同步操作将从 gookit/validate 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
package validate
import (
type sourceType uint8
const (
// from user setting, unmarshal JSON
sourceMap sourceType = iota + 1
// from URL.Values, PostForm. contains Files data
// from user setting
var timeType = reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{})
// data (Un)marshal func
var (
Marshal MarshalFunc = json.Marshal
Unmarshal UnmarshalFunc = json.Unmarshal
// MarshalFunc define
type MarshalFunc func(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)
// UnmarshalFunc define
type UnmarshalFunc func(data []byte, v interface{}) error
// DataFace interface definition
type DataFace interface {
Type() uint8
Get(key string) (interface{}, bool)
Set(field string, val interface{}) (interface{}, error)
// validation instance create func
Create(err ...error) *Validation
Validation(err ...error) *Validation
* Map Data
// MapData definition
type MapData struct {
// Map the source map data
Map map[string]interface{}
// from reflect Map
value reflect.Value
// bodyJSON from the original JSON bytes/string.
// available for FromJSONBytes(), FormJSON().
bodyJSON []byte
// map field reflect.Value caches
// fields map[string]reflect.Value
* Map data operate
// Type get
func (d *MapData) Type() uint8 {
return uint8(sourceMap)
// Set value by key
func (d *MapData) Set(field string, val interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
d.Map[field] = val
return val, nil
// Get value by key
func (d *MapData) Get(field string) (interface{}, bool) {
// if fv, ok := d.fields[field]; ok {
// return fv, true
// }
return filter.GetByPath(field, d.Map)
// Create a Validation from data
func (d *MapData) Create(err ...error) *Validation {
return d.Validation(err...)
// Validation create from data
func (d *MapData) Validation(err ...error) *Validation {
if len(err) > 0 {
return NewValidation(d).WithError(err[0])
return NewValidation(d)
// BindJSON binds v to the JSON data in the request body.
// It calls json.Unmarshal and sets the value of v.
func (d *MapData) BindJSON(ptr interface{}) error {
if len(d.bodyJSON) == 0 {
return nil
return Unmarshal(d.bodyJSON, ptr)
* Struct Data
// ConfigValidationFace definition. you can do something on create Validation.
type ConfigValidationFace interface {
ConfigValidation(v *Validation)
// FieldTranslatorFace definition. you can custom field translates.
// Usage:
// type User struct {
// Name string `json:"name" validate:"required|minLen:5"`
// }
// func (u *User) Translates() map[string]string {
// return MS{
// "Name": "User name",
// }
// }
type FieldTranslatorFace interface {
Translates() map[string]string
// CustomMessagesFace definition. you can custom validator error messages.
// Usage:
// type User struct {
// Name string `json:"name" validate:"required|minLen:5"`
// }
// func (u *User) Messages() map[string]string {
// return MS{
// "Name.required": "oh! User name is required",
// }
// }
type CustomMessagesFace interface {
Messages() map[string]string
// StructData definition
type StructData struct {
// source struct data, from user setting
src interface{}
// max depth for parse sub-struct. TODO WIP ...
depth int
// from reflect source Struct
value reflect.Value
// source struct reflect.Type
valueTpy reflect.Type
// field names in the src struct
fieldNames map[string]int
// TODO field values cache
fieldValues map[string]interface{}
// TODO field reflect values cache
fieldRftValues map[string]interface{}
// FieldTag name in the struct tags. for define filed translate
FieldTag string
// MessageTag define error message for the field.
MessageTag string
// FilterTag name in the struct tags.
FilterTag string
// ValidateTag name in the struct tags.
ValidateTag string
// StructOption definition
// type StructOption struct {
// // ValidateTag in the struct tags.
// ValidateTag string
// // MethodName string
// }
var (
cmFaceType = reflect.TypeOf(new(CustomMessagesFace)).Elem()
ftFaceType = reflect.TypeOf(new(FieldTranslatorFace)).Elem()
cvFaceType = reflect.TypeOf(new(ConfigValidationFace)).Elem()
// Type get
func (d *StructData) Type() uint8 {
return uint8(sourceStruct)
// Create a Validation from the StructData
func (d *StructData) Create(err ...error) *Validation {
return d.Validation(err...)
