华东师范大学AI智能机器人开发与实践,数据库垂直领域机器人实现数据库助教、答疑, 帮助数据库爱好者、工作者、学生更好的学习、使用、管理数据库、开发数据库内核. 解答数据库疑问、review 代码、生成代码等.
最近更新: 1年前Tools for PolarDB-X, such as data migration, CSV files import, benchmark, etc.
最近更新: 1年多前polardbx-cdc is a core component of PolarDB-X which is responsible for global binary log generation, publication and subscription.
最近更新: 1年多前polardbx-engine is a MySQL branch originated from Alibaba Group, especially supports large-scale distributed database system.
最近更新: 1年多前PolarDB-X is a cloud native distributed SQL Database designed for high concurrency, massive storage, complex querying scenarios.
最近更新: 1年多前