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xuelong cao/chromium

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# This file is used by the GN meta build system to find the root of the source
# tree and to set startup options. For documentation on the values set in this
# file, run "gn help dotfile" at the command line.
# The location of the build configuration file.
buildconfig = "//build/config/BUILDCONFIG.gn"
# These arguments override the default values for items in a declare_args
# block. "gn args" in turn can override these.
# In general the value for a build arg in the declare_args block should be the
# default. In some cases, a DEPS-ed in project will want different defaults for
# being built as part of Chrome vs. being built standalone. In this case, the
# Chrome defaults should go here. There should be no overrides here for
# values declared in the main Chrome repository.
# Important note for defining defaults: This file is executed before the
# BUILDCONFIG.gn file. That file sets up the global variables like "is_ios".
# This means that the default_args can not depend on the platform,
# architecture, or other build parameters. If you really need that, the other
# repo should define a flag that toggles on a behavior that implements the
# additional logic required by Chrome to set the variables.
default_args = {
# TODO(brettw) bug 684096: Chrome on iOS does not build v8, so "gn gen" prints
# a warning that "Build argument has no effect". When adding a v8 variable, it
# also needs to be defined to src/ios/BUILD.gn (respectively removed from both
# location when it is removed).
v8_extra_library_files = []
v8_experimental_extra_library_files = []
v8_enable_gdbjit = false
v8_imminent_deprecation_warnings = false
# TODO(jochen): Remove this. http://crbug.com/v8/5830,
# http://crbug.com/728583.
v8_check_microtasks_scopes_consistency = false
# Don't include webrtc's builtin task queue implementation.
rtc_link_task_queue_impl = false
# Don't include the iLBC audio codec.
# TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/8396): Once WebRTC gets rid of its internal
# deps on codecs, we can remove this.
rtc_include_ilbc = false
# Changes some setup for the Crashpad build to set them to build against
# Chromium's zlib, base, etc.
crashpad_dependencies = "chromium"
# Override ANGLE's Vulkan dependencies.
angle_vulkan_headers_dir = "//third_party/vulkan-deps/vulkan-headers/src"
angle_vulkan_loader_dir = "//third_party/vulkan-deps/vulkan-loader/src"
angle_vulkan_tools_dir = "//third_party/vulkan-deps/vulkan-tools/src"
angle_vulkan_validation_layers_dir =
# These are the targets to skip header checking by default. The files in targets
# matching these patterns (see "gn help label_pattern" for format) will not have
# their includes checked for proper dependencies when you run either
# "gn check" or "gn gen --check".
no_check_targets = [
# //chrome/*, https://crbug.com/949535
"//chrome/browser/devtools:*", # 114 errors
"//chrome/browser/media/router/discovery:*", # 26 errors
"//chrome/browser/media/router:*", # 225 errors
"//chrome/browser/paint_preview:*", # 4 errors
"//chrome/browser/profiling_host:*", # 13 errors
"//chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/zip_archiver/cpp:*", # 2 errors
"//chrome/browser/safe_browsing/android:*", # 3 errors
"//chrome/browser/safe_browsing:*", # 85 errors
"//chrome/browser/safety_check/android:*", # 3 errors
"//chrome/browser/storage_access_api:*", # 2 errors
"//chrome/browser/touch_to_fill/android:*", # 8 errors
"//chrome/notification_helper:*", # 4 errors
"//chrome/services/removable_storage_writer:*", # 1 error
"//chrome/services/util_win:*", # 1 error
"//chrome/test:*", # 2682 errors
"//clank/third_party/gvr_shim:*", # 1 error
"//extensions/browser/api/alarms:*", # 2 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/app_current_window_internal:*", # 3 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/app_runtime:*", # 3 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/app_window:*", # 5 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/audio:*", # 3 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/automation_internal:*", # 37 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/bluetooth_low_energy:*", # 22 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/bluetooth_socket:*", # 12 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/cast_channel:*", # 3 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/declarative:*", # 20 