// Validation create from the StructData
func (d *StructData) Validation(err ...error) *Validation {
v := NewValidation(d)
if len(err) > 0 && err[0] != nil {
return v.WithError(err[0])
// collect field filter/validate rules from struct tags
// if has custom config func
if d.valueTpy.Implements(cvFaceType) {
fv := d.value.MethodByName("ConfigValidation")
// collect custom field translates config
if d.valueTpy.Implements(ftFaceType) {
fv := d.value.MethodByName("Translates")
vs := fv.Call(nil)
// collect custom error messages config
// if reflect.PtrTo(d.valueTpy).Implements(cmFaceType) {
if d.valueTpy.Implements(cmFaceType) {
fv := d.value.MethodByName("Messages")
vs := fv.Call(nil)
// for struct, default update source value
v.UpdateSource = true
return v
// parse and collect rules from struct tags.
func (d *StructData) parseRulesFromTag(v *Validation) {
if d.ValidateTag == "" {
d.ValidateTag = gOpt.ValidateTag
if d.FilterTag == "" {
d.FilterTag = gOpt.FilterTag
fMap := make(map[string]string, 0)
vt := d.valueTpy
for i := 0; i < vt.NumField(); i++ {
name := vt.Field(i).Name
// skip don't exported field
if name[0] >= 'a' && name[0] <= 'z' {
d.fieldNames[name] = 1
// TODO cache field values
// if vt.Field(i).Type.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
// d.fieldValues[name] = d.value.Field(i).Interface()
// }
// validate rule
vRule := vt.Field(i).Tag.Get(d.ValidateTag)
if vRule != "" {
v.StringRule(name, vRule)
// filter rule
fRule := vt.Field(i).Tag.Get(d.FilterTag)
if fRule != "" {
v.FilterRule(name, fRule)
// load filed translate name. eg: `json:"user_name"`
if gOpt.FieldTag != "" {
fName := vt.Field(i).Tag.Get(gOpt.FieldTag)
if fName != "" {
fMap[name] = fName
// load custom error messages.
// eg: `message:"required:name is required|minLen:name min len is %d"`
if gOpt.MessageTag != "" {
errMsg := vt.Field(i).Tag.Get(gOpt.MessageTag)
if errMsg != "" {
d.loadMessagesFromTag(v.trans, name, vRule, errMsg)
if len(fMap) > 0 {
// eg: `message:"required:name is required|minLen:name min len is %d"`
func (d *StructData) loadMessagesFromTag(trans *Translator, field, vRule, vMsg string) {
var msgKey string
// only one message. eg: `message:"name is required"`
if !strings.ContainsRune(vMsg, '|') {
validator := vRule
if strings.ContainsRune(vRule, '|') {
nodes := strings.SplitN(vRule, "|", 2)
// use first validator name
validator = nodes[0]
// has params for validator: "minLen:5"
if strings.ContainsRune(validator, ':') {
nodes := strings.SplitN(vRule, ":", 2)
// use first validator name
validator = nodes[0]
if rName, has := validatorAliases[validator]; has {
msgKey = field + "." + rName
} else {
msgKey = field + "." + validator
trans.AddMessage(msgKey, vMsg)
// multi message for validators
// eg: `message:"required:name is required | minLen:name min len is %d"`
msgNodes := strings.Split(vMsg, "|")
for _, validatorWithMsg := range msgNodes {
// validatorWithMsg eg: "required:name is required"
nodes := strings.SplitN(validatorWithMsg, ":", 2)
validator := nodes[0]
if rName, has := validatorAliases[validator]; has {
msgKey = field + "." + rName
} else {
msgKey = field + "." + validator
trans.AddMessage(msgKey, nodes[1])
* Struct data operate
// Get value by field name
func (d *StructData) Get(field string) (interface{}, bool) {
var fv reflect.Value
field = strutil.UpperFirst(field)
// TODO get from caches
// if val, ok := d.fieldValues[field]; ok {
// return val, true
// }
// found field
if d.HasField(field) {
fv = d.value.FieldByName(field)
} else {
// want get sub struct filed
if !strings.ContainsRune(field, '.') {
return nil, false
ss := strings.SplitN(field, ".", 2)
field, subField := ss[0], ss[1]
// check top field is an struct
tft, ok := d.valueTpy.FieldByName(field)
if !ok || tft.Type.Kind() != reflect.Struct { // not found OR not a struct
return nil, false
// get field in sub-struct
fv = d.value.FieldByName(field).FieldByName(subField)
if !fv.IsValid() { // not found
return nil, false
// check can interface
if fv.CanInterface() {
// up: if is zero value, as not exist.
