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details.php 52.71 KB
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mojie126 提交于 2016-12-22 23:33 . 新增严格H&R规则
ob_start(); //Do not delete this line
if ($showextinfo['imdb'] == 'yes') {
if (!isset($_GET["id"]) || !$_GET["id"])
$id = 0 + $_GET["id"];
$ownercheck = mysql_fetch_assoc(sql_query("SELECT owner, category FROM torrents WHERE id = $id"));
if ($CURUSER["id"] != $ownercheck['owner']) {//不是发布者
if ($ownercheck['category'] >= 424) {
if ($limitsecurity == 'yes' && get_user_class() < UC_ADMINISTRATOR) {
if (get_user_class() < $viewlimit) {
} elseif (get_user_class() < $freeviewlimit && $CURUSER['onlimit'] == 'no') {
stderr("抱歉", "您的权限不足以查看禁区内容,请在“控制台”->“安全设定”->“显示禁区”中勾选并付费开启。");
} else {//是发布者
if ($ownercheck['category'] >= 424) {
global $share, $sharesize, $sharenum, $sharemanage_class, $downhref;
if ($share == "yes") {
if ($CURUSER["id"] != $ownercheck['owner']) {
$shareck = sql_query("SELECT size, status FROM torrents WHERE owner = " . $CURUSER['id']) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$userdonor = mysql_fetch_array(sql_query("SELECT donor, FROM users WHERE id = " . $CURUSER['id'])) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
if (get_user_class() >= $sharemanage_class || $userdonor['donor'] == 'yes') {
$downhref = "download.php?id=" . $id . "&passkey=" . $CURUSER['passkey'];
} else {
$normalcount = 0;
while ($sharecheck = mysql_fetch_assoc($shareck)) {
if ($sharecheck['status'] == 'normal') {
$sharecheck_sizesum += $sharecheck['size'];
if ($normalcount >= $sharenum && $sharecheck_sizesum >= $sharesize) {
$downhref = "download.php?id=" . $id . "&passkey=" . $CURUSER['passkey'];
} else {
$downhref = "javascript:alert('你必须先成功分享 " . $sharenum . " 个大于" . mksize($sharesize) . "或多个种子总大小大于 " . mksize($sharesize) . " 的资源后才可以下载其它种子资源。');";
} else {
$downhref = "download.php?id=" . $id . "&passkey=" . $CURUSER['passkey'];
} else {
$downhref = "download.php?id=" . $id . "&passkey=" . $CURUSER['passkey'];
$res = sql_query("SELECT torrents.status AS status, torrents.cache_stamp, torrents.sp_state, torrents.url, torrents.dburl, torrents.small_descr, torrents.seeders, torrents.banned, torrents.leechers, torrents.info_hash, torrents.filename, nfo, LENGTH(torrents.nfo) AS nfosz, torrents.last_action, torrents.name, torrents.owner, torrents.save_as, torrents.descr, torrents.visible, torrents.size, torrents.added, torrents.views, torrents.hits, torrents.times_completed, torrents.id, torrents.type, torrents.numfiles, torrents.anonymous, categories.name AS cat_name, sources.name AS source_name, media.name AS medium_name, codecs.name AS codec_name, standards.name AS standard_name, processings.name AS processing_name, teams.name AS team_name, audiocodecs.name AS audiocodec_name FROM torrents LEFT JOIN categories ON torrents.category = categories.id LEFT JOIN sources ON torrents.source = sources.id LEFT JOIN media ON torrents.medium = media.id LEFT JOIN codecs ON torrents.codec = codecs.id LEFT JOIN standards ON torrents.standard = standards.id LEFT JOIN processings ON torrents.processing = processings.id LEFT JOIN teams ON torrents.team = teams.id LEFT JOIN audiocodecs ON torrents.audiocodec = audiocodecs.id WHERE torrents.id = $id LIMIT 1") or sqlerr();
$row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
if (get_user_class() >= $torrentmanage_class || $CURUSER["id"] == $row["owner"])
$owned = 1;
$owned = 0;
$ownerid = $row['owner'];
if (!$row)
stderr($lang_details['std_error'], $lang_details['std_no_torrent_id']);
elseif ($row['banned'] == 'yes' && get_user_class() < $seebanned_class && !$owned)
else {
if ($_GET["hit"]) {
sql_query("UPDATE torrents SET views = views + 1 WHERE id = $id");
if (!isset($_GET["cmtpage"])) {
stdhead($lang_details['head_details_for_torrent'] . "\"" . $row["name"] . "\"");
if ($_GET["uploaded"]) {
print("<h1 align=\"center\">" . $lang_details['text_successfully_uploaded'] . "</h1>");
if ($CURUSER["id"] != $ownercheck['owner']) {
print("<p>" . $lang_details['text_download_torrent_note'] . "</p>");
} else {
print("<p>" . $lang_details['text_redownload_torrent_note'] . "</p>");
header("refresh: 1; url=" . $downhref);
//header("refresh: 1; url=getimdb.php?id=$id&type=1");
} elseif ($_GET["edited"]) {
if ($_GET["edited"] == 1) {
print("<h1 align=\"center\">" . $lang_details['text_successfully_edited'] . "</h1>");
} elseif ($_GET["edited"] == 2) {
print("<h1 align=\"center\">编辑并发布成功!</h1>");
if (isset($_GET["returnto"]))
print("<p><b>" . $lang_details['text_go_back'] . "<a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars($_GET["returnto"]) . "\">" . $lang_details['text_whence_you_came'] . "</a></b></p>");
$sp_torrent = get_torrent_promotion_append($row[sp_state], 'word');
$s = htmlspecialchars($row["name"]) . ($sp_torrent ? "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $sp_torrent : "");
print("<h1 align=\"center\" id=\"top\">" . $s . "</h1>\n");
print("<table width=\"95%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">\n");
$url = "edit.php?id=" . $row["id"];
if (isset($_GET["returnto"])) {
$url .= "&returnto=" . rawurlencode($_GET["returnto"]);
$editlink = "a title=\"" . $lang_details['title_edit_torrent'] . "\" href=\"$url\"";
// ------------- start upped by block ------------------//
if ($row['anonymous'] == 'yes') {
if (get_user_class() < $viewanonymous_class)
$uprow = "<i>" . $lang_details['text_anonymous'] . "</i> ";
$uprow = "<i>" . $lang_details['text_anonymous'] . "</i> (" . get_username($row['owner'], false, true, true, false, false, true) . ") ";
else {
$uprow = (isset($row['owner']) ? get_username($row['owner'], false, true, true, false, false, true) : "<i>" . $lang_details['text_unknown'] . "</i>");
$userid = $CURUSER['id'];
$a = get_row_count("snatched", "WHERE userid=" . $userid . " and torrentid=" . $id);
if ($a == 1)
echo "<font color=\"#B22222\" size=\"+2\"><b>已经下载过此种子</b></font><br />";
//if ($hr == 'yes' && get_user_class() < $hrmanage_class) {
if ($hr == 'yes' && $stronghr == 'no') {
$hr_state = get_single_value("torrents", "hr_state", "WHERE id = " . $id);
$hr_time = get_single_value("torrents", "hr_time", "WHERE id = " . $id);
$hr_until = get_single_value("torrents", "hr_until", "WHERE id = " . $id);
if ($hr_state == "normal") {
echo "<font color=\"#B22222\" size=\"+2\"><b>H&R已启用,此种子需" . ($hr_until / 86400) . "天内做种至少" . ($hr_time / 3600) . "小时</b></font>";
