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* @description simple implementation of a socket Server and Client.
* @author thqby
* @date 2024/04/21
* @version 1.0.4
* Contains two base classes, `Socket.Server` and `Socket.Client`,
* and handles asynchronous messages by implementing the `on%EventName%(err)` method of the class.
* If none of these methods are implemented, it will be synchronous mode.
class Socket {
; sock type
static TYPE := { STREAM: 1, DGRAM: 2, RAW: 3, RDM: 4, SEQPACKET: 5 }
; address family
static AF := { UNSPEC: 0, UNIX: 1, INET: 2, IPX: 6, APPLETALK: 16, NETBIOS: 17, INET6: 23, IRDA: 26, BTH: 32 }
; sock protocol
static IPPROTO := { ICMP: 1, IGMP: 2, RFCOMM: 3, TCP: 6, UDP: 17, ICMPV6: 58, RM: 113 }
; flags of send/recv
static MSG := { OOB: 1, PEEK: 2, DONTROUTE: 4, WAITALL: 8, INTERRUPT: 0x10, PUSH_IMMEDIATE: 0x20, PARTIAL: 0x8000 }
static __sockets_table := Map()
static __New() {
#DllLoad ws2_32.dll
if this != Socket
throw Error('Invalid base class')
if err := DllCall('ws2_32\WSAStartup', 'ushort', 0x0202, 'ptr', WSAData := Buffer(394 + A_PtrSize, 0))
throw OSError(err)
if NumGet(WSAData, 2, 'ushort') != 0x0202
throw Error('Winsock version 2.2 not available')
this.DefineProp('__Delete', { call: (*) => DllCall('ws2_32\WSACleanup') })
proto := this.base.Prototype
for k, v in { addr: '', async: 0, Ptr: -1 }.OwnProps()
proto.DefineProp(k, { value: v })
for k in this.EVENT.OwnProps()
k := 'On' StrTitle(k), proto.DefineProp(k, { set: get_setter(k) })
get_setter(name) {
return (self, value) => (self.DefineProp(name, { call: value }), self.UpdateMonitoring())
static GetLastError() => DllCall('ws2_32\WSAGetLastError')
class AddrInfo {
static Prototype.size := 48
static Call(host, port := 0) {
if port {
if err := DllCall('ws2_32\GetAddrInfoW', 'str', host, 'str', String(port), 'ptr', 0, 'ptr*', &addr := 0)
throw OSError(err, -1)
return { base: this.Prototype, ptr: addr, __Delete: this => DllCall('ws2_32\FreeAddrInfoW', 'ptr', this) }
; struct sockaddr_un used to connect to AF_UNIX socket
NumPut('ushort', 1, buf := Buffer(158, 0), 48), StrPut(host, buf.Ptr + 50, 'cp0')
NumPut('int', 0, 'int', 1, 'int', 0, 'int', 0, 'uptr', 110, 'ptr', 0, 'ptr', buf.Ptr + 48, buf)
return { base: this.Prototype, buf: buf, ptr: buf.Ptr }
flags => NumGet(this, 'int')
family => NumGet(this, 4, 'int')
socktype => NumGet(this, 8, 'int')
protocol => NumGet(this, 12, 'int')
addrlen => NumGet(this, 16, 'uptr')
canonname => StrGet(NumGet(this, 16 + A_PtrSize, 'ptr') || StrPtr(''))
addr => NumGet(this, 16 + 2 * A_PtrSize, 'ptr')
next => (p := NumGet(this, 16 + 3 * A_PtrSize, 'ptr')) && ({ base: this.Base, ptr: p })
addrstr => (this.family = 1 ? StrGet(this.addr + 2, 'cp0') : !DllCall('ws2_32\WSAAddressToStringW', 'ptr', this.addr, 'uint', this.addrlen, 'ptr', 0, 'ptr', b := Buffer(s := 2048), 'uint*', &s) && StrGet(b))
class base {
__Delete() {
if this.Ptr == -1
DllCall('ws2_32\closesocket', 'ptr', this)
this.Ptr := -1
; Gets the current message size of the receive buffer.