if IsZero(fv) {
return nil, false
return fv.Interface(), true
return nil, false
// Set value by field name.
// Notice: `StructData.src` the incoming struct must be a pointer to set the value
func (d *StructData) Set(field string, val interface{}) (newVal interface{}, err error) {
field = strutil.UpperFirst(field)
if !d.HasField(field) { // field not found
return nil, ErrNoField
fv := d.value.FieldByName(field)
// check whether the value of v can be changed.
if !fv.CanSet() {
return nil, ErrSetValue
// Notice: need convert value type
rftVal := reflect.ValueOf(val)
// check whether can direct convert type
if rftVal.Type().ConvertibleTo(fv.Type()) {
return val, nil
// try manual convert type
srcKind, err := basicKind(rftVal)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newVal, err = convertType(val, srcKind, fv.Kind())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// update field value
// FuncValue get func value in the src struct
func (d *StructData) FuncValue(name string) (reflect.Value, bool) {
fv := d.value.MethodByName(filter.UpperFirst(name))
return fv, fv.IsValid()
// HasField in the src struct
func (d *StructData) HasField(field string) bool {
if _, ok := d.fieldNames[field]; ok {
return true
// has field, cache it
if _, ok := d.valueTpy.FieldByName(field); ok {
d.fieldNames[field] = 1
return true
return false
* Form Data
// FormData obtained from the request body or url query parameters or user custom setting.
type FormData struct {
// Form holds any basic key-value string data
// This includes all fields from urlencoded form,
// and the form fields only (not files) from a multipart form
Form url.Values
// Files holds files from a multipart form only.
// For any other type of request, it will always
// be empty. Files only supports one file per key,
// since this is by far the most common use. If you
// need to have more than one file per key, parse the
// files manually using r.MultipartForm.File.
Files map[string]*multipart.FileHeader
// jsonBodies holds the original body of the request.
// Only available for json requests.
jsonBodies []byte
func newFormData() *FormData {
return &FormData{
Form: make(map[string][]string),
Files: make(map[string]*multipart.FileHeader),
* Form data operate
// Type get
func (d *FormData) Type() uint8 {
return uint8(sourceForm)
// Create a Validation from data
func (d *FormData) Create(err ...error) *Validation {
return d.Validation(err...)
// Validation create from data
func (d *FormData) Validation(err ...error) *Validation {
if len(err) > 0 && err[0] != nil {
return NewValidation(d).WithError(err[0])
return NewValidation(d)
// Add adds the value to key. It appends to any existing values associated with key.
func (d *FormData) Add(key string, value string) {
d.Form.Add(key, value)
// AddValues to Data.Form
func (d *FormData) AddValues(values url.Values) {
for key, vals := range values {
for _, val := range vals {
d.Form.Add(key, val)
// AddFiles adds the multipart form files to data
func (d *FormData) AddFiles(filesMap map[string][]*multipart.FileHeader) {
for key, files := range filesMap {
if len(files) != 0 {
d.AddFile(key, files[0])
// AddFile adds the multipart form file to data with the given key.
func (d *FormData) AddFile(key string, file *multipart.FileHeader) {
d.Files[key] = file
// Del deletes the values associated with key.
func (d *FormData) Del(key string) {
// DelFile deletes the file associated with key (if any).
