require "include/bittorrent.php";
function hex_esc($matches) {
return sprintf("%02x", ord($matches[0]));
$dllink = false;
$passkey = $_GET['passkey'];
$where = "";
if ($passkey) {
$res = sql_query("SELECT id, enabled, parked FROM users WHERE passkey=" . sqlesc(mysql_real_escape_string($passkey)) . " LIMIT 1");
$user = mysql_fetch_array($res);
if (!$user)
elseif ($user['enabled'] == 'no' || $user['parked'] == 'yes')
elseif ($_GET['linktype'] == 'dl')
$dllink = true;
$inclbookmarked = 0 + $_GET['inclbookmarked'];
if ($inclbookmarked == 1) {
$bookmarkarray = return_torrent_bookmark_array($user['id']);
if ($bookmarkarray) {
$whereidin = implode(",", $bookmarkarray);
$where .= ($where ? " AND " : "") . "torrents.id IN(" . $whereidin . ")";
$searchstr = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_GET["search"]));
if (empty($searchstr))
if (isset($searchstr)) {
$search_mode = 0 + $_GET["search_mode"];
if (!in_array($search_mode, array(0, 1, 2))) {
$search_mode = 0;
switch ($search_mode) {
case 0: // AND, OR
case 1 :
$searchstr = str_replace(".", " ", $searchstr);
$searchstr_exploded = explode(" ", $searchstr);
$searchstr_exploded_count = 0;
foreach ($searchstr_exploded as $searchstr_element) {
$searchstr_element = trim($searchstr_element); // furthur trim to ensure that multi space seperated words still work
if ($searchstr_exploded_count > 10) // maximum 10 keywords
$like_expression_array[] = " LIKE '%" . $searchstr_element . "%'";
case 2 : // exact
$like_expression_array[] = " LIKE '%" . $searchstr . "%'";
$ANDOR = ($search_mode == 0 ? " AND " : " OR "); // only affects mode 0 and mode 1
foreach ($like_expression_array as &$like_expression_array_element) {
$like_expression_array_element = "(torrents.name" . $like_expression_array_element . ($_GET['ismalldescr'] ? " OR torrents.small_descr" . $like_expression_array_element : "") . ")";
$wherea[] = implode($ANDOR, $like_expression_array);
$where .= ($where ? " AND " : "") . implode(" AND ", $wherea);
$limit = "";
$startindex = 0 + $_GET['startindex'];
if ($startindex)
$limit .= $startindex . ", ";
$showrows = 0 + $_GET['rows'];
if ($showrows < 1 || $showrows > 50)
$showrows = 10;
$limit .= $showrows;
function get_where($tablename = "sources", $itemname = "source", $getname = "sou") {
global $where;
$items = searchbox_item_list($tablename);
$whereitemina = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($_GET[$getname . $item[id]]) {
$whereitemina[] = $item[id];
if (count($whereitemina) >= 1) {
$whereitemin = implode(",", $whereitemina);
$where .= ($where ? " AND " : "") . $itemname . " IN(" . $whereitemin . ")";
get_where("categories", "category", "cat");
get_where("sources", "source", "sou");
get_where("media", "medium", "med");
get_where("codecs", "codec", "cod");
get_where("standards", "standard", "sta");
get_where("processings", "processing", "pro");
get_where("teams", "team", "tea");
get_where("audiocodecs", "audiocodec", "aud");
$size = ($_GET['size'] == 0 || $_GET['size'] == '') ? $_GET['size'] = 0 : $_GET['size'];
if ($where) {
if ($size == 0) {
$where = "WHERE categories.id != '424' AND visible = 'yes' AND banned = 'no' AND " . $where;
} else {
$where = "WHERE categories.id != '424' AND visible = 'yes' AND banned = 'no' AND size <= $size AND " . $where;
} else {
if ($size == 0) {
$where = "WHERE categories.id != '424' AND visible = 'yes' AND banned = 'no'";
} else {
$where = "WHERE categories.id != '424' AND visible = 'yes' AND banned = 'no' AND size <= $size";
$query = "SELECT torrents.id, torrents.category, torrents.name, torrents.small_descr, torrents.descr, torrents.info_hash, torrents.size, torrents.added, torrents.anonymous, users.username AS username, categories.id AS cat_id, categories.name AS cat_name FROM torrents LEFT JOIN categories ON category = categories.id LEFT JOIN users ON torrents.owner = users.id $where ORDER BY torrents.added DESC LIMIT $limit";
$res = sql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
$url = get_protocol_prefix() . $BASEURL;
$year = substr($datefounded, 0, 4);
$yearfounded = ($year ? $year : 2007);
$copyright = "Copyright (c) " . $SITENAME . " " . (date("Y") != $yearfounded ? $yearfounded . "-" : "") . date("Y") . ", all rights reserved";
header("Content-type: text/xml");
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while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
$title = "";
if ($row['anonymous'] == 'yes')
$author = 'anonymous';
$author = $row['username'];
$itemurl = $url . "/details.php?id=" . $row['id'];
if ($dllink)
$itemdlurl = $url . "/download.php?id=" . $row['id'] . "&passkey=" . rawurlencode($passkey);
$itemdlurl = $url . "/download.php?id=" . $row['id'];
if ($_GET['icat'])
$title .= "[" . $row['cat_name'] . "]";
$title .= $row['name'];
if ($_GET['ismalldescr'] && $row['small_descr'])
$title .= "[" . $row['small_descr'] . "]";
if ($_GET['isize'])
$title .= "[" . mksize($row['size']) . "]";
if ($_GET['iuplder'])
$title .= "[" . $author . "]";
$content = format_comment($row['descr'], true, false, false, false);
print('<item><title><![CDATA[' . $title . ']]></title><link>' . $itemurl . '</link><description><![CDATA[' . $content . ']]></description>');
print('<author>' . $author . '@' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ' (' . $author . ')</author>');
print('<category domain="' . $url . '/torrents.php?cat=' . $row['cat_id'] . '">' . $row['cat_name'] . '</category><comments><![CDATA[' . $url . '/details.php?id=' . $row['id'] . '&cmtpage=0#startcomments]]></comments><enclosure url="' . $itemdlurl . '" length="' . $row['size'] . '" type="application/x-bittorrent" /><guid isPermaLink="false">' . preg_replace_callback('/./s', 'hex_esc', hash_pad($row['info_hash'])) . '</guid><pubDate>' . date('r', strtotime($row['added'])) . '</pubDate></item>');
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