MsgSize() {
static FIONREAD := 0x4004667F
if DllCall('ws2_32\ioctlsocket', 'ptr', this, 'uint', FIONREAD, 'uint*', &argp := 0)
throw OSError(Socket.GetLastError())
return argp
; Choose to receive the corresponding event according to the implemented method. `CONNECT` event is unimplemented
UpdateMonitoring(start := true) {
static FIONBIO := 0x8004667E, id_to_event := init_table()
static WM_SOCKET := DllCall('RegisterWindowMessage', 'str', 'WM_AHK_SOCKET', 'uint')
flags := 0
if start
for k, v in Socket.EVENT.OwnProps()
if this.HasMethod('on' k)
flags |= v
if flags {
Socket.__sockets_table[this.Ptr] := ObjPtr(this), this.async := 1
OnMessage(WM_SOCKET, On_WM_SOCKET, 255)
this.DefineProp('_async_select', { call: async_select })
} else {
try {
if !Socket.__sockets_table.Count
if this.async {
DllCall('ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect', 'ptr', this, 'ptr', A_ScriptHwnd, 'uint', WM_SOCKET, 'uint', flags)
if !flags && start && !DllCall('ws2_32\ioctlsocket', 'ptr', this, 'int', FIONBIO, 'uint*', 0)
this.async := 0
return flags
static On_WM_SOCKET(wp, lp, *) {
if !sk := Socket.__sockets_table.Get(wp, 0)
sk := ObjFromPtrAddRef(sk)
sk._async_select(ev := lp & 0xffff, false)
sk.On%id_to_event[ev]%((lp >> 16) & 0xffff)
async_select(this, _flags, add := true) {
if _flags=32
if add
flags |= _flags
else flags &= ~_flags
r := DllCall('ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect', 'ptr', this, 'ptr', A_ScriptHwnd, 'uint', WM_SOCKET, 'uint', flags)
init_table() {
m := Map()
for k, v in Socket.EVENT.OwnProps()
m[v] := k
return m
class Client extends Socket.base {
static Prototype.isConnected := 1
* Create a socket client to connect to the specified server.
* @param {String} host The name of host, if port is 0, the value should be the path of pipe or file.
* @param {Number} port Listen to the specified port, and if it is 0, listen to the pipe or file.
* @param {Socket.TYPE} socktype The type of socket.
* @param {Socket.IPPROTO} protocol The protocol of socket.
* @example <caption>https://github.com/thqby/ahk2_lib/issues/27</caption>
__New(host, port?, socktype := Socket.TYPE.STREAM, protocol := 0) {
this.addrinfo := host is Socket.AddrInfo ? host : Socket.AddrInfo(host, port?)
last_family := -1, err := ai := 0
loop {
if !connect(this, A_Index > 1) || err == 10035
return this.DefineProp('ReConnect', { call: connect })
} until !ai
throw OSError(err, -1)
connect(this, next := false) {
this.isConnected := 0
if !ai := !next ? (last_family := -1, this.addrinfo) : ai && ai.next
return 10061
if ai.family == 1 && SubStr(ai.addrstr, 1, 9) = '\\.\pipe\'
token := {
ptr: DllCall('CreateNamedPipeW', 'str', ai.addrstr, 'uint', 1, 'uint', 4, 'uint', 1, 'uint', 0, 'uint', 0, 'uint', 0, 'ptr', 0, 'ptr'),
__Delete: this => DllCall('CloseHandle', 'ptr', this)
if last_family != ai.family && this.Ptr != -1
while this.Ptr == -1 {
if -1 == this.Ptr := DllCall('ws2_32\socket', 'int', ai.family, 'int', socktype, 'int', protocol, 'ptr')
return (err := Socket.GetLastError(), connect(this, 1), err)
last_family := ai.family
this.addr := ai.addrstr, this.HasMethod('onConnect') && this.UpdateMonitoring()
if !DllCall('ws2_32\connect', 'ptr', this, 'ptr', ai.addr, 'uint', ai.addrlen)
return (this.UpdateMonitoring(), this.isConnected := 1, err := 0)
return err := Socket.GetLastError()
_OnConnect(err) {
if !err
this.isConnected := 1
else if err == 10061 && (err := this.ReConnect(true)) == 10035
else throw OSError(err)
; When it is a client, it is used to reconnect after disconnecting from the server.
ReConnect(next := false) => 10061
* Sends data on a connected socket.
* @param {Buffer | Integer} buf The data to be transmitted.
* @param {Integer} size The size of data.
* @param {Socket.MSG} flags A set of flags that specify the way in which the call is made.
* This parameter is constructed by using the bitwise OR operator with any of the following values.
* - DONTROUTE — Specifies that the data should not be subject to routing. A Windows Sockets service provider can choose to ignore this flag.
* - OOB — Sends OOB data (stream-style socket such as SOCK_STREAM only).
* @returns {Integer} The total number of bytes sent.
Send(buf, size?, flags := 0) {
if (size := DllCall('ws2_32\send', 'ptr', this, 'ptr', buf, 'int', size ?? buf.Size, 'int', flags)) == -1
throw OSError(Socket.GetLastError())
return size
SendText(text, flags := 0, encoding := 'utf-8') {
buf := Buffer(StrPut(text, encoding) - ((encoding = 'utf-16' || encoding = 'cp1200') ? 2 : 1))
size := StrPut(text, buf, encoding)
return this.Send(buf, size, flags)
* @param {Socket.MSG} flags A set of flags that specify the way in which the call is made.