} elseif ($hr_state == "sticky") {
echo "<font color=\"#B22222\" size=\"+2\"><b>此种子有单独的H&R要求,需" . ($hr_until / 86400) . "天内做种至少" . ($hr_time / 3600) . "小时</b></font>";
$checkrelease = mysql_fetch_array(sql_query("SELECT releasedate, status FROM torrents WHERE id = $id"));
if ($checkrelease['releasedate'] != '' && $checkrelease['status'] == 'candidate') {
echo "<br /><font color=\"#B22222\" size=\"+2\"><b>预计在 $checkrelease[releasedate] 发布</b></font>";
if ($CURUSER["id"] == $row["owner"])
$CURUSER["downloadpos"] = "yes";
if ($CURUSER["downloadpos"] != "no") {
print("<tr><td class=\"rowhead\" width=\"13%\">" . $lang_details['row_download'] . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" width=\"87%\" align=\"left\">");
if ($CURUSER['timetype'] != 'timealive')
$uploadtime = $lang_details['text_at'] . $row['added'];
$uploadtime = $lang_details['text_blank'] . gettime($row['added'], true, false);
print("<a class=\"index\" href=\"" . $downhref . "\">" . htmlspecialchars($torrentnameprefix . "." . $row["save_as"]) . ".torrent</a> " . $lang_details['row_upped_by'] . " " . $uprow . " " . $uploadtime);
print("<tr><td class=\"rowhead\" width=\"13%\">" . $lang_details['row_download_method'] . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" width=\"87%\" align=\"left\">"); //下载方式
print($lang_details['row_mouseclick'] . "<a class=\"index\" href=\"uTorrent.zip\">" . "μTorrent" . "</a>" . $lang_details['row_openfile']); //下载方式说明
} else
tr($lang_details['row_download'], $lang_details['text_downloading_not_allowed']);
if ($smalldescription_main == 'yes' && $row['small_descr'])
tr($lang_details['row_small_description'], htmlspecialchars(trim($row["small_descr"])), true);
$size_info = "<b>" . $lang_details['text_size'] . "</b>" . mksize($row["size"]);
$type_info = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>" . $lang_details['row_type'] . ":</b>&nbsp;" . $row["cat_name"];
if (isset($row["source_name"]))
$source_info = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>" . $lang_details['text_source'] . "&nbsp;</b>" . $row[source_name];
if (isset($row["medium_name"]))
$medium_info = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>" . $lang_details['text_medium'] . "&nbsp;</b>" . $row[medium_name];
if (isset($row["codec_name"]))
$codec_info = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>" . $lang_details['text_codec'] . "&nbsp;</b>" . $row[codec_name];
if (isset($row["standard_name"]))
$standard_info = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>" . $lang_details['text_stardard'] . "&nbsp;</b>" . $row[standard_name];
if (isset($row["processing_name"]))
$processing_info = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>" . $lang_details['text_processing'] . "&nbsp;</b>" . $row[processing_name];
if (isset($row["team_name"]))
$team_info = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>" . $lang_details['text_team'] . "&nbsp;</b>" . ($row[team_name] == "SGNB" ? "<font style=\"color:red\">$row[team_name]</font>" : "$row[team_name]");
if (isset($row["audiocodec_name"]))
$audiocodec_info = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>" . $lang_details['text_audio_codec'] . "&nbsp;</b>" . $row[audiocodec_name];
tr($lang_details['row_basic_info'], $size_info . $type_info . $source_info . $medium_info . $codec_info . $audiocodec_info . $standard_info . $processing_info . $team_info, 1);
if ($CURUSER['seedbonus'] < -1000)
$bonusnotic = $lang_details['text_bonusnotic'];
if ($CURUSER["downloadpos"] != "no")
$download = "<a title=\"" . $lang_details['title_download_torrent'] . "\" href=\"" . $downhref . "\"><img class=\"dt_download\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"download\" />&nbsp;<b><font class=\"small\">" . $lang_details['text_download_torrent'] . $bonusnotic . "</font></b></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;";
$download = "";
$release = ($row["status"] == "candidate" && get_user_class() >= $torrentmanage_class) ? "<a href=\"delete.php?id=$id&recycle_mode=release\"><b><font class=\"small\">发布</font></b></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;" : "";
//tr($lang_details['row_action'], $download . "<a href=\"javascript: truckmarks($id);\" title=\"加入小货车\"><img title=\"小货车\" alt=\"小货车\" src=\"styles/img/truck.png\" />&nbsp;<b><font class=\"small\">加入小货车</b></font></a> | " . ($owned == 1 ? "<$editlink><img class=\"dt_edit\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"edit\" />&nbsp;<b><font class=\"small\">" . $lang_details['text_edit_torrent'] . "</font></b></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;" : "") . $release . (get_user_class() >= $askreseed_class && $row['seeders'] == 0 ? "<a title=\"" . $lang_details['title_ask_for_reseed'] . "\" href=\"takereseed.php?reseedid=$id&speed=0\"><img class=\"dt_reseed\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"reseed\">&nbsp;<b><font class=\"small\">" . $lang_details['text_ask_for_reseed'] . "</font></b></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;" : (get_user_class() >= $askreseed_class && $row['times_completed'] >= 3 && $row['seeders'] <= 3 ? "<a title=\"" . $lang_details['title_ask_for_speed'] . "\" href=\"takereseed.php?reseedid=$id&speed=1\"><img class=\"dt_reseed\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"reseed\">&nbsp;<b><font class=\"small\">" . $lang_details['text_ask_for_speed'] . "</font></b></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;" : "")) . "<a title=\"引用发布\" href=\"upload.php?cite_torrent_id=$id\">&nbsp;<b><font class=\"small\">" . 引用发布 . "</font></b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;" . "<a title=\"" . $lang_details['title_report_torrent'] . "\" href=\"report.php?torrent=$id\"><img class=\"dt_report\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"report\" />&nbsp;<b><font class=\"small\">" . $lang_details['text_report_torrent'] . "</font></b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;<a id=\"bookmark0\" href=\"javascript: bookmark(" . $row['id'] . ",0);\">" . get_torrent_bookmark_state($CURUSER['id'], $row['id'], false) . "<b><font class=\"small\">" . $lang_details['bookmark'] . "</font></b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"usebonus.php?id=$id#torrentid\"><b>购买促销</b></a>", 1);