// If there is no file associated with key, it does nothing.
func (d *FormData) DelFile(key string) {
delete(d.Files, key)
// Encode encodes the values into “URL encoded” form ("bar=baz&foo=quux") sorted by key.
// Any files in d will be ignored because there is no direct way to convert a file to a
// URL encoded value.
func (d *FormData) Encode() string {
return d.Form.Encode()
// Set sets the key to value. It replaces any existing values.
func (d *FormData) Set(field string, val interface{}) (newVal interface{}, err error) {
newVal = val
switch val.(type) {
case string:
d.Form.Set(field, val.(string))
case int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float32, float64:
newVal = strutil.MustString(val)
d.Form.Set(field, newVal.(string))
err = fmt.Errorf("set value failure for filed: %s", field)
// Get value by key
func (d FormData) Get(key string) (interface{}, bool) {
// get form value
if vs, ok := d.Form[key]; ok && len(vs) > 0 {
return vs[0], true
// get uploaded file
if fh, ok := d.Files[key]; ok {
return fh, true
return nil, false
// String value get by key
func (d FormData) String(key string) string {
return d.Form.Get(key)
// Strings value get by key
func (d FormData) Strings(key string) []string {
return d.Form[key]
// GetFile returns the multipart form file associated with key, if any, as a *multipart.FileHeader.
// If there is no file associated with key, it returns nil. If you just want the body of the
// file, use GetFileBytes.
func (d FormData) GetFile(key string) *multipart.FileHeader {
return d.Files[key]
// Has key in the Data
func (d FormData) Has(key string) bool {
if vs, ok := d.Form[key]; ok && len(vs) > 0 {
return true
if _, ok := d.Files[key]; ok {
return true
return false
// HasField returns true iff data.Form[key] exists. When parsing a request body, the key
// is considered to be in existence if it was provided in the request body, even if its value
// is empty.
func (d FormData) HasField(key string) bool {
_, found := d.Form[key]
return found
// HasFile returns true iff data.Files[key] exists. When parsing a request body, the key
// is considered to be in existence if it was provided in the request body, even if the file
// is empty.
func (d FormData) HasFile(key string) bool {
_, found := d.Files[key]
return found
// Int returns the first element in data[key] converted to an int.
func (d FormData) Int(key string) int {
if val := d.String(key); val != "" {
iVal, _ := strconv.Atoi(val)
return iVal
return 0
// Int64 returns the first element in data[key] converted to an int64.
func (d FormData) Int64(key string) int64 {
if val := d.String(key); val != "" {
i64, _ := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 0)
return i64
return 0
// Float returns the first element in data[key] converted to a float.
func (d FormData) Float(key string) float64 {
if val := d.String(key); val != "" {
result, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(val, 0)
return result
return 0
// Bool returns the first element in data[key] converted to a bool.
func (d FormData) Bool(key string) bool {
if val := d.String(key); val != "" {
blVal, _ := filter.Bool(val)
return blVal
return false
// FileBytes returns the body of the file associated with key. If there is no
// file associated with key, it returns nil (not an error). It may return an error if
// there was a problem reading the file. If you need to know whether or not the file
// exists (i.e. whether it was provided in the request), use the FileExists method.
func (d FormData) FileBytes(field string) ([]byte, error) {
fh, found := d.Files[field]
if !found {
return nil, nil
file, err := fh.Open()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ioutil.ReadAll(file)
// FileMimeType get File Mime Type name. eg "image/png"
func (d FormData) FileMimeType(field string) (mime string) {
fh, found := d.Files[field]
if !found {
if file, err := fh.Open(); err == nil {
var buf [sniffLen]byte
n, _ := io.ReadFull(file, buf[:])
mime = http.DetectContentType(buf[:n])
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