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/declarative_content:*", # 2 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/declarative_net_request:*", # 18 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/declarative_webrequest:*", # 29 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/display_source:*", # 7 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/dns:*", # 3 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/document_scan:*", # 2 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/feedback_private:*", # 2 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/file_handlers:*", # 3 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/file_system:*", # 1 error
"//extensions/browser/api/hid:*", # 12 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/idle:*", # 4 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/management:*", # 19 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/messaging:*", # 1 error
"//extensions/browser/api/metrics_private:*", # 3 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/mime_handler_private:*", # 1 error
"//extensions/browser/api/networking_private:*", # 14 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/power:*", # 3 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/printer_provider:*", # 7 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/printer_provider_internal:*", # 3 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/runtime:*", # 6 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/serial:*", # 10 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/socket:*", # 11 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/sockets_tcp:*", # 6 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/sockets_tcp_server:*", # 8 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/sockets_udp:*", # 9 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/system_cpu:*", # 1 error
"//extensions/browser/api/system_display:*", # 3 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/system_info:*", # 8 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/system_memory:*", # 1 error
"//extensions/browser/api/system_network:*", # 2 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/system_storage:*", # 6 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/test:*", # 1 error
"//extensions/browser/api/usb:*", # 12 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/virtual_keyboard_private:*", # 2 errors
"//extensions/browser/api/web_request:*", # 37 errors
"//extensions/browser/api:*", # 7 errors
"//extensions/browser/updater:*", # 31 errors
"//extensions/browser:*", # 20 errors
"//extensions:*", # 75 errors
"//headless:*", # 167 errors
"//jingle:*", # 4 errors
"//native_client/src/trusted/service_runtime:*", # 2 errors
"//ppapi/cpp/private:*", # 1 error
"//ppapi/host:*", # 1 error
"//ppapi/native_client/src/untrusted/pnacl_irt_shim:*", # 197 errors
"//ppapi/proxy:*", # 31 errors
"//ppapi/shared_impl:*", # 3 errors
"//ppapi/thunk:*", # 1071 errors
"//ppapi:*", # 3 errors
"//remoting/base/grpc_support:*", # 14 errors
"//remoting/base/grpc_test_support:*", # 1 error
"//remoting/base:*", # 6 errors
"//remoting/client/display:*", # 55 errors
"//remoting/client/jni:*", # 8 errors
"//remoting/codec:*", # 32 errors
"//remoting/host/chromeos:*", # 10 errors
"//remoting/host/file_transfer:*", # 43 errors
"//remoting/host/input_monitor:*", # 3 errors
"//remoting/host/installer/mac:*", # 1 error
"//remoting/host/it2me:*", # 18 errors
"//remoting/host/mac:*", # 49 errors
"//remoting/host/native_messaging:*", # 3 errors
"//remoting/host/security_key:*", # 68 errors
"//remoting/host/setup:*", # 9 errors
"//remoting/host/win:*", # 43 errors
"//remoting/host:*", # 164 errors
"//remoting/ios/app/settings:*", # 6 errors
"//remoting/ios/app:*", # 9 errors
"//remoting/ios/audio:*", # 5 errors
"//remoting/ios/domain:*", # 2 errors
"//remoting/ios/facade:*", # 8 errors
"//remoting/ios/persistence:*", # 10 errors
"//remoting/ios/session:*", # 7 errors
"//remoting/ios:*", # 2 errors
"//remoting/protocol:*", # 142 errors
"//remoting/signaling:*", # 30 errors
"//remoting/test:*", # 20 errors
"//remoting:*", # 27 errors
"//sandbox/linux:*", # 13 errors
"//sandbox/win:*", # 7 errors
"//third_party/breakpad:*", # 34 errors
"//third_party/crashpad/crashpad/client:*", # 1 error
"//third_party/crashpad/crashpad/compat:*", # 2 errors
"//third_party/crashpad/crashpad/snapshot:*", # 1 error
"//third_party/crashpad/crashpad/test:*", # 2 errors
"//third_party/crashpad/crashpad/util:*", # 2 errors