tr($lang_details['row_action'], $download . "<a href=\"javascript: truckmarks($id);\" title=\"加入小货车\"><img title=\"小货车\" alt=\"小货车\" src=\"styles/img/truck.png\" />&nbsp;<b><font class=\"small\">加入小货车</b></font></a> | " . ($owned == 1 ? "<$editlink><img class=\"dt_edit\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"edit\" />&nbsp;<b><font class=\"small\">" . $lang_details['text_edit_torrent'] . "</font></b></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;" : "") . $release . (get_user_class() >= $askreseed_class && $row['seeders'] == 0 ? "<a title=\"" . $lang_details['title_ask_for_reseed'] . "\" href=\"takereseed.php?reseedid=$id&speed=0\"><img class=\"dt_reseed\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"reseed\">&nbsp;<b><font class=\"small\">" . $lang_details['text_ask_for_reseed'] . "</font></b></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;" : (get_user_class() >= $askreseed_class && $row['times_completed'] >= 3 && $row['seeders'] <= 3 ? "<a title=\"" . $lang_details['title_ask_for_speed'] . "\" href=\"takereseed.php?reseedid=$id&speed=1\"><img class=\"dt_reseed\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"reseed\">&nbsp;<b><font class=\"small\">" . $lang_details['text_ask_for_speed'] . "</font></b></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;" : "")) . "<a title=\"" . $lang_details['title_report_torrent'] . "\" href=\"report.php?torrent=$id\"><img class=\"dt_report\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"report\" />&nbsp;<b><font class=\"small\">" . $lang_details['text_report_torrent'] . "</font></b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;<a id=\"bookmark0\" href=\"javascript: bookmark(" . $row['id'] . ",0);\">" . get_torrent_bookmark_state($CURUSER['id'], $row['id'], false) . "<b><font class=\"small\">" . $lang_details['bookmark'] . "</font></b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"usebonus.php?id=$id#torrentid\"><b>购买促销</b></a>", 1); //去掉了引用发布按钮
if ($ratioless == 'no') {
$pushfree_sql = sql_query("SELECT userid FROM blue WHERE torrentid = $id ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$pushfree_count = get_row_count("blue", "WHERE torrentid = $id");
$pushfree_all = mysql_num_rows($pushfree_sql);
if ($pushfree_all) {
while ($pushfreerow = mysql_fetch_array($pushfree_sql)) {
$pushfree_userid = $pushfreerow['userid'];
$pushfreeby .= get_username($pushfree_userid) . " ";
} else {
$nopushfree = "暂无投蓝者";
$checktorrent = mysql_fetch_array(sql_query("SELECT sp_state, endfree FROM torrents WHERE id = $id"));
if ($checktorrent['sp_state'] == 2 && $checktorrent['endfree'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
tr("我要投篮", "<input type=\"button\" name=\"button\" value=\"已经永久Free,感谢支持\" disabled=\"disabled\" />", 1);
} elseif ($checktorrent['sp_state'] == 4 && $checktorrent['endfree'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
tr("我要投篮", "<input type=\"button\" name=\"button\" value=\"已经永久2xFree,感谢支持\" disabled=\"disabled\" />", 1);
} else {
tr("我要投蓝", "<span id=\"pushfree\" onclick=\"javascript: pushfree(" . $id . ");\">" . get_torrent_pushfree_state($CURUSER['id'], $id) . "</span> <span id=\"nopushfree\">" . $nopushfree . "</span> <span id=\"pushfreeuser\" style=\"display: none;\">" . get_username($CURUSER['id']) . " </span> <span id=\"pushfreeadduser\"> </span>" . $pushfreeby . ($pushfree_all < $pushfree_count ? "...(这里只显示最新记录,共有 $pushfree_count 人投蓝)" : ""), 1);
tr("种子链接", "<a href=\"" . $downhref . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . get_protocol_prefix() . "$BASEURL/download.php?id=" . $id . "&passkey=...</a>", 1);
// ---------------- start subtitle block -------------------//
$r = sql_query("SELECT subs.*, language.flagpic, language.lang_name FROM subs LEFT JOIN language ON subs.lang_id=language.id WHERE torrent_id = " . sqlesc($row["id"]) . " ORDER BY subs.lang_id ASC") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
print("<tr><td class=\"rowhead\" valign=\"top\">" . $lang_details['row_subtitles'] . "</td>");
print("<td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">");
print("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">");
if (mysql_num_rows($r) > 0) {
while ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) {
$lang = "<tr><td class=\"embedded\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"pic/flag/" . $a["flagpic"] . "\" alt=\"" . $a["lang_name"] . "\" title=\"" . $a["lang_name"] . "\" style=\"padding-bottom: 4px\" /></td>";
$lang .= "<td class=\"embedded\">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"downloadsubs.php?torrentid=" . $a[torrent_id] . "&subid=" . $a[id] . "\"><u>" . $a["title"] . "</u></a>" . (get_user_class() >= $submanage_class || (get_user_class() >= $delownsub_class && $a["uppedby"] == $CURUSER["id"]) ? " <font class=\"small\"><a href=\"subtitles.php?delete=" . $a[id] . "\">[" . $lang_details['text_delete'] . "</a>]</font>" : "") . "</td><td class=\"embedded\">&nbsp;&nbsp;" . ($a["anonymous"] == 'yes' ? $lang_details['text_anonymous'] . (get_user_class() >= $viewanonymous_class ? get_username($a['uppedby'], false, true, true, false, true) : "") : get_username($a['uppedby'])) . "</td></tr>";
} else
print("<tr><td class=\"embedded\">" . $lang_details['text_no_subtitles'] . "</td></tr>");
print("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr>");
if ($CURUSER['id'] == $row['owner'] || get_user_class() >= $uploadsub_class) {
print("<td class=\"embedded\"><form method=\"post\" action=\"subtitles.php\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"torrent_name\" value=\"" . $row["name"] . "\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"detail_torrent_id\" value=\"" . $row["id"] . "\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"in_detail\" value=\"in_detail\" /><input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . $lang_details['submit_upload_subtitles'] . "\" /></form></td>");
$moviename = "";
$imdb_id = parse_imdb_id($row["url"]);
if ($imdb_id && $showextinfo['imdb'] == 'yes') {
$thenumbers = $imdb_id;
if (!$moviename = $Cache->get_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_movie_name')) {
$movie = new imdb($thenumbers);
$target = array('Title');
switch ($movie->cachestate($target)) {
case "1": {
$moviename = $movie->title();
$Cache->cache_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_movie_name', $moviename, 1296000);
default: break;
