同步操作将从 开源中国/git-repo-clean 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
package main
import (
var BuildVersion string
const Usage = `usage: git repo-clean [options]
********************* Important! **********************
*** The rewrite command is a destructive operation ****
*** Please backup your repo before do any operation ***
git repo-clean is a tool to scan Git repository metadata,
and filter out specify file by its type, size, and delete
those files completely from the repo, and will rewrite the
commit history relatived to those files.
-v, --verbose show process information
-V, --version show git-repo-clean version number
-h, --help show usage information
-p, --path Git repository path, default is '.'
-s, --scan scan the Git repository objects, default to scan all branches
-f, --file provie file path directly to delete, incompatible with --scan
-b, --branch set the branch where files need to be deleted , default all branches
-l, --limit set the file size limitation, like: '--limit=10m'
-n, --number set the number of results to show
-t, --type set the file name suffix to filter from Git repository
-i, --interactive enable interactive operation
-d, --delete execute file cleanup and history rewrite process
-L, --lfs migrate big file into Git LFS Pointer file
These options can provide users with two ways of using:
interactive way, command line way.
Interactive way:
Execute "git repo clean" or "git repo clean -i" to enter the interactive interface.
The program interacts with the user through question and answer, making the whole process
of file filtering, backup, deletion and history rewrite easier for the user.
Command-Line way:
You can apply various options on the command line to realize functions, such as:
To scan only files with file type tar.gz and its size greater than 1G in the repo:
git repo-clean --scan --limit=1G --type=tar.gz
When you need to delete specified files, add --delete option and execute:
git repo-clean --scan --limit=1G --type=tar.gz --delete
If the same file exists in multiple branches, or the same file still exists after
the previous deletion, you can use the --branch option to delete it from all branches:
git repo-clean --scan --limit=1G --type=tar.gz --delete --branch=all
You can limit the number of results by --number option, the default value is 3:
git repo-clean --scan --limit=1G --type=tar.gz --delete --number=3
If you want to delete a known file, there is no need to scan the whole repo,
just use the '--file' option:
git repo-clean --file file1 --file file2 --delete
Or, if you want to delete all files under dir/ :
git repo-clean --file dir/ --delete
If you want to use Git LFS to manage your big file, use '--lfs' option to
convert your big file into LFS pointer file:
git repo-clean --scan --limit=1G --type=so --lfs --delete
const Usage_ZH = `用法: git repo-clean [选项]
********************* 重要! *****************
*** 该历史重写过程是不可逆的破坏性的操作 ***
*** 请在做任何操作之前先备份您的仓库数据 ***
git repo-clean 是一款扫描Git仓库元数据,然后根据指定的文件类型
-v, --verbose 显示处理的详细过程
-V, --version 显示 git-repo-clean 版本号
-h, --help 显示使用信息
-p, --path 指定Git仓库的路径, 默认是当前目录,即'.'
-s, --scan 扫描Git仓库数据,默认是扫描所有分支中的数据
-f, --file 直接指定仓库中的文件或目录,与'--scan'不兼容
-b, --branch 设置需要删除文件的分支, 默认是从所有分支中删除文件
-l, --limit 设置扫描文件阈值, 比如: '--limit=10m'
-n, --number 设置显示扫描结果的数量
-t, --type 设置扫描文件后缀名,即文件类型
-i, --interactive 开启交互式操作
-d, --delete 执行文件删除和历史重写过程
-L, --lfs 将大文件转换为Git LFS指针文件
直接执行git repo-clean或git repo-clean -i进入交互式界面
git repo-clean --scan --limit=1G --type=tar.gz
git repo-clean --scan --limit=1G --type=tar.gz --delete
git repo-clean --scan --limit=1G --type=tar.gz --delete --branch=all
git repo-clean --scan --limit=1G --type=tar.gz --delete --number=3
git repo-clean --file file1 --file file2 --delete
git repo-clean --file dir/ --delete
如果你想用Git LFS管理你的大文件,可以使用'--lfs'选项将大文件转换为LFS指针文件:
git repo-clean --scan --limit=1G --type=so --lfs --delete
type Options struct {
verbose bool
version bool
help bool
path string
scan bool
file []string
delete bool
branch string
limit string
number uint32
types string
interact bool
lfs bool
func (op *Options) init(args []string) error {
flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("git-repo-clean", pflag.ContinueOnError)
flags.BoolVarP(&op.verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "show process information")
flags.BoolVarP(&op.version, "version", "V", false, "show git-repo-clean version number")
flags.BoolVarP(&op.help, "help", "h", false, "show usage information")
flags.StringVarP(&op.path, "path", "p", ".", "Git repository path, default is '.'")
// default is to scan repo
flags.BoolVarP(&op.scan, "scan", "s", false, "scan the Git repository objects")
// specify the target files to delete
flags.StringArrayVarP(&op.file, "file", "f", nil, "specify the target files to delete")
// since the deleting process is not very slow, default is all branch
flags.StringVarP(&op.branch, "branch", "b", "all", "set the branch to scan")
// default file size threshold is 1m
flags.StringVarP(&op.limit, "limit", "l", "1m", "set the file size limitation")
// default to show top 3 largest files
flags.Uint32VarP(&op.number, "number", "n", 3, "set the number of results to show")
// default is null, which means all types
flags.StringVarP(&op.types, "type", "t", "*", "set the file type to filter from Git repository")
// interactive with user end
flags.BoolVarP(&op.interact, "interative", "i", false, "enable interactive operation")
// perform delete files action
flags.BoolVarP(&op.delete, "delete", "d", false, "execute file cleanup and history rewrite process")
// migrate big file into Git LFS server
flags.BoolVarP(&op.lfs, "lfs", "L", false, "migrate big file into Git LFS server")
err := flags.Parse(args)
if err != nil {
if err == pflag.ErrHelp {
return nil
return err
if len(flags.Args()) != 0 {
return errors.New("excess arguments")
return nil
func usage() {
LocalFprintf(os.Stderr, "help info")
func (op *Options) ParseOptions(args []string) error {
if err := op.init(args); err != nil {
ft := LocalPrinter().Sprintf("option format error: %s", err)
if op.help {
if op.version {
ft := LocalPrinter().Sprintf("build version: %s", BuildVersion)
if len(args) == 1 && op.SingleOpts() && !op.interact {
PrintLocalWithRedln("single parameter is invalid")
return nil
func (op *Options) SingleOpts() bool {
if op.verbose || op.scan || op.delete || op.path != "" {
return true
} else {
return false
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