp)
// "+1" because func first arg is val, need skip it.
argITyp := ft.In(i + 1)
wantTyp = argITyp.Kind()
// type is same. or want type is interface
if wantTyp == av.Kind() || wantTyp == reflect.Interface {
ak, err := basicKind(av)
if err != nil {
v.convertArgTypeError(field, fm.name, av.Kind(), wantTyp)
if av.Type().ConvertibleTo(argITyp) { // can auto convert type.
args[i] = av.Convert(argITyp).Interface()
} else if nVal, _ := convertType(args[i], ak, wantTyp); nVal != nil { // manual converted
args[i] = nVal
} else { // unable to convert
v.convertArgTypeError(field, fm.name, av.Kind(), wantTyp)
return true
func callValidatorValue(fv reflect.Value, val interface{}, args []interface{}) bool {
argNum := len(args)
// build params for the validator func.
argIn := make([]reflect.Value, argNum+1)
argIn[0] = reflect.ValueOf(val)
for i := 0; i < argNum; i++ {
argIn[i+1] = reflect.ValueOf(args[i])
// NOTICE: f.CallSlice()与Call() 不一样的是,CallSlice参数的最后一个会被展开
// vs := fv.Call(argIn)
return fv.Call(argIn)[0].Bool()
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