//print("<td class=\"embedded\"><form method=\"get\" action=\"http://shooter.cn/sub/\" target=\"_blank\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"searchword\" id=\"keyword\" style=\"width: 250px\" value=\"" . $moviename . "\" /><input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . $lang_details['submit_search_at_shooter'] . "\" /></form></td><td class=\"embedded\"><form method=\"get\" action=\"http://www.opensubtitles.org/zh/search/\" target=\"_blank\"><input type=\"hidden\" id=\"moviename\" name=\"MovieName\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"search\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SubLanguageID\" value=\"all\" /><input onclick=\"document.getElementById('moviename').value=document.getElementById('keyword').value;\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" . $lang_details['submit_search_at_opensubtitles'] . "\" /></form></td>\n");
function searchsubhd() {
var a = document.getElementById('keyword').value;
$("#subhd").attr("action", "http://subhd.com/search/" + a);
return true;
print("<td class=\"embedded\">"
. "<form method=\"get\" action=\"http://sub.makedie.me/sub/\" target=\"_blank\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"searchword\" id=\"keyword\" style=\"width: 250px\" value=\"" . $moviename . "\" /><input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . $lang_details['submit_search_at_shooter'] . "\" /></form>"
. "<td class=\"embedded\"><form method=\"get\" action=\"http://www.zimuzu.tv/search\" target=\"_blank\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"keyword\" id=\"moviename\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"type\" value = \"subtitle\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"order\" value = \"uptime\"><input onclick=\"document.getElementById('moviename').value=document.getElementById('keyword').value;\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" . $lang_details['submit_search_at_zimuzu'] . "\" /></form></td>"
. "<td class=\"embedded\"><form method=\"get\" action=\"http://www.zimuku.net/search\" target=\"_blank\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"q\" id=\"movienames\" /><input onclick=\"document.getElementById('movienames').value=document.getElementById('keyword').value;\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" . $lang_details['submit_search_at_zimuku'] . "\" /></form></td>"
. "<td class=\"embedded\"><form id=\"subhd\" method=\"get\" action=\"\" target=\"_blank\" onsubmit=\"searchsubhd()\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . $lang_details['submit_search_at_subhd'] . "\" /></form></td>"
. "<td class=\"embedded\"><form method=\"get\" action=\"http://r3sub.com/search.php\" target=\"_blank\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"s\" id=\"movienamess\" /><input onclick=\"document.getElementById('movienamess').value=document.getElementById('keyword').value;\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" . $lang_details['submit_search_at_r3sub'] . "\" /></form></td>"
. "<td class=\"embedded\"><form method=\"get\" action=\"http://subscene.com/subtitles/release\" target=\"_blank\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"q\" id=\"moviename\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"r\" value = \"true\"><input onclick=\"document.getElementById('moviename').value=document.getElementById('keyword').value;\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" . $lang_details['submit_search_at_subscene'] . "\" /></form></td>"
. "</td>\n");
// ---------------- end subtitle block -------------------//
if ($CURUSER['showdescription'] != 'no' && !empty($row["descr"])) {
$torrentdetailad = $Advertisement->get_ad('torrentdetail');
//tr("<a href=\"javascript: klappe_news('descr')\"><span class=\"nowrap\"><img class=\"minus\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"Show/Hide\" id=\"picdescr\" title=\"".$lang_detail['title_show_or_hide']."\" /> ".$lang_details['row_description']."</span></a><br />".$lang_details['row_description_bot'], "<div id='kdescr'>".($Advertisement->enable_ad() && $torrentdetailad ? "<div align=\"left\" style=\"margin-bottom: 10px\" id=\"ad_torrentdetail\">".$torrentdetailad[0]."</div>" : "").format_comment($row["descr"])."</div>", 1);
if ($row['owner'] != $robotusers) {
tr("<a href=\"javascript: klappe_news('descr')\"><span class=\"nowrap\"><img class=\"minus\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"Show/Hide\" id=\"picdescr\" title=\"" . $lang_detail['title_show_or_hide'] . "\" /> " . $lang_details['row_description'] . "</span></a><br />" . $lang_details['row_description_bot'], "<div id='kdescr'>" . ($Advertisement->enable_ad() && $torrentdetailad ? "<div align=\"left\" style=\"margin-bottom: 10px\" id=\"ad_torrentdetail\">" . $torrentdetailad[0] . "</div>" : "") . format_comment($row["descr"]) . "<br /><br /><fieldset><legend> 引用 </legend><span style='color: Red;'>您的保种是PT站长久发展的重要保证!只要资源在硬盘上不删,请自觉做到开机即做种!自觉保种可使资源的有效期无限延长、下载速度达到极限,同时也可以为你赚得上传流量和魔力值。方便你我他~感谢您对" . $SITENAME . "的支持!</span></fieldset><br /><fieldset><legend> 引用 </legend><span><b>郑重声明:</b>本站提供的所有影视作品均是在网上搜集得来,任何涉及商业盈利目的均不得使用,否则产生的一切后果将由您自己承担!本站将不对本站的任何内容负任何法律责任!</span></fieldset></div>", 1);
} else {
tr("<a href=\"javascript: klappe_news('descr')\"><span class=\"nowrap\"><img class=\"minus\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"Show/Hide\" id=\"picdescr\" title=\"" . $lang_detail['title_show_or_hide'] . "\" /> " . $lang_details['row_description'] . "</span></a><br />" . $lang_details['row_description_bot'], "<div id='kdescr'>" . ($Advertisement->enable_ad() && $torrentdetailad ? "<div align=\"left\" style=\"margin-bottom: 10px\" id=\"ad_torrentdetail\">" . $torrentdetailad[0] . "</div>" : "") . format_comment($row["descr"]) . "<br /><br /><fieldset><legend> 引用 </legend><span>这是个自动上传的种子,欢迎设置 <a href='getrss.php' target='_blank'><b>RSS</b></a> 链接自动下载。<br />如果您发现简介有误或者未填写,请举报该种子通知相关人员补充简介,感谢支持!</span></fieldset><br /><fieldset><legend> 引用 </legend><span style='color: Red;'>您的保种是PT站长久发展的重要保证!只要资源在硬盘上不删,请自觉做到开机即做种!自觉保种可使资源的有效期无限延长、下载速度达到极限,同时也可以为你赚得上传流量和魔力值。方便你我他~感谢您对" . $SITENAME . "的支持!</span></fieldset><br /><fieldset><legend> 引用 </legend><span><b>郑重声明:</b>本站提供的所有影视作品均是在网上搜集得来,任何涉及商业盈利目的均不得使用,否则产生的一切后果将由您自己承担!本站将不对本站的任何内容负任何法律责任!</span></fieldset></div>", 1);
if (get_user_class() >= $viewnfo_class && $CURUSER['shownfo'] != 'no' && $row["nfosz"] > 0) {
if (!$nfo = $Cache->get_value('nfo_block_torrent_id_' . $id)) {
$nfo = code($row["nfo"], $view == "magic");
$Cache->cache_value('nfo_block_torrent_id_' . $id, $nfo, 604800);