* This parameter is constructed by using the bitwise OR operator with any of the following values.
* - OOB — Processes Out Of Band (OOB) data.
* - PEEK — Peeks at the incoming data. The data is copied into the buffer, but is not removed from the input queue.
_recv(buf, size, flags := 0) => DllCall('ws2_32\recv', 'ptr', this, 'ptr', buf, 'int', size, 'int', flags)
Recv(&buf, maxsize := 0x7fffffff, flags := 0, timeout := 0) {
endtime := A_TickCount + timeout
while !(size := this.MsgSize()) && (!timeout && !this.async || A_TickCount < endtime)
if !size
return 0
buf := Buffer(size := Min(maxsize, size))
if (size := this._recv(buf, size, flags)) == -1
throw OSError(Socket.GetLastError())
return size
RecvText(flags := 0, timeout := 0, encoding := 'utf-8') {
if size := this.Recv(&buf, , flags, timeout)
return StrGet(buf, size, encoding)
return ''
RecvLine(flags := 0, timeout := 0, encoding := 'utf-8') {
static MSG_PEEK := Socket.MSG.PEEK
endtime := A_TickCount + timeout, buf := Buffer(1, 0), t := flags | MSG_PEEK
while !(pos := InStr((size := this.Recv(&buf, , t, timeout && (endtime - A_TickCount)), StrGet(buf, size, encoding)), '`n')) {
if this.async || timeout && A_TickCount > endtime
return ''
size := this.Recv(&buf, pos * (encoding = 'utf-16' || encoding = 'cp1200' ? 2 : 1), flags)
return StrGet(buf, size, encoding)
class Server extends Socket.base {
* Create a socket server to listen to the specified port or local file.
* @param {Number} port Listen to the specified port, and if it is 0, listen to the pipe or file.
* @param {String} host The name of host, if port is 0, the value should be the path of pipe or file.
* @param {Socket.TYPE} socktype The type of socket.
* @param {Socket.IPPROTO} protocol The protocol of socket.
* @param {Integer} backlog The maximum length of the queue of pending connections.
* @example <caption>https://github.com/thqby/ahk2_lib/issues/27</caption>
__New(port := 0, host := '', socktype := Socket.TYPE.STREAM, protocol := 0, backlog := 4) {
_ := ai := Socket.AddrInfo(host, port), ptr := last_family := -1
if ai.family == 1
this.file := make_del_token(ai.addrstr)
loop {
if last_family != ai.family {
(ptr != -1) && (DllCall('ws2_32\closesocket', 'ptr', ptr), this.Ptr := -1)
if -1 == (ptr := DllCall('ws2_32\socket', 'int', ai.family, 'int', socktype, 'int', protocol, 'ptr'))
last_family := ai.family, this.Ptr := ptr
if !DllCall('ws2_32\bind', 'ptr', ptr, 'ptr', ai.addr, 'uint', ai.addrlen, 'int')
&& !DllCall('ws2_32\listen', 'ptr', ptr, 'int', backlog)
return (this.addr := ai.addrstr, this.UpdateMonitoring(), 0)
} until !ai := ai.next
throw OSError(Socket.GetLastError(), -1)
make_del_token(file) {
if SubStr(file, 1, 9) = '\\.\pipe\'
token := {
ptr: DllCall('CreateNamedPipeW', 'str', file, 'uint', 1, 'uint', 4, 'uint', backlog, 'uint', 0, 'uint', 0, 'uint', 0, 'ptr', 0, 'ptr'),
__Delete: this => DllCall('CloseHandle', 'ptr', this)
token := { file: file, __Delete: this => FileExist(this.file) && FileDelete(this.File) }, token.__Delete()
return token
_accept(&addr?) {
if -1 == (ptr := DllCall('ws2_32\accept', 'ptr', this, 'ptr', addr := Buffer(addrlen := 128, 0), 'int*', &addrlen, 'ptr'))
throw OSError(Socket.GetLastError())
if NumGet(addr, 'ushort') != 1
DllCall('ws2_32\WSAAddressToStringW', 'ptr', addr, 'uint', addrlen, 'ptr', 0, 'ptr', b := Buffer(s := 2048), 'uint*', &s), addr := StrGet(b)
else addr := this.addr
return ptr
* Accept the connection of socket client.
* @param {typeof Socket.Client} clientType The class for socket instantiation.
* @returns {Socket.Client}
AcceptAsClient(clientType := Socket.Client) {
ptr := this._accept(&addr)
sock := { base: clientType.Prototype, ptr: ptr, async: this.async, addr: addr }
return sock
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