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    Qiwen/src-openeuler_secGear forked from xuraoqing/src-openeuler_secGear

    secGaer is an SDK to develop confidential computing apps based on hardware enclave features. The target is to use single source code for developers to develop apps running on different hardware.Currently secGear support Intel SGX and iTrustee running in ARM Trustzone.

    Qiwen/开源字节低代码开发平台 forked from 开源字节/开源字节快速开发平台

    🔥 一直想做一款追求极致用户体验的低代码开发平台,看了很多优秀的开源项目但是发现没有合适的。于是利用空闲休息时间对若依框架进行扩展写了一套快速开发系统。如此有了开源字节快速开发平台。该平台基于 Spring Boot + MyBatis + Vue & Element ,包含微信小程序 & Uniapp, Flowable 工作流、三方登录、支付、短信、邮箱、IM...