tr("<a href=\"javascript: klappe_news('nfo')\"><img class=\"plus\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"Show/Hide\" id=\"picnfo\" title=\"" . $lang_detail['title_show_or_hide'] . "\" /> " . $lang_details['text_nfo'] . "</a><br /><a href=\"viewnfo.php?id=" . $row[id] . "\" class=\"sublink\">" . $lang_details['text_view_nfo'] . "</a>", "<div id='knfo' style=\"display: none;\"><pre style=\"font-size:10pt; font-family: 'Courier New', monospace;\">" . $nfo . "</pre></div>\n", 1);
if ($imdb_id && $showextinfo['imdb'] == 'yes' && $CURUSER['showimdb'] != 'no') {
$thenumbers = $imdb_id;
$Cache->new_page('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_large', 1296000, true);
if (!$Cache->get_page()) {
$movie = new imdb($thenumbers);
$movieid = $thenumbers;
$target = array('Title');
if ($movie->cachestate($target) != 1 && $url != '') {
if ($movieid) {
$thenumbers = $movieid;
$movie = new imdb($thenumbers);
$movieid = $thenumbers;
$target = array('Title');
($type == 2 ? $movie->purge_single(true) : "");
set_cachetimestamp($id, "cache_stamp");
$movie->preparecache($target, true);
$Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_movie_name');
$Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_large', true);
$Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_median', true);
$Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_minor', true);
switch ($movie->cachestate($target)) {
case "0" : //cache is not ready, try to
if ($row['cache_stamp'] == 0 || ($row['cache_stamp'] != 0 && (time() - $row['cache_stamp']) > $auto_obj->timeout)) //not exist or timed out
tr($lang_details['text_imdb'] . $lang_details['row_info'], $lang_details['text_imdb'] . $lang_details['text_not_ready'] . "<a href=\"retriver.php?id=" . $id . "&type=1&siteid=1\">" . $lang_details['text_here_to_retrieve'] . $lang_details['text_imdb'], 1);
tr($lang_details['text_imdb'] . $lang_details['row_info'], "<img src=\"pic/progressbar.gif\" alt=\"\" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $lang_details['text_someone_has_requested'] . $lang_details['text_imdb'] . " " . min(max(time() - $row['cache_stamp'], 0), $auto_obj->timeout) . $lang_details['text_please_be_patient'], 1);
case "1" : {
$country = $movie->country();
$director = $movie->director();
$cast = $movie->cast();
$plot_outline = $movie->plotoutline();
$gen = $movie->genre();
$similiar_movies = $movie->similiar_movies();
if (($photo_url = $movie->photo_localurl() ) != FALSE)
$smallth = "<img src=\"" . $photo_url . "\" width=\"105\" onclick=\"Preview(this);\" alt=\"poster\" />";
$smallth = "<img src=\"pic/imdb_pic/nophoto.gif\" alt=\"no poster\" />";
$autodata = '<a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt' . $thenumbers . '" target="_blank">http://www.imdb.com/title/tt' . $thenumbers . "</a><br /><strong><font color=\"navy\">------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font><br />\n";
$autodata .= "<font color=\"darkred\" size=\"3\">" . $lang_details['text_information'] . "</font><br />\n";
$autodata .= "<font color=\"navy\">------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font></strong><br />\n";
$autodata .= "<strong><font color=\"DarkRed\">" . $lang_details['text_title'] . "</font></strong>" . "" . $movie->title() . "<br />\n";
$runtimes = $movie->runtime();
$autodata .= "<strong><font color=\"DarkRed\">" . $lang_details['text_year'] . "</font></strong>" . "" . $movie->year() . "<br />\n";
$autodata .= "<strong><font color=\"DarkRed\">" . $lang_details['text_runtime'] . "</font></strong>" . $runtimes . "<br />\n";
$autodata .= "<strong><font color=\"DarkRed\">" . $lang_details['text_votes'] . "</font></strong>" . "" . $movie->votes() . "<br />\n";
$autodata .= "<strong><font color=\"DarkRed\">" . $lang_details['text_rating'] . "</font></strong>" . "" . $movie->rating() . "<br />\n";
$autodata .= "<strong><font color=\"DarkRed\">" . $lang_details['text_language'] . "</font></strong>" . "" . $movie->language() . "<br />\n";
$autodata .= "<strong><font color=\"DarkRed\">" . $lang_details['text_country'] . "</font></strong>";
$temp = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($country); $i++) {
$temp .= "$country[$i], ";
$autodata .= rtrim(trim($temp), ",");
$autodata .= "<br />\n<strong><font color=\"DarkRed\">" . $lang_details['text_all_genres'] . "</font></strong>";
$temp = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($gen); $i++) {
$temp .= "$gen[$i], ";
$autodata .= rtrim(trim($temp), ",");
$autodata .= "<br />\n<strong><font color=\"DarkRed\">" . $lang_details['text_director'] . "</font></strong>" . $director;
$autodata .= "<br /><br />\n\n<strong><font color=\"navy\">------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font><br />\n";
$autodata .= "<font color=\"darkred\" size=\"3\">" . $lang_details['text_plot_outline'] . "</font><br />\n";
$autodata .= "<font color=\"navy\">------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font></strong>";
$autodata .= "<br />\n" . $plot_outline;
$autodata .= "<br /><br />\n\n<strong><font color=\"navy\">------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font><br />\n";
$autodata .= "<font color=\"darkred\" size=\"3\">" . $lang_details['text_cast'] . "</font><br />\n";
$autodata .= "<font color=\"navy\">------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font></strong><br />\n";
$autodata .= "<br />\n" . $cast;
$cache_time = $movie->getcachetime();
print("<td class=\"rowhead\"><a href=\"javascript: klappe_ext('imdb')\"><span class=\"nowrap\"><img class=\"plus\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"Show/Hide\" id=\"picimdb\" title=\"" . $lang_detail['title_show_or_hide'] . "\" /> " . $lang_details['text_imdb'] . $lang_details['row_info'] . "</span></a><div id=\"posterimdb\" style=\"display: none;\">" . $smallth . "</div></td>");
print("<td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\"><div id='rimdb'>" . $movie->rating() . "</div><div id='kimdb' style='display: none;'>" . $autodata);
print($lang_details['text_information_updated_at'] . date("Y-m-d", $cache_time) . $lang_details['text_might_be_outdated'] . "<a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars("retriver.php?id=" . $id . "&type=2&siteid=1") . "\">" . $lang_details['text_here_to_update'] . "。");
echo $Cache->next_row();
echo $Cache->next_part();
if (get_user_class() >= $updateextinfo_class)
echo $Cache->next_part();