"//third_party/dav1d:*", # 95 errors
"//third_party/ffmpeg:*", # 1 error
"//third_party/libvpx:*", # 164 errors
"//third_party/libwebp:*", # 80 errors, https://crbug.com/800762
"//third_party/openscreen/src/cast/common:*", # 4 errors
"//third_party/openscreen/src/cast/receiver:*", # 1 error
"//third_party/openscreen/src/cast/streaming:*", # 66 errors
"//third_party/openscreen/src/discovery:*", # 36 errors
"//third_party/openscreen/src/osp/impl/quic:*", # 16 errors
"//third_party/openscreen/src/osp/msgs:*", # 5 errors
"//third_party/openscreen/src/osp/public:*", # 1 error
"//third_party/openscreen/src/osp:*", # 13 errors
"//third_party/openscreen/src/util:*", # 29 errors
"//third_party/pdfium/samples:*", # 1 error
"//third_party/pdfium/third_party:*", # 2 errors
"//third_party/pdfium:*", # 1 error
# //v8/*, https://crbug.com/v8/7330
"//v8/src/inspector:*", # 20 errors
"//v8/test/cctest:*", # 26 errors
"//v8/test/unittests:*", # 11 errors
"//v8/test/wasm-api-tests:*", # 13 errors
"//v8/third_party/inspector_protocol:*", # 2 errors
"//v8/tools/debug_helper:*", # 9 errors
"//v8/tools/v8windbg:*", # 2 errors
"//v8:*", # 1871 errors
# These are the list of GN files that run exec_script. This whitelist exists
# to force additional review for new uses of exec_script, which is strongly
# discouraged.
# You should almost never need to add new exec_script calls. exec_script is
# slow, especially on Windows, and can cause confusing effects. Although
# individually each call isn't slow or necessarily very confusing, at the scale
# of our repo things get out of hand quickly. By strongly pushing back on all
# additions, we keep the build fast and clean. If you think you need to add a
# new call, please consider:
# - Do not use a script to check for the existence of a file or directory to
# enable a different mode. Instead, use GN build args to enable or disable
# functionality and set options. An example is checking for a file in the
# src-internal repo to see if the corresponding src-internal feature should
# be enabled. There are several things that can go wrong with this:
# - It's mysterious what causes some things to happen. Although in many cases
# such behavior can be conveniently automatic, GN optimizes for explicit
# and obvious behavior so people can more easily diagnose problems.
# - The user can't enable a mode for one build and not another. With GN build
# args, the user can choose the exact configuration of multiple builds
# using one checkout. But implicitly basing flags on the state of the
# checkout, this functionality is broken.
# - It's easy to get stale files. If for example the user edits the gclient
# to stop checking out src-internal (or any other optional thing), it's
# easy to end up with stale files still mysteriously triggering build
# conditions that are no longer appropriate (yes, this happens in real
# life).
# - Do not use a script to iterate files in a directory (glob):
# - This has the same "stale file" problem as the above discussion. Various
# operations can leave untracked files in the source tree which can cause
# surprising effects.
# - It becomes impossible to use "git grep" to find where a certain file is
# referenced. This operation is very common and people really do get
# confused when things aren't listed.
# - It's easy to screw up. One common case is a build-time script that packs
# up a directory. The author notices that the script isn't re-run when the
# directory is updated, so adds a glob so all the files are listed as
# inputs. This seems to work great... until a file is deleted. When a
# file is deleted, all the inputs the glob lists will still be up to date
# and no command-lines will have been changed. The action will not be
# re-run and the build will be broken. It is possible to get this correct
# using glob, and it's possible to mess it up without glob, but globs make
# this situation much easier to create. if the build always lists the
# files and passes them to a script, it will always be correct.
exec_script_whitelist =
build_dotfile_settings.exec_script_whitelist +
angle_dotfile_settings.exec_script_whitelist +
# Whitelist entries for //build should go into
# //build/dotfile_settings.gni instead, so that they can be shared
# with other repos. The entries in this list should be only for files
# in the Chromium repo outside of //build.
# TODO(dgn): Layer violation but breaks the build otherwise, see
# https://crbug.com/474506.
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