# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import hashlib
import web
import random
import time
import ztk_update
import sms
import reply
import receive
import weiyi
import linksql
import json
import sys
import banwords
import weixin
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
class Handle(object):
def GET(self): # 此为微信公众号认证
webinput = web.input()
if len(webinput) == 0:
return 'hello, this is handle view'
signature = webinput.signature
timestamp = webinput.timestamp
nonce = webinput.nonce
echostr = webinput.echostr
token = 'test' # 和公众号上设置的一致
list = [token, timestamp, nonce]
sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
list(map(sha1.update, list))
hashcode = sha1.hexdigest()
if hashcode == signature:
return echostr
return None
def POST(self):
webData = web.data()
recMsg = receive.parse_xml(webData)
if isinstance(recMsg, receive.Msg) and recMsg.MsgType == 'text':
toUser = recMsg.FromUserName
fromUser = recMsg.ToUserName
openid = recMsg.FromUserName #openid
recContent = recMsg.Content
linksql.getpid(openid) #分配pid 此处应省略,然后在各处添加要求绑定渠道的信息 此处暂时无法删除是因为非渠道模式需要主动分配pid来临时识别用户。除非强制要求用户绑定渠道,而且必须每月下一单。这个比较困难。
userText = linksql.sqltbk(openid)#获取用户信息
if recContent =='提现':
return tixian(userText, openid, toUser, fromUser)
elif recContent == '会员备案':
if not(linksql.publisher(openid)):
logger.info(openid + ' 会员备案')
webdata = weiyi.publishertkl(openid)
if webdata['error'] == '0':
content = '复制本淘口令打开手机淘宝进行会员备案\n%s\n\n提示:成功备案第二天即可使用机器人哦!'%(webdata['tbk_pwd'])
content = '淘口令生成失败请联系客服'
content = '你已经备案了,无需重复备案。'
replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content)
return replyMsg.send()
elif recContent == '邀请码':
logger.info(openid + ' 邀请码')
qrcodeurl = weixin.getqrcode(openid)
content = '<a href="%s">点击这里查看你的专属邀请码</a>\n'%(qrcodeurl)
content = content + '通过该邀请码关注公众号的均为你的代理,你可以获得他的18%返利,赶紧推荐给更多人吧!'
replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content)
return replyMsg.send()
elif recContent == '查询':
return userinfo(userText, toUser, fromUser)
elif len(recContent) == 28 and openid == 'o1mDH1HT8Nf7EdDc2-WJbw8mXkvk':#管理
aduser = linksql.sqltbk(recContent)
return userinfo(aduser, toUser, fromUser)
elif recContent == '帮助':
content = '———系统提示———\n'\
replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content)
return replyMsg.send()
elif recContent == '签到':
return qiandao(userText, toUser, fromUser)
elif recContent == 'openid':
content = openid
replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content)
return replyMsg.send()
elif recContent == 'appid':
content = fromUser
replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content)
return replyMsg.send()
elif recContent.isdigit() and len(recContent) == 18:#淘宝订单号
sqlorder = linksql.getorder(openid,recContent)
if openid == "o1mDH1HT8Nf7EdDc2-WJbw8mXkvk": sqlorder = linksql.getOrderPlus(recContent)
if sqlorder:
weixin.orderInfo(openid, sqlorder, userText.level_coefficient)
logger.info(openid + ' 订单查询成功')
return 'success'
content = '订单查询失败';
logger.info(openid + ' 订单查询失败' + recContent)
replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content)
return replyMsg.send()
elif len(recContent) == 19 and recContent.find('2019') > -1:#考虑为时间字符串
start_time = recContent
tk_orders = ztk_update.getTwentyOrders(start_time,2)
if tk_orders:#获得了订单
content = '正在收录'
content = '该时间无订单'
replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content)
logger.info(start_time + ' 申请重新收录')
return replyMsg.send()
if linksql.publisher(openid):
mmpid = 'mm_32003052_325200030_101473650037' # rid模式通用pid
relation_id = linksql.publisher(openid)
webdata = weiyi.hcapi(recContent, mmpid, relation_id)
elif linksql.openidpid(openid): # pid模式
mmpid = 'mm_32003052_324300396_' + str(linksql.openidpid(openid))
webdata = weiyi.hcapi(recContent, mmpid)
else: # 关系不存在,可能是pid关系库满了,也可能是bug
mmpid = 'mm_32003052_315950138_85967650050' # 此为维易默认pid
webdata = weiyi.hcapi(recContent, mmpid)
logger.info(openid + ' 查询返利')
if webdata.result == 1: #有优惠券
towords = webdata.tbk_pwd.replace('¥','')
index_jian = webdata.coupon_info.find('减')
index_yuan = webdata.coupon_info.find('元',index_jian)
quan = str(webdata.coupon_info[index_jian + 1 : index_yuan])#优惠券额度
title = banwords.nobantext(webdata.title)
replyMsg = reply.NewsMsg(toUser, fromUser, '约返:' + str(round(float(webdata.commission_rate) * 0.01 * userText.level_coefficient * (float(webdata.zk_final_price) - float(quan)),2)) + ' 优惠券:' + quan + ' 付费价:' + str(float(webdata.zk_final_price) - float(quan)), title, webdata.pict_url, 'https://app.budeniao.net/pwd/index.html?taowords=' + towords + '&url=' + webdata.coupon_short_url + '&image=' + webdata.pict_url)
return replyMsg.send()
elif webdata.result == 2: #无优惠券
towords = webdata.tbk_pwd.replace('¥','')
title = banwords.nobantext(webdata.title)
replyMsg = reply.NewsMsg(toUser, fromUser, '约返:' + str(round(float(webdata.commission_rate) * 0.01 * userText.level_coefficient * float(webdata.zk_final_price),2)) + ' 优惠券:0' + ' 付费价:' + webdata.zk_final_price, title, webdata.pict_url, 'https://app.budeniao.net/pwd/index.html?taowords=' + towords + '&url=' + webdata.coupon_short_url + '&image=' + webdata.pict_url)
return replyMsg.send()
elif webdata.result == 3: #商品未加入淘宝客或已经下架
content = '———系统消息———\n' + webdata.msg
replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content)
return replyMsg.send()
else: #非产品ID、或淘口令,或淘客链接
content = '———系统消息———\n' + webdata.msg
replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content)
return replyMsg.send()
elif isinstance(recMsg, receive.Msg) and recMsg.MsgType == 'event':
toUser = recMsg.FromUserName
fromUser = recMsg.ToUserName
openid = recMsg.FromUserName
recEvent = recMsg.Event
if recEvent == 'subscribe': #关注公众号
userText = linksql.sqltbk(openid)
EventKey = recMsg.EventKey
if EventKey:#有参数
scene = EventKey.split('_')
proxy = scene[1] #s设置代理
if linksql.setProxy(openid, proxy):
weixin.customTextSend(openid, '邀请成功!')
logger.info(openid + ' 设置代理')
weixin.customTextSend(openid, '你已经是代理会员了哦!')
text = '欢迎关注不得鸟优惠券。\n 你可以点击下方菜单使用教程了解更多哦!'
webdata = weiyi.publishertkl(openid)
content = '首次使用需绑定淘宝哦!\n请复制这段文字后打开手机淘宝进行绑定。\n' + webdata['tbk_pwd']
weixin.customTextSend(openid, text) #这个是欢迎信息
replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content) #发送淘宝绑定信息
return replyMsg.send()
elif recEvent == 'CLICK':
recEventKey = recMsg.EventKey
userText = linksql.sqltbk(openid)#获取用户信息
if recEventKey == 'V1001_QIANDAO':#签到
return qiandao(userText, toUser, fromUser)
elif recEventKey == 'V1001_YAOQING':#邀请码
logger.info(openid + ' 邀请码')
qrcodeurl = weixin.getqrcode(openid)
content = '<a href = "%s">点击你的专属邀请码</a>\n'%(qrcodeurl)
content = content + '邀请码好友关注公众号,你可以获得他的18%返利,赶紧分享给更多人吧!'
replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content)
return replyMsg.send()
elif recEventKey == 'V1001_JIAOCHENG': #教程
title = '省钱购物,必看教程'
description = '第一步:点击标题后面的“分享有奖”'
picUrl = 'https://app.budeniao.net/logo.jpg'
url = 'http://t.cn/EIfL66p'
logger.info(openid + " 查看教程")
replyMsg = reply.NewsMsg(toUser, fromUser, title, description, picUrl, url)
return replyMsg.send()
elif recEventKey == 'V1001_USER': #用户中心
return userinfo(userText, toUser, fromUser)
elif recEventKey == 'V1001_TIXIAN':#提现申请
return tixian(userText, openid, toUser, fromUser)
elif recEventKey == 'V1001_KEFU':
logger.info(openid + " 联系客服")
content = '微信号:13590060134'
replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content)
return replyMsg.send()
elif recEvent == 'SCAN':
content = '请分享给其他人关注哦!'
return reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content).send()
logger.warning(openid + ' 该事件未处理:' + recEvent)
return 'success'
else: #非文本消息
return "success"
except :
return None
def qiandao(user, toUser, fromUser):
lastdate = user.lastdate
nowdate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime())
if lastdate == nowdate:
content = '你今天已经签到了'
qian = float(random.random()) * 0.12
logger.info(user.openid + ' 签到:' + str(round(qian,2)))
linksql.qiandao(user.openid, qian)
content = '———签到成功———\n' \
'【签到额度随机,非固定】\n' \
'本次签到获得%s元\n' \
'可提现金额:%s元\n' \
'———————————\n' \
'发淘宝商品链接给我赚返利![红包][红包]\n' \
'如有疑问请回复【帮助】查询'%(str(round(qian,2)),str(round(user.remain + qian,2)))
replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content)
return replyMsg.send()
def userinfo(user, toUser, fromUser):
logger.info(user.openid + ' 查询账户')
content = '———个人帐户———\n'
content = content + '已提现金额:%s元\n'%(str(round(user.cashed,2)))
content = content + '可提现余额:%s元\n'%(str(round(user.remain,2)))
content = content + '未收货金额:%s元\n'%(str(round(user.goods,2)))
content = content + '总订单数:%s单\n\n'%(str(user.orders))
content = content + '提现中:%s元\n'%(str(round(user.cash,2)))
if int(user.num) > 0:
content = content + '代理数:%d位\n'%(int(user.num))
content = content + "推荐奖励:%s元\n"%(round(user.proxy_money,2))
content = content + "推荐奖励尚在测试中,暂时不能提现。\n"
content = content + '\n提示:大于5元即可提现如需提现,请回复“提现”\n'
content = content + '[玫瑰]不要忘记置顶我哦!'
replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content)
return replyMsg.send()
def tixian(user, openid, toUser, fromUser):
if user.remain < 5:
content = '———申请失败———\n你现在余额:' + str(round(user.remain,2)) + '元尚不能提现\n\n'
content = content + '亲,可以发送“查询”两个字,查询账户'
logger.warning(openid + ' 余额不足提现')
return reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content).send()
if user.cash > 0:#避免重复提现
content = '你还有一笔提现等待系统完成。'
logger.warning(openid + ' 重复提现')
return reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content).send()
if not(linksql.checkalipay(openid)):
content = '第一次提现请绑定支付宝收款账号。\n<a href="http://app.budeniao.net/?openid=%s">点击这里绑定支付宝收款账号。</a>'%(openid)
logger.warning(openid + ' 支付宝未绑定')
return reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content).send()
if not(linksql.checktixian(openid)):
content = '下单获得的红包不足5元,暂时无法提现。\n记得多用不得鸟下单哦!'
logger.warning(openid + ' 不符合提现条件')
return reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content).send()
m = sms.smsTiXian(openid[9:], str(round(user.remain, 2)), user.alipay, user.xingming)
jsData = json.loads(m)
if jsData['Message'] == 'OK':
logger.info(openid + ' 申请提现成功')
content = '———申请成功———\n'
content = content + '本次提现%s元\n系统将会把钱发送到你的支付宝中\n\n24小时内到账'%(str(round(user.remain, 2)))
content = content + '亲,可以发送“查询”两个字,查询账户'
logger.error(openid + ' 提现短信发送失败' + jsData['Message'])
replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content)
return replyMsg.send()
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