echo $Cache->next_row();
case "2" : {
tr($lang_details['text_imdb'] . $lang_details['row_info'], $lang_details['text_network_error'], 1);
case "3" :// not a valid imdb url
} else {
echo $Cache->next_row();
echo $Cache->next_part();
if (get_user_class() >= $updateextinfo_class) {
echo $Cache->next_part();
echo $Cache->next_row();
$douban_id = parse_douban_id($row["dburl"]);
if ($douban_id && $showextinfo['imdb'] == 'yes' && $CURUSER['showimdb'] != 'no') {
if ($douban_id) {
$dbdata = new douban();
set_cachetimestamp($id, "cache_stamp");
if (file_exists("imdb/images/" . $douban_id . ".jpg")) {
$doubanphoto = "<img src=\"imdb/images/" . $douban_id . ".jpg" . "\">";
print("<tr><td class=\"rowhead\"><a href=\"javascript: klappe_ext('douban')\"><span class=\"nowrap\"><img class=\"plus\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"Show/Hide\" id=\"picdouban\" title=\"" . $lang_detail['title_show_or_hide'] . "\" />豆瓣信息</span></a><div id=\"posterdouban\" style=\"display: none;\">" . $doubanphoto . "</div></td>");
$douban = file_get_contents("imdb/cache/" . $douban_id . ".page") . "<a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars("retriver.php?id=" . $id . "&type=2&siteid=2") . "\"><b>点击更新豆瓣信息。</b></a>";
print("<td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\"><div id='kdouban' style='display: none;'>$douban</div></td></tr>");
if ($douban_id) {
$where_area = "dburl = $douban_id AND dburl != '' AND torrents.status = 'normal' AND torrents.id != $id";
$copies_res = sql_query("SELECT torrents.id, torrents.name, torrents.sp_state, torrents.size, torrents.added, torrents.seeders, torrents.leechers, categories.id AS catid, categories.name AS catname, categories.image AS catimage, sources.name AS source_name, media.name AS medium_name, codecs.name AS codec_name, standards.name AS standard_name, processings.name AS processing_name FROM torrents LEFT JOIN categories ON torrents.category=categories.id LEFT JOIN sources ON torrents.source = sources.id LEFT JOIN media ON torrents.medium = media.id LEFT JOIN codecs ON torrents.codec = codecs.id LEFT JOIN standards ON torrents.standard = standards.id LEFT JOIN processings ON torrents.processing = processings.id WHERE " . $where_area . " ORDER BY torrents.id DESC") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$copies_count = mysql_num_rows($copies_res);
if ($copies_count > 0) {
$s = "<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">\n";
$s .= "<tr><td class=\"colhead\" style=\"padding: 0px; text-align:center;\">" . $lang_details['col_type'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\" align=\"left\">" . $lang_details['col_name'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\" align=\"center\">" . $lang_details['col_quality'] . "</td><td class=\"colhead\" align=\"center\"><img class=\"size\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"size\" title=\"" . $lang_details['title_size'] . "\" /></td><td class=\"colhead\" align=\"center\"><img class=\"time\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"time added\" title=\"" . $lang_details['title_time_added'] . "\" /></td><td class=\"colhead\" align=\"center\"><img class=\"seeders\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"seeders\" title=\"" . $lang_details['title_seeders'] . "\" /></td><td class=\"colhead\" align=\"center\"><img class=\"leechers\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"leechers\" title=\"" . $lang_details['title_leechers'] . "\" /></td></tr>\n";
while ($copy_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($copies_res)) {
$dispname = htmlspecialchars(trim($copy_row["name"]));
$count_dispname = strlen($dispname);
$max_lenght_of_torrent_name = "80"; // maximum lenght
if ($count_dispname > $max_lenght_of_torrent_name) {
$dispname = substr($dispname, 0, $max_lenght_of_torrent_name) . "..";
if (isset($copy_row["source_name"]))
$other_source_info = $copy_row[source_name] . ", ";
if (isset($copy_row["medium_name"]))
$other_medium_info = $copy_row[medium_name] . ", ";
if (isset($copy_row["codec_name"]))
$other_codec_info = $copy_row[codec_name] . ", ";
if (isset($copy_row["standard_name"]))
$other_standard_info = $copy_row[standard_name] . ", ";
if (isset($copy_row["processing_name"]))
$other_processing_info = $copy_row[processing_name] . ", ";
$sphighlight = get_torrent_bg_color($copy_row['sp_state']);
$sp_info = get_torrent_promotion_append($copy_row['sp_state']);
$s .= "<tr" . $sphighlight . "><td class=\"rowfollow nowrap\" valign=\"middle\" style='padding: 0px'>" . return_category_image($copy_row["catid"], "torrents.php?allsec=1&amp;") . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\"><a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars(get_protocol_prefix() . $BASEURL . "/details.php?id=" . $copy_row["id"] . "&hit=1") . "\">" . $dispname . "</a>" . $sp_info . "</td>" .
"<td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\">" . rtrim(trim($other_source_info . $other_medium_info . $other_codec_info . $other_standard_info . $other_processing_info), ",") . "</td>" .
"<td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\">" . mksize($copy_row["size"]) . "</td>" .
"<td class=\"rowfollow nowrap\" align=\"center\">" . str_replace("&nbsp;", "<br />", gettime($copy_row["added"], false)) . "</td>" .
"<td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\">" . $copy_row["seeders"] . "</td>" .
"<td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\">" . $copy_row["leechers"] . "</td>" .
$s .= "</table>\n";
tr("<a href=\"javascript: klappe_news('othercopy')\"><span class=\"nowrap\"><img class=\"" . ($copies_count > 5 ? "plus" : "minus") . "\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"Show/Hide\" id=\"picothercopy\" title=\"" . $lang_detail['title_show_or_hide'] . "\" /> " . $lang_details['row_other_copies'] . "</span></a>", "<b>" . $copies_count . $lang_details['text_other_copies'] . " </b><br /><div id='kothercopy' style=\"" . ($copies_count > 5 ? "display: none;" : "display: block;") . "\">" . $s . "</div>", 1);
if ($row["type"] == "multi") {
$files_info = "<b>" . $lang_details['text_num_files'] . "</b>" . $row["numfiles"] . $lang_details['text_files'] . "<br /><span id=\"showfl\"><a href=\"javascript: viewfilelist(" . $id . ")\" >" . $lang_details['text_see_full_list'] . "</a></span><span id=\"hidefl\" style=\"display: none;\"><a href=\"javascript: hidefilelist()\">" . $lang_details['text_hide_list'] . "</a></span>";
