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package validate
import (
// Rules definition
type Rules []*Rule
* validation rule
// Rule definition
type Rule struct {
// eg "create" "update"
scene string
// need validate fields. allow multi.
fields []string
// is optional, only validate on value is not empty. sometimes
optional bool
// skip validate not exist field/empty value
skipEmpty bool
// default value setting
defValue interface{}
// error message
message string
// error messages, if fields contains multi field.
// eg {
// "field": "error message",
// "field.validator": "error message",
// }
messages map[string]string
// the input validator name
validator string
// the real validator name
realName string
// real validator name is requiredXXX validators
nameNotRequired bool
// arguments for the validator
arguments []interface{}
// --- some hooks function
// has beforeFunc. if return false, skip validate current rule
beforeFunc func(v *Validation) bool // func (val interface{}) bool
// you can custom filter func
filterFunc func(val interface{}) (interface{}, error)
// custom check func's mate info
checkFuncMeta *funcMeta
// custom check is empty.
emptyChecker func(val interface{}) bool
// NewRule create new Rule instance
func NewRule(fields, validator string, args ...interface{}) *Rule {
return &Rule{
fields: stringSplit(fields, ","),
// validator args
arguments: args,
validator: validator,
// SetScene name for the rule.
func (r *Rule) SetScene(scene string) *Rule {
r.scene = scene
return r
// SetOptional only validate on value is not empty.
func (r *Rule) SetOptional(optional bool) {
r.optional = optional
// SetSkipEmpty skip validate not exist field/empty value
func (r *Rule) SetSkipEmpty(skipEmpty bool) {
r.skipEmpty = skipEmpty
// SetDefValue for the rule
// func (r *Rule) SetDefValue(defValue interface{}) {
// r.defValue = defValue
// }
// SetCheckFunc set custom validate func.
func (r *Rule) SetCheckFunc(checkFunc interface{}) *Rule {
var name string
if r.validator != "" {
name = "rule_" + r.validator
} else {
name = "rule_" + strings.Join(r.fields, "_")
fv := checkValidatorFunc(name, checkFunc)
r.checkFuncMeta = newFuncMeta(name, false, fv)
return r
// SetFilterFunc for the rule
func (r *Rule) SetFilterFunc(fn func(val interface{}) (interface{}, error)) *Rule {
r.filterFunc = fn
return r
// SetBeforeFunc for the rule. will call it before validate.
func (r *Rule) SetBeforeFunc(fn func(v *Validation) bool) {
r.beforeFunc = fn
// SetMessage set error message.
// Usage:
// v.AddRule("name", "required").SetMessage("error message")
func (r *Rule) SetMessage(errMsg string) *Rule {
r.message = errMsg
return r
// SetMessages set error message map.
// Usage:
// v.AddRule("name,email", "required").SetMessages(MS{
// "name": "error message 1",
// "email": "error message 2",
// })
func (r *Rule) SetMessages(msgMap MS) *Rule {
r.messages = msgMap
return r
// Fields field names list
func (r *Rule) Fields() []string {
return r.fields
func (r *Rule) errorMessage(field, validator string, v *Validation) (msg string) {
if r.messages != nil {
var ok bool
// use full key. "field.validator"
fKey := field + "." + validator
if msg, ok = r.messages[fKey]; ok {
if msg, ok = r.messages[field]; ok {
if r.message != "" {
return r.message
// built in error messages
return v.trans.Message(validator, field, r.arguments...)
* add validate rules
// StringRule add field rules by string
// Usage:
// v.StringRule("name", "required|string|minLen:6")
// // will try convert to int before apply validate.
// v.StringRule("age", "required|int|min:12", "toInt")
func (v *Validation) StringRule(field, rule string, filterRule ...string) *Validation {
rule = strings.TrimSpace(rule)
rules := stringSplit(strings.Trim(rule, "|:"), "|")
for _, validator := range rules {
validator = strings.Trim(validator, ":")
if validator == "" { // empty
// has args "min:12"
if strings.ContainsRune(validator, ':') {
list := stringSplit(validator, ":")
// reassign value
validator := list[0]
realName := ValidatorName(validator)
switch realName {
// set error message for the field
case "message":
// message key like "age.required"
v.trans.AddMessage(field+"."+validator, list[1])
// add default value for the field
case "default":
v.SetDefValue(field, list[1])
// eg 'regex:\d{4,6}' dont need split args. args is "\d{4,6}"
case "regexp":
v.AddRule(field, validator, list[1])
// some special validator. need merge args to one.
case "enum", "notIn":
v.AddRule(field, validator, parseArgString(list[1]))
args := parseArgString(list[1])
v.AddRule(field, validator, strings2Args(args)...)
} else {
v.AddRule(field, validator)
if len(filterRule) > 0 {
v.FilterRule(field, filterRule[0])
return v
// StringRules add multi rules by string map.
// Usage:
// v.StringRules(map[string]string{
// "name": "required|string|min:12",
// "age": "required|int|min:12",
// })
func (v *Validation) StringRules(mp MS) *Validation {
for name, rule := range mp {
v.StringRule(name, rule)
return v
// ConfigRules add multi rules by string map. alias of StringRules()
// Usage:
// v.ConfigRules(map[string]string{
// "name": "required|string|min:12",
// "age": "required|int|min:12",
// })
func (v *Validation) ConfigRules(mp MS) *Validation {
for name, rule := range mp {
v.StringRule(name, rule)
return v
// AddRule for current validation
func (v *Validation) AddRule(fields, validator string, args ...interface{}) *Rule {
return v.addOneRule(fields, validator, ValidatorName(validator), args)
// add one Rule for current validation
func (v *Validation) addOneRule(fields, validator, realName string, args []interface{}) *Rule {
rule := NewRule(fields, validator, args...)
// init some settings
rule.realName = realName
rule.skipEmpty = v.SkipOnEmpty
// validator name is not "required"
rule.nameNotRequired = !strings.HasPrefix(realName, "required")
// append
v.rules = append(v.rules, rule)
return rule
// AppendRule instance
func (v *Validation) AppendRule(rule *Rule) *Rule {
rule.realName = ValidatorName(rule.validator)
rule.skipEmpty = v.SkipOnEmpty
// validator name is not "required"
rule.nameNotRequired = !strings.HasPrefix(rule.realName, "required")
// append
v.rules = append(v.rules, rule)
return rule
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