function hex_esc($matches) {
return sprintf("%02x", ord($matches[0]));
//if ($enablenfo_main == 'yes')//启用NFO
//tr($lang_details['row_torrent_info'], "<table><tr>" . ($files_info != "" ? "<td class=\"no_border_wide\">" . $files_info . "</td>" : "") . "<td class=\"no_border_wide\"><b>" . $lang_details['row_info_hash'] . ":</b>" . preg_replace_callback('/./s', "hex_esc", hash_pad($row["info_hash"])) . "</td>" . (get_user_class() >= $torrentstructure_class ? "<td class=\"no_border_wide\"><b>" . $lang_details['text_torrent_structure'] . "</b><a href=\"torrent_info.php?id=" . $id . "\">" . $lang_details['text_torrent_info_note'] . "</a></td>" : "") . "</tr></table><span id='filelist'></span>", 1);
tr($lang_details['row_torrent_info'], "<table><tr>" . ($files_info != "" ? "<td class=\"no_border_wide\">" . $files_info . "</td>" : "") . "<td class=\"no_border_wide\"><b>" . $lang_details['row_info_hash'] . ":</b>" . preg_replace_callback('/./s', "hex_esc", hash_pad($row["info_hash"])) . "</td></tr></table><span id='filelist'></span>", 1);
tr($lang_details['row_hot_meter'], "<table><tr><td class=\"no_border_wide\"><b>" . $lang_details['text_views'] . "</b>" . $row["views"] . "</td><td class=\"no_border_wide\"><b>" . $lang_details['text_hits'] . "</b>" . $row["hits"] . "</td><td class=\"no_border_wide\"><b>" . $lang_details['text_snatched'] . "</b><a href=\"viewsnatches.php?id=" . $id . "\"><b>" . $row["times_completed"] . $lang_details['text_view_snatches'] . "</td><td class=\"no_border_wide\"><b>" . $lang_details['row_last_seeder'] . "</b>" . gettime($row["last_action"]) . "</td></tr></table>", 1);
$bwres = sql_query("SELECT uploadspeed.name AS upname, downloadspeed.name AS downname, isp.name AS ispname FROM users LEFT JOIN uploadspeed ON users.upload = uploadspeed.id LEFT JOIN downloadspeed ON users.download = downloadspeed.id LEFT JOIN isp ON users.isp = isp.id WHERE users.id=" . $row['owner']);
$bwrow = mysql_fetch_array($bwres);
if ($bwrow['upname'] && $bwrow['downname'])
tr($lang_details['row_uploader_bandwidth'], "<img class=\"speed_down\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"Downstream Rate\" /> " . $bwrow['downname'] . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img class=\"speed_up\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"Upstream Rate\" /> " . $bwrow['upname'] . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $bwrow['ispname'], 1);
// Health
$seedersTmp = $row['seeders'];
$leechersTmp = $row['leechers'];
if ($leechersTmp >= 1) // it is possible that there's traffic while have no seeders
$progressPerTorrent = 0;
$i = 0;
$subres = sql_query("SELECT seeder, finishedat, downloadoffset, uploadoffset, ip, port, uploaded, downloaded, to_go, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(started) AS st, connectable, agent, peer_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_action) AS la, userid FROM peers WHERE torrent = $row[id]") or sqlerr();
while ($subrow = mysql_fetch_array($subres)) {
$progressPerTorrent += sprintf("%.2f", 100 * (1 - ($subrow["to_go"] / $row["size"])));
if ($subrow["seeder"] == "yes")
$seeders[] = $subrow;
$downloaders[] = $subrow;
if ($i == 0)
$i = 1;
$progressTotal = sprintf("%.2f", $progressPerTorrent / $i);
$totalspeed = 0;
if($seedersTmp >=1)
if ($seeders) {
foreach($seeders as $e) {
$totalspeed = $totalspeed + ($e["uploaded"] - $e["uploadoffset"]) / max(1, ($e["la"] - $e["st"]));
$totalspeed = $totalspeed + ($e["downloaded"] - $e["downloadoffset"]) / max(1, $e["finishedat"] - $e[st]);
if ($downloaders) {
foreach($downloaders as $e) {
$totalspeed = $totalspeed + ($e["uploaded"] - $e["uploadoffset"]) / max(1, ($e["la"] - $e["st"]));
$totalspeed = $totalspeed + ($e["downloaded"] - $e["downloadoffset"]) / max(1, ($e["la"] - $e["st"]));
$avgspeed = $lang_details['text_average_speed']."<b>" . mksize($totalspeed/($seedersTmp+$leechersTmp)) . "/s</b>";
$totalspeed = $lang_details['text_total_speed']."<b>" . mksize($totalspeed) . "/s</b> ".$lang_details['text_health_note'];
$health = $lang_details['text_avprogress'] . get_percent_completed_image(floor($progressTotal))." (".round($progressTotal)."%)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>".$lang_details['text_traffic']."</b>" . $avgspeed ."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;". $totalspeed;
$health = "<b>".$lang_details['text_traffic']. "</b>" . $lang_details['text_no_traffic'];
if ($row["visible"] == "no")
$health = "<b>".$lang_details['text_status']."</b>" . $lang_details['text_dead'] ."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;". $health;
tr($lang_details['row_health'], $health, 1); */
tr("<span id=\"seeders\"></span><span id=\"leechers\"></span>" . $lang_details['row_peers'] . "<br /><span id=\"showpeer\"><a href=\"javascript: viewpeerlist(" . $row['id'] . ");\" class=\"sublink\">" . $lang_details['text_see_full_list'] . "</a></span><span id=\"hidepeer\" style=\"display: none;\"><a href=\"javascript: hidepeerlist();\" class=\"sublink\">" . $lang_details['text_hide_list'] . "</a></span>", "<div id=\"peercount\"><b>" . $row['seeders'] . $lang_details['text_seeders'] . add_s($row['seeders']) . "</b> | <b>" . $row['leechers'] . $lang_details['text_leechers'] . add_s($row['leechers']) . "</b></div><div id=\"peerlist\"></div>", 1);
if ($_GET['dllist'] == 1) {
$scronload = "viewpeerlist(" . $row['id'] . ")";
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
echo $scronload;
echo "</script>";
if ($claim == 'yes') {
$claimsql = sql_query("SELECT userid FROM claim WHERE torrentid = $id ORDER BY id DESC") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$claimall = mysql_num_rows($claimsql);
if ($claimall) {
while ($claimrow = mysql_fetch_array($claimsql)) {
$claimuserid = $claimrow['userid'];
$claimby .= get_username($claimuserid) . " ";
} else {
$noclaim = "暂无认领者";
//$checkclaim = mysql_fetch_array(sql_query("SELECT seeder FROM peers WHERE torrent = $id AND userid = " . $CURUSER['id']));
//if ($checkclaim['seeder'] == 'yes') {
if ($claimall < $claimmaxnum) {
tr("认领种子", "已有 " . $claimall . " 人认领了这个种子。剩余 " . ($claimmaxnum - $claimall) . " 个认领名额。<a href=\"viewclaim.php\" target=\"_blank\"><font style=\"color: #008600; \"><b>查看认领规则及管理</b></font></a><br /><span id=\"claim\" onclick=\"javascript: claim(" . $id . ");\">" . get_torrent_claim_state($CURUSER['id'], $id) . "</span> <span id=\"noclaim\">" . $noclaim . "</span> <span id=\"claimuser\" style=\"display: none;\">" . get_username($CURUSER['id']) . " </span> <span id=\"claimadduser\"> </span>" . $claimby, 1);
} else {
tr("认领种子", "已有 " . $claimall . " 人认领了这个种子。剩余 " . ($claimmaxnum - $claimall) . " 个认领名额。<a href=\"viewclaim.php\" target=\"_blank\"><font style=\"color: #008600; \"><b>查看认领规则及管理</b></font></a><br /><input type=\"button\" value=\"该种子的认领人数已满\" disabled=\"disabled\"> " . ($claimall ? $claimby : $noclaim), 1);
//} else {
// tr("认领种子", "已有 " . $claimall . " 人认领了这个种子。剩余 " . ($claimmaxnum - $claimall) . " 个认领名额。<a href=\"viewclaim.php\" target=\"_blank\"><font style=\"color: #008600; \"><b>查看认领规则及管理</b></font></a><br /><input type=\"button\" style=\"width: 228px\" value=\"您还不是该种子的做种者,无法认领该种子\" disabled=\"disabled\"> " . ($claimall ? $claimby : $noclaim), 1);
// ------------- start thanked-by block--------------//
$torrentid = $id;
$thanksby = "";
$nothanks = "";
$thanks_said = 0;
$thanks_sql = sql_query("SELECT userid FROM thanks WHERE torrentid=" . sqlesc($torrentid) . " ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10");
$thanksCount = get_row_count("thanks", "WHERE torrentid=" . sqlesc($torrentid));
$thanks_all = mysql_num_rows($thanks_sql);
if ($thanks_all) {
while ($rows_t = mysql_fetch_array($thanks_sql)) {
$thanks_userid = $rows_t["userid"];
if ($rows_t["userid"] == $CURUSER['id']) {
$thanks_said = 1;
//start modified by SamuraiMe,2013.05.18
$result = sql_query("SELECT bonus FROM thanks WHERE torrentid = " . sqlesc($torrentid) . " AND userid = " . sqlesc($thanks_userid) . " LIMIT 1");
$bonusRow = mysql_fetch_row($result) or die(mysql_error());
$userBonus = $bonusRow[0] ? "(" . $bonusRow[0] . ")" : "";
$thanksby .= get_username($thanks_userid) . "<span class='nowrap'>" . $userBonus . "</span> ";
} else
$nothanks = $lang_details['text_no_thanks_added'];
if (!$thanks_said) {
$thanks_said = get_row_count("thanks", "WHERE torrentid=$torrentid AND userid=" . sqlesc($CURUSER['id']));
$nameResult = sql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = '" . $ownerid . "'");
$nameRow = mysql_fetch_row($nameResult);
$nameSpan = "<input id=\"owner_name\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" . $nameRow[0] . "\"/>";
if ($thanks_said == 0) {
$buttonvalue = " value=\"" . $lang_details['submit_say_thanks'] . "\"";
if ($CURUSER['seedbonus'] >= 10000) {
$bonusNum = array("50", "100", "200", "500", "1000", "2000", "3000", "5000", "10000");
} elseif ($CURUSER['seedbonus'] >= 5000) {
$bonusNum = array("50", "100", "200", "500", "1000", "2000", "3000", "5000");
} elseif ($CURUSER['seedbonus'] >= 3000) {
$bonusNum = array("50", "100", "200", "500", "1000", "2000", "3000");
} elseif ($CURUSER['seedbonus'] >= 2000) {
$bonusNum = array("50", "100", "200", "500", "1000", "2000");
} elseif ($CURUSER['seedbonus'] >= 1000) {
$bonusNum = array("50", "100", "200", "500", "1000");
} elseif ($CURUSER['seedbonus'] >= 500) {
$bonusNum = array("50", "100", "200", "500");
} elseif ($CURUSER['seedbonus'] >= 200) {
$bonusNum = array("50", "100", "200");
} elseif ($CURUSER['seedbonus'] >= 100) {
$bonusNum = array("50", "100");
} elseif ($CURUSER['seedbonus'] >= 50) {
$bonusNum = array("50");
} else {
$bonusNum = "";
$donate = "";
if ($bonusNum != "") {
foreach ($bonusNum as $value) {
$donate .= '<input type="button" class="saythanks" value="+' . $value . '" onclick="thanksBonus(' . $torrentid . ',' . $value . ');"/>';
} else {
$buttonvalue = " value=\"" . $lang_details['submit_you_said_thanks'] . "\" disabled=\"disabled\"";
$donate = "";
$thanksbutton = "<input class=\"btn\" type=\"button\" id=\"saythanks\" onclick=\"saythanks(" . $torrentid . ");\" " . $buttonvalue . " />";
$thanks = $thanksbutton . $donate . $nameSpan;
$result = sql_query("SELECT SUM(bonus) AS sum FROM thanks WHERE torrentid = '$torrentid'");
$sumRow = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$sumBonusText = $sumRow[0] ? "</br>总计<span id=\"bonus_sum\">" . $sumRow[0] . "</span>魔力值" : "";
tr($lang_details['row_thanks_by'] . $sumBonusText, "<span id=\"thanksadded\" style=\"display: none;\"><input class=\"btn\" type=\"button\" value=\"" . $lang_details['text_thanks_added'] . "\" disabled=\"disabled\" /></span><span id=\"curuser\" style=\"display: none;\">" . get_username($CURUSER['id']) . " </span><span id=\"thanksbutton\">" . $thanks . "</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span id=\"nothanks\">" . $nothanks . "</span><span id=\"addcuruser\"></span>" . $thanksby . ($thanks_all < $thanksCount ? $lang_details['text_and_more'] . $thanksCount . $lang_details['text_users_in_total'] : ""), 1);
//end modified by SamuraiMe,2013.05.16
// ------------- end thanked-by block--------------//
} else {
stdhead($lang_details['head_comments_for_torrent'] . "\"" . $row["name"] . "\"");
print("<h1 id=\"top\">" . $lang_details['text_comments_for'] . "<a href=\"details.php?id=" . $id . "\">" . htmlspecialchars($row["name"]) . "</a></h1>\n");
// -----------------COMMENT SECTION ---------------------//
if ($CURUSER['showcomment'] != 'no') {
$count = get_row_count("comments", "WHERE torrent=" . sqlesc($id));
if ($count) {
print("<br /><br />");
print("<h1 align=\"center\" id=\"startcomments\">" . $lang_details['h1_user_comments'] . "</h1>\n");
list($pagertop, $pagerbottom, $limit) = pager(10, $count, "details.php?id=$id&cmtpage=1&", array(lastpagedefault => 1), "page");
$subres = sql_query("SELECT id, text, user, added, editedby, editdate FROM comments WHERE torrent = $id ORDER BY id $limit") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$allrows = array();
while ($subrow = mysql_fetch_array($subres)) {
$allrows[] = $subrow;
commenttable($allrows, "torrent", $id);
print("<br /><br />");
print ("<table style='border:1px solid #000000;'><tr><td class=\"text\" align=\"center\"><b>" . $lang_details['text_quick_comment'] . "</b><br /><br /><form id=\"compose\" name=\"comment\" method=\"post\" action=\"" . htmlspecialchars("comment.php?action=add&type=torrent") . "\" onsubmit=\"return postvalid(this);\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pid\" value=\"" . $id . "\" /><br />");
quickreply('comment', 'body', $lang_details['submit_add_comment']);
print("<p align=\"center\"><a class=\"index\" href=\"" . htmlspecialchars("comment.php?action=add&pid=" . $id . "&type=torrent") . "\">" . $lang_details['text_add_a_comment'] . "</a></p>\n");
马建仓 AI 助手
